Employee Retention-MBA-HR Project
Employee Retention-MBA-HR Project
Employee Retention-MBA-HR Project
Submitted By
Anuranjan Thakur
the job he’s doing, he may switch over to some other more suitable job. In today’s
environment it becomes very important for organizations to retain their
employees. The top organizations are on the top because they value their
employees, and they know how to keep them glued to the organization.
Intelligent employers always realize the importance of retaining the best talent.
Retaining talent has never been so important in the Indian scenario; however,
things have changed in recent years. In prominent Indian metros at least, there is
no dearth of opportunities for the best in the business, or even for the second or
third best. Retention of key employees and treating attrition troubles has never
been so important to companies. In an intensely competitive environment where
HR managers are poaching from each other, organizations can either hold on to
their employees tight or lose them to competition. For gone are the days when
employees would stick to an employer for years for want of a better choice. Now,
opportunities abound. Employees stay and leave organizations for several
reasons. The reason may be personal or professional. These reasons should be
understood by the employer and should be taken care of. The organizations are
becoming aware of these reasons and adopting many strategies for employee
retention. A strong retention strategy, therefore, becomes a powerful
recruitment tool.
resource management plays a vital role in this regard. They are responsible that
how employees are treated in the organization. Employee retention is a vital issue
and challenge to all the organizations now days. There are several factors which
promote the employees to stay or leave the organization. It may be external
factors, internal factors and the combined effect of both. Human resource
practices count a lot in this regard. It is the need of the hour that hr managers
should identify the needs of the employee and then devise the retention
strategies. One strategy does not fit all of them as different individuals have
different priorities. Hr professionals face the vital challenge of retaining talented
employees. Employee retention is very critical to the long-term health of any
organization. When an organization loses its talented employee it leaves a
negative impact on innovation, customer satisfaction, knowledge gained during
the past years and on the profitability of the organization. Moreover, replacing
the cost of another employee contributes a lot to the organization.
knowledge gain during the past years and on the profitability of the organization.
Moreover, replacing cost of another employee contribute a lot to the
organization. It is the need of the hour that hr managers should identify the needs
of the employee and then devise the retention strategies. One strategy does not
fit all of them as different individuals have different priorities. HR professionals
face the vital challenge of retaining talented employees. Employee retention is
very critical to the long-term health of any organization. When an organization
loses its talented employee it leaves a negative impact on innovation, customer
satisfaction, knowledge gained during the past years and on the profitability of
the organization. Moreover, replacing the cost of another employee contributes a
lot to the organization.
Retain employees:
equally employee centric in order to match the intellectual property and their
products and services. While there cannot be a single reason, a few common
issues that cause a high attrition rate among employees are:
Hiring is not an easy process: The HR Professional shortlists few individuals
from a large pool of talent, conducts preliminary interviews and eventually
forwards it to the respective line managers who further grill them to judge
whether they are fit for the organization or not. Recruiting the right
candidate is a time-consuming process.
An organization invests time and money in grooming an individual and
makes him ready to work and understand the corporate culture: A new
employee is completely raw, and the management really must work hard to
train him for his overall development. It is a complete wastage of time and
money when an individual leaves an organization suddenly. The HR must
start the recruitment process all over again for the same vacancy, a mere
duplication of work. Finding a right employee for an organization is a
tedious job and all efforts simply go waste when the employee leaves.
When an individual resigns from his present organization, it is more likely
that he would join the competitors: In such cases, employees tend to take
all the strategies, policies from the current organization to the new one.
Individuals take all the important data, information and statistics to their
new organization and in some cases even leak the secrets of the previous
organization. To avoid such cases, it is essential that the new joinee is made
to sign a document which stops him from passing on any information even
if he leaves the organization. Strict policy should be made which prevents
the employees to join the competitors. This is an effective way to retain the
The employees working for a longer period are more familiar with the
company’s policies, guidelines and thus they adjust better: They perform
better than individuals who change jobs frequently. Employees who spend
a considerable time in an organization know the organization in and out
and thus can contribute effectively.
Every individual needs time to adjust with others: One needs time to know
his team members well, be friendly with them and eventually trust them.
Organizations are always benefited when the employees are compatible
with each other and discuss things among themselves to come out with
something beneficial for all. When a new individual replaces an existing
employee, adjustment problems crop up. Individuals find it difficult to
establish a comfort level with the other person. After striking a rapport with
an existing employee, it is a challenge for the employees to adjust with
someone new and most importantly trust him. It is a human tendency to
compare a new joinee with the previous employees and always find faults
in him.
