A. K. Saxena - C. M. Tiwari - Heat and Thermodynamics-Alpha Science International (2014)
A. K. Saxena - C. M. Tiwari - Heat and Thermodynamics-Alpha Science International (2014)
A. K. Saxena - C. M. Tiwari - Heat and Thermodynamics-Alpha Science International (2014)
Heat and
A.K. Saxena
C.M. Tiwari
Alpha Science International Ltd.
Oxford, U.K.
Heat and Thermodynamics
328 pgs. | 145 figs. | 09 tbls.
A.K. Saxena
C.M. Tiwari
Department of Physics
A.P.S. University
Rewa (M.P.)
Copyright © 2014
7200 The Quorum, Oxford Business Park North
Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2JZ, U.K.
ISBN 978-1-84265-902-1
E-ISBN 978-1-78332-059-2
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.
This book has been written to cover the syllabus of B.Sc. Physics (and chemistry)
of all Colleges and Universities. The subject matter includes Basic Ideas
(Temperature and heat, measurement of temperature, gas laws and gas equation,
intensive and extensive properties, thermodynamic system and coordinator, PvT
surfaces, heat capacity, mechanical equivalent of heat and thermal expansion),
Kinetic theory (Brownian motion, kinetic model of gases and deductions of gas
laws, degrees of freedom, principle of equipartition of energy, Maxwell-Boltzmann
distribution law and its experimental verification, mean free path, transport
phenomena and thermal conductivity), Real gases and their liquefaction and
production and measurement of very low temperatures (van der Waals equation,
Joules expansion, Joule-Thomson cooling, porous plug experiment, adiabatic
demagnetization, liquefaction of gases and approach to absolute zero), The first
law of thermodynamics and thermodynamic properties, application of the first law
and concept of a perfect gas, reversible and irreversible processes and the second
and third laws of thermodynamics, Carnots’ cycle, thermodynamic temperature
scale, entropy, real heat engines, negative temperatures, thermodynamic potentials
and Maxwell’s relations and change of phase and, in the last thermal radiation
(Emission and absorption, Prevost theory and laws of radiation).
The authors are thankful to Mr. N.K. Mehra and Mr. Shashikant (Narosa
Publishing House) for bringing out the book in a short time. We hope that the
book would be helpful to undergraduate students and aid to their understanding
of the subject.
A.K. Saxena
C.M. Tiwari
Preface v
1. Basic Ideas 1.1
1.1 Thermodynamics 1.1
1.2 Zeroeth Law of Thermodynamics and Temperature 1.1
1.3 Temperature and Heat 1.1
1.4 Gas Thermometers 1.3
1.5 Absolute Zero 1.5
1.6 Triple-Point Cell 1.6
1.7 Temperature Measurement with a Constant-Volume Gas 1.8
1.8 International Practical Temperature Scale 1.9
1.9 Resistance Thermometer 1.10
1.10 Thermocouple 1.11
1.11 Ideal Gases and Gas Laws 1.12
1.12 Avogadro’s Number 1.15
1.13 Universal Gas Constant, Boltzmann Constant and 1.16
Ideal Gas Equation
1.14 The “System” 1.17
1.15 Intensive and Extensive Properties 1.18
1.16 Thermodynamic System and Thermodynamic Coordinates 1.19
1.17 P-v-T Surface for an Ideal Gas and Boyle’s Law 1.20
1.18 Behaviour of Real Gases (Equation of State and 1.22
P-v-T Surfaces)
1.19 Heat Capacity 1.26
1.20 Heat: Its Nature and Units 1.27
1.21 Mechanical Equivalent of Heat 1.28
1.22 Thermal Expansion 1.30
Questions 1.36
Objective Type Questions 1.37
viii Contents
Basic Ideas
Thermodynamics is the branch of physics in which we study the relationship
between the heat energy and mechanical energy or in general, any other form
of energy. In thermodynamics, we neither consider the internal structure of the
substance, nor we consider the motion of its particles, rather we consider only the
macroscopic properties of the substance.
32° 0°
68 x
32 0
1.3.1 Pressure
The pressure P is defined as the magnitude of the force per unit area and the unit
of pressure in the MKS system is 1 newton per square meter (1 Nm–2). A pressure
of exactly 105 Nm–2 (= 106 dyne.cm–2) is called 1 bar, and a pressure of 10–1 Nm–2
(= 1 dyne cm–2) is 1 microbar (1 mbar).
A pressure of 1 standard atmosphere (atm) is defined as the pressure
produced by a vertical column of mercury exactly 76 cm in height, of density
r = 13.5951 g cm–3 at a point where g has its standard value of 980.665 cm s–2.
From the equation P = rgh, we find
1 standard atmosphere = 1.01325 × 106 dyne cm–2
= 1.01325 × 105 Nm–2
Hence, 1 standard atmosphere is very nearly equal to 1 bar, and 1 m bar is very
nearly 10–6 atm.
A unit of pressure commonly used in experimental work at low pressures is
1 Torr (named after Torricelli (1608-1647)) and defined as the pressure produced
by a mercury column exactly 1 mm. in height, under the above conditions.
1 Torr = 133.3 Nm –2
Bulb containing
known volume Mercury
of any gas
Fig. 1.3 A gas thermometer. The changing volume of the trapped gas is read from the height of the
mercury column in front of the scale. (In order to keep the mercury level the same on both sides, the right
hand tube is lowered as the gas heats; the gas in the bulb will therefore remain at atmospheric
pressure at all temperature)
Ts – T0 = 100 (4)
Equations (3) and (4) define the Kelvin or Absolute Scale. The solution of
these equations gives
T0 = 273.16 K
Ts = 373.16 K
The absolute and centigrade temperatures are therefore related by
T K = 273.16 + t°C (5)
There is something peculiar that should be noted about the left (low-temperature)
side of the graph. We cannot extend the line indefinitely as we can on the other
(high-temperature) side, because it soon runs into the axis of the graph indicating
a zero volume. Then it would be ridiculous to extend the line any farther since,
as far as we know, a gas with a negative volume is an idea that has no meaning.
So this point, where our graph seems to be heading, is called the absolute zero of
The apparent intention of the gas to shrink to zero volume at absolute zero is
naturally never fulfilled. All gases liquefy before this point is reached; in fact even
before it begins to liquefy, a gas commences to deviate considerably from its more
regular behaviour at higher temperatures. Ingenious experimental procedures and
theoretical corrections, however, have revealed that the temperature of absolute
zero is – 273.16°C. A temperature scale beginning with 0 at absolute zero is an
absolute temperature scale.
The most common absolute scale uses the same size degree as the Celsius
scale and is called the Kelvin scale (K), named after Lord Kelvin (England). Since
the Kelvin degree is the same size as the Celsius degree, and begins counting 273°
lower on the scale, it follows that in order to convert a temperature given in °C
into K, we need only to add 273. This concept of an absolute zero is an important
one in physics, since the triple-point of water is – 273.16°C and internationally
chosen as the standard fixed point for the absolute scale.
vapour coexist in equilibrium (a state known as the triple point of water), provides
the standard reference temperature. The temperature of the triple point of water
which can be very accurately and reproducibly measured was assigned the value
273.16 Kelvin, corresponding to 0.01°C, in order to maintain the magnitude of
a unit of temperature. Note that the word “degree” has been dropped from the
Kelvin scale, so the triple point temperature is abbreviated as 273.16 K. This
temperature is the standard fixed point of thermometry.
To achieve the triple point, water of the highest purity which has substantially
the isotopic composition of ocean water is distilled into a vessel like that shown
schematically in Fig. 1.5.
Fig. 1.5 Triple-point cell with a thermometer in the well, which melts a thin layer of ice nearby
When all air has been removed, the vessel is sealed off. With the aid of a
freezing mixture in the inner well, a layer of ice is formed around the well. When
the freezing mixture is removed and replaced with a thermometer, a thin layer of
ice is melted nearby. So long as the solid, liquid and vapour coexist in equilibrium,
the system is at the triple point.
Celsius temperature t (i.e., centigrade temperature) is defined by the equation
t = T – Ti
where T is the absolute or thermodynamic temperature and Ti is the thermodynamic
temperature of the ice point (= 273.15 K).
At the ice point, T = Ti, t = 0°C and at the triple point of water, T = 273.16 K
t = 0.01°C and at the steam point t = 100°C. Some Kelvin and Celsius temperatures
are compared in Fig. 1.6.
1.8 Heat and Thermodynamics
Steam point 373 K 100°C
100 Kelvins
100 deg C
Ice point 273 K 0°C
Fig. 1.6 Comparison of some Kelvin and Celsius temperatures. Temperatures have been
rounded off to the nearest degree
If we next put the bulb in a triple point cell, the temperature now being measured
T3 = Cp3 (3)
where p3 is the gas pressure now.
Eliminating C between Eqns. (1) and (3), we get temperature
p p
T = T3 __ ( ) __
p3 = (273.16 K) p3 ( ) (4)
Table 1.1 Basic fixed points on the International Practical Temperature Scale of 1948.
Substance Designation °C °K
Oxygen normal boiling point – 182.97 90.18
Water normal freezing point 0.00 273.15
standard triple point 0.01 273.16
normal boiling point 100.00 373.15
Sulphur normal boiling point 444.60 717.75
Antimony normal melting point 630.5 903.6
Silver normal melting point 960.8 1233.9
Gold normal melting point 1063 1336
1.10 Heat and Thermodynamics
Rt = (RQ /RP)R.
From the oxygen point (– 182.97°C) to the triple point of water (0.01°C), the
temperature t is given by
Rt = R0 [1 + At + Bt2 + C (t – 100) t3]
where Rt is the resistance of the platinum wire at t°C and R0 at 0°C. The constants
R0, A, B and C are determined by measurements at the oxygen point, the triple
point of water, the steam point and the sulphur point.
From the triple point of water to the antimony point (630.5°C), the temperature
t is given by
Rt = R0 [1 + At + Bt2]
The constants are determined by the triple point of water, the steam point and
the sulphur point.
When two wires of different metals are joined to form a closed circuit, an electric
current flows round the circuit so long as the two junctions are kept at different
temperatures. The thermal emf E produced is measured with a potentiometer
(Fig. 1.10). The thermocouple is calibrated by measuring the emf at various
known temperatures, the reference junction being kept at 0°C. The temperature t
at the test junction is given by
E = a + bt + ct2
for the range 650.5°C to the gold point (1063°C).
1.12 Heat and Thermodynamics
given mass of a gas increases (decreases) by (1/273)
of its volume at 0°C on increasing (decreasing) the
temperature by 1°C. V
Let at a constant pressure, the volume of given mass Fig. 1.11 P-V graph
of a gas at 0°C be V0 and at t°C be Vt. Since increase in
volume of gas on increasing its temperature by t°C will be V0t/273, therefore, the
volume of a gas at t°C is given by
Vt = V0 + ____
or [
Vt = V0 1 + ____
273 ] (2)
– 273 0 t
Temperature t (in °C)
V1 [1 + (t1/273)]
__ = ___________
V2 [1 + (t2/273)]
273 + t1 T1
= _______ = __
273 + t2 T2
or = constant (3)
i.e., V μT
Thus, at a constant pressure, the volume of given mass of a gas is directly
proportional to its absolute temperature.
Pressure Law
Keeping the volume constant, if given mass of gas is heated, its pressure increases.
Experimentally, it is found that at a constant volume, the pressure of a given
mass of a gas increases (decreases) by 1/273 of its pressure at 0°C or increasing
(decreasing) its temperature by 1°C.
Let at a constant volume, the pressure of given mass of a gas at 0°C be P0 and
at t°C be Pt. Then by pressure law
Pt = P0 + ____
or [
Pt = P0 1 + ____
273 ] (4)
– 273 0 t
Temperature t (in °C)
Fig. 1.13
Basic Ideas 1.15
P1 = P0 1 + ____ ;
273 )
P2 = P0 1 + ____
273 )
P1 1 + (t1/273)
\ __ = __________
P2 1 + (t2/273)
273 + t1 T1
= _______ = __
273 + t2 T2
or = constant
i.e., PμT (5)
Thus, at a constant volume, the pressure of a given mass of a gas is directly
proportional to its absolute temperature.
R 8.31 J/mol.K
k = ___ = _______________
NA 6.02 × 1023 mol–1
or nR = Nk (6)
Substituting this into Eqn. (1) gives a second expression for the ideal gas law:
(Note the difference between the Eqns. (1) and (7), for the ideal gas law: Eqn.
(1) involves the number of moles n, whereas Eqn. (7) involves the number of
molecules N).
The data for CO2 are plotted in Fig. 1.14 for three different temperatures. The
remarkable feature of these curves is (a) that they all converge to exactly the same
point on the vertical axis, whatever the temperature and (b) that the curves for all
Basic Ideas 1.17
other gases converge to exactly the same point. This common limit of the ratio
Pv/T as P approaches zero is, the universal gas constant (R). The unit of Pv/T is
or = R (ideal gas)
Since v = V/n
\ PV = nRT
For an ideal gas, the curves in Fig. 1.14 coalesce into a single horizontal straight
line at a height R above the pressure axis.
R = 8.3143 × 10
Ideal gas
Pv/(J kilomole K
T3 > T2 > T1
2 T1
0 2 4 6 8 × 10
Pressure (Nm )
Fig. 1.14 The limiting value of Pv/T is independent of T for all gases. For an ideal gas,
Pv/T is constant
If ‘mass’ is held constant the system is called a closed system. The surrounding
walls of a closed system must not permit any material transport across them.
Although mass of a closed system remains constant, yet the energy may vary. This
implies that surrounding walls though impermeable to matter should be permeable
to energy (This implies that the walls should be made of good conductors of heat
or electricity).
If the enclosing walls are impermeable to both matter and energy, the system
is said to be an isolated system. Thus, the enclosing walls of an isolated system
should be impervious, rigid and made of non-conducting materials (One of the
nearest approaches to an isolated system is a Dewar flask).
The mass and energy of an isolated system remains constant because it does not
interact with its environment in terms of both mass transfer and energy transfer.
Thus, the isolated system though highly idealized and practically unattainable is
a useful concept in performing energy analysis because system plus environment
can always be taken as an isolated system.
If a system communicates with its environment in terms of both mass transfer
and energy transfer, it is called an open system.
Apart from the terms ‘closed’, ‘open’ and ‘isolated’, there are also other
adjectives to qualify systems further. These are, for example, isothermal (meaning
same temperature), isobaric (meaning same pressure), adiabatic (meaning
no exchange of heat with the environment), isochoric (meaning no change of
volume) etc. These adjectives can be used to qualify a process e.g., an isothermal
process (i.e., a process at constant temperature) isochoric process (a process in
which volume remains constant).
Further, the minimum number of independent variables necessary for
complete description of the system are called state variables. These variables
define the state of the system. State variables in fact are mostly the experimentally
determinable properties of a system (Property is an attribute which belongs to a
system and which, in principle, can be quantitatively evaluated). It must be borne
in mind that property should be relevant to the context. For example, while talking
about thermodynamics, the relevant properties are energy, volume, temperature,
pressure, etc. Note that heat and work are not properties as they do not belong to
the system. These are operations which are performed on the system to alter its
energy. In thermodynamics, the central theme is energy and energy transfer. The
relevant properties are therefore, those that are involved with energy in some way
or the other.
intensive and those that are halved are called extensive. The intensive coordinates
of a system, such as temperature and pressure, are independent of the mass; the
extensive properties are proportional to the mass. Extensive properties are thus
additive i.e., their value for the whole system is equal to the sum of the values for
the individual parts. Intensive properties are not additive.
An extensive variable X, when divided by the mass m or the number of moles
n of system, becomes an intensive variable x
x = __
m or x = __
nM = m
system (e.g., PV = RT is the equation of state for a perfect gas). It is clear from
the equation of state that out of the thermodynamic coordinates P, V and T, only
two coordinates are independent variables, which can be chosen arbitrarily, the
third coordinate is the dependent variable and can be determined with the help of
equation of state.
lume e
Figures 1.16(a) and 1.16(b) are projections of the lines in Fig. 1.15 onto the P-v
and P-T planes.
Volume Temperature
(a) (b)
Fig. 1.16 Projections of the ideal gas P-v-T surface onto (a) the P-v plane, and (b) the P-T plane
Pv = RT = constant (1)
( )
P = ___ T = constant × T
That is, the pressure is a linear function of the temperature T. The dotted lines
in Fig. 1.16(b) are graphs of Eqn. (2) for different volumes and hence different
values of the constant.
If the pressure of a fixed mass of an ideal gas is constant,
( )
V = ___ T = constant × T
Potential Energy V
Potential Energy V (r)
Separation Separation
s e
(a) (b)
The van der Waals force (F = – ∂V/∂r) is repulsive for distances less than
~ 2.5 × 10–10 m which is of the order of diameter of the molecule. The attractive
force becomes vanishingly small for distances ~ four times the diameter. Within
1.24 Heat and Thermodynamics
this range the attractive force is about 5 × 10–13 Newtons. Though this force is
small, considering the fact that molecular masses are of the order of a 10–26 kg,
this attractive force plays a significant role in molecular motion.
(P + a/v2) (v – b) = RT (6)
where a is a constant. This is known as the van der Waals equation of state for a
real gas. The term (a/v2) is called internal pressure. It is clear that at low pressure
v >> b and also a/v2 << P, so that Eqn. (6) will closely approximate to the ideal
gas equation. The constants a and b vary from gas to gas. Table 1.3 gives the
values of constants a and b for a few gases.
Basic Ideas 1.25
Table 1.3 Values of van der Waals constants, for P in atm., v in cc/mole, T in K and R = 0.0820575
li atm/K mole.
Substance a b
li2 atm/mole2 cc/mole (li/mole)
He 0.0341 23.7 (0.0237)
H2 0.244 26.6 (0.0266)
CO2 3.59 42.7 (0.0427)
H2O 5.46 30.35 (0.0305)
Figure 1.18(a) is a diagram of a portion of the P-v-T surface of van der Waals
gas and Fig. 1.18(b) is a projection of a number of isotherms onto the P-v plane.
Fig. 1.18 (a) P-v-T surface for a van der Waals gas; (b) Isotherms of a van der Waals gas
Similar sorts of P-v-T surfaces and isotherms can be constructed for other real
RT a
P = _____ – __2 (7)
v–b v
Substituting the values of a and b for CO2 in the above equation, if we plot
a graph of P against v at different constant temperatures, we get the isotherms
shown in Fig. 1.19.
1.26 Heat and Thermodynamics
It is well known that Cp is generally greater than Cv. The more rigorous
thermodynamic approach to Cp and Cv will be presented in the next chapter. It
will be seen that in the case of incompressible substances, Cp and Cv are more or
less equal. In the differential form, we can express
∂T( )
Cp = _____ ∫ ___
dT ( )
Cv = _____ ∫ ___
∂T v
(dQ)p and (dQ)v are heat supplied at constant pressure and constant volume
This relation between the joule and the 15-degree calorie is necessarily subject
to some experimental uncertainty. For this reason, and also so as not to base the
definition of the calorie on the properties of some particular material (i.e., water)
an international commission has agreed to define the New International Steam
Table calorie (the IT calorie) by the equation.
1 3600
One IT calorie = ____ watt hour = _____ joules (exactly)
860 860
Then, to five significant figures
1 IT calorie = 4.1860 joules.
1.28 Heat and Thermodynamics
Here, the figure of 860 was chosen so that the IT colorie chosen would agree
closely with the experimental value of the 15-degree calorie.
Since the relations between the joule and the foot-pound (FPS unit of energy),
between the gram and the pound-mass, and between the Celsius and Fahrenheit
degrees are also matters of definition and not subject to experimental uncertainty.
The British thermal unit is also defined exactly in terms of the joule. To five
significant figures
1 Btu = 778.28 foot-pounds.
For many years, it was thought that heat was a substance contained in material.
The first conclusive evidence that it was not was given by Count Rumford (1753
– 1814) (He observed the temperature rise of the chips produced while boring
cannons. He concluded that heat flow into the chips was caused by the work of
boring). However, the precision measurements of the mechanical equivalent of
heat were made by Joule (next article). The experiments were performed in a
period from 1840 to 1878, and although, Joule expressed his results in English
units, they are equivalent to the remarkably precise value of
1 calorie = 4.19 joules.
(The energy unit, 1 joule, was not introduced or named until after Joule’s death
and the standardized 15-degree calorie had not been agreed on at the time of
Joule’s work).
However, the true significance of Joule’s work went for beyond a mere
determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat. By means of such above
mentioned experiments, and others of a similar nature, Joule concluded that there
was in fact a direct proportion between “work” and “heat” and he succeeded in
dispelling the belief, prevalent at that time that “heat” was an invisible, weight
less fluid known as “caloric”. It may be said that Joule not only determined the
value of the mechanical equivalent of heat but also provided the experimental
proof that such an equivalence actually existed.
Fig. 1.20 Joule’s apparatus for determining the mechanical equivalent of heat
vanes attached to the walls of the vessel. The axle with the paddles was driven
by a weight hanging from a cord, and thus, the work done by the descending
weight was transformed by friction into heat produced in the water. Knowing the
amount of water in the vessel, Joule could measure the rise of its temperature and
calculate the total amount of heat produced, the driving weight and the distance
of its decent gave the total amount of mechanical work done. Repeating this
experiment many times and under different conditions, Joule established that
there is a direct proportionality between these two qualities and that “the work
done by the weight of 1 pound through 772 feet at Manchester will, if spent in
producing heat by friction in water, raise the temperature of 1 pound of water
one degree Fahrenheit”. In CGS units, it means that one calorie of heat is the
equivalent of 4.18 × 107 ergs of work or 4.18 Joules.
Joules work confirmed the basic ideal that was commencing to be seriously
considered at the time, namely, that heat is energy in the same sense that
mechanical energy is, and although one form of energy can be transformed into
another (kinetic, potential, heat, electrical, chemical, etc.), the total sum of the
energy in any system remains constant. This law of conservation of energy led to
the statement of the first law of thermodynamics.
1.30 Heat and Thermodynamics
\ Tbp = __
p3 × 273.16 (ii)
Basic Ideas 1.31
Now, from the given formula for p, the measured pressure would be
p3 (T = 273.16) = 1.0136
pb (T = 373.15) = 1.3874
\ From (ii), we get
Tbp = 373.88°K.
Example 1.2 Prove that the change in period t of a physical pendulum with
temperature T is given by
Dt = __ at DT
Solution The time period
t = 2p ÷l/g
1 l–1
\ Dt = 2p × __ _______
__ Dl
2 2/÷g
Dt __
__ 1 Dl ÷g __1 Dl
or = ___
__ × ___
_ = __
t 2 gl ÷l 2 l
1 1
= __ a l DT = __ aDT,
2l 2
\ Dt = __ at DT.
Example 1.3 Density is mass per unit volume. If the volume V is temperature
dependent, so is the density. Show that change in density Dr with change in
temperature DT is
Dr = – grDT
where g is the volume coefficient of expansion.
Solution Density r = __
Dr = – ___2 DV
But DV = gV DT
Therefore Dr = – ___2 (gV DT)
= – __ g DT
1.32 Heat and Thermodynamics
or Dr = – gr DT
The minus sign implies that r decreases with rise in temperature.
Example 1.4 Show that when the temperature of a liquid in a barometer changes
by DT and the pressure is constant, the height h changes by Dh = gh DT where g is
the coefficient of volume expansion.
Solution The pressure p of the liquid is p = hrg where h is the height of mercury
and r is the density and g, the acceleration due to gravity.
Differentiating, assuming p to be an exact differential, we have
∂p ∂p
dp = ___ Dh + ___ Dr
∂h ∂r
Since p is constant \ dp = 0
0 = rg Dh + hg Dr
Dividing by hrg, we have
Dh Dr
0 = ___ + ___
h r
and using the result of the previous problem
Dr = – gr DT
we get
Dh = – ___ . h
= gh DT
Example 1.5 Show that the volume thermal expansion coefficient for an ideal gas
at constant pressure is 1/T.
Solution Let the initial volume of the gas be Vo at temperature To, at constant
pressure p and DT rise in temperature corresponds to the increase in volume by
Then, from gas equation pV = nRT, we have
p (Vo + DV) = nR (To + DT) (i)
and pVo = nRTo (ii)
pDV = nR DT (iii)
nR __ Vo
But ___
p To (from Eqn. (ii))
Basic Ideas 1.33
Example 1.8 Assuming the Avogadro number NA = 6.02 × 1023 mol–1, universal
gas constant R = 8.31 J mol–1 K–1 and the molecular weight of hydrogen = 2,
calculate (i) mass of one molecule of hydrogen (i.e., H2) and (ii) Boltzmann
(i) Mass of 1 molecule of hydrogen
Molecular Weight
= ________________
Avogadro’s number
= _________ gm = 3.32 × 10–24 gm
6.02 × 1023
= 3.32 × 10–27 kg
(ii) Boltzmann constant
R 8.31
k = ___ = _________
NA 6.02 × 1023
Example 1.9 The volume of a gas at a pressure 1.2 × 107 Nm–2 and temperature
400 K is 1 litre. Assuming the Avogadro’s number NA = 6.02 × 1023 per mole,
calculate the number of molecules in the gas.
Solution We know that number of molecules is 22.4 litre of any gas at N.T.P.,
(P = 1.01 × 105 Nm–2 and T = 273 K) = Avogadro’s number NA (= 6.02 × 1023).
Thus, we first need to find the volume of the given gas at NTP
P1V1 P2V2
____ = ____
T1 T2
P 1 T2
or V2 = __ × __ × V1
P2 T1
= 81.09 litre
Basic Ideas 1.35
Since at NTP, the number of molecules in 22.4 litre gas is 6.02 × 1023, \
number of molecules in 81.09 litre gas
= _____ × 6.02 × 1023
= 2.18 × 1024
Thus at a given temperature and pressure, 1 litre gas will have 2.18 × 1024
Example 1.10 Centigrade and Fahrenheit thermometer are immersed in a fluid in
which the Fahrenheit reading is thrice that of the centigrade reading. What are the
absolute values of temperature in °K and °R.
Solution Let the reading of the centigrade thermometer be t°C. Then that in
Fahrenheit thermometer will be 3t°F.
