Annual Report Eng. 09.01.2022 - Compressed
Annual Report Eng. 09.01.2022 - Compressed
Annual Report Eng. 09.01.2022 - Compressed
5 Introduction
69 Bengaluru
7 Foundation Programme
75 Bhopal
9 Fashion Design
81 Bhubaneswar
13 Leather Design
91 Chennai
17 Textile Design
99 Gandhinagar
21 Knitwear Design
103 Hyderabad
23 Fashion & Lifestyle Accessories
111 Jodhpur
27 Fashion Communication
117 Kangra
31 Fashion Management Studies
122 Kannur
34 Fashion Technology
128 Kolkata
41 Design Space
136 Mumbai
44 PhD and Research
146 New Delhi
48 Continuing Education Programmes
152 Panchkula
60 Campus Placement
62 Convocation
64 Projects at NIFT
Mr. Shantmanu,
Director General, NIFT
Col. Agendra Mukul Prof. Vijay Kumar Dua Prof. Dr. Raghuram Jayaraman
Director Admin Head COE Head (Industry and Alumni Affairs)
Ms. Richa Gaharwar, IRS Ms. Rajni Shah Prof. Dr. Rupa Agarwal
Chief Vigilance Officer Asst. Board Secretary & Legal Head (Cluster)
Mr. B.K. Pandey Prof. Dr. Malini Divakala Prof. Dr. Sibichan K. M
Chief Account Officer & Director Head (Continuing Education & Head (Research)
(F&A) (I/c) Diploma Programme)
Prof. Dr. Vandana Narang Prof. Binwant Kaur Prof. Dr. Sudha Dhingra
Dean (Academics) Head (International & Domestic Head (FOTD)
Prof. Dr. Shinju Mahajan Prof. Dr. Anupam Jain Sr. Prof. Dr. Banhi Jha
Head (Academic Affairs) Head (Projects) Head (Publication)
Prof. Dr. Shalini Sood Prof. Dr. Rajiv Malik Prof. Dr. Usha Narasimhan
Department of Design Department of Fashion Department of Leather Design
Space Management Studies
Prof. Dr. Vibhavari Kumar Prof. R. Russel Timothy Prof. Dr. Vasantha
Department of Fashion Department of Fashion Department of Textile Design
Communication Technology
Ms. Susan Thomas, IRS Dr. Vijaya Deshmukh Dr. Puneet Sood
Campus Director Campus Director Campus Director (I/c)
Col. Subroto Biswas ( Retd ) Sh. Aakash Dewangan, IRS Prof. Sanjay Shrivastava
Campus Director Campus Director Campus Director
Mr. Shovan Krishna Sahu, IRS Dr. Puneet Sood Dr. Bharat Sah
Campus Director Campus Director Campus Director
Prof. Dr. Anitha Manohar Ms. Monika Aggarwal Mr. Arindam Das
Campus Director Campus Director Campus Director
Prof. Dr. A K Khare Prof. Dr. Pavan Godiawala Mr. Javid Ahmad Wani
Campus Director Campus Director Campus Director
Brief History
Set up in 1986, NIFT is the pioneering institute analysts.
of fashion education in the country and has
been in the vanguard of providing professional Through its journey, NIFT has strengthened
human resource to the textile and apparel its academic strategy. Invigorating thought
industry. A leader in fashion education, NIFT leadership, research stimulus, industry focus,
integrates knowledge, academic freedom, critical creative enterprise and peer learning have
independence and creative thinking. For three reinforced the institute’s academic bedrock.
decades, the institute has stood as a bastion of
academic excellence and as a key enabler of Fostering a new generation of creative thinkers,
developing competent professionals. It was made the institute is empowered to award degrees
a statutory institute in 2006 by an Act of the Indian in undergraduate, post graduate and doctoral
Parliament with the President of India as ‘Visitor’ studies. Articulating the ideology of world-class
and has 17 full-fledged, professionally managed learning practices, the institute has entered into
campuses all across the country. strategic alliances with leading international
institutes. It has thus, provided a firm foundation
Academic inclusiveness has been a hallmark of for fashion education in the realms of design,
NIFT and a catalyst in its expansion. The institute management and technology.
brings together a wide range of aesthetic and
intellectual orientations. While the early instructors Over the years, NIFT has also been working as a
included leading progressive scholars from Fashion knowledge service provider to the Union and State
Institute of Technology, New York, USA, the in- governments in the area of design development
house faculty was drawn from a distinguished and positioning of handloom and handicrafts.
group of intellectuals, who created dynamic
pathways for effective learning. The rest is history! The vision of the institute embraces challenges and
Now, the institute boasts of a robust community provides the impetus in setting highest academic
of leading practitioners, education enthusiasts, standards. NIFT continues to strive to be nothing
entrepreneurs, creative thinkers, researchers and but the best.
We at the National Institute of Fashion Technology will:
Foundation Department aims at offering cross The general electives enhance the fundamental
disciplinary environment to the entrants by cognitive orientation of student encompassing the
way of enhanced interaction and experience. whole of the individual’s or society knowledge and
This transition programme develops a culture point of view. These include natural philosophy,
among students and prepares them for life as fundamental, existential and normative postulates,
skilled and socially aware designers and fashion themes, values, emotions and ethics. Emphasis is
technologists. The Foundation Programme is also given on developing problem solving skills and
offered to both the design as well as technology critical thinking skills. General electives in music,
students. The Curriculum during Foundation dance and theatre, are introduced to engender
Programme of design programmes focus on performances by group of students. The premise
representation techniques, arts, craft and design of each piece is well argued and supported by
sensibilities, design concepts, methods, processes research and reading and the general electives
and orientation towards Fashion. Subjects taught help students to communicate effectively and
during Foundation Programme of technology appropriately.
programme include material exploration, data
handling techniques, product development, fabric Industry connects & projects
sciences and fashion orientation amongst others.
During the first year of study, students are engaged
The Foundation Programme pioneers use of digital with a range of facilitators including motivators,
design technologies and communication mediums. Industry experts, practitioners, trendsetters,
The experience provides students the necessary performing artists, theorists and designers.
space for augmenting their passion through The programme helps students develop an
skilling, collaborative value creation and provides independent personality and allows them to adapt
them with a strong foundation that is required for and learn for themselves in a rapidly changing
their Bachelors degree. The experience gained social and economic environment.
during first year inculcates holistic development
amongst the student community. The Foundation Programme curriculum is
designed in such a way that the industry exposure
The programme also includes courses that directly is provided to students on a regular basis. All
and indirectly support personality development. campuses arranged sessions with stalwarts
Along with major subjects, general electives from the industry and many campuses were also
are introduced from foundation level to allow successful in participating in live industry projects.
students to strengthen their co-curricular abilities.
Expert sessions were arranged in varied areas to
As the flagship programme of NIFT since its Design and Illustration, Apparel Development
inception, the Fashion Design department has with Pattern Making, Draping and Garment
played an influential role in shaping Indian fashion Construction as the core components and Value
through generations of successful designers Addition for different industry segments. A
and entrepreneurs who have been leading the combination of manual, technological and digital
industry with their creative and business acumen. inputs develop skill competencies for actualizing
Over the last 35 years, the overarching objective designs in different categories for specific market
of the programme is to enable the integrated segments. The two Deepening Specialization
development of future professionals who will pathways are Luxury & Couture, and Image
contribute to the growth of the apparel industry Creation & Styling for extended career choices,
through a global outlook with an Indian soul. targeting high-end limited edition segment &
Partnering with the retail and exports industry, Image Creation and Styling focusing on celebrity
associating with the handcrafting sectors, and culture and social media respectively
also in niche and emerging areas of digital and The department also offers three interdisciplinary
technical design, several graduates venture into Minors viz. Fashion Explorations, Fashion
entrepreneurship. The Fashion Design department Representation for undergraduate students and
at NIFT has distinguished itself through its Fashion Process for the post graduate students.
progressive approach to design education and
association with the Indian fashion industry. The Workshops/ Training programmes conducted
department has 72 faculty members across 16
campuses, namely Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar, • Prof. Dr. Malini Divakala organized two online
Chennai, Gandhinagar, Hyderabad, Jodhpur, seminars on ‘Future of Fashion in the Post Covid
Kangra, Kolkata, Kannur, Mumbai, New Delhi, Era’ by Michael Kampe, Creative Director Lee
Patna, Raebareli, Shillong, Srinagar and Panchkula. Jeans, Antwerp and ‘Sustainability as a Trend for
Luxury Fashion’ by Neha Celly, founder NeCe
Curriculum Gene.
• A customized five-day workshop on ‘Performance
The curriculum includes Major subjects that follow Clothing: The Role of smart textile innovations
pathways for sequential and seamless learning in high-demand performance clothing’ was
with focus on current industry realities as well as conducted by industry experts from Arvind Ltd.,
emerging sectors. Creative ideation finds practical Adidas and Mirachem Industries as well as eminent
expression through core subjects that include academicians from IIT, Delhi and internal expert
Department of Leather Design at NIFT Chennai, at PG level in full time mode for 1 year duration
Kolkata, New Delhi and Rae Bareli, caters to the in order to cater to the growing demands for
professional human resource requirements of the professionals and needs of the human resource
Fashion Industry sectors in specific to leather and requirements in the Leather Products industries, in
allied products industries focusing on apparels, addition to its regular design degree programme
footwear, leather goods, luxury products, lifestyle
products and handicrafts. The Curriculum and Deliverance
This is a unique programme offered by Department The 4 year professional design degree
of Leather Design of NIFT that intends to create programme offered by the Department of
prepared and well-rounded professionals as Leather Design emphasizes on the integration
Designers, ProductDevelopers, Product Stylists, of design concepts in garments, footwear and
CAD experts, Design Merchandisers and Design leather products with material knowledge to
Entrepreneurs for the Fashion Leather products, respond to the requirements of specific target
Luxury goods and allied product sectors in markets. Exposure to the industry through field
National and International Business. trips, tannery training and industry internship is
an important part of the curriculum.
The department also caters to the customized
needs of the industries viz. activities like Market The multidisciplinary approach of the curriculum
and Fashion trend research & analysis, New develops ability in students to handle different
Design & Product Development;Human Resource materials for different product types in leather
Development activities like Skill development by and combination materials as per the needs and
organizing various workshops, Short Duration preferences of various market segments and
training programmes (SDPs) both in-house and target customers both in national and international
outreach mode, Management Development markets. The professional expertise is developed
Programs (MDPs), Project Consultancies, etc. by imparting the required knowledge, skills,
creative exploration and practices built within
The department also offers continuing education the curriculum through four subject categories,
programmes in part time mode in 3 months, viz. Majors, Deepening Majors, Interdisciplinary
6 months and 1 year durations, and diploma Minors and General Studies.
programmes at UG level for 2 years duration and
While faculty from the department published and Papers presented by faculty
presented papers, 3 faculty have completed their
PhDs and the rest of the faculty are pursuing their • Ms. Vijayalakshmi R. Assistant Professor
PhDs which are at various stages of completion. participated as a presenter for the paper entitled
Me. Tulika Mahanty has also completed her Pre- “Developing Jacquard Woven Saree with Kurumba
Thesis. The list of papers published by the faculty Tribal Painting” in “First International Conference
is as below – on Science Technology and Management (ICSTM-
Online)” on December 5, 2020 and December 6,
• Mr. Sankara Narayanan.T.R, CC LD published a 2020.
research paper on 18th June, 2020, in the IJRAR
(e-ISSN 2348-1269, Vol:07,Issue 2) on Covid- • Prof Shinju Mahajan PhD co-presented with Ms
19:Impact on Design Education. Tanushree Chatterjee a paper titled ‘PVC Flex
Banners and mapping it’s afterlife reuse and
• Ms. Vijayalakshmi R. Assistant Professor published recycling in Delhi NCR’ in the Textile and Fashion
a research paper in the International Research Innovation Congress held on 16th April 2021.
Journal on “Advanced Science Hub (e-ISSN 2582-
4376) manuscript entitled “Developing Jacquard Specific Relating to Curriculum Deliverance
Woven Saree with Kurumba Tribal Painting”
Volume -02 Special issue 12S for the month of • All facuclty of the department across the four
December 2020. campuses adapted a dual mode of deliverance
Faculty Achievements
The Knitwear Design Department addresses the Programme across semesters cover the broad
need of specialized design professionals for the areas of Knitting, Flat Pattern & Construction,
Knitwear Domain of Fashion Apparel & Accessories Fabric Technology, Illustration and Presentation
industry. The department provides students a Techniques. Study and practice of crafts are also
comprehensive exposure towards designing and given due importance in all the semesters. The
execution of Knitwear Fashion garments and Department offers two Deepening Specialization
products. The scope of curriculum encompasses Areas to choose from, by the names of Intimate
multiple segments, from foundation garments Apparel and Sportswear
to outerwear. Students are given inputs on the
latest technological knowhow and detailed design The Intimate Apparel specialization aims to provide
methodologies to remain abreast with latest opportunity to the students to specialize in the
trends and forecast in fashion. The department intimate apparel segment of Knitwear. This shall
enables students to grow as professionals who enable students to understand and practice design
can handle all aspects of Knitwear Fashion, right process through thematic approach. The students
from designing of fabric to product realization. shall learn to design concepts of intimate apparel
The students acquire capabilities to work for all collections taking inspiration from the latest
categories of Knitwear Apparels viz. menswear, trends, forecasts, design aesthetic and renowned
women’s wear, kids wear, active or sportswear, peer works. The students get opportunity to plan
leisure wear, winter wear, lingerie and intimate collections according to brand aesthetics and
apparels. finally be able to come up with unique, creative
design for intimate apparel collections.
The curriculum and Deliverance
The Sportswear specialization provides an unique
The Restructured Curriculum The newly introduced opportunity for a knitwear design student to
& restructured curriculum of Knitwear Design specialise in the most promising and challenging
Department is at par with the global academic segment of the knitwear industry. The students
structure. The emphasis on the real field exposure would learn to conceptualise design aesthetics
through industry connect vis a vis industry visit for diversified functional and aesthetic needs of
,national & international exhibition & fairs, expert different categories of sportswear.
lectures, classroom projects etc. strengthen them
to face the global challenges and prove in the area The Interdisciplinary Minor subject areas that
of their expertise in the fashion world. areoffered for UG students of other Department
are World of Knits and Fashion for Sports. The
The major subjects offered by Knitwear “World of Knits” aims to introduce students to the
TOTs Conducted
B.Des (Accessory Design) program is poised to through their signature style accessory design
transform aspirations into tangible and intangible collections, yet keeping it relevant to the market
design solutions. The curriculum of the program and industry challenges. This design collection of
is curated and positioned in the Fashion and eclectic fashion lifestyle accessories are based on
Aesthetic space. The curriculum is enriched patterns stemming from a synergy of forms, colors
with strong theoretical and conceptual design and materials.
philosophy. The program gives a glimpse into the
future fashion and lifestyle accessories and a blend Enabling the learners through depth in skills,
of dynamic technology. Students get to offer accessory design students are empowered with a
innovations across myriad platforms spanning choice of deeper learning with specific skills in the
jewellery, décor design solutions, crafts, personal form of deepening specialization that consists of
accessories, soft goods and work gear. Accessory Jewellery Design, Functional Fashion Accessories
Design program is a career based education that & Decor & Design. Students can make conscious
is relevant today and has the ability to address the choices of any one deepening specialization. This
changing future scenario. process was well supported by the department
faculty mentor attached to every student
The curriculum and deliverance throughout his learning in the campus.
Research paper presentations and publications • Mr. Rajesh Kumar Assistant Professor from Patna
campus published a paper titled "UV-protected &
• Mr. Anupam Rana, Associate Professor & Link- Thermal Controllable Nano-particle Treated Home
RIC from Gandhinagar campus has participated Furnished Woven Fabric" jointly with Pintu Pandit
in Anvesh 2020 organized by Institute of and Kunal Singha in the National Conference on
Management, Nirma University on 26th & 27th Fashion Apparel and Textile (NCFAT’20) Organized
November, 2020 and contributed paper on by Amity School of Fashion Technology, Noida,
In the ever-growing world of fashion, the Fashion Design, Space Design, Fashion Media and Fashion
Communication (FC) design programme at NIFT Thinking, and the related genres of these major
happens to be the single most cutting-edge, areas, using hand and digital skills through
exciting, and increasingly essential pathway to knowledge, application and practice based
open up in the fashion and lifestyle industry. The approach.
significance of brand identity has come to be seen
at par with what the brand sells i.e., the product. The curriculum is designed to instill a robust
Numerous prêt and luxury brands keep appearing communication design base with an increased
in the Indian retail scenario, and it has become industry interface by way of visits, industry-
essential for each one of them to develop a unique linked projects and lectures by industry experts.
brand identity for maximum impact and visibility. Besides the existing industry exposure, internship
Fashion Communication has made it feasible for and graduation project, the curriculum includes
these brands to communicate their products, a mandatory industry connect from Semester-III
identity, and strategy, by providing a platform for onwards in form field visits, classroom projects
these very brands. and special lectures by industry professional/
experts. Studentsare encouraged to engage with
In view the fast pace of Information Technology the industry by way of participation in classroom
(IT) and Digital Revolution in last one decade, projects, participation in fashion weeks or other
the restructured curriculum focuses in domain industry events like faculty assistance in an
of Visual and Fashion Communication through ongoing consultancy project.
Digital platforms, IT Applications (Apps) and role The graduates of Fashion Communication
of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the environment emerge as dynamic professionals qualified to
of communication design across the globe. The offer the most effective and financially viable
Fashion Communication is currently offered at 14 communication solutions for the fashion, lifestyle
NIFT Campuses namely Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar, industry and beyond. The fast-moving digital
Chennai, Gandhinagar, Hyderabad, Jodhpur, revolution has opened up Fashion Communication
Kangra, Kannur, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, design to new disciplines that require students to
Patna, Raebareli and Srinagar. excel not only in traditional design skills but also
explore and design humancentered concepts and
The curriculum and deliverance system design processes linked with information
The Fashion Communication programme primarily
focuses on four major domains i.e., Graphic • New material i.e., experimental, combinations
Projects are a area where faculty contribute not Mr. Satya Shankar Banerjee won a prestigious
only to development of the organizations which scholarship ‘Fetzer Scholarship’ from Fetzer
approach NIFT for projects, but also get an Institute, USA.
opportunity to practically apply their knowledge
and skills. FMS faculty contributed to over 8 Dr. Harleen Sahni, Associate Professor, FMS got
projects with overall outlay of over Rs 30 lakhs empaneled as a Reviewer for Emerald Emerging
during the last year. FMS faculty contributed in Markets Case Studies (EMCS), Emerald Publishing
these projects as Project Coordinators, members in 2019 and reviewed 7 cases till April 2021. She
of PIT and PDT. It is a matter of pride for the also got empaneled as a Reviewer for Spanish
department to be able to contribute to such Journal of Marketing – ESIC, Emerald Publishing
prestigious and strategic projects. and reviewed 1 case till April 2021. Ms. Harash Rani
has reviewed a research article for VILAKSHAN -
Faculty Training And Workshop Held In Nift- Fms XIMB Journal of Management in January 2021.
Ms. Harsha Rani, Assistant Professor has been
At times when travelling was restricted the Project- Team member in a project titled “Techno
FMS faculty members upgraded their skills Managerial Consultancy support for proposed
and knowledge through ToTs, Online trainings, SPINFED Incubation Center at Bhubaneswar and
workshops, webinars and certificate courses. As also Co-ordinated of the Start-Up Cell which was
per their interest or subject requirements FMS set up in August 2020 to mentor and support all the
faculty upgraded their skills and knowledge interested entrepreneurs in building and sustaining
in diverse areas like creative thinking skills, their start-up ventures during the difficult period
simulation in strategic management, sustainability, of Covid. Alumni and graduating students were
innovation, social media marketing , E-commerce, encouraged to participate in the PRATIBHA Project
omni channel retailing , AOL, Data sciences, Big announced by NIFT in collaboration with the
Data, blockchain technology and experiential Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
learning to name a few (MEITY). Two of such alumni start ups mentored
by us- Littoral Designs & Moi Toi got shortlisted
Faculty Achievement in the final interview round and one of them - Moi
Toi got selected in the final round. This Start Up
Faculty of the FMS department continue to excel cell has also conducted several webinars on topics
in the academic, administrative and co-curricular related to the startup process and ecosystem and
field thereby making them excellent resourse for benefitted many young alumni entrepreneurs and
NIFT. FMS faculty contributed significantly and students at large.
created a niche for themselves by efforts in self
development and contributions towards academic FMS faculty contributed to NIFT Chennai’s Bi-
and social causes. NIFT faculty contributed by annual magazine “Reflections”, which, was
delivering lectures in artisan awareness workshops initiated with a core team of MFM students along
which included online Fund raising webinars, with UG Design students. The nineth issue of
to reviewing of articles for reputed Journals like “Reflections” is is aimed at reflecting the campus
Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies (EMCS), happenings, students & faculty members work,
Garment manufacturing industry plays a significant students in the program this year.
role in Indian economy and is predicted to grow
substantially on export as well on domestic front. The Curriculum & Deliverance
The definitive trends towards consolidation and
creation of larger manufacturing facilities will With the increased competitiveness in the global
require Technomanagers to lead these enterprises apparel Manufacturing chain, and new avenues of
towards global success. The Department of mass-manufacturing are rapidly coming up, there
Fashion Technology (DFT) caters to this need of is a tremendous opportunity for technological
the apparel industry. The Department of Fashion interventions and value-added merchandise
Technology at NIFT has 99 faculty members across globally. Interestingly while the technological
12 NIFT campuses. The Department offers two megatrends are sweeping the global manufacturing
programmes, one at Bachelors level and the other industry, Indian garment industry is undermining
at Masters Level. the might of technology by over emphasizing
on process improvement. This scenario offers a
Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel scope for a stimulating, modernistic and evolving
Production) is a four-year multi disciplinary curriculum that strongly focuses on product
Technology oriented program, designed keeping in innovation and technology intervention. This has
mind the core apparel manufacturing technology, inspired the journey of redefining the Bachelor’s
with emphasis on its best practices. Bachelor and the Master’s programme and resulted into
Program is offered in 12 Campuses of NIFT viz. the new curriculum. Keeping the needs in mind,
Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Gandhinagar, the curriculum at both UG and PG level addresses
Hyderabad, Jodhpur, Kangra, Kannur, Kolkata, the requirements of technological innovations
Mumbai, Patna and Delhi. There are 1544 Students through subjects like Mechatronics, Robotics &
in the program this year. Automation, and Artificial Intelligence; flexibility of
choices in specializations through varied pathways
Master of Fashion Technology (MFT) is one of of Technology, Management and Product
the flagship programmes offered by NIFT. The Development; and also builds in interdisciplinary
programme is exclusively designed for engineers competencies of Design and Management. While
and aims to develop young dynamic talent capable the UG level curriculum builds basic skills and
of providing Techno-managerial solutions to the awareness towards the industry 4.0 by generating
industry with a balanced amalgam of operation and an interest, the PG course ensures that there is a
strategic thinking capabilities. Master’s program marked focus on research and deepening of the
is offered in 4 campuses of NIFT viz. Bengaluru, knowledge in the technological, operational and
Chennai, Delhi and Gandhinagar. There are 304 product development areas which are the core
Mr. T. Murugan, Assoc. Professor, NIFT, Chennai Dr Noopur Anand, Professor, New Delhi had
along with Ms. Madhoomitha, student of BFT published paper titled Development Validation
(2016-20 batch) had presented the paper entitled and Reliability of Size stream 3D Scanner for
“Sustainable Product Development: Recycled Human Body Measurement 20 December 2020
PET Bottle to Camping Tent- A Systematic Springer, Singapore Springer Nature Singapore
Review” at the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Pte Ltd. 2021 Functional Textiles and Clothing
ON SUSTAINABLE & DIGITAL FASHION 2020, pp 13-23 First Print ISBN978-981-15-9375-8
[ICSDF 2020], organized by the Department of Online ISBN978-981-15-9376-5.
