How To Optimise Your Product Mix With Consumer Trends
How To Optimise Your Product Mix With Consumer Trends
How To Optimise Your Product Mix With Consumer Trends
1 Why You Should Look Online to 35 Time to Optimise Your Product Mix
Meet Consumer Needs
37 About the Author
3 E-Commerce Data = Your
Goldmine 39 Appendix
Step 2: Select
Step 3: Monitor
Product marketing is even more high stakes (and difficult) in the online space.
Think about the last time you shopped in a store. You probably touched, smelled,
tried or held merchandise before deciding whether to buy. But those sensory
experiences are lost when you’re behind a screen, so shoppers rely on packaging,
claims, descriptions and reviews before clicking the add-to-cart button.
And you can’t forget about ever-evolving consumer behaviour. Our expectations,
values and needs change with the world around us. Your priorities five years ago
are almost certainly different than today and will shift again in the coming years.
The same goes for your customers.
Step 1: Define
Step 2: Select
Step 3: Monitor
First things first. You need to create a foundation to build off. And that should consist of at
least four elements.
Geographic scope
The top three should be straightforward. But let’s expand on the last one.
Take sustainability, for example. Sure, you can put that down as your trend, but that one
word might not get you very far in this process. Here’s why.
Sustainability takes on several meanings. This trend can be segmented into social action
or environmental impact, among other areas. And you can dive deeper into each of these,
too. Recycling, responsible consumption and waste reduction are all eco-friendly lifestyle
choices. Essentially, a clear depiction of your trend gives you better direction.
Start with an outline that defines these four parameters. Then, list consumer behaviours,
values and needs that support your trend. Tip: consumer survey and market data come in
handy here to provide validation.
This blueprint will help you find your sweet spot in the
marketplace (and attributes can nail that down, which we’ll
cover in the next step). Too broad and you’ll get lost in the
crowd. Too specific or niche and you might miss your target
Let’s set the stage with a scenario of a potential business case
where you would apply this three-step process.
This might be the first time you’re reading about The Thrivers.
Not to worry! Take a minute to get up to speed with this brief
trend overview. © 2023 Euromonitor International 9
Step 1: Define
You might be wondering, “why not focus on wellness as your trend?” Think back
to our sustainability example earlier. We can follow that same logic here.
Wellness trends span mental and physical health, which can be broken down
to a greater extent (e.g., physical health = exercise, nutrition, etc.). And there
are thousands of attributes related to wellness or even certain industries. Our
Via tool identifies, standardises and collates over 5,000 unique attributes for
the beauty and personal care industry alone. Without a refined lens, selecting
claims in step 2 could certainly feel overwhelming.
The Thrivers trend helps us pinpoint specific consumer behaviour within the
realm of wellness. How? Well, we see two distinct needs resulting from this
Trend Breakdown
Objective Industry Countries
Trend Consumer Needs
Tailor product Beauty and France The Calming
positioning personal Germany Thrivers Energy
based on care Italy
consumer needs Spain
to guide a UK
go-to-market US
Before we jump ahead, it’s worth noting that our scenario is just one example.
Our Via tool covers over 610 standardised product categories in 11 industries
across 80 countries. So, this process can be applied to any number of categories
and countries as well as retailers, brands or companies for deeper insight. Think
of the possibilities!
Next up: connecting those consumer needs you just We realise this could be a massive undertaking, so we
summarised with product attributes. Simple, right? recommend starting with three to five of the most significant
attributes. Tip: these should align as close to your USPs as
In some cases, yes, the attribute that links up is obvious. But the
match might not always be so clear. Functionality, format and
formulation all play a role in your positioning strategy. But if you’re up for the challenge, feel free to expand your initial
list just in case you need to come back to these claims. More
Make a list of all possible product attributes—from ingredients
on that in step 3. Let’s continue our scenario so we can put this
to benefits—that correlate to the trend and consumer needs
into practice.
you outlined.
