Soil Erosion: the word „erosion‟ was derived from Latin word „erodere‟, which is to mean „to
eat away‟ or „to excavate‟. The word was first used in geology for describing the eomorphologic
processes that take place on the surface of the earth and rock systems like the terms „hollow‟
created by water in rock systems. However, soil erosion is essentially a smoothening process, with
soil and rock particles being carried, rolled or washed by the gravity, water, wind or other agents.
Definition: “It is defined as detachment, transportation and deposition of soil particles from one
place to another place under the influence of wind, water or gravity forces”.
Erosion is a physical process, characterized by significant variations in its intensity and frequency
all over the world. Erosion varies upon many elements, among which the most significant are
climate parameters precipitation and temperature, as well as other parameters such as geology,
topography, vegetation cover and anthropogenic influences.
Soil erosion is a process of mechanical detachment of the soil under the influence of erosive agents
such as water and wind that consists of a detachment of soil particles, transportation of detached
soil and its deposition. The dominant geomorphic process for much of Earth`s land surface is soil
erosion by water agent. The main influence on erosion processes are considered to have climate,
soil, topography, vegetation cover and anthropogenic factors.
Soil erosion which is a global threat responsible for soil nutrient depletion, degradation of soil
quality, destruction of soil structure and disruption of ecosystem; have reduced the availability of
productive lands for cultivation which in turn has greatly reduced chances of food sufficiency and
Soil erosion is a three phase phenomena, consisting the detachment of individual soil particles
from the soil mass and their transport by erosive agents such as running water and wind. When
sufficient energy is no longer available with the erosive agents to transport the particles, then the
third phase called as deposition takes place. The soil erosion may be defined as =detachment„
transportation and deposition of soil particles from one place to another under influence of wind,
water or gravity forces. Most of the time erosion takes place when the rains drops in the upstream
moves to downstream through water, gravity and glacier and also wind in dry area.
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Erosion is a natural process by which soil and rock material is loosened and removed. Erosion by
the action of water, wind, and ice has produced some of the most spectacular landscapes we know.
Natural erosion occurs primarily on a geologic time scale, but when man‟s activities alter the
landscape, the erosion process can be greatly accelerated. Construction-site erosion causes serious
and costly problems, both on-site and off-site.
Erosion is the wearing away of material by naturally occurring agents through the detachment and
transport of soil materials from one location to another, usually at a lower elevation. Natural agents
are mostly responsible for this phenomenon but the extent to which erosion occurs can be
considerably accelerated through human activities.
The term erosion was first used in geology to describe the forming of hollows by water and the
wearing away of solid material by the action of river water.
There are many classifications of soil erosion: by the intensity (Natural or Geologic and
Accelerated), by the erosive agent (water and wind), by stage (Raindrop, Sheet, Rill Gully, Stream
bank and Tunnel).
Water erosion is considered the most severe type of soil erosion where soil detachment and
transportation is caused by two different phenomena, the first being the raindrop impact on soil
and the second water runoff. Water erosion is “a function of forces applied to the soil by raindrop
impact and surface runoff relative to the resistance of the soil to detachment”.
A detachment of sediment from the soil surface was originally considered to be exclusively the
result of raindrop impact, although the importance of overland flow as an erosive agent has later
been recognized. Today, rainwater in the form of runoff is considered the main trigger of water
erosion causing the transport of soil particles and its deposition on lower parts of the catchment.
“Sediment delivery is the amount of eroded material delivered to a particular location, such as
from the eroding portions of a hill-slope (soil loss) or the outlet of a catchment (sediment yield)”.
Soil loss refers to the sediment from the eroding portion of a hill-slope where overland flow occurs.
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Principle of Soil Erosion and Modeling - Lecture Note (By Ademe T.)
1. Water
Water results erosion because it has the power to detach the soil particles and carry them to
somewhere else.
Water erosion refers to the detaching and transporting of the top soil by runoff. Runoff is basically
caused due to rainfall. Therefore, water erosion is linked to the rainfall event in an area.
The factor that most influences soil erosion by water is the mean annual rainfall. In regions of
very low rainfall, there can be very little erosion caused by rain due less runoff since canopy
abstraction of the rainfall. At the other extreme, an annual rainfall of more than 1000mm usually
dense forest vegetation that affords protective covers to the soil, which is a key factor in reducing
water erosion. The most severe erosion will thus tend to be associated with the middle range of
rainfall when the natural vegetation is undisturbed and with higher rainfall when the natural forest
is removed.
