Xpath Cheat Sheet

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XPath cheat sheet

What Is XPath?
A popular functionality in web development is automation: the hands-free manipulation of a
website's Document Object Model (DOM). If your target websites don’t support application
programming interface (API) calls directly or via Hootsuite, Buffer, or Zapier, how do you
write programs to locate web elements in your browser and act upon them?
Here is where XPath plays a role. XPath, short for “XML Path Language,” is a compact way
of teaching a web automation engine such as Selenium WebDriver to locate elements in an
HTML source code document.

XPath is compact because it represents nodes in an XML or HTML document as a directory

path with forward slashes (/) as the main delimiter. Parking an XPath as a string rather than
a standard selector path takes up less memory. Here’s the same HTML element represented
both ways:

Representation HTML element in question Character count

Selector path on an element body > div.body-area 110
on a different XPath cheat > main > div:nth-
sheet child(6) > div >
div:nth-child(1) >
div > pre > code >
The corresponding XPath /html/body/div[1]/mai 61

To demonstrate its compactness, the XPath string is only 55% the length of that of the
selector path.
As amazing as XPath appears to be, learning XPath requires a working knowledge of HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript/jQuery, and the ability to open the Inspector panel in your preferred

● Chrome Inspector (also applies to Chrome-based browsers such as Brave)

● Firefox Inspector
● Safari Web Inspector
● Microsoft Edge Inspector

If you’re confident in the above, following the examples in this XPath cheat sheet is easier. If
not, bookmark this page and come back when you’re ready.

XPath expressions include XPath queries, which typically refer to absolute and relative
XPaths, and XPath function calls, which can be independent of an XML or HTML document.
Make sure to distinguish XPath queries from XQuery, a query-based functional programming
language outside this cheat sheet’s scope yet supports XPath.

This XPath cheat sheet differs from what we’re used to writing because we’ve found the best
way to learn XPath is by looking at multiple examples and intuitively deriving the XPath
pattern from them. When in doubt, use this website to test out XPath queries.
The table below presents static XPath examples, all extracted via the Inspector (see
Prerequisites) from functional websites at the time of writing. The general XPath syntax
follows later below.

HTML element Selector path Relative XPath Absolute XPath

<html> tag of an html /html /html
HTML document
<body> tag on a body /html/body /html/body
Title of a website head > title /html/head/titl /html/head/titl
e e
The modifiable #title //*[@id="title" /html/body/div[
titular text box on a ] 1]/input
to-do list website
A blue “Verify you #challenge- //*[@id="challe /html/body/div[
are human” button stage > div > nge- 1]/div/div[1]/d
input stage"]/div/inp iv/input
“Share Feedback” #web_content_wr //*[@id="web_co /html/body/div[
button apper > ntent_wrapper"] 2]/div[5]/div[2
(DuckDuckGo) div.serp__botto /div[2]/div/div ]/div/div/a
m-right.js- /a
right > div >
div > a
Dropdown button on #navbarDropdown //*[@id="navbar /html/body/div[
a website menu 4 Dropdown4"] 1]/div/nav/div/
Hyperlink portion of #rso > div:nth- //*[@id="rso"]/ /html/body/div[
a Google search child(1) > div div[1]/div/div/ 7]/div/div[11]/
result > div > div[1]/div/a/h3 div/div[2]/div[
div.Z26q7c.UK95 2]/div/div/div[
Uc.jGGQ5e > div 1]/div/div/div[
> a > h3 1]/div/a/h3


We have a few observations from the table above:

● The absolute XPath examples above begin with /html, the root (most basic,
primitive parent) node of every HTML document.
● All relative XPath expressions above begin with //*.
○ Why not // as most other XPath resources say?
○ The reason for * is that it’s a wildcard or placeholder for the node (HTML tag,
in this case) in question, as you will see shortly. You may replace * with a
suitable HTML tag, and the XPath will still work.
● The format for getting a node with a particular ID is //*[@id="name-of-id"].
\ ● The selector constraint [ ] distinguishes between different nodes sharing the
same HTML tag by their indices, such as <div>. For example, div[2] refers to the
second div sharing the same parent node.

Hence the basic XPath syntax is as follows, reusing the to-do list example above:

XPath type Basic XPath syntax Example

Absolute /root_node/node1/node /html/body/div[1]/inp
2/…/nodeN ut
Relative //node1/node2/…/nodeN //body/div[1]/input
Relative, node attribute //nodeX[@attribute="v //input[@id="title"]
carrying a value alue"]

What Is An XPath Axis?