Fashion Technology, Bannari Amman Institute
of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 29th & 30th Dr. Noopur Anand, Professor, New Delhi
October 2020 had published paper titled Development An
anthropometric study of young Indian men for
Mr. T. Murugan, Assoc. Professor, NIFT, Chennai bottom wear sizing August 2020 Int. J. Forensic
along with Co-author Ms. Sindhuja, student of Engineering and Management, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2020
MFT– III presented apaper titled “Technological (IJFEM) Inder science Enterprises Ltd., Geneva.
advancement in Mass production of Personal
Protective clothing: A systematic Review” authored Dr. Noopur Anand, Professor New Delhi had
by orally at the International Virtual Conference on published paper titled Development of Bottom-
Applied Science, Technology, Management and Wear Size Chartfor Indian Male Youth March 2021
Language Studies (ASTMLS-2020) to be at Sona Design Science and Innovation book series (DSI)
College of Technology, Salem on December 11 & in Springer
12, 2020.
Ms. Nupur Chopra, Associate Professor, NIFT
Mr. T. Murugan, Assoc. Professor, NIFT, Chennai Gandhinagar co-authored a book chapter titled
along with co-Author Ms. Anagha U Pillai, ‘CSR and SDG mapping in Fashion & Textile
M.F.Tech., Semester III, presented a paper industry: Identifying potential challenges in the
titled “Wearable sensor for cancer Survivor: “A wake of isolationism’, published in book titled
Two BFT students Anagha Chacko , Santhvana Ms. T. Srivani, Associate Professor and Dr.
Wilson & Dr. Shakeel Iqbal, Associate Professor, Rammohan, Professor, NIFT Hyderabad had
NIFT Hyderabad had published Research paper presented a paper titled “Exploring the scope of
titled “Revamping Fashion E-Commerce in Methods Analysis in the Block Printed Kalamkari
India using Artificial Intelligence in the journal Craft of AP” at an International Online Conference
“Current Trends in Fashion Technology and Textile Advances in Textile, Fashion and Crafts- ATFC 2021,
Engineering” Volume 7 Issue 1- August 2020 held from 22nd to 24th March 2021 Organised by
NIFT, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.
Dr. Shakeel Iqbal, Associate Professor, NIFT
Hyderabad had Presented paper titled “Personal Ms. T. Srivani, Associate Professor, NIFT Hyderabad
Protective Textiles” in TWO-DAY WEBINAR ON had presented a paper titled “Consumer
“MAKE-IN-INDIA APPROACH FOR TEXTILE Awareness on the Practice of Sustainability in the
INDUSTRY: THE GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE” on Traditional Indian Heritage Craft – Kalamkari of
28th & 29th August 2020 organized by THE AP’’ at Textile and Fashion Innovation Congress
INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS (INDIA) Telangana (TFIC 2021); iLetters- iCongress; held on 16th
State Centre. April 2021, a Virtual North West Conference and
Exhibition, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom
Two Students Rushita Getti, Ramji Natukurthi & and the Publication is under progress.
Dr. Rajani Jain, Professor, NIFT Hyderabad had
presented Research Paper titled “Development Prof. Binwant Kaur Professor NIFT Kolkata, and
of Smart Label in apparel industry” at Textile & Dr. Prabir Kumar Choudhuri, from NIFT Kolkatta
Fashion Innovation Congress (TFIC) 2021. had jointly presented paper on “Review of Union
Fabrics” in the journal Man-Made Textiles in India
‘Master of Design’ course focuses on the The advantage of online deliverance was observed
multidisciplinary and dynamic nature of during the first semester under the Industry
contemporary design & research industry. The practices session with batch 2020-22, where
progressive future of design industry depend on experts from the industry, holding key position
the young and versatile graduates having new age like founder of the company, CEO, Head Designer
skills like Strategic Design, Experience Design, were invited to share their journey and their
UI/ UX, Design Thinking and Research practice, company projects. The positive impact that these
Design Innovation, Sustainability &Crafts.The lectures created was the students got vision of real
world in 2020 witnessed a global pandemic life industry scenario, and they could decide which
brought about with COVID-19 virus. It repurposed deepening specialization they should take.
world’s priorities into vaccination supply chain
networks and created a drastic shift in education The students started networking in the early
and work settings for many activities. Never was month of their second semester by attending
the purpose of this programme more meaningful online design festivals like ‘Ahmedabad Design
than surfing the chaotic world of 2020. Week’ and ‘Pune Design Festival’ under the
subject Industry guided Project proposal.
The Curriculum and Deliverance
In order to ensure smooth online experience,
In keeping with the core philosophy of the ‘webinars’ were integrated into the curriculum
programme, the versatility brought forth through engagement As part of the newly introduced
an inter-disciplinary approach in the curriculum was subject ‘Introduction to industry practices’ a
maintained despite the challenges brought forth Lecture series and Interaction was organised. Every
by COVID 19 pandemic.The overarching effect campus participated Via Video Conferencing. This
on education was distance learning or SFH (Study process enabled students to get inputs of multiple
from Home) necessitated as we know by social experts on subjects ranging from, "Innovations,
distancing to arrest the spread of disease. MDES Insights, and Infinity” (Design Innovation),
curriculum could be easily weaved into the online “Handmade in India” (Sustainable Development
mode deliverance in spite of little technological, and Co-Design), “From Sharing to Distancing”-
pedagogical and social challenges in the early Trends in Workspaces on the other side of
stages and online deliverance. MDes moved on Pandemic” (Experience Design) to name a few.
to the online platform effortlessly, quickly gearing
up to finding new solutions for engagement and Bengaluru, Mumbai, New Delhi and Kannur
learning for students and faculty. campus collectively focused on the areas
like- Design innovation, Experience Design,
Industry Connects and Projects Faculties also were invited on the board of
associations such as the International Journal of
Professional within India and outside of India was Intangible Cultural Heritage (Global InCH Journal)
able to devote time towards young learners and or as members of jury Committee for Design
MDes across all campuses took full advantage of awards by various Export Promotion Councils.
this opportunity. Experts (VIVO, ABOD, Swiggy,
Nutanix Designs, Lollypop Design, Flipkart and Some of the faculty members of MDes added
Lush Fresh handmade Cosmetics and Stylumia) from on to their credentials by pursuing specialized
a wide spectrum of areas interacted with students programmes to upgrade their skill sets. Online
giving valuable inputs from practioner’s viewpoint courses like “Best practices for moving a case-
in all domains of deepening specialization. based course to an online environment” by
Professor Bill Schiano-Professor of Computer
8 weeks online internship in the areasas diversified Information Systems at Bentley University,
as Design research, Visual Merchandising, User “Tangible Things: Discovering History Through
experience, styling, crafts spanning Banking, Artworks, Artifacts, Scientific Specimens, and the
Pharmaceuticals, Hi fashion, Travel, Marketing Stuff Around You - by HarvardX, “Circular Fashion:
solutions, Real estate were explored by students Design, Science and Value in a Sustainable Clothing
in companies like Airtel, PhonePe, Suventure Industry - by WageningenX, of Wageningen
Services, Think Design, Digitas India, Chambray & University & Research, “Artificial Intelligence for
Co, Urban Graphics, Bajaj Finance etc. Leaders” from The University of Texas, Austin and
Research forms an inherent core of M.Des Dr. Shalini Sood Sehgal, faculty from Delhi worked
programme and its faculty as well as students for Relief Work Undertaken For Covid Relief In
contribute towards enriching it by publishing 2020-21 with an NGO, “An Initiative Touch your
papers. Soul”, with whom she has been volunteering since
2017. As a part of COVID relief 1663 children and
Faculty their families were supported in the Pauri and Tehri
• Prof Girinath G, Assistant Professor (Kannur region of Uttarakhand by AITYS through financial
campus) -‘Designing for Children – With Focus aid, N -95 masks, NCERT textbooks, school bags,
on Play and Learn’ by IDC School of Design, IIT yoga mats, multi-vitamin bottles and worked
Bombay. towards collecting funds, organizing materials
• Mr. Nitin Arun Kulkarni, Associate professor, and distributing them. In 2021 when the second
(Mumbai campus) co-authored “Designing a wave hit Delhi, oxygen concentrators and pulse
culturally appropriate Kangaroo Care baby carrier, oximeters were procured and distributed to needy
‘Sangam’ using Human-Centred Design and people in Delhi- NCR as well.
Behavioral Science” in 6th International Conference
on Design4Health Amsterdam, Netherlands.
• Ms. Kudrat Kashyap (Batch 2018-2020,
Bengaluru campus) -”Space Design for Individuals
with Autism ‘’ at the International’s conference on
Research into Design 2021 by the IISC Bengaluru.
The paper is published in a journal called Design
for Tomorrow by Springer.
COVID Relief
NIFT offers doctoral Full time and Part-time programme through its Head Office in Delhi. The programme
is in recognition of high academic achievements, independent research and application of knowledge
in the areas of Design, Management and Technology. The programme is designed for the purpose of
carrying out research in textiles, fashion and the apparel sector to create a body of original knowledge
for the use of academia and industry at large.
The admission process for the PhD programme normally starts during the month of January every
year with the announcement of results and registration during the month of July. The qualification
eligibility for admission to the PhD programme is specified in the Guidelines for the Degree of Doctor
of Philosophy.
PhD Programme was launched in 2009 with seven students and currently 44 students are pursuing
PhD from NIFT. With regard to the time scale of the programme, the part-time candidate is expected
to complete the supervised study within five years, extended to a maximum of seven years and the
full-time candidate is expected to complete the supervised study within four years and they are paid
monthly stipend during this time period, their study is extended to a maximum of six years by specific
approval of the Director General, NIFT, 28 Scholars have been completed PhD till date.
NIFT has awarded PhD Degree to the following Scholars during convocation held in 2020
S.No. Name of the PhD Scholar Name of the Supervisor Topic of Research
1 Dr. Paramita Sarkar Dr. Nilanjana Bairagi A Study on Tribal Costumes of Tripura and its
2 Dr. Richa Sharma Dr. Nilanjana Bairagi Study on effect of luminescence of photo-
luminescent specialty pigments on textiles
for the home fashion
3 Dr. Prerna Kaushal Prof. Dr. G.H.S Prasad Sustainable practices in India’s domestic
apparel supply chain: Industry and consumer
4 Dr. Jomichan S. Pathathil Prof. Dr. Sibichan Mathew Adoption of CAD in Indian Garment
Manufacturing Sector: An Assessment of
Stakeholders Perception
5 Dr. Arindam Das Prof. Dr. Sibichan Mathew A Framework for Assessment of Creativity:
A Case Research on Fashion Design
Programme at NIFT
IPR unit conducted the following online workshops for faculty members:
During the period, the Patent Process has been initiated for the following patents:
NIFT Research Ethics Committee was setup in March 2019. NREC is an independent review committee/
board, constituted of medical and non-medical members, whose responsibility is to ensure the protection
of the rights, safety and well being of human subjects involved in research study.
The NREC is intended to ensure a competent review of scientific and ethical aspects of the study
With the rapid pace of growth in the clothing and other resources. The objective of Diploma
sector continuing education for professionals Programs is to offer value added programs to
in the industry is a vital need. The Continuing the local students from the state where new NIFT
Education Program (CEP) at NIFT has been set up campuses are located. Revision of the diploma
to meet the manpower training and knowledge courses in accordance with the revised credit
upgradation in tandem with the needs of the system and with focus on the current industry
industry. The programs offered through the needs has been initiated. Diploma program in the
CEP have been addressing a wide spectrum of new format will be launched during the 2021-22
educational needs for professionals to further academic year.
their knowledge base or for new aspirants to enter
the industry. We justifiably take pride in the fact Along with Continuing education and Diploma
that NIFT is one of the most preferred continuing program, the Bridge Program was introduced in
education terminusfor the apparel sector within the year 2009 as a supplementary program to allow
the country. former NIFT Graduates to enhance their Diploma
to Degrees. Initially offered for 5 years between
The CEP offered by NIFT continues to promote 2009-2014, it was further extended upto 2016
the objectives of training and dissemination of based on the demand from alumni. In the year
knowledge related to the frontiers in design, 2019 online Bridge Program has been initiated to
technology and management of the apparel cater to the wide base of alumni scattered globally.
industry. During the year 2020-2021,18 Continuing
Education programs were offered across six NIFT The total intake in the year 2020 was 39, with 17 in
campuses generating a total revenue of Rs. 5,49 UG Bridge Program (FD & AD) for two semesters
09,653/- as against Rs. 7,75,84,941/- for the year and 22 in PG Bridge Program (LD, KD, TD, FC,
2019-20. This decrease in revenue is due to the GMT & AMM) for one semester. The total revenue
current Pandemic situation that has interfered with collected was Rs 55,44,025/- for 2020-21 Sem 1.
the commencement of many planned courses.
In Admission year 2020, total 4517 seats were offered in the 10 programmes (UG/PG), across 17
Over 26604 candidates applied for admission to NIFT. Out of these, admission was given to 3810
(Regular, State Domicile, EWS and NRI) candidates based on merit. The status of seats offered, filled in
2020 is as under:
Student Development programme at all NIFT For an overall holistic development the students
Campuses is initiated to encourage NIFT students from all the campuses participate in vide range of
to participate in physical, academic and artistic activities organized by the following SDA Clubs:
pursuits to make their education at NIFT campus
more holistic and complete. Participation in these i. Cultural Club
activities complement and facilitate their academic ii. Literary Club
studies while providing ways to socialize, relax, iii. Sports, Adventure & Photography (SAP) Club
have fun and be revitalized to face the day to day iv. Ethics, Social Service & Environment (ESSE)
challenges. Club.
As a leader of fashion education in India, NIFT Each campus has adopted 2 – 5 craft clusters for
realizes the importance of its social responsibilities a period of 5 years. The list of activities covered
and continues its endeavor to create grounded under the initiative is presented in Table 1.
designers who are able to appreciate and promote
the various crafts of India. Several academic Table 1: List of Activities Undertaken by Different
activities help to sensitize the students towards Departments
the realities of the craft sector and provide insight
into regional sensibilities. The Craft Cluster S Activity Nature of Activity
Initiative at NIFT is designed to sensitize students No
to the realities of the craft sector and to provide
1. Students Understanding crafts through
opportunities for experience sharing at grass visit a craft interactions with the crafts
root cluster level. Through this initiative, NIFT environment in persons and understanding
has been successful in creating a wide spread the vicinity of their challenges through
awareness and sensitivity in assimilating crafts into the campus visits to craft clusters in
fashion and vice-versa. The Craft Cluster Initiative vicinity for duration of 1-5
programme provides the students of NIFT a days.
systematic, continuous and regular exposure 2. Craft Artisans are invited from
every year to the diversely rich and unique demonstration urban craft clusters in vicinity
handlooms and handicrafts of India. According to by artisans at of the campus or from the
the specialization, students contribute in varied NIFT Campus identified craft clusters for
areas in the clusters like design intelligence, skill demonstrations to the
design innovation, product development, supply
chain management, brand management, retail 3. Craft Study & A seminar is organized to
entrepreneurships, organizational development Seminar present selected papers
to an audience including
and systems design and development. The
professionals from the
students also contribute in the areas of process industry, government
innovation, production planning, and research- agencies and craft sector.
based improvisation and quality management. The
4. Craft Two-week craft cluster
students assist artisans and weavers to develop
Research and visit for sensitization of
distinct identity of the handloom and handicraft Documentation rural aesthetics of the
clusters through logo, promotional materials like country, cultural and social
posters, brochures andcatalogues. understanding of the
villages; Craft
The National Resource Centre (NRC), the co-ordinating body of network of the Resource Centres
of NIFT, aims to create a state-of-the art knowledge portal for the faculty and students of NIFT. Its
activities in 2020-21 were directed to achieve maximum resource sharing and standardisation through
collaborative collection development and benchmarking across all NIFT campus. The integrated
collections of materials and print resources of this network of Resource Centres supported teaching and
research programmes of the Institute. The Resource Centres also provided information services to the
design community, industry and entrepreneurs.
• Selective acquisition of books in print, digital format and swatches etc pertaining to the academic
programmes for all NIFT Campus.
• Subscriptions of nine e-journals and online databases/services such as, Textile Outlook International,
Jstor and Proquest’s ABI-Inform were renewed for all NIFT Campuses.
• Renewal of Bloomsbury Fashion Central for all the NIFT Campuses. Berg Fashion Library + Fairchild
Books Library + Fashion Photography Archive all are included in this service.
• Renewal of Magzter for all NIFT campuses, which is an online global digital magazine portal where
more than 3000+ leading publisher’s magazines are available. It is also available through mobile app for
all NIFT students, faculty and staff members.
• NRC strengthened its economizing activities through renewal of subscriptions of international forecast
services like Promostyl, WGSN’s Services on Fashion, Lifestyle and Interiors for all NIFT Campuses.
The initiatives of this dept. led to creation of an • Urkund software is being used by the NIFT
IT enabled learning environment at the Institute faculty members for checking of research papers
by working in tandem with other departments to for plagiarism.
integrate technology into the curriculum. Each NIFT
Campus now has independent, fully operational
Information Technology facilities with qualified
and experienced IT professionals. The computer
labs are equipped with state-of-the-art hardware
and software. Each lab has servers, workstations,
personal computers, plotters, digitizers, image
scanners, wide format printers, digital cameras,
etc. Currently all seventeen NIFT campuses are
connected with 100Mbps bandwidth connection
from National Knowledge Network (NKN).
The Industry and Alumni Affairs unit facilitates which has incorporated new and emerging areas
industry engagement with the industry in various including disruptive technologies and taken
forms like internship, mentoring, industry projects initiatives for higher industry engagement. It
and placements. The campus placements planned is believed that these have contributed to the
in the year 2020 was disrupted due to the increased interest of the Industry in NIFT even
pandemic. In response to the need of the industry, during pandemic when many organisations were
the unit planned and executed the placement of downsizing the staff strength.
the graduates of batch of 2020 in a completely
online mode from July 2020 to June 2021. A total Webinars on Industry & Alumni Interactions
of 195 companies were participated during online
placement. Leading National and International Industry engagements Industry & Alumni Affairs
companies participated in placements to recruit unit organized various Industry interactions for the
NIFT professionals. The profile of companies students and faculty members of NIFT at various
attending the online placements are from NIFT campuses Some of these initiatives are
diverse segments of Industry like large retailers, mentioned below:
Brand marketers, manufacturers, consultancy
organizations, e-retailers, banking, textile mills, 1. The I&AA unit organised webinars from August
home furnishing companies, design & knowledge 2020 to January 2021 to sensitize the students
process outsourcing, technology solution and alumni about the topics that are relevant in
providers, UI/UX, International Brands and Start-up the pandemic era. The topics of discussion and the
firms. Graduating students also often take jobs with speakers are
institutions where they did internship or for whom
they did graduation projects. Leading national a. ‘Industry Academic Engagement for Envisioning
and international companies strive to recruit NIFT the New Normal’ on 9th August 2020. Speakers
professionals. Some of prominent companies were Mr. K. S. Sanal Kumar - CMD, Classic
participated during the placements are ABFRL, Fashion Apparel Industry Ltd. Co., Jordan, Mr.
Apparel UAE, Arvind Brands, Best Corporations, Sarbajit Ghose, ED (Asia) - CIEL Textile Ltd and
Classic Fashion, Decathlon, Goldman Sachs, CIEL MD - Laguna Clothing, Mr. Gautam Mukherjee,
Textiles, Info edge, Landmark Group, Myntra, Executive Director - Hameem Group, Bangladesh
Paytm, Reliance Brands, Shopper Stop, Tata and Mr. Rakesh Ranjan, Business Process Manager
Cliq, Uniqlo, WFX, Wipro etc. NIFT continuously (Global Sourcing) - H&M, Hong Kong.
promotes entrepreneurship and encourages its b. ‘Sustainability in Fashion’ on 13th September
graduates to become entrepreneurs. NIFT has 2020, speakers were Mr Abhishek Bansal, Head-
embarked on a new restructured curriculum, Sustainability, Arvind Group, India, Ms Anupreet
Convocation is organized every year to confer degrees to the Graduating students of that Academic
year. In 2020, individual campuses organized Convocation ceremonies.
A total numbers of 3085 graduates were conferred degrees in 2020. The Campus wise and programme
wise break-up are as mentioned below:
NIFT Students Graduating in 2020: Program and Campus-wise
Academic Programme
New Delhi
Bachelor of Design 30 32 30 28 34 34 31 28 29 31 33 32 26 27 427
(Accessory Design)
Bachelor of 36 31 26 30 26 30 33 34 36 52 31 33 25 13 436
Design (Fashion
Bachelor of Design 36 29 40 37 33 34 33 40 33 59 35 35 17 24 18 503
(Fashion Design)
Bachelor of Design 35 20 29 28 35 33 30 210
(Knitwear Design)
Bachelor of Design 26 34 37 21 118
(Leather Design)
In addition to above, the Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) degrees were conferred to five scholars in the
Convocation 2020 ceremony of NIFT Delhi Campus.
Online Faculty trainings: Starting from June 2020, 6. Some faculty members also upgraded
NIFT conducted 13 online trainings for faculty themselves by taking up online courses offered by
across all campuses. The highlight of the online the popular portals such as Coursera etc.
training were:
More than 400 faculty members across all
1. Engaging international experts and nationally campuses were able to take the benefit of learning
renowned experts in different parts of the world from the experts. Such trainings involving large
facilitated high quality of content deliverance. numbers were possible only through online mode.
FOTD Unit also proposed revised remunerations
2. Trainings were conducted on varied topics for online trainers to attract more international
such as Digital Print Editing Techniques, and national experts, so that NIFT can continue
Lean management, Digital Media marketing, to facilitate a blended training for faculty through
Performance Textiles, Smart textiles & wearable. offline and online mode, in the future.
Trainers engaged for these trainings are from
Institutes of repute, such as IIT-Delhi, IIM- Indore, Professional Development Policy was revised
IIM-Shillong, MICA. Industry experts from Arvind and approved by the BoG-NIFT to include many
Mills, Adidas and Amazon other activities for faculty members to utilize
the allowance for upgrading and reorienting
3. Training for subjects such as Self and Society, themselves. These include utilization of funds for
Creative Thinking Skills and Fashion Styling were research, taking up online courses, filing for patent
conducted by eminent personalities and industry and presenting papers at conferences. The norms
experts. These trainings involved sessions by were made to make the fund utilization equitable
historians, social workers, architects and innovators for all faculty members keeping in view their
in the business domain. specific areas of competency and interest.
NIFT undertakes consultancy projects with various this is to support fundamental research, product
Government and Non-Government Organisations. development, and technology transfer, to facilitate
These Projects provide exposure to faculty and outreach, economic development, engagement
experiential learning to students. It benefits and extension, coupled with research and teaching
various stakeholders by upgrading technical skills and to work with industry, government, and
and adds design value. Details of some of the partners through fundamental research, product
major consultancy projects having value more than development, testing and fabrication services.
