Computer Application Task

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 A hardware refers to all tangible objects of the computer ,for example , the monitor,
mouse, keyboard, e.t.c.
 Parts of the computer itself include:
1. CPU – this is where the data is processed to give out information.
2. Input devices – devices used in a computer to input devices .They include ,
keyboard, mouse , microphones, e.t.c.
3. Output devices – devices used to present information, for example, monitors,
speakers, tangible screen, e.t.c.
4. Storage devices – devices used in a computer to store information. They are
divided into two major devices ,i.e.,the random access memory (RAM) and the
read-only memory (ROM).

Components of a computer system

1.Input units – where the data is received , e.g, keyboard ,mouse ,e.t.c.
2. Central processing unit (CPU). It contains ;
 The control unit (CU) , that focuses on coordination of all activities in a
 Arithmetic Logic unit (ALU) ,that is used to process mathematical
functions in a computer.
 Memory , that consists of the RAM which stores information temporarily,
and ROM which stores information permanently.
 Output devices , that gives out information .

Primary storage
 It includes the memories, i.e.,the RAM and ROM.
Secondary storage
 Data and programs are stored permanently and retained. The storage devices here
include , hard disc, floppy disc.

 A software is a set of programs that instructs the computer about the tasks to be
 Softwares are divided into two categories , i.e., system software and application

1. System software
 System software provides the basic functions that are performed by a
 The purpose of the system software is to:
- Provide basic functionality to the computer
- Control the computer hardware
- Act as an interface between the user , application software and the
computer hardware.
On the basis of their functionality , system software may be broadly divided into two categories.
1. System software for the management and functionality of the ccomputer
• It is required for managing the operations performed by the components of the computer and
the devices attached to the computer.
•It provides support for various services as requested by the application software.

Operating system (OS)

• It is an important part of the computer as it intermediates the user of the computer and the
computer hardware.
• It controls and coordinates the use of a hardware among the different application softwares and
the users.

Functions of the OS
1. It provides an environment in which users and application software can do work.
2. It manages different resources of the computer.
3. It controls execution of different programs to prevent occurrence of errors.
4. It provides convenient interface to the user in form of commans and graphical interface
which facilitates the use of the computer.

Types of the OS depending on the capability of processing

1. Single user and single tasking – this is used by a single user for a standalone computer
for performing a single task.
2. Single user and multitasking – it allows execution of more than one task or processing
3. Multiuser – used in computer networks that allow same data and applications to be
accessed by multiusers at the same time.
4. Real time – it is designed to respond to an event within a predetermined time.
5. Embedded – it is embedded in a device in the ROM .They are specific to a device and are
less resource intensive.

System utilities
• System utility software is required to the maintenance of the computer.
• It is used for supporting and enhancing the programs and the data in a computer.

2. System software for the development of application and other softwares

Programming languages
•It consists of a set of vocabularies and grammatical rules to express the computation and tasks
that the computer has to perform.
•It is used to write a program which controls the behaviour of a computer or enables the human
computer interface.
Types of programming languages
1. Machine language – this is what the computer can understand but difficult for
programmer to understand.
2. Assembly language – it falls in between machine language and high-level language.This
is what both the computer and programmer understand.
3. High-level language – this is what the programmer can understand and use but difficult
for the computer to understand.

2.Application software
This is a software that is used by the user to perform specific task.
Types of system software packages
a. Word processing – it is used for writing letters, reports and other documents.
b. Image processing – it is used for assisting in drawing and manipulation of
c. Account software – it is used for assisting in counting information, salary, tax
d. Spreadsheet – it is used for creating budget, tables, e.t.c.
e. Presentation software – it is used to make presentations , slim show, e.t.c.

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