In step 1, we outlined our foundation—beauty and personal care (industry); US, UK, Germany, France, Spain and Italy (geographic scope);
and The Thrivers (trend), which shows potential demand for energy and calming products (consumer needs).
Now, we’re going to build our list of attributes related to The Thrivers trend within beauty and personal care. The selection process should
be relatively straightforward because we laid the groundwork for our scenario and identified two distinct consumer needs. But the rationale
for your selection can be subjective depending on your goals.
Here are the claims we’ve picked for each and why.
Trend Breakdown
Objective Industry Countries
Trend Consumer Needs Product Claims and Attributes
Tailor product Beauty and France The Thrivers Calming • Cannabis
positioning personal Germany • CBD
based on care Italy • Mental wellbeing
consumer needs Spain • Mood enhancing
to guide a UK
go-to-market US Energy • Energising
strategy • Energy
• Energy boosting
• Fatigue relief
• Revitalising
Now, we’ll dig into the data. But before we crunch the numbers, a few points to keep in
Consumers are inundated with claims and ingredients. Plus, the performance of each also
depends on the country or category. That’s why we created an initial list of claims in the
previous step to start with here.
What’s important for one consumer base can be starkly different for another, which makes
definitive and cross-comparable metrics paramount. Quantifying these attributes provides
powerful insight into the online supply-side drivers of products and changing behaviour
so you can keep your current portfolio up to speed and get an inkling of what’s around the
Here, we show you how to track product attributes in two bite-sized sections.
Size the prize: analysing the total number and growth of SKUs with
the attributes that represent our trend to give us direction.
2 Drill down: analysing online share of shelf for our selected attributes
across categories and countries to pinpoint growth opportunities.
PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE: ANALYSING ATTRIBUTES BY Number of Beauty and Personal Care SKUs by Attributes in Selected Countries
Back to our cosmetics company scenario. Let’s take a look
at the prevalence of energy and calming attributes for
beauty and personal care products within our geographic
First, a bird’s eye view. In this chart, you can see the total
number of SKUs that have at least one energy or calming 40,000
attribute across our six countries.
We start at January 2020, slightly before the world went
into pandemic lockdowns, to check historic performance.
Then, measure the change in SKU count every six months.
This period and cadence give us a good benchmark for the
number of SKUs in each group and growth over the past 10,000
three years.
What should be clear is the sheer size of energy attributes Energy Calming
(bars on the left) used for beauty and personal care January 2020 June 2020 January 2021 June 2021
products. In December 2022, there were over 63,000 January 2022 June 2022 December 2022
online beauty SKUs that had one of those five energy
attributes within our geographic scope. This volume Source: Euromonitor International Via
vastly overshadows online beauty SKUs with our calming Calming attributes include cannabis, CBD, mental wellbeing and mood enhancing. Energy attributes include
energy, energising, energy boosting, fatigue relief and revitalising.
attributes (bars on the right), which totalled around 9,700
Six countries (geographic scope) include France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK and the US.
at the end of last year.
Number of Beauty and Personal Care SKUs by Attributes in Selected Countries But we’re not done! Volume growth of SKUs that carry
70,000 your selected attributes is just as relevant.
Calming attributes include cannabis, CBD, mental wellbeing and mood enhancing. Energy attributes include
energy, energising, energy boosting, fatigue relief and revitalising.
Six countries (geographic scope) include France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK and the US.
Now, we can begin to see where that growth is coming Beauty and Personal Care SKUs by Attributes Per Country
from by country. Bring on the next chart.
Here, the vertical axis shows the percentage of SKUs per Legend
Energy SKUs
country split by attribute group—energy and calming—as
Calming SKUs
a share of aggregated online beauty SKUs across these six 25% Germany
December 2022
geographic scope but only 14% of SKUs with energy United Kingdom
attributes at the end of 2022. What does this mean? Spain
There’s a much stronger supply of products promoting Germany United Kingdom
Calming attributes include cannabis, CBD, mental wellbeing and mood enhancing. Energy attributes include
energy, energising, energy boosting, fatigue relief and revitalising.