Rs. 50 lakhs being undertaken by NIFT, are given
below: • A project to develop a “Digital Platform for some
Craft Based Enterprises” has been sanctioned by
• Setting up a ‘Center of Excellence for Khadi’ at Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
NIFT in approved by 'Khadi and Village Industries (MeitY), Government of India). Project would
Commission (KVIC), Ministry of Ministry of encourage entrepreneurship for craft sector
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) through, “Building a digital platform to sell crafts,
under the scheme of Khadi Gramodyog Vikas ‘Create sustainable craft based enterprises’,
Yojna to develop a new Khadi product for high ‘Leveraging digital technologies for transfer of
end domestic and international market and to digital knowledge, sharing of best practices,
strengthen Khadi brand. ‘Center of Excellence employment generation and engagement with
for Khadi’ would be set up in ‘Hub and Spokes’ wider markets’ and ‘Building Entrepreneurship in
model’ in five NIFT Campuses viz NIFT Delhi, Craft Sector’. The project value is Rs. 2.44 Crores.
NIFT Kolkata, NIFT Gandhinagar, NIFT Shillong
and NIFT Bengaluru. Areas of activities would • A project ‘Setting up Design Resource Centre in
be creating benchmarked design processes of 10 Weavers Service Centres (WSCs) ’ i.e. Bengaluru,
global standards for Khadi, create new fabric and Bhagalpur, Chennai, Hyderabad, Indore, Kannur,
products, disseminate quality standards for fabrics Kolkata, Meerut, Nagpur and Panipat by DC
and visual merchandising and packaging branding (Handlooms), Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India.
and publicity of khadi etc. The project value is Rs. It will facilitate visual merchandizing of WSCs
20 Crores. through creation of visual identity with regional
flavour and showcasing of textile developments of
• Setting up of a Centre for Advance Research each WSC and creating an annual activity calendar
in Textiles in the hub of Textile Manufacturing of for each WSC. The project value is 9.44 Crores.
India, Coimbatore , a R&D Centre with international
level of facilities to support cutting edge research • An MoU signed between NIFT and Department of
in the textile and clothing sector. Objective of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development
YouTube Channel
NIFT Bengaluru proudly presents its Annual Wheelchair Tennis Players of India´, published in
Report for the year 2020-21. The campus, amidst the book “Functional Textiles and Clothing 2020”,
lockdown and the challenges faced in academic Springer Publication.
transaction during this period, has successfully
conducted various activities under both academic 3. Dr. Richa Sharma and Dr. Nilanjana Bairagi
and non-academic purview. published a paper on “Photoluminescent pigment
printed textiles: Designing urban homes for
Academic Achievements by Faculty nighttime navigation´ - published in “Design for
Tomorrow—Volume 1”, Proceedings of ICoRD
1. Dr. Krithika G K, Associate Professor, completed 2021-Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies-
her PhD and was awarded a doctoral degree Editors: Amaresh Chakrabarti • Ravi Poovaiah •
from Karnataka State Akkamahadevi Women’s Prasad Bokil • Vivek Kant, Springer Publication,
University. ISBN 978-981-16-0041-8 (eBook).
2. Dr. Richa Sharma, Associate Professor, 4. Ms. Subhalakshmi Kropi and Dr. Nilanjana Bairagi
completed her PhD from NIFT Delhi and was published a paper on “Designing of sportswear for
awarded her degree in Design Research in 2020. badminton players” as proceedings of the Online
Conference on Recent Trends in Textiles, AICTE
3. Dr. Ravikumar R, Associate Professor, completed RTT 2020 – an International Conference organized
his PhD from Gandhigram Rural Institute University by TIT, Bhiwani during September 18-19, 2020.
and was awarded his PhD in 2021. ISBN: 978-81-943816-5-5.
Convocation 2020
Sl. Department Subject Name/ Dates No. of No. of Name of Craft &
No Activity students artisans Region
involved involved
1 Artisan Awareness NA NA NA NA
Workshop & Craft
Textile Design Bazaar
2 CRDP 03 to 20 Nov. 2020 41 01 Block Batik Ujjain
3 CRDP 05 to 11 Nov. 2020 32 10 Chanderi
4 Sustainable Design NA NA NA NA
5 Fashion CRDP 26 to 30 Oct. 2020 32 06 Maheshwar Craft
6 Management Artisan Awareness 17 to 19 Dec. 2020 32 11 Maheshwar Craft
Studies Workshop
7 Fashion & CRDP 19 to 28 Oct. 2020 33 07 Bell Metal Betul
8 Lifestyle CRDP 02 to 06 Nov. 2020 32 07 Bell Metal Betul
Campus Placements
Convocation and Graduation Project was postponed due to the pandemic situation
• Workshop for Semester-3rd students in Subject Design Process was conducted by NIFT Alumni Ms.
• On 15th October 2020 Workshop was organized • Mr. Aseem Mohan- Export Merchandising and
for Semester-VII students in the subject Mobile EXIM Documentation (International Business).
commerce by Mr. Shashank Rathore, Industry
Person. • Mr. Ashish Johari - Export Merchandising and
EXIM Documentation (International Business)
• On 18th October 2020 Workshop was organized
for Semester-VII students in the subject Advanced • Dr. Harish Kulkarni - Omni-channel Retail and
Weave Home & Space (DS) by Mr. Rajarshi Ghosh, Sales Management
Industry Expert.
• Workshop for Semester-6th students under the • Dr. Harish Kulkarni - IDM Retail Merchandising
subject Professional Project was conducted by
NIFT Alumni Ms. Vertika Shrivastava on 5th March • Expert Lecture was taken by Ms. Kaveri Dutta
2021. on 1st September 2020 in the subject Professional
Project of Semester-VII.
• Workshop for Semester- 4th students under
Subject Textile Heritage of India-II was conducted • Expert Lecture was taken by Mr. Dheeraj Gopal
by NIFT Alumni Ms. Stuti Bisen on 25th March Nigam on 10th September 2020 in the subject
2021. Portfolio Design of Semester-V.
• Dr. Mridul Shahi - MFM.II - Consumer Behaviour • Expert Lecture was taken by Ms. Shalini Pandey
& Neuro Marketing. on 1st September 2020 in the subject Professional
Project of Semester-VII.
• Dr. Priyanka Rawal- Services marketing and
services Design and Relationship Marketing. • Expert Lecture was taken by Dr. Sangeeta
Jauhari on 17th September 2020 in the subject
• Dr. Harish Kulkarni- Supply Chain, Value Chain Professional Project of Semester-VII.
and Operations Research, Marketing & Retail.
• Expert Lecture was taken by Ms. Meeta Siddhu
• Ms. Anubhuti Beohar - Cluster Studies. on 17th September 2020 in the subject Professional
Project of Semester-VII.
• Dr. Atul Dubey- Costing & Profitability.
• Expert Lecture was taken by Ms. Archana Jain on
• Ms. Mitali Sarin- Customer Experience 21st September 2020 in the subject World Textiles
Management & retail Operations. of Semester-V.
• Expert Lecture was taken by Ms. Sartia Sharma 2. Dr. Rajdeep Singh Khanuja, Asst. Prof., CC-
on 20th & 27th May 2021 in the subject Surface FMS Research Paper titled “2020 The Year of
Design Project Home of Semester-VI. Possibilities: Changing Landscape of Branding
under the Shadow of the Black Swan” was presented
PhD Pursuing and Completed in 4th National e-Conference CONSUMPTION OR
• Prof. (Dr.) Sameer Sood, Professor, FMS GROWTH STORY held on 1st June 2020 and also
Department has completed his PhD from Kalinga published in book with ISBN No.
University, Raipur, CG.
• Dr. Arnab Sen, Associate professor, Textile 3. Ms. Sakshi, Asst. Prof. & CIC. Research Paper
Faculty Development- TOT/ workshop/ seminar • Ms. Swati Vyas Asst. Prof. arranged a virtual
Demonstration for Hand Block Printing Craft
• Dr. Rajdeep Singh Khanuja attended the Faculty by Senior Artisan at Bhairongarh, Ujjain, under
Orientation workshop titled ‘Binding to Build with curriculum of Print Design- hand and Digital, to
in the Society’ for the subject “Self & Society’, for acquaint them with the complete process of hand
Foundation Programme on 13th & 14th July 2020. block printing.
• Ms. Sakshi attended the TOT on E-commerce • Dr. Vishaka Agarwal Asst. Prof has been working
and social media marketing from 16th to 18th July for Bagh Print Project “One District One Product”
2020. which is under process.
• Dr Anupam Saxena Asso. Prof. attended TOT • Dr. Anupam Saxena, Asso. Prof. organized
Paradigm Shift: Innovative Methods & Tools to an alumni interaction with Ms. Stuti Bisen on
Teach Textile Design Online’ conducted by Ms. “Traditional Rugs and Carpets” for the subject
Rupali Pandit and Ms. Richa Sharma along with textile Heritage of India-II.
Experts from 20th to 22nd July 2020 through
online. • Ms. Swati Vyas organized the expert session by
Designer Anuj Sharma founder of Button Masala
• Swati Vyas, Asst. Prof. TD attended State level for the subject DS-Home & Spaces, sem. VI.
online Short-term Training Program “Initiatives for
teaching-learning excellence in Home Science” • Dr. Anupam Saxena, CC-TD and Presiding
under Gyan Ganga organized by Commissionerate Officer ICC, organized a seminar on the occasion
college education and Department of Home of International Women’s Day, 8th March 2021
Science, Government Meera Girls College, “Cyber security through Gender Lens” for the
Udaipur, Rajasthan at a trainer from 15 to 20 students, faculty and Staff of NIFT, Bhopal.
February 2021.
• Dr. Debojyoti Ganguly contacted Vardhman
• Dr Vishaka Agarwal, Asst. Prof. attended TOT Industries in Malerkotla to generate 3-4 job in the
Paradigm Shift: Innovative Methods & Tools to Textile Design Department.
Teach Textile Design Online’ conducted by Ms.
Rupali Pandit and Ms. Richa Sharma along with Major Projects
Experts from 20th to 22nd July 2020 through
online. • MP Skill Development Project:
This project aims to implement Mukhya Mantri
• Dr Arnab Sen attended weaving workshops Kaushal Samvardhan Yojana (MMKSY) / Mukhya
on CAD Weaving attended during Jul Dec 2020 Mantri Kaushalya Yojana (MMKY) of Madhya
semester, arranged in house. Pradesh State Skill Development Employment
Generation Board (MPSSDEGB) for training
• Dr. Debojyoti Ganguly attended Weave Design youth in the state of Madhya Pradesh with
and CAD TOT in Jul-Dec 2020 semester, conducted Bhopal Campus as Training Service Provider in
by Mr. Ravi Kumar and Mr. Pugazenthil. Textile Sector. Training Partners were selected
Faculty Achievements by Bhopal Campus after rigorous procedures as
• Pmu for MPLUN Under SAMARTH: • Bharti Vashisth and Ishita Singh, TD 4, won FAB
NIFT Bhopal is the Project Management Unit (PMU) Design 2020 held by Fabindia, we participated as
for Madhya Pradesh Laghu Udyog Nigam (MPLUN) a team.
for Samarth (Scheme for Capacity Building in • Akanksha Aradhya , TD 4, secured 2nd position
Textiles Sector), a flagship skill development in an inter college competition “embroider a
scheme of Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India. The mask” , organized by Institute of Home economics
role of NIFT Bhopal in the aforesaid project is to department of fabric and apparel science university
co-ordinate with all the Training Centres and to of Delhi.
provide PMU services to MPLUN. • Kanak Mehta, TD IV, won the pictorial quiz
competition organized by College on Indian
• Apparel Incubation Project: Constitution Day.
Ministry of Textiles, GoI has sanctioned a project • Sami Shrivastava, TD IV won 3rd prize in slogan
to set up an “Apparel Incubation Centre” at writing competition organized by sage university
Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh under “Scheme to set Bhopal.
up Incubation Centres in Apparel Manufacturing • Pallavi, TD IV, won the 3rd prize in pictorial
(SIAM)” to Department of Industries, Government quiz competition organized by College on Indian
of Madhya Pradesh. In the said project, Incubation Constitution Day.
centre would be operated and managed by MPIDC • Mr. Rahul Kumar Rawani has been the semifinalist
Gwalior along with NIFT Bhopal as its “Knowledge of Mr. and Miss. India presented by the Zerone
Partner” for the implementation of the project. In Production House.
the aforesaid project, NIFT Bhopal coordinated/
assisted MPIDC in operations, selection of the
incubatee, formation of tender document and
also assisted in Selection and procurement of
Machinery, Equipment, Furniture and Other
Ancillary Equipment required for setting up of the
incubation centre
Ms. Sonali Srivastav and Ms Priyanka Kumati have 9) Export Competitiveness in South Asian Apparel
completed their PhD. Economies in POST - WTO Regime: A Study of
Indian Perspective, published by Jigyasa, UGC
Faculty Publications, Paper Presentations and approved Peer-Reviewed Journal, 2020.
Faculty Development
10) Entrepreneurial Development in Handloom
1) A research paper titled “Organizations and Sector through Effective Strategy Formulation: An
Standards Related to Textile and Fashion Waste Empirical Study in Odisha, state of India,Journal
Management and Sustainability”, authored by Dr. of Textile Engineering and Fashion Technology
Goutam Saha, Associate Professor & Ms. Harsha (JTEFT) published by Medcrave open Access
Rani, Assistant Professor has been accepted for journal, July, 2020.
published in R. Nayak, & A. Patnaik (Eds.), Waste
Management in the Fashion and Textile Industries. 11) Consumer perception towards sale of second-
Wood head Publishing. doi:10.1016/C2018-0- hand clothes in the localities of Odisha, State of
04057-8. India, published by Medcrave open Access journal
JTEFT, August, 2020.
2) A research paper titled “A Study on Sustainable
Livelihood Frameworks and Entrepreneurial 12) Designing fashion Merchandise: A Roadmap
Opportunities with Specific Reference to the to Sustainable Society, published in International
Sabai Grass Handicraft, Odisha, India”, authored Journal of Textile and Fashion Technology (IJTFT)
by Dr. Goutam Saha, Associate Professor & Ms. on August, 2020 by Trans Stellar, Open access
Lipsa Mohapatra, Assistant Professor has been journal.
accepted for published in Rajgopal, & R. Behl,
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 13) Expressing Life in Textiles: A study of Culture
(ISBN 978-3-030-45521-7 ed., pp. 179-200). and Fashion in Odisha, published by Bhartiya
Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Manyaprad: International Journal of Indian studies,
Peer-Reviewed Journal, 2020.
3) The research paper by Dr. Goutam Saha and
Ms. Lipsa Mohapatra titled ‘Rural Livelihood 14) Integration of E-Commerce in Handloom
Development of Tribal Women of Odisha through Sector: Consumer Perspective in Odisha, India,
Design Intervention using Sabai Grass’ has been published by Journal of Textile and Apparel
accepted for published in L. Mohanty, Ed.) Odisha Management Technology (JTATM), Peer-Reviewed
Review , LXXVII (NO.2-3), pp. 6-9 . Journal, 2020.
4) A research paper authored by Dr. Goutam Saha 15) Article publication in Fibre 2 Fashion on
and Ms. Lipsa Mohapatra accepted for paper ‘Transforming waste to exquisite collections’ by
presentation in IFFTI 2020 Conference with the Ms. Sulagna Saha
18) A research paper by Ms. Khyati Shekhar 26) A chapter by Ms. Sonali Srivastav, Assistant
(Student, batch of 2018-22), Mr. Ishan Aditya Professor, titled “Self-Acceptance and Hip-Hop
(Student, batch of 2018-22) and Ms. Sonali Music: An Exploration among Female Students
Srivastav, Assistant Professortitled “Odisha at Delhi University” was published in Misogyny
Handlooms and Social Media Promotion: A Study across Global Media, 1st ed. London: Rowman and
of Digital Transformation of Marketing” was Littlefield.ISBN: 978-1-7936-0621-1
presented at MIC 2020 ON 3rd December, 2020
27) Ms. Sonali Srivastav, Assistant Professor
19) A research paper by Ms. Supriya Munda, and Ms. Supriya Munda, Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor, titled “Role Of Odisha attended anonline TOT on Digital Design and
Government In Creating Awareness On Covid Communication on 10th and 17th October, 2020.
Pandemic”was presented at NMC 2020 on 22nd
November, 2020 28) Ms. Aparna Rastogi, Assistant Professor
andMs. Supriya Munda, Assistant Professor
20) A research paper by Ms. Rhutuja Asekar attended anonline TOT on Fashion Styling from
(Student, batch of 2018-22), Ms. Swati Sonali 29th July to 1st August, 2020
Panda (Student, batch of 2018-22), Ms. Nikita
Minz (Student, batch of 2018-22) and Ms. Sonali 29) Ms. Aparna Rastogi, Assistant Professor and
Srivastav, Assistant Professortitled “Tribal Art and Ms. Supriya Munda, Assistant Professor attended
Graffiti In Bhubaneswar: Exploring the Relationship an online TOT on Creative Thinking Skills from
between Traditional and Contemporary” was 15th July to 17th July, 2020
presented at NMC 2020 on 22nd November, 2020
30) Mr. Goutam Bar, Asst. Prof, TD published an
21) A research paper by Ms. Supriya Munda, article titled “Antiviral Finishing on Textiles” in
Assistant Professor, titled“Awareness Through Textile & Leather Review, 2020, Vol 3 Issue 4, doi.
Social Media During The Corona Pandemic: org/10.31881/TLR.2020.17
Study On Role Of The Odisha Government”was
presented at the national E conference organized 31Mr. Goutam Bar, Asst. Prof, TD published an
by the IMS Unison University on 10th October, article titled “Dyeing of Silk Fabric with Soaked
2020. Phaseolus Vulgaris (Red kidney bean) Extract”,
International Journal for Modern Trends in
22) A research paper by Ms. Sonali Srivastav, Science and Technology, 2020, 6 (9S), 83-88, doi.
Assistant Professor, titled “Post-Feminist org/10.46501/IJMTST0609S14
Narratives in Cinema and Web: A Study of Zoya
Akhtar’s Female Characters” was published 32) Mr. Goutam Bar, Asst. Prof, TD published an
inGlobal Media Journal (Indian edition), [online] article titled “Antibacterial Efficiency of Croton
12(2). Bonplandianum Plant Extract Treated Cotton
Fabric”, Current Trends in Fashion Technology
23) A research paper by Dr.Chittaranjan Sahoo, & Textile Engineering, 2020,7 (1), 005-009, doi.
Assistant Professor, titled “The Sun Images And org/10.19080/ctftte.2020.07.555703
Worshiped On Prachi Valley: A Bird’s Eye View Of
An Artist” was published in the Journal of Bihar 33) Ms. Priyanka Kumari, Asst. Prof, TD published
PuravidParisad, Volume - xxvii-xxviii,2021.pp.20- an article titled“ Resurgence of Lost Techniques:
24,ISSN 0976-5107. An Approach for Design Innovation in Mashru
Textile” published in The Indian Journal of Home
24) A research paper by Ms. Sonali Srivastav, Science, July 2020, Volume 32, No 2. ISSN 0970
Assistant Professor, titled “Culture Production and 2733 IHMSF – 32 (1-262)2020.
39) Mr. Goutam Bar Asst. prof. TD attended 47) Ms. Priyanka Kumari, Asst. prof. TD participated
a TEQIP-III sponsored International Webinar & completed AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL)
titled “Nanotechnology and Its Application in Academy Online FDP on “Heritage Management”
Textiles” held on 08th August 2020 Organised by from 2020-12- 14 to 2020-12-18 at National
Department of Textile Technology MLV Textile & Institute of Technical Teachers Training and
Engineering College, Bhilwara. Research.
40) Mr. Goutam Bar Asst. prof. TD attended AICTE- 48) Ms. Amrita Panda, Asst. prof. TD attended the
ISTE sponsored Induction/ Refresher Program below webinar session.
on “Advance Ecological Techniques in Textile a) Maintaining Tradition in a Transitory World
Chemical Processing for Sustainable Development webinar - 29 April 2021. Organized by The Center
organised by Department of Textile Technology, for Culture and Development - The Netherlands
K.S. Rangasawy College of Technology, Tamilnadu (CCD-NL)
from 12.03.21 to 18.03.21 b) Colors Embracing Calm, Healing, and a Rainbow
of Hope. 6th April 2021, Organized by Pantone
41) Mr. Padma Charan Majhi Asst. prof. TD, c) Sustaining Craft in India, 16th March 2021,
attended a TOT titled ‘Paradigm Shift: Innovative Organized by IFFTI Online Webinar
Methods & Tools to Teach Textile Design Online’ d) “Women as Entrepreneur” on Monday, 8th
conducted by Ms. Rupali Pandit and Ms. Richa March 2021, NIFT Jodhpur.
Sharma along with Experts from 20th to 22nd July e) Naturally, inspiring webinar, Slowing down
2020 through online. fast fashion - a world of possibilities for knitwear
72) Ms. Lipsa Mohapatra, Assistant Professor Seminars and Workshops by Alumni, Industry and
has attended “Art of doing literature Review” International Experts
organized by Koach Scholar 20th Feb to 20th
March 2021 (Online). 1) Invited Mr. Partha Haldar, alumni, AMMM, Delhi
for expert lecture on International Retailing and
73) Ms. Lipsa Mohapatra, Assistant Professor has marketing, 16th April, and 30th sept, 2020.
attended “Bibliometric and Literature Analysis
(SLR & Meta Analysis)” organized by Meerashpa 2) Invited Mr. Girish Bhatt, alumnus Digital
Learning Solutions, from 29th January-1st marketing and Omni channel, dated on 9th May,
February, 2021. 2020.
74) Mr. Satya Shankar Banerjee attended Academy 3) Invited Mr. Vikrant Bharti, Senior merchandising
of Management annual conference virtually from manager, Li-Fung (alumni, Delhi) for export
Aug 6th-12th , 2020. merchandising and vendor management, dated
on 17th April, 2020.
75) Dr. Goutam Saha, Associate Professor has
been discharging the responsibility of CAC since 4) Invited Mr. Rahul Jindal, Factory Manager, Aditya
25/09/2019. He also discharged the responsibility Birla Export House (Bhubaneswar) on Apparel
of Joint Director from 16/01/20 to 15/01/21. production houses and lean manufacturing and its
Critical issuesdated on 23rd May, 2020.
76) Ms. Harsha Rani, Assistant Professor has been
Project- Team member in a project titled “Techno 5) Invited Avishek Mohanty, Raymond, alumnus for
Managerial Consultancy support for proposed planning and buying, dated on 30th April, 2020.
SPINFED Incubation Center at Bhubaneswar.
6) Invited Mr. Shom Routray, Reliance for (alumnus,)
77) Ms. Harash Rani has reviewed a research article buying and planning, dated on 15th September,
for VILAKSHAN - XIMB Journal of Management in 20.
