FA2 Syllabus and Study Guide 2021-22
FA2 Syllabus and Study Guide 2021-22
FA2 Syllabus and Study Guide 2021-22
Records (FA2)
Syllabus and study guide
The syllabus is assessed by a two hour computer-based examination. Questions will assess
all parts of the syllabus and will include both computational and non-computational elements.
The examination will consist of 50 two-mark questions.
To develop knowledge and understanding of the underlying principles and concepts relating
to maintaining financial records and technical proficiency in the use of double-entry
accounting techniques including the preparation of basic financial statements.
The syllabus for FA2, Maintaining Financial Records, introduces the context and purpose of
maintaining financial records with reference to accounts preparation.
The syllabus then concentrates in depth on the double-entry system and on recording,
processing, and reporting business transactions and events, including the specific
accounting for non-current assets.
The syllabus covers the use of the extended trial balance and how to identify and correct
errors, including the reconciliation of the control accounts, and the posting of period end
The syllabus also covers the preparation of final accounts for sole traders and for
5.Main capabilities
G Extend the trial balance, process year end adjustments and prepare final accounts
1. The key accounting principles and 2. Books of prime entry and the flow of
characteristics accounting information in the
production of financial statements
a) Explain the principles of accounting.[K]
(i) Going concern a) Explain the purpose and use of books of
(ii) Accruals prime entry and ledger accounts.[K]
(iii) Consistency
(iv) Double entry b) Identify reasons for closing off accounts
(v) Business entity concept and producing a trial balance.[K]
(vi) Materiality
(vii) Historical cost c) Explain the process of preparing a set of
(viii) Prudence final accounts from a trial balance.[K]
c) Account for trade and settlement b) Report cash and bank balances in the
discounts.[S] final accounts.[S]
a) Apply the matching concept to accruals h) Account for contras between trade
and prepayments.[S] receivables and payables.[S]
i) Explain the nature of provisions and c) Identify and explain the action required
liabilities.[K] to correct errors including clearing any
suspense accounts.[K]
j) Distinguish between a provision and
liability.[S] d) Prepare correcting journal entries.[S]
e) Prepare the initial trial balance.[S] b) Identify errors and omissions in the bank
ledger account and bank statement.[K]
2. Correction of errors
c) Identify timing differences.[K]
a) Explain the purpose of, and reasons for,
creating a suspense account.[K] d) Make the correcting entries in the bank
ledger account.[S]
b) Identify different types of bookkeeping
error including those that result in
suspense accounts. [K]
e) Prepare the reconciliation between the d) Describe the circumstances which lead
bank statement balance and the to incomplete records.[K]
corrected bank ledger account.[S]
e) Describe the methods of constructing
f) Identify the bank balance to be reported accounts from incomplete records.[K]
in the final accounts.[K]
f) Prepare the final accounts or elements
G Extending the trial balance thereof using incomplete record
techniques such as: [S]
1. Preparation of the extended trial (i) Mark ups and margins
balance (ii) Ledger accounts to derive missing
a) Explain the process of extending the (iii) Manipulation of the accounting
trial balance.[K] equation
c) Prepare the final accounts for a sole a) Prepare the final accounts for a
trader from: [S] partnership.[S]
(i) The extended trial balance or
(ii) Directly from ledger accounts or b) Explain and account for the admission
(iii) Trial balance of a new partner including the treatment
of any goodwill arising.[S]
ACCA periodically reviews it qualification syllabuses so that they fully meet the needs of
stakeholders such as employers, students, regulatory and advisory bodies and learning