The symbol @ in XPath expressions has to do with XPath axes. An XPath axis describes a
relationship to the current node on the XML/HTML hierarchy tree. The two-colon syntax (::)
specifies conditions on the axis.
A step is an XPath segment between consecutive forward slashes (/), such as html in
absolute paths. An axis can be a step.

In the table below, we leave a cell empty if no corresponding abbreviation or equivalence

relationship exists. Note the symbols for self/parent axes are similar to those of the
current/parent directory in scripting languages.

Axis Abbreviation … is short for … Description

ancestor Select all ancestors
grandparent, etc.) of
the current node
ancestor-or-self Select all ancestors
grandparent, etc.) of
the current node
and the current
node itself
attribute @ @href == Select all attributes
attribute::href of the current node
child div == Select all children of
child::div the current node
descendant Select all
grandchildren, etc.)
of the current node
\ descendant-or-self // // == Select all
/descendant-or- descendants
self::node()/ (children,
grandchildren, etc.)
of the current node
and the current
node itself
following Select everything in
the document after
the closing tag of
the current node
following-sibling Select siblings
(nodes with the
same parent node)
below the current
namespace Select all
namespace nodes
of the current node
parent .. .. == Select the parent of
parent::node() the current node
preceding Select all nodes that
appear before the
current node in the
document, except
ancestors, attribute
nodes, and
namespace nodes
preceding-sibling Select siblings
(nodes with the
same parent node)
above the current
self . . == Select the current
self::node() node

This short table explains XPath wildcard symbols:

XPath wildcard Description Example

* Match element node //a/*
@* Match attribute node; same //input[@*]
as attribute::*
node() Match node of any kind //head/node()
text() Match text node, namely the //title/text()
content between <tag> and
comment() Match comment node <!-- //footer//comment()
… -->
processing- Match any node of the //*/processing-
instruction() format <?name value?>, instruction()
e.g., <?xml catalog>


XPath selectors are where XPath expressions and CSS selectors intersect. The table below
illustrates the relationship between XPath axes and their corresponding CSS selectors:

XPath CSS selector

//div/following-sibling::p div ~ p
//h1/preceding- #wrong ~ h1
//li/ancestor::ol ol > li
//li/ancestor::ol[1] ol + li
//ul[li] ul > li

Order selectors enclose ordinal numbers or last() with the selector constraint [ ]:

XPath with order selectors CSS selector

//ul/li[1] ul > li:first-of-type
//ul/li[2] ul > li:nth-of-type(2)
//ul/li[last()] ul > li:last-of-type
//p[1][@id="stuck"] p#stuck:first-of-type
//*[1][name()="a"] a:first-child
//*[last()][name()="a"] a:last-child
Attribute selectors focus on HTML tag attributes:

XPath with attribute selectors CSS selector

//video video
//button[@id="submit"] button#submit
//*[@class="coding"] .coding

//input[@disabled] input:disabled

//button[@id="ok"][@type="submit button#ok[for="submit"]
//section[.//h1[@id='intro']] section > h1#intro

//a[@target="_blank"] a[target="_blank"]

//a[starts-with(@href, '/')] a[href^='/']

//a[ends-with(@href, '.pdf')] a[href$='pdf']

//a[contains(@href, '://')] a[href*='://']

//ol/li[position()>1] ol > li:not(:first-of-type)

Pro tip: You can chain XPath selectors with consecutive selector constraints, but the order
matters. For example, these two XPath queries have different meanings, as explained
● //a[1][@href='/']
○ Get the first <a> tag and check its href has the value '/'.
\ ● //a[@href='/'][1]
○ Get the first <a> with the given href.

You can use logical operators in XPath queries:

Operator Description Example

| Union: join two XPath expressions //a | //span
+ Addition 2 + 3
- Subtraction 3 - 2
* Multiplication 2 * 5
div Division 5 div 2
= Equal number(//p/text())=9.80
!= Not equal number(//p/text())!=9.80
< Less than number(//p/text())<9.80
<= Less than or equal to number(//p/text())<=9.80
> Greater than number(//p/text())>9.80
>= Greater than or equal to number(//p/text())>=9.80
or or //div[(x and y) or
and and //div[@id="head" and
mod Modulus (division remainder) 5 mod 2
The table below illustrates functions used in XPath expressions. Some, such as
boolean(), are standalone XPath expressions. Some of the following appear in the
examples above.