2. Wind
wind is another agent of soil erosion
It has a great effect on bare soil where the vegetation is very sparse.
When the wind blows, wind force act on the soil particles to detach and to move its direction.
It is now established that collision of rain drops on bare soil and resulting splash is the major cause
of soil erosion by water. About 95% of soil is splashed by falling rain drops and runoff water
erodes less than 5% of the soil.
When materials supplied are greater than materials transported then erosion is termed as
transport limited.
2. Two energy forms are involved in erosion process.
PE =potential energy in joules, m= g= acceleration due to gravity,
Mass of body in kg, h = elevation Difference.
b) Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a substance by virtue of its motion and
proportional to the product of the moving mass and half of the square of the velocity of
the mass. Kinetic energy represented by KE = ½ mv2,
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In the course of soil erosion there are three major processes that occur.
The detachment of soil particles is generally caused due to the impact of raindrops wherein the
particles are detached and splashed away. Large quantities of soil are eroded by simple process of
splashing and it is considered to be the first step in erosion process. The soil loss due to splash is
considered to be 50 to 90 times greater than the wash-off losses.
Rain splash is the most important detaching agent, the soil is also broken up by weathering
processes, and tillage operations and by the trampling of people and livestock. All these processes
loosen the soil, so that it is easily removed by the agents of transport.
The smaller the soil particle size, the larger the Kinetic energy required detaching; and vice versa.
B. Transportation of Particles
This is the second important phenomenon for the soil erosion occurrence. Once the soil particles
are detach, running water or wind can easily remove them from their original place and carry them
to somewhere else. The major transporting agents are runoff and wind. It is the process, under
which soil particles dissolved in the running water are carried away from one place to another.
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i. Velocity at which water is running. It offers a force on the soil particles in the flow direction.
At greater velocity comparatively large amount of soil particles are transported. In addition,
large size soil particles are also easily transported at greater velocity.
ii. Load present in the water. Here load indicates the amount of soil/rock existing in the flowing
water. Flowing water containing fewer loads, easily transports the soil mixed while in opposite
case a reverse effect is observed.
iii. Impediments/obstacles present in flow path of water. Actually, these constraints create an
obstruction in the path of water flow, as a result the velocity of water gets reduced, and
thereby the deposition of soil particles over the channel bottom is caused. In other way, it can
be said that, presence of obstacles, reduce the transportation of soil particles and viceversa.
iv. Carrying capacity of running water also affects the soil transportation rate. A stream which
has large flow volume, involves greater soil transportation and vice-versa.
Transportation Process
In water erosion, the process of soil transportation by running water is completed under the
following forms:
2. Solution : The water soluble contents present in the water are transported by the water in
solution form.
3. Suspension: Suspension process involves the transportation of finer soil particles, which
present in suspension form in the flowing water
4. Saltation and surface creep: The saltation mechanism is responsible to transport the medium
size soil particles, which are not able to stand in suspension form, but are mixed in water and
flow over the stream bed in the form of mud. The saltation and surface creep share a major
part of the sediment load, transported by the running water. The transportation of soil particles
by the surface creep action is referred to the courser soil particles, which is activated through
the actions of jumping, collusion and creeping.
C. Deposition/Sedimentation
The deposition of load mixed in the running water, is furnished under the following conditions:
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I. When force, by which the load is transported from one place to another, is reduced to a greater
limit, then the load present in the water tends to settle over the flow path. The reason is when
the force which is acting in the direction of water flow for causing to transport the load,
becomes very less than the resisting force acting in opposite direction, then presence of soil
load in the water is more resisted and thus forcing to settle or deposit the materials over the
flow path.
II. Presence of surface obstructions in the flow path of running water tends to cause the deposition
of load present in the water. These obstructions may be stems of trees, shrubs etc. Actually
these obstructions breakdown the velocity of running water, as a result the weight of soil load
mixed in the flow becomes more effective to get deposit over the path.