9) Dr. S P Mishra & Mr. Ashish Sharma had 20) Ms. Sonali Srivastav, Assistant Professor
delivered the expert lecture to student of MFM organized an expert lecture by Ms. Pankaja Sethi,
sem-I (Batch: 2020-22) in the subject of “Fashion Ethnographer and Designer, under the subject
Material Management & Quality” on December Design Research on 19th April, 2021
21) Ms. Sonali Srivastav, Assistant Professor
10) Mr. Prabin Kumar Rout had delivered the organized an expert lecture by Ms. Biyot Projna
expert lecture to student of MFM sem-III (Batch: Tripathy, Film maker, under the subject Story
2019-21) in the subject of “E Commerce, fashion Telling and Narratives on 16th April, 2021
promotion mix and social media marketing” on
December 2020. 22) Alumni interactive workshop : Ms. Tanya Meher
(Jewellery Industry), Ms. Rupanajali (Bags industry)
11) Prof. Sanjay Mohpatra, XIMB had delivered & Archana Choudary (Graphics), Deeksha Saini
the expert lecture to the student of MFM-III in (Glass industry) where Alumni’s had interaction
the subject of “Various issues on E Commerce and session with semester VI students briefing on the
media marketing” on December 2020. industry during COVID19, market post lockdown,
how to apply for internship, portfolio as per
12) Mr. Sarat Kumar Jena, Associate professor, current market situation, scope of graphic industry
XIMB, Bhubaneswar had delivered the expert
Lecture to the student of MFM-II in the subject 23) NIFT Bhubaneswar alumni Mr. Akash Behera
of “Supply chain and value chain and operations interacted with the TD Students in the month of
research” on 21st and 26th April 2021. April, 2021.
13) Mr. Kanti Prakash Brahma, H&M Group, 24) Expert lecture was conducted by different
Business Controller, Supply Chain (Apparel) has experts as a part of the subject Professional
delivered the expert Lecture to the sudent of Project. Dr. Syamal Maiti, Assistant Director at Man
MFM-II in the subject of “Services marketing and Made Textiles Research Association, Mr. Prabin
services design and relationship marketing” on Kumar Rout, Training Head Dept. of .NET, PHP &
14th May 2021. WEBDESIGN Mr. Rajarshi Ghosh Vice President-
Operations, Arvind Limited delivered the lecture
14) Mr. Amit Das, NIFT Bhubaneswar Alumnus on 16.09.20, 17.09.20 and 20.09.20 respectively.
and Senior Manager Dubai, Virtually
addressed students on Retail Planning on Dec 25) Ms. Lipsa Hembram, NIFT alumnus & Designer,
14th 2020. interacted with the TD Students on 31.10.20 as a
part the subject design process.
15) Ms. Lipsa Mohapatra, Assistant Professor has
industry connects & talks like Rakesh Mohapatra, Major Industry Linkages
VM, The Dubai Mall, Dubai, Chetan Sharma, Retail
Planner, Central Mall, Mumbai. 1) Dr. Santosh Tarai coordinated SAP and attended
Lumira Training Programme on Analytic Cloud
16) Live Classroom Project was conducted in-co- and Big data analysis online both for faculty and
ordination with the Rainush-Luxury Couture brand, students on 5th and 21st August, 2020.
for 7th semester students for Celebrity couture
and Bespoke fashion during the session July- 2) Facilitated for cluster visit-cum study to three
December 2021. clusters. Visited Gopalpur Cluster with students
and guided 8 MFM 2nd semester students in their
17) Classroom project with W was conducted for cluster study from 12th - 16thFebruary, 2020.
7th semester students for Fashion design and
Illustration during July-December 2021. 3) Department of Fashion management Studies,
Bhubaneswar organised Outbound programme
9) Ms. Amrita Panda, Asst. prof. TD, contacted For sustenance and growth of flora in the campus
Annapurna Finance Pvt. Ltd (AFPL) Atulya Karigari, we kept bee boxes for pollination. Further to give
Paradise 6 for Classroom Projects, strength to our initiative, we started permaculture,
compost production for inhouse plant nutrition,
Internship and Placement opportunities. and rain-water harvesting, ground water
recharging so that the plants will withstand and
10) Mr. Goutam Bar, Asst. Prof. TD, contacted survive extreme weather conditions. Solar panels
Arhiant Spinning Mills, Art image, JC Hometex, have been installed on roof tops for electricity
Rateria Exports, Asian Fabrics for the internship production and consumption.
and Job opportunities.
11) Live Classroom Project was conducted in-co- We are experimenting on extraction of natural
ordination with the Rainush-Luxury Couture brand, dyes and its application of different natural fibres
for 7th semester students for Celebrity couture in our labs. This is just a beginning. So, we need to
and Bespoke fashion during the session July- prepare the required human resources to support
December 2021. that would drive the fashion industry.
12) Classroom project with W was conducted for
7th semester students for Fashion design and
Significant Landmarks and Achievements of also assisted to use “Arogya Setu App” in their
Campus mobile phones.
• NIFT Chennai’s Bi-annual magazine “Reflections”
• NIFT, Chennai has been ranked as one of the was published by team of MFM &UG Design
best Fashion Institutes in India which was surveyed students.
by Outlook and India Today. NIFT, Chennai ranked • During COVID-19 lockdown NIFT, Chennai in
3rd position in India Today survey and 5th position association with two of our Alumni Face Masks of
in Outlook survey among the top 10 Fashion organic fabrics was developed and was distributed
Institutes in India. to Tamil Nadu Govt. Officials in the Secretariat.
• Mr. Manish Balakrishnan (Batch 2016-2020) , • 06 Scheduled Tribe students from Javvad Hills
The student from Knitwear Design department and a PWD candidate were tutored and also
who won the Best Design Collection Award the financial support was arranged for those
for his creative Knitwear collection named as candidates through the sponsorship from various
“THAALAM” has been featured in International industries towards the payment of the tuition fee.
Contest on Arts thread Next Gen Award 2020.
• The students of Knitwear Design department, Infrastructure and Facilities
NIFT, Chennai brought their positive imagination
for the world post COVID19, through the creative • Class rooms/Art rooms– at Academic block – 12
artworks .The initiative is by UNICEF India in Nos & at Annexe building – 16 Nos.
collaboration with Ink Link charitable Trust to • Work shop & Labs –at Academic block – 25 Nos.
celebrate the Children's day through the 'Voice of & at Annexe building– 10 nos.
Youth'. The artworks were shared and e-published • Boys Hostel - 92 rooms with WI-FI enabled.
by UNICEF (and various organizations) across the
nation and the same were chosen for the Coffee New NIFT Campus (Girls Hostel and SMAC
Table book. Building):
• NIFT, Chennai students generated fund by
creating Ed Greetings cards and the fund has been • Girls Hostel – 210 rooms with high international
donated to the needy people who have affected standards as per UGC norms, by providing
during the pandemic in Northern states. facilitations like Student Multipurpose Activity
• The students of NIFT Chennai organised Centre (SMAC), Play & Park Area, Indoor
awareness programme on Covid-19 to the migrant Badminton court, Basket Ball ,Volley Ball Courts,
illiterate people and provided the essential Futsal Ground, Gym Equipment, and Cycling
commodities and masks to the people They were Tracks, Also ATM facility, 50 KLD sewage treatment
NIFT, Chennai celebrated the achievements of Knitwear Design Department: CRD – On Ari
their graduating batch of students of Design, Embroidery with Integrated Women Development
Technology and management on March 12th, Institute, Kaverapettai, CBDP – On Bead Jewellery
2021. 249 students undertook their graduation and Pottery with Gugai and Omalur ,Salem. There
projects that were showcased in Exhibitions and was a financial support extended by the faculty and
Seminars. Several Industry Members, Experts & students during the pandemic. Also successfully
Star Alumni graced the event. The award-winning completed AAW with Ari Embroidery Artisans by
students were presented with a Trophy, Cash and giving them a holistic exposure on Government
Merit Certificate. Schemes and support, Designer wear market,
Design Intervention and NIFT’s Role as an Design
Craft Cluster Initiative- Activities, Workshops and Institute.
Leather Design Department: CRD and CBDP was
Concern for social responsibilities is seen in done on Cane craft and kora grass mat, Thaikkal,
• Patents filed by Campus: The campus is spread over 6.42 acres of land
housing academic and administrative blocks and
Sr. Patent Title Published
a girl's hostel. The campus offers 5 UG and 2 PG
No. Application on
no. programs.
1 20182048877 Automatic 26.06.2020
Campus facilities include 25 classrooms and
Cycle Time studios, 24 workshops, 3 AV rooms, VC room,
& Output Resource Center, Students Activity Centre,
Calculator Gymnasium, Basketball, Volleyball and Badminton
for Industrial Courts, Canteen, Stationery shop, Auditorium,
Sewing and Amphitheatre. On campus Medical Doctor
Machine and Student Counsellor are also available for
2 201921006345 Automatic 21.08.2020 consultation.
Sewing Needle
Vending A Sub Centre at Surat is located within the
Machine premises of SardarVallabhbhai Patel National
3 201921006747 An On Machine 28.08.2020 Institute Technology (SVNIT) in an approx. area
Broken Needle of 3500 sq.ft. The Surat centre offers continuing
Collecting education (CE) Programmes.
System For
Short-term Programmes (CE Programme)
Machine And
Its Method
Thereof The center has proposed 7 CE Programmes & 4
Diploma programmes.
• Ms. Avani Sharma, AD-VI won Vogue’s Annual • Mr. Bharat Jain, Ms. Aarti Solanki, and Mr. Bhaskar
subscription for participation at NIFT Dialogue. Banerjee, Associate Professors presented a paper
titled “Study of global denim apparel brand’s green
• Chandni Lakhotia, AD – VIII was declared winner marketing initiatives promoting sustainability” in
at the “Quarantine Design Contest”organised by National Conference on Sustainability in Business
SavioJewellery, Jaipur. Practices (NCSBP 2020) held online during
25 - 26 September, 2020, organized by Jaypee
• Ms. Sharanya Dharmarajan and Ms. Twinkle Garg Business School Noida.
won 1st Runner Up in Toy Design Challenge-2021
organised by Skillenza and Amazon. • Dr. Kruti Dholakia, Associate Professor, co-
authored a paper titled ‘Design exploration in
• Ms. Jyoti Ranjan, AD – VIII won 2nd prize in Tana bead work of Gujarat- India: Experience and
- bana photography competition organised by outcome of co- creation, published in international
Gujarat Government. journal of textile and fashion technology, vol:11
issue-1 June, 2021.
• Ms. Edake Nikita Ramkisan, AD-VI has established
“With You” Foundation in Shevgaon, Ahmadnagar, • Dr. Japjee Kaur Kohli, Associate Professor, co-
Maharashtra to address mental health issues authored and published a research paper entitled
of Covid patients during quarantine period, in “Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Skill Gaps in the
coordination with senior medical experts. Apparel Industry of India: A Case Study of Fashion
Design Programme” in Staff and Educational
Graduation Projects and Graduation Events Development International Journal, 2021, 24(1), a
refereed international quarterly journal.
Total 188 under-graduate students and 53 post-
graduate students worked on their graduation • Dr. Jagriti Mishra and Mr. Bhaskar Banerjee,
projects and research projects with some of the Associate Professors co-authored case study titled
leading organizations in their domains. Students ‘Category planning and department restructuring
worked with varied frontrunner companies of the at A-one Mall which was awarded with Best paper
industry in hybrid mode to complete their projects at the 5th International Case Study Conference
successfully. 2020 organized by University Utara Malaysia
between 27-28 October 2020. It was also
Craft Cluster Initiative- Activities, Workshops and published in e-proceedings of the conference.
• Dr. Jagriti Mishra, Associate Professorauthored
The Campus organized “National Handloom Day a case titled “Medigit Solutions- A case Study
2020” to promote various Handlooms of Gujarat. on Brand Communication through Digital
Eight separate activities including 2 webinars were Marketing” in a book titled Sustainable Business
organised to mark the event. and Competitive Strategies: Retail Industry &
• Ms. Nupur Chopra, Associate Professor co- • Dr. Japjee Kaur Kohli, Associate Professor
authored and published a research paper titled attended TOT on Pedagogical approach to
“Kids Shopping Experience: An Explanatory Fashion Design education.
Study to Identify the Gaps” in a referred journal
“International Journal Of Retail Management And • Ms. Ettishri B Rajput, Assistant Professor
Research (IJRMR); ISSN (online): VOL - 10, ISSUE - attended the workshop on Lean Management by
2; EDITION: DEC2020. leading consultant Mr. Anand Deshpande.
• Mr. Anupam Rana, Associate Professor • Ms. Ettishri B Rajput, Assistant Professor taught
participated in Anvesh 2020 organized by Institute the subject Garment Manufacturing Technology to
of Management, Nirma University during 26- semester III students pursuing Masters in Design
27 November, 2020 and contributed paper on at National Institute of Design, Gandhinagar.
“Jewellery Market : Latest Marketing Trends”
which has been published as a full paper in the • Ms. Aarti Solanki and Ms. Nupur Chopra,
Conference Proceeding. Associate Professors attended an online TOT of 5
days on Smart Textile & Smart Garments.
• Mr. Mahesh Shaw, Assistant Professor co- • Ms. Nupur Chopra, Associate Professor completed
authored a paper - “COVID-19 debunks the myth 6 days weekend AMA Online Programme on
of socially sustainable supply chain: A case of the “Advertising and Brand Management”.
clothing industry in South Asian countries.” along
with Mr. Abhijit Majumdar, Professor IIT and Mr. • Ms. Aarti Solanki, Associate Professor attended
Sanjib Kumar Sinha. The paper was published in One-Week Online Short Term Course (E-STC) titled
the international journal -Sustainable Production “Advanced Engineering Optimization Technique”
and Consumption (2020). (AEOT-2020) conducted by NIT Jalandhar.
• Dr. Kruti Dholakia, Associate Professor attended Classroom Projects on Print Design and Woven
ToT on Illustration & Image creation Apparel Design Projects were conducted in collaboration
production. with Aditya Birla Group for their LIVA brand.
A classroom project for Surface Design was
• Dr. Hir Vyas and Ms. Jalpa Vanikar, Assistant conducted in collaboration with Designer Mr. Anuj
Sharma of Button Masala.
Professors attended online ToT of Self & Society
organized by Foundation Department. The Sustainability Aspect and Green Campus
• Dr. A. K. Khare, Ms. Amisha Mehta, Mr. Amit
Phogat, Mr. Asit Bhatt, Mr. Bharat Jain Faculty Campus has 07 Percolated Wells, each with a
members attended a certificate course on capacity of 50,000 litre which improves water
Nurturing Innovation and Startup Ecosystem level through Rain Water Harvesting.
by Gujarat Student Startup and Innovation Hub
(iHub). Campus is equipped with Solar Roof top power
• Mr. Asit Bhat attended online TOT on fashion system which has capacity to generate 100 Kw
Styling organized by FC department. power.
NIFT Hyderabad was set up in the year 1995 Continuing Education Programmes(CEPs)
with a temporary campus in Chenetha Bhavan, • Fashion Clothing & Technology (1 year)
Nampally, Hyderabad and then moved to its • Contemporary Ethnic Wear (1 year)
permanent campus in Madhapur in the year 1999.
The NIFT Hyderabad campus is located amidst Significant Landmarks and Achievements of
India’s IT hub - Hi-tech City and the State Craft Campus
Village Shilparamam; appropriately epitomizing
one of its core mottos, tradition meets modernity. • Online and hybrid classes were successfully
The main building of the campus is noted for its conducted due to COVID-19 pandemic in place
architectural grandeur and versatility. The campus of offline classes. The academic deliverance was
facilities provide an ideal environment for an all- completed through hybrid mode (both offline and
rounded learning experience and holistic growth. online) and the curriculum was completed.
• Convocation 2020 was successfully conducted
The campus offers 5 Design UG Programmes, 1 by following COVID-19 guidelines.Shri Bhaskar
Technology UG Programme and 1 Management Khulbe, Advisor to the Hon’ble Prime Minister of
PG Programme: India was the Chief Guest. Shri Shantmanu, DG-
NIFT was the Guest of Honour. Shri V. Seshadri,
Bachelor Programme (B.Des.) (4 Years) Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister of
• Fashion Design, Telangana and Smt. Richa Gaharwar, CVO-NIFT
• Textile Design, were the Special Guests. A total 212 students
• Fashion & Lifestyle Accessories, were awarded degrees during the Convocation.
• Knitwear Design and • Sanitization measures in the Campus were
• Fashion Communication; implemented as per the guidelines of the
Bachelor Programme (B.F. Tech) (4 Years) • Swachhta Hi Seva activities were successfully
• Bachelors in Fashion Technology (Apparel conducted in the Campus. Electronic banners
Production) & messages have been created and uploaded
on NIFT website to highlight the observance of
Management PG Programme: Plastic waste Free Campaign. NIFT has widely
• Master of Fashion Management campaigned through its social websites to avoid
the use of plastic water bottles and encouraged
Continuing Education (CE) Programmes using alternative solutions i.e., cloth bags, paper
NIFT Hyderabad also offers the following bags. etc.
NIFT Jodhpur was set up in the year 2010 within the mess premises is well taken care of to
operating from its temporary campus at Sojati make sure the students have a healthy environment
Gate and shifted to permanent campus at karwar to have their meals.
in 2015. NIFT Jodhpur has fully residential green
campus spread over 20 acres. Canteen: The canteen is situated within the college
NIFT Jodhpur offers four-year Bachelor and two- campus. It is open for all and there is a proper
year Master programme in the area of Technology seating arrangement for students, faculty and
and Management since 2010. Bachelor of staff. Various kinds of snacks, soft drinks, meals
Fashion Technology (BFT) and Masters in Fashion are available at economical rates.
Management (MFM).
Open Air Theater: The open air theatre is meant
Bachelor of Design – B.Des. (Following courses for organizing Cultural Programs, Fashion shows,
have commenced from Academic Year 2016-17) Youth Festivals, and other programs in which
1. Fashion Design (FD) group gathering may be required. It is used by
2. Accessory Design (AD) the institute to meet their requirements for their
3. Textile Design (TD) functions.
4. Fashion Communication FC)
Music Room: It has an excellent art and sculpture
Significant landmarks and achievements which fosters the artistic talents of the Student.
The music department equipped with various
• Organized online International Conference on musical instruments helps to discover the talents
Advances in Textile, Fashion & Crafts [ATFC-2021] for music among the students.
from 22-24 March 2021.
• More than 200 papers were received from Hostels: Separate hostel facilities are provided
institutions and universities across the world. for Boys and Girls in the college campus. It has
• Training to various artisans/migrant workers. adequate high security and good discipline.
• Coveralls developed for sanitisation workers
• Tailors trained for making PPE Kits. Residential Quarters: Residential campus is
made up of Director's Bungalow and separate
Infrastructure and Facilities Quarters have been developed for faculties and
Non-teaching staffs equipped with all modern
Mess: Mess serves nutritious food throughout amenities.
the year to students. Hygiene and cleanliness
Medical/ Primary Health Center and Psychiatrist Volleyball Ground: well-maintained court,
Counselor: A medical practitioner and Psychiatrist equipped with lights present on campus which is
Counselor are available at the institute round open 24x7.
the clock to provide medical care and advice to
students, staff and faculty. Football Ground: A football field, sufficient
floodlights to enable playing in the dark, football
Auditorium: Auditorium is a place to conduct studs are provided on demand for non-football
events and meetings of the institute the auditorium playing students too.
is quite spacious, and it can seat hundreds of
students. The dais is big enough for several Basket Ball Court: NIFT Jodhpur also has one
guests, and it is suitable for projecting the videos Basketball court with lighting facilities to enable
or slideshows too. We have provided centralized night time practice.
air condition for the comfort of the occupants. Our
auditorium has made many events successful. Table Tennis: The Table Tennis hall is well equipped
with is fully air conditioned.
Transportation Facility: The Institute has bus facility
to its students. Public transport buses facility also Carrom: Carrom is a "strike and pocket" table
in front of the campus. game. Currently carom is available for Play and
Stationery Shop: To facilitate student needs, the
Institute has an in house stationery store. The Green Shed Sun Protection Path Way: To protect
student friendly store meets customized needs skin from direct sunlight and ultraviolet radiation
of the various courses. The stationery also offers (UVR) from the sun in summer.
photocopying and printing facilities for students.
RO Plant: The entire college campus is facilitated Aluminum portion: Aluminum partition work to
with pure Reverse Osmosis (RO) drinking water facilitate faculties.
with water coolers in every block to cater to the
need of pure and safe drinking water to all. CCTV Camera: The Institute has installed Closed
Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV) for the safety
Amul Parlor: The Amul serves ice creams, milk of staff, students and visitors and the protection
shakes, chocolates and many other dairy products. of property and buildings. This requires areas of
Nescafe Coffee Parlor: The outlet offers a variety the college to be under 24 hour recorded CCTV
of hot and cold beverages like cold coffee, cold surveillance.
coco and iced tea.
Power Backup: Power back up is provided by 03
Gym: With special emphasis on fitness and a nos. of DGSET generators (125 KVA) which are
healthy lifestyle, NIFT Jodhpur is well-equipped maintained under AMC of a reputed concern.
with a gym remodeled with a good selection of
free weights and machines, for a full and complete Electric supply system: A network of electrical
body workout. It is open for all the students, staff components deployed such as various size
and faculty of NIFT Jodhpur. distribution panel, replacement of faulty cables,
feeder pillars for efficient power system.
Bank: In campus banking facility is provided by
Union bank of India. It is fully computerized and Wifi Campus: The campus has a seamless Wifi
has a facility of ATM. It caters to the students, network which allows the students to connect to
Faculty and Staff. The bank takes care of all the net anytime, anywhere.
college transaction. It provides facility for parents
Sanitary Napkins Machines: Sanitary Napkins UJAS (Skill Improvement Training (Traditional
Dispenser machines and disposal machines Embroidery and Applique) for Pakistani migrant’s
installed in various locations of girls wash rooms. women artisans of UJAS organization): -
Classroom in resource centre: A new classroom This Project aims to provide the required
has been constructed in resource centre. knowledge and practice for developing/enhancing
the traditional embroidery and applique skills
Paver block tiles: A interlocking paver block tile besides improving the relevant soft and elementary
path way contracted near boys hostel. design skills for Pakistani migrant women artisans
of the UJAS organization. The training is designed
Underground water tank: In spite of existing 1 lakh for traditional applique and embroidery artisans
litre overhead water tank and 1.5 litre underground under the UJAS organization for a group size of
water tank an additional 5 Lakh litre underground 25 artisans in one training and a total of 6 pieces
water tank has been constructed for conserving of training (back to back) conducted to train 150
water. women.
Boudary wall: Existing boundary wall height This project commenced on 21 September 2020.
extension for safety purpose protection and The total value of the project is 9 lakhs and
barbed wire a particular height protection. NIFT Jodhpur has already completed three skill
development training.
Ramp: A ramp has been constructed in bank
premises and in front of admin building to facilitate New Proposals for Project sent to the following
handicapped/Divyang persons. department for Approval.
Skill development for Juveniles homes,
Vehicle Parking shed: Vehicle parking shed has Department of Child Empowerment, Govt. of
been constructed for parking of vehicles in well Rajasthan, Jodhpur.
organized manner. Department for Women Empowerment, Govt. of
Rajasthan: Skill improvement
DFT Department:- Department of Fashion • A classroom project was undertaken in the
Technology is continuously striving in building subject "Design Studio 3: Lifestyle Accessories
up the infrastructure. The Multi head embroidery Range" in coordination with the industry named
machine was successfully installed in the "Aeon Surfaces” in AD Dept.
department. The purchase of various Equipment • In RIC department a workshop was organized
for IoT and mechatronics lab is in process and for the final year of students NIFT Jodhpur. The
tender has been floated for the same. workshop was aimed to boost the morale of the
students, presentation skills, and personality
Major Projects grooming.
