Open Networks 2020 Ws1b p3 Operational Tripping Scheme Arrangements
Open Networks 2020 Ws1b p3 Operational Tripping Scheme Arrangements
Open Networks 2020 Ws1b p3 Operational Tripping Scheme Arrangements
OTS Functional Design and
Data Exchange Requirements
Real Time Data Exchange and
Open Networks Project
OTS Functional Design and Data Exchange Requirements Report
December 2020
We would like to thank P3 stakeholders for their contributions to this report and wider WS1B P3 deliverables
including Ali R. Ahmadi, Matthew White, John West, Kanan Ganakesavan, Charlotte Grant, Steve Davenport,
Steve Gough, Paul Hartshorne, John Stapleton, Grant McBeath and Malcolm Grisdale.
Open Networks Project
OTS Functional Design and Data Exchange Requirements Report
December 2020
1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 5
i. Open Networks Project ................................................................................ 5
ii. Scope of this report .................................................................................. 5
iii. Structure of this report .............................................................................. 6
Open Networks Project
OTS Functional Design and Data Exchange Requirements Report
December 2020
8 Appendix A ................................................................................................ 26
Open Networks Project
OTS Functional Design and Data Exchange Requirements Report
December 2020
1 Introduction
An N-3 condition in transmission network is defined as a circuit is on planned outage followed by a double circuit fault
reducing the transmission capacity by 3 circuits
Open Networks Project
OTS Functional Design and Data Exchange Requirements Report
December 2020
Progress on certain RDP activities through 2020 is dependent on commercial arrangements being agreed in respect of how
services are used. This dependency does not apply to the OTS work.
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OTS Functional Design and Data Exchange Requirements Report
December 2020
Open Networks Project
OTS Functional Design and Data Exchange Requirements Report
December 2020
The cap for each GSP applies to the generation in the GSP that has agreed to be curtailed through connection
agreements and that is part of DNO control arrangements. The cap does not affect all of the distributed generation
connected to the GSP as many of the previously connected generators do not have agreements which allow
output to be curtailed.
Under the Capped Generation Approach, NGESO would send the required MW values to the DNO as an
instruction from an iEMS screen via an ICCP link. This enables the DNO to act on the instruction automatically if
it chooses to do so. The DNO control scheme is designed to achieve an overall response time and the DNO must
also ensure that OTS actions are not countermanded by other real-time systems acting on the generation, such
as ANM schemes.
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OTS Functional Design and Data Exchange Requirements Report
December 2020
“Prior to arming” (i.e. steady state), the DNO will provide visibility of all DER generation available to be curtailed
under each GSP to NGESO. NGESO will continue to monitor the outputs and system conditions.
At the “arming” stage, NGESO identifies a possible N-3 event and requests the DNO for a MW volume to be
available for reduction on a per GSP basis. At this stage, this is a request to be ready and the DNO control system
will not curtail generation. After the generation is made available to be reduced, NGESO will instruct the TO OTS
to start monitoring circuits for N-3 outage combinations and enable any transmission outages to be released.
The third stage is the “tripping/triggering” phase where, if the fault occurs on the transmission system, a trip
signal will be sent from the TO OTS to the DNO control system. Upon receipt of the TO trip signal, the DNO
control system will have an agreed duration to reduce the generation to the cap level set at the arming stage.
The fourth stage is to “disarm/restore” when the conditions on the transmission system no longer present a risk
of an N-3 event. If there is no longer a requirement for the OTS to be armed as system conditions have changed,
NGESO will coordinate the disarming of the OTS. If the OTS has operated to curtail generation and system
conditions have changed so that curtailment is no longer necessary, then the generation will be restored.
As noted previously, an N-3 event and therefore the activation of the third stage (generation tripping) does not
happen very often. The occurrence of a particular double circuit fault in the transmission system is typically a 1 in
100-year event and occurrence during another single circuit outage (the N-3 scenario) makes it an even smaller
probability event.
