Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria For PD
Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria For PD
Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria For PD
Abstract: Over the last decade, partial discharge testing has current itself, i.e. the higher the actual partial discharge current
gained acceptance as a valid diagnostic tool for condition the higher the induced currents, and partly on the radial
assessment of cable insulation. It is well known and understood proximity of the partial discharge location relative to the cable
that the results obtained from a partial discharge test depend not conductor, i.e. the closer to the cable conductor, the higher the
only on the conditions under which the test was performed but
induced current on the conductor [2, 3]. The relationship
also on the test equipment itself including the type of sensor used
and its location. The issues related to actual discharge, induced between the induced charge on the high voltage electrode and
charge and measured apparent charge are also well understood. the actual discharge it self may be evaluated by the λ-
Yet, for commissioning testing of solid dielectric, test function [2, 3]. The rise-time of the induced partial discharge
specifications often reference magnitude levels in pC of apparent current is similar to the frequency of the actual partial
charge as the only pass/fail acceptance criterion. The practice is discharge current itself whereas the fall time of the induced
based on factory acceptance testing of individual cable current is dependent on the impedance of the measuring
components. This paper outlines the difference between PD system itself [2]. In this case, the impedance of the cable
testing performed on individual components in the factory and
system is defined not just by the series impedance of a PD
PD testing performed on installed systems in the field with
respect to magnitude calibration of PD pulses. The paper further sensor and monitor but also in the impedance of the part of the
proposes a test procedure as well as a framework for acceptance cable system a given PD pulse must travel through prior to
criteria for after-laying PD commissioning testing of transmission being detected. The rise-time of the partial discharge current
class cable and provides test experience gained through 5 years of itself depends on path and velocity of the partial discharge
testing of HV and EHV cable systems. (avalanche) and, consequently, the frequency depends
primarily on (1) the strength of the electrical field in the void
I. INTRODUCTION (the higher the strength of the electrical field the higher the
velocity of the avalanche itself, the faster the rise time of the
Partial discharges occur in the bulk of high voltage insulation PD current and the higher the frequency of the PD current)
materials where local electrical field conditions are and (2) the size of the void relative to the direction of the
sufficiently high to sustain PD activity. In the case of electrical field (the longer the void, the longer the duration of
extruded cables (EPR or XLPE cables) partial discharges the PD pulse, the longer the rise time of the PD current and the
typically occur in cavities at the conductor shield, cavities in lower the frequency of the PD current). Also, local conditions
the insulation due to shrinkage or gas-formation, near defects in the void such as gas pressure, temperature, void surface
in the insulation shield, near loosely bound solid particles in conductivity has an impact on the partial discharge behavior.
the insulation, at protrusions, at splinters or fibers or near
contaminants in the insulation shield. In cable joints or In addition, as the induced PD currents propagate through the
terminations, partial discharges typically occur along dielectric cable towards the cable ends, they are subjected to primarily
interfaces, along stress interfaces, in cavities near the attenuation and, to a lesser extent, dispersion [10]. In
conductor or insulation shield due to, for instance, addition, it should be noted that the magnitude of high
misalignment during installation or thermal movement as a frequency currents propagating along the coaxial cable line
result of normal operation. Finally, partial discharges may further deteriorates as a result of impedance mismatch due to
also occur within the cable insulation itself around joints and cross bonding.
mechanically degraded spots and or impurities resulting in the
formation of electrical trees. It can thus be intuitively seen that for shorter cable runs
induced currents as a result of partial discharge activity may
II. ACTUAL, INDUCED & APPARENT CHARGE be readily detected via a terminal measurement, i.e. via a
capacitive or inductive sensors connected to the conductor or
Partial discharges are a high frequency phenomenon. shield at the end of a cable. For longer cable runs, attenuation
Fundamentally, whenever a partial discharge occurs internal to will prevent the measurement of inducted currents related to
a cable section or a cable joint, a charge – and consequently a PD activity occurring from the opposite cable and thus a
high frequency current - is induced on the cable conductor distributed PD measurement must be performed. A distributed
(high voltage electrode) and the cable shield (grounded PD measurement refers to the scenario where sensors are
electrode). The magnitude of a measured partial discharge connected to joints and splices throughout the length of the
signal depends partly on the magnitude of the partial discharge
Figure 2: PD Decision Tree
Though no standard for PD pass/fail criteria exist the guiding 22 minutes into the AC HiPot and was hereafter present. The
principle for the tests performed on the cable systems as part PDEV was measured to approximately 220kV. A standard
of this study has been that the accessories should be PD free – calibration as per IEC 60270 was performed on this
to the sensitivity level of the PD test – at the voltage test level. termination yielding a calibration constant of 0.81pC/mV thus
However, for the 220/230kV cable systems, in three out of ten yielding an apparent charge of 42pC and 51pC respectively.