III. The curves of meander or winding courses of stream also cause to deposit the soil load running
along the flowing water, because at these points the flow velocity is reduced significantly,
thereby deposition of soil load there
Soil particles that is carried by the water or wind be deposited, when the transporting agent is no
more effective to carry them further distance. Mostly deposition in flat land, depressions and
• When the force in the direction of water flow for causing to transport the load becomes very less
than the resisting force acting in opposite direction, then presence of soil load in the water is more
resisted and thus forcing to settle or deposit the materials over the flow path.
The severity of erosion depends upon the quantity of material supplied by detachment over time
and the capacity of the eroding agents to transport it. Where the agents have the capacity to
transport more material than it is supplied by detachment, the erosion is described as detachment-
limited. Where more material is supplied than can be transported, the erosion is transport
limited. The critical water velocity for detachment, transport and deposition of the soil particles is
the function of particles size. The value of critical velocity increases with increase in the grain
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A greater force is also required to move larger soil particles. The fine particles are harder to get
erode by water flow, because of the cohesiveness of the clay minerals which comprise them. Once
an individual soil particle comes in motion, it is continued until the velocity reduces below the
threshold value.
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Principle of Soil Erosion and Modeling - Lecture Note (By Ademe T.)
A. Geological erosion:
Erosion can occur naturally, transforming soil into sediment. This naturally occurring erosion
devoid of man„s influence is called geological or natural or normal erosion. It represents erosion
under the cover of vegetation. It takes place as a result of the action of water, wind, gravity and
glaciers. It is a very slow process and responsible for soil formation as well as soil loss (means that
loss of soil is compensated for by the formation of new soil under natural weathering process).
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Under this erosion type, the process of soil erosion is balanced by the process of soil formation,
creating a state of equilibrium.
Geologic erosion refers to the formation and loss of soil simultaneously which maintain the balance
between formation and various losses.
In its broadest sense it is a normal process, which represents the erosion of soil in its natural
condition without the influence of human being. The geologic erosion is long time eroding process.
The various topographical features such as existing of stream channels; valleys etc. are the results
of geologic erosion.
B. Accelerated erosion:
When the process of soil erosion is influenced by human activities, it is accelerated. Such
accelerated erosion is caused by removal of vegetation, and improper land use and management.
When the vegetation is removed and land is put under cultivation, the natural equilibrium between
soil building and soil removal is disturbed. The removal of surface soil takes place at much faster
rate than it can be built up by the soil forming processes. This is known as accelerated soil erosion
or abnormal erosion. It is destructive in nature and caused much land degradation. Only accelerated
erosion is matter of concern for the agricultural land. The erosion can be classified as water, wind,
and coastal erosion.
Accelerated erosion includes serious deterioration and loss of soil by the nature and human beings.
Accelerated erosion is an excess of geologic erosion. It is activated by natural and man‟s activities
which have brought about changes in natural cover and soil conditions. In usual course, the
accelerated erosion takes place by the action of water, wind, gravity and glaciers. In which water
causes the soil erosion through sheet flow, stream flow, wave action and ground-water flow
.Similarly wind detaches and transports the soil particle and causing a general mixing of the soil
at the surface. The gravity force causes the mass movement such as soil creep, rock creep, rock
slide and subsidence of the soil surface. These are examples of accelerated erosion. In general
accelerated erosion is simply known as soil erosion or erosion only.
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Raindrop erosion is also known as splash erosion. Raindrop erosion is soil detachment and
transport resulting from the impact of water drops directly on soil particles or on thin water
surfaces. The impact of raindrops breaks the soil crust and splashes the soil particles away. The
mass of each raindrop is directly proportional to its kinetic energy.
Sheet erosion may be defined as: It is the removal of the fairly uniform layer of soil from the land
surface by the action of rainfall and runoff.
Sheet erosion is the movement of soil particles by runoff flowing over the ground surface as
unconcentrated thin sheet layer. The eroding and transporting power of sheet flow are dependent
upon the depth and velocity of sheet flow for a given size, shape and density of soil particle.
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It is caused by the unconfined flow of water running across the surface. Rarely possible to see or
distinguish but accounts for large volumes of soil loss. Sheet erosion is often only recognized when
eroded soil is deposited along a fence line, on lower fields, and when sub soil materials emerge on
the upper soil surface.
Typically it results in the loss of the finest soil particles which contain the bulk of the available
nutrients and organic matter.