C ______
__ F – 32
Now =
5 9
3t – 32
t__ ______
\ =
5 9
or 6t = 160
\ t°C = 26.7°C
3t°F = 80°F
Hence, the absolute temperature will be
T °K = 273.169 + t°C = 273.16 + 26.7
= 299.86°K
and T °R = 459.8 + 3t°F (\ 0°F Æ 459.8°R)
= 459.8 + 80 = 539.8°R
Example 1.11 The resistances of a platinum resistance thermometer at 0°C
and 100°C are 2.56 and 3.56 ohms respectively. Calculate the true temperature
when the resistance of the thermometer is 5.56 ohms. Given, for pure platinum
a = 3.94 × 10–3, b = – 5.80 × 10–7.
Solution If Rt and Ro be the resistances at t°C and 0°C respectively, then
Rt = Ro (1 + at + bt2) (i)
where a and b are constants. Then, the temperature tpt measured by Pt thermometer
Rt – Ro
tpt = _______ × 100 (ii)
R100 – Ro
1.36 Heat and Thermodynamics
where Ro, R100 and Rt represent the resistances at 0°C, 100°C and t°C
Using Eqn. (i), Eqn. (ii) can be written as
at + bt2
tpt = × 100 (iii)
100a + (1002)b
Then the true temperature can be given by
at + bt2
t – tpt = t –
100a + (1002)b ]
× 100
where d=
a + 100b
Since the rhs of Eqn. (iv) contains t, the true temperature can be evaluated by
the method of iteration. Thus t = 309°C.
1. Explain the terms intensive and extensive properties of a system.
2. Explain the terms ‘closed’ and ‘open’ system. What do you understand
by isothermal process, isobaric process, isochoric process and adiabatic
3. Describe Joule’s experiment for determination of mechanical equivalent
of heat.
Basic Ideas 1.37
4. Describe a constant – volume gas thermometer. How it can be used for the
measurement of temperature of a gas inside a bulb?
5. Explain how the ideal gas equation gets modified in case of a real gas.
6. Why does the behaviour of a real gas differ from an ideal gas? Deduce the
van der Waals equation of state for the real gases.
7. Discuss the nature of van der Waals forces.
8. The volume of 1 mol of ideal gas at 0°C is 1 litre. Calculate its pressure.
If the gas obeys van der Waals equation of state and van der Waals gas
constants are a = 0.37 Nm4/mole2, b = 43 cm3/mole, find the pressure.
[Ans. 2.27 × 106 N/m2, 2 × 106 N/m2]
9. Write short notes on
(a) Avogadro’s number (b) Universal gas constant
(c) Platinum resistance thermometer (d) van der Waals interaction
(e) Triple point cell
1. (c); 2. (a); 3. (b); 4. (c); 5. (c); 6. (a); 7. (a);
8. (c); 9. (a); 10. (a); 11. (c)
Kinetic Theory
We form such an equation for each particle which is in the fluid and take the
mean of these expressions for all particles:
________ ____
2 2
m __
[ ]
2 dt dt
____) – m 2 = – __f d(x
d d(x
2 dt
____) + Xx
Kinetic Theory 2.3
___ As X varies in a completely irregular manner, one assumes that the mean value
Xx vanishes.
Also from the equipartition theorem:
m = kT
d(x d ( __2 )
____) = __
So, using x
dt dt
we get
______ ____
2 2
m __
2 dt dt[ ]
d d(x
____) + __
1 d(x )
f ____- = kT
2 dt
____) = u
__ du __
m ___ 1
Then + fu = kT
2 dt 2
The general solution for u is
2 ft
u = kT __ + C exp – __
f m ( )
where C is an integration constant. Now, as m is very small, the ratio f/m is very
large, so the exponential term has no influence after the first extremely small time
interval: ____
d(x2) 2
u = ____ = kT __ (5)
dt f
Integration from t = 0 to t = t, we have
__ ___
x2 – x02 = kT __ t
If now, we set x0 = 0 at t = 0 and write Dx2 instead of x2, then
__ 2
Dx2 = kT __ t (6)
The physical significance of f is that it is a force per unit velocity which can
be derived from Stokes law for the viscous force acting on a sphere of radius r
moving with velocity v in a fluid of viscosity h:
force F = 6phrv
Therefore, f = __
v = 6phr (7)
___ ___ __ 1
or ÷Dx2 = ÷kT ÷t × ______
_____ (8)
R t
or Dx2 = __ T _____ (9)
N 3phr
where k ∫ R/N.
Here t is the time taken for random walk and N is the number of steps of random
walk. Equation (9) is the Einstein formula for the mean square displacement.
Since Brownian motion is brought about by molecular collision, this is of great
importance for the verification of the kinetic theory.
dn 1
or – ___ = __ (n1 – n2) (2)
dx D
__ 1
(n – n2) t = __ (n1 – n2) D
D 1 2
or D = ___ (3)
Now, we calculate the coefficient of diffusion from the osmotic pressure
difference. Let the osmotic pressure acting on surface S1 and S2 be p1 and p2.
Then from gas laws
p1 = n1kT, p2 = n2kT (4)
Hence in the cylinder, there acts a force along x given by
(p1 – p2) A = (n1 – n2) kTA (5)
This force acts on nAD number of particles inside the cylinder, n being the
mean concentration. Thus the force acting on a single particle is
(n1 – n2) n1 – n2 kT
f = _______ kTA = ______
(nDA) D
kT ___
= – ___
n dx (6)
– kT dn
or nv = _____ ___
6phr dx
This is the number of particles moving along the positive x-direction, per
second per unit area. Also, from the definition of diffusion coefficient
RT 1
D = ___ . _____ (8)
NA 6phR
Now, equating the two values of diffusion coefficient (from Eqns. (3) and (8)),
we get
D2 ___
___ 1
RT _____
= .
2t NA 6phr
RT 1
or D2 = ___ _____ t (9)
NA 3phr
2.6 Heat and Thermodynamics
Equations (3) and (8) have been verified experimentally. Brillouin measured the
coefficient of diffusion D and with the help of Eqn. (8) calculated the Avogadro’s
number NA. Equation (9) is the Einstein’s equation for the displacement D in
time t.
Integrating, we get
n = C exp – ___ z
kT ] (3)
C = no exp ___ zo
kT ] (4)
n = no exp – ___ (z – zo)
kT ]
[NA mg
= no exp – ______ (z – zo)
RT ] (5)
where NA = Avogadro’s number and R = NAk is the universal gas constant. The
above equation states that the number density of the Brownian particles decreases
with increase of height according to an exponential law.
From Eqn. (5), we have
mg(z – zo) n( )
NA = _________ ln __ (6)
If r and r¢ be the densities of the suspended particles and the liquid, then the
effective mass m of the suspended particle is
m = __ p (s/2)3 (r – r¢)
= __ p s3 (r – r¢) (7)
where s is the diameter of the particle. Hence
N = _________________
p s (r – r¢) (z – zo)
ln __
n ( ) (8)
volume, temperature, internal energy and entropy. The picture of chaotic (random)
motion of gas molecules will be incomplete if we do not consider the collisions
of gas molecules with one another and with the walls of the container. Thus, due
to the aggregate effect of impact with the container walls, a pressure is exerted on
the walls.
direction i.e., the only change in the particles momentum is along the x-axis and
is given by
Dpx = (– mvx) – (mvx) = – 2mvx (1)
and the momentum Dpx delivered to the wall by the molecule during the collision
is + 2mvx.
The molecule of Fig. 2.1 will hit the shaded wall repeatedly. The time Dt
between collisions is the time the molecule takes to travel to the opposite wall
and back again (i.e., a distance of 2L) at speed vx. Therefore
Dt = ___
v (2)
(Note that the above result holds even if the molecule happens to bounce off any
of the other walls along the way, as those walls are parallel to x and so cannot
change vx). Consequently, the average rate at which momentum is delivered to the
shaded wall by this single molecule is
Dpx 2mvx mvx2
___ = _____ = ____ (3)
Dt 2L/vx L
_› dp
From Newton’s second law F = ___
To find the total force on the wall, we need to add up the contributions of all the
molecules that strike the wall, allowing for the possibility of all having different
speeds (vx1, vx2, …, vxN). Since pressure is force per unit area, we have
2 2 2
Fx mvx1 /L + mvx2 /L + … + mvxN /L
P= 2=__ __________________________
L 2
( )
= __3 (v x1
+ v 2x2 + … + v xN
) (4)
where N = total number of molecules in the box. Since N = (nNA), there are
nNA terms in the second parentheses on the r.h.s. of the above equation so, we
can replace this quantity by nNA(vx2)avg, where (vx2 )avg is the average value of the
square of the x-components of all the molecular speeds. Then Eqn. (4) becomes
mnNA 2
P = _____ (vx )avg (5)
But mNA ∫ the molar mass M of the gas (i.e., mass of 1 mole of the gas) and
L = V (volume of the cube), therefore
Mn (vx2 )avg
P= _________ (6)
2.10 Heat and Thermodynamics
1 1
Kavg = __ m (v2)avg = __ mv2rms (12)
2 2
assuming that the average speed of the molecule during our observation is the
same as the average speed of all the molecules at any given time (provided, the
total energy of the gas remains constant). But
vrms = ____
Kinetic Theory 2.11
( )
Kavg = __ m ____
2 M
(molar mass
m = mass of a molecule = NA) (15)
We can regard Eqn. (18) as a definition of gas temperature on the kinetic energy
__ at the microscopic level. An increase
__ T of a gas is equivalent to an increase
in E of its constituent molecules or E μ T.
at constant pressure (Charle’s law)
1 __ __
P = __V mNC 2 ( representing C 2 ∫ V rms
) (4)
( C 2 is the mean square velocity ).
Consider now two gases a and b at the same temperature T and pressure P.
Then for equal volumes of the two gases
___ ___
1 1
PV = __ ma Na Ca2 = __ mb Nb Cb2 (5)
3 3
If the two are at the same temperature, the mean kinetic energy of molecules of
the two gases will also be the same i.e.,
___ ___
__ 1
m C 2 = __ m C 2 (6)
2 a a 2 b b
From Eqns. (5) and (6),
Na = Nb
hence at the same pressure and temperature equal volumes of all gases have the
same number of molecules. This is Avogadro’s Law.
2 N 1 __
= __ __ × __ mC 2 (7)
3V 2
(where N is the total no. of molecules in volume V).
1 __ 2
But mC μ T
1 __ 2
or mC = aT (8)
(where a is a constant of proportionality)
\ P = __ __ × aT
( )
2 Na
= __ ___ T
3 V
or P = P1 + P2 + P3 (20)
This is the Dalton’s law of partial pressures.
1 1 1 1
K = __ mvx2 + __ mvz2 + __ Ix wx2 + __ Iy wy2 (4)
2 2 2 2
To find the total energy of the gas, we must find average energy of a single
molecule and then multiply by the number of molecules.
The five terms in Eqn. (4) represent independent ways in which a molecule can
absorb energy and are called degrees of freedom i.e.,
Degrees of freedom are the number of independent ways that molecules can
possess energy.
A monatomic molecule has three degrees of freedom. A diatomic molecule has
five degrees of freedom, (three translational and two rotational degrees).
Now, according to Maxwell’s theorem on equipartition of energy (see next
When the number of molecules is large, the average energy per molecule
is __ kT for each independent degree of freedom.
Thus, for a monatomic ideal gas, the average energy per molecule is __ kT
( 1
3 degrees of freedom × __ kT and for NA molecules:
Eint = NA × __ kT
= __ nRT (monatomic gas)
For a diatomic gas,
Eint = NA × __ kT
= __ nRT (diatomic gas) (5)
A polyatomic gas (more than two atoms per molecule) generally has three
possible axes of rotation (unless the three atoms be in a straight line, as for CO2).
Then the kinetic energy of a single molecule would have a sixth term __ Iz wz2
( )
Eint = NA × __ kT
or Ei = (4)
Úe– bEi dpi Ú¢e– bE¢ dq1 … dpf
Kinetic Theory 2.19
The primes on the last integral signs in the numerator and denominator indicate
that these integrals extend over all the coordinate q and momenta p except pi.
Here, the explicit limits in the integral reflect the fact that the momentum pi can
assume all possible values from – • to + •.
Consider now that Ei be a quadratic function of pi, as it would be if it represents
kinetic energy i.e.,
Ei = bpi2 (7)
where b is some constant. Then,
+• +•
– bEi
Ú e dpi = Ú e– bbpi dpi (8)
–• –•
Let y ∫ ÷b pi, then
+• +•
( 1__
Ú – bEi
e dpi = ___ Ú e– by dy; dpi = ___ dy
–• ÷b – • ÷b
+• +•
ln Ú
– bEi
dpi = – __ ln b + ln
2 [Ú–•
e– by dy ] (9)
If the functional forms of Eqns. (1) and (7) had been the same (except for
involving qi instead of pi) then all our previous arguments would be identical and
would thus lead again to Eqn. (10). Hence, we arrive at the following statement
known as the equipartition theorem:
“If a system described by classical statistical mechanics is in equibrium at
the absolute temperature T, every independent quadratic term in its energy has a
mean value equal to 1/2 kT.”
This is of great importance in thermodynamics for instance, due to this law, the
mixtures of ideal gases obeys the Dalton’s law of partial pressures.
Fig. 2.3
Kinetic Theory 2.21
( Ú Ú Ú dx dy dz = V )
C is a constant of proportionality.
2.22 Heat and Thermodynamics
Ú P(p)dp = 1
Ú Ú Ú ___3 e– (p
+ py2 + pz2)/(2mkT)
or x
dpx dpy dpz = 1
+• +• +•
___ 2 2 2
or Ú e– px /(2mkT) dpx Ú e– py /(2mkT) dpy Ú e– pz /(2mkT) dpz = 1
3 –•
h –• –•
we get
+• +• +•
– px2/(2mkT) – py2/(2mkT) 2
Ú e dpx = Ú e dpy = Ú e– pz /(2mkT) dpz
–• –• –•
________ ______
= ________ = ÷2pmkT
\ C = ___________ (7)
Substituting the value of constant C in Eqn. (6) we get
P(p)dp = ______
2pmkT ( ) 3/2 – (p 2 + p 2 + p 2)/(2mkT)
e x y z
dpx dpy dpz (8)
f(vx) f(vy) f(vz) dvx dvy dvz = ______
2pmkT ( ) 3/2 – m(v 2 + v 2 + v 2)/(2kT)
e x y z
× m3 dvx dvy dvz
= ______
2pmkT ) 3/2
e– m(vx
+ vy2 + vz2)
dvx dvy dvz (9)
m 1/2 – mvy2/(2kT)
( )
N(vy) = N _____
m 1/2 – mvz2/(2kT)
and N(v ) = N ( _____ )
z e
N(v ) = __
x e N(v ) | x |max
m 1/2 – mvx2/(2kT) m
1 _____
or (
N _____
2pkT ) e = __ (
e 2pkT ) 1/2
or e– mvx /(2kT) = e–1
or vx = ± ÷2kT/m
Area enclosed by N(v ) vs. vx curve with vx axis
vx or ·vxÒ = ______________________________________
Ú v N
x (vx) dx
m 1/2 – mvx2/(2kT)
vx N _____
Ú 2pkT ( e
m 2
= _____
2pkT ) 1/2
Ú vx e– mvx /(2kT) dvx
\ ·vxÒ = 0
Similarly ·vyÒ = 0 and ·vzÒ = 0
(vii) Root Mean Square Value of vx
We know that
(vx)rms = ÷·vx2Ò
m 1/2 – mvx2/(2kT)
or 2
·vx Ò =
Úvx2 N _____
dvx )
m 2
= _____
2pkT ) 1/2
e– mvx /(2kT) vx2 dvx
(vy)rms = ÷kT/m ;
(vz)rms = ÷kT/m .
where dvx dvy dvz represents volume element in the velocity space. Since Eqn. (1)
is the equation of a sphere (of radius c) we may use spherical polar coordinates.
dvx dvy dvz = c2 dc sin q dq df
2.26 Heat and Thermodynamics
m 3/2 2 – mc2/(2kT)
or N(c) dc = 4pN _____
2pkT ( ) c e dc
m 3/2 2 – mc2/(2kT)
or N(c) = 4pN ( _____ ) c e
This is the Maxwell Boltzmann’s speed distribution function.
d m
or ___
dc { (
4pN _____
2pkT ) 3/2 2 – mc2/(2kT)
c e }c = cm
) { 2ce –mc2/(2kT) 2mc
( )}
or (
4pN _____
+ c2 e– mc /(2kT) – ____
2kT c = cm
or ( mc2
1 – ____
2kT ) c = cm
\ m ÷
cm = ____ (2)
( m
(N(c))max = 4pN _____
2pkT ) ( ____
m )e
2kT m2kT/(m2kT) Fig. 2.6 Maxwell Boltzmann speed
distribution function
or (N(c))max = 4N _____ e– 1
Ú c N(c) dc
·cÒ = ________
2.28 Heat and Thermodynamics
= 4p _____
2pkT )
Ú c3 e– mc /(2kT) dc
m 1
·cÒ = 4p ( _____ ) ________
\ m
2pkT 2 ( ____ )
____ 2kT
or ·cÒ = ÷____
mp (4)
Root Mean Square Speed ÷·c2Ò
Ú c2 N(c) dc
·c2Ò = _________
1 m 3/2 2 – mc2/(2kT)
= __ Ú c2 × 4pN _____
N0 2pkT ( ) c e dc
m 2
= 4p _____ ) 3/2
Ú c4 e– mc /(2kT) dc
= ____
____ ______
\ crms = ÷·c2Ò = ÷3kT/m (5)
where g(dŒ) is the number of microstates in the energy range Œ and Œ + dŒ.
Since each molecule has only the translational motion (with 3 degrees of
freedom) therefore, we consider a six-dimensional phase space to express its
state. The volume of each phase cell is h3.
Now g(dŒ) = __3 Ú Ú Ú Ú Ú Ú dx dy dz dpx dpy dpz
___ ___
1 m
dp = ÷2m × __ × Œ– 1/2 dŒ = ___ dŒ
2 2Œ ÷
V m
g(dŒ) = __3 × 4p (2mŒ) × ___ dŒ
h 2Œ ÷
= ____ pVm3/2 Œ1/2 dŒ
Substituting this value in Eqn. (7), we get
C × 4÷2
dN = _______
pVm3/2 Œ1/2 × e– Œ/kT dŒ (8)
To find the value of constant C, we integrate the above equation for Œ from 0
to •, therefore
__ •
4÷2 pVm3/2
Ú dN ∫ N = C × Ú Œ1/2 e– Œ/kT dŒ (9)
h3 0
But Œ = ___, therefore
dŒ = ____
__ •
4÷2 pVm3/2 ______
1 2
\ N = C × __________
× __ 3/2 Ú p2 e– p /(2mkT) dp (10)
h ÷2 m 0
• __
2 p
1 __
But Ú x2 e– ax dx = ___
4a a ÷
• _______
2 – p2/(2mkT) 1 p
fi Úp e dp = _________ _______
( 1
4 _____
) ÷(
2mkT )
Kinetic Theory 2.31
fi C = ___________ (11)
Substituting the value of C in Eqn. (8)
Nh3 4 ÷2 Vm3/2 1/2 – Œ/kT
dN = ___________ × _____________ e e dŒ (12)
V(2pmkT)3/2 h3
or dN = 2pN ____
pkT ( )
1 3/2 1/2 – Œ/kT
Œ e dŒ (13)
or [ ___
P ]
(Œ) Œ = Œ
( )
2p ____
3/2 d [ 1/2 – Œ/kT ]
Œ e Œ = Œm = 0
or [ ____
2 Œ
e – Œ/kT 1
– ___ Œ1/2 e– Œ/kT
kT ] Œ = Œm
fi Œm = ___ (16)
This is independent of the mass of the molecule.
·ŒÒ = Ú Œ P(Œ) dŒ
( )
= Ú Œ × 2p ____
0 pkT
Œ1/2 e– Œ/kT dŒ
= 2p ( ____ ) Ú Œ
1 3/2 3/2 – Œ/kT
e dŒ
pkT 0
2.32 Heat and Thermodynamics
( )
·ŒÒ = 2p ____
3/2 2
Ú x3 e– x /kT (2xdx)
= 4p ( ____ )
1 3/2 2
Ú x4 e– x /kT dx
or ·ŒÒ = __ kT (17)
For 1 mole of gas
·ŒÒ = NA × __ kT
or ·ŒÒ = __ RT (18)
where NA is Avogadro number and R is universal gas constant.
Example 2.1 The molar mass M of oxygen is 0.0320 kg/mol.
(a) What is the average speed of oxygen gas molecules at T = 300 K?
(b) What is the root mean square speed at 300 K?
(c) What is the most probable speed at 300 K?
cavg = ____
pM ÷
8 × 8.31 J/mol.K × 300 K
= _____________________
p (0.0320 kg/mol) ) 1/2
= 445 m/s.
crms = ____
M ÷
3 × 8.31 J/mol.K × 300 K
= _____________________ = 483 m/s.
÷ 0.0320 kg/mol
Kinetic Theory 2.33
cm = ____
2 × 8.31 J/mol.K × 300 K
= _____________________
÷ 0.0320 kg/mol
= 395 m/s.
1. Stern’s Experiment
Maxwell distribution law of velocities has been verified by the experimental
arrangement due to Stern. The principle of Stern’s experiment can be explained
by Fig. 2.8, where L is a platinum wire coated with silver. The wire L serves as the
source of atoms, whose velocity is studied. When the wire is heated by an electric
current, it emits atomic silver in all directions. The wire L is surrounded by two
cylindrical diaphragms with narrow slits S1 and S2. The slits are parallel to the
wire. Through these slits, a stream of silver escapes and condenses on the plates P
and P¢. The whole apparatus is enclosed in a highly evacuated glass vessel, so that
the silver atoms may not suffer any collisions in space. The slits S1 and S2 and the
plates P and P¢ rotated together as a rigid body about the wire L as the axis.
When the entire system is at rest, the silver stream transverses along LO and
deposited at O. When the system is rotated at a high speed in a clock-wise as
shown in Fig. 2.8, the silver molecules will no longer strike the target at O but will
be displaced from O and deposited at some point A above O. The faster moving
molecules will condenses near O than slow ones. Thus the velocity spectrum
2.34 Heat and Thermodynamics
against the displacement S (in cm). The circles denote the observed density of
deposit while the line represents the theoretical distribution on the basis of the
Maxwellian distribution law. The agreement is good which confirms the Maxwell
distribution law.
Fig. 2.10 The relative intensity I/Io of deposit as a function of displacement S. The circles
represent the experimental values
v S
taken as the source of atoms, which is heated in the oven. A slit S is placed at a
distance of 1 metre from A, T is a thin tungsten wire placed at a distance of 1
metre from the slit s. It serves as a target A. The entire arrangement A, S and T are
along one strictly horizontal line. The entire arrangement is enclosed in a highly
evacuated chamber.
The Cesium atoms flow out of the oven through A. In the absence of gravitational
field, they would strike the target at T. However, due to gravitational field the atoms
travel along a parabola. The atoms emerging from A with a velocity horizontally
along the X-axis will not pass through the slit S and will not reach the target.
The atoms emerging from A at a small angle q, (as shown in Fig. 2.11) will pass
through S and strike the target.
The tungsten wire-target is heated by an electric current passing through it.
When Cesium atoms strike the wire-target, they get ionized. These positively
charged ions, leaving the target, get into the negatively charged cylinder
surrounding the target. Thus, an electric current of ions passes between the wire
and the cylinder, which can be measured with accuracy. The ionic current gives
the number of atoms hitting the target. Moving the target in a vertical direction
such as positions T ¢ and T ≤, the ionic current and hence the number of atoms
hitting the target is measured at different heights. We find the number of atoms
having different velocities-the atoms hitting at T¢ have velocity higher than those
at T ≤. This gives us the distribution of atoms with velocities. This is in complete
agreement with the Maxwell distribution law of velocities.
where c is the mean speed of the molecule and t the total time in covering the free
paths, then
l1, 2 + l2, 3 + … + lv, v + 1 _ct
l ∫ _____________________
v = __
v (2)
In deriving Eqn. (3), we have assumed that A collides with other stationary
molecules. Actually, all the molecules are moving. Consequently, we should write
_ _
v = pd 2 crel tnv, where crel is the mean relative speed of A with respect to other
A detailed calculation, taking___ into account the actual speed distribution of__
the molecules, yields crel = ÷2 c. In a simple picture, the origin of the factor ÷2
can be seen by considering the relative velocities of two molecules at the point
of collision, Fig. 2.14. The extreme cases are the head-on collision (a) and the
grazing collision
__ _ (b). The average case appears to be the 90° collision (c), for
which crel = ÷2 c. Therefore, Eqn. (3) becomes
2.38 Heat and Thermodynamics
_ _
ct ________
l = __
v = pd 2 _c n
rel v
1 0.707
= ________
__ = ______ (4)
÷2 p d 2 nv p d 2 nv
c c
2 c
crel = 2c crel = 0 crel = 2 c
Fig. 2.14 Relative speeds: (a) head-on collision, (b) grazing collision, and (c) right-angle collision
l = _______
__ (5)
÷2 p d 2p
If n pairs of passengers are exchanged per unit time between the two trains,
there will be an average force + m (v2 – v1) n tending to speed up train 1 and an
average force – m (v2 – v1) n tending to slow down train 2. A distant observer who
is unable to see the exchange of passengers will feel that this result is due to some
frictional drag between the trains.
The mechanism by which one layer of flowing gas exerts a viscous drag on
an adjacent layer is exactly similar, the gas molecules taking the role of the
exchanged passengers.
( dv
px(C) = m v + l ___
dz ) (1)
( dv
px(A) = m v – l ___
dz ) (2)
The same number will cross Q in the upward direction as can be evaluated by
drawing the cylinder PQ between the layers A and B.
1 _
The layer B itself will also discharge __ nvc molecules per second per unit
area towards both A and C layers. The resultant behaviour is summarized in
Table 2.1.
Kinetic Theory 2.41
Table 2.1 Molecules crossing unit area Q in the layer B per second.
Number Horizontal momentum
1 _ 1 _
h = __ mnv c l = __ r c l (5)
3 3
Since l = ( ÷2 pnv d 2 )–1, we can write
h = ______
__ (6)
÷2 p d 2
This relations can be used to compute molecular diameters, since m, c and h
can all be measured (or calculated).