instances were PD activity was detected in joint or However, evaluating the apparent charge based on the
termination, the accessory were not replaced but conditionally waveform captured yields a discharge level of approximately -
accepted by the end client. In all of these cases, the PDIV was 1,100pC and +1,500pC. Similar differences have been
higher than 1.4U0 and the PDEV was higher than 1.2U0. observed on 220/230kV cables systems. The significant
Furthermore, in these instance, follow up maintenance testing difference relates to the issues outlined in Section III.
was mandated by the end client 3-5 years after
commissioning. In all other instances where PD was detected, Lastly, of the cable systems involved with this study, two
the accessory affected was replaced or rebuilt and a full AC failures have occurred within 5 years of passing an AC HiPot
HiPot & PD retest was performed. PD test. One failure was related to third party external
damage occurring during operation. The fault of the second
An example of a PD source detected from a 345kV failure was not positively identified but evidence pointed
termination during an AC HiPot test is given in Figure 3. The towards thermo-mechanical movement of a stress cone within
AC HiPot test level was set to 250kV as per IEC 62067. As a joint.
can be seen negative and positive polarity discharge pulses
having magnitudes of approximately -52mV and +62mV can
be found centered at 45° and 225° phase angle with reference
to the phase-to-ground test voltage. The frequency content of
the 1st moment for the signal activity measured was
approximately 2MHz. The PD source occurred approximately
discharge measurements”, IEEE ISEI, pp. 501-505, Anaheim, USA,
April 2000.
[6] F. Puletti, F. Ombello, M. Albertini, A. Cavallini, G.C. Montanari,
“Improved diagnostic tools for cable accessories by digital PD detection
systems", Conf. On High Voltage Plant Life Extension, pp. 2.2.1-2.2.9,
Linkebeek, Belgique, November 2000.
[7] Z. Nadolny, J. M. Braun, & R. J. Densley, “Investigation of partial
discharge pulse shapes occurring at interfaces in model joints”,
Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE 6th International Conference on
Conduction and Breakdown in Solid Dielectrics, pp. 119 – 122, 1998,
Segment Wav ef orm
150 1998
100 Ch 3
Segment Waveform
[8] S. Boggs & R. J. Densley, ”Fundamentals of partial discharge in the
context of field cable testing” IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine”,
V olt s (mV)
100 Ch 3
Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 13 – 18, Sept.-Oct. 2000
Volts (mV)
Measurements” December 2008
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Time uSec
[10] N. Oussalah, Y. Zebboudj & S. A Boggs, “Partial Discharge Pulse
Propagation in Shielded Power Cable and Implications for Detection
Figure 3: Example of PD detected on a 345kV Cable Sensitivity”, IEEE Electrical Magazine, Vol 23. Issue 6, pp.. 5 – 10,
Termination Nov/Dec 2007.
[11] M. Fenger, H. G. Sedding, “Sensitivity Assessment for PD
Measurements on Transmission Class Cables”, Proceedings of the 2007
JiCable Conference, A7.1, 2007.
V. CONCLUSIONS [12] M. Fenger, “Sensitivity Assessment for PD Measurements on
Transmission Class Cables”, Proceedings of the 2008 ISEI, 2008.
Previously, the framework for PD Sensitivity Assessment
Procedure for broadband PD measurements performed on
transmission class cable systems was outlined [12]. The
procedure has been used on a population of cable system for
the past 5 years. In the absence of a standard for PD testing of
field installed HV & EHV Cable systems a PD measurement
procedure as outlined in Figure 1 has been in use. To date, PD
the procedure has been effective in avoiding in-service
[1] L.A. Dissado & J.C. Fothergill, “Electrical Degradation and Breakdown
in Polymers”, IEE Publications, 1
[2] A. Pedersen, G. C. Crichton and I. W. McAllister, “The Theory and
Measurement of Partial Discharge Transients”, IEEE Trans on
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol 26, No. 3, pp. 487-497, 1991
[3] Pedersen, G.C. Crichton and I. W. McAllister, “PD Related Field
Enhancement in The Bulk Medium”, Gaseous Dielectrics VII, Plenum
Press, New York, 1994.
[4] A. Pedersen, G. C. Crichton and I. W. McAllister, “PD-Related Stresses
In The Bulk Dielectric And Their Evaluation”, Annual Record – CEIDP,
pp.474-480, 1993
[5] A. Contin, A. Cavallini, G.C. Montanari, F. Puletti, “A novel technique
for the identification of defects in stator bar insulation systems by partial