Sheet erosion of soil is a conceptual or an idealized form of soil erosion, where the fertile top soil
is removed in uniform layers under the action of runoff water or the overland flow. Such type of
removal of the top soil in the form of a layer or a sheet is very difficult to visualize. Sheet erosion
is affected by flow velocity, flow volume, and physical and chemical properties of soil, etc. In
reality, the sheet flow is carried out by very small definable channels called the inter-rills. Raindrop
detaches very thin layers of soil particles through splash and the detached particles are then carried
through the inter-rills by a very thin layer of the overland flow. The soil erosion by inter-rills is
dependent on the erosion that takes place through rills.
The eroding and transporting power of sheet flow are dependent upon the depth and velocity of
sheet flow for a given size, shape and density of soil particle. Sheet erosion is:-
3. Rill Erosion
It is sometime known as micro channel erosion. It is the removal of soil by running water with the
formation of areas of small branching channels. There is no sharp time of demarcation where
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sheets erosion ends and more readily visible than sheet erosion. Rill of small depth can be ordinary
form tillage.
It is regarded as a transition/Intermediate stage between sheet erosion and gully. Rills are small
channels small enough to be obliterated by normal tillage operations. Occurs on recently cultivated
soils where runoff water concentrates in streamlets as it passes downhill.
Rills frequently occur in relatively straight lines between crop rows or along tillage marks.
Concentrated flow is able to detach and transport soil particles. Channels form up to 30cm deep
Prolonged occurrence of soil erosion through inter-rills, results widening of the inter-rills and
formation small channels, called rills.
These rills carry both the overland flow from the inter-rill areas and the direct flow. In a channeled
flow, the depth of flow is more, thus soil erosion is very high from the well-defined channels. Rills
carry the sediment brought by the overland flow through its inter-rills, and have a controlling effect
on the magnitude of soil erosion.
• Has greater scouring action than sheet flow and it removes soil from the edges and beds of the
4. Gully Erosion
Normal tillage operations cannot obliterate/destroy it as in the case of rill erosion. These channels
carry water during and immediately after rains.
Gully erosion is responsible for removing vast amounts of soil, irreversibly destroying farmland,
roads and bridges and reducing water quality by increasing the sediment load in streams. Water
running into the gully either scours the face or undercuts the headwall resulting in gully
migration. Believed to be a response to changed hydrological conditions
• Gully initiation is thought to be a response to excessive water in the local environment caused
by the removal of perennial vegetation.
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• Gully head forms as rill erosion deepens and widens creating a characteristic nick/scrach point
or headwall.
• Water running into the gully either scours the face or undercuts the head wall resulting in gully
• Widening of gully sides occurs by undercutting or slumping.
• Gully head shape indicates if erosion is due to scouring (forward slope) or dispersion
Large gullies and their networks are called ravines. Some of the major causes of gully erosion are
steepness of land slope, soil texture, rainfall intensity, land mismanagement, biotic interference
with natural vegetation, incorrect agricultural practices, etc.
Stream channel [bank] erosion is the sourcing of material from the side and bottom of a stream
or water channel a by running water. It is mainly due to removal of vegetation, over grazing or
cultivation on the area near to the streams banks. But in general terms, it is caused due to
watershed degradation.
It is movement of soil particles on the bed and banks of streams and channels due to concentration
of runoff. Scouring, another facet of channel erosion, occurs along channels where eddies form as
a result of sudden expansion, contraction or change in flow direction. Scouring may lead to rapid
soil loss from the channel bed or side slopes.
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6. Tunnel Erosion
Tunnel erosion appears as a series of tunnels that form beneath the soil surface
It is both a chemical and physical erosion process
Tunnel erosion is caused by the movement of excess water through dispersive (usually
sodic) subsoil.
Associated with changes in catchment hydrology or uneven saturation of clay subsoils.
Erosion also reduces available soil moisture, resulting in more drought-prone conditions. The net
effect is a loss of productivity, which restricts what can be grown and results in increased
expenditure on fertilizers to maintain yields.
The loss of soil fertility through erosion ultimately leads to the abandonment of land, with
consequences for food production and food security and a substantial decline in land value.