From Eqn. (6), we conclude that the viscosity of a gas is proportional to c, that
is to T , and is independent of nv, that is, of the pressure. Both these conclusions
are in good agreement with experiments. Deviations occur at very low pressures
2.42 Heat and Thermodynamics
( dT 1 _
Q(C) = mcv T + l ___ __ nvc from the upper layer C
dz 6
n(C) (A)
v – nv =
6 ( dnv _ 1
) ( dnv _
nv + l ___ c – __ nv – l ___ c
dz 6 dz )
1 _ dnv
= __ lc ___ ∫ G
3 dz
The basic law of diffusion, due to Fick, is
G = D ___
where D is the coefficient of self diffusion. Therefore
1 _ 1
D = __ lc = __ _____
3 pd nv
2( )_
c (9)
Example 2.2 Assuming the Avogadro number NA = 6.02 × 1023 mol–1, universal
gas constant R = 8.31 Jmol–1 K–1 and the molecular weight of hydrogen = 2,
calculate (i) mass of one molecule of hydrogen and (ii) Boltzmann constant.
(i) Mass of one molecule of H2
Molecular weight
= _______________
Avogadro No.
= __________ g = 3.32 × 10–24 g
6.02 × 1023
= 3.32 × 10–27 kg
T2 = 0°C = 273 K
v2 rms = v1 rms × __
or v2 rms = 3.89 × 10 2
= 4.1 × 10 ms–1
Example 2.5 Calculate the translational kinetic energy of 1 mole gas at 0°C.
Solution Number of degrees of freedom per molecule for translational motion
= 3.
Accordingly, mean kinetic energy of a molecule
= 3 × __ kT
= __ kT
\ Mean translational kinetic energy per mole
= NA × __ kT
= __ RT
= __ × 8.3 × 273 = 3.4 × 103 J
Example 2.6 Calculate the temperature at which the root mean square velocity of
a H2 molecule is 3/2 times that of a O2 molecule at 27°C. The molecules weight
of H2 is 2 and that of O2 is 32.
Solution Let T1 be the temperature of H2 molecule of molecular weight m1. Then
the r.m.s. velocity of H2 molecule is
C1 = ____
2.46 Heat and Thermodynamics
or ( )
3 3kT2
( )
= __ ____
2 m2
T1 __
___ 9 ___T2
or m1 = 4 × m2
9 m1
or T1 = __ ___ T
4 m2 2
9 2
= __ × ___ × 300 K
4 32
= 42.19 K
Hence, the temperature of H2 gas in °C is
= 42.19 – 273
= – 230.81°C
Example 2.7 The r.m.s. speed of the smoke particles suspended in air at 200 K is
2.8 cm/s. The mass of each smoke particle is 1.55 × 10–17 kg.
Calculate the Avogadro’s number, taking R = 8.31 J/g mole K.
Solution Given T = 300 K,
m = 1.55 × 10–17 kg
vrms = 2.8 cm/s = 0.028 m/s
R = 8.31 J/g mole K
The smoke particles in air behave like the molecules of a perfect gas and their
average kinetic energy at temperature T will be 3/2 kT.
__ 3
\ m(vrms)2 = __ kT
2 2
or k=
1.55 × 10–17 × (0.028)2
= ___________________
3 × 300
= 1.35 × 10–23 J/K
Kinetic Theory 2.47
Avogadro’s number
NA = __
= __________
1.35 × 10–23
= 6.16 × 1023 per gm-mole
Example 2.8 Calculate the mean free path and collision frequency of air under
normal condition when the radius of the air molecule is 10–10 m, number density
is 1025 m–3 and mean velocity is 500 m/s.
Solution The mean free path is given by
l = _______
÷2 pd2n
and the collision frequency
n = __
where n is the number density, d is the diameter of air molecule and c is the mean
velocity. Here
n = 1025 m–3
d = 2 × 10–10 m
c = 500 m/s
l = _____________________
÷2 × p (2 × 10–10)2 × 1025
= 5.63 × 10–7 m
n = __________
5.63 × 10–7
= 8.89 × 108 s–1
Example 2.9 Calculate the probability that a molecule of helium at temperature
0°C under the pressure 50 Pa covers the distance 0.75 mm without collisions: The
diameter of helium molecule is 2.6 × 10–8 cm.
Solution The probability of covering a distance x without collisions is
[ ]
f(x) = exp – __
2.48 Heat and Thermodynamics
d = 2.6 × 10–8 cm,
x = 0.75 mm = 0.075 cm
k = 1.38 × 10–16 erg/K
T = 273 + 0 = 273 K
P = 50 Pa = 50 × 10 dynes/cm2
and \
1.38 × 10–16 × 273
l = ____________________
÷2 p (2.6 × 10–8)2 × 500
= 0.0251 cm.
Therefore, probability
f(0.075) = exp – ______
0.0251 ]
= 5 × 10–2
Example 2.10 Using mean free path concept, show that in a gas at ordinary
pressures, the number of molecules striking unit area of the wall per second is
1/4 nc.
Solution If Pc be the collision probability, then the number of collisions suffered
by the molecules having velocity between c and c + dc per unit volume per second
is 1/2 Pc nc dc where nc dc is the number of molecules per unit volume in that
velocity range. The factor 1/2 comes because each molecule is counted twice in
the collision with other molecules. The number of molecules per unit volume
coming straight from collision in 1 sec. is
( )
Pc nc dc = __ nc dc
where lc is the mean free path of the molecules moving with velocity c.
Let us consider the molecules striking the area dA of the surface in a direction
making an angle q with the normal to the surface contained within the solid angle
Coming from a distance lying between x and x + dx in the above mentioned
direction, these molecules will be contained in an element of volume x2 dx dw.
Kinetic Theory 2.49
Example 2.11 If the viscosity of nitrogen be h = 1.66 × 10–5 kg m–1 s–1, the
average velocity of the molecules c = 4.5 × 102 m/s and the density r = 1.25 kg/
m3 and n = 2.7 × 1025 molecules/m3 for nitrogen, calculate the mean free path,
collision frequency and the molecular diameter.
1 _
Solution h = __ r cl
\ Mean free path l = ___
3 × 1.66 × 10–5 kg m–1 s–1
1.25 kg m–3 × 4.5 × 102 m s–1
= 8.85 × 10–8 m
Collision frequency =
4.5 × 102 m s–1
c _____________
__ =
l 8.85 × 10–8
= 5.08 × 109 s–1
l = _______
÷2 p nd2
d = _______
or diameter
÷2 p nl
2.50 Heat and Thermodynamics
[ 1
= _________________________________
÷2 (3.14) 2.7 × 10 m × 8.85 × 10–8 m
25 –3 ] 1/2
= 0.031 × 10–8 m
Example 2.12 Calculate the viscosity coefficient of H2 gas at NTP from the
following data
The density r = 8.96 × 10–2 kg.m–3
The mean free path l = 1.69 × 10–7 m,
The Boltzmann constant
k = 1.38 × 10–23 J/K.
Solution Coefficient of viscosity
1 _
h = __ rcl
1 _
= __ × 8.96 × 10–2 kg.m–3 × c × 1.69 × 10–7 m
_ 8kT
Now pm÷
c = ____
[ ]
_ 8 × 1.38 × 10–23 J K–1 × 273 K
\ c = _________________________
3.14 × 3.32 × 10–27 kg
= 48.09 × 102 ms–1
\ h = __ (8.96 × 48.09 × 1.69) kg m–1 s–1
= 242.7 × 10–7 kg m–1 s–1
= 2.43 × 10–5 kg m–1 s–1
Example 2.13 Transform the Maxwell distribution function going from the
variable v to the variable u = v/vmp where vmp is the most probable speed of the
Solution The Maxwell’s distribution function is
f(v) = __
2 ___
÷ ( )
p kT ( )
v exp – ____
3/2 2
Kinetic Theory 2.51
We know that
vmp = ____
m ÷
f(v) = __
p ÷
× 2
__ m
÷2 ____
2kT ( ) 3/2 2
v [ ( )] mv2
exp – ____
÷p v3
4__ ____
= ___
( )
– v2
dnv ___
____ 4 v2
= __ ____
ndv ÷p v3mp
– v2
v2mp ( )
÷p v3
4__ ____
dn = n × ___
– v2
v2mp ( )
Since ___
v ∫u
\ dv = vmp du
÷p v3
4__ ____
dn = n × ___
– v2
( )
4__ 2
or dn = ___ nu exp (– u2) du
– ____ 1
or e 2kT = __
or e mvx /(2kT) = 2
or ( )
____ = log 2 = 0.693
2kT e
\ (
1.386 kT
vx = ± ________
m ) 1/2
1. What is an ideal gas? Derive an expression for pressure exerted by an ideal
gas. Mention the basic assumptions.
2. Give the fundamental assumptions of the kinetic theory of gases. Show
that the pressure exerted by a perfect gas is two-third the kinetic energy of
molecules per unit volume.
3. What are the essential features of the kinetic theory of gases. Apply it to
explain the Boyle’s law, Charle’s law and Avogadro’s law.
4. Derive Maxwell’s law of distribution of velocities for the molecules of a
gas. Give a suitable experiment for its verification.
5. On the basis of kinetic theory of gases, deduce an expression for
(a) the mean velocity
(b) the most probable velocity
(c) the root mean square velocity
6. State and prove the classical law of equipartition of energy. Discuss its
7. Show that the number of molecules is the speed range c and c + dc is
N(c) dc = 4pN _____
2pkT ( )
e–mc /2kT c2 dc
vrms = ___
÷ r
where P is the pressure and r the density of gas.
10. What is Brownian motion? Explain it. On the basis of Einstein’s theory of
Brownian motion, deduce an expression for Avogadro’s number.
11. Prove that the mean energy corresponding to each square term in the
expression for energy of a system (or corresponding to each degree of
freedom) in thermal equilibrium at absolute temperature T is 1/2 kT where
k is Boltzmann constant. Then prove that the average kinetic energy of a
gas molecule is 3/2 kT.
1. (a); 2. (c); 3. (b); 4. (c); 5. (b); 6. (c); 7. (a);
8. (c); 9. (d); 10. (a); 11. (d); 12. (a); 13. (b); 14. (c);
15. (c); 16. (a).
Real Gases, Liquefaction of Gases
and Production and Measurement
of very Low Temperatures
H 2 30
H 2 600°K
Ideal gas
CO 2
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 3.1 Curves representing equations of state for a few real gases [After: B.K. Agarwal
Thermal Physics, Lokbharti Publications Allahabad India (1988)] the figure shows
departure from the perfect gas law
3.2 Heat and Thermodynamics
The result of these experiments showed that no gas is perfect, that is, no gas
obeys Boyle’s law. The nature of deviations can be displayed by plotting pv against
p, Fig. 3.3. Experiments of this kind were also performed later on by Holborn and
Otto in Berlin and by Kamerlingh-Oanes and Keesom in Leiden. These days such
measurements are made with modern high pressure techniques at various bureaus
of standards. It has been shown that the inert gases give curves similar to that of
hydrogen. Gases which are most easily liquefied (for example, CO2) deviate the
most from the perfect gas behaviour.
RQ 2
RQ 3
Perfect gas
CO 2
It is seen that from Fig. 3.3 that as p Æ 0, the product pv approaches the same
value for all gases (including perfect gas) at the same temperature,
= RQ (3)
v v
pA pA
pB pB
pC pC = pB
pD = pB
pE = pB
(a) (b)
Fig. 3.4 Isothermal compression of (a) a perfect gas, and (b) a real gas
of the cylinder. As the piston is further pushed to the right, the volume continues
to decrease without any increase of pressure (curve BCDE parallel to V-axis).
This is the process of liquefaction or condensation, beginning at B and ending at
E. As liquids are nearly incompressible, beyond the point E considerable increase
in the pressure has to be employed to achieve any reduction in volume. Therefore,
the curve rises nearly vertically from E to F.
Such isothermal curves at several temperatures were obtained by Thomas
Andrews in 1863 for carbon dioxide with a simple apparatus shown in Fig. 3.5.
Carbon dioxide was enclosed in a calibrated glass tube by a pellet of mercury,
the open end of the tube being in a water chamber to which pressure was applied
by screwing in a plunger. The pressure was measured by noting the decrease in
volume of air in a similar tube. The portions of tubes containing CO2 and air were
enclosed in two separate water baths, with the one around CO2 maintained at any
desired temperature between 0°C and 100°C and the other around air maintained
at a constant temperature throughout.
Real Gases, Liquefaction of Gases and Production and... 3.5
The resulting curves are shown in Fig. 3.6. These curves can be divided into
two classes:
1. At 31.1°C and above: The p-v curves are similar to though not so steep as,
the curves for air.
2. Below 30°C: Each portion shows three distinct portions, as in Fig. 3.4b.
For a typical curve abcd at 21.5°C the CO2 is gaseous (vapour) between a
and b, liquefying between b and c (both liquid and vapour being present
together in equilibrium), and liquid beyond c.
p atm
80 P S O
x Gas
70 N
c 21.5°C b isotherm
60 Liquid + Va
vapour M pour
13.1°C Q
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
It is usual to refer to a gas in equilibrium with its liquid (i.e., a saturated vapour)
or to a gas below its critical temperature as a vapour. The properties of vapour
differ in no essential way from those of a gas.
It is clear from the curves of Andrews that Qc is the temperature above which
the substance cannot be liquefied, however, great the pressure. The point X with
coordinates pc, vc on the isotherm for the critical temperature Qc is called the
critical point. At the critical point the substance passes from the gaseous to the
liquid state.
Real Gases, Liquefaction of Gases and Production and... 3.7
( 1
pv = A 1 + B __
v + C v2 + … ) (5)
Experimental data for a real gas can be fitted closely if large number of virial
coefficients are included in the expansion. However, soon the computation problem
becomes difficult. Therefore, it is useful to consider simple modifications of the
perfect gas equation.
A Dutch physicist van der Waals suggested a useful form for the real gases in
1873. His equation is
( p + ___Va ) (v – b) = Rq
where a and b are constants. The importance of this equation lies in its general
application as an approximate equation over wide ranges of variables and for
a wide range of gases. For a gas occupying a large volume, the van der Waals
equation reduces to the perfect gas equation.
Rq a
p = ______ – __2 (7)
(v – b) V
or pv3 – (Rq + bp)v2 + av – ab = 0.
The van der Waals equation is cubic in v. We obtain for q < qc (the critical
temperature), either three real roots (three values of v for a single value of p as at
x, y, and z in Fig. 3.8) over a certain range of values of p, or two imaginary roots
and one real root at pressures above and below this range. As the temperature
increases, the three real roots approach one another and at qc, they become equal
(critical point X). The maxima and minima points (like A and B) also merge into
one point X, which is, therefore, the point of inflexion with a horizontal tangent.
At q > qc, only one real root exists for all values of p.
The maxima and minima of the isotherms for q > qc are not usually observed.
However, by using very pure gases and liquids, the portions xA (supersaturated
vapour) and By (supercooled liquid) can be experimentally realized. They are
metastble states.
We have drawn the locus of the maxima and minima of the isotherms as a
dotted curve in Fig. 3.8. Its equation is found by the condition that the tangent to
( )
the isotherm is horizontal, ___ = 0 where q = constant i.e., from Eqn. (7)
dv q
( )
Rq 2a
= – _______2 + ___3 = 0
(v – b) v
The maximum of the dotted curve determines the critical point X. It is obtained
by the condition that the tangent to the dotted curve described by Eqn. (8) is
( )
d ___
dv dv q ( )
d 2p
∫ ___2
dv q
=0 (9)
_______ 6a
– ___4 = 0 (10)
(v – b) v
At the critical point X (pc, vc, qc), the three Eqns. (7), (8) and (10) must be
simultaneously satisfied i.e.,
Rqc a
pc = _______ – ___2 (11)
(vc – b) vc
– Rqc
_______ 2a
+ ___3 = 0 (12)
(vc – b) vc
_______ 6a
– ___4 = 0 (13)
(vc – b) vc
From Eqns. (12) and (13), we get
vc _____
__ vc – b
3 2
or vc = 3b (14)
Substituting this value in Eqn. (12), we get
qc = _____ (15)
3.10 Heat and Thermodynamics
Rqc __
____ 8
pc vc ∫ 3 = 2.67 (for all gases) (17)
The observed values of Rqc/(pc vc) fall in the neighbourhood of 3.5. Thus van
der Waals equation is not closely obeyed by any gas in the neighbourhood of its
critical point. However, it is still a very convenient equation over a wide range.
q2c [8a/(27Rb)]
___________ = ____
pc = 2
a/(27b ) 27R2
27R2 q c
a = ____ ___ (18)
64 pc
qc _________
__ 8a/(27Rb) ___
pc = a/(27b2) = R
R qc
\ b = __ __ (19)
8 pc
Thus, knowing qc and pc, the values of van der Waals constants a and b can be
Fig. 3.9 P-V isotherms for van der Waals equation of state (a) obtained from
Andrew’s experiment for CO2; (b) theoretical curves for CO2
Example 3.1 Show that the van der Waals gas law departs from perfect gas law
by 62.5% at critical temperature.
Solution The van der Waals equation is
( p + ___Va ) (V – b) = RT
a ab
or pV – bp + __ – ___2 = RT (i)
The perfect gas equation is
pV = RT (ii)
The deviation is obtained by subtracting Eqn. (ii) from Eqn. (i) at Tc:
a ab
– bp + __ – ___2 = R (Tc – T)
3.12 Heat and Thermodynamics
a ab
or RDT = – bp + __ – ___2
8a a
Now, Tc = _____, pc = ____2 , Vc = 3b
27Rb 27b
So, at the critical point
a a ab
RDT = – b ____2 + ___ – ___2
27b 3b 9b
Using Tc value i.e.,
a ______
__ = ,
b 8
we have
1 27RTc 1 27RTc 1 27RTc
RDT = – ___ × ______ + __ × ______ – __ × ______
27 8 3 8 9 8
DT __
___ 5
\ =
Tc 8
DT __
___ 5
or = × 100%
Tc 8
= 62.5%
( )
∂p p=0
= (B + 2Cp + 3Dp2 + …)p = 0
=B (2)
We define a temperature QB at which B = 0. From Fig. 3.10, we see that B is
negative at Q < QB and positive at Q > QB. For Q = QB and p Æ 0 we have B = 0
so that the expansion (1) reduces to
pv = A
that is, Boyle law holds approximately again. For this reason QB is called the
Boyle temperature.
For a van der Waals gas we can find QB by calculating ∂(pv)/∂p and equating it
RQ a
to zero at p = 0. Thus van der Waals equation pv = _____ – __2 gives
v–b v
RQv a
pv = _____ – __
v–b v
∂p [1 v a
= RQ _____ – RQ ______2 + __2
v–b (v – b) v ]( )∂v
∂p Q
[ RQb
(v – b)
= – _______2 + __2
v ]( ) ∂v
∂p Q
a 27
or QB = ___ = ___ Qc (4)
Rb 8
The van der Waals equation can be written as
pv = RQ 1 – __
v ) –1
– __
b b__2
= RQ 1 + __
v + v2 + … – v )
= RQ 1 + _________
b – (a/RQ) __
+ 2+…
v ] (5)
At QB, we can put Q = QB = a/Rb. Then for p small, or large v, Eqn. (5)
reduces to
3.14 Heat and Thermodynamics
pv = RQB (6)
for a real van der Waals gas.
It is useful to plot (pv/RQ) vs. p as shown in Fig. 3.11 for CO2. Then all the
curves converge exactly to the same point on the vertical axis, whatever the
temperature, because in the limit of low pressure lim (pv) = A = RQ. The curve at
QB is parallel to the p-axis for small p values.
Fig. 3.11 (pv/RQ) vs. p graph for CO2 [After B.K. Agarwal, Thermal Physics, Lokbharti
Publications, Allahabad, India (1988)]
Qr = ___ (7)
p = ____2 pr, v = 3b vr,
Q = _____ Qr (8)
and the van der Waals equation becomes
( 3
pr + ___2 (3vr – 1) = 8Qr
Real Gases, Liquefaction of Gases and Production and... 3.15
This is a remarkable equation because it does not involve the constants a and b
characteristic of a particular gas. It holds for any van der Waals gas. The statement
that it is a universal equation valid for all gases is called the law of corresponding
states to the extent that real gases obey the van der Waals equation. Different
gases with the same pr, vr and Qr are said to be in corresponding states.
Thus, on bringing any change in pressure and volume of an ideal gas, its
temperature remains constant i.e., its internal energy remains unchanged. This is
known as Joule’s law. In other words, we can say that according to Joule’s law,
the internal energy U of an ideal gas only depends on its temperature T and does
not depend on its volume V and pressure P. Mathematically, for an ideal gas
U = f(T)
( )
∂V T
( )= 0,
∂P T
and ( ) ( )
∂T P
= ___
∂T V
Thus, internal energy of an ideal gas remains unchanged with pressure and
volume at a constant temperature and change in internal energy per degree change
in temperature remains same whether pressure remains constant or volume
remains constant.
Remember that Joule’s law is true only for an ideal gas.
Joule’s coefficient
∂V( )
h = ___
∂V( )
h = ___
1 a
= – ___ ___2
From above Eqn. (5), since a, CV and V are the positive quantities, hence Joule’s
coefficient for a real gas is negative. It means that cooling effect is produced on
Joule’s expansion of a real gas which is in arrangement to the experimental fact.
Porous Plug Experiment The apparatus used in the experiment is shown in Fig. 3.13.
In this experiment, experimental gas is taken in a cylinder A, compressed at a high
pressure by means of a piston P and is passed through a spiral tube S. The spiral
tube S is kept immersed in a water bath W maintained at a constant temperature so
that the temperature of the compressed gas remain constant. The compressed gas
at a constant temperature coming from the tube S enters a wide tube B, the upper
end of which is open to atmosphere. Inside the tube B, there is a porous plug G
made of cotton or silk and placed in between the two perforated discs D, D which
are surrounded by a container C filled with asbestos so that it remains insulated.
There are two platinum resistance thermometers T1 and T2 inside the tube B which
measure respectively the temperature of gas before and after passing through the
porous plug. The pressure of gas before entering the porous plug is equal to the
pressure of gas entering the tube B which is measured by a manometer (not shown
in the figure), while the pressure of gas coming out of the porous plug is equal to
the atmospheric pressure.
This experiment was performed for different gases and varying the initial
pressure and temperature of the gas before entering the porous plug, different
observations were obtained. From the various observations, following conclusions
were drawn.
For a given pressure difference across the plug, there is a definite temperature
for each gas, called the temperature of inversion Ti. If the initial temperature of
the gas is lower than Ti, the gas shows the cooling effect after passing through the
plug and if the initial temperature of the gas is higher than Ti, the gas shows the
heating effect after passing through the plug.
a a
= ___ – ___ (2)
V1 V2
From Eqns. (1) and (2), total work done by the gas
a a
W = (P2 V2 – P1 V1) + ___ – ___
V1 V2 ) (3)
( P + ___Va ) (V – b) = RT
a ab
or PV = RT + Pb – __ + ___2
= RT + Pb – __
V ( ab
is negligible
Substituting the above value of PV in Eqn. (3)
3.20 Heat and Thermodynamics
a a a a
( ) ( )
W = RT2 + P2b – ___ – RT1 + P1b – ___ + ___ – ___
V2 V1 V1 V2
2a 2a
= R(T2 – T1) – b(P1 – P2) + ___ – ___
V1 V2
Now, if from the ideal gas equation PV = RT, the approximate values of V1 and
V2 are assumed to be V1 = ____ and V2 = ____ respectively, then
P1 P2
2aP1 2aP2
W = R(T2 – T1) – b(P1 – P2) + _____ – _____
= (P1 – P2) ___ – b – RdT
Since the porous plug is insulated hence neither the gas absorbs heat nor it
rejects heat. As a result, the total work done by the gas is obtained from the kinetic
energy of its molecules due to which the temperature of gas decreases by dT. If
molar specific heat of the gas at constant volume is CV, the decrease in internal
kinetic energy of gas due to fall in temperature by dT is
dU = CV (T2 – T1) = CV dT (5)
Now, from the law of conservation of energy
W = dU
or (2a
(P1 – P2) ___ – b – RdT = CV dT
(CV + R) dT = (P1 – P2) ___ – b
RT )
Since CP – CV = R
or CV + R = CP
CP dT = (P1 – P2) ___ – b
RT )
1 2a
( )
dT = ___ ___ – b (P1 – P2)
Real Gases, Liquefaction of Gases and Production and... 3.21
The above equation gives the expression for cooling of a real gas in Joule
Thompson effect. In this expression, since P2 < P1 therefore P1 – P2 is always
positive. Obviously, in Joule-Thompson effect, the change in temperature of a real
gas is directly proportional to the pressure difference P1 – P2 across the porous
Now, from Eqn. (6), it is clear that
( )
(i) If ___ > b or T < ___, the quantity ___ – b is positive, hence dT will be
positive i.e., the temperature decreases with decrease in pressure. In other
words, the gas on passing through the porous plug gets cooled.
( )
(ii) If ___ < b or T > ___, the quantity ___ – b is negative, hence dT will be
negtive i.e., the temperature increases with decrease in pressure. In other
words, the gas after passing through the porous plug gets heated.
Rb (2a
(iii) If ___ = b or T = ___, the quantity ___ – b = 0, hence dT = 0, i.e., there is
no change in temperature of gas on passing through the porous plug. This
temperature is called the temperature of inversion
Ti = ___ (7)
The temperature of inversion of hydrogen and helium are below the ordinary
temperature. Therefore, these gases (H2 and He) show heating effect in adiabatic
throttling process. If these gases (H2 and He) are first cooled below their
temperature of inversion and then passed through the porous plug, they also show
the cooling effect.
Refer to Section 3.14.
3.22 Heat and Thermodynamics
2a (V – b)2
or Ti = _________ (8)
RV 2b
Robeck and Oesterberg experimentally
observed the Joule-Thomson effect at
different initial pressures. They found that
there are two temperatures of inversion 300 225°C
P1 P2
V1 V2
T1 T2
Porous Plug
allowed to flow slowly through the plug in such a way that its pressure in A is kept
constant at P1 by the movement of the piston towards the plug. At the same time
piston B is adjusted in such a way that the low pressure P2(< P1) is kept constant.
