Jha For Sw-Topo & Ug Utilities Native Files

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1. Stop Work, switch off Equipment, Supervisor Directs Personnel to Nearest and Safest Muster Point Considering Wind direction.
2. Supervisor accounts for all workers.
3. RLIC EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO. 135/#2, Note: If any of the tasks involves biological, physical or chemical hazards, then QP Industrial Hygienists to
approve the work.
4. Details on safety and environment requirements can be found in project HSE Plan No.


Type of Job Being Analyzed JSA FOR SITE SURVEY WORKS

Department/Section originated JSA JSA Members Construction Department

CASTLE INFRASTRUCTURE CONTRACTING WLL. JOB Performers Site Supervisor & Construction Teams
Normal Approvals: Name Signature Date
JSA Prepared By: Augustine 24/05/2023
JOB Supervisor: Rahul
Additional Approvals (Determined by JOB Supervisor in correlation with HSE Manager)
Name Signature Date
1. Hard barricading of working areas
2. Certified & tagged scaffolding
3. Certified & tagged access cradles
4. Task & Safety lighting.
CONSTRUCTION MANAGER Ashir Riz 24/05/2023 5. Toolbox Talks.
6. Start Cards Daily.

7. Personal Protective Equipment

a. Safety footwear w/steel toe.
b. Coveralls color coded.
HEA D OF QA/QC Conrad 24/05/2023 c. Safety glasses clear & dark.
d. Hard hat with chin strap.
e. Gloves.
f. Safety Harness.
g. Licensed operators.
h. Hi-Vis vest.
PROJECT HSE Augustine Eze 24/05/2023
8. Implementation of heat stress measures
PPE Matrix
Safet Apron Gloves Weldin Safet Dust Transparen Ear Gloves Dus Har Safety Gu
Overal Spat / Respirato
y (leather
(leather g y mas t Face Defende (Rubber t d Harnes m
Dotted r
shoe ) ) screen Glass k shield r ) coat hat s boot
General labor x x x *3 x x
*4 *1 *4 *4
Concreting x x x x X x x x X X
Shuttering x x x X x x X
*4 *4 *5
Support work/scaffold x x x X x
*2 *1 *4 *5 *4
Steel fixing x x x x x
*4 *2 *3 *5 *4
Grinding x x x x x X x x
*2 *3 *5 *3
Welding x x x x x x x
*4 *3 *2 *1 *5 *4
Compacting x x x x X X
*4 *3 *1 *4 *5
Gas cutting(Oxy and acetylene) x x x x X x X
*4 *2 *3 *2 *5
Digging x x x X x x X X
*4 *4
Carpentry x x x x x X
*3 *2 *1 *5
Drilling x x x x x X
*4 *3 *2 *1 *5
Jackhammer x x x x x X
*4 *3 *2 *1 *5
Paving breaker x x x x x X
*4 *3 *2 *1 *5
Explosivepower tool x x x x X
*4 *2 *3 *1 *5
Chemicalspraying x x x X x x X X x
*1 *5
Cutting of fiber or concrete pipe x x x x x x X
*4 *3 *2 *1 *5
Material handling x x x x X
*4 *3 *1 *5
Operators/drivers x x x x X
*3 *1 *5
Note: all PPE requirements are to further subject to the main contractor’ and JSA safety stipulations
*1. Ear protection to be worn in areas of noise above 85 decibels *2. Double- Eye protection to be used whenever power tools are been used *3. Dust masks to be worn as
atmospheric condition dictates *4. Gloves as identified in JSA/JHA (Task-specific) *5. Safety harness mandatory over 1.8meters height level
Action /
Step Sequence of activities Who or what may be
Hazard Control Measures / Recovery Measures Responsible
No. harmed?
Entry to  Entry of unauthorized  Proper information, valid entry permits, and gate pass from Site
1, QatarEnergy/RLIC personnel QatarEnergy/RLIC for entering project-related areas. Engineer,
Facilities/Plant  Entry of equipment  Workers, staff  Existing facilities drawing shall be available along with permit Safety Site
Gate. without a valid gate signboards to be posted on prohibited items at the main entrance of Supervisor,
pass and nearby the station plant gate. Site
 Entry to the premises workers, visitors,  Random checks to be carried out to ensure no one carries any Incharge,
with Cigarette, lighter, prohibited items. Transport
properties, incharge
and mobile phone  100% supervision by an experienced Supervisor during the activities.
(prohibited items). equipment.  Do not go to plant locations without proper authorization.
 Damaged to existing  Do not touch plant equipment without authorization.
facilities  Only personnel with QatarEnergy/RLIC mandatory training shall enter
 Trip, Slip & Fall. the QatarEnergy/RLIC station.
 Coach personnel on situational awareness.
 Conduct Last-Minute Risk Assessment (LMRA) document and
discuss findings with the team.
 Activities  Preparation of Method Statement and JSA against Violation of
Obtain a Work  Violation of QatarEnergy/RLIC Approval. Site
(Possible work
2, Permit from  The eCPW/Work permit shall be obtained before the start of work. Engineer,
QatarEnergy /RLIC stoppage and/or
QatarEnergy/RLIC  The work Permit shall be displayed at the work site permit box as per Site
(General) Procedures QatarEnergy/RLIC regulations. Supervisor,
removal from site
 All project team shall undergo through QatarEnergy/RLIC induction Site,
or both). training. Safety officer
 Ensure the workforce understands the task requirements through
Task Briefing and Tool Box Talk (TBT)meetings.
 Site supervisor name and phone number shall be displayed on the
permit boxes.
 Emergency contact numbers and grid locations reference should be
displayed on the permit boxes.