• Soft Skill workshop was organized on 18.12.2020
PDDIC Project (Product Design, Development for FC, AD, MFM & B.FT, TD & FD.
& Innovation Centre (PDDIC) under the Jodhpur
Mega Cluster scheme sponsored by the Office Major achievements in Student Competitions and
of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts), Awards
• Dhruvik Bamniya FC-6: National winner from
The project aims to establish a Product Design India ( First position in children category) in "Global
Development and Innovation Centre in Jodhpur art contest -United Against Corona" held by Indian
to foster Research and development in design Council for Cultural Relations( ICCR- Ministry of
and promote product innovation in the cluster. External Affairs) on 20th June,2020.
The key objectives of the centre are Research & • Ms. Arushi Gugaliya, Chitran, FP, II Prize, Shaheed
Development, Design Intervention, and Awareness Bhagat Singh college, University of Delhi, 20-28
on latest trends, Technical Support, Design Bank & September, 2020.
Product Library. • Ms. Aaliya Khan, 8th Semester, TD, won the
Moda Biella Contest.
• Dr. Janmay Singh Hada, TD, awarded PhD on Brief note on Seminars and Workshops by Alumni,
September 24, 2020, on a topic entitled “Capacity Industry and International Experts
building of Kota Doria Handloom through design
Intervention” in Textile Designing. • Expert Session by Dr. Madan Lal Meena, Dr. Gargi,
• Yuvraj Garg, Associate Professor, completed Dr. Vijaya Deshmukh, Mr. Sandeep Ramadamu, Mr.
PhD in 2020 Heman Kumar, Mr. Mayank Bisht, Mr. Amit Karsani
Publications and Paper Presentations
Major Industry Linkages
• Dr. Manoj Tiwari- “Lean tools in Apparel
Manufacturing” (jointly with Prof. Prabir Jana, NIFT • Fashion Design 8 semester (Batch 2017-21)
Delhi) edited, published by Elsevier Publishing students undergoing 16 week Graduation Project
Ltd. UK under “The Textile Institute Book Series” in various companies from Jan 2021 to April 2021
(ISBN: 9780128194263, January 2021). like Salt & Spring, Jovi India, Bodice Bodice, Essay,
• Dr. Manoj Tiwari- “Validation and Reliability Amita Gupta ustainable, Tailleur, Ma’am Arts,
of Sizestream 3D Scanner for human body Kenelle, Matrix Clothing, Myntra, Triburg, Fashion
measurement” (jointly with Prof. Noopur Anand, Panda, Karnam, Ritu Kumar, Bohame, Almost God,
NIFT Delhi) published in Functional Textiles and Place the Dot, Khanijo, Leh Studio, Pankaj & Nidhi.
Clothing. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore • AD students under GP in the renowned
Pte Ltd. (ISBN: 9780128194263, January 2021). organizations, such as Tyaani by Karan Johar,
• Dr. Janmay Singh Hada published a research Bhandari Exports, Karan & Aakriti, Naga Exports,
paper in International journal for modern trends in Usha Interiors, RBZ Jewelry etc.
science and technology (An AICTE Peer-reviewed
online research publishing Journal): New trends The Sustainability Aspect and Green Campus
in Non-woven wet wipes, September 2020, Activities
• Dr. Chet Ram Meena, Khyati Medh, Smart Textiles A Green Campus is a place where environmental
in Outdoor Sportswear, Asian Textile Journal (ATJ), friendly practices and education combine to
August-September 2020, pp45-52. promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices
• Dr. Akanksha Pareek published a paper titled in the campus. The green campus concept
“An attempt to review the Sujuni embroidery of offers an institution the opportunity to take the
Bihar” in International Journal of Home Science, lead in redefining its environmental culture and
2021,volume-7, issue-1, page 242-243. developing new paradigms by creating sustainable
• Dr. Sheetal Soni presented a Paper as Co-author solutions to environmental, social and economic
in International E-Conference “ Economic Crisis & needs of the mankind.
Fraud Management” Organized by Sardar Patel
University of Police, Security & Criminal Justice, In this regard the following are the initiatives which
Jodhpur on 27-28th Oct 2020. have been taken to make the campus eco-friendly:
• Usha Yadav, published research paper titled, Waste water management through 200 KLD
“MPP-MLO: Multilevel Parallel Partitioning for Sewage treatment plant: The campus is being
Efficiently Matching Large Ontologies” in Journal of provided with a well laid out drainage and sewerage
Scientific & Industrial Research, CSIR-NISCAIR,Vol. network. A centralized sewerage treatment facility
80, March 2021, pp. 221-229 indexed with SCI is used for irrigation and maintenance of green
(Science Citation Index) and Elsevier(SCOPUS). cover.
• Dr. Madan Lal Regar published a paper in Tekstilec
(Scopus JIndex) on Effect of Solvent Treatment on 370 Kw Solar power generation plant: Solar
Siro and Ring Spun TFO Polyester Yarn, 64(1) 2021 energy is an infinite source of energy which is
48-55. also a clean energy. Using solar energy for power
• Most of the faculty members attended Online generation will reduce the use of fossil fuels and it
International Conference on Advances in Textile, also produce pollution free and provide lower cost
• A work-shop on Design Intervention on crafts of Brief note on Publications and Paper Presentations
Lahaul & Pangi was organised as from 11th to 19th
March 2021. • Ms. Chavi Goyal, Assistant Professor, DFT, NIFT-
• Ms. Chavi Goyal, Assistant Professor, DFT, NIFT- Kangra published paper on “A comparative study
Kangra working as a PIT in ‘Craft Repository on psychological impact of COVID-19 in Delhi and
Project’ for the Kangra campus since 15th Himachal Pradesh in “The International journal of
Significant landmarks/Major Achievements NIFT Kannur was ranked in the 11th position
among India’s Best Fashion Colleges in 2021 by
Kannur is a coastal city in the south Indian state, Outlook Survey.
Kerala. Kannur was long been a port and trade
centre and has had trade relations with several NIFT Kannur has been sanctioned Rs.13.85 Crore
civilizations including Greeks, Romans and Arabs. under EWS fund from Central Government for
Kannur district is established in the year 1957. infrastructure development of campus.
The significance of NIFT campus in Kannur is
justified by its historical importance in the field NIFT Kannur published “INSPIRA” the e-magazine”
of handloom trade. NIFT Kannur campus is 700 in 2020. The 2nd edition is out in July 2021. A
meters away from the National Highway and 16 km publication of upcoming Hindi magazine is also
North of Kannur Town situated in an industrial cum planned.
educational area. The campus is very picturesque
by its eco-friendly atmosphere and cultural Infrastructure and facilities
carvings on its nook and corners.
NIFT Campus have 9.63 acres of land in which
The campus is having 815 students in its rolls (186 the total built-up area is 3 lakh 20 thousand sq.ft.
boys and 629 girls) as on date. Kannur centre is (approx.). The land was earlier in the possession
offering 5 undergraduate programmes and 2 of KINFRA, now has been leased in the name of
postgraduate programmes. 222 students are Director NIFT Kannur. The campus have a 8 storied
graduating in the year 2020 (UG -159, PG-63). academic block, workshop building, 2 hostel blocks
(for Girl students), canteen building, gym, sewage
Due to the pandemic COVID protocol prevailing treatment plant, auditorium etc. Paperwork is
in the Country, the Orientation Programme in proceeding for faculty quarters. All Faculty rooms
NIFT, Kannur was organized in virtual mode. Since are provided with cabins. Annexe to Hostel block
the students are not attending the Orientation in is nearing completion. Basketball and Volleyball
person, a short video “Campus Walk” exploring courts are constructed.
the Campus facilities, infrastructure etc was the
main focus of the video. The student registration 8 elevators are functioning in the Academic Block
and introduction to the curriculum etc were done with all statutory approval & Licence.
through online sessions. Students have presented
their talents. Zumba/DJ sessions also were Fire fighting system is working efficiently. In the
conducted and it added icing on the cake. prevailing situation of Pandemic COVID 19 attack,
Government-funded Projects undertaken by NIFT Graduation Show was conducted for the batch
Kannur 2020 through Virtual mode. Graduation projects
were completed on time through Offline and
• Kerala Kudumbasree branded Kurtha design online mode in the various industries of India.
development & Marketing skill training program: Virtual graduation shows organised and show was
Training session for nominated Kudumbasree inaugurated by the Dean.
members for 5 days in Kannur district -Kerala
1.3.21 to 5.3.21 Project cost : Rs. 5,45,000R Craft Cluster Initiative – Activities, workshops and
• VKC Footwear Corporate Training in Category
management online event (Jan 25-27-28-29 2021): Due to the pandemic, Craft Research
Project cost : Rs. 102000 Documentations were majorly based on secondary
data available. Zoom meetings and telephonic
• Kerala Kudumbasree Covid-20 Mask design interviews organized between artisans and
development & Marketing skill training program: students.
Training session for nominated Kudumbasree
members for 42 days in 14 districts -Kerala Dec • Ms. Mukthy Assistant Professor has taken
2020 to Jan 2021: Project cost : Rs. 1365000 students for industry visit to Mariam and Dinesh
Apparel at Kannur on 26th April 2020 for the subject
• Meitra Corporative styling project for Branding ‘Fashion Material & Production Management for
premium hospital uniform (Dec 2020- Feb. 2021) Merchandisers’
Project cost : Rs. 1005000
• Ms. Mukthy Assistant professor has take the
• Kerala Handloom Uniform Project (Project cost students for industry visit to Kerala state start
– 7.5 Lakh)– Valuation study on Handloom School up mission Incubator – MYZONE at Kannur on
Uniforms 5th April 2020 for the entrepreneur subjects
(Deepening specialisation and Core)
• SITTAR (Phase – II) (Project cost – 17 Lakh) –
Photography based state and national level camp • Craft Cluster Product Development – Students
for Higher secondary students(multi-phased from Sem-VII completed the craft prototype (paper
programme primary level conducted at NIFT concept) in an online mode during October and
Kannur Campus and second level conducted Nov 2020 under the handloom craft North Paravur
in coordination with IIT Hyderabad Design Cluster, Ernakulam and Kollayil BLC, Trivandrum
• Mr. Girish P T, Mr Sarath Kumar and Mr K
• Knowledge partner for Kerala Handloom Mohan each carried out a workshop of 2 hours
Branding project worth 3.7 Crore - Branding of for Sustainable Development & Co-Design for 3rd
Kerala handloom products. Sem students.
• Mr. Basob Majumdar conducted lectures • Ms. Tanmaya Goswami conducted Soft Skill
Strategic Design Management of 6hours for 1st Development (Starting into Fashion Industry.
sem students Discover your Potential) for 3rd Sem students. She
spoke on the topic of ‘ How To Make The Most
• Mr. Prasanna, founding director of Desi -Retail Of Your Fashion GP Or Internship Opportunity In
store and Charaka cooperative society, was invited 2021?’
to interact with students (online mode). The
interaction has provided insights into the challenges • Mr. Ujjwal Anand spoke on Career Opportunities
faced today by the handloom sector in terms of in Design for 1st Sem students
production, design innovation, authenticity and
livelihood of artisans' onslaught of mass produced • Mr. Kaustav Guha spoke on Confluence Ideathon
lifestyle. Motivation was incepted in students to 2021 x Serendipity Arts Foundation as a step
take up challenges and find solutions in form of to assist prospective applicants and interested
system design, product diversification and design students from NIFT Kannur, video seminar to
innovation in the handloom and handicraft sectors. introduce them to the process of application and
address any queries or concerns that they may
• Mr. Nishant Sharma, Associate Professor have on 19/2/2021.
Organized an Interactive Expert Lecture NIFT
Alumni by Parvesh Khurana on PhD Pursuing and Completed
a. KD3, DESIGN PROCESS - 25.09.2020,
30.09.2020 MFM - Ms. Jaya Mathew (Thesis submitted)
b. KD5, PRINT DESIGN PROJECT - 29.09.2020, Ms. Mukthy (Pursuing)
c. KD4, T&F- SPORTSWEAR - 20.04.2021 KD - Mr. R S Jayadeep, (Pursuing)
d. KD4, PRINCIPLES OF HAND FLAT KNITTING Mr Nishant Sharma, (Thesis submitted)
- 21.04.2021 & By Mridul Das
a. KD7, DP- PERFORMANCE SPORTSWEAR - FC - Ms. Gargee Bhattacharjee(Thesis Submitted)
10.10.2020 Mr Sujith KG (pursuing)
12.05.2021, 15.05.2021, 20.05.2021 DFT - Mr. Rajesh Kumar Jha (Pursuing)
• Ms. Lalitha Lakshmi. S attended the following 1. Cannanore Spinning Mill, Kannur
Webinars, 1. Marketing Strategies to scale up the 2. Maryan Apparels, Kannur
Retail Business and Growth Hacks on 23rd May, 3. Hanveev Processing House, Kannur
2020 organised by vogue institute of art design. 2. 4. Intertek Testing Services, Tiruppur
Envisaging Professional Opportunities in Apparel 5. Spencer Dyeing, Tiruppur
and Textile Deign Now and Beyond on June,15 6. Unifront Processors, Perundurai
2020 organised by IFT. 3. Overview of Bangalore 7. NIFT-TEA College Knitwear Fashion, Tiruppur
Retail and Innovations in Consumer Experiences 8. Shri Vishnu Textiles, Palladam, Tamilnadu
NIFT Kolkata Campus has executed RCC Cover over the Existing Main Gate; Construction of Temporary
sheds at old building; Construction of Porta cabin; procured Advance computerised Embroidery cum
sewing machine; Dress Forms; Steam Iron; Refrigerator; Digital Multimeter; Insulation Tester; Digital
Earth Resistance Meter; Maruti Ciaz Hybrid Sigma; Table Loom & Accessories; Laptops; Touch Less
Soap Dispenser; Fogging Machine for Sanitization; Touch Less Sanitizer. Construction of 3rd Floor at
New building has been taken up with CPWD. The Campus was functional as per Govt. guidelines of
Covid 19. The disinfection and sanitisation of Campus and Hostel were conducted in coordination with
Bidhannagar Municipal Cooperation.
1. NIFT Kolkata has undertaken the Kantha Project under the HO Project - USTTAD.
2. NIFT Kolkata is part of The Repository - Textiles and Crafts (RTC)’ Project
3. The campus is a representing and a part of the ‘Size India’ Project
4. NIFT Kolkata is participating in the VISIONXT- TREND INSIGHT AND FORECASTING project
5. NIFT Kolkata is participating in the execution of HO Project – Establishment of DRC at Weaver Service
Centre, Kolkata
6. NIFT Kolkata has undertaken a New Project under USTTAD for Nagaland Textiles.
• Palak Pankhudi of AD (2016-20) made the Institute proud by winning 2nd Prize in “Quarantine Design
Contest (QDC) – 2020”. Sanjana Ramakrishnan of AD (2019-23) won second prize in Toy Design Challenge
at The India Toy Fair 2021.
• Tanmay Baral of FC (2017-21) participated in B&W stories 2.0 online competition. Chandrama Paul
of FC (2017-21) participated in Art Exhibit Repository and her work got selected to print the artworks
in their column. Rishika Shah of FC (2018-22) participated in Online photography contest held by
Insipid Board of Ideas (NGO), Kolkata and won 1st prize. Aditya Sharma of FC (2019-23) participated
in Poster making competition at NIFT Kolkata and won 1500 Rs. Cash prize. Sudrisha Kolay of FC
(2019-23) participated in Global Tiger Day competition by WWF India. Simran Jain of FC (2017-21)
participated in The Media Mogul event, Under 25 August and also participated in Bindass Befikre, The
National Poetry Competition 20. Tamalika Bhowmick of FC (2017-21) participated in the event called
#fashiontherapywithkomal (A Styling challenge) on Instagram (Online) and was featured as the top 10
winners among 6000 entries from all over the country.
• Manisha Sen of FD (2017-21) bagged first position at the global “Make Your Own Mask Challenge”
competition organized by Ritu Beri in 2020.
• Noyonika Mukherjee, Debanjan Sinha, Suravi Dey, Jhanvi Verma, Kavita Prashant Ujawane, Shreya
"Fashion Expositionem 2020", a Virtual Graduation • 623 weavers/ artisans were directly engaged
Show for the Class of 2020 of FC, FD, F&LA, KD, with craft cluster visit by the students.
LD, TD, F.Tech and FMS departments of NIFT
Kolkata was held on 24.09.2020 with the gracious • 306 students were directly engaged with
presence of Shri Shantmanu, IAS, Director General- different craft cluster activities.
NIFT as Chief Guest and Prof. Dr. Vandana Narang,
Dean – Academics, NIFT, as Guest of Honour. In • 22 Faculty Members & 16 Staff were engaged in
the year 2020, total 252 students were graduated different craft related activities during the period.
from NIFT Kolkata.
PhD pursuing and completed
Craft Cluster Initiative – Activities, Workshop and
Impact • PhD Pursuing – 1. Prof. Binwant Kaur, 2. Sh.
Bibekananda Banerjee, Assoc. Prof., 3. Sh. Partha
During the last year (April 2020-March 2021), Seal, Assoc. Prof., 4. Sh. Rahul Sethi, Assoc. Prof.,
following craft cluster activities were organised 5. Sh. Sabyasachi Sengupta, Assoc. Prof., 6. Sh.
NIFT Kolkata has taken initiative for maintaining • Digital promotion in Social Media Campaign
sustainability and green campus through organised through Social Media platform
plantation of trees and saplings through the for boosting the post / traffic in Facebook
year, implementing paper less work reducing and Instagram in the State of West Bengal.
consumption of papers,restriction of AC cooling Advertisement was aired on 94.3 Radio One for
temperature up to 24 Degree Celcius, Controlled 05 days.
Water distribution through IR plant for all the
connected toilet, Operation of Fountain from • Campaign among aspirant belonging to SC/ST/
9 am to 7 pm, Sufficient number of stair cases EWS Categories: Letters along with Posters and
and court yards for scope of gardening and Prospectus for Admission 2021 has been sent
horticultural usage, Garbage disposal through to Eklavya Model Residential Schools situated in
Local Municipality at regular interval, Maintaining West Bengal to spread awareness among the SC
of proper aesthetic look of the campus with & ST candidates.
proper light and greenery, Maintaining overall
cleanliness of the campus by the House keeping ii) Significant Extra Curricular activities conducted
staff, Controlling of electrical energy by the by SDAC Unit :
extensive use of LED. During the event of 150th
Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi Khadi Mask • 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi had
Making activity were organised in which students been observed in which several events had been
were encouraged to make handmade mask by organized, as follows-
using any available Khadi / handloom fabric at
home. - A very unique exhibition has been organised
on Gandhi’s life style and significance of Khadi.
Other significant Activities Portraits of Mahatma’s life style were on display
(courtesy: Mr. Nidhu Mondal, Assoc. Prof - TD).
i) Admission Publicity for the Academic Year 2020- - To encourage the use of Khadi and to make it
21: more popular amongst the youth of the Nation,
In order to enhance number of applications/ an exclusive exhibition on Khadi was organised
registration to various courses of NIFT in (courtesy: TD Dept.).
‘Admissions – 2021’, following various modalities - A digital banner has been prepared (courtesy:
has been drawn up for wide publicity: SDAC) and it was uploaded in the NIFT, Kolkata
• Intimation to the Colleges, Schools of Kolkata: website and in the other social media.
The Colleges and Schools based in West Bengal - The Virtual Exhibition is presented through the
have been intimated about the courses offered by portrait of Mahatma Gandhi and Khadi in the
NIFT at Post-Graduate level and Under-Graduate NIFT, Kolkata website and official webpage on the
level and the ongoing Admission Process 2021. occasion of his birthday, 2nd October.
• Distribution of Admission Prospectus, Posters • Wearing of Face Mask is one of the preventive
etc.: Prospectus, poster and other admission measures along with Sanitization and Social
related documents have been sent to the various Distancing to control the spread of Covid-19 virus.
Public Libraries in the State of West Bengal by In order to outreach this message, on the occasion
Resource Centre through emails for maximum of “National Handloom Day” (August, 2020), a very
circulation and publicity. special activity of “Handloom Khadi Handmade
Mask Making” was organised to encourage the
• Advertisement in Print Media and Website of NIFT students, youth of the Nation.
NIFT Kolkata: Advertisements for Admission, 2021
have been published in the regional newspapers
in English and Hindi. Advertisement has also been
displayed on NIFT Kolkata Website.
National Institute of Fashion Technology –Mumbai It proactively took several measures for Covid
NIFT Mumbai is recognized as one of the prevention like use of Benzalkonium Chloride for
premier campuses of NIFT renowned nationally floor / surface cleaning and daily fumigation of
and internationally for its design, technology office space, use of medical grade disinfectant
and management programs. With the Covid19 D125 for disinfecting high contact points such
pandemic disrupting the context and the as handrails, door handles etc., installation of
circumstances of the existing academic contactless automatic sanitizer machine, checking
environment, NIFT Mumbai adopted a proactive of body temperature & oxygen level of each visitor
approach to tackle the crisis. It followed a and employee on daily basis at the entrance of
two-pronged strategy of investing in required the campus premises, regular monitoring of the
information and communication technologies to vaccination status of all the employees of NIFT
adapt to online curriculum delivery and also in the Mumbai, issuing appropriate orders from time to
capacity building of the faculty resources to ensure time for COVID APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR.
that quality of education and students’ learning
was maintained while focusing on the knowledge, NIFT Mumbai has a strong team of 44 in-house
competencies and values that have become more faculty members and more than 125 visiting faculty
relevant in the current context like solidarity, self- members. It has an enviable infrastructure with
directed learning, care for oneself and others, fully wifi enabled smart campus spread over 10
social-emotional skills, gratitude and resilience. acres and a built-up area of over 45000 sq.meter.
The campus continued to provide an atmosphere The hostel has accommodation facility for 590 girls
for collaborative and experiential learning with and 90 boys.
a global perspective through industry academic
interfaces, webinars, panel discussions, virtual NIFT –Mumbai currently offers following 08 degree
visits to fairs and exhibitions, research, innovation programmes:
and entrepreneurship opportunities encouraging Under Graduate Degrees - Bachelor Programmes
students to express their creativities, analytical (4years)
acumen and leadership skills while respecting B.Des.-Bachelor of Design
the core values of inclusivity, sustainability and • Accessory Design
community welfare. • Fashion Communication
• Fashion Design
Following the lockdown guidelines imposed by • Knitwear Design
Local Authorities / State Govt / Central Govt, the • Textile Design
campus initially functioned on online mode and • Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel
eventually moved to hybrid mode of teaching. Production)
International National
9 research papers were presented by faculty 10 research papers were presented by faculty
members at various international conferences and members at various national conferences and
published in journals as below. published in journals as below:
• Dr. Pallavi Rani, Asst. Prof., F&LA published a • Ms. Lipi Choudhury, Asso. Prof., FMS has
research paper "Design of an Awareness Model published the research paper, "Leveraging the
to Develop Proper Sanitary Habit among the Rural Indian Consumer Sentiment towards Sustainable
People of Jharkhand" in Advanced Manufacturing Consumption in the context of Handlooms and
Systems and Innovative Product Design (pp. 11- Handicrafts" in INSPIRA- Journal of Modern
20).Singapore: Springer Nature 2021. Management and Entrepreneurship (JMME)
• Prof. Dr. Sushil Raturi, FMS published paper Volume 10, No. 03, July, 2020, ISSN : 2231 - 167X
titled “Influence of Experiential Marketing on (Print), COSMOS IMPACT FACTOR: 5.647, in July
Customers Apparel Purchase: A Study for Indian 31, 2020
Organized Apparel Retail Business in International • Ms. Lipi Choudhury, Asso. Prof., FMS has
Journal Business Insights and Transformation ISSN published the research paper, “Green Marketing:
0974-5874 Volume 13, Issue 2, April-September The Engine of Sustainable Economic Growth”
2020 published in August 2020. in Inspira-Journal of Commerce, Economics &
• Mr. Tanmay Kandekar, Asso. Prof., FMS presented Computer Science (JCECS) 16 ISSN: 2395-7069,
paper at International conference on research and Impact Factor: 5.660, Volume 07, No. 01, in March
Management and Technovation, organized by 2021.