Let the final volume in B, after all the gas has streamed through the porous plug,
be V2 and its temperature T2. The significant datum obtained in this experiment
is the change in temperature due to flow of the gas through the porous plug (by
measuring temperatures T1 and T2).
The whole system is insulated, so there is not heat transfer to the surroundings
and therefore Q = 0. Therefore, the change in internal energy is equal to the work
done by the system. The total work done is
W = P1V1 – P2V2 (1)
Then DU = U2 – U1 = P1V1 – P2V2
or (U2 + P2V2) – (U1 + P1V1) = 0
or H2 – H1 = 0
or DH = 0 (2)
This shows that the Joule-Thomson experiment is carried out under constant
enthalpy conditions.
When the gas involved is perfect, H is a function of T only and therefore DH = 0
implies that DT = 0 or T2 = T1 (no temperature change for a perfect gas). For an
imperfect gas it generally depends on whether T2 > T1 or T2 < T1> If T2 < T1, the
gas will be cooled and if T2 > T1, the gas will be heated. The crucial temperature
is called the Joule-Thomson inversion temperature. Above this temperature, there
will be heating and below this temperature there will be cooling upon Joule-
Thomson expansion.
For most gases, the Joule-Thomson inversion temperature lies above the room
temperature so, no precooling is necessary before they are allowed to expand
3.24 Heat and Thermodynamics
through a porous plug. Helium and hydrogen are exemptions; these are heated
when Joule-Thomson expansion occurs at room temperature (They require
precooling for liquefaction).
The Joule-Thomson coefficient m is defined as the change in temperature per
unit change in pressure when the enthalpy is constant i.e.,
( )
m = ___
∂P H
From this equation it follows that if the gas cools in the process, the Joule-
Thomson coefficient m is positive, because the pressure always decreases in the
experiment. Conversely, a negative Joule-Thomson coefficient implies an increase
in temperature. At a definite temperature for each gas, called the inversion point,
the Joule-Thomson effect must therefore change sign.
If we consider now H as a function of temperature and pressure, the total
differential of H is
( )
dH = ___
∂T P
dT + ___
∂P ( ) T
dP (4)
∂T( )
But ___
= CP, therefore
dH = CP dT + ___
∂P ( ) T
dP (5)
0 = CP ___
∂P ( ) ( ) H
+ ___
∂P T
or ( ) ∂H
∂P T
= – CP ___
∂P ( ) H
= – CP m (6)
( ) ( )( )
∂P H
= – ___
∂P T
( ) ∂H
∂P T
= V – T ___
∂T ( ) P
H = U + PV fi dH = dU + PdV + VdP = TdS + VdP
fi ___
∂P ( ) T
( )
= V + T ___
∂P T
( )
= V – T ___
∂T P
using Maxwell’s relation ___
∂P ( ) ( )
= – ___
∂T P
Real Gases, Liquefaction of Gases and Production and... 3.25
and we already know that (∂H/∂T)P = CP, therefore Eqn. (7) gives
T(∂V/∂T)P – V
( )
∂P H
= ____________
fi ( )∂V
∂T P
= __
or ( )
T ___
∂T P
= ___ = V
T ___
∂T ( ) P
( P + ___Va ) (V – b) = RT
or ( )
∂T P a 2a
= ________________
P + ___2 – ___3 (V – b)
= _______________
RT 2a
_____ – ___ (V – b)
V – b V3
R(V – b)
= ______________
RT – ___3 (V – b)2
RT (V – b)
( )
T ___
∂T P
= ______________
RT – ___3 (V – b)2
RT (V – b)
= _________ ( b << V)
RT – ___
V–b 2a
= _______ = (V – b) 1 – ____
____ RTV ] –1
Expanding binomially and neglecting higher order terms, we have
( )
T ___
∂T P
[ 2a
= (V – b) 1 + ____
= V – b + ___
RT ( neglecting ____
or ( )
T ___
∂T P
– V = ___ – b
fi (
1 2a
m = ___ ___ – b
CP RT ) (14)
2a 2a
Thus, if ___ > b or T < ___ then m (= (∂T/∂P)H) is positive. But since ∂P is
negative (pressure on emergent side of the porous plug is lower) so, ∂T will be
negative and the gas will cool on passing through the porous plug.
If 2a/RT < b or T > 2a/Rb, the gas will be heated up. At T = 2a/Rb, there will
be no change in temperature. Therefore, T = 2a/Rb = Ti (inversion temperature).
For most of the gases, the ordinary working temperatures are below Ti ,
hence they show a cooling effect. Ti for H2 and He are much below the ordinary
temperatures, hence, they show a heating effect. If, however, these gases are
Real Gases, Liquefaction of Gases and Production and... 3.27
( ) ( )
∂V S
= – ___
∂S V
(see Chapter 5).
or ( ) ( )
∂V S
T ∂P
= – __ ___
T ∂S V
( )
= – T ___
∂Q V
( T∂S = ∂Q)
since the pressure of the system increases at a constant volume hence the
( )
∂Q V
( )
quantity ___ is positive and the quantity ___ is negative. It means that at
∂V S
a constant entropy (i.e., in an adiabatic process), the temperature decreases on
increasing volume, i.e., cooling is produced in adiabatic expansion.
Since (∂Q)V = CV dT
\ From Eqn. (1)
( )
∂V S
T ∂P
( )
= – ___ ___
( )
1 ∂P
= __ ___
P ∂T V
or ( )
∂T V
= Pb
( )
dT = – ____ dV
3.28 Heat and Thermodynamics
( ) ( )
∂P S
= ___
∂S P
( ) T ∂V
= __ ___
T ∂S P
or ( ) ( )
∂P S
= T ___
∂Q P
Since (∂Q)P = CP dT
\ From Eqn. (4)
( )
∂P S
T ∂V
( )
= ___ ___
( )
dT = ____ dP
It is clear that in adiabatic expansion, temperature decreases with the decrease
in pressure and the above Eqn. (6) represents the decrease in temperature in
adiabatic expansion.
The Joule-Thomson (also known as Joule-Kelvin) effect discussed in the
previous section, is an adiabatic throttling process in which cooling or heating
cooled to their boiling points. Of course, the gases, initially, should be at their
inversion temperatures. The gases which could be cooled to their boiling points
were hydrogen (33 K), oxygen 82K), Nitrogen (77 K) and finally helium (4.2 K).
Helium remains as liquid even below 1 K. The production of temperatures below
1K is not possible by Joule-Thomson process. Adiabatic demagnetization is found
to be highly useful in the production of temperatures below 1 K.
3.17.1 Principle
A paramagnetic substance (or salt) can be treated as a thermodynamic system
containing atoms which behave like small magnets, all lying in a disorderly
manner. When it is magnetized, these groups of dipoles set themselves parallel to
the lines of force, an external work is done on the system. If this already magnetized
substance is suddenly demagnetized, the axes of atomic magnets (due to thermal
agitation) tend to resume their natural disorderly state. Now work will be done by
the substance drawing energy from the substance itself and consequently cooling
will be produced. This is known as magnetocaloric effect.
The entropy S of a paramagnetic system is a function of B/T and is given by
m 2 mB
dB ( )
= – Nk ___ B sec h2 ___
kT ( )
Since sec h2 (mB/kT) is always positive, the entropy S decreases with increasing
B for a given T.
Figure 3.16 shows entropy S of a paramagnetic system for two fields B1 and
B2 (B1 < B2) as a function of temperature. We first increase the magnetic field
c b B1< B2
Tf Ti T
3.17.2 Theory
When a paramagnetic salt is placed in a magnetic field of strength H, the intensity
of magnetization per gm-mole I of the system change by dI. The work done by
the field on the substance = HdI.
or, work done by the substance = – HdI.
From first law, heat supplied
dQ = dU + dW (2)
But here
dW = PdV – HdI \ dQ = dV + PdV – HdI (3)
Since change in volume of a solid for small changes in temperature is negligible
i.e., dV = 0, thus
dQ = dU – HdI (4)
From second law
dQ = TdS (5)
where dS is change in entropy
\ TdS = dU – HdI
or dU = TdS – HdI (6)
Now, entropy S, intensity of magnetization I and internal energy U are functions
of absolute temperature T and magnetic field strength H. Consequently, we can
( )
dS = ___
∂T H
( )
dT + ___
∂H T
( )
dI = ___
∂T H
( )
dT + ___
∂H H
dH (7)
( )
dU = ___
∂T H
( )
dT + ___
∂H H
3.32 Heat and Thermodynamics
( )
∂T H
( )
dT + ___
∂H H
dH = T {( ) ( ) }
∂T H
dT + ___
∂H T
{ ( ) ( ) }
+ H ___
∂T H
dT + ___
∂H H
dH (8)
( ) ( ) ( )
∂T H
= T ___
∂T H
+ H ___
∂T H
( ) ( ) ( )
∂T H
= T ___
∂H T
+ H ___
∂H T
[ ( )] [ ( )] ∂ ___
___ ∂U
∂H ∂T H T
∂ ∂U
= ___ ___
∂T ∂H T H
or [ { ( ) ( ) }] [ { ( ) ( ) }]
T ___
∂T H
+ H ___
∂T H T
= ___ T ___
∂H T
+ H ___
∂H T H
This yields
( ) ( )
∂T H
= ___
∂H T
( ) ( ) ( )
∂H T
= T ___
∂T H
+ H ___
∂H T
Using the above equation, we can calculate the internal energy (or the entropy)
in an arbitrary field from the internal energy (or entropy) in zero field at the same
temperature when the magnetization curves at different temperatures are known.
From Eqns. (4) and (7), we have
dQ = {( )
∂T H
∂H( ) } {( ) ( ) }
dT + ___
dH – H
∂T H
dT + ___
∂H T
= [( )
∂T H
∂T{ ( ) ( )} ]
dT + T ___
+ H ___
∂H T
{( ) ( ) }
∂T H
dT + ___
∂H T
dH (using Eqn. 12)
Real Gases, Liquefaction of Gases and Production and... 3.33
\ dQ = {( ) ( ) }
∂T H
– H ___
∂T H
( )
dT + T ___
∂T H
dH (13)
dQ = CH dT + T ___
∂T ( ) H
dH (15)
( )
∂T H
dH = – __2 H
or [ ]
K H2
[ ]
= ___ ___
CH 2
or Tf2 – Ti2 = – ___ H2
[ K H
Tf = Ti 1 – ___ __
CH Ti ( )]
2 1/2
It may be noted that Tf < Ti i.e., the temperature of the salt falls during adiabatic
demagnetization. The fall in temperature is greater for larger values of the
magnetizing field H and low values of initial temperature Ti.
( ) ( )( )
∂V S
= – ___
∂S V
∂V T
( )
T ∂p
= – ___ ___
where all the terms on the right are positive. Therefore, if V increases, T
The physical reason for cooling is simply that in adiabatic expansion the work
is done on the moving piston at the expense of the kinetic energy of the molecules,
resulting in temperature decrease.
The amount of cooling can be easily calculated. For the adiabatic process
Tf = Ti (pi/pf)(1 – g)/g
If pi = 51 atm, pf = 1 atm, Ti = 27°C and g = 1.4, we have
Tf = 300 × (51)– 0.4 / 1.4 = 97.4°K
Ti – Tf = 300 – 97.4 = 202.6°K = 202.6°C
The apparatus of Claude is shown in Fig. 3.19. Purified air is compressed to 40
atm and passed through the tube A into the piston-cylinder arrangement B where
it expands doing external work. The cooled and expanded air moves through the
liquefier and finally passes along the outer tube of the heat exchanger A, cooling
the incoming gas. This goes on until liquid air is formed.
Real Gases, Liquefaction of Gases and Production and... 3.37
A Adiabatic
150 atm
Compressor exchange
1 atm – 180°C
Fig. 3.20 Regenerative cooling method of Hampson [After: B.K. Agarwal, Thermal Physics,
Lokbharti Publications, Allahabad (India) (1988)]
= 0.74
throttle valve V, a part of it gets liquefied and the remainder rises up the exchanger
E2 to cool the incoming air.
It is useful to know the points of distinction between adiabatic and Joule-
Thomson expansion, Table 3.2.
of liquid air boiling under reduced pressure at – 208°C. The hydrogen at 150 atm
and – 208°C undergoes Joule-Thomson expansion to a pressure of 1 atm and gets
The inversion temperature for helium is about – 240°C or 33°K. Kamerlingh-
Onnes liquefied it in the same way by precooling to – 258°C by the aid of a bath
of hydrogen boiling under reduced pressure.
RT a
\ P = _____ – ___2
V–b V
8.31 × 273 0.37
or P = _____________________ – ____________
(0.55 × 10 – 43 × 10 ) (0.55 × 10–3)2
–3 –6
1. Describe in brief the experiment performed by Andrews on CO2 and
discuss the results of the experiment.
2. Write the van der Waals equation of state. Compare the theoretical
isothermal curves obtained from this equation with the Andrews
experimental curves.
3. Write the van der Waals equation of state and derive expressions for critical
constants in terms of van der Waals constants a and b.
4. Obtain expressions for van der Waals constants a and b of a gas in terms
of critical constants.
5. What do you mean by Boyle temperature? Use van der Waals equation of
state to obtain an expression for Boyle-temperature of a gas.
6. Define critical temperature, Boyle temperature and temperature of
inversion of a gas and deduce relationship among them.
7. What is meant by temperature of inversion of a real gas? Obtain a expression
for it.
8. Show that Ti = 2TB and Ti = 6.75 TC where Ti, TB and TC are respectively
the temperature of inversion, Boyle’s temperature and critical temperature
of a gas.
9. Explain the principle of regenerative cooling of a gas.
10. What is cascade process of cooling? Explain the liquefaction of O2 by this
method with the help of a neat diagram.
11. What is Joule’s law for an ideal gas? Describe Joule’s experiment to
establish the existence of inter-molecular forces in a gas. What conclusions
were drawn from this experiment?
12. What is Joule-Thomson effect? Describe porous plug experiment and
discuss the results obtained from it.
13. What is Joule-Thomson effect? Obtain expression for Joule-Thomson
cooling produced in van der Waals gas and explain why at ordinary
temperatures hydrogen and helium gases show the heating effect while the
other gases show cooling effect.
14. Show that in adiabatic throttling process, the enthalpy of a system remains
constant. Obtain an expression for the change in temperature of a van der
Waals gas due to Joule-Thomson effect.
15. Describe the Linde’s method of liquefaction of air.
16. Describe Kammerlingh Onne’s method for liquefaction of hydrogen and
3.48 Heat and Thermodynamics
17. Describe with diagram the method of liquefaction of hydrogen and explain
the principle on which this method is based.
18. Write short notes on
(a) Boyle temperature
(b) Critical point
(c) Temperature of inversion
(d) Liquefaction of gases
1. (a); 2. (d); 3. (c); 4. (b); 5. (d); 6. (b); 7. (a);
8. (d); 9. (d); 10. (d); 11. (d); 12. (c); 13. (a); 14. (b);
15. (a).
As pointed out in the previous chapter, the first law of thermodynamics is an
extension of the principle of conservation of mechanical energy. Such an
extension became reasonable after it was shown that expenditure of work could
cause production of heat. The first quantitative experiments on inter conversion
of work and heat were carried out by Benjamin Thompson. But in 1840, the
law of conservation of energy was accepted in purely mechanical systems and
the inter-conversion of heat and work was well established (the conversion
factor was named the mechanical equivalent of heat, denoted by J). The value
of J calculated by Mayor was 3.56 J cal–1. The accepted modern value of J is
4.484 J cal–1. Mayor was able to state the principle of conservation of energy,
the first law of thermodynamics (in general terms) and to give one (rather rough)
numerical example of its application. The exact evaluation of J and the proof that
it is a constant independent of the method of measurement was accomplished
by Joule. Although Mayer was the father of the philosophy of the first law of
thermodynamics, the precise experiments carried out by Joule firmly established
the law on an experimental and inductive foundation.
Fig. 4.2 Energy added to the system (gas) as a result of thermal contact with the reservoir is called
heat; energy added by the displacement of piston is called work (After B.K. Agarwal “Thermal Physics”,
Lokbharti Publications, Allahabad, India (1988))
end (Fig. 4.2). The walls of the cylinder and the piston are made of insulating
(adiabatic) material. Let gas be the system. The piston and the heat reservoir form
the environment with which the system can interact.
The temperature of the reservoir can be changed in steps as desired, or we can
think of a series of reservoirs with temperatures q, q + dq, q + 2dq… etc. The heat
Q can flow into the system or out of it due to thermal contact with the reservoir
and work W can be performed on or by the system by compressing or expanding
the gas with the piston.
When any of the properties (for example, volume, pressure temperature, etc.)
of a system change, the state of the system changes and the system is said to
undergo a process. For example, when one of the weights on the piston (Fig. 4.2)
is removed, the piston rises and a change in state occurs.
The process is said to be quasi-static (i.e., almost static) when it takes place
in such a way (usually very slowly) that at every instant the system differs only
The First Law of Thermodynamics 4.3
and is equal to the area under the curve. To evaluate the integral mathematically, we
have to know how pressure p varies with V (for a perfect gas pV/T a constant).
Fig. 4.3 (a) Indicator diagram for calculating work done by a gas during expansion;
(b) The work done by a system depends upon the path
4.4 Heat and Thermodynamics
It is possible to take the system from the initial state i, to the final state f in
many different ways. For example, the pressure can be kept constant from i to a
and then the volume kept constant from a to f (Fig. 4.3). Then the work done by
the gas is given by the area under the line ai. Another possible path is ibf, in which
case the work done by the gas is different and is given by the area under the line
bf. To carry out processes iaf and ibf, the temperature of the heat reservoir must
be changed during the process. The continuous path from i to f is another possible
path in which the work done by the gas is still different from the previous cases.
We conclude, therefore, that the work done by the system depends not only on the
initial and final states but also on the intermediate states i.e., on the path taken by
the process.
Clearly, it is meaningless to speak of ‘the work in (or of) a system’ in the same
way that we can speak of the pressure or temperature of a system. Work is not a
property of the system.
At this stage, we should consider point and path functions or to use another term,
exact (or complete) and inexact (or incomplete) differentials. Thermodynamic
properties like p, V or q (empirical temperature) are point functions. This means
that for a given point on the diagram (e.g., Fig. 4.3), the state is fixed, and thus
there is a definite or exact value of each property corresponding to this point. The
differentials dV of a point function V are exact differentials and can be integrated
along any path
Ú dV = V2 – V1
We can speak of volume V2 in state 2 and the volume V1 in state 1. The change
in volume V2 – V1 is independent of the path and depends only on the initial and
final states.
Work on the other hand, is a path function. The differentials dW of path
functions are inexact differentials. We generally use the symbol d to denote
inexact differentials instead of d (used for exact differentials). The integration of
dW depends on the path and so for work we write
Ú dW = W1, 2
(Fig. 4.2) is slowly changed in infinitesimal steps. The initial state i is characterized
by a temperature qi and the final state by qf .
We can heat the system (gas) at a constant pressure pi, for example, until we
reach the temperature qf , and then change the pressure to the final value pf keeping
the temperature constant. Or we can first decrease the pressure to pf and then heat
it to the final temperature qf keeping the pressure constant. Or we can follow
many other different possible paths. Each path involves a different quantity of
heat flowing into the system. This is an experimental fact. We can, therefore, say
that the heat lost or gained by a system depends not only on the initial and final
states but also on the intermediate states, that is, on the path taken by the process.
Thus, heat, like work, is a path function or an inexact differential dQ. Heat is not
a property of the system. On integrating we write
Ú dQ = Q1, 2
In words, Q1, 2 is the heat transferred during the given process between state 1
and state 2.
dW = J dQ (1)
The symbol designates the cyclic integral. If both W and Q are expressed in
the same unit, the first law is
Every experiment that has been conducted thus far, for a wide variety of systems
and for various amounts of work and heat, has verified the first law. The basis of
this law is, therefore, experimental evidence. It has never been disproved.
Often we are interested in a process rather than in a cycle. We can formulate
the first law for a closed system that undergoes a change of state. This can be done
by introducing a new property, called the internal energy U.
From the first law of thermodynamics, Eqn. (2), we have for two separate
processes a and b, Fig. 4.3(b),
(a)f (b)i (a)f (b)i
Ú dW + Ú dW = Ú dQ + Ú dQ
(a)i (b)f (a)i (b)f
or, by rearranging,
(b)i (c)i
Ú (dQ – dW) = Ú (dQ – dW)
(b)f (c)f
water to a cooler system). Therefore, neither heat Q nor work W can be conserved
alone. However, the difference Q – W = DU is conserved. The essential content of
the first law is that there exists a useful quantity called internal energy U. Internal
energy U is the energy possessed by the body which can be drawn off either as
heat or as work, depending upon the circumstances.
The first law as stated in Eqn. (4) implies the familiar principle of energy
conservation. The change in the energy of a system during a thermodynamic
process is exactly balanced by the energy exchanged with the surroundings in the
form of heat transferred to the system and in the form of work done by the system.
This justifies the three sign conventions regarding heat Q, work W and internal
energy U adopted in thermodynamics, shown in Fig. 4.4.
Fig. 4.4 Sign conventions with Q, W and U regarded as positive quantities or positive numbers
Note that in thermodynamics, the sign convention for work is opposite to that
in mechanics. The convention here is designed to fit the behaviour of heat engines
where there is an inflow of heat and an output of work. If a system receives both
heat energy and work, Eqn. (3) would read
dU = dQ – (– dW) (7)
The law of energy conservation will include the changes in the kinetic energy
(system may gain velocity) and the changes in the potential energy (system may
be elevated). Then total energy
E = internal energy + kinetic energy + potential energy
= U + KE + PE (6)
dE = dU + d(KE) + d(PE) (7)
Then, for a closed system, we can write
dE = dQ – dW (8)
4.8 Heat and Thermodynamics
Gas pressure P
If weights are withdrawn, gas expands. Let the piston moves from A to B, and
work done by the gas in expansion
DW = force × displacement
= P × A × Dx
= PDV (2)
where DV = ADx (increase in volume of the gas)
If the volume increases from V1 to V2, at a pressure P, total work done by the
W = Ú PdV (3)
DW = – PDV (4)
If the volume decreases from V1 to V2, at a pressure P, total work done by the
The First Law of Thermodynamics 4.9
Vi Vf
Fig. 4.6 PV diagram
W = – Ú PdV (5)
W1 = WAB + WBD
Because the volume is constant along AB, it follows that WAB = 0. Along BD,
pressure is constant at pf, it comes out of the integral and the result is
4.10 Heat and Thermodynamics
Pf B 1 D
P 1 2
Pi C
A 2
Vi Vf
Fig. 4.7 A gas is taken from the pressure and volume at point A to the pressure and volume at point
D along two different paths ABD and ACD. Along path 1 (ABD), the work is equal to the area of rectangle
BDFE, whereas along path 2 (ACD) the work is equal to the area of rectangle ACFE
W1 = WAB + WBD
= 0 – Ú pdV
= – pf Ú dV
= – Ú pdv + 0
= – pi Ú dV
W = – Ú pdv
= – Ú ____ dV
Vi V
= – nRT Ú ___ (9)
Vi V
(because T is constant)
4.12 Heat and Thermodynamics
Note that this is negative whenever Vf > Vi (ln x is positive for x > 1) and
positive whenever Vf < Vi.
pV g = constant
as shown in Fig. 4.8.
where the dimensionless parameter g is the ratio of the specific heats Cp and Cv
(determined by experiments for any particular gas). Its values are typically in
the range 1.1 to 1.8. Because g is greater than 1, the curve pV g = constant at any
point at which they intersect (see example 1.4). As Fig. 4.8 shows, this means
that the work done by the gas in expanding adiabatically from Vi and Vf will be
somewhat smaller in magnitude than the work done in expanding isothermally
between these same two volumes.
We can find the “constant” in Eqn. (10), if we know g and also the pressure and
volume at any particular point on the curve. If we choose the initial point pi, Vi in
Fig. 4.8, the “constant” has the value piVig and we can write Eqn. (10) as
pV g = piVig (11)
or p = ____ (12)
We can now find the adiabatic work
W = – Ú pdV
Vf Vf
piVig dV
= – Ú ____
dV = – piVig Ú ___g
Vi V Vi V
= – ____ V1i – g – V1f – g
( )
By bringing a factor of V gi – 1 inside the bracket, we can write
[( ) ]
piVi Vi g–1
W = ____ __ –1 (13)
g–1 Vf
If the gas expands then Vi /Vf < 1 and since a number less than one raised to any
positive power remains less than one, the work W is negative. By further using
piVig = pfVfg (14)
we can write the adiabatic work in the equivalent form as
W = ____ (pfVf – piVi)(adiabatic) (15)
work operation or both. If heat Q is supplied to the system and a work W is work
done on the system the consequence will be an increase in energy E of the system.
The situation is as depicted pictorially in Fig. 4.9.
The energy-balance can now be written as
Q + W = DE (increase)
= Efinal – Einitial (1)
The positive signs with Q, W and DE indicate a gain be the system. If heat is
supplied to the system and a work is done by the system, as a consequence,
Q – W = DE (2)
In the differential form, Eqn. (1) can be written as
dQ + dW = dE (3)
If internal energy U is the only energy the system has Eqn. (3) gives
dQ + dW = dU (4)
Equations (1) to (4) are quantitative statements of the first law of thermodynamics,
and may be states as follows
“The change DU in internal energy must be equal to the energy absorbed in
the process from the surroundings in the form of heat minus the energy lost to the
surroundings in the form of external work done by the system” i.e.,
DU = DQ – DW
In case of a system with a control surface that is closed to mass flow, so that no mass can escape
or enter the control volume, it is called a control mass (containing the same amount of matter at all
The First Law of Thermodynamics 4.15
the boundary movement. Taking the gas as our control mass and applying the first
law, we have (in terms of Q)
1Q2 = U2 – U1 + 1W2
The work done can be calculated as 1W2 = Ú PdV since the pressure is constant
\ 1W2 = P Ú dV = P(V2 – V1)
1Q2 = U2 – U1 + P2V2 – P1V1 (in general)
Thus, we find that in this very restricted case, the heat transfer during the
process is given by change in the quantity U + PV between the initial and final
states. Because all these quantities are thermodynamic properties i.e., functions
only of the state of the system, their combination must also have these same
characteristics. Therefore, we find it convenient to define a new extensive property,
the enthalpy:
H ∫ U + PV
or per unit mass
h = u + Pv
As for internal energy, we could speak of specific enthalpy h, and total enthalpy
H. However, we refer to both as enthalpy, and the context will make it clear which
is being used.
