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Human is the social being and needs to socialize with others. It can be taken as the basis for the
formation of international relations. All human beings live in the same world but they did not
have the capacity to connect with each other. Of course, it has changed after globalization in
modern ages. However, people were in need of states command to take advantages of other
countries but unlike citizens’ benefit, states used all chances for their own benefits and these
kinds of problems created warfare between states. It is known the fact that wars have no gains
but loss because both sides give too much loss and most importantly they lose humans even
they have gained some advantages at the end of the war. Nevertheless, these gains are mainly
about enlarging lands and other things, which are not important more than human life. Idealism
emerged at that certain time for determining human value in these cases. Because human lives
are important for continuity of the world and idealism tries to protect humanity. Norman Angels
say wars and armament take humanity to back and we need works based on wealth. Idealism
base on protecting peace and cooperation between states through trade and some other ways for
establishing the main order at the international level where there is no such institution to
regulate states’ act. In order to this aim, idealist thinks they should firstly remove war
environment for stability. It tries to understand the causes of war and find a way to peace. The
narrow understanding sees idealism as intimately tied to the inter-war period (1919-1939).
After the destruction of World War I, idealism was in search of how to stop the wars and
improve peace by establishing organisations by using international law, norms and diplomacy.
There are many intellectuals who defend idealism; Sir Alfred Zimmerman, S. H. Bailey,
Philip Noel-Baker, David Mitrany, Woodrow Wilson, James T. Shotwell, Pitman Potter and
Parker T. Moon.1 This article is going to examine these intellectuals as well to explain idealist
Ramazan Gözen, Theories of International Relations (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2017).
theory. In order to intellectuals, idealist created many norms and principles. Wilson Principles
are one of them and it will be helpful to explain the structure of idealism. So, the second case
will mention about history, background and aims of idealism and critics from realism and
liberalism to idealism. In order to these critics, the aim is analysing the cognitive world of the
theory from the perspective of other opponent theories to understand failure and gains of
idealism to international relations. Some intellectuals believe, idealism was theory in itself and
some of them believe it was not theory and even they go further by saying it was nothing more
than philosophical idea and utopia such as E.H. Carr. In addition, he was close to realism and
it was like the other side of the medallion behind idealism. So, this article is going to make a
comparison between realism and idealism. Because according to some discourses idealism lost
its effect with the appearance of realism. At the end of the article, the main idea of idealism and
its current situation will be understood by looking to the background, history, discourses of
In the beginning, understanding the background of idealism can be possible through looking
to its history. In the 19th century, European system based their policies on balance of power to
protect the status quo. They were trying to protect perpetual peace for providing continuity of
the great powers in Europe. Nevertheless, there were countries which feel uncomfortable about
the situation. Starting from that point, this balance was destroyed and the road to World War I
has been constructed. On the other hand, the industrialization of Germany and leaving the UK
and France was another problem for that period. Why World War I is mentioned because it has
two important dimensions; firstly, it was collectively first big war which entailed humanity to
extreme hazard and made financial and emotional damage. Secondly, the collapse of empires
and the establishment of new governments were important. Idealism emerged after WWI but
there were power gaps, which created by newly established governments. Actually, perpetual
peace did not prove well. This situation caused all possible conditions for WWII.
Regarding the period between the two world war, it can be said even those treaties made by
governments do not protect its continuity such as the Versailles Treaty. Indeed, this treaty has
shown as the most important reason for WWII. For this reason, idealist intellectuals offered
ideas like organizations free from the government in international relations. They started to
think about what should be done for prevention of warfare. Between 1920s-1930s, there was
the dominance of ideas constructed on understanding the causes of war and how it can be
prevented also they questioned the required mechanism for prevention of war. Although
idealism was built on the theme of war-peace, which is, in essence, the most important subject
whose details explained here; since the current or real situation or realities in international
relations are negative and bad, they reveal the parameters of an ideal world order.2
Idealism influenced from period’s politics on the other hand; it contributed to shaping
politics of the period. The most important and prominent political document was “Wilson
Principles”. This doctrine provided the philosophical basis for President Woodrow Wilson’s
campaign to put national self-determination at the heart of the 1919 peace settlement.3 Wilson
idea was using the USA’s accumulation for the common good of mankind; because, according
to Wilson, governments’ interest was related to nations’ state. Despite all his efforts, he couldn’t
procure acceptance to assembly proposal about the participation of the USA to League of
Nations. Some historians criticized Wilson as being realist rather than idealist because they
thought the idea of participation to the League of Nations was a political necessity and they also
Ramazan Gözen, Theories of International Relations (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2017): 71.