KDM girls’ college, Nagpur on "Future of Social • Mr. Tanmay Kandekar, Asso. Prof., FMS presented
Media Marketing in Tier III cities on Maharashtra" the research paper at second National Conference
on 5th& 6th December, 2020. on Ethical & methodological Issues in research
• Mr. Tanmay Kandekar, Asso. Prof., FMS organized by Shri Jagdish prasad Tibrewala
presented paper at International conference University, Jhunjhunu on “Ethical & methodological
Opportunities and challenges of the exciting Issues in research” on 10th October, 2020.
trends of virtual education organised by Shri • Dr. Pallavi Rani, Asst. Prof., F&LA presented
JagdishprasadTibrewala University, Jhunjhunu on a paper in 2nd innovative Product Design and
"Growth of Fashion & lifestyle sector in India", on Intelligent manufacturing Process 2021 at NIT
27thto 29th November, 2020. Rourkela.
• Ms. Bhawana Dubey, Asso. Prof., KD, co-authored • Prof. Dr. Kislaya Choudhary, TD published a
a research paper titled ‘Designing Sustainable paper titled ‘Global Design + Style 2020/21: Inkjet
Resort-Wear for the New Indian Market’published Digitally Printed Textiles” in Colourage - Digital
in International Journal of Textile and Fashion Textile Journal, March Edition 2021
• Project on Uniform Design for Group C & D of • Ms. Shresha, engaged in ongoing VisioNxt
DDA employees. Project (faculty facilitator) Trend Byte team, MSD &
amp; E Uniform Design Project, Faculty Associate_
• Design and development of uniforms for Eklavya MEI TY Project Pratibha.
Model Residential School.
• Prof. Dr. Ruby Kashyap Sood tied up with
• Designed the uniforms for the Marshalls of Rajya Birla Cellulose, Aditya Birla Group for classroom
Sabha, the office assistants of the Prime Minister’s projects to be undertaken in Print Design Project
Office, New Delhi, and the office staff of the - Home, Print Design Project - Apparel and Weave
Rashtrapati Bhawan, India. Design Project - Apparel across campuses.
• NIFT Delhi campus has been working in • Dr. Anu Sharma worked as a CPIT in a team
Collaboration with NIFT Headquarters for projects lead by Prof. Dr. Sharmila Dua as the Project
such as VISIONXT, INDIA-size, NIFT Fashion Coordinator for the project ‘Setting up of Design
Design Incubator, Khadi centre of excellence and Resource Center in Weavers’ Service Centers, PAN
Digital Design Repository . India which completed its first Phase of project in
February 2021.
• Prof. Dr. Sudha Dhingra have been appointed the
Director - Center of Excellence for Khadi on 1st • Dr. Anu Sharma alongwith Ms. Surbhi Ahuja,
April 2021. The project is sanctioned by Ministry presented Concept and Ideas presentation for
of MSME to support KVIC. National Textile Museum project to Hon’ble
Minister Smt Smriti Zubin Irani on 11th Dec 2020
• Dr. Noopur Anand is Principal Investigator in under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Anupam Jain.
INDIAsize project - National sizing survey which is
in collaboration with MoT GoI, and is a scientific • Ms. Ashima Tiwari and Mr. Ashutosh Kumar Sahi
research study to develop a comprehensive size are doing USTAAD project with Maheswar weavers
chart for ready to wear industry based on these and Varanasi weavers respectively.
body measurements of the Indian population.
• Mr. E. Sivasakthi: Performed as Campus Project
• Dr. Senthil Kumar is Coordinator for the Centre Coordinator (CPC) for ‘Punjabi desi jutti’ craft under
for Advance Research in Textile (CARTex) proposed ‘Upgrading the Skills and Training in Traditional
to be set-up in Coimbatore. Arts/ Crafts for Development (USTTAD)’ project
and provided inputs for the project website and
• Prof. Dr. Anupam Jain and Dr. Dimple Bahl provided data and feedback through an interview
engaged their creative genius in actualising, schedule conducted.
Design Resource Centres (DRC) at Weaver Service
Centres (WSC) (for which Phase-I is completed & • Ms. Dolly Kumar is Project Coordinator for
Phase-II has been initiated). designing of 50 kg jute bag for Food Corporation
of India
• Prof. Dr. Anupam Jain also initiated and
conceptualised the first draft of the design ideation • Ms. Tulika Mahanty, PIT for designing of Uniforms
and budget details for the proposed National for the employees of Dedicated Freight Corridor
Textiles Museum in Science City at Ahmedabad. Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL)
• Sr. Prof. Dr. Banhi Jha and Ms. Anuttama • Dr. Sharmila Dua and Ms. Surbhi Ahuja - A
Chakraborty designed a technology-embedded project on setting up Design Resource Centres
‘smart’ jacket for the Food Safety officers for Food at 28 Weavers Service Centre was undertaken by
Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) in NIFT. The project will be completed in 3 phases.
2020. In the Phase-I of the project, setting up of Design
Resource Centre at 8 WSCs identified by the MoT
• Sr. Prof. Dr. Banhi Jha and Ms. Anuttama were undertaken. Phase-II of the project will be
Chakraborty designed and developed prototypes executed with another 10 centres of WSCs.
of uniforms for Eklavya Model Residential Schools,
Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India in 2020. • Mr. C. S. Joshi is Center Project coordinators for
Mr. Rohan Behl of DFT dept. was awarded • Mr. Amandeep Singh Grover (Prof.) contributed
silver medal by honourable CM of H.P for being one chapter in the book titled, ‘Supply Chain
the second university topper in Btech (textile Management and Logistics in the Global Fashion
engineering) under Himachal pradesh technical Sector “Published by Routledge -Taylor & Fransis
university in April 2021. Group (London and New York) which was published
Ms. Mrunalini Desai, currently a student of TD
semester 4, won 1st prize in the “Symbiosis Delhi • Dr. Ananya Mitra Pramanik (Assoc. Prof.) co-
Poster-making competition” in 2020. authored A., Agrawal, published a paper titled,
‘Aspects of Repurposed Yarns, International
Ms. Tanvi Jain, currently a student of TD semester Journal of Home Science.’ (pp. 40-44), ISSN: 2395-
4, was a winner in the Art Category of “Paakshantar 7476’
in association with Social club, NIFT New Delhi” in
2020. • Dr. Ananya Mitra Pramanik (Assoc. Prof.) co-
authored A., Agrawal, published a paper titled,
Ms. Maribel George, currently a student of TD ‘Sustainable Business Development: A Profitable
semester 6, won the Fabindia ‘Fab Design’ contest Enterprise’ in Journal CPJ GLOBAL REVIEW VOL.
in 2020. XII No. 1 (Management, IT and Commerce Journal).
(pp 22-25) ISSN No. 0975-1874’. Published in
Ms. Manvi Tejpal also won the Best Design January 2020.
Collection in a classroom project by Arvind Mills
Ltd under Advance Woven Design subject in • Dr. Anu Sharma (Assoc. Prof.) co-authored
semester 7 in session Jul-Dec 2020 Sharma, A., Suri, M. and Bhagat, S. published
a chapter in book ‘Napasar: An Approach to
Ms. Amara Subul, currently a student of TD Sustainable Livelihood’, Social Entrepreneurship
semester 8, was one of the winners in Hand for and Sustainable Development, Routledge, Taylor
Handmade competition concluded in February and Francis, London and New York, p115-129.
2021. (ISBN:978-0-367-67433-5).
• Mr. E. Sivasakthi (Assoc. Prof.) a chapter titled, ‘A • Dr. Noopur Anand (Prof.) published a paper a
novel approach towards design and development chapter titled, “Development of Bottom-Wear Size
of Indian men’s work place casual footwear with Chartfor Indian Male Youth” in Design Science
specific reference to sizing’ in the book titled and Innovation book series (DSI) in Springer DOI
‘Recent trends in traditional and technical textiles
(conference proceedings) published by Springer
with ISBN No.978 98115 9995 8 in September • Dr Noopur Anand (Prof.) presented a paper
2020. titled, “Validation and Reliability of Size Stream
3D Scanner for human body measurement
• Ms. Jasmine S. Dixit (Asstt. Prof.) co-authored at Functional Textiles and Clothing FCT 2020
J. S., Alavi, S. & Ahuja, V. published a paper conference organised at IIT Delhi in 2020.
titled, ‘Studying Consumer Brand Relationship
and Segmenting Consumers of Green Apparel • Dr Noopur Anand (Prof.) presented a paper
Brands’ in International Journal of Advances in titled, “3D Scanners Impact on Anthropometric
Engineering and Management, 3(6), 237- 248. studies and Garment “ at AICTE Sponsored 2 Week
doi:10.35629/5252-0306237248. Faculty Development Programme on “Future of
Fashion: AI, IoT, AR, VR, Robotics, Sensors and Big
• Ms. Lavina Bhaskar (Asstt. Prof.) presented a data analytics in Dec, 2020.
paper titled, ‘Ethnography as a tool to study
indigenous Craft Clusters to build cultural • Dr. Noopur Anand (Prof.) presented a paper
sensitivity and inclusivity amongst design students’ titled, “Garment fit and sizing” at AICTE sponsored
• Ms. Tulika Mahanty (Assoc. Prof.) presented • Ms. Tulika Mahanty, attended one week Online
research paper titled, ‘Marketing of tribal art and Faculty Development Programme on LaTex from
craft products in the light of globalization and 13th to 19th July 2020 conducted by Jamshedpur
modernization’ in the National E-Conference on Women’s College in collaboration with Spoken
‘Empowering Tribal Women: Entrepreneurship & tutorials IIT Bombay.
Skill Development, a way towards Atmanirbhar
Bharat’ on 5 Dec, 2020. The paper is published • Ms. Garima Anand attended Faculty Development
in UGC CARE Journal (Scopus indexed)- Wutan Programme organized by SARV International on
Huatan Jisuan Jishu, ISSN:1001-1749. ‘Fashion & Textiles’ scheduled from 27th July
2020 to 5th August 2020.
• Ms. Tulika Mahanty (Assoc. Prof.) presented
paper titled, ‘Study on preferences for type • Dr. Priyanka Gupta attended ‘Overview of
of embroidery and influences on its purchase Lingerie Industry’, held from 20th - 22nd July
decisions among college going girls’ was accepted 2020.
on 13/02/2021 for publication in UGC care journal
Ensemble. A bilingual peer reviewed academic • Ms. Amrita Roy Attended ‘Overview of Lingerie
journal, ISSN (online) 2582- 0427. Industry’, held from 20th - 22nd July 2020.
• Dr. Usha Narasimhan (Prof.) published PhD paper • Prof. Dr. Ruby Kashyap Sood successfully
titled, ‘Fashioning Identity - A Study from Urban completed an online course ‘Sustainable Fashion’
India’, accepted for publication as chapter in conducted by Copanhagen Business School and
edited book by Brill Publication, publication date- offered through Coursera on 6th July 2020.
17th July 2021. E-book ISBN - 978-90-04-44659-5
/Paperback ISBN - 978-90-04-44658-8. • Dr. Anu Sharma completed 1-month online
UI/UX certificate course from California Arts
• Dr. Vandana Bhandari (Prof.) published a book University through Coursera. She also completed
titled, ‘Textiles of Rajasthan at the Jaipur Court’ 1-month online certificate course,
publisher Niyogi Books Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, ISBN- AI for everyone.
• Ms. Shresha, undertook a 7 module online course Delhi Campus undertook following measures for a
offered by Business of Fashion (BOF) on Fashion green campus:
Styling and Image Making by Lucinda Chambers Electricity Conservation: New building at Delhi
with certification for the same. Campus has a glass façade for saving light and
keeping the building cool. Saving of electricity
The Performance Clothing course was conducted by replacement of tube lights with LED lights and
by Dr. Monika Gupta over 5 days from 13th – electrical panels for safety and security of the
18th July 2020, where 25 faculty from 13 NIFT campus
Campuses participated in the same.
Waste management: Campus has developed
• Dr. Ashok Prasad Participated in one week online comprehensive waste, water, electricity
national Faculty Development Programme (FDP) management systems. Waste management has
on Research Methodology, conducted by Faculty been done by procuring a compost machine
of Doctoral Studies & Research and Internal for converting kitchen waste to manure. Waste
Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Integral University, is segregated into biodegradable and non-
Lucknow. degradable.
Seminars and Workshops by Alumni, Industry and Rain water-harvesting: Work for Rain water
International Experts harvesting System has been completed in Delhi
campus and the system is functional now.
Eleven Seminars and Workshops were conducted Water Conservation: Industrial RO of 5000 lph
involving Alumni, Industry and International capacity has been installed in which waste water is
Experts. used for gardening.
3. Dr. Puneet Sood (Director NIFT Kannur Ms. Ishita Jain and Ms. Pragya Negi did a Poster
& Panchkula) and Ms. Mukthy, Assistant presentation of paper “Khilone: Recalling playful
Professor, Impact of COVID : Opportunities for memories” at International Online Conference,
Social Entrepreneurship in functional fashion, Advances in Textile, Fashion and Crafts (ATFC-
International Online Conference, Advances in 2021): NIFT Jodhpur, India which was held from
Textile, Fashion and Crafts (ATFC 2021): NIFT 22nd - 24th March, 2021.
Jodhpur, India which was held from 22nd - 24th
March, 2021.
NIFT Patna has modern classrooms with well- • National Knowledge Network
equipped furniture, A.C. and projectors for all the NKN is available in campus for the students,
departments. who connect with outside world 24X7 using its
Graduation Projects and Graduation Awards The Department of Fashion Design, Semester-
VII conducted an online Craft Based Product
32 students of second batch 2016- 2020, Fashion Development during 23rd-27th September, 2020
and Lifestyle Accessories successfully completed in Zari Craft and Goods from Patna City with an
their graduation project in different companies. objective to explore usage of the identified craft to
• Best Graduation Project: Ms. NISHA SHREE design a new range of product (Garment) line. The
• Most Commercially Viable Design Intervention: impact of this study was to learn to apply traditional
Mr. RAHUL KUMAR SHARMA crafts and techniques into a contemporary style.
• Most Exemplary Application of Design The focus was to orient the craft towards the
Methodology: Ms. NISHA SHREE contemporary markets to generate fresh appeal
without losing the essence of the craft (colour,
33 students of Fashion Communication, batch motifs and Garment styles are the few possible
2016 - 2020, has successfully completed their areas for the contemporise touch).
graduation project in different companies.
• Best Graduation Project Award I : Mr. SURAJ The Department of Textile Design, Semester-VII,
ASAWA session July-Dec’ 2020, Batch 2017-2021conducted
• Best Graduation Project Award II : Ms. VISHAKHA online Craft Design Project during 13th-17th
VASU October 2020 from Bhagalpur Mega Handloom
• Most Innovative Graduation Project Award : Ms. Cluster with an objective to produce a survey
SHIRKE RITIKA GANESH report on the artisans-based facts.
Fashion and Life Style Accessories, Semester- V,
Fashion Management Studies, Semester- II, Batch • Paper presented on “Sustainable approaches to
2020-2022 in the session of Jan-Jun 2021 conducted rejuvenate the Textile and Fashion Industry” as a
an online Craft Research and Documentation event invited key note speaker in SGT-2020, National
during 26th-30th April 2021 with an objective to Conference held on 12-14 Aug 2020 organised by
document the findings of the diagnostic studies UPTTI Kanpur, India by Prof. Sanjay Shrivastava,
based on the interaction with the artisans of Sujini, Director, NIFT, Patna.
Appliqué and Sikki Crafts. NIFT Patna conducted • Paper presented on “Textile Fabric for Biological
an online Artisans Awareness Workshop during Protection Using Herbal Resources for Fight
27th-29th May 2021 with an amalgamation of five against COVID -19” at UPTTI Kanpur on 1st May
different UG departments namely Fashion Design, 2020 by Dr. Pintu Pandit, Kunal Singha, Assistant
Fashion Technology, Textile Design, Professor, Department of Textile Design & Prof.
Sanjay Shrivastava, Director, NIFT, Patna.
Fashion Communication and Fashion and Lifestyle • Paper presented on “Ground Reality of Bihari
Accessories. This event was marked by an active Migrant Labourers During Covid’19 crisis” at B.S
participation of Craft Experts and Artisans from College, Danapur, Patna as key note speaker on
various Craft Clusters along with the students and 20th June 2020 by Dr. Rishikesh Kumar, Assistant
Faculty members of the respective departments. Professor, Department of Fashion Management
The objective of this event was to reach out to the Studies.
artisans and craftsmen at the grass root level and • Paper presented on “Econometric Methods
to provide them the benefit through knowledge of Data Handling” at the 3rd International
dissemination and exposure to urban markets Management Conference organized by JIMC
and design intervention, innovative designs and on July 18th 2020 by Kislay Kashyap, Assistant
linkages with new markets Professor, Department of Fashion Management
NIFT Patna registered its presence once again • Paper presented on “UV - protected & Thermal
on You Tube through the world’s first Virtual Controllable Nano - particle Treated Home
documentary film “Anmol Bihar Ke Shilpkar” with Furnished Woven Fabric” National conference -
the URL: based NCFAT’20 Organized by Amity School of Fashion
on the event of Artisans Awareness Workshop Technology, U.P, 2020 by Kunal Singha, Assistant
2021. The USP of this Virtual documentary been Professor, Department of Textile Design.
the coordination of 209 IP addresses in sync with • Paper presented on “Building Up Innovative
1440 minutes of screen time with an objective and Sustainable Textile Landscape Applying Plant
to make the artisans of Bihar to understand that Biomolecules” in SGT -2020, National conference
any situation like pandemic cannot restrict the held on 12-14 Aug 2020 organised by UPTTI
value of the craft that they practice. The Virtual Kanpur by Dr. Pintu Pandit, Assistant Professor,
documentary has been garnered good response Department of Textile Design.
so far. • Paper presented on “Building Up Innovative
and Sustainable Textile using waste Natural
PhD Pursuing and Completed Resources” 5th International Conference on Reuse
and Recycling of Materials and their products held
• Vinayak Yashraj Associate Professor AD is on 11-13 Dec 2020 organised by Mahatma Gandhi
Pursuing PhD from IIT Patna University, Kerela, India by Dr. Pintu Pandit,
• Toni Sharma Associate Professor FMS is Pursuing Assistant Professor, Department of Textile Design.
Phd From IIT Patna • Paper presented on “Computer intervention
Significant Landmarks and Achievements • Vigilance Awareness Week – 2020 was organized
from 27 October to 02 November 2020. The
• Online classes conducted successfully by NIFT Integrity Pledge was taken by the Officers, Faculty
Raebareli Campus during the pandemic COVID-19. & Staff members of NIFT Raebareli campus. Various
• Initiated at the behest of the campus along with competitions were organized online amongst the
footpath inter locking tiles have been completed students.
which gives an aesthetic look.
• Fresh tenders of various service contracts at
• Special measures were initiated in the campus to NIFT Raebareli viz. Pest Control Services, Security
address COVID-19 pandemic situation for smooth Services, Office Stationary & Housekeeping &
conduct of all the activities. Manpower services, Canteen Services, Stationary
Shop have been processed during COVID-19
• Fixing of PVC wall panelling was carried out in period and presently running successfully.
Conference room of Administrative Block of the
campus under Swachhata activities. • On behalf of NIFT Raebareli campus, Dr. Smriti
Yadav, Associate Professor & Mr. Akhilendra
• Tiling work in the administrative block and Pratap Sonkar, Assistant Professor has contributed
plantation of trees outside of the boundary wall as Campus Project Implementation Team for the
of the campus were carried out to improve the project Development of Design Resource Centre
aesthetic view of the campus. at Weavers Service Centre, Varanasi which was
duly inaugurated by Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani,
• International Yoga Day observed on 21st June Hon’ble Cabinet Minister of Textiles, Govt. of India
2020 at NIFT Raebareli. Dr. Ravi Pratap Singh, on 15 November 2020 along with 08 other WSCs
Yoga Specialist – Ayush Deptt. deliberated on the across the country.
importance of Yoga in our life. All staff members &
stakeholders attended the Yoga session physically • Renovation work of two nos. of Hostel Blocks
/ online mode conducted on the occasion. have been completed within stipulated time.
• Special input Session was organized through • Artisans Awareness Workshop conducted online
online mode on ‘Mojari Craft Demonstration on (due to the covid-19) for 12 artisans from Brocade
Hand Painting, Screen Printing, Block Printing’ (Handicraft), Varanasi from 24.10.2020, 26.10.2020
for students of LD-IVth Sem. (Batch 2019-23) on &27.10.2020 (3days). 27 students of MFM-III have
24 to 26 February 2021 by Mrs. Madhuri Mishra, also participated in the workshop through online.
National Awardee from Luckonw . During the workshop, 12 artisans from Brocade,
Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) interacted with the NIFT
• Special input Session was organized through faculty and students for knowledge sharing on
online mode on ‘Hand Crafted Leather Productsfor Marketing, Retailing, Business, etc.
students of LD-VI Sem. (Batch 2018-22) on
23.03.2021 to 24.03.2021and 26.03.2021 by Mrs. • Ms. Garima Srivastava, National Livelihoods
Madhuri Mishra, National Awardee from Lucknow. Officer, United Nation Development Program,
Natural Resource Management and Biodiversity
• ‘Craft Workshop’ on Lacquer Toys, Varanasi (U.P.) Program, New Delhi was invited on 24.10.2020
& Gulabi Meenakari, Varanasi (U.P.) conducted for online expert Lecture for 12 artisans of
through online mode for AD-4th Sem, batch Brocade (Handicraft), Varanasi for understanding
2018-22 students from 19.05.2020, 20.05.2020, of Marketing, Business, etc. during the awareness
09.06.2020 & 14.06.2020 by Mr. Rameshwar Singh workshop.
(National Awardee) and Mr. Rohan Vishwakarma,
Artisan. • Students of MFM-III Sem., Batch 2019-21 have
completed their Cluster Studies (Research and
• Virtual interaction with the Artisans of Varanasi Documentation) work (MFM-II semester as the
• A research paper written by Ms. Anketa Kumar, • Dr. Vidya Rakesh, Assoc. Prof. participated
Assistant Professor was published on the topic as SPEAKER on 16.03.2021 in IFFTI conference
“Unraveling Cultural Code in Junoon: A Narrative on “Sustaining crafts in India”, chaired by Dr.
through Costumes” in the International Journal Vandana Bhandari and Presided by the DG-NIFT,
of Innovation, Creativity and Change; Volume 13, Sh. Shantmanu, IAS.
