ISO 2700 - 2022 Audit Checklist

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The document discusses the key clauses and sub-clauses of ISO 27001 standard and the questions that need to be answered for effective Information Security Management System.

The main clauses covered are Context of Organization, Leadership, Planning, Support, Operation and Performance Evaluation.

For each clause, the document lists down questions around understanding issues and requirements, defining policies, assessing and treating risks, ensuring competency and resources etc.


27001:2022 Sub Clauses Gap Assessment Questionnaire Response

Have the internal and external issues that are relevant to the
4.1 - organization's ISMS determined
Understanding Have impact and the risk associated to the issues
organization and determined
its context Have the remediation plan for issues documented
Has the organization determined the interested parties that
4.2 - are relevant to the ISMS
Understanding Has the organization determined the needs and
4 the needs and expectations of these interested parties
expectations of Have the requirements of these interested parties been
Context of
interested parties determined, including legal, regulatory and contractual
the requirements?
organization Have the boundaries and applicability of the ISMS been
determined to establish its scope, taking into consideration
4.3 - Determining
the external and internal issues, the requirements of
the scope of the interested parties and the interfaces and dependencies with
information other organizations?
security Has the organization defined the scope of ISMS including the
management in scope departments, interfaces, dependences and the
system locations
Is ISMS scope been documented
Is the organization’s leadership commitment to the ISMS
demonstrated by establishing the information security
policy and objectives, compatible with the strategic
direction of the organization, and in promotion of continual
Has the leadership ensured the integration of the ISMS
requirements into its business processes?
5.1 - Leadership
Has the leadership ensured resources are available for the
and commitment ISMS, and directing and supporting individuals, including
management, who contribute to its effectiveness?
Has the leadership communicated the importance of
effective information security and conformance to ISMS
5 requirements?
Leadership Has the leadership directing and supporting relevant roles to
contribute to the effectiveness of ISMS
Is there an established information security policy that is
appropriate to ISMS
Does the information security policy gives a framework for
5.2 - Policy setting objectives, and demonstrates commitment for
continual improvement of ISMS
Is the policy documented and communicated to employees
and relevant interested parties?
Are the roles, responsibilities & authorities relevant to ISMS
5.3 -
scope clearly defined and communicated?
Is the Org Chart defined and inline with the defined roles and
roles, responsibilities
responsibilities Are the responsibilities and authorities for conformance and
and authorities reporting on ISMS performance assigned?
Have the internal and external issues, and the requirements
of interested parties been considered to determine the risks
and opportunities that need to be addressed to ensure that
the ISMS achieves its outcome
Have actions to address risks and opportunities been
planned, and integrated into the ISMS processes, and are
6.1 - Actions to
they evaluated for effectiveness?
address risks and
Has an information security risk assessment process that
opportunities establishes the criteria for performing information security
risk assessments, including risk acceptance criteria been
Is the information security risk assessment process
repeatable and does it produce consistent, valid and
comparable results?
Does the information security risk assessment process
identify risks associated with loss of confidentiality,
integrity and availability for information within the scope of
the ISMS, and are risk owners identified?
Are information security risks analysed to assess the
6.1.2 - Information
realistic likelihood and potential consequences that would
security risk result, if they were to occur, and have the levels of risk been
assessment determined?
Are information security risks compared to the established
risk criteria and prioritised?
Is documented information about the information security
Clause 6 risk assessment process available?
Is there an information security risk treatment process to
select appropriate risk treatment options for the results of
the information security risk assessment, and are controls
determined to implement the risk treatment option chosen?
Have the controls determined, been compared with ISO/IEC
6.1.3 - Information 27001:2022 Annex A to verify that no necessary controls
security risk have been missed?
treatment Has a Statement of Applicability been produced to justify
Annex A exclusions, and inclusions together with the control
implementation status?
Has the organization formulated an information security risk
treatment plan and obtained the risk owners approval for
residual risk acceptance
Have measurable ISMS objectives and targets been
established, documented and communicated throughout the
6.2 - Information In setting its objectives, has the organization determined
security what needs to be done, when and by whom?
objectives and Is everyone within the organization’s control aware of the
planning to importance of the information security policy, their
achieve them contribution to the effectiveness of the ISMS and the
implications of not conforming?
Has the organization determined the need for internal and
external communications relevant to the ISMS, including
what to communicate, when, with whom, and who by, and
the processes by which this is achieved?
Has the organization determined the resources needed for
7.1 - Resources
Has the organization determined the competency of the
persons relevant to ISMS
Has the organization taken corrective measures to acquire
7.2 - Competence the necessary competency of the persons relevant to ISMS
Has the organization retained information as evidence for
showcasing that the persons relevant to ISMS have
necessary competency
Has the organization defined and documented Information
Security Awareness Plan
Does the employees undergo security awareness sessions
upon hire and on periodic basis