Open Networks Project
OTS Functional Design and Data Exchange Requirements Report
December 2020
DER resources that are part of an OTS scheme might be quickly tripped or ramped down to meet the OTS
requirement. Much of the N-3 OTS infrastructure is being built such that a single software or hardware failure will
not result in the whole system being unavailable, though there are some exceptions to this due to cost benefit
considerations. For example, the individual DER connectivity to DNO ANM/PowerOn system does not have dual
redundancy. The OTS design and level of redundancy is intended to make the operational intertripping of DER
equivalent to transmission protection arrangements and will allow NGESO to utilise it in managing the whole
To make the OTS arrangements work, a number of data points are expected to be exchanged between the ESO,
TO and DNOs. At a high level it is summarised as follows:
• DNOs will share real time controllable DER at each GSP with the ESO. This will be via ICCP link.
• The TO will share outage and circuit status information with ESO. This is a business as usual process.
• The ESO will send arming and restore instructions to the DNO and TO.
• The TO will send trip signals to the DNO via a dedicated link.
OTS performance and data exchange are considered further in section 4 of this report.
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December 2020
The UKPN OTS architecture is illustrated on Figure 4. Co-ordination of the DNO OTS operation is being achieved
by extending UKPN’s Distribution Management System (DMS) PowerOn functionality.
Data Exchange from UKPN to NGESO is via an ICCP Link. (There is an existing lCCP link between NGESO and
UKPN in the SPN license area.) UKPN will send the aggregated MW level of generation available to be tripped
per GSP to NGESO. Data will be sent on a near real time basis at an interval of 10 seconds. If the UKPN RTU
metering data is not updated, a repetitive value will be sent.
Reduction in DER generation output will be achieved via SCADA through tripping of UKPN circuit breakers.
PowerOn is also being configured to interact with ANM arrangements to ensure that the ANM system acts in line
with the OTS requirements.
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Considering the 4 key stages of the intertripping process – prior to arming, arming, tripping/triggering and
Table 2 – Four stages of the intertripping process
Prior to Arming UKPN will provide visibility of the DER controllable generation available to be curtailed
at each GSP to NGESO. NGESO will monitor the outputs and system conditions.
Arming NGESO identifies a possible N-3 event and requests UKPN for MW volumes to be
available to be reduced per GSP. (PowerOn will not actually curtail any generation at
this stage.) NGESO will also instruct NGET to start monitoring circuits for fault outages.
Tripping/Triggering If the relevant double circuit fault occurs, a trip signal will be sent from the NGET OTS
to UKPN’s DMS System (PowerOn). On receipt of the trip signal, PowerOn will have
an agreed duration to reduce the generation to the cap level set at the arming stage.
Currently the agreed timescale is 30 seconds.
Disarming/Restoring When system conditions are back to normal, NGESO will coordinate the process of
resuming normal system operation.
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is sent to the DNO circuit breaker to ensure that the generation output is reduced within the agreed timescale of
30 seconds.
The architecture for this scheme is illustrated on Figure 5 below. A process diagram illustrating the interactions
between NGESO, NGET, SSEN and the DER is shown in Appendix A.
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Co-ordination of the DNO OTS operation will be achieved by extending WPD’s PowerOn functionality. Deload or
tripping of DER’s will be achieved either by utilising existing ANM arrangements, by direct control of DER where
this has been established or through tripping WPD circuit breakers at DER sites.
Implementation & System Integration
This OTS is being delivered through the NGESO-WPD RDP. Work is ongoing with procurement almost complete.
The ICCP implementation is close and is awaiting WPD approval.
Overall timescales are likely to be driven by completion of NGET’s works at Melksham. These have been delayed
due to COVID-19 impacts and go-live for the OTS is anticipated around April 2021.
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TO-DNO interface substation DNO Yes At the DNO interface site, duplicate RTUs are
requirement including RTU to provided.
receive and handle trip signal
DNO system to determine DER DNO Yes Provided via DMS (PowerOn) or through separate
tripping/de-load requirements ANM system (e.g. SWAN).
DNO system to send tripping DNO Yes Provided via DMS (PowerOn) or through separate
/de-load requirements to DER ANM system (e.g. SWAN).
DNO communication links to DNO No Dual redundancy is not provided due to cost.
DER substations and RTUs Other failsafe arrangements to be used.
DNO remote substation RTU to DNO/DER No In some cases, DER deloading is achieved
DER interface through circuit breaker trip, in some cases through
revising the generator set point.
Dual redundancy is not provided due to cost.