Issue 12, 2020; ISSN 2201-1323.
• Mr. Rajesh Kumar Choudhary, Assistant Professor
• A research paper written by Mr. Lal Singh, presented a research paper on the topic “Impact
Assistant Professor was published on the topic on Rural Indian Economy due Migration during
“द्वापरयुगमेंपुनर्जन्मकेप्रमाण - एकसत्य” in the Covid-19” on National Webinar on ‘Impact of
Journal, Shodh International: A Multidisciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic In Rural India’ on dated
International Journal (In Hindi) ISSN:2581-3501. 15.05.2020 & 16.05.2020 at Magadh University,
Bodh Gaya.
• Mr. Bharat Singh, Assistant Professor presented a
research paper on the topic “The Indian Footwear • Mr. Rajesh Kumar Choudhary, Assistant Professor
Industry Moving Towards Green Manufacturing” in presented a research paper on the topic “Strategy
the National Seminar on Sustainability In Business and Management for Rural India” on National
Practices at Jaypee Business School, Noida. Webinar on ‘Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic In
Rural India’ on dated 15.05.2020 & 16.05.2020 at
• A research paper written by Mr. Bharat Singh, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya.
Assistant Professor was published on the topic
“Post COVID-19: Opportunities in Indian Footwear • Mr. Rajesh Kumar Choudhary, Assistant Professor
and Leather Industry with reference to MSME presented a research paper on the topic “Post
Stimulus and Special Role of Council for Leather COVID: Export Scenario of Indian Handicraft
Exports” in the journal VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2 2020 (Reboot, Reset, Rediscover)” on National Webinar
The Corporate International [ISSN: 2581-6438]. on ‘Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic In Rural India’
on dated 15.05.2020 & 16.05.2020 at International
• Mr. Sanjay Kumar Pandey, Assistant Professor Management Conference, Bodh Gaya.
- FC has written chapter no. 4 titled Enhancing
Commercial Viability of Indian Craft using • Mr. Sanjay Kumar Pandey, Asst. Prof.
Digital Technology (Page no. 38-44). The book participated and contributed an article bearing
(Contemporary Research in Management Vol.2) title “COVID–19 Harbinger of Technological Tech
• Seminars, special input lectures from experts, • The conventional lights installed in the hostel
workshops on online mode were conducted by all area, Residential quarters, Academic blocks have
the five Departments involving Alumni, Industry already been replaced with LED lights.
Experts from India ad abroad. Total 89 such
seminars/workshop were organized on different • 3 nos. of water harvesting systems is in place at
dates throughout the Academic session. NIFT premises for supply of water in hostel, office
and residential block.
Industry Linkages (Visits and Student Internships)
• Use of waste material for Recycling & Upcycling
• 04 students from NIFT Raebareli Campus namely in the campus. ‘Kulhads’ are being used in the
Ms. Anshita Mohanti (AD-III), Ms. Parul (LD-III), canteen for serving tea which is an environment
Ms. Yambem Yaikhomba Meetei (FC-III) and Mr. –friendly option.
Sanyam Sharma (FD-III) selected for FIT AAS
programme 2021-22. • The Institute is continuously taking initiatives to
maintain a flora rich environment to make ‘Swachh
• Interactive sessions of the students of different Bharat Abhiyan’ a grand success. Gardens and
departments were conducted with industry Lawns are being developed to create an ambiance
experts like Mr. Rakesh Kumar Prabhakar, Senior perfect to an academic Institute.
Visualiser and Production In-charge, Dawra
Printers, New Delhi, Ms. Sansriti Srivastava, Senior
Merchandiser, Li and Fung, Gurgaon, Mr. Ruching
Bhusan Srivastava, Senior Manager, Tanishq, New
Delhi, Mr. Nitin Kumar Shukla, Designer, Fuma
Design, to name a few.
NIFT Shillong, established in 2008, is the sole NIFT additional display areas and props to enhance both
Campus in the North Eastern Region of the country. functional and aesthetic aspects of the DRC. This
The centre offers Bachelor of Design programmes DRC at WSC Guwahati was inaugurated virtually
in Fashion Design; Accessory Design; Textile by Hon’ble Minister of Textiles, Smt. Smriti Zubin
Design; and Fashion Communication, as well as Irani on December 15th 2020 in the presence of
Master’s programme in Fashion Management. Secretary Textiles, Shri Ravi Capoor IAS, and Shri
Shantmanu IAS, Director General NIFT.
Infrastructure & Facilities
2. Eri Silk Village Partner
The NIFT Shillong Campus, is spread over 20.13 On request from the Department of Sericulture,
acres at Umsawli, New Shillong out of which Govt. of Meghalaya, NIFT was a partner in the
approximately 8 acres construction has been initiative for “Declaration of Eri Silk Village” at
completedwhich houses state-of-the-art facilities, Umden-Diwon in Ri-Bhoi District, Meghalaya.
including 15 classrooms with audio visual capacity; This involves consolidating the various silk units
5 computer labs with 120 computers having the at Umden Village and with a centralised design
latest configuration and software; specialist labs centre and display area.
for pattern-making, garment construction, dyeing,
leather products, looms, accessory design; wet and 3. MoU between NEHHDC and NIFT Shillong
dry workshops; video conferencing and general A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been
discussion rooms; resource centre & library; display approved between North Eastern Handicrafts &
areas; general and specialist shops; cafeteria, gym; Handlooms Corporation Ltd (NEHHDC) and NIFT
bank premises; hostels for boys and girls with a Shillong to enhance the professional growth and
capacity of 120 and 280 respectively; faculty and development of artisans and weavers from the
staff quarters; Director’s residence; and guest North Eastern Region; support the development
house. and promotion of the Northeast Handicrafts &
Handloom Sectors; and promote mutual growth
Important Events of 2020-21 and benefit for NE artisans, NIFT students and
faculty members.
1. Design Resource Centre (DRC)
The responsibility of setting up the Design 4. Observance and Celebration of Important Days
Resource Centre (DRC) at Weavers’ Service Centre NIFT Shillong celebrated various important events
(WSC) Guwahati was handed over to NIFT Shillong during 2020-21, including International Yoga Day
in September 2020. A new layout was designed (21st June); Independence Day (15th August);
for the DRC, along with the setting up new and National Handloom Day (07th August); Gandhi
Ms. Ashima Kanwar, Ms. Manisha Sarma and Mr. Dr. Arindam Das, Director NIFT Shillong (PhD
Arvind Aniket Raut, students of the final year Degree Awarded) and Ms. Rimi Das, Associate
Fashion Design Dept were shortlisted for the All Professor (Pursuing from Banasthali Vidyapith,
India Design Challenge by TCNS Clothing. Rajasthan) & Mr. Amardeep Rabha, Associate
Professor (Pursuing from IIT Guwahati)
Graduation Projects and Graduation Events
Publications and Paper Presentations
Students completed their Graduation Projects
with prestigious companies such as Aquarelle Dr. Arnab Banerjee, Asst. Prof.– FMS Dept & Mr. S.
India Pvt Ltd, Arvind Brands Ltd, Genesis Luxury D Buhroy, Asst. Prof. – FMS Dept Majuli published
Fashion Pvt.Ltd, Giva (Indiejewel Fashions Pvt. a research paper on “Weaving Cluster: A study
Ltd), JJ Fashion, Lifestyle International Pvt Ltd., on Weaver Dropout using Industry Competitive
Manglam Arts, Orient Craft Limited, Outhouse Analysis and Concepts of Behavioural Economic”
Jewellery, Pantaloons, Pepe Jeans- Innerfashion at Fashion Practices. (Taylor and Francis) Journal
Pvt Ltd, Ranik Exports Pvt. Ltd, Shahi Export Pvt in July 2020.
Ltd, Swissikon, Tanishq, United Colors of Benetton
Faculty Development
Craft Cluster Initiative- Activities, Workshops and
Impact The following faculty members who attended
online ToT on ‘Pedagogical approach to Fashion
Craft Department/ Activity Location Design Education’ conducted by Faculty
Handloom FD/Process Mendipathar, Orientation Training and Development Dept of
(Eri Silk) documentation and Meghalaya NIFT Head Office between 22nd July to 24th July
diagnostic study 2020.
• Workshop on the topic “Rajbhasha ke rup • Fashion Communication students (Class 2020)
me hindi ka mahatva” was conducted on 14th completed their Graduation project in various
September 2020, in which Prof. Vinod Taneja was specialized fields like Graphic Design, Visual
the key speaker. Merchandising, Photography, Fashion Styling,
Product Design, Content intent, etc in various
• Workshop was conducted by Dr. Shahzada industries like Superflow Media Mumbai, Things
Akhter on 12th March 2021 on progressive use of Go Social Delhi, Leo Burnett, Brand Affair Kolkata,
Hindi language in official domain. Mars Cosmetics Delhi, Moshi Moshi Bengaluru,
Decathlon Bengaluru, Design Factory India Noida
•Hindi diwas was celebrated on 14th. September, -NCR, Manglam Arts Jaipur, Aerologiks Bengaluru,
2020. The key highlights of the Hindi diwas were Shoppers Stop Amritsar, Women’s Era Delhi, Bery
an essay and poem competition. India Noida – NCR.
• Fashion Design students (Class 2020) completed
• Online (outbound) workshop for FC 4 Semester their Graduation Projects in forecasting of fashion,
Jan-Feb, 2021 creativity of pattern, draping, use of surface
techniques etc.
Major Projects • Convocation and Graduation show of the Class
2020 was held on 9.04.2021.
• Directorate of Handicraft & Handloom, J&K Govt,
has approved a project on Designing of Innovative Craft Cluster Initiative- Activities, Workshops and
Packaging for enhancing the marketability of Impact
Handicraft & Handloom Products of Kashmir. The
project shall be completed by Nov, 2021. Total • Under Craft Based Design Project (CBDP),
approved fund under the project is Rs 26.9 lakhs. students worked on different crafts like Wagu,
Pashmina, Paper Mache, Shikara Boat, Willow
• NIFT Srinagar has signed an MoU with Higher wicker, Namda, Copper moulding etc. .
Education Department, J&K Govt for providing • Lectures and interactions were organized with
services as knowledge partner to launch skill experts and craftspersons of Kani shawl weaving,
based programs at UG & PG levels in Colleges of Tweed, Woolen Products & Leather.
J&K. This project is sponsored by J&K Govt and is • Secondary studies were carried out in Design
being implemented from 2020-2023. Research (craft based) wherein students did the
research by secondary data collection method.
• NIFT Srinagar has initiated collaboration with the • Craft research and documentation was conducted
Craft Development Institute (CDI) of Jammu and on different crafts like Copperware, Willow-wicker
Kashmir for collaboration in academics, research, and Pashmina Weaving etc.
craft-cluster activities and sharing of educational
resources. Publications and Paper Presentations
• NIFT Srinagar has also submitted a DPR of Rs •Ms. Nayantara Singh, Assistant Professor, NIFT
49 lakhs to Govt of UT Ladakh for promotion and Srinagar published a paper in International textile
development of crafts of UT of Ladakh. Journal TEXTILE VALUE CHAIN on the topic
"Organic Cotton: 2020-21.
Major achievements of Student
• Ms. Nayantara Singh, Assistant Professor,
•Mr. Pawandeep Singh, Ms. Rashmi Kartha and NIFT Srinagar published an article on the topic
Ms. Aishani Jain (Students from FD-6) participated ``Worsening condition of Kashmir crafts - Namda:
in World of Wearable Art competition, with the The dying craft of Kashmir" Valley Observer. 2020-
concept, “Sometimes, beauty is just layers of 21.
• Ms. Nousheen Qazi, Assistant Professor • Students of NIFT Srinagar have undergone 8
participated in the Webinar by Pantone “The weeks Industry Internship in various companies like
Power of a Single Color, Leveraging Your Brand’s Aditya Birla, Madura Aharin Noida, Label JENN,
Visual Identity” on August 10, 2020. TRC Overseas Alliance, Srinagar MV Clothing, U
& Me, Bhopal, Zubair Kirmani, Srinagar El Pano,
• Ms. Nousheen Qazi, Assistant Professor Delhi & Mumbai, J&K Industries Ltd. (Silk Factory)
participated in the Webinar “Sustainability in Namrita Joshi Pura, Noida, Rahul Mishra Arvind,
Fashion” on September 13, 2020, Bangalore.
• Ms. Nousheen Qazi, Assistant Professor • Students of NIFT Srinagar have also undergone
participated in the Webinar Apparel Sourcing- 16 week Graduation Project in various companies
New Directions Or New Destinations? on October like El Pano, Mumbai Blue Saint, Van Heusen,
04, 2020. Bangalore, U & Me Bhopal, Louis Philippe, Aditya
Birla, Yam India, and Bummlers Rishta.
• Ms. Nousheen Qazi, Assistant Professor
participated in the Webinar by Pantone: “Mythos: The Sustainability Aspect and Green Campus
Embracing Positivity Expressed Through Color for Activities
Autumn/Winter 21/22” on November 25, 2020.
• Plantation drive was conducted both in
• Ms. Nayantara Singh, Assistant Professor was Temporary as well as at upcoming permanent
invited as a key speaker for IDT, one day Webinar campus at Ompora Budgam in Feb-March, 2021.
on the topic “Fashion Forecast and Impact on • Aesthetics of the temporary campus was
Fashion after pandemic” held on 26th July, 2020. refurbished by painting both exterior as well as
interior walls of Campus along with boundary
• Ms. Nayantara Singh, Assistant Professor was walls, gates etc.
invited as the guest lecturer organized by the VIT
Fashion Institute of Technology, Chennai on the
topic Fashion Design Process on 09th March, 2021.
We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of National Institute of fashion Technology (NlFT) as on 31 March
2021 and the Income and Expenditure Account & Receipt Payment Account for the year ended on that date under
Section 19 (2) of the Comptroller & Auditor General’s (Duties, Powers & Conditions of Service) Act, 1971 read
with Section 21(2) of the National Institute of Fashion Technology Act, 2006. These financial statements include
the accounts of 17 Centres of NIFT located at Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Delhi, Gandhinagar,
Hyderabad, Jodhpur, Kangra, Kannur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Panchkula, Patna, Raebareli, Shillong and Srinagar. The
preparation of these financial statements is the responsibility of NIFT’s management. Our responsibility is to
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.
2. This Separate Audit Report contains the comments of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India (CAG) on
the accounting treatment only with regard to classification, conformity with the best accounting practices,
accounting Standards and disclosure norms etc. Audit observations on financial transactions with regard to
compliance with the Law, Rules & Regulations (Propriety and Regularity) and efficiency-cum-performance
aspects, etc., if any, are reported through Inspection Reports/ CAG’s Audit Reports separately.
3. We have conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. These
standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free from material misstatements. An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidences supporting the amounts and disclosure in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing
the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the
overall presentation of financial statements. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our
4. Based on our audit, we report that:
i) We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledge and belief
were necessary for the purposes of our audit.
ii) The Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure Account and Receipt and Payment Account dealt with by
this report have been drawn up in the format approved by Government of India.
iii) In our opinion, proper books of accounts and other relevant records have been maintained by National
Institute of Fashion Technology in so far as it appears from our examination of such books.
iv) We further report that:
A Balance Sheet
A.1 Liabilities
A.1.1 Current Liabilities and Provisions (Schedule 7): Rs. 275.24 crore
(i) The above does not include Rs. 5.67 crore being lease rent payable by Raebareli Campus to ITI Limited (ITI) for
the financial year 2019-20 and 2020-21. The lease agreement entered into with ITI had expired on 14 November
2018 and efforts of NIFT to get the land transferred from ITI have not yet materialised. In the meantime, ITI
demanded lease rent on provisional basis as per the last agreement. Though NIFT had created provision for
the period 15 November 2018 to 31 March 2019, no provision has been created for the year 2019-20 and 2020-
Non-provision of lease rent has resulted in understatement of Current liabilities and Provisions by Rs. 5.67
crore1 and overstatement of Surplus to that extent.
Despite being pointed in the Separate Audit Report (Comment no. A.1.1) issued on the Accounts of NIFT for
the year 2019-20, no corrective action has been taken by the Institute.
(ii) Provision for Building WIP: Rs. 2.71 crore
The above includes provision for Building WIP amounting to Rs. 2.21 crore lying in the books of respective
Campuses (Bengaluru: Rs. 1.23 crore. Chennai: Rs. 0.06 crore, Hyderabad: Rs. 0.84 crore and Kolkata: Rs. 0.08
crore) pertaining to the period from 2003-04 to 2005-06. As it does not correspond to any Building WIP, the
same should have been written back in the books of accounts of the Institute. The provision was transferred
by Head Office to respective campuses (on being pointed out by Management letter issued on the Accounts
1 Rs. 6.87 crore less Rs. 0.95 crore, being provision already made for the period 15 November 2018 to 31 March 2019 less Rs. 0.25 crore, being
rent paid for the month of April 2021
NIFT has not disclosed in its Notes on Accounts that out of Rs. 245.35 lakh sanctioned during 2014 by the
erstwhile Government of Andhra Pradesh, an amount of Rs. 50.95 lakh is still receivable from the Govt of
Andhra Pradesh.
D. General Comments
(I) NIFT submitted utilization certificate dated 03.04.2021 to the Ministry in respect of Rs. 1.05 crore of Grant
received for setting up of NIFT Design Innovation Incubator (NDII scheme), showing interest earned on the
Grant as Rs. 0.21 lakh. However, interest of Rs. 10.61 lakh, as calculated by NIFT (Rs. 7.23 lakh by NIFT and
2 Design Resource Centre (DRC) in Weavers Service Centres (WSC)-II, DRC in WSC-I, Meity Project, and USTTAD
(Vidhu Sood)
Principal Director of Audit
Industry & Corporate Affairs
Internal Audit is being done by hired Chartered Accountants’ Firm and the same has been completed for the
year 2020-21.
Internal control system is inadequate and not commensurate with the size and nature of the activities of NIFT
in so far as financial matters are concerned. The procedure for accounting and presentation of Grants and
Endowment Funds, accounting of Fixed Assets and its capitalization needs improvement.
The physical verification of fixed assets for the year 2020-21 was completed in all campuses except Bengaluru
Campus due to Covid. No discrepancies were found except in case of Bhubaneswar campus where reconciliation
of assets supplied by Infrastructure Development Corporation of Odisha Ltd. (IDCO) was under progress.
Compiled by:
Batliboi & Purohit
Chartered Accountants
FRN 101048W
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
CA Raman Hangekar CA Supriya Misra CMA B.K.Pandey Shantmanu
Partner Dy. Director(F&A) Director(F&A) Director General
M.No. 30615
Rs. in Lakhs
Income From Sales/Service 12 0.00 0.00
Grants/Subsidies 13 160.98 652.09
Fees/Subscriptions 14 36,852.36 36,610.97
Income From Investments 15 308.77 302.43
Income From Royalty, Publication Etc. 16 0.00 0.00
Interest Earned 17 5,397.44 5,367.32
Other Income 18 415.87 425.58
Inc/Dec In Stock Of Finished And Work In Progress 19 0.00 0.00
Deffered Revenue Income 2,001.27 2,240.47
TOTAL (A) 45,136.69 45,598.86
Academic Expenses 20 4,415.23 7,995.98
Establishment Expenses 21 16,555.18 15,543.77
Other Administrative Expenses 22 3,621.42 4,675.77
Expenditure On Grants, Subsidies Etc. 23 0.00 0.00
Interest /Bank Charges & Commission 24 1.56 1.41
Depreciation (Net Total At The Year End - 3,350.88 3,475.49
Corresponding To Schedule -8)
TOTAL (B) 27,944.28 31,692.42
Add : Prior Period Income (D) 25 436.24 473.65
Less : Prior Period Expenses (E) 1,594.16 479.86
Transfer To DDF/CDF/CE 559.18 766.00
Grants Received by HO
(G) Staff Advance Refund 67.47 218.82 In Deposit Accounts 84909.21 77551.60
(H) Misc Receipt 2160.73 805.38
Compiled by:
Batliboi & Purohit
Chartered Accountants
FRN 101048W
Activity Fee
CE Program
A) Opening Balance Of The 1,119.91 591.39 5,525.71 1,152.84 255.99 455.54 9,101.37 7,835.76
Additions To Funds
I. Donations/Grants 0.00 12.00 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.24 172.33
Ii. Intrest Earned During The 46.20 26.46 467.21 71.30 13.48 24.09 648.74 407.88
Iii. Transfer During The Year 143.65 13.59 368.12 45.46 -15.60 39.47 594.67 892.08
iv.Other Additions 325.89 93.38 20.38 17.58 11.90 45.42 514.55 187.90
Sub Total (A) 1,635.65 736.82 6,381.66 1,287.19 265.76 564.52 10,871.58 9,495.95
B) Utilisation / Expenditure
Towards Objectives Of The
I. Capital Expenditure 0.00 0.00 14.96 37.19 13.17 0.00 65.32 119.94
Ii. Revenue Expenditure 31.09 0.45 19.32 0.19 10.98 0.39 62.42 274.64
Sub Total (B) 31.09 0.45 34.28 37.38 24.15 0.39 127.74 394.58
CAMPUS FUNDS C= (A-B) 1,604.55 736.37 6,347.38 1,249.80 241.61 564.13 10,743.84 9,101.37
Buildings 19,570.74 6,278.47 475.65 25,367.39 0.00 0.00
Capital Goods In Transit 84.65 96.28 79.68 107.41 0.00 0.00
Others 143.81 24.21 71.81 96.21 0.00 0.00
TOTAL OF CWIP (B) 19799.20 6398.96 627.15 25571.00 0.00 0.00
GRAND TOTAL (A+B) 109928.87 8844.18 876.09 117904.54 31381.92 3375.72
Buildings 16,638.53 5,654.13 374.00 21,918.67 0.00 0.00
Capital Goods In Transit 0.00 89.44 0.00 89.44 0.00 0.00
Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL OF CWIP (B) 16638.53 5743.57 374.00 22008.11 0.00 0.00
GRAND TOTAL (A+B) 67302.53 6438.76 460.37 73288.52 18242.87 1071.00
Buildings 2,358.54 546.46 0.00 2,905.00 0.00 0.00
Capital Goods In Transit 2.40 0.00 2.39 0.00 0.00 0.00
Others 71.81 0.00 71.81 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL OF CWIP (B) 2432.74 546.46 74.20 2905.00 0.00 0.00
GRAND TOTAL (A+B) 30536.27 1033.32 106.00 31452.82 7910.65 922.23
Buildings 283.76 17.12 0.00 294.72 0.00 0.00
Capital Goods In Transit 19.24 0.00 19.24 6.16 0.00 0.00
Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL OF CWIP (B) 303.00 17.12 19.24 300.88 0.00 0.00
GRAND TOTAL (A+B) 3,649.21 173.06 12.44 3,809.82 1,458.80 414.79
Buildings 289.91 60.75 101.65 249.00 0.00 0.00
Capital Goods In Transit 63.01 6.84 58.05 11.80 0.00 0.00
Others 72.00 24.21 0.00 96.21 0.00 0.00
TOTAL OF CWIP (B) 424.92 91.80 159.71 357.01 0.00 0.00
GRAND TOTAL (A+B) 8451.65 1199.04 297.29 9353.39 3780.35 967.70
1. The Annual Accounts have been prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
(GAAP) under the historical cost convention on accrual basis and the applicable accounting standards issued
by “The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)”. These accounting policies and standards have
been consistently applied. The annual accounts have been prepared on a Going Concern Basis.