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The surface soil lost with runoff water consists of rich productive soil and frees or active organic
matter. The eroded material, which is ultimately carried into the ocean and thus lost, consists of
colloidal matter, clay, silt and the finest grades of sand .Only a small fraction of the eroded
material ,however reaches the ocean. The coarser material is usually deposited on river beds or
plains when the velocity of water reduces with the reduction of slope of the river bed. The soil
deposited in a river bed reservoir is not unavailable for agricultural use.
C. Textural Change
The effect of wind erosion makes the finer soil grains to be carried great distances in suspension
.this selective removal makes originally sandy soil sandier. However medium-or fine-textured soil
may not be altered seriously because the water or wind sorts aggregates, but not individual soil
particles. Both small and large aggregates are usually of similar textural composition. But the
deposition of coarser soils of a field which was with fine or medium texture soil is damage of soil
texture of the field.
Water and wind erosion are selective. Coarse grains are left near the original locations while the
finer ones are transported some distance. The winnowing effect of wind erosion makes the finest
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soil grains to be carried great distances in suspension. This selective removal makes originally
sandy soil sandier.
E. Field Dissection
A farmer can continue to farm a field as a unit in the normal way as long as the channels formed
by erosion are small. When the channels become gullies, too large to be crossed with ordinary
machinery, the field must be farmed in two or more smaller units, with shorter lands and much
more turnings. Therefore, formation of gullies in farm fields is damage to the field.
Gullies may divide the farm in to many valleys and ridges. Fields thus become smaller and more
numerous. Crop rows are shortened, movement from field to field is obstructed, and the farm value
is decreased. Roads, buildings and fences are often damaged by gully development.
Off-site effect
Off-site problems arise from sedimentation downstream or downwind, which reduces the capacity
of rivers and drainage ditches, enhances the risk of flooding, blocks irrigation canals and shortens
the design life of reservoirs. Many hydroelectricity and irrigation projects have been ruined as a
consequence of erosion. Sediment is also a pollutant in its own right and, through the chemicals
adsorbed to it, can increase the levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in water bodies and result in
eutrophication. Erosion leads to the breakdown of soil aggregates and clods into their primary
particles of clay, silt and sand. Through this process, the carbon that is held within the clays and
the soil organic content is released into the atmosphere as CO 2.
A. Loss of Crops
Crop damage particularly at the seedling stage, by runoff water on blowing soil often causes
serious concern. Under extreme conditions crops may be completely destroyed. Covering of
established crops or pasturage by drifting soil is anther common result in arid and semi-air areas.
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Factors Influencing Erosion
A. Energy:It include The potential ability of rainfall, runoff and wind to course
erosion and other factor which affects the power of erosive agents such as
reduction in length of runoff or wind blow through construction of terrace, bunds
etc. are for water erosion, and wind breaks or shelter belts in case of wind erosion.
Erosivity is the ability of rain to cause erosion.
The vulnerability or susceptibility of the soil to get erosion is erodibility. It is the
function of physical characteristic of soil (texture, structure, organic matter, land use
pattern etc.) and land management practices used. Storms with same erosivity may
not result equal amount of soil loss from the lands that have different soils. That is,
erosion is a function of the erosivity of rainfall and erodibility of the soil. Erodibility
is more complex than Erosivity owing to the very far influencing characteristics of
soil, management conditions, cropping etc….
In the widest sense Erodibility can be used to include all the variables which affect erosion
except the erosivity of rain.
B. Resistance:It is referred to that factors which affect soil erodibility and soil
erosion. Mechanical and chemical properties of soil are responsible for
infiltration rate of soil which reduces runoff and decreases soil erodibility;
Erodibility is the susceptibility of soil to get eroded. For instance, cultivation
decreases the erodibility of clay but increases erodibility of sandy soils.
C. Protection: It refers to plant covers which intercept the raindrop falling on
ground surface reducing their impact on soil. Plant cover also reduces the runoff
and wind velocity, there by soil erosion.
D. Different plant cover offers different protection so suitable cover can be
developed to control erosion.
Factors affecting Water Erosion: Water erosion is due to dispersive and transporting
power of water.
1. Climatic factors: This includes rainfall characteristics, atmospheric temperature and wind
2. Soil characteristic: This affect infiltration rate of soil, Infiltration rate depends upon
permeability of soil, surface condition and presence of moisture in it.
3. Vegetation: It creates the obstacle for raindrops as well as glowing runoff. A good
vegetative cover completely reduces the effect of rainfall on soil erosion.