Function Description Example

name() Return the name of the node //*/a/../name()
(e.g., HTML tag)
text() Return the inner text of the node, //div[text()="Submit?
excluding the text in child nodes "]/*/text()
lang(str) Determine whether the context //p[lang('en-US')]
node matches the given language
namespace-uri() Return a string representing the //*[@*[namespace-
namespace URI of the first node uri()='http://foo.exa
in a given NodeSet. This function mple.com']]
applies to XML documents.
count() Count the number of nodes in a //table[count(tr)=1]
NodeSet and return an integer
position() Return a number equal to the //ol/li[position()=2]
context position from the
expression evaluation context
string() Convert an argument to a string string(//div)
number() Convert an object to a number number(//img/@width)
\ and return the number
boolean() Evaluate an expression and boolean(//div/a[@clas
return true or false. Use this to s="button"]/@href)
check for the existence of
not(expression) Evaluates Boolean NOT on an button[not(starts-
expression with(text(),"Submit")
contains(first, Determine whether the first //button[contains(tex
second) string contains the second string t(),"Go")]
starts- Check whether the first string //[starts-
with(first, begins with the second string with(name(), 'h')]
second) (Boolean)
ends-with(first, (Only supported in XPath 2.0; //img[ends-with(@src,
second) Selenium supports up to XPath '.png')]

Check whether the first string

ends with the second string
concat(x,y) Concatenate two or more strings //div[contains(concat
x,y and return the resulting (' ',normalize-
string. space(@class),' '),'
foobar ')]
The example checks if the
attribute foobar is part of a
space-separated list.
substring(given_ Return a part of a substring("button",
string, start, given_string beginning from 1, 3)
length) the start value with a specified
substring- Return a string that is part of a substring-
before(given_str given_string before a given before("01/02", "/")
ing,substring) substring
substring- Return a string that is part of a substring-
after(str,substr given_string after a given after("01/02", "/")
ing) substring
translate() Evaluate a string and a set of translate('The quick
characters to translate and return brown fox.',
the translated string 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst
normalize- Remove redundant white space normalize-space('
space() characters and return the hello world ! ')
resulting string
string-length() Return a number equal to the string-length('hello
number of characters in a given world')

Pro tip: You can use nodes inside functions. Examples:

● //ul[count(li) > 2]
\ ○ Check if the number of <li> tags inside the <ul> tag is greater than two.
● //ul[count(li[@class='hide']) > 0]
○ Check the number of <li> tags with class “hide” inside the <ul> tag is a
positive integer.

More Usage Examples

Here’s how to extract data from a specific element:

XPath Description
//span/text() Get the inner text of the <span> tag. In the
example below, "Click here" is the

<span>Click here</span>
//*/a[@id="attention"]/../name() Find the name of the parent element to an
<a> tag with id="attention"
//body//comment() Get the first comment under the <body>

Extracting data from multiple elements is straightforward. The following XPath expressions
apply to the same HTML example:
<a class="pink red" href="http://banks.io">oranges</a>
<a class="blue" href="http://crime.io">and lemons</a>
<a class="green" href="http://skyscraper.io">apple</a>
<a class="violet" href="http://leaks.io">honey</a>
<a class="amber" href="http://technology.io">mint</a>
<input type="submit" id="confirm">Go!</input>

XPath Description
//a/@href Get the URLs (the href string value) in all <a> tags:

//a/text() Get the inner text of all <a> tags:

and lemons
//a/@class Get the classes of all <a> tags:

pink red

The table below shows ways to extract data from an element based on its attribute value—
note the mandatory use of @ in the final step of each XPath query:

XPath query Description

//a[@href="http://skyscrape Get the class in the <a> tag where the href
r.io"]/@class string value is "http://skyscraper.io":

//*[contains(@class, Get the URL (the href string value) in any tag
"red")]/@href with the class 'red':

//input[@id="confirm"]/@typ Get the type attribute of an <input> tag with
e id="confirm":


If you want to extract data from an element based on its position, check out these examples:
XPath query Description
//table/tbody/tr[3] Get the third <tr> element in a table
//a[last()] Get the last <a> tag in the document
//main/article/section[positi Get the <h3> tags in all <section> tags after
on()>2]/h3 the second instance of <section>

Now that you’ve made it to the last section of this cheat sheet, here are three real-life XPath
examples of XPath in Selenium.

1. Absolute XPath expressions to get the “Accept All Cookies” footer bar out of the way:
● cookiespress="/html/body/div[1]/main/div/div/div/div/div[4]/di
● loginwith="/html/body/div[1]/main/div/div/div/div/div[1]/div[1

2. This relative XPath expression maps to a pop-up triggered when a user successfully posts
to a certain social media platform: "//*[@class='Toastify__toast--success']"

3. The following Python function handles XPath error messages "//span[data-

text=' error posting status, request failed with status code
We hope this comprehensive XPath cheat sheet helps you accelerate your IT learning
journey, especially in application development and security. You can read about XPath
injection attacks and testing for it. For more information, check out our blog articles on
coding and our resources on development, security, and operations (DevSecOps) below:


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