Other failsafe arrangements to be used.
Cyber security has been considered as part of the OTS design. In particular, the control room to control room
links use the Inter-Control Centre Communications Protocol (ICCP) to link two secure, private networks. The
NGESO-UKPN OTS utilises a previously established ICCP link. For the NGESO-WPD OTS, given the
establishment of new control room links, the proposals have also been shared with the National Cyber Security
Centre (NCSC). To ensure any new ICCP links are suitably future-proofed, NGESO and WPD are currently
assessing the options available to provide full end-to-end encryption of data sent between each organisation and
a decision will be taken on how to proceed once further analysis has been completed.
Prior to Arming
The DNO will monitor DER and provide the aggregated MW level of DER generation per GSP that is available to
be selected to the OTS scheme. Data will be sent on a near real time basis at an interval of 10 seconds. Data
Exchange from the DNO to NGESO is via an ICCP Link.
NGESO sends an arming instruction to the DNO via ICCP Link. This instruction includes the capped generation
level for each GSP.
NGESO also sends an instruction to NGET to arm the OTS scheme to produce trip signals in the event of
particular transmission circuit trips. Data exchange from NGESO to NGET uses the IEMS system.
If a fault occurs, the fault information and likely duration is sent from NGET to NGESO. After an actual N-3 event,
NGET will wait 120 seconds before sending a trip signal to the DNO. This delay is to check if the fault is transient
in nature.
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December 2020
Following a trip signal, the DNO control system adjusts MW generation at each GSP based on the capped
generation level. The DNO systems should curtail DER on armed GSPs within 30 seconds.
If the OTS is to be disarmed, NGESO will provide an instruction to the DNO and NGET. The DNO control system
will cancel the potential DER generation curtailment such that there are no capped values on the GSPs.
Table 4 – Summary of Data Exchange Requirements for OTS
Stage From To Data Exchanged Comms Further Detail
Prior to DNO NGESO Aggregated generation per GSP that ICCP DER available for curtailment.
Arming is available to be selected to OTS.
Prior to NGET NGESO Transmission circuit status. IEMS
Arming NGESO UKPN Request for DER volumes to be ICCP This sets the capped DER levels
armed and capped level of per GSP.
generation per GSP.
Arming NGESO NGET Request to monitor circuits and arm IEMS
Tripping NGET NGESO Fault information and likely duration. IEMS Look to establish is the trip is
transient or sustained.
Tripping NGET DNO After 120 seconds. Trip signal from Hard- This is delayed to avoid tripping
OTS to DNO control scheme. wired DER for a transient fault.
Tripping DNO DER Signal to deload generation within Could be a signal to deload DER by
30 seconds of receiving NGET trip tripping circuit breakers or by
signal. revising generator set points.
Disarm NGESO DNO Request to disarm DER volumes. ICCP
Disarm NGESO NGET Request to disarm OTS scheme. IEMS
Disarm DNO DER Within 30 seconds, signal to cancel
generation curtailment.
Cancel NGESO DNO Request DNO to stop curtailing after ICCP This is required as NGET OTS will
Trip a trip event not issue a cease signal after a trip
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December 2020
OTS Coverage South East / South Coast – South of England / South South West / South Coast -
5 GSPs Coast - 8 GSPs 8 GSPs
NGET OTS Scheme Sellindge Melksham Melksham
Interface Substation to DNO Sellindge Fleet Taunton Main
DNO Architecture / Control DMS / PowerOn Being South West Active Network DMS / PowerOn Being
Extended (SWAN) scheme. Extended
DER Type Generation Generation Generation
DER Selection LIFO LIFO – there is some further LIFO
selection based on ramp
rates to ensure sufficient
generation is deloaded.
Performance Trip to capped level or more Deload to capped level Trip to capped level within
within 30 seconds of trip within 30 seconds of trip 30 seconds of trip signal.
signal. signal.
DER Deload Achieved by ramp down or Achieved by ramp down to Achieved by ramp down or
via DNO circuit breaker new set point within 25 by circuit breaker tripping
tripping. DER ramp down seconds, then trip if this is depending on DER.
can be utilised in the OTS not achieved.
solution for those generators
which have a fast ramp rate
(i.e. <30 seconds).
