Images that are deformed can have a negative impact on user perception (Yi Mou & Wei Peng, 2009).
Furthermore, Christians and Hindus face significant discrimination. Societal oppression (Yousaf, 2006).
The goal of study is to investigate the Reasons why discrimination against minorities is increasing in
several sectors of the economy Society. In order to analyze the data, a content analysis approach is used.
During the British Raj, the picture was first shown throughout the subcontinent in 1911. The
subcontinent was partitioned into two independent countries in 1947: India and Pakistan. Dhaka,
Karachi, and Lahore were three major cities in Pakistan where the film industry flourished. Working, and
there were other film firms in operation. Pakistan, recently discovered, has In the name of Islam, they
became independent, and around a million people migrated from India. Pakistan is the destination.
Immediately following the division, the newly formed Pakistan faced a crisis. Money are scarce. The lack
of filmmaking equipment further immobilized the nation’s economy. The film industry. Despite
significant challenges, the nascent film industry was able to generate.
Literature review
A literature review is a critical and in-depth evaluation of previous research. It is a Summary and synopsis
of a particular area of research, allowing anybody reading the Paper to establish why you are pursuing
this particular research program. Regardless of practicing beliefs, it has been noticed that a cluster of
people sharing a Common religion, language and cultural pattern, are always keen on displaying and
Maintaining unity. This is a characteristic of those states containing ethnic and Religious minorities,
having the citizenship of their respective states (Conode, 1999,pp. 89-90). According to International
Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Minority can be defined as a race, sharing linguistic and religious
affinity, which Thinks of itself different from a majority and respectively that majority thinks it to be
Different from them to the point of stigma. Modern sociologists propound that since These minorities
lack political or general power, they face specific discrimination, and Disparity. (International
Encyclopedia of Social Science.1968, p.365). Oxford Dictionary describes minority a small group in a
society, state etc, having different Religious beliefs, language and culture. (Oxford Advance Learner’s
Dictionary. 1992, p. 570). Jalal U Din in his study defines that for an effective functioning of a society it is
essential that all members of the society contribute, and minorities form an integral part of that society.
(Jalal U Din, 2011). Further Ahmed in his findings define that Pakistani minorities are not only treated
with equality but most of them also enjoy Employment in the fields of Pakistan civil service, judiciary,
journalism, army and Business. They contribute to the country’s development and prosperity. They are
Supportive of the Muslims of the state in every situation. So it can be assumed that the White in the
Pakistani flag represents these minorities, since they also played a pivotal Role in the Pakistani
movement, hence, justifying their importance.
To achieve the goals and investigate the influence and portrayal of minorities in Pakistani cinema, the
study used quantitative and qualitative techniques. The data is gathered using both primary and
secondary sources. The research has gathered Facts and data to examine the mainstream Pakistani films.
The investigation is extensive. It is very important since it tries to uncover the underlying meanings of
the stories. Pakistani movie presents itself in the guise of culture. Under the sugar-coated surface
Message, there is a great deal of hostility toward non-Muslims, as well as For Pakistan’s future. Non-
Muslims’ identities are frequently and repeatedly modified.
(Table No. The statistics clearly reveals that the portrayal of non-Muslims in Pakistani media is
The majority of films are negative. Table 1 describes the survey that revealed the number of negative
The number of negative films (75.60%) is significantly bigger than the number of positive films (12%). As
a result of this,
We can immediately notice a lack of positive attitude and veneration for Non-
Muslims appear in Pakistani film. The survey supports the premise that the proportion is increasing.
Negative portrayal of non-Muslim characters would be more prevalent than positive portrayal of Muslim
The purpose of this study was to investigate how minorities are portrayed in Pakistani films and to
explore how images convey minorities in Pakistani films. As a result, the is portraying minorities
positively or negatively, minorities’ societal roles in reality and media are also debated, analyzed, and
concluded. Film is a form of popular culture created by the cultural industry; motion pictures are a
transformation of film. Written, oral, and, finally, thought. Historians define film as a powerful force.
Influence your future, in truth, civilisation is determined by how they use it, we live in Today, the media
has largely replaced key communication agents. Pakistani films must represent the genuine
characterisation of non-Muslims. Emerge from its engagement
Pakistani films have played a huge role in creating myths and stereotypes about non-Muslims. In our
search for a non-Muslim secular character in Pakistani cinema, we discovered very little. A more hopeful
image of non-Muslim social life, free of mythological elements Characterisation, as well as to question
the conventional stereotype of the Non-Muslim other, we need to make more films with non-Muslim
protagonists. Sameena “The media has the power to change the narrative,” said Imtiaz of the Pead
Foundation. Representatives must play a role in promoting religious concord and tolerance