Percentage share for each country based on the sum of online beauty SKUs in these six markets per attribute
group (e.g., across all six countries, Germany accounted for 23% of online beauty SKUs with a calming claim).
Beauty and Personal Care SKUs by Attributes Per Country Italy was the frontrunner for growth at 311% (calming
SKUs) and 131% (energy SKUs) since January 2020. Quick
30% caveat: Italy’s beauty market still had a small share and
Energy SKUs
less volume of these SKUs compared to the other five
Calming SKUs countries. But this data validates the direction of these
25% Germany
products and growth momentum in 2023.
% share of SKUs in these markets
We analysed our claims in groups to gain a comprehensive
December 2022
understanding of each consumer need and reduce the
United Kingdom risk of drawing skewed conclusions. Our goal at this stage
Spain is to capture the essence of demand through the claims
Germany United Kingdom
we’re tracking. You can, of course, use this same process to
Spain analyse each individual attribute you selected, but be aware
10% of the limitations.
So far, we’ve looked at how these SKUs performed in
5% isolation, segmenting beauty products in our geographic
scope to examine only those with our energy or calming
attributes. Now, we need to put these claims in context
0% 50% 100% 150% 200% 250% 300% 350% to all beauty and personal care products to identify and
prioritise opportunities. Time to drill down.
% growth of SKUs in these markets
January 2020 - December 2022
Calming attributes include cannabis, CBD, mental wellbeing and mood enhancing. Energy attributes include
energy, energising, energy boosting, fatigue relief and revitalising.
Percentage share for each country based on the sum of online beauty SKUs in these six markets per attribute
group (e.g., across all six countries, Germany accounted for 23% of online beauty SKUs with a calming claim).
Drill down
If you’re reading this, congrats! You’re one step closer to You might have to go back to step 2 and brainstorm other
capitalising on your trend. attributes or possibly step 1 to research other consumer
needs or a different trend. Keep at it—there could be a better
At this stage, you should have at least one group of attributes
opportunity out there for your brand.
(or maybe a few individual claims) that you want to explore
further. In the previous section, we focused on SKU count and growth
to size the prize of your selected attributes. Now comes the
Didn’t get the results you were hoping for? Don’t be
(even more) fun part—measuring online share of shelf.
discouraged! Remember: this isn’t a strict linear process.
With the right dataset, online share of shelf is an incredibly effective method to quantify
market demand, prominence and competition. The formula is simple enough.
Here, you’ll track online share of shelf for your top attributes—including change over
time—across categories and countries to spot opportunities. Plus, learn how to monitor
leading brands for your selected attributes to understand the competitive landscape.
Tip: median SKU prices can help you find gaps to exploit. And we’ll get into that, too.
We discovered that online beauty SKUs with our energy attributes totalled over 63,000 across
our six markets and grew 54% since January 2020. On the other hand, calming SKUs in the
beauty and personal care space amounted to 9,762 at the end of last year and grew 91%.
But is this significant or good? Let’s calculate online share of shelf for our two claims on
beauty and personal care SKUs in those six markets for December 2022.
Online share of shelf for Calming-positioned beauty and personal care SKUs in six countries
calming claims X 100 = 0.38%
Total beauty and personal care SKUs in six countries
Online share of shelf for Energy-positioned beauty and personal care SKUs in six countries
energy claims X 100 = 2.45%
Total beauty and personal care SKUs in six countries
Calming attributes include cannabis, CBD, mental wellbeing and mood enhancing. Energy attributes include energy, energising,
energy boosting, fatigue relief and revitalising.
Six countries (geographic scope) include France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK and the US.
The results? Our calming claims accounted for less than Online Share of Shelf: Beauty and Personal Care SKUs by Attributes Across
0.5% of beauty and personal care SKUs in our geographic Select
3.0% Countries
Keep in mind, we’re comparing the number of SKUs with
one of our energy or calming claims to all online beauty 2.0%
and personal care products tracked across six markets
and hundreds of online retailers. And, since we tracked all
products in this industry over the same period, we can see
how this online share of shelf has evolved.
