Crim 7
Crim 7
Crim 7
Module 1 Introduction
The Nature of Research
Module Overview:
Module I covers the nature of research, its definition, the role
And functions of research, the basic components of the process. It also discusses the
sources of research problem, criteria in selecting a research problem as well as the parts in
writingan introduction.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Define Research.
2. Identify the Functions and Roles of Research.
3. Enumerate the types of research.
4. discuss the criteria of a good research problem.
Doing research can formulate theories, test theories and guides in solving problems. Thrrough
research, we can extend our vision and experiences; it helps us understand how and whya situation exists;
it enables us to discover new things and ideas; and it provides information as basis fordecision making.
Definition of Research
The word research comes from the French word rechercher, meaning to search. It can be defined
in many ways depending upon the point of view from various disciplines like, education, business,
agriculture and medical.
On the basis of structure, the word research means, to search again. In other words, there is a
need to have another study of the same problem due to erroneous matter during the conduct of the
According to Best and Khan (2006) Research is defined as the systematic and objective analysis
and recording of controlled observations that may lead to the development of generalizations, principles
or theories, resulting in prediction and possibly ultimate control of events.
According to Sevilla, et. al.Kerlinger defined research as a systematic, controlled, empirical, and
critical investigation of hypothetical propositions about the presumed relations among natural
It is called systematic because it follows steps or stages beginning from :Problem Identification,
Relating the Problem Identified to theories, Collecting of Data, Drawing conclusions, and
Recommendations and Integrations of these conclusions into the stream(body) of knowledge.
It is called controlled because the problem is logically arranged and well-planned, the variables
are identified and selected properly, the instruments are carefully selected and contructed, conclusions
are based on findings and conclusions.
It is called empirical because the data are based on research or experiment which serves as bases
for making conclusions.
It is called critical investigation because the results, conclusions and recommendations of the
researcher would undergo critical analysis by the panel or board of judges or experts.
Research therefore, is a process of scientific investigation and inquiry of certain phenomenon,
practice, program and policy to establish correct data or information relevant to the formulation of
theories, making decision in solving problems and any developmental endeavor in quest for the well-
being of man and his environment.
Types of Research
1. Pure or theoretical Research or Basic Type Research. This type of research involves in developing
and testing theories and hypotheses that are intellectually interesting to the investigator. It is
conducted for the sake of knowing.
2. Applied or Practical Type of Research. This type of research is done to obtain knowledge for
useful ends., and to use that knowledge to solve certain discomfort, or improve the prevailing
condition which in its present state, may be satisfactory but which has still room or possibility for
3. Action Research. This research has a feature of applied research since it involves discovering and
identifying a problem in a local setting like, the instruction problems in the classroom. According
to Barsaga. Action research is a research done by particular people on their work, and their
practices. It is meant to help them improve what they do including how they work with others.
Basic Components of the Research Process
In writing the title of the problem, it should be definite or specific with a maximum of 20
substantive words excluding function words. The main concept and/or variables being investigated should
be written as part of the title. The title of the problem serves the following functions or purposes:
The research problem is not constructed in the usual linguistic expression of question. It does not
have the antecedent questions from which specific questions can be derived or based.
Sample problems: An Assessment of the Academic Achievement of Grade VI Pupils in Mathematics during
School Year 2004 – 2005.
The most important variables in the study must be included as part of the title.
For Example:
This study aimed to assess the academic performance of Grade VI pupils in Mathematics in the
Division of La Carlota City SY 2004 – 2005.
Research (Ha): There is a relationship between the leadership skills and levels of job satisfaction among
middle managers in higher education institutions in Region VI.
Null(Ho) There is no relationship between the leadership skills and levels of job satisfaction among middle
managers in higher education institutions in Region VI.
The terms used in the study will be defined to provide a wider knowledge of the topic which
eventually becomes the theory on which hypothesis is based.
1. Define the terms listed below:
a. Research
b. Pure Research
c. Applied Research
d. Action Research
e. Significance of the Study
f. Scope
g. Limitation
h. Variables
2. Formulate a research problem and prepare the following elements of the research problem
a. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
b. Statement of the Problem
c. Statement of Hypotheses
d. Significance of the study
e. Scope and limitation of the study
f. Definition of terms
Module Overview
The second chapter of the research paper covers the review related literature and
studies which are relevant to the investigation. This includes the importance of Review Related
Literature and the approaches in presenting the review related literature.
Learning Outcomes
1. Define Review related literature and studies.
2. Discuss the different approaches in presenting the review related Literature.
3. Formulate a review related literature.
1. It provides the conceptual or theoretical Framework of the planned research. It explains and
clarifies the basis for the theoretical framework.