4. Topographic effect: The land slope, length of slope and shape of slope are main factors
which influences soil erosion. As slope of land increases from mild to steep, erosion
However, wind also changes the raindrop velocities and the angle of impact. Humidity
and solar radiation are somewhat less directly involved in that they are associated with
temperature and the rate of soil water depletion.
The climatic factors that affect wind erosion include precipitation, humidity, wind
erosive, and temperature. Humidity, wind speed and temperature influence
evaporation and transpiration of soil moisture, if they are high, they cause high
evaporation that lead the soil to be more susceptible to wind erosion. Temperature
and wind are the most evident through their effects on evaporation and transpiration.
Wind erosivity refers to the capacity of wind to cause soil erosion. The erosiveness
of wind is determined by the wind velocity near the surface, wind turbulence, wind
gustiness (rapid velocity increase), and wind direction (change in direction).
Generally, wind erosion can only happen when the soil surface is dry or only
slightly moist, because surface tension holds the soil particles together when wet.
The climatic factors that influence wind erosion are the characteristics of wind itself
in addition to the precipitation, humidity and temperature. The climatic factors
influence the soil moisture status which in turn influences the susceptibility of the soil
for erosion by wind.
II. Soil
Soil erodibility: Refers to the tendency of the soil to be eroded. This refers to the
ability of the surface soil to resist the erosive forces of wind. Texture, structure,
density of particles, soil mass moisture, organic matter and surface roughness are
the important soil factors affecting wind erosion.
Physical properties of soil affect the infiltration capacity and the extent to which particles can
be detached and transported.
• State of the soil surface. If the soil surface is stony, forming a "pavement", the risks
of wind erosion are lower.
A rough surface, left by cloddy tillage or ridges perpendicular to the prevailing wind,
slows down the wind at ground level, thus reducing saltation.
• Vegetation: Stubble and crop residues in the soil cut wind-speed at ground level.
• Soil moisture: increases cohesion of sand and loam, temporarily preventing their erosion
by wind.
Texture: particle removal is the order of: clay>silt>fine sand, decreasing with
increase in particle size. (Sandy soil is more easily eroded than a hard clay soil. In
wind erosion it depends on the cloudiness of the soil. If the soil is cloddy it will be
larger enough to reset the forces of the wind. Clods formed during tillage, their
firmness and stability depend on soil moisture, compaction, organic matter, clay
content, lime and microbial activity. Drier the soil is the more susceptibility for wind
More clayey soil is much stickier, better-structured, and hence more resistant. Coarse
sand and gravelly or rocky soils are also more resistant, since the particles are too
heavy to be removed by wind erosion.
In general, soil detachability increases as the size of the soil particles or aggregates
increase, and soil transportability increases with a decrease in the particle or aggregate
size. That is, clay particles are more difficult to detach than sand, but clay is more
easily transported.
Crusts: Crusts are denser, stable, and resistant to erosion than un-crusted soils. Wind
erosion rates decrease exponentially with increase in soil water content owing to the
cohesive force of water. Surface crusts when formed have a retarding influence on
wind erosion.
III. Vegetation
Type of vegetation, the height of vegetation, density of vegetation and it‟s seasonal
distribution are some of the vegetation factors which influence the soil erosion by
wind. Good vegetation cover is the most permanent and effective way to control wind
erosion. Living or dead vegetation cover protects the soil surface from wind action by
reducing wind speed and by preventing much of the direct wind force from reaching
erodible soil particles. Vegetation cover also reduces rate of erosion by trapping soil
particles. Protection depend on the quantity, size, height and orientation of the
plants in relation to the prevailing wind direction.
Because of the effectiveness of vegetative cover in controlling soil erosion, it is usually the
primary choice for long-term erosion control unless there are reasons for doing otherwise.
Vegetation influences wind erosion, directly when the area is under vegetation or indirectly by
protecting the adjoining areas.
IV. Topography
Topography refers to the shape, length, inclination and aspect of a slope. The length and
inclination are critical factors with longer and steeper slopes producing greater soil erosion.