What does this chart tell us? The share of shelf and total
number of these online beauty SKUs have been steadily
increasing in our six countries. We can also compare 0.5% 0.38%
how these attributes are trending. Energy SKUs actually 0.28%
Six countries (geographic scope) include France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK and the US.
SKU Count 9,700+ in December 2022—6x smaller than energy attributes 63,000+ in December 2022
Germany led with 23% share of SKUs across all six countries France led with 23% share of SKUs across all six countries
SKUs by
Italy recorded strongest growth (311%) but from a much Italy recorded strongest growth (131%) but from a much
smaller base compared to the other five countries smaller base compared to the other five countries
Online Share 0.38% of all beauty and personal care SKUs across six 2.45% of all beauty and personal care SKUs across six
of Shelf countries in December 2022 countries in December 2022
Online Share
of Shelf 0.10% growth from January 2020 to December 2022 0.19% growth from January 2020 to December 2022
Source: Euromonitor International Via
Calming attributes include cannabis, CBD, mental wellbeing and mood enhancing. Energy attributes include energy, energising, energy boosting, fatigue relief and revitalising.
Six countries (geographic scope) include France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK and the US.
At this point, we’ve analysed the performance of these two attribute groups. Here’s what we found. Energy SKUs were larger in volume and
gained a bigger online share of shelf than calming SKUs from January 2020 to December 2022. Plus, these claims recorded stronger volume
growth and held a greater share of shelf last year. With our scenario in mind, we’ll turn our attention towards energy SKUs.
Last part of step 3: find opportunities by country and category. Home stretch here we come!
Online Share of Shelf for Energy-Positioned Beauty and Personal Care SKUs Here, we’re looking at where online beauty SKUs with
by Country energy claims grew the fastest based on share of shelf.
3.0% Countries to the right of the dotted line (average of the
six) had a higher-than-average change in share of shelf.
2.9% France
In this case, Italy, Germany and France showed strongest
growth during this period.
consumer need are—the higher the share, the higher the
2.5% penetration of these claims in each respective market.
Spain France is the only country that had a higher rate of change
and a higher-than-average presence of energy SKUs in
2.3% USA beauty. Low presence in a market can represent a strong
opportunity and early mover advantages but also more
2.2% Germany risk. So, we’ll focus on France for our scenario.
2.1% But how are these claims playing out across beauty
-0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5% 0.6% 0.7%
products in France? We can apply the same matrix to go
% change in share of shelf
January 2020 - December 2022
another layer deeper into individual categories.
The average is calculated based on all beauty and personal care SKUs for these six countries. Share of shelf
is the percentage of energy claims made for all online beauty and personal care SKUs per country (e.g., 2.9%
of all beauty and personal care SKUs in France had at least one energy attribute).
Energy attributes include energy, energising, energy boosting, fatigue relief and revitalising.
This chart compares how certain beauty and personal France: Online Share of Shelf for Energy-Positioned SKUs by Beauty
care category SKUs fare in France. Again, we use averages Category
for the entire industry to identify which categories have
a strong share of shelf and historic growth so we can see
Skin Care
where opportunities exist. 5.0%
Skin care had the strongest presence (vertical axis) but Hair Care Bath and Shower
December 2022
% share of shelf
certainly be lucrative ventures moving forward with the 3.0%
And that, our friends, would be bath and shower products. Deodorants
Plus, this category had a strong share of energy-positioned % change in share of shelf
January 2020 - December 2022
SKUs at 4.2% in December 2022.
This performance tells us two things. There’s an Source: Euromonitor International Via
established base with strong momentum, and companies The average is calculated based on all beauty and personal care SKUs for France. Categories with a
minimum of 30 SKUs were included for analysis. Share of shelf is the percentage of energy claims made for
in this space have been aggressively positioning bath and all SKUs per category in France (e.g., 4.2% of all bath and shower SKUs in France had at least one energy
shower products to market energy benefits. But wait,
Energy attributes include energy, energising, energy boosting, fatigue relief and revitalising.
there’s more!