It has been observed that individuals sticking to an organization for a
longer span are more loyal towards the management and the
organization: They enjoy all kinds of benefits from the organization and as
a result are more attached to it. They hardly badmouth their organization
and always think in favour of the management. For them the organization
comes first and all other things later.
It is essential for the organization to retain the valuable employees
showing potential: Every organization needs hardworking and talented
employees who can really come out with something creative and different.
No organization can survive if all the top performers quit. It is essential for
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the organization to retain those employees who really work hard and are
indispensable for the system.
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conferences, and obtaining certifications. Create a culture that values and
invests in employee development.
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8. Mentorship and Leadership Development: Establish mentorship programs
to facilitate knowledge transfer and career guidance. Offer leadership
development opportunities to nurture future leaders within the
This thing also depends on the mentality of the employees in the particular
sector we are dealing with. The mentality of employees in the IT sector can vary,
but there are some common characteristics and attitudes often found in this
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They are often curious and continuously seek to learn and explore new
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7. Strong Work Ethic: IT professionals often possess a strong work ethic. They
are willing to put in the time and effort required to meet deadlines and
deliver quality work. They understand the demands of their role and are
committed to achieving results.
It's important to note that these characteristics can vary among individuals
and depend on their specific roles, experience levels, and personal traits.
Organizations should strive to create an environment that nurtures and supports
these qualities to foster a motivated and engaged workforce in the IT sector.
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Tammy C. Morse (1): Humour has been in existence since the beginning of time.
Some even claim that humor is the best preventive medicine for stress
management and good health. If hum or is good for living productively, can it also
be good for employee retention and/or employee satisfaction? The purpose of
this conceptual and practical paper is to explore the extent to which the use of
appropriate humor relates to employee retention and satisfaction, which can
enhance the commitment, cohesiveness and performance of a company’s
workforce. Another objective is to explore and emphasize the importance of
humor and employee retention in the workplace. The paper provides practical
recommendations for today’s managers and offers a focus for future researchers
to empirically test the use of humor and its relationship to employee retention
and employee satisfaction.
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the cost of new credit and bank- ruptcy risk: If interest rates are greater (smaller)
than the ex-ante odds of bankruptcy, the employer will to defer compensation
(pay in cash) to the employee. The employee always improves his position in the
labour market if imminent bankruptcy is avoided.
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2. Luis G. Gonzalez and Ruslan Gurtoviy, Employee Retention via Stock
Options, the Journal of the Laboratory Animal Management Association’,
Volume-20, Issue -2, and 2008.
3. Klara Nelson, The University of Tampa, Designing for knowledge worker
retention & organization performance, Journal of Management seresh,
Volume-2, Issue-7, and August 2009.
Research may develop hypothesis and test it. In it we study the various
steps that are generally adopted by the researcher in studying his research
problem along with the logic behind them.
Research must be based on fact observable data forms a sound basis for
research inductive investigation led better support to research finding for
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analysing facts a scientific methodology of analysis must be developed and result
interpreted logically.
It is necessary for the researcher to know not only the research method
or techniques but also the methodology. Thus, when we talk of research
methodology, we not only talk of the research methods but also consider the
logic behind the methods we use in the context of our research study and explain
why we are using a particular method or technique and why we are not using
others so that research results are capable of being evaluated either by the
researcher himself or by others.
Research design:
A research design is purely and simply the framework plan for a study that
guides the collection and analysis of a data. In this study the researcher has
adopted descriptive research design.
Data collection:
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Data collection is one of the most important aspects of research. For the
success of any project accurate data is very important and necessary. The
information collected through research methodology must be accurate and
Primary Data
Secondary Data
Primary Data:
Secondary Data:
Secondary data means data that are already available i.e., they refer
to data which has already been collected and analyzed by someone else.
This type of data information can also be used by the researcher for his use
as second hand information sources through which secondary data can be
collected. Secondary data may either be published data or unpublished
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The research approach:
Survey Method
Google survey
The respondents:
Convenience sampling:
In this method the sample units are chosen primarily based on the
convenience to the researcher.
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Simple percentage can also be used to compare the relationship
distribution of two or more items. For calculations the simple percentage the
following formula used.
B. Chi-square analysis:
For calculating the value of chi-square test, the following formula used:
=∑ [(0-E) ²/E]
Where as
O-observed frequency
E-Expected frequency
P-Number of rows
C-Number of columns
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A Likert scale is a psychometric scale commonly involved in research that
employs questionnaires. It is the most widely used approach to scaling responses
in survey research, such that the term is often used interchangeably with rating
scale, or more accurately the Likert-type scale, even though the two are not
synonymous. The scale is named after its inventor, psychologist Rensis Likert.
1. Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree.
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Likert scaling is a bipolar scaling method, measuring either positive or negative
response to a statement. Sometimes a four-point scale is used; this is a "forced
choice" method since the middle option of "Neither agree nor disagree" is not
Period of study:
Activity : IT Sector
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Vision and Mission statement of Alaric Ventures is as follows:
Our vision:
To be known and recognized as a progressive and dynamic IT company,
ever ready to meet the evolving need of customers and society.
Our mission:
We believe in providing unmatchable service and irreplaceable experience
to our customers and provide best possible Business solutions &
information to help them focus on their core business.
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same abstract with those of other studies having the same abstract
Interpretation leads the establishment of explanatory concepts that can
serve as a guide for tutor research studies.
Research can appreciate only through interpretation which can make other
to understand of researcher finding a per project study. The data collect is
analysed using simple percentage tool as the against the total number of
the respondents.
The content analysis presented in the form of tables and charts.
S. No Age No of
1 20 Years to 25 2
2 26 Years to 30 3
3 31 Years to 35 4
4 Above 36 Years 1
Total 10
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The above table shows that 2 respondents are between 20years to 25years
of age, 3 respondents are between 26years to 30years, 4respondents are
between 31years to 36years and 1 respondent are between above 36years.
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Calculated value = 36.944
Degree of freedom =3
The above table shows that the calculated value of chi square is greater
than the table value. Hence the null hypothesis is rejected so there is a significant
relationship between age and retention problem.
S. No Gender No of
1 Male 7
2 Female 3
Total 10
The above table shows that 70 percent of the respondents are male, and 30
percent of the respondents are female.
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S. No Marital status No of
1 Married 5
2 Unmarried 5
3 Widow 0
Total 10
The above table shows that 50 percent of the respondents are married, 50
percent of the respondents are unmarried.
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Degree of freedom =2
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Significant level = significant level of 5%
The above table shows that the calculated value of chi square is less than
the table value. Hence the null hypothesis is accepted so there is no significant
relationship between marital status and retention problem.
S. No Family size No of
1 Nuclear 6
2 join family 4
Total 10
The above table shows that 60 percent of the respondents are from nuclear
family, and 40 percent of the respondents are joint family.
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S. No Monthly salary No of
3 20000rs to 7
4 Above 40,000 3
Total 10
The above table shows that 70 percent of the respondents are having
below 30000rs as monthly income, and only 30 percent have above 40000 as
monthly income.
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Majority 70 percent of the respondents are between the 20000 to 30000 as
monthly income.
S. No Experience No of
1 Below 2years 5
2 2 years to 4years 2
3 4years to 6years 2
4 Above 6years 1
Total 10
The above table shows that 50 percent of the respondents are below
2years experience, 20 percent of the respondents are between 2years to 4years
experience, 20 percent of the respondents are between 4years to
6yearsvexperience, and 10 percent of the respondents are above 6years
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Majority 50 percent of the respondents are having the experiences below
S. No Motivation of the No of
job Respondent
1 Salary 6
2 Native of job 2
3 Reputation 2
Total 10
The above table shows that 60 percent of the respondents are motivated
by salary, 20 percent of the respondents are motivated by native of job, and 20
percent of the respondents are motivated by reputation.
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TABLE NO: 4.12
S. No Retention No of
problem Respondent
1 Yes 7
2 No 3
Total 10
The above table shows that 70 percent of the respondents have retention
problem, and 30 percent of the respondents have no retention problem.
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TABLE NO: 4.13
S. No Relationship with No of
management Respondent
1 Strongly disagree 2
2 Disagree 3
3 Neutral 3
4 Agree 2
Total 10
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TABLE NO: 4.14
S. No Rewards And No of
Recognition Respondent
1 Strongly disagree 5
2 Disagree 1
3 Neutral 2
4 Agree 2
Total 10
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Majority 50 percent of the respondents strongly disagree in Rewards and
Recognition area of the company.
S. No Infrastructure No of
1 Strongly disagree 2
2 Disagree 0
3 Neutral 4
4 Agree 4
Total 10
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Majority 40 percent of the respondents are either neutral or agree with
infrastructure currently placed in the company and with upgrades related to
systems also.
S. No Work Schedule No of
1 Strongly disagree 6
2 Disagree 1
3 Neutral 0
4 Agree 3
Total 10
39 | P a g e
Majority 60 percent of the respondents are not happy with the work
Schedule in neutral.