 Discussion with all personnel involved in the job to understand the

permit, Method Statement and JSA.

 Work beyond PTW  Serious Violation  All the work will cease once the PTW time expires. Site
 Only work to commence after the PTW has been validated for the Engineer,
stipulated time. and damage to
shift. Site
the company’s  No work shall carry out beyond the given permit time. Supervisor,
 Proper planning to be done to finish the activity within the permitted
reputation time frame.
 Any deviation from the work permit, MS and JHA shall be
communicated and approved by relevant permit authorities.
Site Preparation  Damage to Site
 Unauthorized  All workforces/staff should undergo safety induction prior to Engineer,
as per method access existing commencement of work.
statement/Permit Facilities Site
3, requirements.  Slip, trip & fall  Injury to workers,  Ensure the area has been confirmed and cleared by the concerned Supervisor,
site staff and authority, prior to entry into the work area. HSE officer.
 Contact with sharp
objects  Wear PPEs (helmet, safety glass, safety shoes, hand gloves, face
 Damage to
mask and high visibility vest).
 Incompetent equipment &
Personnel property  Take the necessary work permits for the activities to be carried out.
 Lack of knowledge
 Only existing roads and pedestrian access would be used.
on the operating
task  All the road signs must be followed (speed limits signs, No entry
sign, etc).
 Exposure to hash
weather condition  Vehicles will be parked only at the designated areas.
 Poor Ground/ Base  Always use designated pedestrian walkway and keep work area
Condition, uneven tidy and clean to avoid slip, trip and falls.
ground surface
 Vehicle and pedestrian movements shall be separated and
minimized reversing operations.

 All operators should have a valid license and third party

assessment for the equipment/machinery they operate.

 Castle Infrastructure management will ensure competent persons


 To avoid hash weather all employees must comply with CASTLE

summer working plan.