The heat effect (Q) in a process for a change in temperature from T1 to T2 can
be calculated from the relation
= C(T2 – T1) (1)
assuming that heat capacity C (which generally varies with temperature), remains
essentially constant between T1 and T2. Then heat absorbed
Q = Ú (C as a function of T) dT (2)
For n mol,
DU = n Ú Cv dT
For n mole
DH = n Ú Cp dT
Classical Theory
In thermodynamics, the change in internal energy U of a system, between two
equilibrium states, is defined by the equation
Ua – Ub = Wad
where Wad is the work in any adiabatic process between the states (only changes
in internal energy are defined).
Starting with a molecular model of a system (e.g., monatomic, diatomic etc.),
we can identify the internal energy with the sum of the energies of the individual
molecules. Just above, we have desired a theoretical expression for the total
energy associated with the f degrees of freedom of each of the N molecules of a
gas. We thus set this equal to the internal energy U:
f f
U = __ NkT = __ nRT
2 2
The First Law of Thermodynamics 4.19
d f
( ) f
Cv = __ __ RT = __ R
dt 2 2
But for an ideal gas (from thermodynamic reasoning)
Cp = Cv + R (from Eqn. 13, Section 4.10)
f f+2
\ Cp = __ R + R = ____ R
2 2
Cp 2 f+2
and g = ___ = _____ = ____
Cv f__ f
Thus, while the principles of thermodynamics give us only an expression
for the difference between the specific heat capacities Cp and Cv, the molecular
theory together with the equipartition principle, predicts the actual magnitudes of
the specific heat capacities and their ratio g, in terms of the number of degrees of
freedom f and the universal gas constant R. Note that according to the theory, Cp,
Cv and g are all constants independent of the temperature.
Consider first a gas whose molecules are monatomic and the energy is wholly
kinetic or translational. Since, here, there are three translational degrees of
freedom, f = 3, and we expect
f 3
Cv = __ R = __ R = 1.5 R
2 2
f+2 5
Cp = ____ R = __ R = 2.5 R
2 2
Cp 5
and g = ___ = __ = 1.67
Cv 3
This is in good agreement with the values of cv and g for the monatomic gases
listed in Table 4.1.
4.20 Heat and Thermodynamics
Table 4.1 Molal specific heat capacities of a number of gases, at temperatures near room
temperature. The quantities measured experimentally are Cp and g. The former is determined
by use of a continuous flow calorimeter and the latter is obtained from measurements of the
velocity of sound in the gas.
Cp – Cv
Gas g Cp /R Cv /R _____
2( 1
U = __ mvx2 + __ mvy2 + __ mvz2
2 )
( 1
2 ) (1
+ __ Ixwx2 + __ Iywy2 + __ kz2 + __ kz2
2 2 )
We might, therefore, expect seven degrees of freedom for a diatomic molecule
(3 for translation, 2 for rotation and 2 for vibration). For f = 7, the theory
Cv = __ R = 3.5 R,
g = __ = 1.29
These values are not in good agreement with those observed for the diatomic
gases listed in table. However, letting f = 5, we find
Cv = __ R = 2.5 R,
g = __ = 1.40
These are almost exactly equal to the average values of Cv and g for the diatomic
molecules in the second part of the table (except Cl2). Thus near room temperature,
these molecules behave as if either the rotational or vibrational degrees of freedom
(but not both), are shared equally with the translational degrees of freedom in the
total molecular energy.
As the number of atoms in a molecule increases, the number of degrees of
freedom can be expected to increase; and the theory predicts a decreasing ratio of
specific heat capacities, in general agreement with experiment:
(Theoretical Values):
Cv = __ R = 12.5 J/mol K (monatomic gas)
Cv = __ R = 20.8 J/mol K (diatomic gas)
Cv = 3 R = 24.9 J/mol K (polyatomic gas)
Cp = Cv + R
or Cp = __ R = 20.8 J/mol K (monatomic gas)
Cp = __ R = 29.1 J/mol K (diatomic gas)
Cp = _____ R = 4 R = 33.3 J/mol K (polyatomic gas)
4.22 Heat and Thermodynamics
g = __ = 1.67 (monatomic gas)
g = __ = 1.40 (diatomic gas)
g = __ = 1.33 (polyatomic gas)
3R Vibrational
2R Rotational
Cv 1.5R
0 200 K 750 K
Fig. 4.12 Variation of specific heat of hydrogen gas with temperature
(i) At low temperatures, a molecule of diatomic gas can have only the
translational motion (i.e., it behaves like a molecule of monatomic gas).
Therefore, each molecule has only 3 degrees of freedom. The mean energy
of a molecule is 3/2 kT and the mean energy per mole of gas is 3/2 RT.
Hence, the molar specific heat at constant volume is CV = 3/2 R.
The First Law of Thermodynamics 4.23
Let us derive the relationship between p and V for an adiabatic process carried
out on an ideal gas. We assume the process to be carried out slowly so that the
pressure is always well defined. For an ideal gas, we can write
ln __()
pi = – g ln
Vi ()
which can be written as
piVig = pfVfg (8)
or pVg = constant (adiabatic process) (9)
We can rewrite this result in terms of temperature using the ideal gas equation
of state:
The First Law of Thermodynamics 4.25
Vi g–1
or Tf = Ti __ (13)
Suppose we compress a gas in a adiabatic process. Then Vi > Vf. This requires
that Tf > Ti. The temperature of the gas rises as it is compressed. Conversely, the
temperature falls when a gas expands (which is often used as a means to achieve
low temperatures in the laboratory).
Fig. 4.13 A gas undergoing a cyclical process starting at A and consisting of (1) a constant volume
process (no work), (2) a constant pressure process and (3) an isothermal process
In fact, for any cycle that is done in a counter clockwise direction, we must
have W > 0 (and therefore, Q < 0), whereas for cycles performed in clockwise
direction W < 0 (and therefore Q > 0).
Fig. 4.14 A closed system undergoing a process to pass from state A to state B
If the only interaction with its surroundings is in the form of transfer of heat
Q to the system, or performance of work W by the system, the change in internal
energy U will be
DU = UB – UA = Q – W
or dU = dQ – dW
This first law is often stated in terms of the universal human experience i.e.,
it is impossible to construct a “perpetual-motion machine” viz., a machine that
produces useful work by a cyclic process with no change in its surroundings. To
see how this is embodied in the first law, consider a cyclic process from state A
to state B and back to A again. If perpetual motion were ever possible, it would
be sometimes possible to obtain net energy increase DU > 0 by such a cycle. That
this is impossible can be ascertained from the equation:
The First Law of Thermodynamics 4.27
dU = 0
The study of a surface, which can be considered to be a two-dimensional system
is an interesting branch pertaining to thermodynamics. The surfaces of liquids
and solids have properties distinctly different from the bulk properties of the
underlying material. These are some important examples of surfaces:
1. The interface of a liquid in equilibrium with a vapor.
2. A soap bubble stretched across a wire framework, consisting of two
surfaces trapping in between a small amount of liquid.
3. A thin film of oil on the surface of water.
A surface such as a soap bubble on a wire-framework, is somewhat like a
stretched membrane. The surface on one side of any imaginary line pulls this
line perpendicular to this line with a force equal and opposite to that exerted by
the surface on the other side of the line. The force acting perpendicular to such a
line of unit length is called the surface tension t (Greek letter ‘tau’). An adequate
thermodynamic description of a surface is given by specifying the following three
1. The surface tension t in newtons per meter (N/m)
2. The area of the film A (m2).
3. The absolute temperature T (K).
In dealing with a surface, which is a thin layer on a substrate, the underlying
substrate must always be considered as part of the system. This may be done,
however, without introducing the pressure and volume of the composite system,
because (as a rule), the pressure remains constant and volume changes are
negligible. The surface of a pure liquid in equilibrium with its vapour has a
particularly simple equation of state. Experiment shows that the surface tension
of such a surface does not depend on the area but is a function of the temperature
only. For most pure liquids in equilibrium with their vapour phase, the surface
tension has an equation of state of the form originated by van der Waals, but
further developed by Guggenheim:
( T
t = t0 1 – __
Tc ) (1)
condense vapour into liquid). It is clear from this equation that the surface tension
decreases as T increases, becoming zero when T = Tc.
The equation of state of a thin film of insoluble oil on water is particularly
interesting. If tw denotes the surface tension of a clear water surface and t the
surface tension of the water covered by the oil, then, within a restricted range of
values of area A
(t – tw) A = aT (2)
where a is a constant. The difference (t – tw) is sometimes called the surface
pressure or “two-dimensional” pressure. Equation (2) is the surface analog of the
ideal-gas law. Oil films can be compressed and expanded and when deposited on
glass, produce the interesting optical effect of Newton’s rings.
W = Ú t dA
The First Law of Thermodynamics 4.29
of the magnetic intensity to the temperature. For small values of this ratio, the
function reduces to a very simple form, namely
Cc H
M = ____ (3)
which is known as Curie’s law. Cc is called the Curie constant. This SI unit for the
Curie constant in Eqn. (3) is expressed as
A.m2 K
Unit of Cc = _______ = m3.K
Since the Curie constant depends upon the amount of material, its unit may be
taken to be any one of the four listed in Table 4.2.
Fig. 4.16
The First Law of Thermodynamics 4.31
dW = m0 H dM (10)
If m0 H is measured in newtons per ampere-meter and the total magnetization
M in ampere-m2 then the work W will be expressed in joules. If the total
magnetization is caused to change a finite amount from Mi to Mf , the work will
W = m0 Ú H dM (11)
( )
∂p v
and ( )
∂v p
( )
∂p v
dp (3)
The First Law of Thermodynamics 4.33
( ) ( )
∂p v
dQ = ___ dp + ___
∂v p
dv (4)
( )
dp = ___
∂v Q
( )
dv + ___ dQ
∂Q v
( )
dv = ___
∂p Q
( )
dp + ___
∂Q p
dQ (6)
( ) ( )
∂x ∂x
dx = ___ dy + ___ dz
∂y z ∂z y
( ) ( )
∂y ∂y
dy = ___ dx + ___ dz
∂x z ∂z x
4.34 Heat and Thermodynamics
[ ( ) ( ) ] [( ) ( ) ( ) ]
1 – ___
∂y z
∂x z
dx =
∂y z
∂z x
+ ___
∂z y
dz (11)
( )( )
1 – ___
∂y z
∂x z
=0 (12)
( )
___ 1
= _______
∂y z (∂y/∂x)z
(reciprocal theorem) (13)
( )( ) ( )
∂y z
∂z x
+ ___
∂z y
=0 (14)
( )
∂z x
= – _______
We can combine Eqns. (13) and (15) to put the latter in the form
( )( ) ( )
∂y z
∂z x
+ ___
∂x y
= – 1 (reciprocity theorem) (16)
( )( )( )
∂v Q
∂Q p
∂p v
=–1 (17)
The partial derivatives constitute new physical quantities. They are all properties
and definite functions of the independent variables. Their values are fixed when
the values of the independent variables are fixed. Some of them are important
enough to be given a name.
When a system is heated at constant pressure (dp = 0), we get from Eqn. (6)
dv = ___
∂Q ( ) p
dQ (18)
b = __( )
1 ___
v ∂Q p
When heating is performed at constant volume (dv = 0), we can use Eqn. (5) to
define the coefficient of pressure
p = __( )
1 ___
p ∂Q v
k = – __
v ∂p( )
1 ___
The negative sign is added because for all known substances the pressure and
volume changes are of opposite signs. When these coefficients ate substituted in
(17), we get the interesting result
b=pkp (22)
As there was no change in the temperature of the bath, Joule concluded that
there had been no heat transferred to the air (system), Q = 0. In a free expansion
no work is done by the gas on its surroundings, W = 0. It is true that during the
expansion the air remaining in A is doing work on the air already in B. But this
work is done by one part of the system (air) on another part and is not done by the
system as a whole on its surroundings. The work done in free expansion cannot
be represented by an arrow piercing the system boundary.
Since Q = 0 and W = 0, Joule concluded from the first law, DU = Q – W, that
there was no change in the internal energy of the air
DU = 0 or U = constant
As the pressure and volume changed during this process, one concludes that
the internal energy of a perfect gas is independent of p and V and is a function of
temperature Q only, U = U(Q). This is called Joule’s law. Clearly the isotherms
of a perfect gas are also curves of constant internal energy.
When very careful experiments are made with real gases a very small change
in temperature is detected. Therefore, Joule’s law like Boyle’s law, holds strictly
only for a perfect gas. In fact, the perfect gas is defined as one which obeys both
Boyle’s law and Joule’s law.
In general, U is a function of any two of the variables p, V and Q. Considering
U as a function of V and Q, U = U(V, Q),
( )
dU = ___
∂V Q
( )
dV + ___ dQ
∂Q v
( )
du = ___
∂v Q
( )
dv + ___ dQ
∂Q v
The First Law of Thermodynamics 4.37
( )
∂v Q
=0 (perfect gas) (3)
( )
du = ___
∂p Q
∂Q( )
dp + ___
dQ (4)
( )
∂p Q
=0 (perfect gas) (5)
which means that u does not depend upon p. It follows that for a perfect gas u is
a function of Q only
u = u(Q) (perfect gas) (6)
We can now define a perfect gas (or an ideal gas) in thermodynamic terms as
pv = RQ (7)
(definition of perfect gas)
( ) ( )
∂v Q
= ___
∂p Q
=0 (8)
A real gas at a pressure below about 2 atm can be regarded as a perfect gas with
only a little error in calculations. In principle, the limit of zero pressure must be
We will come across with partial derivatives again, in the next chapter.
1. Differentiate between the path function and point function.
2. State first law of thermodynamic and explain it.
3. State the first law of thermodynamics explaining the meanings of the
symbol used, hence explain (i) isothermal expansion, (ii) adiabatic
expansion and (iii) cyclic process.
4. Explain internal energy of a system on the basis of first law of
4.38 Heat and Thermodynamics
1. (b); 2. (b); 3. (b); 4. (b); 5. (b).
The Second Law and Third Law
of Thermodynamics
1. Irreversible Process
The piston is suddenly drawn up. Gas would rush in to fill the space, pressure
differences would be created throughout the gas volume, shock waves or sound
waves would be set up. The state of the gas is not of equilibrium and so variables
p and Q of the gas are not well defined. In fact, many variables would be required
corresponding to various values of p and Q at different points in the gas. If we
wait long enough, the thermal equilibrium with the reservoir is re-established.
This gives the final equilibrium state f, Fig. 5.1b.
Fig. 5.1 (a) Piston-cylinder arrangement; (b) irreversible process; (c) reversible process; and
(d) quasistatic irreversible process (discrete sequence of states of equilibrium)
The system passes from equilibrium state i (pi, vi) to equilibrium state f (pf , vf)
through a series of nonequilibrium states. These intermediate states, being not in
equilibrium, cannot be plotted on a p-V diagram. This is an example of a typical
irreversible process. It is not reversible because, for example, we cannot extract
the sound waves or shock waves by moving the piston down again.
5.2 Heat and Thermodynamics
2. Reversible Process
The frictionless piston is drawn very slowly, in the limit infinite slowly
(quasistatically). Then at every stage the variables p, V, Q have well defined
values because during the entire process the system remained in equilibrium.
Such a process consists of a continuous sequence of states of equilibrium and
is said to be reversible. Each successive intermediate equilibrium state can be
represented by a point in the p-V diagram. The line joining such points is called
a reversible path, Fig. 5.1(c). The process is called reversible because it can be
made to retrace its path without producing any change in the surroundings.
Reversible processes are ideal abstractions. They are never realized in actuality.
They must be carried out (i) quasistatically, and (ii) without dissipation of energy
(for example, without friction or turbulence). These conditions are never fully
dU is determined uniquely by the initial and final states while dQ and dW are path
functions. However, if we specify that the work dW is a frictionless reversible
expansion, we have
dU = dQ – pdV
(unique) (unique)
It follows that dQ must also uniquely defined for this process. Therefore,
dU = dQ – pdV (2)
where each of the quantities is now in the form of a differential. If the relevant
paths are known, they can all be integrated exactly. This shows why frictionless
reversible expansions (or compressions) are so important in thermodynamics.
Such a possible process a shown in Fig. 5.2(a). If, however, we wish to convert
heat into work (Fig. 5.2(b)), this is not true
although admissible by the first law of thermodynamics e.g., a piece of stone
resting on the floor has never been seen to cool itself spontaneously and jump upto
the ceiling (thereby converting heat into equivalent amount of potential energy).
In all actual heat Æ work processes, we find W < Q. The purpose of the second
law is to incorporate such experimental facts into thermodynamics.
A cyclic device which would abstract heat from a single reservoir and convert
the heat completely to work is called a perpetual motion machine of the second
kind. Such a machine would not violate the first law, since it would not create
energy but would enable us (for example) to propel ships simply by extracting
heat from the oceans.
The second law rules out the possibility of constructing a perpetual motion
machine of the second kind. Thereby, it also distinguishes between the two
directions of the energy transfer viz. W Æ Q and Q Æ W.
Fig. 5.3 Schematic diagrams of the impossible processes according to (a) the Clausius Statement,
and (b) the Kelvin Statement
W; Heat Reservoir
(iii) rejects an amount of heat
Q2 > 0 to a cold reservoir Q2, Fig. 5.5 Equivalence of Clausius and
Kelvin statements
with Q2 < Q1.
Suppose C is false. Then we can extract Q from cold reservoir Q2 and deliver it
to hot reservoir Q1, with Q1 > Q2. Operate an engine between Q1 and Q2 for one
cycle, and arrange the engine so that it absorbs Q + Q¢ from Q1, converts Q¢ to
work W, and rejects Q to Q2, Fig. 5.5. The net result is that an amount of heat Q¢
is extracted from the single reservoir Q1 and entirely converted into work, with no
other effect. Hence K is false.
* Under the same conditions of pressure, volume and temperature, the internal energy remains the
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.7
Work output W
h = _____________ (1)
Heat input Q1
(When W and Q1 are in same units)
Q1 – Q2 Q2
or h = _______ = 1 – ___ (2)
Q1 Q1
Adia sion
(i) First operation: isothermal expansion The base of the cylinder is kept in
contact with the heat source at temperature T1 K and the piston is slowly
withdrawn out of the cylinder so that the gas expands isothermally. During
this process work is done by the gas, but its internal energy remains constant
(since temperature remains constant = T1), therefore, the gas absorbs
heat from the source. The state of the gas changes from A (P1, V1, T1)
to B (P2, V2, T1) as shown by the curve AB on the P-V diagram. In the
process, work done by the gas W1 is equal to the heat absorbed Q1 from
the source (since there is no change in internal energy of gas).
Heat absorbed from the source Q1 = work done by the gas
W1 = Ú PdV
or Q1 = W1 = Ú ____ dV
V1 V
= RT1 loge __ (since PV = RT1)
= area ABbaA enclosed by the curve AB on the
P-V diagram with the V-axis (3)
(ii) Second operation: Adiabatic expansion Now the cylinder is taken away
from the source and its base is kept in contact with the insulating plate.
Piston continues to move outwards due to inertia, i.e., the gas expands
adiabatically (since the gas is enclosed from all sides inside the insulator).
In this process, work is done by the gas due to which internal energy of gas
and hence the temperature of gas decreases from T1 to T2 (= temperature
of sink). The state of the gas changes from B(P2, V2, T1) to C(P3, V3, T2) as
shown by the curve BC on the P-V diagram.
Decrease in internal energy of gas = work done by the gas
W2 = Ú PdV
or W2 = Ú __g dV
V2 V
K 1
= ______ _____
– _____
(g – 1) Vg – 1 Vg – 1
2 3
) (since P2 V2g = P3 V3g = K)
or W2 = ______ (P2 V2 – P3 V3)
(g – 1)
5.10 Heat and Thermodynamics
= ______ (T1 – T2) (since P2 V2 = RT1 and P3 V3 = RT2)
(g – 1)
= area BCcbB enclosed by the curve BC on the
P-V diagram with V-axis (4)
(iii) Third operation: isothermal compression Now the cylinder is withdrawn from
the insulating plate and is kept in contact with the sink. The piston is moved
slowly inwards the cylinder so that the gas is compressed isothermally at
temperature T2. The work is done on the gas, but the internal energy of gas
remains constant (since temperature of gas does not change), therefore,
heat is rejected at the sink. The state of the gas changes from C(P3, V3, T2)
to D(P4, V4, T2) which is shown by the curve CD on the P-V diagram.
Heat rejected at the sink Q2 = work done by the gas
W3 = – Ú PdV
or Q2 = W3 = Ú ____ dV
V3 V
= RT2 loge ___ (since PV = RT2)
= area CDdcC enclosed by the curve CD on the
P-V diagram with the volume axis (5)
(iv) Fourth operation: adiabatic compression The cylinder is now removed from
the sink and is again kept in contact with the insulating plate. This piston
is moved inwards the cylinder to compress the gas till the gas come back
to its initial state (P1, V1, T1). In this operation, the compression of gas is
adiabatic. The work is done on the gas due to which the internal energy
of gas increases and hence the temperature of gas rises from T2 to T1.
The state of gas changes from D(P4, V4, T2) to A (P1, V1, T1) which is
represented by the curve DA on the P-V diagram.
Increase in internal energy of gas = work done by the gas
W4 = – Ú PdV
or W4 = – Ú __g dV
V4 V
K 1
= ______ _____
– _____
(g – 1) Vg – 1 Vg – 1
1 4
) (since P1 V1g = P4 V4g = K)
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.11
= ______ (P1 V1 – P4 V4)
(g – 1)
= ______ (T1 – T2) (since P1 V1 = RT1 and P4 V4 = RT2)
(g – 1)
= area DAadD enclosed by the curve DA on the
P-V diagram with V-axis (6)
The cycle is repeated to get the work continuously.
From Eqns. (4) and (6), it is clear that W2 = W4, i.e., the work done by
the gas in adiabatic expansion = the work done on the gas in adiabatic
Hence the area BCcbB and area DAadD on the P-V diagram are equal.
The net work done by the working substance in the
Efficiency of Carnot Engine
complete cycle of Carnot engine is
W = W1 + W2 – W3 – W4
= W1 – W 3 (since W2 = W4)
= Q1 – Q2 = area ABCDA on the P-V diagram.
Putting the values of W1 and W3 from Eqns. (3) and (5)
V2 V3
W = RT1 loge ___ – RT2 loge ___ (7)
V1 V4
Since the points B and C are on the adiabatic curve BC, therefore, from
TVg – 1 = constant, we get
T1 Vg2 – 1 = T2 Vg3 – 1
or (T1/T2) = (V3/V2)g – 1 (8)
W Q1 – Q2 Q2
= ___ = _______ = 1 – ___ (12)
Q1 Q1 Q1
T1 – T2 T2
= ______ = 1 – __ (13)
T1 T1
It is clear from the above expression that
(i) The efficiency of Carnot engine depends only on the temperatures of the
source and sink. The efficiency of all the engines working between the
same two temperatures is the same.
(ii) The efficiency of an engine can be 1.0 (or 100%) only if the temperature
of sink is absolute zero. But it is impossible to acquire the temperature of
sink equal to absolute zero, hence no engine can be 100% efficient.
(iii) The efficiency of engine is more if (T1 – T2) is more.
The efficiency of the Carnot engine can be increased
Ways of Increasing the Efficiency
in two ways: (a) by keeping the temperature of source T1 constant and decreasing
the temperature of sink T2, (b) by keeping the temperature of sink T2 constant and
increasing the temperature of source T1. But out of these, the first way is more
effective because T2 < T1, therefore, the decrease in T2 is more effective than the
increase in T1 by the same amount.
1. The efficiency of Carnot engine can also be expressed in terms of adiabatic
expansion ratio r. From Eqns. (8) and (9),
__ = rg – 1
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.13
\ Efficiency of engine
T2 g–1
h = 1 – __ = 1 – __
r () (14)
Q2 __
___ T2
= (15)
Q1 T1
Thus, the ratio of heat rejected at the sink to the heat absorbed from the source
is equal to the ratio of temperature of sink to the temperature of source.
High-temperature reservoir
Pump Turbine
(turbine) (pump)
Low-temperature reservoir
Fig. 5.9 A heat engine that operates on a Carnot cycle (The refrigerator is shown by
dotted lines and parentheses)
5.14 Heat and Thermodynamics
K = ___ T2
= ______ Fig. 5.10 Schematic figure of a refrigerator. Work
T1 – T2 is done to remove heat from a cold source and then
dump it into a hot reservoir
Thus, it is obvious that K can be > 1.
For an ideal refrigerator, the variation
of K as a function of the ratio (T2/T1) is shown in Fig. 5.11. For a domestic
refrigerator K ~ 9. Figure 5.11 also reveals that K Æ 0 as T2 Æ 0. In other words,
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.15
Fig. 5.11 Temperature variation of K, the coefficient of performance of an ideal refrigerator, i.e., a
Carnot engine reversed. When T2 = T1, the cold and the hot reservoirs have the same temperature.
Usually, T1 is the room temperature (~ 300 K) while T2 denotes the temperature to be attained by
cooling. Down to (T2/T1) = 0.5, more heat is absorbed than the work supplied but below that the
work required to extract a given quantity of heat increases sharply (W = Q/K). After G. Venkataraman,
“A Hot Story”, Universities Press (India) 100. (1993)]
First Proposition
“It is impossible to construct an engine that operates between two given reservoirs
and is more efficient than a reversible engine operating between the same two
The proof of this statement is accomplished through a “thought experiment”:
We make an initial assumption, then show that this leads to impossible conclusion.
Then, the only possible conclusion is that our initial assumption was incorrect.
This is as follows.
Let us assume that there is an irreversible engine operating between two given
reservoirs that has a greater efficiency than a reversible engine operating between
the same two reservoirs.
5.16 Heat and Thermodynamics
Let the heat transfer to the irreversible engine be QH, the heat rejected be Q¢L
and the work performed be WIE (= QH – Q¢L) as shown in Fig. 5.12.