Lesson 2: Assessment of Erosion Hazard and Erosion Modelling
3.1. Introduction
There are many conditions on a construction site that contribute to the overall hazard
and risk of soil erosion and sediment pollution to the environment. Hazard (H) is
defined as a description of the magnitude (M) and probability (P) of occurrence
within a specified period of time and within a given area of a potentially damaging
phenomenon . Hence, H = M × P. it is ―source of potential harm or a situation with
a potential to cause loss.
The Erosion Hazard Assessment (EHA) determines whether that risk is „low‟, „medium‟ or
„high‟ by using a series of questions to assess the risk to the environment. Erosion
hazard is a land quality to be considered in land use planning as it influences the
productivity of land. It is a special form of land resources evaluation, and defined by
the expected degree of damage in the near future.
Erosion hazard assessment aims; to identify those areas of land where the maximum
sustained productivity from a given land use is threatened by excessive soil loss or the
off-site damage arising from erosion is unacceptable. A distinction is made between
potential erosion risk, reflecting the local conditions of soil, climate and slope, and
actual erosion risk, which additionally takes account of land cover. It is therefore
possible to recognize areas of high potential risk but low actual risk as a result of the
protection afforded by vegetation.
Erosion hazard assessment also involves the division of land into land use units, similar in
their kind and degree of erosion hazard, as basis for planning soil conservation work.
K 4 5 1
R 3 2 1
Ls 2 3 5
C 4 4 5
Total 13 14 12
Which land units are highly severed for erosion? B so we assess first B, next A and the C
Several problems associated with this technique are: First, the classification may be
sensitive to different scoring systems. For example, the use of different slope groups
may yield different assessments of the degree of erosion risk. Second, each factor is
treated independently, whereas there is often interaction between the factors. Third,
the factors are combined by addition. There is no reason why this should be a more
appropriate method of combining them than multiplication, although multiplication
often results in the score for one factor dominating the total score and, for that reason,
is difficult to use with zero values in the scoring system. Fourth, each factor is given
equal weight.
Despite these difficulties, the technique is easy to use and has the advantage that
factors which cannot be easily quantified in any other way can be readily included.
When used carefully, factorial scoring can provide a general appreciation of erosion
risk and indicate vulnerable areas where more detailed assessments should be made.
It expresses the erosive potential or power of the rain. The potential ability of rainfall
to cause soil erosion is called erosivity. Therefore rainfall characteristics which
influence its erosivity such as amount, duration and intensity, drop size and drop
size distribution, terminal velocity and kinetic energy are obtained from
measurements carried out with rain gauges. Rainfall intensity is: amount/duration =
mm/h. Rainfall intensities exceeding 150 mm h -1 are found regularly in the tropics
whereas in temperate regions, rainfall intensity hardly exceeds 75 mm h-1.
Therefore, rainfall erosivity is considered higher for topical rains than temperate rains.
Drop size and drop size distribution are measured using: drop-stain method. Large
drops have higher terminal velocity than small drops. Raindrop size hardly exceeds 5
mm size. Of its Kinetic energy: This is the product of the mass of rain falling per unit
time and the square terminal velocity E = ½mv2 this, in units of kg and m /s, also gives
a value in Joules. The erosivity index is the product of kinetic energy of the storm
(E) its max 30 minute intensity (I 30), R= EI30 = mv2xI30/2, I = intensity of the
storm in mm/hr E = expresses in J/m2, R= J mm m-2 h-1
3. Rainfall aggressiveness
By super imposing the maps of p2/P and erosivity, a composite picture of erosion risk
is obtained. As expected from the above, there is often a poor relationship between
p2/P and mean annual R. The emphasis given in p2/P to the month with the highest
rainfall underplays the contribution of the rainfall in the rest of the year to erosion. If
the mean annual rainfall increases but the highest monthly total remains the same, the
p2/P actually falls in value whereas the potential for erosion should increase, since a
proportion of the additional rain is likely to be erosive. Arnoldus (1980) proposed a
way of overcoming this defect by considering the rainfall of all months and
developing a modified Fournier Index (MFI).
Where p is the mean monthly precipitation and P is the mean annual rainfall. Based
on significant correlations between MFI and mean annual R for different climatic
regions, mean annual erosivity maps have been produced for different countries.
A. Erosion Survey
Three types of erosion survey can be distinguished: static, sequential and dynamic.
Static surveys consist of mapping, often from aerial photographs, the sheet wash, rills and
gullies occurring in an area.