 Slip, trip and falls Injury to workers  Proper access/egress shall be provided to gain access to work Site
site staff and visitors area. Engineer,
 Fall from height Site
4, Access/Egress  Staircase or proper ladder access with handrails shall be provided.
 No Access Supervisor,
 Identify the Access by barricade the area with walkway sign and
HSE officer
 Poor Housekeeping ensure it’s always free from obstruction.
 Use the roller to levelling the surface and ensure no stone or
excavated materials scattered on the way.
 Provide safe access and egress for easy movement of operatives
to work location and to access assembly point in event of
emergency situation.
 Avoid all tripping and projecting hazards in walkway/ Inspect work
area, move material that may cause trips prior to performing work.
 All the access to be cleared for any material, tools and equipments.
 Access direction signs will be placed.
 Housekeeping will maintain regular basis.
 No running is allowed on site at any time.
 Always use mandatory PPE.
 TBT Shall be conducted including Emergency procedures to be
explained to visitors during site induction.
Access for  Incompetent drivers  Access will be cleared from material, tools, and equipment' s to Work site
pedestrian and or operators  Injury ensure the work area is safe and ready, should case of emergency engineer, site
5 vehicles  Defective vehicle or to workers, staff there would not be any obstruction for the emergency vehicles and supervisor/
transportation equipment. and visitors evacuation of people. safety officer
 Over speed, over  Operators
load, Vehicle/  Only existing roads and pedestrian access would be used.
 Damage to
Equipment equipment &  The driver and operators must have a valid Qatari Driver’s license
reversing property  All the road signs must be followed (speed limits signs, No entry
 Uneven or  Vehicle collision sign, etc).
congested access.
 Lack of traffic control  Work area would be barricaded appropriately.
system/Unauthorize  All loose and light weight material to be properly secured to prevent
d entry. from falling during transportation.
 Weather
 Vehicles will be parked only at the designated areas.
 Vehicle to be refueled only at petrol station.
 Stepping/driving over electrical cables, trays and equipment's
would be strictly prohibited.
 Banks man will be provided as required.
 Unauthorized entry will be strictly prohibited at work areas.
 If required access sign will be posted.
 Smoking will be strictly prohibited at work areas.
 Care to be taken for any overhead obstructions.
 Vehicle would be driven only at designated road areas.
 Fire extinguisher must be available at site and the employees
should train how to use it.
 Mandatory PPE should be used.
 Close coordination will be maintained throughout the
execution of work with QatarEnergy/RLC.
 Visual and atmospheric inspection/tests would be done by Castle
and concerned parties if required.
 QatarEnergy/RLC Heat Stress Guidelines to be implemented
during summer season.
 During the heavy wind, Fog or Rain work would be
immediately stopped.
 If the noise is higher than 85 DB, adequate ear protection should be
 Close coordination with concerned party's supervisors and safety
officers will be maintained.
Topographical  Lack of  Personnel  Permit would be secured and any concurrence from other End-uses Work site
Survey work competency if required will be obtained. supervisor/
 Clients Surveyor
6  Manual Handling
{Survey Tools)  Tool box talk will be performed by Surveyor supervisor in the Supervisor,
GPS Instruments  Vehicles and
 Weather condition presence of Castle safety officer before commencement of work. Safety officer
and Survey  Existing facilities
{Heat stress Dust  Only competent personnel will be deployed for the work in order to
accessories, CAT
Fog etc). ensure the work is done safely.
(Cable Avoidable
 Heavy road traffic  While crossing the main road, maintenance roads, utilities and any
Tool)- Underground
 Damage to other work areas, care would be taken to prevent any
Cable Detector,
nearby and traffic/pedestrian accidents.
Total Station
Equipment with underground  All the work force would be informed to use proper accesses.
accessories Dumpy services. {Electrical  Only medically fit and certified surveyor would be deployed for
leveling instrument cables, telecom survey works.
with accessories. cables, various  While placing survey point or survey equipment, care would be
types of pipelines taken not to damage the existing underground and above ground
etc). services e.g. (LV/HV electrical cables, Pipe lines, telecom pipes &
 Damage tool and other service).
equipment.  Good communication with concerned personnel would be
maintained while doing survey activities.
 Surveyor would not be allowed to place survey equipment's vary
near to the roads, excavated areas and other existing services.
 Markings on existing live pipe lines or any other services would not
be allowed.
 Smoking, naked flame and any sparks would be strictly prohibited
 Mushroom protection on fixing pin(rebar)
 Warning signs, warning lights, VBUs safety cone would be
 provided as required.
 Suitable fire extinguisher would be placed.
 Any instruction given by client or concurring parties' representative
would be strictly adhered to make the work area safe.
 Mandatory PPE will be used at site.
 During any emergency QatarEnergy/RLC control room will be
contacted 135.
Site Investigation  Lack of competency  Personne l  HSE check List and mandatory activities shall be performed. Work site
of All Discipline  Deviation from supervisor/
 Client's  Strict compliance with method statement/JHA as required.
7 Existing Utility Approved Method safety officer
Statement.  Equipment's
Services  Necessary warning signs will be displayed.
 Manual handling
 Sufficient time will be requested from QatarEnergy/RLC authorities
 Underground and to carry out the work safely, without any hurry.
nearby & overhead
live services.  Only competent personnel will be deployed for the work.
 Snake, Scorpion  Only proper tools will be used for the activities.
 Work area to be kept tidy/dry.
 insect bites
 Dust  Workforce will be informed the danger of the snake,
 Electrocution scorpion & insect bites while working.
 Trip, slip and fall
 Good communication with concerned personnel would be
 Existing damage
material/services.  Right tools will be used for opening any telecom manhole covers.
 Two or three personnel will be deployed at a time when
manhole covers are required to be opened and closed.
 Work area would be restricted by barriers, guards and warning
signs etc.
 The personnel would be trained by adequate manual handling
procedures through TBT.
 Before placing back the cover, the incased frame of the cover
would be cleaned to fix the cover properly and to protect the cover
from any undulations.
 Care will be taken to prevent any unintentional damage or
hindrance to the existing services or traffic.
 Any instruction given by client or concurring parties' representative
would be strictly adhered to make the work area safe.
 QatarEnergy/RLIC final inspection will be obtained after completion
of work to make ensure work areas are safe.
 Mandatory PPE will be used at site.
 Dry powder/C02 cylinders will be placed to handle if there is any
small fire and will be informed immediately to RLC Control Room
on 135.