System boundary
High-temperature reservoir
WRE = QH – Q ¢L
Low-temperature reservoir
Fig. 5.12 [After: R.E. Sonntag, C. Borgnakke and G.J.V. Boyle Fundamentals of Thermodynamics,
John Wiley (2002)]
Second Proposition
“All engines that operate on the Carnot cycle between two given constant-
temperature reservoirs have the same efficiency”.
The proof of this proposition is similar to the proof just outlined (above),
which assumes that there is one Carnot cycle that is more efficient than the
another Carnot cycle operating between the same reservoirs. Let the Carnot cycle
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.17
with the higher efficiency replace the irreversible cycle of the previous argument
and let the Carnot cycle with the lower efficiency operate as a refrigerator. The
proof proceeds with the same line of reasoning as above and details are left as an
exercise for the reader.
Fig. 5.13
Note that the LHS is a function of T1 and T3 (and not of T2) and therefore,
the RHS must also be a function of T1 and T3 (and not of T2). From this fact we
conclude that the form of the function y must be such that
y(T1, T2) = ____ (6)
y(T2, T3) = ____ (7)
so that f(T2) will cancel from the product of y(T1, T2) and y(T2, T3). Therefore,
we conclude that
___ f(T1)
= y(T1, T3) = ____ (8)
Q3 f(T3)
In general terms
QH _____
___ f(TH)
= (9)
QL f(TL)
Now, there are several functional relations that will satisfy this equation. For
the thermodynamic scale of temperature, which was originally proposed by Lord
Kelvin, the selected relation is
QH ____
___ (tH)
= (10)
QL (tL)
(where tH and tL are the Kelvin temperature itself corresponding to f(TH) and
f(TL) respectively).
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.19
i.e., h > 1 or efficiency obtained from the reversible engine is more than
100% which is impossible. Hence, negative temperature is not possible on the
thermodynamic scale.
ts – ti
Qs – Qi _____
______ = (15)
Q t
Qs – Qi ____
______ 100
Q t
or (
t = 100 × ______
Qs – Qi ) (16)
Q2 __
___ T2
or = (17)
Q1 T1
Now, if the temperatures of these source and sink on the thermodynamic (i.e.,
absolute) scale are T1 and T2 respectively, then
Q2 __
___ t2
= (18)
Q1 t 1
T2 __
__ t2
= (i.e., the ratios are equal) (19)
T1 t 1
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.21
Now, if the engine works between the steam point and the ice point, then
Ti __
__ ti
= (20)
Ts t s
Ti ti
or 1 – __ = 1 – __
Ts ts
ts – ti
Ts – Ti _____
or =
Ts ts
100 ____
____ 100
or =
Ts ts
i.e., Ts = ts (21)
Ts __
__ ts
Ti ti
__ ts
fi – 1 = __ – 1
Ti ti
ts – ti
Ts – Ti _____
or =
Ti ti
100 ____
____ 100
or =
Ti ti
or Ti = ti (22)
i.e., the steam point and the ice point are same on the two scales. Now, if a
reversible engine operates between the steam point and any other temperature (T
or t), then
T __
__ t
Ts t s
\ T=t (\ Ts = ts),
i.e., both the scales are perfectly equivalent.
h = 1 – ___
= 1 – _____ = 0.2680
\ = 1 – 0.2680 = 0.7320 (1)
This is one equation concerning the two unknowns TH and TL. The second
equation comes from deciding the magnitude of the degree on the thermodynamic
(i.e., absolute) scale to be equal to the magnitude of the degree on the Celsius
scale. Then
Tsteam – Tice = 100 (2)
_____ = 0.7320
solving these two equations simultaneously, we find
Tsteam = 671.67 R,
e f
T1 b Reversible
a isotherms
T2 c g Original
d T4 reversible cycle
dQ2 dQ
Fig. 5.14 A reversible cycle divided into a large number of Carnot cycles
5.24 Heat and Thermodynamics
For the element cycle abcd, dQ1 heat is absorbed reversibly at T1 and dQ2 heat
is rejected reversibly at T2.*
____ dQ2
= – ____ (1)
T1 T2
(taking heat supplied as positive and heat rejected as negative)
dQ1 ____
____ dQ2
or + =0 (2)
T1 T2
Similarly, for the elemental cycle efgh
dQ3 ____
____ dQ4
+ =0 (3)
T3 T4
If similar equations are written for all the elemental Carnot cycles, then for the
whole original cycle CR
dQ1 ____
____ dQ3
dQ2 ____
+ + +…=0
T1 T2 T3
or =0 (4)
( dQ2
)( ) dQ2
1 – ____ £ 1 – ____
dQ dQ rev
dQ ( )dQ2
≥ ____
dQ rev
T dQ Reversible
dQ2 ( )
£ ____
dQ2 rev
Since ( ) dQ
dQ2 rev
= __
T 2
dQ __
____ T
dQ2 T2
dQ ____
or £ for any process AB (9)
T T2
(reversible or irreversible)
For a reversible process
dQrev dQ2
ds = _____ = ____ (10)
T T2
Hence, for any process AB
___ £ ds (11)
and for any cycle
___ £ ds (12)
5.26 Heat and Thermodynamics
Since ds = 0
___ £0 (13)
This is known as Clausius inequality. It provides the criterion of the reversibility
of a cycle.
If £ 0, the cycle is reversible (14)
___ < 0, the cycle is irreversible and possible (15)
___ > 0, the cycle is impossible, since it violates the second law. (16)
Rigid wall
Isolated system C
Fig. 5.17 An isolated system consisting of two closed systems separated from each other
by a thermally conducting rigid wall
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.29
For the system C, we can write the entropy of the total system in terms of
entropies of subsystems A and B i.e.,
SC = SA + SB (1)
Since entropy is a state function
\ S = S (U, V)
and we can write Eqn. (1) as
SC = SA (UA, VA) + SB (UB, VB) (2)
Since the total system C is isolated, its entropy cannot decrease and since, the
wall between the subsystems A and B is rigid, interaction between A and B cannot
be in terms of energy transfer as work; it can only be in terms of energy transfer
as heat. As a result, the total internal energy
UC = UA + UB = constant (3)
which although remains constant for the isolated system C is shared by the two
subsystems A and B. If r represents the fraction of the total internal energy shared
by A, we can write
UA = rUC;
UB = (1 – r) UC (4)
Since the total system C is an isolated system and the wall separating the
subsystems A and B is a rigid wall, therefore, UC, VA and VB would remain
constant. The only parameter which may vary during the course of interaction
between A and B is only r. When the systems A and B attain thermal equilibrium
with each other, the value of SC should attain its maximum. For this
____ =0 (5)
From Eqns. (2) and (4), we have
dr ( )
= ____
VA dr
( )
+ ____
VB dr
( )
= ____
( )
UC + ____
(– UC) (6)
From Eqns. (5) and (6), it follows that at thermal equilibrium between A
and B
( ) ( )
= ____
5.30 Heat and Thermodynamics
Thus (∂S/∂U)V is the property which the two systems A and B should have in
common when thermal equilibrium is attained. From dimensional analysis, ∂S/∂U
has the dimensions of temperature–1. (S = energy/temperature and U = energy).
T ∫ ________ (8)
This equation gives us thermodynamic definition of temperature.
We can also establish the direction of heat flow using Eqn. (6) from which it
follows that
dSC = UC dr ___ – ___ ) (9)
Since TB π TA initially and dSC > 0 for the total isolated system, it follows that
dr > 0 and 1/TA > 1/TB (i.e., TB > TA). UA increases and UB decreases, when TB is
greater than TA i.e., the heat flows from B to A.
Let us take this analysis a little further to learn about the relationship between
T and U. Since ____ = 0 represents the condition of a maximum, the second
derivative i.e., d SC/dr2 should be negative. Hence from Eqn. (6), we can write
∂UA2( )
( )
UC2 + _____2
UC2 < 0 (10)
( )
∂U2 V
<0 for A and B
or ( )
∂U V
>0 (11)
dQ(rev) = T dS (1)
Q(rev) i, f = Ú T dS (2)
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.31
dS = _____ = 0
T (adiabatic process)
S = constant (3)
2 1
dQ dQ
or Ú ___
= – Ú ___
1A 2B
5.32 Heat and Thermodynamics
A Rev.
Rev.B C
Fig. 5.20 Pertaining to entropy change in an irreversible process
Since entropy is a state property, so entropy changes for the paths B and C
would be the same i.e.,
1 1
Ú dS = Ú dS (7)
B2 C2
dS = ______
For the general case
dS ≥ ___
or S2 – S1 ≥ Ú ___ (8)
1 T
() Vf
(Sf – Si) = CV loge __ + R loge __
Ti Vi() (2)
In Terms of P, T
From perfect gas equation PV = RT, we have
V T Pi
__f = __f × __ (3)
Vi Ti Pf
5.34 Heat and Thermodynamics
() Pf
(Sf – Si) = CP loge __ – R loge __
Ti Pi() (4)
In Terms of P, V
From perfect gas equation PV = RT, we have
T P i Vf
__f = __ × __ (5)
Ti Pf Vi
Hence, from Eqn. (1), we get
Pf Vf
Pi Vi( ) ()
Sf – Si = CV loge ____ + R loge __
() ()
(Sf – Si) = CV loge __ + CP loge __
Pi Vi
to a condenser (sink) at constant temperatures and pressures T1, p1 and T2, p2,
respectively. An efficient turbine can nearly achieve the reversible adiabatic
expansion, since steam expands rapidly and with negligible friction. However,
it is not possible to achieve the reversible adiabatic compression of a two-phase
If the compression is performed slowly the conduction losses occur (dQ π 0).
If it is done rapidly, the temperature of the liquid phase is raised slightly while
the vapour phase gets superheated. Therefore, it is not possible to maintain
equilibrium between the two phases, that is, reversibility cannot be achieved.
To overcome the last difficulty the steam cycle has been modified into what
is known as the Rankine cycle. Other possible practical cycles belong to internal
combustion engines:
(a) Petrol Otto cycle (heat absorbed at constant volume), and
(b) Diesel cycle (heat absorbed at constant pressure).
We shall now discuss their idealized versions where effects of friction,
conduction, etc. are neglected.
p T2
Cylinder T1
Denser e a b
Valve Valve T2,p2 p1
pump d
p2 c
Valve Valve
(a) (b)
We can easily compare the efficiencies of Carnot cycle and Rankine cycle by
drawing the T-s diagrams. From Fig. 5.23(a),
Work engine
hCarnot = ____________
Heat absorbed
Area ABC¢D¢
= ___________
(T1 – T2) (s1 – s2)
= ______________
T1 (s1 – s2)
T 1 – T2
= ______ (1)
T1 A a
B T1 b
T2 T2
D C d c
s s
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.23 (a) Carnot steam cycle in a T-s diagram; (b) Rankine cycle in a T-s diagram
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.37
For the Rankine cycle (Fig. 5.23(b)), we can define Tm1 = Q1/Ds1 and
Tm2 = Q2/Ds2 as the mean effective temperatures at which heat is absorbed or
rejected, respectively. Then
Tm1 (sb – se) – Tm2 (sc – sd)
hRankine = ______________________
Tm1 (sb – se)
Tm1 – Tm2
= ________ (2)
since de and bc are isentropic processes, sb – sc = sc – sd. Clearly, T2 = Tm2 but
Tm1 < T1. Therefore, we have
h (Rankine) < h (Carnot steam)
(i) Intake stroke x Æ a A mixture of petrol (2%) and air (98%) is drawn into the
cylinder at atmospheric pressure through the intake valve by the outward
stroke of the piston.
(ii) Compression stroke a Æ b Both the valves are closed and the piston moves
up the cylinder compressing the mixture rapidly. The compression is
nearly adiabatic and temperature rises considerably.
5.38 Heat and Thermodynamics
q1 – q2 Td – Ta
h = ______ ______
q1 = 1 – Tc – Tb
( )
=1– v
= 1 – ____
g–1 (5)
where r = v1/v2 is called the compression (or expansion) ratio.
Note that h (Otto) < h (Carnot) because when r is kept same for both, it is
found that the highest temperature of the Otto cycle exceeds and/or the lowest
temperatures of the Otto cycle is lower than the corresponding source and sink
temperatures for the Carnot cycle.
__ engine r @ 9 and if we put g = 1.5 (for air g = 1.4), we find h (Otto)
In an actual
= 1 – ( 1/÷9 ) = 0.67 = 67 per cent under ideal conditions. In practice efficiency
probably only reaches half this value.
Example 5.1 A cyclic heat engine operates
between a source temperature of 800°C and a sink
temperature of 30°C. What is the least rate of heat
rejection per kW net output of heat engine?
Solution hmax = hrev = 1 – __
30 + 273
= 1 – _________
800 + 273
= 1 – 0.282 = 0.718
Now, = hmax = 0.718
Q1 Fig. 5.26
\ Q1 = _____ = 1.392 KW
5.40 Heat and Thermodynamics
Q2 = Q1 – Wnet = 1.392 – 1
= 0.392 kW
This is the least rate of heat rejection.
Example 5.2 Which is the more efficient way to increase the efficiency of a
Carnot engine: to increase T1, keeping T2 constant; or to decrease T2, keeping T1
Solution The efficiency of a Carnot engine is given by
h = 1 – __
If T2 is constant
( )
∂T1 T2
= ___2
As T1 increases, h increases and the slope ___
∂T1 ( ) T2
decreases (Fig. 5.27a).
Fig. 5.27
If T1 is constant
( )
∂T2 T1
= – __
T 1
As T2 decreases, h increases, but the slope ___
∂T2 ( ) T1
remains constant.
( )
∂T1 T2
= ___2
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.41
( )
∂T2 T1
= – ___2
Since T1 > T2, therefore
( ) ( )
∂T2 T1
> ___
∂T1 T2
So, the more effective way to increase the efficiency is to decrease T2.
( ) T0
( )
energy to start with is dQ 1 – __ . After the transfer, it becomes dQ 1 – __ .
Hence, the loss of available energy in the process of conduction is
( ) ( ) ( )
T0 T0 T0 T0
dQ 1 – __ – dQ 1 – __ = dQ __ – __
T1 T2 T2 T1
( ) dQ dQ
= ___ – ___ T0
T2 T1
Since T1 < T2 and right hand side is positive, so there is a net loss of available
energy. Further,
___ = (S)T
T2 2
5.42 Heat and Thermodynamics
and = (S)T
T1 1
so that
(S)T > (S)T
2 1
i.e., entropy is increasing while the available energy is decreasing. Since irreversible
processes are continually going on in nature, the available energy of the universe
is continually decreasing. The principle of increase of entropy is equivalent to the
principle of decrease of available energy or degradation of energy. There is yet no
violation of conservation of energy or of first law of thermodynamics. The reason
being that the energy which becomes unavailable is not lost but is transformed to
unavailable form. This principle can be stated now as:
“Whenever an irreversible process takes place, certain amount of energy which
could have been utilized for doing useful work changes to a form in which it
becomes unavailable”.
( ∂U
because dU = TdS – pdV and U = U (S, V) fi dU = ___
∂S ( ) V
( )
dS + ___
∂V S
∂S( )
consequently ___
( )
= T and ___
∂V S
=–p )
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.43
formally permits the temperature to take on not only positive but also negative
From Eqn. (1), we have
n E
ln __ ___
n0 = – kT
T = – ______
k ln __
It can be seen from this expression that if n < n0 then T > 0.
If, however, an atomic system happened to exist in which n could be greater
than n0, then T will be negative. The more, the energy supplied to the system, the
greater will be the number of particles at the highest energy levels. In the limit,
we can imagine a state in which all the particles will gather at the highest levels.
Such a state is obviously a highly ordered one. We can, therefore, designate
the temperature at which the ordered state sets in by (– 0), in contrast to the
conventional absolute zero (+ 0). The difference between these two ‘zeros’ is that
we approach the first from negative side and the
second from positive side. Thus, the temperatures
of a system are not limited to 0 to • but extend
from + 0 to + •, – • to – 0, + • to – •. The energy
dependence of entropy is shown in Fig. 5.28.
T>0 T<0
Consequently, with a paradoxical situation,
to arrive at negative temperatures, instead of
cooling a system below absolute zero (which T = 0 T=±• T=–0
Fig. 5.28
5.44 Heat and Thermodynamics
i.e., its value depends only on the initial and final states of the system and does not
depend on the path or the process by which the state of the system is changed. In
other words, U is a perfect differential.
If the state of a system is changed from an initial equilibrium state to a final
equilibrium state through an infinitesimal reversible process, the change in internal
energy is given as
dU = TdS – PdV (from Eqn. (1)) (3)
In an adiabatic change of a gaseous system
TdS = 0
and dU = – PdV
Thus, in an adiabatic process, the work done by the gas is equal to the decrease
in internal energy of the system (or the work done on the gas is equal to the
increase in internal energy of the system).
F1 = U1 – TS1
F2 = U2 – TS2
(since T is constant)
Then, increase in Helmholtz free energy
\ (dF)T = – (dW)R
or (dW)R = – (dF)T (5)
i.e., decrease in Helmholtz free energy in a reversible isothermal process is equal
to the work done by the system in that process. In other words, in a reversible
isothermal process, the total external work is obtained from the Helmholtz free
energy of the system. Hence, Helmholtz free energy of a system is the energy
which is available for work in a reversible isothermal process.
Thus, this energy is analogous to the potential energy of a system.
From Eqn. (4), we have
U = F + TS (6)
Thus, the internal energy of a system has two parts: (a) Helmholtz free energy
F (which is available for work in a reversible isothermal process) and (b) latent
(or bound) energy TS which is unavailable for the useful work. As the entropy
increases, the unavailable energy increases, hence the available energy for work
plug from a constant high pressure to a constant low pressure. Let Pi, Vi be the
initial pressure and volume of the gas and Pf, Vf, the final pressure and volume.
Net external work done by the gas will be (Pf Vf – Pi Vi) which is obtained from
the internal energy of the gas (\ the gas is insulated from the surroundings). If Ui
and Uf be the initial and final internal energies of the gas, then decrease in internal
energy = Ui – Uf. But decrease in internal energy = net external work done by the
or Ui – Uf = Pf Vf – Pi Vi
or Ui + Pi Vi = Uf + Pf Vf
or Hf = Hi (9)
P1 V1 = P2 V2
\ U1 + P1 V1 = U2 + P2 V2
or H1 = H2
in an isothermal change.
The locus of points representing the equilibrium states of the same enthalpy of
a thermodynamic system is called an iso-enthalpic curve.
fi ( )
dE = ___
∂S V
( )
dS + ___
∂V S
dS (3)
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.49
Since Eqns. (2) and (3) must be equal for all possible values of dS and dV,
it follows that the corresponding coefficients of dS and dV must be the same.
( )
∂S V
( )
∂V S
or ( )( ) ( )( )
∂V S
∂S V
= ___
∂S V
∂V S
( ) ( )
∂V S
= – ___
∂S V
H = H (S, p)
dH = ___
∂S ( ) p ( )
dS + ___
∂p S
dp (8)
( )
∂S p
( )
∂p S
Again, the important aspect of Eqn. (6) is the fact that the combination of
parameters on the r.h.s. is equal to the exactly differential of a quantity, which has
been designated as H. Then
∂2H _____
_____ ∂2H
∂p∂S ∂S∂p
( ) ( )
∂p S
= ___
∂S p
dE = TdS – pdV
= d (TS) – SdT – pdV
or dF = – SdT – pdV (11)
F ∫ E – TS (12)
The function F is called “Helmholtz free energy”. Considering T and V as
independent variables
F = F (T, V)
dF = ___
∂T ( ) V
( )
dT + ___
∂V T
dV (13)
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.51
( )
∂T V
( )
∂V T
The equality
∂2F _____
_____ ∂ 2F
∂V∂T ∂T∂V
then gives
( ) ( )
∂V T
= ___
∂T V
dE = TdS – pdV
= d (TS) – SdT – d (pV) + Vdp
or dG = – SdT + Vdp (16)
G ∫ E – TS + pV (17a)
called the Gibb’s free energy.
or G = H – TS (17b)
(using Eqn. (17))
or G = F + pV (17c)
(using Eqn. (12))
Considering T and p as independent variables.
G = G (T, p)
dG = ___
∂T ( ) p ( )
dT + ___
∂p T
dp (18)
5.52 Heat and Thermodynamics
( )
∂T p
( )
∂p T
The equality
∂2G _____
_____ ∂2G
∂p∂T ∂T∂p
then implies
( ) ( )
– ___
∂p T
= ___
∂T p
Thus, we have derived the important relations in Eqns. (5), (10), (15) and (20)
which are summarized as follows
( ) ( )
∂V S
= – ___
∂S V
( ) ( )
∂p S
= ___
∂S p
( ) ( )
∂V T
= ___
∂T V
( ) ( )
– ___
∂p T
= ___
∂T p
| |
( ) ( )
___ ∂Y
∂(X, Y)
______ ∂x y ∂x y
∂(x, y)
( ) ( )
∂y x
∂y x
= ___
∂x ( )( ) ( )( )
∂y x
– ___
∂y x
∂x y
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.53
3. For x and y, we have four variables T, S, p, V. There are in all six possible
(T, S), (T, p), (T, V)
(S, p), (S, V)
(p, V)
4. The pairs (p, V) and (T, S) for (x, y) lead to trivial relations, because
from 1,
∂(T, S)
______ ∂(p, V)
= 1 = ______
∂(p, V) ∂(T, S)
Therefore there remain four combinations
(T, V), (T, p), (S, V) and (S, p)
Thus we have four cases as follows.
5. Because from 1 and 2:
( )( ) ( )( )
∂x y
∂y x
– ___
∂y x
∂x y
( )( ) ( )( )
= ___
∂x y
∂y x
– ___
∂y x
∂x y
I. x = T, y = V
This gives (using (5)).
( ) ( )
∂V T
= ___
∂T V
(first relation)
( ∂T
because T and V are independent variables ___ = 0 = ___
∂T )
II. x = T, y = p
This gives
( ) ( )
∂p T
= – ___
∂T p
(second relation)
III. x = S, y = V
( ) ( )
– ___
∂V S
= ___
∂S V
(using (5))
___ ∂V
= 0 = ___
∂V ∂S
or ( ) ( )
∂V S
= – ___
∂S V
(third relation)
5.54 Heat and Thermodynamics
IV. x = S, y = p
This gives (using (5))
( ) ( )
∂p S
= – ___
∂S p
(fourth relation)
( ) ( )
∂y x
= ___
∂x y
hence ( ) ( )
∂V S
= – ___
∂S V
2. dH = TdS + Vdp;
( ) ( )
∂p S
= ___
∂S p
3. dA = – SdT – pdV;
hence ( ) ( )
∂V T
= ___
∂T V
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.55
4. dG = – SdT + Vdp;
( ) ( )
∂p T
= – ___
∂T p
( )
p = – ___ ;
∂V T ( )
S = – ___
∂T V
From Eqn. (3)
( )
T = ___ ;
∂S p ( )
V = ___
∂p S
From Eqn. (4)
( )
V = ___ ;
∂p T ( )
S = – ___
∂T p
( ) ( )
S = – ___
∂T V
= – ___
∂T p
( ) ( )
T = ___
∂S V
= ___
∂S p
( ) ( )
p = – ___
∂V S
= – ___
∂V T
( ) ( )
V = ___
∂p S
= ___
∂p T
5.56 Heat and Thermodynamics
dS = ___
∂T ( ) ( )V
dT + ___
∂V T
TdS = T ___
∂T ( ) ( ) V
dT + ___
∂V T
But T∂S = ∂Q
and ( )
∂T V
= CV
TdS = CV dT + T ___
∂V ( ) T
( ) ( )
∂V T
= ___
∂T V
TdS = CV dT + T ___
∂T ( ) V
∂T P( ) ( )
CP – CV = ___ – ___
∂T V
( ) ( )
dS = ___
∂T V
dT + ___
∂V T
or ( ) ( ) ( )( )
∂T P
= ___
∂T V
+ ___
∂V T
∂T P
( ) ( ) ( )( )
T ___
∂T P
= T ___
∂T V
+ T ___
∂V T
∂T P
or ( ) ( ) ( )( )
T ___
∂T P
– T ___
∂T V
= T ___
∂V T
∂T P
( ) ( )
∂V T
= ___
∂T V
5.58 Heat and Thermodynamics
CP – CV = T ___
∂T ( )( )V
∂T P
The relations (5) and (6) are called the specific heat equations.
Further, from first and second laws,
TdS = dU + PdV
\ ( ) ( )
T ___
∂V T
= ___
∂V T
CP – C V = [( ) ] ( )
∂V T
∂T P
\ ( )
∂T V
= __
and ( )
∂T P
= __
Hence, from Eqn. (6)
CP – CV = T × __ × __
= ____ = ____ = R
or CP – CV = R (8)
for a perfect gas.
( P + ___Va ) (V – b) = RT
( P + ___Va ) = _____
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.59
( ) ∂P
∂T V
= _____
( )
2a (V – b)
1 – ___3 × _______
Now, since b << V, therefore (V – b) ª V2, and
CP – CV = _________
1 – ____
RTV ( )
[ ] 2a
= R 1 – ____
C – C @ R [ 1 + ____ ]
or P V (11)
(using binomial theorem)
( ) ( )
∂V T
= ___
∂T V
or ( ) ( )
T ___
∂V T
= T ___
∂T V
( ) ( )
∂V T
= T ___
∂T V
( )
Here ___ represents the quantity of heat absorbed or liberated per unit change
∂V T
in volume at constant temperature. This means that at constant temperature, the
heat absorbed or liberated at constant temperature must be the latent heat and
change in volume must be due to a change of state. Considering a unit mass of the
substance, let L be the latent heat when the substance changes in volume from V1
to V2 at constant temperature. Then
dQ = L
and dV = V2 – V1
Substituting these in Eqn. (3), we get
( L
V2 – V1 ) ( )
= T ___
∂T V
_______ dP
or = T ___
V2 – V1 dT
dP _________
___ L
or = (5)
dT T (V2 – V1)
This equation is called the Clausius-Clapeyron latent heat equation.
