UM8762 - FELib - PSD - Parameters - User - Manual - Rev.2
UM8762 - FELib - PSD - Parameters - User - Manual - Rev.2
UM8762 - FELib - PSD - Parameters - User - Manual - Rev.2
This document contains the description of the FELib parameters related to the DPP-PSD
firmware of the Digitizer 2.0 series.
Reference Documents
[RD1] DS7783 – 2740/2745 Digitizer Data Sheet
[RD2] GD7897 – 2740/2745 Digitizers User Guide
Manufacturer Contact
Via Vetraia, 11 55049 Viareggio (LU) - ITALY
Tel. +39.0584.388.398 Fax +39.0584.388.959 | [email protected]
© CAEN SpA – 2022
Limitation of Responsibility
If the warnings contained in this manual are not followed, Caen will not be responsible for damage caused by
improper use of the device. The manufacturer declines all responsibility for damage resulting from failure to comply
with the instructions for use of the product. The equipment must be used as described in the user manual, with
particular regard to the intended use, using only accessories as specified by the manufacturer. No modification or
repair can be performed.
No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of CAEN spa.
The information contained herein has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility
is assumed for inaccuracies. CAEN spa reserves the right to modify its products specifications without giving any notice;
for up to date information please visit
MADE IN ITALY: We remark that all our boards have been designed and assembled in Italy. In a challenging
environment where a competitive edge is often obtained at the cost of lower wages and declining working conditions,
we proudly acknowledge that all those who participated in the production and distribution process of our devices were
reasonably paid and worked in a safe environment (this is true for the boards marked "MADE IN ITALY", while we
cannot guarantee for third-party manufactures).
CAEN Electronic Instrumentation
Purpose of this User Manual ...................................................................................................................... 2
Change Document Record .......................................................................................................................... 2
Symbols, Abbreviated Terms, and Notations .......................................................................................... 2
Reference Documents.................................................................................................................................. 2
Manufacturer Contact .................................................................................................................................. 2
Limitation of Responsibility ........................................................................................................................ 3
Index ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Figures ..................................................................................................................................... 6
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 8
1.1.1 ChDeadtimeMonitor ..............................................................................................................................................9
1.1.2 ChTriggerCnt .........................................................................................................................................................9
1.1.3 ChSavedEventCnt.................................................................................................................................................9
1.1.4 ChWaveCnt ............................................................................................................................................................9
2 Parameters .................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Digitizer general parameters ........................................................................................................11
2.1.1 CupVer ..................................................................................................................................................................11
2.1.2 FPGA_FwVer .......................................................................................................................................................11
2.1.3 FwType .................................................................................................................................................................11
2.1.4 ModelCode ...........................................................................................................................................................11
2.1.5 PBCode ................................................................................................................................................................11
2.1.6 ModelName ..........................................................................................................................................................12
2.1.7 FormFactor ...........................................................................................................................................................12
2.1.8 FamilyCode ..........................................................................................................................................................12
2.1.9 SerialNum .............................................................................................................................................................12
2.1.10 PCBrev_MB ....................................................................................................................................................12
2.1.11 PCBrev_PB .....................................................................................................................................................12
2.1.12 License ............................................................................................................................................................13
2.1.13 LicenseStatus .................................................................................................................................................13
2.1.14 LicenseRemainingTime.................................................................................................................................13
2.1.15 NumCh ............................................................................................................................................................13
2.1.16 ADC_Nbit ........................................................................................................................................................13
2.1.17 ADC_SamplRate ............................................................................................................................................13
2.1.18 InputRange .....................................................................................................................................................14
2.1.19 InputType ........................................................................................................................................................14
2.1.20 Zin ....................................................................................................................................................................14
2.1.21 IPAddress, Netmask, Gateway ....................................................................................................................14
2.1.22 ClockSource ...................................................................................................................................................14
2.1.23 EnClockOutP0 ................................................................................................................................................15
2.1.24 EnClockOutFP ................................................................................................................................................15