Peter Wilson, “Idealism in International Relations”, Encyclopaedia of Power, Australia: Sage Publications,
thought peace will serve to USA’s interest. In fact, Wilson was against warfare because
according to him wars have no winners. You might win diplomatically but you also have a loss.
In that period, Wilson’s USA was not a candidate to be great power so they do not have any
expectation for any kind of gain from wars under these conditions. Nevertheless, the USA
reached to enough political and economic power at that time and Europeans accepted the USA
as they will be great power in the future. Despite all the things, today NATO is one of the
outcomes of Wilson principles and there are still countries, which want to become a member of
NATO. Therefore, it can be said that today idealism has still effect.
Moreover, Wilson Principles began to be implemented after the First World War, but could
Wilson's ideas did not receive the support of his own country and the US Congress did not
authorize or support Wilson's principles.4 These principles are important for the basis of
idealism. There are 14 principles but general principles are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 14. Wilson
international cooperation, free trade, democratic governances and establishing perpetual peace
Nations is an international organization that has emerged in line with such ideals that overlaps
with American national interests. Moreover, England and France had the same idea about the
establishment of the League of Nations. Their motive was protecting national interests under
idealism. League’s main aim was developing international cooperation to provide international
peace and security. The USA supported the establishment of League at the beginning but it
could not become a member and it weakened universality argument. Also, the Soviet Union
was not in the League until 1934. The absence of the US and the Soviet Union turned the League
into an organization that seeks to protect the interests of Britain and France. After all, the
Ramazan Gözen, Theories of International Relations (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2017):74.
League was successful to solve problems such as Greece’s attack to Bulgaria in the 1920s and
broad problem between Turkey and Iraq. However, the League of Nations could not prevent
Hitler’s expansionist and aggressive policies, Italy’s Ethiopia invasion and Soviets intervention
into Finland in 1939. England and France preferred to get close relations with Hitler’s Nazi
Germany and Mussolini’s Fascist Italy for providing counter power balance against the Soviet
Union rather than working on actualizing institutions and rules of the League of Nations
understanding instead of Wilson idealism. Consequently, the balance of power and polarisation
occurred in the international system like happened in the First World War and that period caused
the Second World War.5 The fact that the League of Nations remains as an unsuccessful
initiative and has not prevented a new war has led to the questioning of the founding philosophy
of the organization.
elites for changing leaders’ mind in the future about relations between state and security to
change general idea about war. International politics is in need of lecturers for transforming
world current situation. These lecturers will have an important influence on the world politics.
This process would change states act at the end and will create a more beneficial environment
for the citizens. Some intellectuals define the idealism as the white one in all contrasts. Because,
idealism says human is good as its nature with its normative perspective. It searches the bad at
the system level with its phenomenon. They have to solve these bad things, they see war as the
worst thing, and they say it is not because of human nature it is because of environmental
aspects. According to idealist intellectuals, the war was kind of disease to international politics.
So, idealists take the problem of lack in institutions and order in the international order. They
aimed on making the world better with the help of international law and international
Ramazan Gözen, Theories of International Relations (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2017):81.
organizations. They also predicted controlling tributary units by upper will. Therefore, they
mainly mentioned about what should be done not existing condition. They offered upper will
because they thought if this kind of power would be obligatory all governments will have
peaceful order with social groups through international norms and rules. They also opened
themselves to criticism with this argument. In fact, if peoples come together for same purpose
they will probably do everything which will be good for their own benefit. While accepting that
the different peoples exhibit different codes of behaviour, cultural norms, values, habits and
tastes, they contend that human beings are fundamentally uniform. Regardless of ethnic, social,
cultural and religious background, all human beings desire the same things in terms of security,
intellectuals created basis of idealist ideas. Philosophers revealed suggestions, which will
empower peace and security of international system and government. 7 Plato and Aristoteles
thought the policy as the tool to provide social order, which ensures virtuous life. So, they seen
as first philosopher of idealism. This idea reflected to security policies as there is no threats and
hostilities in reality and threats occur because of human behaviours. As for that, human
human behaviours with education are main idealist mentality. Also, Aristoteles says good
people make good governments and these good governments shapes society in a good way.
Remarkable quality of these idealist theories is start to increase with seeking hope after big
declines and great wars. This perspective can be seen in the period after First World War and
Second World War while seeking peace. Because of its thesis, idealism generally criticized as
utopianism. Philosophers such as John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant and
LSE Research Peter Wilson, “Idealism in International Relations”, Encyclopaedia of Power, Australia: Sage
Publications, 2011:
Ramazan Gözen, Theories of International Relations (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2017):91.