G1 (P, T) = G2 (P, T)
or g (P, T) = G1 (P, T) – G2 (P, T) = 0
( ) ( )
∂T P
> ____
∂T P
Let us change the temperature of each of the phases by dT and the pressure
by dP in such a way that the two phases continue to be in equilibrium in new
states. Then, in the new condition, the Gibbs free energies of the two phases will
obviously be equal, i.e.,
( )
∂P T
( )
dP + ___
∂T P
dT = 0 (5)
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.63
Phase 2
G Phase 1
Phase 2
V Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 1
Phase 1 Phase 2
Fig. 5.32 The variation of G, V, S and Cp with T during the first order transition
Now, since ( )
v = ___
∂P T
s = – ___
∂T P( ) (7)
where v and s are the molar volume and molar entropy respectively, Eqn. (5) gives
the equation of the phase transition boundary
s2 – s1 Ds
dP ______
or = v – v = ___ (8)
dT 2 1 Dv
where s1, v1 and s2, v2 are the molar entropies and molar volumes of the two
phases. Equation (8) is the Clausius-Clapeyron equation.
5.64 Heat and Thermodynamics
( )
(i) the volume v = ___ which changes from v1 to v2 and
∂P T
( )
(ii) the entropy s = – ___ which changes from s1 to s2.
∂T P
These are demonstrated in Fig. 5.32. There is a jump in both specific volume v
and entropies.
We are also explain the behaviour of other thermodynamic properties e.g.,
specific heat Cp during the first order transition. We know that during the transition
both P and T are constant. Thus, when P is constant, dT = 0 and the specific heat
Cp is
( )
CP = T ___
∂T P
The variation of CP is also shown in the Fig. 5.32. It remains finite upto
the transition temperature in the phase 1, becoming infinity at the transition
temperature and then returns to finite value for phase 2.
From Eqn. (3), it is clear that s2 > s1 and hence the latent heat is always positive.
The Eqn. (10) may be used for melting, vaporization and sublimation.
g2 – g1 = 0
( ) ( )
– ___
∂T P
+ ___
∂T P
= s2 – s1 = __
( ) ( )
∂P T
+ ___
∂P T
= v2 – v1
The investigations with liquid Helium by Ehrenfest (1933) have led to the
findings that there are some phenomena where during the phase transition no
latent heat is evolved and there is no change in volume. We then define the second
order phase transition to be one that takes place at constant temperature and
pressure with no change of entropy and volume. The second order phase change
takes place in such a way that there is no discontinuity in the first order derivatives
of the Gibbs function, but the second order derivatives of Gibbs function change
Now, let us consider a phase change between two phases 1 and 2 in equilibrium
at a pressure P and temperature T, and let
g = G1 – G2
then g (P, T) = 0 (1)
We now change the temperature of each phase by dT and the pressure by dP
such that the two phases continue to be in equilibrium. Then
g (P + dP, T + dT) = 0 (2)
Making a Taylor-series expansion upto the 2 order,
g (P, T) + ___ dP + ___ dT
∂T ]
[ ]
1 ∂g ∂2g ∂2g
+ __ ____2 (dP)2 + 2 _____ dPdT + ___2 (dT)2
2 ∂P ∂P∂T ∂T
+…=0 (3)
We know that the function g is always zero at equilibrium. If both ∂g/∂P and
∂g/∂T are finite but the sum of the first order terms is zero i.e.,
( ) ( )
dP + ___ dT = 0
This leads to the Clausius Clapeyron equation and corresponds to the first
∂g ∂g
order phase transition. However, when ___ and ___ are individually zero, we must
∂P ∂T
5.66 Heat and Thermodynamics
∂g ∂g
consider the second order terms. When ___ and ___ are zero both at (P, T) and at
∂P ∂T
(P + dP, T + dT), we have
∂g ____
___ ∂2g
= 2 dP + _____ dT = 0 (5)
∂P ∂P ∂T∂P
∂g _____
___ ∂2g
= dP + ___2 dT = 0 (6)
∂T ∂T∂P ∂T
Adding Eqns. (5) and (6), we find that the sum of the second order terms of
Eqn. (3) is zero i.e.,
____ 2 ∂2g
_____ ∂ 2g
(dP) + 2 dPdT + (dT)2 = 0 (7)
∂P ∂T∂P ∂T 2
∂2G1 _____
_____ ∂2G2
π (10a)
∂T2 ∂T2
∂2G1 _____
_____ ∂2G2
and π (10b)
∂P2 ∂P2
Now, we know that
T ( )
= ___ ;
∂T P (( )∂G
∂T P
=–s )
∂T [ ( )]
= ___ – ___
∂T P
= – ____2
isothermal compressibility
( )
k = – __
1 ___
v ∂P T
or ( )
kv = – ___ ;
∂P T ( ( )) ∂G
v = ___
∂P T
( )
∂ ∂G
= – ___ ___
∂P ∂P T
= – ____2
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.67
( )
b = __
1 ___
v ∂T P
or ( ) [( ) ]
bv = ___
∂T P
= ___
∂P T P
= _____ (11c)
Further, Eqns. (5) and (6), give us two equations. for the phase transition
– [ ∂(Dv)/∂T ]P
dP ____________
___ = (12a)
dT [ ∂(Dv)/∂P ]T
[ ∂(Ds)/∂T ]P
dP __________
___ = (12b)
dT [ ∂(Dv)/∂T ]P
where Ds = s2 – s1 and Dv = v2 – v1.
With the help of Eqn. (11), Eqn. (12) can be expressed as
v2 b2 – v1 b1
dP __________
___ =
dT v1 k1 – v2 k2
b2 – b1
= ______ (13)
k1 – k2
dP _____________
___ 2 1
dT T (v2 b2 – v1 b1)
= __________
2 1
Tv (b2 – b1)
where v1 = v2 ∫ v for the change of the second order. Eqns. (13) and (14) are
known as Ehrenfest equations.
At a second order phase transition, not only the thermodynamic potentials are
continuous but their first derivatives (∂G/∂P)T and (∂G/∂T)P are also continuous,
however, their second derivatives (Eqns. 11) undergo a jump. These are shown
graphically in Fig. 5.33.
Thus, in the first order phase transition, the first derivatives of the Gibbs
function change discontinuously while in the second order phase transition, the
second derivatives of the Gibbs function change discontinuously.
5.68 Heat and Thermodynamics
it follows that heat capacities must approach zero, at least, as rapidly as T for the
integral to coverage and the entropy to become zero.
Tf Ti
Cx = xf Cx = xi
S0 (xi) – S0 (xf) = Ú _____ dT – Ú _____ dT (6)
0 T 0 T
However, Cxi is greater than zero for Ti π 0, therefore, Eqn. (7) cannot be true
i.e., there is no non-zero solution of the Eqn. (7) and so unattainability of absolute
zero from Eqn. (7), consequently, the third law implies that
“It is impossible to reduce the temperature of a system to absolute zero in any
finite number of operations”.
Fig. 5.34 Schematic drawing to show that glass is in a metastable state as compared to a crystal
which is in a state of stable equilibrium. Plotted here is the free energy of the system, as a function of
what is called the configuration coordinate. The latter quantity is pretty complicated but we need
not go into all that here. The figure is enough to illustrate that glass is not in an equilibrium state,
and therefore, need not respect the third law. [After G. Venkataraman, “A Hot Story” Universities Press
(India) Ltd. (1993)]
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.71
W T2 – T1
h = ___ = ______
Q2 T2
573 – 373 200
= _________ = ____ = 0.349
573 573
5.72 Heat and Thermodynamics
or =1
T1 T2
or T = ÷T1 T2
Maximum work is obtained when engine operates as a reversible cycle. The
work done is given by
W = Heat received – Heat rejected
= C (T1 – T) – C (T – T2)
= C [ T1 + T2 – 2 ÷T1 T2 ]
= C [T1 + T2 – 2T]
Example 5.9 Two bodies of equal mass m and specific heat C are at temperatures
T1 and T2 (T1 > T2). They are brought in thermal contact such that they attain an
equilibrium temperature. Show that the change in entropy is
(T1 + T2)/2
2mC ln _________
÷T1 T2 ]
Solution Let the equilibrium temperature be T such that T1 > T > T2. From the
law of conservation of energy, we have
mC (T1 – T) = mC (T – T2)
T 1 + T2
or T = ______ (i)
The total change in entropy in this case is
mCdT mCdT
DS = Ú ______ + Ú ______
T1 T T2 T
= mC ln (T/T1) + mC ln (T/T2)
(T1 + T2)2
DS = mC ln ________
4 T1 T2 ]
[ ]
(T1 + T2)/2 2
= mC ln _________
÷T1 T2
= 2mC ln _________
÷T1 T2 [
(T1 + T2)/2
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.75
Example 5.10 A refrigerator operating on the reverse Carnot cycle removes 2000
J/min of heat from a reservoir at 35°C and rejects heat to a reservoir at 100°C.
Calculate the heat rejected to the hot reservoir and the power required.
Solution Efficiency of a Carnot engine
Q2 T2
h = 1 – ___ = 1 – __
Q1 T1
or Q1 = Q2 __
Here T1 = 273 + 100 = 373 K
T2 = 273 + 35 = 308 K
Q2 = 2000 J/min
2000 100
= _____ J/s. = ____ J/s
60 3
So, the heat rejected to the hot reservoir is
Q1 = Q2 __
100 373
= ____ × ____ Joules/s.
3 308
= 40.37 J/s
Hence, the power required
W = Q1 – Q2 = (40.37 – 33.33) J/s
= 7.04 J/s
= 7.04 Watt
= ____ HP ( 1 HP = 747 Watts)
= 0.009 HP
Example 5.11 A Carnot type engine is designed to operate between 480 K and
300 K. Assuming that the engine actually produces 1.2 kJ of mechanical energy
per kilocalories of heat absorbed, compare the actual efficiency with a theoretical
maximum efficiency.
Solution The maximum efficiency
T h – Tc
= ______
480 – 300
= _________ = 37.5%
5.76 Heat and Thermodynamics
Energy output
Actual efficiency = ____________
Energy input
= ________
1 × 4.184
= 28.68%
Example 5.12 A copper can of negligible heat capacity contains 1 kg of water
just above the freezing point. A similar can contain 1 kg of water just below the
boiling point. The two cans are brought into thermal contact. Find the change in
entropy of the system.
Solution For contents of either can
dQ = mCdT
Specific heat of water
C = 1 kcal/kg°K
for water 1 cal = 4.184 J \ 1 kcal = 1 K × 4.184 J
\ mC = 1 kg × 1 K × 4.184 J/kg°K
= 4184 J/K
Since the heat capacities of the two masses are equal, the final temperature will
be the average of initial temperatures
T1i +T2i 273 K + 373 K
T1f – T2f = _______ = _____________ = 323 K
2 2
The change in entropy is
DS = DS1 + DS2
T1f T
dT1 2f dT2
= Ú mC ___ + Ú mC ___
T1i T 1 T2i T2
( )
= mC ln ___ + mC ln ___
T2f ( )
[ (
323 K
273 K ) (
323 K
= (4184 J/K) ln ______ + ln ______
373 K )]
= 100 J/K
Example 5.13 Prove that
dH = CP dT – T ___
∂T ( ) P
dP + V dP
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.77
( )
dS = ___
∂P T
( )
dP + ___
∂T P
( )
= ___
∂P T
dP + _____
From Maxwell’s relations,
( ) ( )
∂P T
= – ___
∂T P
dS = _____ – ___
∂T ( ) P
H = U + PV
\ dH = dU + PdV + VdP
= dQ + VdP
= TdS + VdP
CP dT ∂V
= T _____ – ___
T ∂T ( ) ] P
dP + VdP
= CP dT – T ___
∂T ( ) P
dP + VdP
Example 5.14 Deduce an expression for change in entropy of a van der Waals gas
at constant volume and constant temperature.
Solution For a van der Waals gas
( P + ___Va ) (V – b) = RT
Let 1 mole of van der Waals gas has pressure P, volume V at temperature T. If
CV is the molar specific heat at constant volume and due to change in state, the
temperature increases by dT and volume increases by dV, then increase in internal
energy of the gas
dU = CV dT + ___2 dV
(since, internal energy changes in expansion of volume against the internal
pressure a/V2)
5.78 Heat and Thermodynamics
( ___
CV dT + 2 dV + PdV
dT (
V2 P + 2 dV
S2 – S1 = Ú CV ___ + Ú ___________
T1 T V1 T
T2 V2
dT RdV
= Ú CV ___ + Ú ______,
T1 T V1 (V – b) ( a RT
P + ___2 = _____
V V –b )
( )
V2 – b
= CV loge __ + R loge ______
T1 V1 – b
At a constant volume,
S2 – S1 = CV loge __
At a constant temperature,
( )
V2 – b
S2 – S1 = R loge ______
V1 – b
( ) ( )
∂T V
TdS = T ___ dT + T ___
∂V T
But ( ) ( )
∂S ∂Q
T ___ = ___ = CV
∂T V ∂T V
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.79
( ) ( )
∂V T
= ___
∂T V
TdS = CV dT + T ___
∂T ( ) V
dV (i)
( P + ___Va ) (V – b) = RT
RT a
or P = _____ – ___2
V–b V
∂P _____
___ R
\ = (ii)
∂T V –b
From Eqns (i) and (ii)
TdS = CV dT + _____ dV
But for isothermal expansion dT = 0
\ TdS = _____ dV
\ Ú TdS = Ú ____ dV
V1 V – b
or ( )
V2 – b
Q = RT loge ______
V1 – b
Example 5.16 0.1 kg of steam at 100°C is converted into ice at – 10°C. Calculate
the change in entropy. Given, latent heat of ice = 80 cal/g, latent heat of steam =
540 cal/g, specific heat of ice = 0.5 cal/g°C, specific heat of water = 1 cal/g°C,
log 2.63 = 0.4200, log 2.73 = 0.4363, log 3.73 = 0.5717.
Solution This process is done in four steps: (i) steam at 100°C converts into
water at 100°C (isothermal change) (ii) water at 100°C converts into water at
0°C (iii) water at 0°C converts into ice at 0°C (isothermal change) (iv) ice at 0°C
converts into ice at – 10°C. Given mass of steam m = 0.1 kg = 100 g.
First Step Change in entropy
dQ Q mL1
DS1 = Ú ___ = __ = ____
T T T1
100 × 540
= _________ = 145 cal/K (decrease)
5.80 Heat and Thermodynamics
( )
= 2.3026 × 100 × 1 × log10 ____
= 2.3026 × 100 × 1 × [2.4363 – 2.5717]
= – 31.18 cal/K or 31.18 cal/K (decrease)
Third Step Change in entropy
dQ Q mL2
DS3 = Ú ___ = __ = ____
T T T2
100 × 80
= ________ = 29.30 cal/K (decrease)
Fourth Step Change in entropy
DS4 = mC2 loge ___
( )
= 2.3026 × 100 × 0.5 × log10 ____
= 2.3026 × 100 × 0.5 × [2.4200 – 2.4363}
= – 1.88 cal/K or 1.88 cal/K (decrease)
\ Total decrease in entropy
= (145 + 31.18 + 29.30 + 1.88)
= 67.36 cal/K
Example 5.17 1 kg water at 0°C is mixed with 1 kg water at 100°C. Calculate the
change in entropy of the mixture. Given: specific heat of water = 1 kilo cal/kg°C.
log 3.23 = 0.5092, log 2.73 = 0.4362, log 3.73 = 0.5717.
Solution If t°C is the temperature of mixture, then heat given by water at 100°C
= Heat taken by water at 0°C
or 1 × 1 × (100 – t) = 1 × 1 × (t – 0)
\ t = 50°C
Increase in entropy in heating 1 kg water at 0°C (= 273 K) to water at 50°C
(= 323 K)
DS1 = mC loge __
Ti ()
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.81
( )
= 1 × 1 × 2.3026 log10 ____
= 2.3026 × (2.5092 – 2.4362)
= 0.168 kilo.cal/K
The decrease in entropy in cooling 1 kg water at 100°C (= 373 K) to 50°C
(= 323 K) is
DS2 = mC loge __
( )
= 1 × 1 × 2.3026 log10 ____
= 2.3026 × (2.5092 – 2.5717)
= – 0.144 kilo-cal/K
\ Net increase in entropy of the system
DS = DS1 + DS2 = 0.168 – 0.144
= 0.024 kilo cal/K
Example 5.18 Calculate the change in vapour pressure of water when its boiling
point changes from 100°C to 110°C. Given: Volume of 1 g water vapour =
1640 cm3 and latent heat of vaporization = 540 cal g–1.
Solution dT = 10 K,
T = 100°C = 373 K,
V1 = volume of 1 g of water
= 1 cm3
V2 = volume of 1 g water vapour
= 1640 cm3
\ V2 – V1 = 1639 cm3 = 1639 × 10–6 m3.
L = 540 cal/g = 540 × 4.2
= 2268 J/g
\ dP = _________ dT
T (V2 – V1)
2268 × 10
= _______________
373 × 1639 × 10–6
= 0.371 × 105 N/m2
= 0.371 atmospheres
5.82 Heat and Thermodynamics
1. Explain the difference between reversible and irreversible processes.
Explain with examples the physical conditions required for a process to be
2. What is a real engine? Define efficiency and deduce an expression for it.
3. Discuss the working of Carnot’s ideal engine on P-V diagram and deduce
an expression for its efficiency. Why is it not possible in practice?
4. What is meant by a P-V diagram or indicator diagram? How is the work
done on the system or the work done by the system (during a change of
state) obtained from this graph? Show that the work done on the system or
the work done by the system is the path function.
5. The efficiency of a Carnot engine can be increased in two ways (i) by
decreasing the temperature of the sink T2, keeping the temperature of
source T1 constant, or (ii) by increasing the temperature of source T1,
keeping the temperature of sink T2 constant. Which of these methods is
more effective and why?
6. What is a refrigerator? Show that if an ideal Carnot’s refrigerator working
between the temperatures T1 and T2 (where T2 < T1) extracts heat Q2 at
temperature T2, the work required to run the refrigerator is
T1 – T2
W = Q2 ______
T1 )
Obtain an expression for its coefficient of performance.
7. Differentiate between the path function and point function.
8. Define the term entropy. State its units and explain its physical
9. Show that the entropy is a point function of the state of the system i.e., the
change in entropy of a substance in change of state does not depend on the
reversible path chosen between the two states.
10. Deduce an expression for the change in entropy of a perfect gas in terms
of its pressure, volume and specific heats.
11. State and prove Carnot’s theorem.
12. Explain second law of thermodynamics.
13. Explain the need of second law of thermodynamics. State its both
statements and show their equivalence.
14. Calculate the change in entropy of the universe in a reversible and
irreversible processes.
15. What do you mean by the temperature-entropy diagram? How are the
isothermal and adiabatic curves on this diagram represented? Draw T-S
The Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics 5.83
diagram from the P-V diagram of a Carnot cycle and use it to calculate the
efficiency of the cycle.
16. What is thermodynamic scale of temperature? Explain absolute zero on
this scale.
17. Show that the area enclosed by the T-S diagram for a Carnot cycle
represents the available energy.
18. State the principle of increase in entropy and explain it with example.
19. Describe briefly the thermodynamic potentials U, F, H and G. Deduce
Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations from them.
20. Establish thermodynamic variables S, T, P and V in terms of thermodynamic
potentials U, F, H and G.
21. Use Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations to derive the two TdS equations.
Hence find the ratio and difference in two specific heats of a gas.
22. Show that TdS = CV dT + T ___
∂T ( ) V
23. Show that TdS = CP dT – T ___
∂T ( ) P
24. Establish the thermodynamic relation ___
∂V ( ) ( )
= ___
∂T V
and use it to deduce
31. Calculate the efficiency of Carnot engine working between 127°C and
27°C. [Ans. 25%]
32. What is the efficiency of a Carnot engine working between 300°C and
15°C? Calculate the work done by the engine if its absorbs 100 cal. if heat
at the high temperature. [Ans. 0.497, 207.9 J]
33. An engine operating between 27°C and 227°C develops 74600 watt power.
(i) the efficiency of the engine
(ii) amount of heat absorbed
(iii) amount of heat rejected
[Ans. (1) 40%, (ii) 186500 J/s, (iii) 111900 J/s]
34. Assuming that a domestic refrigerator works as a reversible engine between
the temperatures 0°C and 17°C, find the electrical energy required to freeze
1 kg of water at 0°C (latent heat of ice 80 cal/gm, 1 cal = 4.18 J)
[Ans. 2.08 × 104 J]
35. 20 g water at 70°C is mixed with 10 g water at 40°C. Find the change
in entropy of the system. (Given log 3.13 = 0.4786, log 3.33 = 0.5224,
log 3.43 = 0.5353) [Ans. 0.4145 cal/K (increase)]
36. 1 kg of ice at 0°C is converted into water at the same temperature. What is
the change in entropy? [Ans. 293 cal/K (increase)]
37. 10 g of steam at 100°C is converted into water at the same temperature.
Find the change in entropy. [Ans. 14.48 cal/K (decrease)]
38. Calculate the change in entropy when 1 kg ice at – 10°C is changed into
the steam at 100°C. Given specific heat of ice = 0.5 Kcal/kg°C, latent heat
of ice = 3.4 × 105 J/kg, latent heat steam = 22.68 × 105 J/kg, J = 4.2 Joule/
cal) [Ans. 8.71 × 103 J/K (increase)]
39. 10 g water at 20°C is converted into ice at – 10°C. Calculate the change in
entropy. (log 2.63 = 0.4200, log 2.73 = 0.43622, log 2.93 = 0.4669)
[Ans. 3.824 cal/K (decrease)]
40. Give example(s) of apparent violation of the third law of
(c) the process should be done slowly so that the working substance
remains in thermal and mechanical equilibrium with its surroundings
in each intermediate state.
(d) the loss in energy must be zero and the process must be quasistatic.
2. The reversible process is
(a) the flow of heat from one body to the other when the two bodies at
different temperatures are kept in contact.
(b) the slow expansion of a gas enclosed in an insulated cylinder kept in
contact with a heat source.
(c) the adiabatic compression of a gas.
(d) the slow movement of frictionless piston out of the perfectly insulating
cylinder in contact with a heat source.
3. An ideal gas is compressed isothermally the process is
(a) reversible
(b) irreversible
(c) either reversible or irreversible
(d) nothing can be said till other restrictions ate known
4. The area of P-V diagram of a Carnot cycle represents
(a) rejected energy per cycle (b) absorbed energy per cycle
(c) work done per cycle (d) change in volume per cycle
5. If the temperature of source and sink and T1 and T2 respectively, the
efficiency of Carnot engine is
(a) 1 – T1/T2 (b) (T1 – T2)/T
(c) T1/T2 (d) 1 – T2/T1
6. A Carnot engine works between ice point (0°C) and steam point (100°C) .
Its efficiency is
(a) 36.6% (b) 37.3%
(c) 26.8% (d) 73.2%
7. If the temperature of sink is 0°K, the efficiency of Carnot engine will be
(a) 100% (b) 50%
(c) 10% (d) 25%
8. According to Clausius theorem
dQ dQ
(a) ___ > 0 (b) ___ < 0
dQ dQ
(c) ___ = constant (d) ___ = 0
5.86 Heat and Thermodynamics
1. (d); 2. (d); 3. (a); 4. (c); 5. (d); 6. (c); 7. (a);
8. (d); 9. (c); 10. (c); 11. (a); 12. (a); 13. (c); 14. (a);
15. (b); 16. (a); 17. (d); 18. (b); 19. (c); 20. (a); 21. (d);
22. (a); 23. (a); 24. (b); 25. (d).
The heat transfer takes place from the region of higher temperature to the region
of lower temperature of a medium.
There are three modes of heat transfer
1. Conduction is the transfer of heat energy by some sort of collision without
gross movement of any part of the body, due to temperature difference
between two parts of a system, or between two systems in direct contact.
2. Convection is the transfer of heat energy due to the motion of heated
fluid particles from the region of higher temperature to that of lower
3. Radiation is the transfer of heat energy due to continual emission of energy
from the surface of all bodies in the form of electromagnetic waves.
Usually more than one mode of heat transfer is present at the same time,
although one of the three may be predominant.
Radiation does not require presence of medium for the heat transfer.
] Visible
x-rays Heat Radio waves
22 14 6
10 10 10 vib/sec
–12 –4
10 10 cm
Fig. 6.1 Electromagnetic spectrum
according to the same laws as light. Convex lenses of rock salt or quartz can
converge parallel radiation at their foci. A prism of rock salt or quartz can analyse
a beam of radiation into its various wavelength constituents forming a spectrum
in the invisible region beyond the red. The short wavelength heat radiations
are called infrared radiations. Like light, radiation is absorbed by dark, rough
surfaces, and reflected by light, smooth surfaces. It exhibits the phenomena of
interference, diffraction and polarization. Some of the characteristic properties of
heat radiations are due to the fact that their wavelengths are larger than those of
the visible light.
The radiation from a gas of free molecules contains waves of few frequencies
which are characteristic of the molecules of the gas. On the other hand, the
radiation from a solid or liquid contains waves of all frequencies, with relative
amplitudes (large amplitudes in the region
of heat waves) that depend mainly on the B A
temperature of the emitting body rather than
on the type of molecules involved. We shall
be concerned here only with the radiant
energy emitted by solids and liquids.
We can write it as
a+r+t=1 (2)
where a = A/Q is the absorptivity, r = R/Q the reflectivity, and t = T/Q the
For some substances, such as lampblack, the absorptivity is nearly unity.
For theoretical reasons it is useful to think of an ideal substance which absorbs
all radiation falling on it; a = 1, t = 0, r = 0. Such a substance is called a
blackbody. Lampblack, platinum black and an enclosure with a pinhole are good
approximations to a blackbody.
When a = 0, r = 1, t = 0, we have a perfect reflector. Highly polished surfaces
are good approximations to a perfect reflector.
Since the radiant energy absorbed can contribute to increase in the internal
energy of a body, and since the rate of emission of radiation by a body depends on
its temperature, a good absorber is also a good emitter. To see this a Leslie’s cube
(cubical tin box) is taken. It is coated with lampblack on face 1, with black enamel
on face 2, with dull white paint on face 3 and the face 4 is brightly polished.
Boiling water is kept in the cube and radiation is detected with a thermopile at
the same distance from each face in turn. It is found that face 1 radiates strongly,
faces 2 and 3 radiate less strongly, and face 4 radiates feebly. Thus the lampblack
surface is a good absorber and a good emitter while polished surface is a poor
absorber and a poor emitter.