© 2023 Euromonitor International 31
Step 3: Monitor
(L'Oréal Groupe)
Energy attributes include energy, energising, energy boosting, fatigue relief and revitalising.
Last but not least, pricing. This data gives you intel on France: SKU Pricing for Top Energy-Positioned Bath and Shower Brands in
which brands compete in a given category and at which December 2022
price point to help you find potential gaps in the market.
€ 60
Once you map price ranges for brands with specific
attributes, you can begin to formulate market entry points.
€ 50
Let’s take a quick look at brands that had the highest
number of energy-positioned bath and shower SKUs in
€ 40
December 2022. Except for Sonew, which offers a variety
of bulk-sized bath balls, the other four brands had median € 32.25
€ 30
SKU prices in the range of €6.27 (Kneipp) to €10.13
(NUXE). We can already start to see local price gaps.
€ 20
From here, we would explore specific categories (e.g., body
wash or bath additives like salts and oils) to help us make
€ 10 € 10.13
informed decisions on product lines to launch and pricing € 7.90 € 8.11
€ 6.27
Sonew Roger & Gallet Weleda Kneipp NUXE
A final note before we wrap up. Based on our scenario
and objective—tailoring product positioning in line with
consumer needs to guide a go-to-market strategy—we
Lowest Price Median Price Highest Price
analysed countries, homed in on France, then analysed
beauty categories. But this last part also works in reverse.
Source: Euromonitor International Via
You could look at categories, find the most opportune
Leading brands by energy-positioned SKU count. Energy attributes include energy, energising, energy
space, then examine countries. The best approach often boosting, fatigue relief and revitalising.
You may want to analyse countries first, so you can also These are just two brief examples. Regardless, it’s important
assess risk or factors like cultural and infrastructure fit within to start with the approach that addresses your most pressing
potential markets alongside weighing opportunities. Or, you concerns and takes into account any business priorities or
might want to evaluate resources needed for category expansion factors that could limit certain opportunities. The important
or reformulation in which case analysing categories first could point: align your internal resources with products and markets
make the most sense. that give your company actionable next steps.
There you have it! Three steps to begin capitalising on consumer trends with e-commerce data.
Together, we examined how The Thrivers trend is manifesting in the online beauty space based on product claims that exemplify two core
consumer needs. Then, concentrated on a group of attributes—energy—and analysed specific countries, categories and brands alongside
pricing. With this data, we could even finetune our approach and repeat step 3 to assess individual energy attributes or explore other
countries and categories.
Think back to our scenario for a moment. We played the role of a cosmetics company looking for direction on beauty product positioning
in line with a current consumer trend (and related needs) to guide market expansion. These three steps helped us not only identify a
potential space to play in but also gave us a standardised methodology that can be replicated and updated.
We reviewed the past three years at a six-month cadence. But weekly and monthly monitoring provide you further guidance on seasonality
and promotional periods. Additional metrics like SKU pricing, promotions as well as ratings and reviews can paint an even clearer picture
of market dynamics.
Head of Research and Data Insights
Connect on Linkedin
Alison Angus leads Euromonitor’s research on corporate innovation Kayla is the Head of Beauty and Personal Care Research at
strategies and new product launches as well as understanding Euromonitor International, which she joined in 2011. She leads
consumer behaviour, attitudes and shifting trends driving the publication of global strategic content on the opportunities,
innovation. Alison has worked in research for more than 20 challenges and outlook of the beauty industry and often synthesises
years across consumer and service industries globally. She brings beauty insights with Euromonitor’s retailing, packaging, survey,
extensive knowledge and expertise on research and analysis, pricing and product claims systems.
producing compelling consumer-focused strategic content and
working with clients to inform and support strategic thinking.