2.2 Acquistion, Trigger and VETO parameters ................................................................................16
2.2.1 StartSource ..........................................................................................................................................................16
2.2.2 GlobalTriggerSource ...........................................................................................................................................16
2.2.3 WaveTriggerSource ............................................................................................................................................17
2.2.4 EventTriggerSource ............................................................................................................................................17
2.2.5 ChannelsTriggerMask ........................................................................................................................................18
2.2.6 WaveSaving .........................................................................................................................................................18
2.2.7 TrgOutMode .........................................................................................................................................................18
2.2.8 GPIOMode ...........................................................................................................................................................19
2.2.9 BusyInSource.......................................................................................................................................................19
2.2.10 SyncOutMode .................................................................................................................................................20
2.2.11 BoardVetoSource ...........................................................................................................................................21
2.2.12 BoardVetoWidth .............................................................................................................................................21
2.2.13 BoardVetoPolarity ..........................................................................................................................................21
2.2.14 ChannelVetoSource.......................................................................................................................................21
2.2.15 ADCVetoWidth ...............................................................................................................................................22
2.2.16 RunDelay.........................................................................................................................................................22
2.2.17 EnAutoDisarmAcq..........................................................................................................................................22
2.2.18 LedStatus ........................................................................................................................................................22
2.2.19 AcquisitionStatus............................................................................................................................................23
Figure 1: Individual Trigger logic scheme........................................................................................................................................30
Figure 2: Baseline calculation as managed by the DPP‐PSD algorithm. ...................................................................................41
Figure 3: Example of smoothing over four samples. The input samples are averaged over four samples and replaced in
the smoothed samples by the mean value. ....................................................................................................................................42
Figure 4: Implementation of the Constant Fraction Discriminator. The input signal is first inverted to have a positive
arming threshold, then attenuated by a factor f, then inverted again and delayed. The resulting signal has its zero-
crossing corresponding to the set fraction f. ...................................................................................................................................44
Figure 5: Trigger Hysteresis in DPP‐PSD firmware. Any other triggers are inhibited after the over‐threshold until the input
reaches the value of half the threshold. ...........................................................................................................................................45
1 Introduction
CAEN Waveform digitizers x27xx introduce a new approach in the access to the firmware parameters with respect to
the previous generation V17xx, DT57xx and N67xx. Indeed, while in the previous generation x17xx the approach was
based on the direct exposition of the single firmware register, the new generation of digitizer provides an abstraction
of the register in the form of library parameters much easier to understand and use.
This new approach is meant to simplify the things for those users that are required to build their own DAQ system and
software and so need to access to the digitizer firmware parameters.
CAENFELib and CAENDig2Lib are the two libraries provided to the user.
Both are downloadable from the CAEN website and includes, in their own installation folder, the related SDK, demo
codes and documentation codes to be used to start user’s custom software development.
CAENFELib can be used to control and acquire data from the new generation CAEN digitizers. This library is just an
interface and does not include support to any digitizer family. In order to use a digitizer, the user must first install the
respective underlying library.
Existing implementation is the CAENDig2Lib (for VX2740 and other second-generation digitizers).
The following manual includes a description of the CAENFELib related to the DPP-PSD firmware and it is structured as
In the Parameters chapter the description of each single parameter is included in this form:
Parameter name
Level: Mode: Type: UoM: Min: (if present) Max: (if present)
Description of the parameter
Level: indicates the level at which the parameter is applied. It can be Channel (CH) or Digitizer (DIG), LVDS or VGA
Mode: indicates if the parameter is read-only (R) or read/write (R/W).
Type: indicates the parameter type (STRING, NUMBER, ENUM). Type doesn’t correspond to any C-type, all
CAENDig2Lib parameters are float or string.
UoM: indicates the Unity of Measurement of the parameter (if any).
Min: indicates the minimum allowed value (if present)
Max: indicated the maximum allowed value (if present)
The user should note that the CAENFELib, always works with string parameters but then they have to be interpreted in
the proper way according to the Type field.
Parameters must be used in the CAENFELib_Set/GetValue() function with the correct path form:
• For CH parameters: /ch/ChannelNumber/par/ParameteName. Parameters may be set simultaneously in
multiples channels by selecting the interval separated by “..“. E.g. /ch/0..8/par/ParameterName.
• For DIG parameters: /par/ParameterName
• For LVDS parameters: /lvds/Index/par/ParameteName. Parameters may be set simultaneously in multiples
indexes by selecting the interval separated by “..“. E.g. /lvds/0..3/par/ParameterName. Index is [0,1,2,3].
• For VGA parameters: /vga/Index/par/ParameteName. Parameters may be set simultaneously in multiples
indexes by selecting the interval separated by “..“. E.g. /vga/0..3/par/ParameterName. Index is [0,1,2,3].
32-bit value expressed in clock cycles.
1.1.1 ChDeadtimeMonitor
Level: CH Mode: R Type: NUMBER UoM: 524288 ns
DeadTime measured by the FPGA, incremented with step of 524288 ns. Updated when reading ChRealtimeMonitor.
32-bit value expressed in clock cycles.
1.1.2 ChTriggerCnt
Level: CH Mode: R Type: NUMBER UoM: 1 cnt
Counter of channel triggers (24 bit), measured by FPGA. Updated when reading ChRealtimeMonitor.
