3IS Week 3.module 3
3IS Week 3.module 3
3IS Week 3.module 3
A. LEARNING AREA The Learners demonstrate an The Learners demonstrate an The Learners demonstrate an The Learners demonstrate an
understanding of: understanding of: understanding of: understanding of:
Reading on Related Studies Reading on Related Studies Reading on Related Studies Reading on Related Studies
(NO. OF HOURS) 5 Weeks ( 20Hours)
C. LEARNER’S ACTIVITY Students will be able to The Learners: The Learners: The Learners: The Learners:
identify areas where they Selects, cites and synthesize Selects, cites and synthesize Selects, cites and synthesize Selects, cites and synthesize
did not meet the properly related literature. properly related literature. properly related literature. properly related literature.
requirements of the Uses sources according to Uses sources according to Uses sources according to Uses sources according to
performance task and ethical standards. ethical standards. ethical standards. ethical standards.
Presents written review Presents written review Presents written review Presents written review
develop a plan for
literature(8-10 pages) literature(8-10 pages) literature(8-10 pages) literature(8-10 pages)
completing those
The teacher: The teacher: The teacher: The teacher:
D. TEACHER’S ACTIVITY Gives guidance about relevant Gives guidance about relevant Gives guidance about relevant Gives guidance about
literature on the topic under literature on the topic under literature on the topic under relevant literature on the
study and appropriate study and appropriate study and appropriate topic under study and
literature sources. literature sources. literature sources. appropriate literature
Conducts critiquing or oral Conducts critiquing or oral Conducts critiquing or oral sources.
presentation of review presentation of review presentation of review Conducts critiquing or oral
literature. literature. literature. presentation of review
E. LEARNER’S OUTPUT List of Related Literature List of Related Literature List of Related Literature List of Related Literature
A. References Designing a Research Project related to Daily Life
1. TG/CG pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Inquiry, Investigation, and Inquiry, Investigation, and Inquiry, Investigation and Inquiry, Investigation and
Immersion Module Week 3 Immersion Module Week 3 Immersion Module Week Immersion Module Week
3 3
4. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
B. Other Learning Materials Manila Paper, Handouts on different Sample Research Topics
A. Reviewing previous Review the rubric for the The teacher begins by asking Begin by asking students to Asks the students the MLA Gives feedback or
lesson and presenting performance task and the the students: recall the previous lesson. format in making citations. comments on progress
new lesson expectations for the achieved by the learner.
presentation. What is Research?
B. Establishing a purpose Explain to students that the Identify and cite related Explain the students how
for the lesson purpose of this lesson is to literature using the MLA to cite sources using the
provide an opportunity for format. CMS format.
them to reflect on their
performance task and
identify areas where they
did not meet the
C. Presenting The teacher gives students Lead a class discussion Teacher provides an
examples/instances of pair activity. about the MLA format and example of a citation for a
the lesson Determine if the source how to cite sources. book and a journal article.
would be a Primary
Source or Secondary
1. A biography about Jose
2. The declaration of
3. A TV show explaining
what happened in Japan.
4. A website describing
what World War II was.
5. A Filipino veteran
talking about Martial Law.
6. Abraham Lincoln's diary
describing what he
thought about the civil war.
7. A letter from a soldier
describing World War 2.
8. An actor sharing his
experience on a movie
9. A history book
describing Philippine
10.A journal is written by
Riza about her
unforgettable experience
D. Discussing new concepts Teacher discussres the Provide an example of a Teacher discusses the
and practicing new skills lesson.. citation for a book and a lesson.
#1 journal article.
E. Discussing new concepts Instruct students to write a
and practicing new skills paragraph summarizing
#2 the information from one
of their sources and
incorporating a direct
quote using proper CMS
F. Developing mastery Activity (40 minutes): Encourage students to
(lead to formative Divide students into identify similarities and Ask students to practice
assessment 3) differences between their citing their sources in
small groups based on
primary and secondary CMS format.
their performance task
sources and to consider
topic. how they can use the
Each student will information in their
present their work to research.
the group
J. Additional activities for Directions: Utilize any Aaks the students to research
application or available materials or other citation format.
remediation research at home and look
for writings or materials
that can be possible
sources of information for
your chosen research
Prepared by:
Noted and Approved by:
Teacher School Head