Hugo Grotius produced new ideas and theories for developing international politics.8 Origin of
the idealism base on dates back to old times and John Locke, Jeremy Bentham, JJ Rousseau,
Immanuel Kant, David Hume and John Stuart Mill are important for creating its basis. Idealist
ideas shaped by Arnold Toynbee, Norman Angell and Alfred Zimmern. John Locke defends
human is peaceable and Voltaire defends monarchies are cause of war and peace can be kept
only through democratic republics. Idealist approach acts with ethic and universal phenomenon
As it is mentioned above, there are many critics to idealism from realism. Contrary to
popular wisdom, Marxists were first one criticized not realists. According to Marxists, class
conflict affecting international relations, basic factors such as separation of rich and poor and
nations do not fit to idealist ideas and they think their thesis is more determinant in shaping
relations. They say; WWI happened not because of lack of an institution that can prevent the
war but because of inner contradictions of capitalists. Thus, capitalists have to struggle for
providing raw material so democracies have warrior character in opposition to idealists. Realists
today often criticise the intellectual descendants of inter-war idealists-those e.g. advocating
global governance, cosmopolitan democracy, and much greater power for the UN- on much the
same grounds. They ignore the power and self-interestedness of the independent nation state,
the reign of instrumental (cf. ‘abstract’) reason in international politics, and the emotional
appeal of national sovereignty.9 According to Idealists, war is a generally used tool for
maximizing governments’ benefit. The first step for preventing warfare is averting the method
of secret diplomacy, which mostly use between governments. Idealists propose governments
Ramazan Gözen, Theories of International Relations (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2017):91.
Peter Wilson, “Idealism in International Relations”, Encyclopaedia of Power, Australia: Sage Publications,
should use treaties that provide collective and multilateral tools with broad participation rather
than bilateral treaties and security precautions including national tools and limited purposes.
Realists say, war cannot be prevented with collective security precautions because governments
defend acting with collective move is like zero-sum game. Idealist emphasize bilateral relations
and say if trade is increased between nations wars will be prevented and all roads will be closed
to war. But, realists say there is hierarchical order in international relations and trade and
economy does not have place at the top of this hierarchical order. To conclude, idealists believed
they can regulate international politics with the help of cooperation in global, international
institutions, international law and de-militarization treaties rather than understand realities of
policies between nations. Realist discourses power and its role in history and its realities. They
separate politics as utopia and reality by saying people should look to reality more than utopia
There are loss and gains of idealism to international relations during whole history. The fact
that England and France, the great powers of the time, used the League of Nations for their
national interests, which established with an idealist perspective, got a big blow in the
credibility of the approach. Another gain of idealism was discourse on democracy, human rights
and freedom that used by USA in Iraq war, European Union and France for their Libya
Operations. Because their main background was idealism. However, some intellectuals said
those kinds of discourses used for obscuring government’s national interest. In fact, if it would
not be ideological tool of European countries, there can be important acquirements. In fact,
of democracy, human rights and values such as liberalism by USSR and eastern bloc countries
was important step to end of the Cold War period. First World War was biggest destruction of
humanity ever lived. This tragic event encouraged intellectuals and political leaders to think
again about conflict, security and warfare. Idealism occurred at that time to prevent another big
war. However, idealism used for politics and changed into politics tool beyond ideals. As stated,
idealist ideas used by western countries for their national interests. Bearing this thesis in mind
there are important gains with the framework of idealism such as development of environmental
law, adaptation of sustainable economic growth by other countries, transfer of funds from
international funds initially from the World Bank to less developed countries. Speeding of
spread of democracy to world and spread of freedom in the context of politics and most
importantly empowerment of international law norms day by day are valuable achievements of
idealist thought.
idealist tradition. Although, Idealism is the founding theory of the International Relations
discipline, it has minimum number of books, articles and works written in the International
Relations literature. The primary reason of that underestimation of idealism by realism and
seeing its validity as impossible for international relations.10 It must be said that idealism has to
adapt itself to modern world and build its scientific framework again for starting to increase in
international relations theories. In order to get rid of critics such as “utopian” it should influence
from approaches and scientific methods of other international relations theories to make new
Ramazan Gözen, Theories of International Relations (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2017): 117.
Publications, 2011.
Crawford, Robert MA. “Idealism and Realism in International Relations.” London: Routledge,
Mearsheimer, John J. “E.H. Carr vs. Idealism: The Battle Rages on.” USA: University of
Tartışması” Konya: Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2007, 18: 225-243.
Disiplinin Özerkliği”, İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi Dergisi, 5/2,
Gözen, Ramazan. “Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri,” 4. bs. Araştırma İnceleme Dizisi 347.