2. It provides the researcher knowledge and background on the subject understudy.
3. It enables the researcher to avoid duplicating or doing the same study that was already done
4. It provides insight on the weaknesses and problems of previous studies.
5. It provides the researcher ideas on how to proceed with his investigation.
6. It provides findings and conclusions of past studies which the researcher may relate to his
own feelings.
The focus of the review of a study is the ideas which have relations to the research topic. It may
be supportive or against one’s assumptions and hypotheses. It includes the study objectives, methodology
used, the subject or population covered, the instruments used, the findings, conclusions and
recommendations reached.
1. Chronological Organization or approach. In this approach, the literature and studies are
presented according to the time they were written.
2. Topical or Thematic organization or approach. The literature and studies of similar themes or
topics are grouped together.
3. Country or site organization or approach. The literature and studies are classified by country or
as local or foreign source.
1. Define the term listed below:
a. Literature
b. Studies
c. Chronological approach
d. Topical or thematic Approach
e. Country or Site Approach.
2. Based on a chosen Research Problem (Chapter 1), formulate a Review Related Literature and
Studies using the thematic Approach.
Overview The 3rd chapter of the research report presents and discusses the research methods
which serve as guide is conducting the research. It includes the research design, subject and respondents
of the study, the population and the number of samples, the data gathering instrument, data gathering
procedures and the analysis or treatment of data gathered.
Methods of Research
A. Historical Research – It is the systematic and objective location, evaluation and synthesis of
evidence in order to established facts and draw conclusions about past events.(Ardales)
It is the critical investigation of events, and experiences in the past, the careful weighing of
evidence of the validity of the source of information in the past and the interpretation of the
evidence. (Kerlinger)
B. Descriptive Method of Research – The descriptive method of research is used to describe the
nature of the situation as it exists at the time of the study and explore the causes of a particular
phenomenon (Travers). This method od research deals with the current issues, situations or
phenomena (What is?)
According to Gay, this method of research involves in the collection of data in order to test the
hypotheses or answer questions concerning the current status of the subject under study.
3. Survey questionnaires
Types of Descriptive Research
1. Case Studies – this type is useful when the aim of the study is to have a deeper, more thorough and
more comprehensive understanding of an individual or group such as family, class, organization and
Example The Urban Poor: a Case Study
The role of Rural Women in Countryside Development.
2. Surveys – This type involves gathering of relatively limited data from a relatively large number of cases.
Survey studies are employed to measure the existing phenomenon without inquiring into why it exists.
Types of Survey
A.Census Survey – It is a survey that covers the entire population of interest.
b. Sample Survey – this type is used to find out how, and to what extent individuals grow or
develop in terms of physical, intellectual, emotional and social dimensions.
3. Developmental studies – This type is used to find out how, and to what extend individuals grow or
develop in terms of physical, intellectual, emotional and social dimensions.
4. Follow up Studies –This type is employed when one intends to investigate the subsequent
development of participants after a specified treatment or condition. This type is used to evaluate the
success of the programs like, the guidance of instructional program.
5. Documentary Analysis – This type is used to find out the type and the quality of message found in the
6. Trend Analysis – This is for a study that seeks for future analysis. It is employed in studies to project the
demands or needs of the people.
7. Correlation - This type of study is designed to determine the extent to which different variables are
related to each other in the population of interest. It aims to ascertain how much a variation is caused by
one variable in relation with the variation caused by another variable.
Sampling Designs/Techniques
Definition of Terms
Sampling refers to the process of selecting a sample of individuals from the total population to be studied.
Population – refers to a sub-group or portion of the population selected to represent the population.
Sampling design/technique is needed when the population is large, and the researcher wants to take
samples as representatives of the entire populations. It is practical and convenient for the researcher
because it can save time, money and effort. The sampling design technique could help determine the
correct and exact number of samples (sample size) and selection of samples to represent the population.
In the study. The researcher is allowed to take samples or representatives from the entire members of
the population.
The sample size can be determined using Slovin’s Formula:
1+ N ( e2 )
n = Sample size
N = Population
e = Margin of error = 0.05
Probability Sampling Design/Techniques – In this design techniques, the member or any subject of the
population can be probably included in samples. Each member has an equal chance of being included
from a population.
a. Simple Random Sampling(SRS)
Method of SRS
Lottery or fish bowl techniques (drawing pieces of paper/drawing cards/ throwing
Table of random numbers, usually for big or large population.
b. Systematic Sampling – this is a modified version of SRS. – In this technique, the sampling
interval is computed before selecting the right samples with the formula:
k= N
1+N ( e ) 2
n 1=N 1 ( nt )
n 1=sample ¿ first group
N 1= population of first group
Nt=total population
nt=toral sample ¿ ¿
b. Convenience Sampling
The researcher selects the samples of the study based on his convenience. He may take any
person whom he meets at anytime and anywhere. He may use telephone or other possible
means to reach out samples-individuals efficiently.
c. Quota Sampling
The samples to be gathered depend on the needed participants. It is assumed that he
samples will match the population with regards to the chosen set of characteristics (Vockell
d. Snowball Sampling
This sampling technique is good when there is no available list of population units to work.