Grants from the Central/State Govt. have been accounted following Accounting Standard 12 issued by the
ICAI i.e. “Government Grants are recognized if it is reasonably certain that the ultimate collection will be
i. Govt. Grants related to revenue are recognized on a systematic basis in the Income and Expenditure
Accounts over the period to match with the related cost which they are intended to compensate. Such
grants are shown separately under the head “Grant in Aid” in the Income & Expenditure Account.
ii. Government Grants related to depreciable fixed assets are treated as Deferred Income. The Deferred
Income is recognized in Income & Expenditure Accounts on systematic and rational basis over the useful
life of assets. Such allocation of Income is made over the periods and in proportions in which depreciation
on related asset is charged.
iii. Govt. Grants in the form of non-monetary assets, given at a concessional rate, are accounted for on the
basis of their acquisition cost. Non-monetary assets given free of cost are recorded at nominal value.
Fee from Students: The fee from students is recognized on accrual basis.
Project and Consultancy Fees: Project and Consultancy fees are recognized on the completion of the project.
4. Investments
The current investments are shown at cost or fair market value whichever is lower and the long term
investments are shown at cost except when there is permanent decline in value of investments.
Fixed Assets are stated at their original cost including freight, duties, customs and other incidental expenses
relating to acquisition and installation less accumulated depreciation.
i. The expenditure incurred during the year on construction of buildings, interiors, etc. is booked under the
head “Capital Work in Progress”, if the work is not completed.
ii. The depreciation is charged at 100% of rate prescribed if an asset is acquired on or before 30th September
and 50% of rate prescribed if assets are acquired after 30th September.
iii. The depreciation is charged at straight line method at the following prescribed rates:es:
vi. A new laptop policy for providing laptops, Notebooks and similar portable electronic devices to the
faculty and officers of NIFT has been approved by BOG in its meeting dated 11.12.2018. The policy
also covers laptops already in possession of faculty/Officers. Accordingly, depreciation on such
laptops has been provided at the rate of 25% from the financial year 2018-19 considering the value
of 5% to be retained. In this regard, Office Memorandum No. NIFT/HO/Laptop Policy/2018/07 dated
30th January 2019 and Office Memorandum No. NIFT/HO/Laptop Policy/2019 dated 3rd May, 2019
have been circulated among all the NIFT Campuses.
6. Insurance Claims
Foreign exchange transactions are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing on the date of transactions.
Exchange differences arising on foreign exchange differences settled during the period are recognized in
the Income and Expenditure Account. Assets acquired against foreign currency are capitalized at the time of
Monetary current assets and monetary current liabilities that are denominated in foreign currency are
translated at the exchange rate prevalent at the date of the Balance Sheet. The resulting difference is recorded
in the Income and Expenditure Account.
The provision for leave encashment and Gratuity has been made as per the actuarial valuation done by Life
Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and further provision as per the Govt. of India Rules has been made for
employees on deputation which were not covered in actuarial valuation of LIC.
During Financial Year 2016-17, NIFT has created/formed NIFT Employees Group Gratuity Trust for management
of activities related to Gratuity of all NIFT Employees.
Group Gratuity policy and Group Leave Encashment policy for all the NIFT campuses including Head Office
have been taken from LIC.
9. Interest recoverable from employees on advances such as House Building Advance, Car Advance and Scooter
Advance etc. is accounted in the year of recovery.
10. As per Office Memorandum No. NIFT /HO/F&A/2018-19 dated 12th December, 2018; any claim from students
for security deposit which is not received within one year from the date of their leaving the Institute and after
three years in case of others, the security deposits can be treated as income.
The Notes forming part of Annual Accounts gives inter-alia certain additional disclosure in respect of significant
accounting transaction during the year.
1. Receipt & Payment Account carries the actual receipts and actual payments of the Institute during the year
2. The Income & Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet have been drawn from Receipt & Payment Account
duly accounted for Liabilities, Prepaid expenses, Advance payments, Provision etc at the end of accounting
3. Previous year figures have been regrouped/rearranged in order to make them comparable with the current
year figures
1. 1. Claims against the entity not acknowledged as debts Rs. 9.80 lakhs (2020-21) Rs. 2.18 lakhs (2019-20).
63 Nos. of legal cases are pending in different courts/tribunal in the current financial year 2020-21 for which
the estimated contingent liability is Rs 211.52 lakhs in comparison to 45 Nos. of previous financial year 2019-
20 for Rs 112.44 lakhs. However, Management does not anticipate any liabilities of these legal cases and
accordingly no provision has been made in the books of accounts.
2. In respect of:
• Bank guarantees given by/on behalf of the entity Rs. 52.71 Lakhs (2020-21) Rs. 8.24 lakhs (2019-20).
• Letters of Credit opened by bank on behalf of the entity Rs. Nil (2020-21) Rs. Nil (2019-20).
• Bills discounted with banks Rs. Nil (2020-21) Rs. Nil (2019-20).
• Income Tax Rs. 0.09 Lakhs (2020-21) Rs. 0.42 Lakhs (2019-20).
3. In respect of claims from parties for non-execution of orders, but contested by the entity Rs.Nil (2020-21) Rs.
Nil (2019-20).
Estimated value of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for (net of advances)
Rs. 3747.24 lakhs (2020-21) Rs. 15686.73 lakhs (2019-20).
Future obligations for rentals under finance lease arrangements for plant and machinery amounting to Rs Nil
(2020-21) Rs. Nil (2019-20).
Lease rental for campuses are very minimal, approx ranging from Rs. 1-1000. Hence, disclosure for the future
payments as required by AS 19 “Leases” are not made in the notes to accounts.
In the opinion of the Management, the Current Assets, Loans and Advances have a value on realization in the
ordinary course of business, at least equal the amount at which they are stated in the Balance Sheet as on that
NIFT’s income is exempt under section 11 of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Therefore, no provision for Income Tax has
been considered in the Books of Accounts.
1. A claim of Rs.16.41 lakhs towards IGST refund on account of Export services is pending with Revenue
Department (CBIC).
2. An appeal for TDS refund amounting to Rs. 24.10 lakhs (including interest) filed with CIT (Appeal), Income Tax
Department for Assessment Year 2017-18 is pending with Income Tax Department as on date.
1. Various State Governments have provided land to NIFT campuses either free of cost or at concessional rate
for establishment of the campus in their State. The land has been recorded as Fixed Asset at the amount
actually paid or nominal value (say Rs. 1/Rs. 100 /Rs.1000) whichever is higher following “Accounting Standard
10: Accounting for Fixed Assets” issued by the ICAI. However, in case of campuses which have recorded the
land value at Rs.1/-, Rs.100/- or Rs.1,000/- the land is not appearing in their Fixed Assets Schedule 8 due to
rounding off of figures in lakhs.
** The land is not recorded as title has not been passed in favour of NIFT Chennai and there is no evidence to
show that there is transfer of property from Govt. of Tamilnadu to NIFT, Chennai.
*** NIFT Head Office and Delhi campus is in the same land. However during Financial Year 2016-17 an
additional land measuring 1873.26 Sqm has been allotted by DDA, New Delhi at a cost of Rs. 215.79 crore and
the same has been acquired by NIFT.
**** The land has been transferred by the Government of Himachal Pradesh to the Department of Technical
Education for construction of NIFT Campus.
***** Currently NIFT Rae Bareli Campus is carrying out its operations on 11.46 acres of land taken on lease
from M/s I.T.I. Limited, Rae Bareli for the period of 4 years 11 months w.e.f. 15th December 2013. Land is not
allotted / given to NIFT Rae Bareli so not booked in the accounts instead NIFT Rae Bareli is paying premises
rental charges.
2. Depreciation on asset purchased out of Government Grant is treated as Deferred Revenue Income and
recognized in the Income & Expenditure Accounts every year on systematic basis over the ‘useful life ‘of the
assets. The grant treated as revenue income for the current financial year is Rs. 2001.27 lakhs (previous year
Rs. 2240.47 lakhs).
3. The Provisions of Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 are applicable to the Institute. Therefore, a Gratuity Trust
4. Leave Encashment Schemes have been purchased separately for all NIFT campuses towards payment of
liabilities in respect of Leave encashment of Employees of Institute. An accumulated provision for leave
encashment for Rs. 4509.25 lakhs has been made in the books of Institute for the financial year 2020-21
(previous year Rs. 3981.04 lakhs).
5. The interest income on investment of the earmarked/endowment fund is being credited to the related fund.
6. Interest income on investment of the Government Grant is being credited to the Government Grant Account.
7. All known and ascertained liabilities and all income and expenses related to the financial year ended 31st
March, 2021 have been duly provided/accounted for in the books of accounts as per the accounting policy
consistently followed by the Institute.
8. Generally, the contribution/transfer to various earmarked funds such as DDF, CDF, and NDF etc. has been
made directly to the earmarked fund. During the financial year 2020-21, addition to DDF fund and CDF fund
including interest amounting to Rs. 603.72 lakhs and Rs. 134.34 lakhs respectively has been made in the
books of accounts.
9. The Institute has capitalized grant Rs. 6867.48 lakhs during the current financial year 2020-21 in comparison
to the previous financial year 2019-20 Rs. 7279.36 lakhs out of fund provided by Central Government and
State Government.
11. Regrouping /reclassification/clubbing have been made in certain items of the current year or previous year
whenever required i.e. current liability, current assets, loans and advances, fixed assets, provisions, expense/
income and capital fund etc.
12. Assets in transit Rs 94.42 lakhs (previous year Rs. 160.62 lakhs) and liabilities under the head provision for
capital goods has been incorporated in the books of accounts on the basis of Purchase Orders placed with
suppliers without actual receipt of goods.
13. Design Innovation and Incubation (DII) Project was set up by MOT for facilitating innovation and
entrepreneurship. In this project, CAPEX of Rs. 17.532 Crore was sanctioned by the MOT. A grant of Rs.
8,11,75,000/- has been received from Ministry of Textiles during the financial year 2019-20 for NIFT Design
The amount for meeting revenue expenditure is required to be funded from NIFT’s fund and the same will be
recouped once the revenue expenditure for the project breaks even with the revenue generated or on receipt
of commensurate revenue funding support from external sources. During 46th F&AC meeting, an agenda
item no 4606 was placed wherein the F&AC approved Rs. 6.64 Crore (Rs. 3.32 Crore for 2019-20 and Rs. 3.57
Crore for 2020-21) towards Revenue expenditure from NIFT’s fund for the initial phase of the project.
Further, a company namely “NIFT Foundation for Design Innovation” (NFDI) has been incorporated under
section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 on 25th July, 2020 for setting up and facilitating innovation and
entrepreneurship. The company is governed by rules of its Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Article of
Association (AOA) (Pursuant to rule 19(2) the Companies (Incorporation) Rules 2014.
NFDI is not a profit making company and the profit if any or other income or property of the company
whenever derived shall be applied solely for the promotion of its object and no portion of the profit, other
income or property aforesaid shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend bonus, or
14. During the year 2020-21, a memorandum of understanding was signed between Odisha Renewal Energy
Development Agency (OREDA) and NIFT Bhubaneswar Campus for estimated cost of Rs 75.46 lacs out of
which an amount of Rs 30.20 lacs (being 40% of estimated cost) released and shown under Schedule 11 sub
head Other advances main head Current assets, loans and advances for installing roof top Solar plants in the
NIFT Campus.
15. Liabilities written back Rs 0.69 Lakhs and amount Recoverable of Rs. 1000 Lakhs have been written off during
the Financial Year 2020-21 by the Head Office.
16. Computer Software’s worth Rs. 24.85 lakhs have been written off by Bengaluru campus upon software
becoming obsolete/outdated. Net block of these obsolete/outdated software as on 31.03.2021 of Rs. 1.24
lakhs has been written off as depreciation during 2020-21.
17. As per Schedule-2, fixed assets to the tune of Rs. 790.0 lakhs have been procured by Bhopal campus from
State Govt grant and the same has been capitalized. Later during the past years, the assets to the tune of
Rs. 9.08 lakhs have been disposed off/ discarded, hence there is the difference between schedule – 2 and
relevant schedule 8 B of Fixed assets.
18. In respect of Providing Fire Fighting system in Hostel Building, RTDS Building and upgradation of Fire Fighting
pipeline at NIFT Gandhinagar, the advance of Rs 32.43 lakhs has been issued to CPWD and in this regard, the
expenses of Rs 11.75 lakhs has been capitalized under the head of Capital work in progress with reference to
Form- 65(A) given by CPWD. Further, with reference to Solar water heating system at NIFT Gandhinagar, “ NIL”
expenses has been shown by CPWD in Form-65(A) against the advance issued to CPWD worth Rs 16.25 lakhs.
19. In respect of parking shed for two wheelers and providing and fixing of New Pipeline for water supply at NIFT
Gandhinagar and work for creation of Lawn for NIFT Gandhinagar, the advance of Rs 24.54 lakhs has been
issued to CPWD. CPWD has not provided Form 65(A) mentioning expenses incurred by CPWD upto March,
2021 till date due to prevailing Covid outbreak and Lockdown situation despite frequent follow ups and
telephonic conversations made by NIFT Gandhinagar. Therefore, no expenses have been capitalized under
the head of Capital work in progress as on 31-03-2021.
20. There is delay in completion of work and hand over of work in progress amounting to Rs. 90 Lakhs at Kannur
campus towards electrical works by CPWD Calicut, for Hostel annex – Girls, is due to the prevailing pandemic
and Announcement of code of conduct for Assembly Elections in Kerala, held in April 2021 by Election
Commission. 85% of the electrical work is completed and 15% of the pending completion is due to civil works
to be carried out toward connecting Solar Geyser from Roof top to wash rooms of the Hostel. CPWD Civil wing
Kannur is entrusted the above civil works.
21. CWIP in Schedule-8 includes the amount of 71.81 Lakhs, being the Renovation expenses done by State
Government at the time of start of NIFT Patna in its Temporary Campus situated at Udyog Bhawan has been
written off by the Patna campus from its books for the financial year 2020-21.
23. The MOU entered between the “National Institute of Fashion Technology” and “Government of Jammu and
Kashmir” Para 1.9 states that Government of Jammu and Kashmir vide its letter No. Ind/HI-44/2009 dated 03-
10-2015 has agreed to provide an amount of Rs.67.47 Crore for operating of temporary Campus at Rangreth
and for establishment and running of permanent campus of NIFT at Ompora, Budgam with break-up of Rs.
28.65 crores as 10% of the Construction & Infrastructure Development cost and Rs. 38.82 crores as viability
gap funding spread over a period of 10 years. During the year 2019, the bill was passed to revoke Article 370
and subsequently the status of Jammu and Kashmir changed from State to Union Territory. Assuming that
the existing MOU will continue and not be impacted due to change of the status of the Jammu & Kashmir, the
Srinagar Campus has booked “Grant in Add (revenue)” recoverable from the state government.
24. In compliance to the C&AG Audit observation regarding treatment of expenditure on non movable items at
temporary campus at Rangreth Srinagar, it is submitted that the expenditure incurred at temporary campus
are under two head i.e. Movable Assets and Non Movable Assets. The Movable Assets will be transferred to
new campus when the permanent building were completed and handed over to NIFT and the Non Movable
Assets cannot be taken back but the value of the same will be claimed from State Govt after permanent
shifting to the new campus.
Compiled by:
Batliboi & Purohit
Chartered Accountants
FRN 101048W
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
CA Raman Hangekar CA Supriya Misra CMA B.K.Pandey Shantmanu
Partner Dy. Director(F&A) Director(F&A) Director General
M.No. 30615
Place: New Delhi
Date: 17.07.2021
UDIN: 21030615AAAAMK7974
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of NTFT EMPLOYEES GROUP GRATUITY TRUST (“the
Trust”), which comprise the Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2021, Income and Expenditure Account and the
Receipt & Payment Account for the year then ended, and a summary of the significant accounting policies and
other explanatory information.
The Trust’s Management is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements that give a true and fair
view of the financial position, financial performance of the Trust in accordance with the Accounting Standards
applicable to non-corporate entities issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India in accordance with the
accounting principles generally accepted in India. This responsibility includes the design, implementation and
maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and presentation of the financial statements that give
a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditors’ Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our
audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
Those Standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and the disclosures in the
financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of
the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk
assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Trust’s preparation and fair presentation of the
financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for
the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Trust’s internal control. An audit also includes
evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accounting
estimates made by the Management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the aforesaid
financial statements give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in
a) In the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Trust as at 31st March, 2021;
b) In the case of the Income and Expenditure Account, of the loss of the Trust for the year ended on that date;
c) In the case of the Receipt and Payment Account, of the Trust for the year ended on that date.
We report that:
a) We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were
necessary for the purposes of our audit.
b) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Trust so far as it appears
from our examination of those books.
c) The Balance Sheet, the Income and Expenditure Account, and the Receipt and Payment Account dealt with
by this Report are in agreement with the books of account.
d) In our opinion, the Income and Expenditure Account and the Receipt & Payment Account comply with the
Accounting Standards applicable to non-corporate entities issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India.
e) In addition to the above, we would like to report that NIFT EMPLOYEES GROUP GRATUITY TRUST is required
to obtain separate PAN from Income Tax Department, as this entity is registered under India Trust Act vide
Certificate No IN-Dl63927024439038P dated 30th day of March 2017.
Rs. in lakhs
LIABILITIES Current Previous ASSETS Current Previous
Year Year Year Year
2020-21 2019-20 2020-21 2019-20
Gratuity Account (Liabilities) Gratuity Account
Opening Balance 5,197.06 4,585.37 Closing Balance of 5,203.27 4733.20
PAV Investment
Add: Contribution payable 415.20 448.39 Amount receivable 307.67 448.39
from NIFT
Less: Transfer of Contribution (231.46) (137.85) Balance at Bank 164.15 15.46
Received to Respective Units
Less: Adjustment as per (25.15) (12.52)
Acturial Report
Add: Excess of Income over (319.44) (313.66)
Expenditure during the year
TOTAL 5,675.09 5,197.06 TOTAL 5,675.09 5,197.06
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
(CA. Ankit Kumar) Shantmanu Col. Agendra Mukul CMA B. K. Pandey Sadanand G. Swami
Partner Director General Director (HO) Director (F&A) Registrar
Rs. in lakhs
EXPENDITURE Current Previous INCOME Current Previous
Year Year Year Year
2020-21 2019-20 2020-21 2019-20
Administration & Other Interest Earned/
Charges Accrued on
Mortality Charges (MOC) 12.14 9.65 MFR For the Period 24.71 22.53
Pol Admin Charges (PAC) 0.96 0.84 AIR For the Period 333.58 326.38
Fund Management Charges 22.73 20.78 Interest on LIC 1.99 0.00
Investment Fund
Service Tax on MOC, PAC & 6.45 5.63
Bank Charges 0.00 0.00 Interest Earned/
Accrued on Bank
Union Bank of India 1.44 1.66
Excess of Income over 319.44 313.66
Expenditure transferred to
Balance Sheet
TOTAL 361.71 350.56 TOTAL 361.71 350.56
For Amit Agarwal & Co.
Chartered Accountants For NIFT Employees Group Gratuity Trust
FRN: 008359C
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
(CA. Ankit Kumar) Shantmanu Col. Agendra Mukul CMA B. K. Pandey Sadanand G. Swami
Partner Director General Director (HO) Director (F&A) Registrar
Rs. in lakhs
RECEIPT Current Previous PAYMENT Current Previous
Year Year Year Year
2020-21 2019-20 2020-21 2019-20
Opening Balance 3,309.54 3,015.16 Expenses/Charges
Contribution made to Gratuity 414.30 545.21 MOC Charges 12.14 9.65
Trust by NIFT Campuses during
the Year
PAC Charges 0.96 0.84
Claim Received from LIC 188.25 132.64 Fund Management 22.73 20.78
Service Tax on MOC, 6.45 5.63
Interest Earned/Accrued on Bank Charges 0.00 0.00
Interest on LIC Investment 1.99 0.00
MFR For the Period 24.71 22.53 Payment to LIC 339.68 545.21
Gratuity Trust
AIR For the Period 333.58 326.38
Interest Earned/Accrued on 1.44 1.66 Gratuity claim paid/ 188.25 151.92
bank Account settled during the
" Closing Balance 3,703.60 3,309.54
contribution made
by NIFT to LIC Group
Gratuity Investment)
TOTAL 4,273.80 4,043.58 TOTAL 4,273.80 4,043.58
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
(CA. Ankit Kumar) Shantmanu Col. Agendra Mukul CMA B. K. Pandey Sadanand G. Swami
Partner Director General Director (HO) Director (F&A) Registrar
1. Basis of preparation of financial statements: The financial statement of Trust has been prepared in
accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”) under the historical cost convention, on
accrual basis and the applicable accounting standards issued by “The Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India (ICAI).
2. Revenue Recognition: Income of the Trust has been recognized in accordance with Accounting Standard 9
and accounted for in the books of accounts on accrual basis.
3. Investment: Long-term investments are stated as per report submitted by LIC.The investments of the Trust
have been made in New Group Gratuity Cash Accumulation Scheme of Life Insurance Corporation of India
The interest on investment has also been included (reinvested) in investment value of the current financial
year as per gratuity scheme.
4. Interest on Investment: The interest income on investment has been reinvested in Investment of Trust.
5. Expenditure: Expenses are accounted for on accrual basis as per fund statement submitted by LIC.
6. Employee’s benefit (Gratuity): The Trust account for its liability for future Gratuity benefits based on the
actuarial valuation as at the date of Balance Sheet using the projected unit credit method in accordance with
applicable Accounting Standard 15 issued by ICAI as per statement submitted by LIC.
7. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities & Contingent Assets: Provisions involving substantial degree of
estimation in measurement are recognized when there is a present obligation as a result of past events and
it is probable that there will be an outflow of resources. Contingent liabilities are not recognized but are
disclosed in notes. Contingent assets are neither recognized nor disclosed in the financial statements.
8. The figures in financial statementhave been shown in rupees in lakhs. For this purpose, the figures have been
rounded off to near lakh with two decimal points.
9. Corresponding figures for previous year presented have been regrouped, where necessary, to conform to the
current year classification.
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
(CA. Ankit Kumar) Shantmanu Col. Agendra Mukul CMA B. K. Pandey Sadanand G. Swami
Partner Director General Director (HO) Director (F&A) Registrar
Ms. Susan Thomas, IRS
Campus Director Campus Director
Prof. Dr. Yathindra Mr. Akhil Sahai
Joint Director (I/c) Joint Director
Campus Director Campus Director
Mr. Anil Kumar Mr. D. K. Rangra
Joint Director Joint Director
Campus Director Campus Director (I/c)
Dr. Bhaskaran K M Mr. Brijesh Deore
Joint Director Joint Director
Campus Director Campus Director
Mr. N. S. Bora Mr. Khushal Jangid
Joint Director Joint Director
Campus Director Campus Director
Mr. Amit Kumar Singh Mr. S Basu
Joint Director Joint Director (I/c)
Campus Director
Mr. Nissar Ahmad Bhat
NIFT Campus
SIDCO, Electronic Complex,
Rangreth, Srinagar- 191132 (J&K)
T. 0914 2300994/95