Compilation Erp 4.0
Compilation Erp 4.0
Compilation Erp 4.0
The information contained in this document is subject to constant review in the light of changing government requirements and regulations. No subscriber or other
reader should act based on any such information without referring to applicable laws and regulations and/or without taking appropriate professional advice. Although
every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the International Air Transport Association shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by errors,
omissions, misprints, or misinterpretation of the contents hereof. Furthermore, the International Air Transport Association expressly disclaims any and all liability to any
person or entity, whether a reader of this publication or not, in respect of anything done or omitted and the consequences of anything done or omitted by any such
person or entity in reliance on the contents of this document.
Table of Contents
DISCLAIMER. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Revision Record............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1. International Instruments and Documents .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Regional, National Regulations and Supporting Documents................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Aviation Industry Specific Documents ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
4. Other Relevant Industry Framework...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
Index ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................13
2 Compilation of Emergency Response Planning Regulations, Standards, and Guidance Applicable to Civil Aviation
Revision Record
Revision Table
Edition 1.1 August 2021 Regional and National More national regulations added
Edition 1.2 July 2022 European Union Further family assistance guidance
Edition 1.3 September 2022 ICAO Annex 9, 16th Edition Published in July 2022.
Aviation Industry Specific ACRP Research Report 171: Establishing a Coordinated Local Family
Documents Assistance Program for Airports (USA)
Edition 1.4 May 2023 Aviation Industry Specific Removal of IATA Emergency Response Handbook and replaced with
Documents Integrated Risk and Resilience Management Manual (IRRM).
3 Compilation of Emergency Response Planning Regulations, Standards, and Guidance Applicable to Civil Aviation
The purpose of this document is to illustrate all existing guidance in the field of Emergency Response Planning. This document will be regularly updated, considering
the crucial developments and changes related to ERP regulations, standards, and guidance.
Each section contains the name of the organization/owner of the document, brief description, status, tags, and the URL link to the website where the document is
published or available for purchase from the publication owner.
For more information, comments, and suggestions related to this document, or if you represent any of the organizations mentioned in this document and would like to
engage with us on ERP, please contact us at [email protected].
4 Compilation of Emergency Response Planning Regulations, Standards, and Guidance Applicable to Civil Aviation
1. International Instruments and Documents
This section is specifically related to the international legal instruments like international conventions that refer, indirectly or directly, to emergency response. Moreover, this section is
focused on the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and its documents that address the topic.
International Annex 9 – Facilitation Annex 9 (Facilitation) embodies the SARPs and guidance Published 16th #SARPs
Civil Aviation material pertaining specifically to the facilitation of landside Edition, July Security/FAL/Pages/
Organization formalities for clearance of aircraft and passengers, goods, and 2022 Annex9.aspx
(ICAO) mail, with respect to the requirements of customs, immigration,
public health, and agriculture authorities. Family assistance
provisions have been issued since 2005 and deals with
facilitating entry and repatriation of human remains. Standard
8.46 applies.
Annex 13- Aircraft accident Annex 13 (Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation) Published 12th #SARPs
and incident investigation contains the international Standards and Recommended Edition, July safety/airnavigation/
Practices for aircraft accident and incident Investigation. 2020 aig/pages/document
Details regarding rights and entitlements of States s.aspx
participation having suffered fatalities or serious injuries to
their citizens.
Doc 9998 Policy on The ICAO Doc 9998 sets out ICAO policies regarding the Published 1st #Guidance
Assistance to Aircraft provision of assistance to aircraft accident victims and their Edition, 2013 Meetings/a38/Docu
Accident victims and their families. States are encouraged to incorporate these policies ments/DOC9998_en.
families when planning, developing, and implementing their legislation, pdf
regulations, policies, and procedures related to family
5 Compilation of Emergency Response Planning Regulations, Standards, and Guidance Applicable to Civil Aviation
Doc 9973 Manual on The ICAO Doc 9973 provides guidance on the types of family Published 1st #Guidance
Assistance to Aircraft assistance that may be provided to aircraft accident victims Edition, 2013
Accident Victims and their and their families. It discusses the types of assistance that may
Families be provided, as well as the providers and recipients of such
assistance. Examples are provided of one State’s legislation
and response plan for the provision of family assistance.
Doc 9481 Emergency The ICAO Doc 9481 provides guidance to States and Published #Guidance
Response Guidance for operators for developing procedures and policies for dealing 2021 en/emergency-
Aircraft Incidents Involving with dangerous goods incidents on board aircraft. It contains response-guidance-
Dangerous Good general information on the factors that may need to be for-aircraft-
considered when dealing with any dangerous goods incident incidents-involving-
and provides specific emergency response drill codes for each dangerous-goods-
item listed in the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport doc-9481
of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284).