Excavation of trial  Inexperience  Personne l  Trail pit excavation work will be carried out only at the approved Work site
pits personnel locations and approved document available onsite. supervisor/
 Client's
 Defect hand tools safety officer
 Existing  Equipment's  Work area to be scanned, and if any services found
underground nearby will be clearly marked.
utilities  The presence of underground services would be checked/ identified
 Cave in and report to QatarEnergy/RLIC.
 Electrocution  Only competent /experience personnel will be deployed for the
 Road traffic work, in the presents of QP/ RLC representatives to make sure that
the work to be done safely.
 Slip/Trip/fall hazard
 Fire hazard  If any unidentified installations are encountered during excavation
 Unsafe access and work, the site supervisor and the concerned
egress personnel would be informed immediately.
 Care will take to prevent any unintentional damage to the exiting
services/structures (LV/HV electrical cables, Telecom cables,
cables, Pipe lines, overhead & nearby structures)
 Work site supervisor & permit signatory should be available at site.
 While crossing the street road, maintenance road, utilities and any
other work areas, care would be taken to prevent any
traffic/pedestrian accidents.
 All the work force would be informed to use proper accesses.
 Hand tools and equipment to be inspected daily & need to be
calibration certificates, TPC & Insurance.
 Excavated material will be placed minimum one meter away from
the edge of excavation.
 All the area around the excavations would be barricaded with
warning tap, safety cones, proper sign boards and wherever
required blinking lights would be provided.
 All electrical cables will be taken as live unless declared dead by
authorized QatarEnergy/RLIC personnel.
 Good communication with concerned personnel would be
 Smoking, naked flame and any other sparks would be strictly
 Suitable fire extinguisher will be placed.
 Any instruction given by client or concurring parties'
representative would be strictly adhered to.
 Proper sloping, shoring or benching to be maintained.
 Removal and replanting of any trees, plants & shrubs
encountered in the cable routes will be done only after getting the
required permissions and approval from the concerned
QatarEnergy/RLIC departments.
 Banks man will be provided.
 Dewatering if required would be done with separate permit.
 Spray regularly with water to control dust emission to be ensured.
 Emergency evacuation procedure would be followed during any
emergency e.g. (water Pipe damage, Gas leakage, Fire or any
other dangerous situations and RLC control room would be
contacted on 135).
 Ensure use of mandatory PPEs at all times onsite.