Sequential surveys evaluate change by comparing the results of static surveys undertaken
on two or more different dates.
Dynamic surveys map both the erosion features and the factors influencing them and
seek to establish relationships between the two. Geomorphological mapping system
portrays information on the distribution and type of erosion, erosivity, runoff, slope
length, slope steepness, slope curvature in profile and plan, relief, soil type and land
In some studies there is no sufficient time or man power to make detailed
measurements of erosion depth. The intensity (I) of erosion is estimated by inspection
of large areas, and mapped on to aerial photographs. This techniques usually
involves the establishment of 3 or 4 categories of erosion intensity ( I ). Areas of
pehaps 5 – 10 ha or individual hill slopes are then classified into one of these
In general used to combine data on soil erosion hazard and limitation and also used to select
appropriate land use and management plan.
Land systems analysis is used to compile information on the physical environment for
the purpose of resource evaluation. The land is classified into real units, termed land
systems, which are made up of smaller units, land facets, arranged in a clearly
recurring pattern. Since land facets are defined by their uniformity of landform,
especially slope, soils and plant community, land systems comprise an assemblage of
landform, soil and vegetation types.
The land systems differed from each other in either their soil erodibility or slope
steepness or, in some cases, both. These results demonstrate that land systems
represent dynamic erosionresponse units that reflect both the extent of erosion at any
one time and its evolution over time.
Observations are made using quadrate sampling over areas of 1m 2 for ground cover,
crusting and depth of ground lowering, 10m2 for shrub cover and 100m2 for tree cover.
In interpreting the results of field surveys, it is important to place the data in their time
perspective, particularly with respect to likely seasonal variations in the vegetation
cover and soil erodibility.
If detailed field surveys are carried out at a sufficient number of places and the results
are shown to be representative of particular soil or landscape conditions, it is possible
to extrapolate the data and produce national scale erosion surveys.
a. As predictive tools for assessing soil loss for conservation planning, project planning, and
soil erosion inventories and for regulation.
b. Physically based mathematical model can predict where and when erosion is occurring,
thus helping the conservation planner target efforts to reduce erosion.
c. As tools for understanding erosion processes and their interaction and for setting research
Well-developed and properly calibrated models provide good estimates of soil erosion
risks. Soil erosion results from a complex interaction of soil-plant-atmospheric forces.
Thus, modeling soil erosion requires a multidisciplinary approach among soil
scientists, crop scientists, hydrologists, sedimentologists, meteorologists, and others.
Models must be able to integrate processes, factors and causes at various spatial
(space) and temporal (time) scales. Time and space based model comprises three main
components: the rainfall inputs, soil erosion environment and outputs.
Data on the amount of soil transported from a field are required to:
Assess the magnitude or severity of erosion and its effects on soil productivity,
Develop mathematical models and test their applicability for soil erosion prediction,
Design and establish erosion control practices,
Understand and manage sedimentation in depositional areas, and
Ascertain effects of erosion on water pollution.
Data on soil erosion and its controlling factors can be collected in the field or, for
simulated conditions, in the laboratory. Whether field or laboratory studies are used
depends on the objective. For realistic data on soil loss, field measurements are the
most reliable, but because conditions vary in both time and space, it is often difficult
to determine the chief causes of erosion or to understand the processes at work. In
general, the ways to measure soil erosion are Estimate how much has been lost from
a site and Estimate how much has accumulated elsewhere.
• Easily eroded soil if protected by stone, tree or grass root, an isolated pedestal capped
by the resistant material are left standing up from the surrounding ground. In this
method splash erosion is mainly detected than surface flow.
Therefore, using the lost soil depth D we can estimate the amount of soil lost by
averaging. Rill erosion measurement
The simplest method of assessing rill erosion is to establish a series of transects, 20–100 m
long across the slope
The cross-sectional area of the rills is determined along two successive transects.
The average of the two areas multiplied by the distance between the transects gives the
volume of material removed.
Since this method ignores the contribution of inter-rill erosion to the sediment carried in
the rills and also depends upon being able to identify distinctly the edge of the rills, it is
likely to underestimate rill erosion by 10–30 per cent.
NB. Since slot devisor of 10 partitions is used to let on 1/10 of sediment containing runoff to
the collection tank, we require multiplying the final result by 10.