USA Aviation Event Emergency The Aviation Event Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Review In Force #BasicRegulation
Response Plan Review Checklist is a tool to help aviation event Inspectors in Charge about/initiatives/airs
Checklist (IIC) review ERPs for compliance with the requirements of how/media/Aviation_
policy 8900.488. In addition to providing a simple means for Event_Emergency_R
assessing ERP compliance and identifying strengths and esponse_Plan_Revie
deficiencies, the Checklist provides a standardized means for w_Checklist.pdf
documenting ERP reviews for record purposes, and it provides
a structure for discussions with event sponsors when ERP
compliance issues arise.
6 Compilation of Emergency Response Planning Regulations, Standards, and Guidance Applicable to Civil Aviation
USA Foreign Air Carriers Act Foreign Air Carrier Family Support Act - Amends Federal In Force #BasicRegulation
1997 transportation law to require foreign air carriers to transmit to
the Secretary of Transportation and the Chairman of the congress/senate-
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) a plan for bill/1196?s=1&r=45
addressing the needs of families of passengers involved in
aircraft accidents involving foreign air carriers and a significant
loss of life.
Australia Family Assistance Code for The Code for the Preparation of Airline Family Assistance Plans In Force #BasicRegulation
Carriers 2002 has been drawn up in consultation with the civil aviation
industry and response agencies. The code sets out Australia's /legislation/policy/fa
minimum standards with regard to airlines operating to, from, mily.aspx
and within Australia in rendering assistance through their
Family Assistance Plan to victims, and the families of victims, in
the event of a major civil aircraft accident involving loss of life,
and serious injury.
United Kingdom Civil Contingencies Act The Civil Contingencies Act 2004 is an Act of the Parliament In Force #BasicRegulation
2004 of the United Kingdom that makes provision about civil
contingencies. /36/contents
China Provision on Emergency CCAR-399 specifies responsibilities and obligations of In Force #BasicRegulation
Response and Family government departments, public air transport enterprises and Meetings/anconf13/
Assistance 2005, CCAR-399 airports regarding emergency response and family assistance. Documents/Presenta
Brazil Brazil ANAC IAC 200-1001 IAC 200-1001 is the plan for Assistance to Victims of Aircraft In Force #BasicRegulation
Accidents and Support for their Families.
India National Disaster The Act provides effective management of disasters and for In Force #BasicRegulation
Management Act 2005 matters connected there with or incidental thereto. The main
focus of this act is to provide the people who are affected with ab3c2b6e5132a39fa
disasters, their life back and helping them. e7cb9/uploads/2018
7 Compilation of Emergency Response Planning Regulations, Standards, and Guidance Applicable to Civil Aviation
Korea Plan for Assistance in case The article highlights the framework and plans for assistance in In Force #BasicRegulation
of Aircraft Accident Article case of aircraft accidents eng_service/lawView
49-2 (Plans for Assistance .do?hseq=38489&lan
in Case of Aircraft g=ENG
Accidents), 2006
Italy ENAC Circular GEN 05 2014 GEN 05 2014 is the plan for assistance to air accident victims In Force #BasicRegulation
and their associated families
Argentina ANAC Resolution 505/15 Resolution 505/15 is the national plan for aviation In Force #BasicRegulation
2015 emergencies in Argentina
UAE UAE National Aviation The plan specifies the States national aviation disaster families In Force #BasicRegulation
Disaster Families assistance procedure.
Assistance Plan Part II admin/Library%20Pd
Chapter 11 2018 f/Accident%20Invest
European Union EU Regulation 996/2010 The Regulation 996/2010 states all EU member states are In Force #BasicRegulation
required to have an aviation accident emergency plan and EU
airlines are obliged to have a plan for assistance to the victims content/EN/TXT/?uri
and their relatives which is regularly audited by the Authority =CELEX%3A32010R
A Practical Guide on Safety Open source guidance published by the European Network of Published #familyassistance ENCASIA Guidance
Investigations for Air Civil Aviation Investigation Authorities (ENCASIA) Leaflet Air Accident
Accident Victims and their Victims and
Relatives Relatives.pdf (
8 Compilation of Emergency Response Planning Regulations, Standards, and Guidance Applicable to Civil Aviation
3. Aviation Industry Specific Documents
This section is specifically related to the aviation industry documents, including guidance, toolkits, standards, etc.