S. No Company policy No of
1 Strongly disagree 3
2 Disagree 3
3 Agree 4
Total 100
40 | P a g e
Majority 38 percent of the respondents are between the age group of 31 –
35 years.
There is a significant relationship between age and retention problem.
Majority 70 percent of the respondents are male.
Half of the sample size of the respondents are married.
There is no significant relationship between marital status and retention
Majority 60 percent of the respondents are the nuclear family.
Majority 70 percent of the respondents are between the 20000 to 30000 as
monthly income.
Majority 50 percent of the respondents are having the experiences below
Majority 60 percent of the respondents are motivated by native of job.
Majority 70 percent of the respondents are the have retention problem.
Majority 50 percent of the respondents strongly disagree in Rewards and
Recognition area of the company.
41 | P a g e
Majority 40 percent of the respondents are either neutral or agree with
infrastructure currently placed in the company and with upgrades related to
systems also.
Majority 60 percent of the respondents are not happy with the work
Schedule in neutral.
Majority 40 percent of the respondents agreed with the company’s policies.
Retaining key personnel is critical to long term success of an organization. A
Retention Strategy has become essential if your organization is to be productive
over time and can become an important part of your hiring strategy by attracting
the best candidates. In fact, some companies do not have to recruit because they
receive so many qualified unsolicited submissions due to their history of
excellence in employee retention. How do you get your employees to "fall in
Love" with your organization? This is a great question. Some of the suggestions
for this can be summarized as follows:
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The company want to reduce their employee retention problem and
provide promotion offers to their employees.
The company should provide job security and statutory benefits to their
The company should provide training programs for their employees.
The company should provide career opportunities to the employees.
The company should provide proper incentives to the employees.
The company should maintain proper work timings for the employees and
should main a proper attendance of the employees.
The company should provide other benefits properly to the employees.
The company should provide Rewards and Recognition to the employees.
The company should provide promotions opportunities to the employees.
So, the management has simply to concretize people and live them alone
with an environment in which they find it possible it behaves appropriately,
identify the problem, appreciate the need to resolve it, identify the factors and
contributing to the problem and behave in ways that would either eliminate the
casual variables or reduce their influence on the problems. Though slow, the
process of concretization is sure to produce the desired results conducted in
proper ways. Employees comprise the most vital assets of the company. In a
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workplace where employees are not able to use their full potential and not heard
and valued, they are likely to leave because of stress and frustration. They need a
transparent work environment to work in. In a transparent environment where
employees get a sense of achievement and belongingness, where they can best
utilize their potential and realize their skills. They love to be the essential part of
such an organization and the company benefits with a stronger, reliable
workforce harboring bright new ideas for its growth.
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iv. Tripathi.P.C, Human Resource Development, Sultan Chand
and Sons.
v. Google and YouTube
A Study on Employee Retention with Special Reference to IT
Questionnaire: -
2. Age:
a. 20yers to 25yers []
b. 26yers to 30yers []
c. 31yers to 35yers []
d. Above 36yers []
3. Gender:
a. Male []
45 | P a g e
b. Female []
4. Marital Status:
a. Married []
b. Unmarried []
c. Divorce []
d. Widow []
5. Family Size:
a. Nuclear []
b. Join family []
6. Monthly Salary:
a. Below 6000rs []
b. 6001rs to 12000rs []
c. 12001rs to 18000rs []
d. Above 18001rs []
7. Education Qualification:
a. Illiterate []
b. Up To 12th []
c. Up To UG Degree []
d. Up To PG Degree []
e. Up To Diploma []
46 | P a g e
8. How Do You Come to Know About the Organization:
a. Friend []
b. Relative []
c. Neighbour []
d. Nearby Home []
9. How Long You Work in This Organization:
a. Below Two Years []
b. Two Years to Four Years []
c. Four Year to Six Years []
d. Above Six Years []
Variables SA A N DA SDA
A) Good
47 | P a g e
B) Rewards And
C) Infrastructure
D) Work Schedule
E) Company Policy
And Procedure
F) Availability Of
G) Job Security
H) Statutory
I) Motivation Of
J) Rate Of the
48 | P a g e
b. No []
16.If You Want to Leave the Organization, What Would Be the Reason:
a. Marriage []
b. Team Fitment []
c. Career Opportunity []
d. Others [] If Specify:
49 | P a g e
20.Your Participation in During Holidays:
a. Highly Involved []
b. Involved []
c. Neutral []
d. Not Much Involved []
e. Not At All []
50 | P a g e