Training Outline Microsoft Teams

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Training Outline: Microsoft Teams

Suggested Presentation Time: 1 Hour

Using Microsoft Teams for Innovative Communication and Collaboration

- Teams is a Microsoft application used for teamwork and is available to students, faculty, and staff.

What is a Team?
- A ‘team’ is a group of people made of up ‘members’.
- Anyone can create a team (log into > open Teams > click ‘Join or Create a Team’).
- Members can be added (click the ellipsis > Add member) or deleted at any time (click the ellipsis > Manage
team > click the X by the member you want to delete).
- Further organize your team into subsections by creating ‘channels’ (click the ellipsis > Add channel).

Why use Microsoft Teams? Collaboration

- Members of a team can upload (Files tab > Upload) and edit files in real time (click on file > edit).
- Members of a team can create a ‘notebook’ to create agendas, record notes, document research, etc.

Why use Microsoft Teams? Communication

- The ‘conversations’ tab allows all members of a team to hold running conversations around a topic.
- The ‘chat’ icon allows members to talk privately with a member(s) they choose.

5 Reasons to use Microsoft instead of Email.

- Discussion is pervasive, focused and efficient, keep in the loop, files make sense, all your conversations.

Why use Microsoft Teams? Meetings

- Teams allows you to schedule (click the Meetings icon > click Schedule a meeting) or start instant video
meetings (from a conversation click the video icon). These are live, but can also be recorded.

Live Meeting Demonstration

- IT uses notebook section to create agendas and record meeting notes. Also, for onboarding to share files
with new employees.
- IT Ambassadors use the conversation tab to share notifications and resources with members.
- 250th Celebration committee uses the file storage section to maintain a spreadsheet and detailed
information pages for all projects.
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Teams Tips: Activity
- The bell icon will display notification alerts for activity.
- You can @ mention a team member or the entire team to notify them of something you just posted.
- You can also configure your settings to receive emails as notifications in addition to or instead of the bell
(click your profile image > click Settings > click Notifications > set your preferences).

Teams Tips: Show or Hide a Team

- Choose which teams you would like to see when you log in (click the ellipsis > click ‘show’ or ‘hide’).

Teams Tips: Follow a Channel

- Follow a channel you want to make sure you are receiving updates from (click the ellipsis > click Channel
Notifications > set your preferences).

Teams Tips: Access from any Device

- Teams, like other Microsoft Office 365 products, can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, using any
device by logging into
- If you access Teams often, you can also download the app directly to your device.

10 Additional Ways to Use Teams

- Organize interview notes and virtually meet with applications for open positions.
- Create a team for each of your courses.
- Organize your team for your course, by using channels for lessons or units.
- Place lecture notes and presentations in the notebook or files tab.
- Share course content like your syllabus or exam study guides.
- Add a website tab where students or staff members can easily access a site or resource they need frequently.
- Record lectures and upload to Teams via Stream.
- Create a team to write a grant with colleagues.
- Create a team with your research partners to make co-authoring a paper more efficient.
- Add a planner tab to assign tasks for projects.

Additional Resources
- Visit the Office 365 Training Center for short videos on teams topics.
- Visit the College of Charleston Information Technology YouTube Channel for a Teams Introduction video.
- Follow Information Technology on social media (Facebook @cofcit, Twitter @cofcit, Instagram @cofc_it).

Additional training resources are available on our website or request a training session by
using the link provided to submit a training request.

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