Does the organization have a method to evaluate the
7.3 - Awareness
effectiveness of the awareness training
How does the organization ensures that the employees are
aware about the information security policy
Are the employees aware of the implications of not
confirming to information security requirements
Has the organization developed internal and external
communication plan
7 7.4 -
Does the communication plan include the details of what to
Support Communication share, when to share, whom to share, how to share and with
whom to share
Has the organization determined the documented
information necessary for the effectiveness of the ISMS?
Is the documented information in the appropriate format,
and has it been identified, reviewed and approved for
Has the organization defined naming conventions including
7.5.1 - General (document tittle, date, author & approval)
While creating and updating the documents does the
7.5.2 - Creating
organization ensure the integrity of the documents by
and updating
capturing version numbers and appropriate approvals
7.5.3 - Control of Does the organization have a process to control the
documented distribution of its documented information to ensure it is
information only available for intended persons
Does the organization protects the documented information
from loss of confidentiality, integrity and availability
Is the documented information properly stored and
adequately preserved for its legibility
Has the organization identified and documentation of
external origin
Does the organization has a programme to ensure that the
ISMS achieves its outcomes, requirements and objectives
8.1 - Operational been developed and implemented?
planning and Is documented evidence retained to demonstrate that
Operation control processes have been carried out as planned?
Are changes planned and controlled, and unintended
changes reviewed to mitigate any adverse results?
How does the organization control outsourced
processes/services relevant to ISMS
Does the organization have documented information as an
evidence to ensure that the processes are carried out and
implemented as planned.
Are information security risk assessments performed at
planned intervals or when significant changes occur, and is
8.2 - Information
documented information retained?
security risk
Does the organization retain relevant documented
assessment information of the results of the information security risk
Has the information security risk treatment plan been
8.3 - Information implemented as per the information risk treatment plan
security risk Does the organization retain relevant documented
treatment information of the results of the information security risk
Is the information security performance and effectiveness
of the ISMS evaluated?
How does the organization determine the processes and
controls that needs to be monitored and controlled
How does the organization determine the methods for
monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation of
security processes and controls
How does the organization ensure that the selected
9.1 - Monitoring, methods produce comparable, repeatable and reproducible
measurement, results
analysis and Has the organization determined the frequency for
evaluation monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation of
security processes and controls
Has the organization determined when to analyze the results
of monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation of
security processes and controls
9 Has the organization determined what needs to be
Performance monitored and measured, when, and by whom
Is documented information retained as evidence of the
evaluation results of monitoring and measurement?
Does the organization plan, establish, implement and
maintain an internal audit program
Has the organization defined the frequency of internal audits
Has the organization defined the objective and criteria for
the internal audit
Has the organization defined the frequency, methods,
responsibilities and requirements for the audit program
9.2 - Internal
Are internal audits conducted periodically to check that the
audit ISMS is effective and conforms to both ISO/IEC 27001:2022
and the organization’s requirements?
Does the audit program take into consideration of
importance of the process during the audit
Are the audits performed by competent personnel
How does the organization ensure objectivity and
impartiality of the audit
Are the results of the internal audit reported to relevant
management personnel
Are results of audits reported to management, and is
documented information about the audit programme and
audit results retained?
Does the review consider results from previous
management reviews
Does the Top Management review the effectiveness of ISMS
at planned intervals
Does the review consider changes to the internal and
external issues
Does the review consider changes to the needs and
expectations of interested parties
Does the review consider the non conformities and
corrective actions
Does the review consider monitoring and measurement
9.3 - Management Does the review consider audit results
Does the review consider feedback from interested parties
Does the review consider results of risk assessment and risk
Does the review consider opportunities for continual
Does the outputs of the review include decisions related to
continual improvement and any needs for changes to ISMS
Has the organization retained documented information as
evidence for the results of management reviews
Are the results of the management review documented,
acted upon and communicated to interested parties as
10.1 - Continual Does the organization continually improve the suitability,
improvement adequacy and effectiveness of the ISMS
What are the steps taken by the organization on the non
conformities identified
Does the organization takes actions to control and correct
the non conformities
10 Does the organization identifies the root cause for the non
10.2 - conformity
Improvement Nonconformity
Does the organization take steps to eliminate the root cause
and corrective
Does the organization take steps to identify similar non
conformities within the organization.
Does the Organization take steps to review the effectiveness
of corrective actions taken'
Is documented information retained as evidence of the
nature of non-conformities, actions taken and the results?


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