In case the  Atmospheric  Personne l  Ensure fully implementation of confined space protocols once the Work site
width, length and the hazards (oxygen pit is deeper than 1m. supervisor/
 Client's
9 depth of the trial pits deficiency or safety officer
increases. enrichment,  Equipment's  Prior to entry work permit will be secured from QatarEnergy/RLC.
Combustible/  Only competent workmen with confined space training certificates
Flammable & toxic shall be allowed to go into confined space entry.
gasses etc)
 Tool box meeting will be performed by Castle supervisor in the
 Deviation from
presence of Castle safety officer before commencement the work.
approved method
statement.  Vehicle and Equipment would be placed away as much as possible
 Lack of competency from the excavation pit, due to the presence of toxic gases it can
 Electrocution create danger atmosphere in the excavation pit.
 Collapse of  Before starting the work if required gas test would be
performed by the approved AGT only.
 Fall into deep
excavation  Proper ventilation would be provided if required.
 Cave-in  Smoking would be strictly prohibited.
 Slip, trip and fall
 Mandatory safety warning signs would be provided and the area
would be barricaded.
 Poor or inadequate
light  Only competent personnel would be allowed to inter and
 Improper access work in confined space.
and egress.
 Competent supervisor would be monitoring the work in confined
space to make sure safe working procedures are followed. Area
would be restricted for unauthorized persons.
 Proper entry & exit would be provided to the confine space.
 Entry during rain, heavy wind or any gas leakage would not be
 Only medical fit and authorized personnel would be allowed to
enter into confined space.
 Suitable fire extinguisher would be placed.
 Any doubted regarding safety related mater will be discussed
closely with the QatarEnergy/RLC and other concerned persons.
 Entry log book will be maintained and all the confined space
requirements including permit should be maintained.
 Ensure adequate and suitable protection of trail pit to prevent falls
or vehicle run over.
 All staff and workmen will be wearing Personnel Protective
Equipment (safety glass, hard hat, dust mask, coverall, hand
gloves, safety shoes) other as required.
Use of tools,  Personnel  Only certified and calibrated scanner/cable locator will be allowed Work site
equipment (Cable to use at site. supervisor/
 Client's
10 detector. Total safety officer
 Equipment's  Only calibrated Total Station, Dumpy Level will be used for survey
Station, Dumpy works.
 Services
Level with their
accessories, Hand  Tools would be use by the competent and experience
Tools. Hand and personnel only.
Excavation Tools).  Lack of competency  All the involve personnel would be informed about the
 Deviation from
associated hazards.
procedures.  Only competent personnel will be deployed for the work
 Congested areas.  Proper and suitable tool would be used during the execution of the
 Damage tools, work.
equipment’s and
materials.  Homemade tools would be strictly prohibited at site.
 Tools would be made sure free of any wet condition, grease, oil or
any other chemical which can lead to danger situations.
 When kept in store, the store keeper or competent personnel to
inspect all returned tools and would not be issued defective tools.
 Tools would not be altered or repaired without authorization.
 Mandatory PPE will be used.
Working in  Personal face  Implement and ensure QatarEnergy Heat stress procedures are Work site
adverse weather followed. supervisor/
illness due to
condition safety officer
heat exposure  QatarEnergy Standard for Managing Heat Stress QP-OHH-STD-
11 (Hot/Cold) 012
 Fatigue rashes
 Implement Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Ministerial Decree
heat stroke No. 16/2007 (Summer Working Hours) and ensure all employees
are aware of the decree.
 Vehicle accident
 Check atmospheric condition prior to work execution
can occur drive
 Schedule work shifting to workers exposed to hazardous
during environment.