International Air IOSA Standards Manual The IOSA Standards Manual (ISM) is published to provide the Published #Standard
Transport (ISM) IOSA standards, recommended practices (ISARPs), associated every en/programs/safety/
Association guidance material, and other supporting information necessary December audit/iosa/
(IATA) for an operator to prepare for an audit successfully. Effective #GuidanceMaterial
Section 4 Emergency Response under ORG
Integrated Risk and The IRRM is a guidance which contains some provisions in Published, #Guidance
Resilience Management relation to Emergency Response Procedures within an overall August 2015 en/publications/stor
Manual (IRRM) risk and resilience context. e/emergency-
Disruption Management The Disruption Management Manual is the key reference for Published, #Guidance
Manual disruption management in aviation and a valuable guidebook December IEC_ProductDetails?i
for a wide range of professionals. It provides airlines, ground 2020 d=8965-01
handlers and other aviation stakeholders a directory of
guidelines and recommended practices that can support an
efficient and seamless accommodation of customers during
disruptions. Contents include
Provisions in case of delay, cancellation, denied
Passenger claims and liability,
Interline considerations on irregular operations
Provisions in case of baggage disruption
Best practices for IROPs handling during a pandemic.
9 Compilation of Emergency Response Planning Regulations, Standards, and Guidance Applicable to Civil Aviation
Crisis Communication in The Crisis Communication in the Digital Age is meant to Published, #Guidance
the Digital Age support the communications departments of airlines, airports January 2019 en/publications/crisi
and manufacturers in dealing with the news media after an s-communications-
aviation accident in the digital age. Topics include: guidelines/
Communication factors,
Communication structure,
Roles and responsibilities of communication.
Response before and after incidents (including cyber)
Airport Handling Manual This publication focusses on ERP for ground handling Published #Guidance
companies and coordination between airports, airlines, and January 2020 en/publications/stor
handlers. Publication currently under review coordinated by e/airport-handling-
the IATA Ground Ops team manual/
ERP Public Health This document contains guidance and checklists for use by air Published, #Guidance
Emergencies carriers in the event of a public health emergency. 2020 contentassets/f1163
Emergency Preparedness & The Handbook bringing together best practices, knowledge,
Airports Council Published, #Guidance
Contingency Planning and experience from aerodromes around the world. The
International 2014 /product/emergency
Handbook handbook assists aerodrome operators to develop and #Aerodromes
(ACI) -preparedness-and-
implement a robust aerodrome emergency plan, including
restoration of operations after an emergency. It also deals
with business continuity planning. The handbook covers the
roles and responsibilities of aerodrome operators, as well as
coordination of emergency response plans with other
organizations interfacing with the aerodrome during an
10 Compilation of Emergency Response Planning Regulations, Standards, and Guidance Applicable to Civil Aviation
ACRP Research Report 171: Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) Airport Cooperative
Transportation Estimated in #airports
Establishing a Coordinated Research Program (ACRP) Report 171: Establishing a
Research Board 2017 #aerodromes ACRP/ACRPReport1
Local Family Assistance Coordinated Local Family Assistance Program for #gudiance 71.aspx
Program for Airports Airports provides airports with guidance and tools to develop
a coordinated, compassionate, multi-stakeholder response to
survivors and loved ones in the event of an aviation disaster.
11 Compilation of Emergency Response Planning Regulations, Standards, and Guidance Applicable to Civil Aviation
4. Other Relevant Industry Framework
This section is specifically related to the other relevant ERP guidance framework applicable to civil aviation.
Regulation / Standard /
Organization Purpose/Comments/Precis Status #Tag Source (URL Link)
Recommendation Name
Fox Rothschild Fox Rothschild Emergency The Fox Rothschild Emergency Response Handbook Published, Sep #Guidance
LLP Response Handbook contains the basic advice and resource materials that we have 2020
found to be helpful in the aftermath of a transportation t/u
accident. It provides a solid basis from which an accident
response plan can be developed
12 Compilation of Emergency Response Planning Regulations, Standards, and Guidance Applicable to Civil Aviation
EU Regulation 996/2010 on family assistance
3. Aviation Industry Specific Documents
1. International Instruments and Documents
International Air Transport Association (IATA)
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
IOSA Standards Manual (ISM), 14th Edition
Annex 9- Facilitation
IATA Emergency Response Handbook, 1st Edition
Annex 13- Aircraft accident and incident investigation
IATA Disruption Management Manual, 1st Edition
Doc 9481- Emergency Response Guidance for Aircraft Incidents Involving
Crisis Communication in the Digital Age (Publicly Available Guidance)
Dangerous Good
Airport Handling Manual, 41st Edition
Doc 9973- Manual on Assistance to Aircraft Accident Victims and their Families
ERP Public Health Emergencies Guidelines (Publicly Available Guidance)
Doc 9998- Policy on Assistance to Aircraft Accident victims and their families.
13 Compilation of Emergency Response Planning Regulations, Standards, and Guidance Applicable to Civil Aviation