Project Prioritization Matrix Calculator

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Project Prioritisation Matrix

Weighting: Project Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Instructions: 1. Weighting: Type a weighting between (1 and 10) for each of the Categories shown above. 2. Project Name: Type the name for each Project. 3. Category: Rate each Category for each project between 1 and 5 ( 1 = Low and 5 = High ).

Importance to Customer

Categories Financial Cost to Return Implement

Success Factor

Project Priority 0 0 0 0 0 0


Tip: The highest score indicates the Project with the highest Priority.


Here is an example from SAI Global Assurance Services' Introducing Six Sigma Course: In the example provided, an organisation has identified four potential projects.


6 Categories

Project Name 1. Customer Database 2. Phone System 3. Delivery Process 4. Staff Training

Importance to Customer 1 3 5 4

Financial Return 2 3 4 3

Cost to Implement 5 4 3 3

Success Factor 3 3 4 2

Further information regarding this and other Six Sigma topics are covered in the SAI Global Assurance Services' Champion, Green Belt and Black Belt Six Sigma Programs.

Project Priority 23 37 57 36

vered in the SAI Global Assurance Back

In many cases, organisations use a prioritisation tool to help select the Six Sigma projects that are to be worked on. The complexity and approach for these tools will vary for each organisation however they essentially follow the principles of risk management. How the Project Prioritisation Matrix calculates the Project Priority is quite simple. The formula applied is as follows:
Project Priority = Category 1 (weighting x ranking) + Category 2 (weighting x ranking) Category 3 (weighting x ranking) + Category 4 (weighting x ranking)

You will notice that Category 3 (Cost to Implement) is subtracted from the Project Priority whilst the other Categories are added to the Project Priority. This balances the final priority against the Financial Return Category. If the Financial Retur is low and the Cost to Implement high, the Project Priority will be low regardless of the Importance to the Customer and the Success Factor. This highlights one of the critical features of a Six Sigma project, it must have a positive impact on the bottom line.


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