We now describe Ritchie’s experiment (1833) which shows that the emitting
power of a surface is proportional to its absorbing power. A Leslie unit cube Z
is placed between two cubical bulbs, X and Y, of a differential air thermometer,
Fig. 6.9. The faces, facing each other, are [polished (P) or blackened (B) as shown
in the figure. When the water in Z is heated, it is found that there is no change in
the manometer level.
This result can be explained as follows. Suppose e(b) is the energy emitted per
second per unit area of surface by the blackened face, and e(p) by the polished
face. The corresponding absorptivities are a(b) = 1 and a(p). The energy incident
on X per second is e(b) of which a fraction a(p) e(b) is absorbed by it. On the other
hand, the energy incident on Y per second is e(p), all of which is absorbed by it.
Since the manometer stays steady.
a(p) e(b) = e(p)
e(b) ___
___ 1 a(b)
= = (3)
e(p) a(p) a(p)
Thus, the emitting power of a surface is proportional to its absorbing power.
Visible Red
Ultr Violet
Prism avio
+ let
Carbon arc
20 °
Ultra Infrared 00 K
violet °K
l 1 Energy
60 0 °K
00 100
50 °
00 K 0 2 4 6
°K 4
400 l × 10 cm
0 °K
3000 °
0 1 2 3
l, Wavelength × 10 cm
Fig. 6.11 Distribution of the energy emitted by a hot body at different temperatures
Al dl Al
al = _____ = ___ (5)
Ql dl Ql
Similar definitions for rl and tl can be given.
where al is the absorptive power and el the emissive power of the body. Since
dQl/dl depends onlt on the temperature,
al = constant (7)
for a given temperature. Thus, the ratio of the emission power to the absorptive
power for radiation of a given wavelength is the same for all bodies at the same
temperature. This is called Kirchhoff’s law (1859).
If the enclosed body B happens to be a perfect blackbody with emissive power
e(b) and absorptive power a(b)
= 1, Eqn. (6) becomes
dQl = e(b)
dl (8)
Combining (6) and (8), we can write Kirchhoff’s law as
Œl ∫ ___ = al (9)
__ (b)
al = el = constant (10)
If Eqns. (6) and (8) are integrated from l = 0 to l = •, we get from (4)
___ =a=Œ (11)
Then for Kirchhoff’s law the specification of the wavelength is not needed and
Œ is called the total emissivity. The Œ depends on the total emissive power e, or
the area under curves such as shown in Fig. 6.11. However, it is clear from Fig.
6.11 that Eqn. (11) is true only if Œ and a have the same wavelength distribution
or if they are independent of wavelength (grey-surface).
We have proved Kirchhoff’s law for bodies in an enclosure. By Prevost’s theory
of exchanges, the radiation emitted by a body depends only on its temperature and
not on its surroundings. Therefore, Kirchhoff’s law applies under all conditions.
If a body shows strong absorption for a given type of radiation strongly, it also
emits a similar type of radiation strongly. Thus, red glass, which looks red as
it absorbs green light strongly, glows with a green light when heated to a high
Note that Eqn. (11) is same as Eqn. (3). Therefore, Kirchhoff’s law simply
says that a good absorber is also a good emitter. It is in agreement with Ritchie’s
An important application of Kirchhoff’s law is in the field of spectroscopy.
Fraunhofer in 1823 measured the exact wavelengths of the dark lines observed by
him in the spectrum of sunlight. Their origin could be understood only 35 years
later when Kirchhoff in 1859 announced his famous law according to which if a
body absorbs light of a certain wavelength, it also emits this same wavelength.
Thus, the Fraunhofer lines are due to the absorption of certain wavelengths
by sun’s atmosphere. One can find out what elements exist in the sun if one
can observe what elements on earth give bright lines on emission at the same
wavelengths as the dark lines in the solar spectrum. It is found, for example, that
the wavelengths of the emission D-lines of sodium exactly coincide with those
of dark lines of Fraunhofer showing that there is sodium in the solar atmosphere.
Such identifications for various elements have been done for thousands of
observed dark lines.
Kirchhoff defined a blackbody or a full radiator as a body which, at all temperatures,
absorbs all the radiation falling on it; that is
From Section 6.7 that inside an enclosure the radiation in any given direction
must be the same as in any other direction (isotropic); it must be the same at
every point (homogenous); and it must be the same in all enclosures at a given
temperature, irrespective of the materials composing them. Moreover, all these
statements hold for each spectral component of the radiation.
A simple relation exists between the radiation in an enclosure and the radiation
emitted by a blackbody. Suppose that such an enclosure contains a black surface.
Then the radiation leaving this surface will consist entirely of radiation emitted
by it because it reflects none of the radiation that falls upon it. Therefore, the
radiation emitted by a black surface or body in any direction is the same as the
radiation travelling in any one direction in an enclosure at the same temperature.
From now on both will be called as blackbody radiation.
A perfect blackbody does not exist in nature,
although lampblack and platinum black are good
approximations. Kirchhoff devised a blackbody with
the help of a hollow enclosure or cavity, Fig. 6.12.
A small hole is cut in a large hollow enclosure, such
as a sphere. The radiation incident upon this hole is
partially absorbed by the inner wall of the enclosure
and the rest is diffused within the enclosure. The
radiant energy, having once entered the enclosure Fig. 6.12 Hollow enclosure
through the hole, continues to be absorbed, reflected blackbody
and reradiated. Only a very small amount of this
diffused radiation finds its way out through the hole; that is al @ 1 for each l, as
required for a blackbody.
The hole of the enclosure behaves very much like
a perfect radiator. The diffused radiation coming
out from such an isothermal enclosure is called the
blackbody (or full) radiation. The term ‘full’ indicates
that the radiation emitted by a non-blackbody may P O
be deficient in some wavelengths and so may not be
complete or full.
Fery has constructed a blackbody, Fig. 6.13, on
this principle. To avoid direct radiation from the
Fig. 6.13 Fery’s blackbody
surface opposite the hole O, which would make the
body not perfectly black, be introduced a conical projection P.
dt at which radiant energy falls upon dS is proportional to (1) the area dS, (2) the
area dA of the radiator, and (3) 1/r2, due to the inverse-square law. It will also
depend upon q, because the apparent area of dA, as seen from dS, is dA cos q.
___ dS
= I dA cos q ___2 (1)
dt r
where constant of proportionality I is called the total intensity of radiation from
dA in the direction of dS. We can write
I = __________ (2)
dA dw cos q
where dw = dS/r2 is the solid angle which the area dS subtends at O. If the radiation
considered is in the wavelength region l to l + dl, we get the monochromatic
intensity of radiation Il.
When I is the same in all directions, there is a simple relation between I and
the total emissive power e. The area of the ring of width rdq on the hemisphere is
2pr sin q rdq. The flux of energy dQ/dt through this ring is
2pr sin q rdq
( )
dt ring
= I dA cos q ____________
= 2p I Ú cos q sin q dq (5)
e = p I ( sin2q )p/2
=pI (6)
el = p Il (7)
If a surface obeys the cosine law [dQ/dt μ cos q, Eqn. (1)], so that the intensity
I of the radiation emitted by it is the same in all directions, then a simple relation
exists between e and the energy density Y in the emitted radiation at a point near
the surface dA. In Fig. 6.14 allow the radius r of the sphere to be very large. Then
all rays from points on dA to points on dS may be regarded as parallel. The radiant
energy emitted in 1 second from dA, in the direction of dS, will be contained in a
cylinder whose length is the velocity of light c and cross-sectional area dA cos q.
The volume of this cylinder is
6.12 Heat and Thermodynamics
r sin q rd
q q
O dA
dV = c dA cos q (8)
The energy density dY inside the cylinder and hence, in particular, at points
near the surface is
(dQ/dt) × 1 second
d Y = ________________
= ___2 (9)
Since the surface area of the hemisphere is Ú dS = 1/2 (4pr2) = 2pr2, the total
radiation density Y near the surface is given by
1 2pI
Y = Ú dY = ___2 Ú dS = ___
c (10)
Using Eqn. (6), e = pI,
Y = ___
c (11)
4pI ____
Y = ___
c = c ,
Yl = c (enclosure) (13)
in the enclosure.
Radiation 6.13
S cos2 q = Ú cos2 q dN
= N Ú cos2 q sin q dq = __ N (4)
0 3
and from Eqn. (2)
1 1
p = __ wN = __ Y (5)
3 3
There is an analogy between the behaviour of the radiation within an isothermal
enclosure and that of gas molecules in a box. Just as the gas molecules in a box
move with all velocities in all directions, radiation in an enclosure consists of all
frequencies and goes in all directions. The plot of the fraction of the total energy
radiated within each range of wavelength (Fig. 6.11) shows marked resemblance to
that of the Maxwell distribution of the molecules and the radiation both exchange
momentum with the walls and exert pressure on them.
P1 P4
p1 V2 T3
p1 V1 T1 p1 V2 T1 p2 V3 T2 p1 V4 T2
T1 H1 T2 H2
p – dp
V V2 V
The net work done in the cycle is the shaded area in Fig. 6.16,
dW = dp(V2 – V1)
= __ dY(V2 – V1)
6.16 Heat and Thermodynamics
___ dT
= 4 ___ (3)
Integration gives ln Y = 4 ln T + constant, or
Y = aT 4 (Stefan-Boltzmann law) (4)
(We assume that Y = 0 at T = 0). Thus, the energy density is proportional to the
fourth power of the absolute temperature T.
From Eqn. (13) Section 6.9, we have e(b) = Yc/4. Therefore,
e(b) = ___ T 4 = s T 4 (Stefan-Boltzmann law) (5)
where s is the Stefan-Boltzmann law (or, Stefan) constant. The value of s is
5.735 × 10–5 erg cm–2 sec–1 K – 4.
We can derive Eqn. (4), without bringing in the Carnot cycle, by simply
considering the isothermal compression of radiation and applying the general
laws of thermodynamics directly.
Consider radiation in a cylinder-piston arrangement. Introduce into the cylinder
a minute speck of lampblack which is kept at constant temperature T by thermal
contact with an external reservoir. For very slow compression, the radiation can
be regarded as in thermal equilibrium with the lampblack at all times. We thus
have blackbody radiation at temperature T.
The radiation has total energy density Y and exerts a pressure p = 1/3 Y. The
total internal energy of the system of volume V is
U = YV (6)
We know that the radiation is a function of temperature only,
( )
∂V T
=0 (7)
( ) ( )
∂V T
= T ___
∂V T
Radiation 6.17
Y + V ___
∂V ( ) ( )
= T ___
∂T V
–p (8)
1 ∂Y
3 ∂T ( )
Y = T __ ___
– __ Y
V 3
S S¢
Fig. 6.17 Lummer and Pringsheim’s arrangement for the verification of Stefan’s law
taken with the bath at different constant temperatures. These data are reduced to
a common arbitrary unit depending upon the radiation from the blackbody A at
100°C and kept at a fixed distance. By Stefan’s law
f = a (T4 – T04)
To find dT/dt at t1, we draw a tangent on the t – f curve at the point P making
an angle a with the time-axis, Fig. 6.20. Then
( ___dTdt ) t = t1 [
d(T0 + q)
= ________
dt ] ( )
t = t1
= ___
dt t = t1
dq df
= ___ ◊ ___
df dt ) ( )( )
t = t1
= ___
dt t = t1
= tan b tan a
where in the last step we have used the fact that q-f curve is generally a straight
line making an angle b with the f-axis, Fig. 6.19. Substituting these values of T1
and (dT/dt)t1 in Eqn. (1), we can calculate s.
H = s (T – T0) × 4T03
= constant × (T – T0)
S1 S2
q N¢
P¢ Q¢
Fig. 6.22 Doppler effect for radiation
c (l + NN¢ + N¢Q¢ + Q¢P¢) =
c l + [z
_____ +
cos q cos q
+ NP –
cos q(
2z sin2 q
= __
c (NP + l + 2z cos q)
Therefore, the time interval between the arrival of successive wave beginnings
at P and P¢ respectively is
c (l + 2z cos q)
v¢ = __________,
l + 2z cos q
l¢ = __ = l + 2z cos q
Equating the time taken for the mirror to move a distance z and for the radiation
to move from B to N¢, we get
l + (z/cos q)
__z = ___________
v c
2lv cos q
l¢ = l + ___________ (1)
c – (v/cos q)
Since v << c, we can write for the change in wavelength
2vl cos q
dl = l¢ – l = ________
c (Doppler effect) (2)
( c
dl = _______
2r cos q ) ( ________
2vl cos q
c ) = ___vlr
dl __v __
___ dr
=r= r (3)
where dr is the distance traversed by the surface in one second. Integration gives
r = constant (4)
TV1/3 = T __ pr3
3 ) 1/3
= constant
Tr = constant (5)
From Eqns. (4) and (5), we have
lT = constant (adiabatic) (6)
Thus, the wavelength of any given spectral component of the blackbody radiation
changes during a slow adiabatic expansion in such a way that l μ 1/T.
We now consider the effect of adiabatic expansion on the spectral components
between l and l + dl. The spectral density, the wavelength and the width of this
band will be changed by the expansion. Applying the first law (dQ = dU + pdV = 0)
again, but this time to these spectral components only, we have
d(Ul dl) + pdV = 0
d(Yl V dl) + __ Yl dl dV = 0
d(Yl dl)V + Yl dl dV + __ Yl dl dV = 0
d(Yl dl)
________ 4 dV dr
= – __ ___ = – 4 __
Yl dl 3 V
Yl dl r4 = constant (7)
From Eqn. (4), l is proportional to r so that Eqn. (7) becomes Yl r4 dr =
constant, or taking sum over r, n dr = r,
Yl r5 = constant (8)
Using Eqn. (5), we finally get
Yl T–5 = constant (9)
Thus, for the group of spectral components considered, we have shown
lT = constant
Yl T–5 = constant (10)
It follows that the whole distribution must obey an equation of the form
Yl = T5 f (l T) (11)
where f (l T) is an undetermined function of the product lT. We can write
Eqn. (11) in a slightly different form,
Yl = l–5 (lT)5 f (l T)
Yl = l–5 F (l T) (12)
Radiation 6.25
x x
(b) x
el x
5 x
T x x
Fig. 6.24 Composite curve for the experimental verification of Wien’s law.
∫ T = 1646°K, × ∫ T = 1449°K, ∫ T = 1259°K.
This is Wien’s displacement law. The value of constant is 0.29 cm°K. For the
sum if we take T = 6000°K, we get lm = 5000Å in the visible region. For bodies at
room temperature the radiation is most intense at lm ~ 105 Å in the far infrared.
1 2
__ ac
mv = av = ___ (1)
2 l
where a is a constant and v is the frequency of the radiation emitted. He further
assumed that the energy (or speed) distribution of the resonators obeys the law of
Maxwell and Boltzmann. That is, the number of resonators with energies between
av and a(v + dv) is given by
( )
Nv = f(v) exp – ____
( )
= f(v) exp – ___
The Wien formula (8) with two underdetermined constants fits the experimental
data in the short wavelength region but shows disagreement in the long wavelength
kT for the kinetic energy plus __ kT for the potential energy . Lord Rayleigh
(1900) and Jeans (1905) suggested that the energy equipartition law can be applied
to the radiation problem.
Radiation 6.27
( )
nx2 + ny2 + nz2 = __
6.28 Heat and Thermodynamics
a b
Thus, allowed modes of vibration are those for which (6) holds for every set of
three positive integers nx, ny, nz.
If we put 2l/l = n, Eqn. (6) becomes nx2 + ny2 + nz2 = n2. Then n is the radius
of a sphere in (nx, ny, nz) space. The number of allowed modes can be evaluated
by making a three-dimensional plot of nx, ny, and nz (Fig. 6.27) and counting the
number of points, for which these numbers are integral, which lies within the
positive octant of a sphere of radius n. For sufficiently large values of n, each
point will correspond to one unit cube (each point is shared by adjacent cubes)
in this octant. Therefore, the volume of the octant gives the required number of
modes of vibration g as
1 4
8 3 )14 2l
g = __ __ pn3 = __ __ p __
83 l ( ) 3
4p l3
= _____ (7)
The number of modes, or of degrees of freedom, between l and l + dl is
obtained by differentiating Eqn. (7). Thus
dg = ____ dl (8)
where V = l3 and both dg and dl are taken as positive quantities for simplicity.
This number should be multiplied by 2 because transverse electromagnetic waves
have two possible polarizations for each mode. Thus, the number of degrees of
freedom of the waves is
8pV 8pV 2
dg = ____
dl = ____ v dv (9)
l c3
The law of equipartition of energy allows us to associate an energy kT with
each degree of freedom. Therefore, the total energy inside the box within the
wavelength range l and l + dl is
Radiation 6.29
1 2 3 4 5 6
0 ny
1 n
VYl dl = dg kT = ____
dl kT ( )
Yl dl = _____ dl
= ____ lT dl (Rayleigh-Jeans law) (10)
Yv dv = ____ kT dv
This is the Rayleigh-Jeans law, which results from the application of
the classical equipartition law. In this case F(lT) = lT. This law agrees with
observations at long wavelengths but fails miserably at short wavelengths or high
frequencies. For example, as l Æ 0, Yl Æ •, when we know (Fig. 6.11) that
actually as l Æ 0, Yl Æ 0.
with the walls of a enclosure, is infinitely greater than the energy density in the
walls themselves. This is not in agreement with the observations and is called
the ultraviolet catastrophe. Let us see what will happen if, for example, we fill
an enclosure with red light. The radiation will not be in equilibrium with the
enclosure. As exchange of energy with the walls brings about the equilibrium,
the energy distribution will approach the Rayleigh-Jeans distribution; that is, the
energy will tend to get concentrated in the region of very short wavelengths. This
implies that the red light will turn into violet, ultraviolet, X-rays and g-rays, etc.
This is contrary to all observations.
The total number N of the oscillators is the sum of all Nns from n = 0 to
n = •,
N = N0 + N1 + N2 + N3 + …
= N0 + N0 exp (– hv/kT) + N0 exp (– 2hv/kT) + …
= N0 S exp (– nhv/kT) (3)
_ U hv S n exp (– nhv/kT)
e = __ = __________________
N S exp (– nhv/kT)
= hv ____
, ( x = ___kThv , y = e )
y(1 + 2y + 3y2 + …)
= hv
1 + y + y2 + …
y/(1 – y)2 y
= hv ________ = hv _____
1/(1 – y) 1–y
= ______
1/y – 1
= _____________ (5)
exp (hv/kT) – 1
We can now combine Planck’s expression for the average energy of an oscillator
with the Rayleigh-Jeans analysis of the electromagnetic radiation where the
various modes of vibration were treated as oscillators. There were 8pdl/l4 modes
of vibration or degrees of freedom per unit volume in the wavelength region l
to l + dl. The Rayleigh-Jeans formula was obtained by multiplying this by kT
according to the classical energy equipartition law, which applies only when the
modes of oscillation are continuously distributed as to energy. _
In the quantum
theory of Planck we multiply this number not by kT but by e as given by (5).
dl hv
Yl dl = 8p ___4 ◊ _____________
l exp (hv/kT) – 1
8p ch ______________
= _____
◊ (Planck’s formula) (6)
l exp (ch/lkT) – 1
6.32 Heat and Thermodynamics
’ la
Wien’s law
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
l (cm × 10 )
Fig. 6.28 Comparison of the three radiation laws with experiment at 1600°K. The ordinate
represents Yl or e(b)
on an arbitrary scale
This is the famous Planck radiation law. It is in complete agreement with the
experiments of Rubens and Kurlbaum in the entire wavelength range, Fig. 6.28.
c F(lT)
e(b) = __ Yl = _____ ,
l 4 l5
F(lT) = ______________ (7)
exp (ch/lkT) – 1
To fit the experimental data, we need
h = 6.61 × 10–27 erg sec
If the values of constants c, h and k are inserted, Eqn. (6) is
4.98 × 10–15 _________________
1 ergs
Yl = __________ ◊ ____ (8)
l 5 exp (– 1.435/lT) – 1 cm3
where l is in centimeters and T in degrees Celsius.
The Planck formula reduces to Wien’s formula for shorter wavelengths,
exp (ch/lkT) >> 1 for lT << 1
exp (– ch/lkT)
l5lT << 1
= 1 + ____ for lT >> 1
lkT _____
8pch ____ 8pkT
Æ _____ 5 ◊ = 4
lT >> 1 l ch l
Here r/R0 is the mean angular radius of the sun at the earth (angle subtended
by the solar radius at the earth). Using
S0 = 1.937 cal cm–2 minute–1
s = 5.735 × 10–5 erg sec–1 cm–2 °K–1
r/R0 = 959≤ = 4.65 × 10–3 radians
we get
1.937 × 4.18 × 10–7
( )
T = ___________________________
60 × (4.65)2 × 10–6 × 5.735 × 10–5
= 5742°K
where we have multiplied S0 by J = 4.18 × 107 ergs/cal to express it in ergs. This
is the brightness temperature of the sun’s surface.
Radiation 6.35
The temperature of the sun can also be estimated by using Wien’s law
lmT = constant = 0.293
Abbot’s measurements show that lm = 4753Å for the solar radiation. Hence
T = __________ = 6060°K
7553 × 10–8
This temperature, called the colour temperature, is nearly 300°K higher
than the brightness temperature. This shows that the sun does not radiate like a
Example The rate of cooling or warming is given by Newton’s law of cooling
__ (DT) = – KDT,
where K is a constant. On what factors does K depend and what are its dimensions?
If at some instant, the temperature difference is DT0, show that at a time t later
DT = DT0 e–kT.
Solution The constant K depends on the nature of the exposed surface and its
area. The dimension of K is (Time)–1 as time enters the denominator of l.h.s. of
the equation (and temperature is in the numerator of both sides).
__ (DT) = – KDT
or = – Kdt
ln DT = – Kt + C
where C is the constant of integration.
Let DT = DT0 at t = 0.
\ ln DT0 = C
ln DT = – Kt + ln DT0
or ln DT – ln DT0 = – Kt
( )
ln ____ = – Kt
or DT = DT0 e–Kt
at a later time t.
6.36 Heat and Thermodynamics
1. What is meant by a blackbody? On what factors does the blackbody
radiation depend and how?
2. Explain the meaning of emissive power and absorptive power. State the
Kirchhoff’s law of blackbody radiation and explain its significance.
3. What is meant by the pressure of radiation? Show that the pressure of
radiation of diffused radiations enclosed inside an enclosure is equal to
1/3rd of energy density.
4. Explain Stefan-Boltzmann’s law and prove it thermodynamically. Show
that the Newton’s law of cooling is an approximation of it for low
temperature difference.
5. State the Stefan’s law of radiation. Describe the experimental method of
determination of Stefan’s constant.
6. What is solar constant? How can the surface temperature of sun be
determined with its help?
7. State Wien’s distribution law and derive it.
8. For an adiabatic expansion of blackbody radiation in an enclosure, prove
that TV1/3 = constant.
9. Calculate the number of modes of vibrations per unit volume of an enclosure
in the frequency range v and v + dv. On this basis, derive Rayleigh-Jean’s
law and discuss its drawbacks.
10. What is Planck’s quantum hypothesis of radiation? Obtain Planck’s
formula for distribution of energy in the blackbody spectrum.
11. Show that the average energy of a Planck’s oscillator of frequency v in
thermal equilibrium at an absolute temperature T is given as
__ hv
E = ________
e –1
Hence show that as h tends to zero, the average energy of Planck’s oscillator
becomes independent of frequency like the average energy of a classical
12. Deduce (i) Wien’s law, (ii) Rayleigh-Jean’s law from the Planck’s
distribution law.
13. Write short notes on
(i) Kirchoff’s law of radiation
(ii) Prevost’s theory of heat exchange
(iii) Stefan’s law
(iv) Wien’s displacement law
Radiation 6.37
Calorie 1.27 Dalton’s Law of partial pressures 2.15
Carnot cycle 5.8 Degrees of freedom 2.17
Carnot engine 5.7 Differential air thermometer 6.2
Carnot steam engine 5.34
Cascade process 3.35 E
Celsius scale 1.2 Efficiency of carnot engine 5.11, 5.15
Centigrade scale 1.3 Efficiency of engine 5.7
Charle’s law 1.13, 2.12 Ehrenfest equations 5.67
Claude process 3.39 Einstein’s theory of translational brownian
Clausius-clapeyron equation 5.63 motion 2.4
Clausius-clapeyron latent heat equation Enthalpy 2.20, 5.46
5.61 Entropy 5.27
I.2 Index
Heat capacity 1.26, 4.15 Langevin’s theory of Brownian Motion
Heat capacity at constant pressure 1.26 2.2
Heat capacity at constant volume 1.26 Law of corresponding states 3.15
Heat engine 5.6 Linde process 3.39
Heat waves 6.1 Liquefaction 3.4
Helmholtz free energy 5.45, 5.46 Liquid thermometer 3.44
Indicator diagram 4.3 Magnetic thermometer 3.45
Infrared radiations 6.2 Magnetocaloric effect 3.30
Intensive 4.6 Maxwell Boltzmann law of distribution of
Internal energy 4.7 velocities 2.36
Inversion curve 5.1 Maxwell Boltzmann’s speed distribution
Irreversible process 1.20 function 1.27
Isobaric 1.18 Maxwell’s relations 5.52
Isobaric processes 1.18 Monochromatic emissive power 6.6
Isochoric 4.25
Isochoric processes 1.20, 4.11
Negative temperatures 5.43
Isotherm 4.35
Newton’s law of cooling 6.20
Isothermal 4.11
Joule’s coefficient 3.17 Open system 1.18
Joule’s expansion 3.15 Otto cycle 5.37
Joule’s expansion of an Ideal Gas 3.15
Joule’s expansion of van der Waal’s or P
Real Gas 3.16 Partial derivative 4.32
Joule’s law 4.36 Perfect gas 1.12, 4.37
Index I.3
Second law of thermodynamics 5.4 van der Waal forces 3.15
Second order phase transition 5.67 van der Waals constants 3.10
Second TdS equation 5.56 van der Waals equation 3.8
Specific 4.15 van der Waals equation of state 1.24
Specific enthalpy 1.19 van der Waals force 1.23
Specific heat capacity 1.3 van der Waals interaction 1.22
Specific value 1.7 Vapour 3.6, 3.10
Standard atmosphere 4.34 Vapour pressure 3.6
Standard fixed point of thermometry 2.33 Vapour pressure thermometer 3.44
I.4 Index