Any person can be taken as sample provided, he can give the needed information relative to
the study.
Classification of Data According to Form
1. Qualitative data – re4fers to data with textual descriptions of the characteristics of
the objects of investigations.
e.g. descriptions of people as to color, height, etc.
Types of Interview
a. The structured or standardized. In this type, the questions are well arranged
and properly organized. The schedule for interview is carefully set/prepared.
b. The unstructured or un-standardized. It is flexible and open. Questions may
not be asked in proper order however, the researcher should ask questions
that will answer the objectives of the study.
This section presents and enumerates the statistical measures and tests that were used on the
gathered data for the study.
In the choice of the needed statistical tests, care must be exercised to insure that only the most
appropriate ones are utilized. The selection of the appropriate tools is guided by the following questions:
1. How many variables are being measured?
2. How many dimensions or points or views are there on the variable being measured?
3. How many levels do the dimensions have?
4. What kind of data or scale will be used in calculating or measuring the variable?
5. How the data shall be distributed in a diagram?
Scales of Measurement
1. Nominal Scale – it names and classifies persons or objects into two or more categories
having a common set of characteristics, such as tall versus short persons, male versus
female, etc.
2. Ordinal Scale – It classifies subjects or objects by ranking them from the highest to the
lowest or from the most to the least.
3. Interval Scale – It is based upon some predetermined equal intervals, like test scores,
obtained in achievement tests. Aptitude tests, intelligence tests, etc.
4. Ratio Scale – It has a zero point, like height, weight, time and other physical features.
4. Z-test of Independent Means or Critical Ratio (two tailed) – it is used to test the significance
of the difference between the means of two independent groups, and for data of the
interval scale; and for number of cases greater than 30.
9. Chi-square Distribution – it is a versatile statistical tool which is not limited to the evaluation
of one statistic or one difference at one time. It is used when:
a. The data are in the form of frequencies or for data that can be readily transmitted
into frequencies.
b. To test for significance, hypotheses involving more than one set of data and
c. The data are in nominal type or nominal dichotomous and ordinal.
11. Mann-Whitney U-test or Wilcoxon Rank sum Test - it is a non-parametric alternative to the
small-sample t-test concerning the difference between two means. Also, it is used to test a
null hypothesis that two samples come from identical populations without having to assume
that the populations samples are continuous to avoid ties.
Example: Is there a significant difference between the grades in an English class?
12. Posteriori T-test/ Turque/Honestly Significant test/Duncan Multiple Range Test – It is used
to determine which pairs of comparison is significantly related or associated from among
group mans when the data are interval-ratio scale.
Example: Is there a significant difference between the means of group A and B?
1. The Distribution. For single variable, Mean is recommended when the data are normally
distributed. For bi-variate data with a normal distribution, Pearson Product Moment
correlation is needed for correlation test and the parametric tests are required to
interpret the significant difference of two variables. If the data showed skewness, either
negatively or positively skewed, the Non-parametric tests are recommended.
2. The type of measuring scale. When the data are categorized as interval and ratio types,
the parametric tests shall be used. For normal and ordinal data, the non-parametric test
are recommended.
3. The number of variables. For single variables, the frequency distribution, the measures
of central tendencies and the Measures of Variations are recommended. Inferential
statistics are generally used to analyze data with two to three variables.
4. The total number of observations/cases. For 30 and below observations, the non-
parametric and correlation tests are generally recommended.
Presentation of Data
The gathered data should ne sequentially arranged, presented and discussed. To present the
data, start with a brief introductory paragraph by giving the purpose of the data in the table. The data
collected should be presented in textual, tabular and graphical forms to facilitate analysis and
To ensure depth analysis and objective interpretation of data per table, the researcher should
consider the following questions:
Overview: In this module, the researcher has to summarize the research report beginning
from the statement of the problems, research methodology, and summary of
findings, conclusions and recommendations.
The summary of findings are sequentially arranged to give a concise
and accurate reports of results on the various data gathered and analyzed. It
can be presented in numerical or in paragraph form.
Recommendations At this point, the researcher has the opportunity to make his/her
recommendations on certain phenomenon/or issue as a result of investigation
conducted. It must be based on the conclusions made.
Background of the Study
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
Hypotheses of the Study
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitation of the Study
Definition of Terms
Curriculum Vitae
A. Books
B. Electronic references The Nature of Mixed method design 2010 Introduction to quantitative Research 2010