Dual Redundancy All elements have dual All elements have dual All elements have dual
redundancy bar the redundancy bar the redundancy bar the
connections to DER sites. connections to DER sites. connections to DER sites.
Failsafe Arrangements Utilise manual “work Utilise manual “work Utilise manual “work
arounds” when DER visibility arounds” when DER visibility arounds” when DER visibility
or control is lost. or control is lost or control is lost
System Restoration Restoration through manual Automated restoration. Some automated
following OTS Trip Event actions. restoration.
The main differences between the 3 OTS arrangements currently being implemented by DNOs include:
• The SSEN system implements the distribution control requirements in its SWAN system rather than through
extension of PowerOn.
• The SSEN system will attempt to deload generation by ramping this down to a new set point rather than trip
the generation.
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• DNO network running arrangements may lead to different distributions of DER across GSPs. SSEN are
considering how to accommodate this within the design of its control system.
• NGESO, the TO and the DNO need to remain aware of OTS component availability and planned outages.
For the NGESO-NGET-UKPN scheme, a “Standard Operating Protocol” is being developed for use by
Operational Planners.
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6 Data Transparency
The nature of the data being transferred to achieve the OTS arrangements is described in section 4 of this report.
As the actual data transfers are real-time and rely on secure and dedicated communications links, wider
dissemination of this data is not proposed.
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Operational Inter-tripping is a mechanism to ensure that the UK transmission network remains operable by
reduction of load on it during an N-3 event (Planned Transmission Outage followed by double circuit fault),
preparation for which is carried out ahead of the potential event via an ‘arming’ request from the NGESO ENCC
to the UKPN Control Room using a dedicated ICCP link.
This request is concurrently visible to the NG TO Control Room (TNCC) in case of the actual event, the TO OTS
will initiate a 'trip' instruction to the DNO ANM/PowerOn (using a dedicated OTS link). The DNO ANM/PowerOn
receives the trip instruction and de-loads relevant flexible generation to achieve a pre-defined MW cap within the
selected GSP(s).
The capability to manage ‘Operational Inter-tripping’ at DER level in an efficient and cost-effective way falls within
the scope of the Regional Development Program work stream of the UKPN ANM Project.
UK Power Networks and NGESO’s N-3 OTS system went live on 20th of November 2020. The deployment of
other N-3 schemes on WPD, and SSEN networks have been delayed until late 2021 as a result of the need to
undertake further transmission outages to provide the necessary monitoring locations into the OTS.
The architecture diagram for the N-3 to DER inter-tripping Service is shown below.
alarm and
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i. Test Approach
The delivery of N-3 intertripping system between UKPN and NGESO followed an agile development/delivery
methodology. During the design and development, the business, functional and non-functional requirements are
gathered in the form of user stories and use cases. From a test point, an acceptance criterion has been defined
to each user story and use case. The test strategy was designed to prove that the acceptance criteria have been
met. This means each user story or use case will have one or more test cases attached to them. During the test
execution, a test case would be accepted as passed if the acceptance criteria has been met.
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Once testing is complete and Operational Acceptance Testing (OAT) has been achieved the N-3 Solution will be
promoted to the UKPN main environment as part of UKPN Go-Live subsequent connection to the live UKPN
Electricity Network and the NGESO Main environments.
v. Lessons Learnt
This section consists some of the lessons learnt from defects/issues faced during System Integration Testing and
proposed actions in order to avoid same kind of issues in future projects. This is valuable for NGESO and NGET
for next N-3 intertripping projects with SSEN and WPD.
Table 7: Issues and lesson learned
# Issue Description lessons learnt
1 ICCP link should be ACTIVE on both sides We need to make sure the ICCP link is ACTIVE on both
(ESO<-> DNO’s). sides (ESO<-> DNO’s) before the starting of SIT.
Link was not active during the start of testing
phase, which lead to block some of the test
2 Issue with System configuration between We need to make sure before the SIT starting the
DMS and IEMS versions on both sides should be same.
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this occasion, UKPN's PowerOn seems to properly as expected as per the Data mapping sheet
convert the ICCP 2 to a PowerOn 2. before the SIT starts.
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8 Appendix A
Process diagram illustrating interactions between OTS parties
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