Mapping of Required Skills To Develop Among SHS Graduates
Mapping of Required Skills To Develop Among SHS Graduates
Mapping of Required Skills To Develop Among SHS Graduates
Template for Workshop 1 (Experiencing the Process of Determining and Addressing Students’ Learning Loss)
Template for Workshop 2 (Designing an Intradisciplinal Performance Task (that is reflective of the four exits of the K to 12 program in a VUCA world
context to ensure SHS students’ analytical capabilities and capacities in addressing problems of the future)
Expected Output:
INTRAdisicplinary Performance Task
The LGU SNA asked you to showcase the literature of the Manobo tribe of the said Municipality, being the head of local tourism office of SNA you are tasked
to gather and research the information about the Manobo tribe and write a story about them which will show their culture, belief and tradition. And
produce a creative representation of a literary via multimedia. You are to present it to UNICEF representative who will be visiting the municipality. the said
presentation must be accurate, interesting and creative.
Transfer Goal In the long run, the students should What skills to champion in List of Skills to champion in teaching
be able to: teaching the subject are the subject
What in the long run
measured (?)…
after SHS can students a. value the literary, biographical, (Must speak of the nature of the
do on their own with linguistic, and sociocultural contexts by 1. Communication & discipline of the subject)
what they learned?” producing a creative representation of Interpersonal
a literary text by applying multi- media Relationship
skills showcasing the contributions of 2. Creative & Critical
local writers to the development of
regional literary traditions. Thinking
3. Self-awareness &
Performance Scenario _______________________________ … when a student after List of Preparatory Skills of the 4Exits of
_______________________________ graduating in the SHS: the K to 12 Program
What real life situation
can students put
themselves in where
_______________________________ proceeds to college? Communication, Thinking, Problem-
they can perform the
_______________________________ communicate with their solving, Research
transfer goal?”
_______________________________ positive attitude and
_______________________________ hard work in their
Communication, Creative Thinking
_______________________________ classes
Problem-solving, Risk-taking Leadership
puts up own business?
Can identify an Communication Planning, Organizing,
opportunity and chooses and Initiative Problem-solving & Self-
to act on that mgt., Learning, Teamwork
opportunity. Ventures by
solving a problem that is
_______________________________ Communication, Creative Thinking,
significant, offering some
_____________ Problem-solving
value that other people
would appreciate if the Technical
product or service were
available to them
is employed in any
Being accountable. enjoy
working around people
who are positive and
solutions-focused when
challenges arise
proceeds to technical-
vocational programs?
possesses the theoretical
and practical knowledge
in performing their tasks
during skills training.