foggy/Rainy  Restrictions of works exposed to sun during summer shall be
 Heat stress
weather enforced. Shift change as per Labor Law work schedules/timings.
 Dehydration
 Driving when foggy  Follow the heat stress awareness trainings through TBT, campaign
weather etc
 Rainy Weather  Periodic rest cycle while working.
 Follow the QatarEnergy/RLIC flag system.
 Monitor heat stress regularly and maintain records.
 Provide enough drinking water and shelter near working area.
 Calibrated temperature device shall be used for monitoring.
(Heat and humidity).
 Use low-beam headlights when visibility is restricted.
 When foggy/rainy weather, vehicles do not stop on the road.
 Adequate drinking water and individual hunter bottle (1 LTR)
shall be provided to all workforce.
Waste  Contamination.  Site Operatives  Adequate disposal methods shall be in compliance with Work site
management Qatar/Energy/RLIC standard. supervisor/
 Biological  Environment safety officer
 Disease  Store the minimum amount, if possible
 Waste should be segregate by category and will be disposed of as
per QatarEnergy/RLIC waste management procedures.
 Surplus excavated materials will be dumped in the designated area
as per QatarEnergy/RLIC Approval.
 Provide signage's about the waste.
 Stack them covered & secure always.
 Recycling waste will be disposed through approved recycling
Welfare facilities  Personne l  Adequate welfare facilities shall be provided in compliance Work site
 Client's with QatarEnergy/RLIC Policy.
13 safety officer
 Visitors  Approved site and lay down area like rest room, drinking water,
 Environment toilet facilities etc will be provided.
 Contamination.
 Insect killer will be installed in Mess Hall/Rest rooms.
 Biological.
 Pest control, housekeeping/cleaning regime implemented.
 Lack of personnel
 Provide sufficient and suitable toilet facilities for workers.
 hygiene, Disease,  Ensure provision of suitable temporary rest shelter in the workplace
 Illness.  Provide trash bins with label.
 Maintain the toilets with cleaning log sheet.
 Ensure the sewage is removed periodically to prevent over flow.
 Ensure daily cleaning by regular inspection.
14 Emergency  Uncontrolled  Workforce  QatarEnergy Emergency Number:135 display through Notice board Work site
Response emergency  Visitors (if any) to easy identification by all personnel. supervisor/
responses  Client safety officer
 Aware of emergency  Grid reference shall be displayed conspicuously around the
contact numbers by site for reference in case of emergency
work force
 All personnel got awareness training to understand and know how
 Delaying in to act in an emergency.
response  Employee should report all the unsafe condition to the supervisor
 May result serious immediately.
consequences  In case of emergency all activity should stopped and machinery to
 Slip, Trip, Fall switch off and proceed to the nearest emergency assembly.
 Inadequate/  Displayed Contact Number and picture of Trained Emergency
Congested Access Response Team at workplace.
 Abstraction in
access/escape  Follow the direction as per emergency response plan.
routes  point and wait for further instruction
 Escape route /Emergency route /Emergency Assembly Point,
Clear/ identified through adequate signage's for easy identifying by
all personnel
 Site Emergency Contact numbers & Evacuation chart posted.
 First Aid kit available in first aid station and Certified First
 Aider name and contact number identified,
 Emergency evacuation procedure would be followed during any
emergency e.g. (water Pipe damage, Gas leakage, Fire or any
other dangerous situations and RLC control room would be
contacted on 135
Reinstatement  Proper housekeeping to be maintained. Work site
(Returning site in supervisor/
15  All access shall be free from any obstructions safety officer
a good condition)
 After completion of all works it will be made sure that all area along
the crossing will be reinstated to its original state.
 Debriefing to be conducted.

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