Eg. 1000.
1.1.3 ChSavedEventCnt
Level: CH Mode: R Type: NUMBER UoM: 1 cnt
Counter of channel saved events, measured by FPGA (24 bit). Updated when reading ChRealtimeMonitor.
Eg. 1000.
1.1.4 ChWaveCnt
Level: CH Mode: R Type: NUMBER UoM: 1 cnt
Counter of channel events with waveform, measured by FPGA (24 bit). Updated when reading ChRealtimeMonito.
Eg. 1000.
Commands chapter the description of each single command is included in this form:
Command name
Description of the command
Level: indicates the level at which the command is applied. It can be Channel (CH) or Digitizer (DIG).
Commands must be used in the CAENFELib_SendCommand() function with the correct path form:
• For CH commands: /ch/ChannelNumber/cmd/CommandName. Commands may be sent simultaneously to
multiples channel by selecting the interval separated by “..“. E.g. /ch/0..8/cmd/CommandName.
• For DIG commands: /cmd/CommandName.
In the Endpoints chapter the description of each single command is included in this form:
EndPoint name
Description of the EndPoint
Supported Fields
Default Data Format
Supported Fields: indicates which fields are supported, their native type, dimension and description.
Default Data Format: shows the corresponding format.
In the Flags chapter the description of each flag provided by the DPP_PSD firmware as additional event-wise
information is included in this form:
Flag name
Table with flag corresponding bit, name and description.
Future manual releases will include also additional schemes and guidelines about how to correlate the CAENFELib
parameter to implement specific functionalities.
2 Parameters
2.1 Digitizer general parameters
2.1.1 CupVer
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: STRING
CUP version currently in use in format “YYYYMMDDNN” there YYYY is the year, MM the month, DD the day and NN a
progressive daily index of the release.
E.g “2021101800”
2.1.2 FPGA_FwVer
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: STRING
Build version of the FPGA firmware currently in use.
2.1.3 FwType
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: ENUM
Firmware type.
Option Description
DPP_PHA DPP PHA firmware
DPP_ZLE DPP ZLE firmware
DPP_PSD DPP PSD firmware
DPP_DAW DPP DAW firmware
DPP_OPEN Open DPP firmware
Scope Scope firmware
2.1.4 ModelCode
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: STRING
CAEN model code.
E.g. WV2740XAAAAA.
2.1.5 PBCode
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: STRING
CAEN piggyback product code.
2.1.6 ModelName
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: STRING
CAEN model name.
E.g. V2740.
2.1.7 FormFactor
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: ENUM
CAEN digitizer form factor.
Option Description
1 VME64X
2 DT
2.1.8 FamilyCode
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: NUMBER
CAEN family code. For example, 2740 indicates all versions of the XX2740 (VME, VME64X, desktop, SE/DIFF, etc.).
E.g. 2740
2.1.9 SerialNum
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: STRING
CAEN serial number.
E.g. 12741.
2.1.10 PCBrev_MB
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: NUMBER
PCB Revision of the Mother Board.
E.g. 1
2.1.11 PCBrev_PB
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: NUMBER
PCB Revision of the Piggyback.
E.g. 1
2.1.12 License
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: STRING
PUC (Product Unlock Code) for DPP firmware.
E.g. 626C40509DD07C7880CEA247.
2.1.13 LicenseStatus
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: STRING
License status. Use web interface to manage the license. See [RD2].
“Licensed” or “Not Licensed”.
2.1.14 LicenseRemainingTime
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: NUMBER UoM: SECONDS
Remaining time to automatic run stop in case of not licensed or invalid license. A reboot is required to start a new
Countdown from 30 minutes.
2.1.15 NumCh
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: NUMBER
Number of input channels.
E.g 64
2.1.16 ADC_Nbit
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: NUMBER
Number of bits of the ADCs.
E.g. 16
2.1.17 ADC_SamplRate
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: NUMBER UoM: MS/s
Sampling rate of the ADCs.
E.g. 125 MS/s
2.1.18 InputRange
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: NUMBER UoM: Vpp
Input dynamic range.
E.g. 2 (Vpp).
2.1.19 InputType
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: ENUM
Single ended or differential input type.
Option Description
0 Single ended
1 Differential
2.1.20 Zin
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: NUMBER UoM: Ohm
Input impedance in Ohm.
E.g. 50 Ω.
E.g. IP Address, Netmask, Gateway
2.1.22 ClockSource
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
This is the source of the system clock. Multiple options are not allowed.
Option Description
Internal Local oscillator, 62.5 MHz
FPClkIn Front Panel Clock input
P0ClkIn Clock from P0 VME backplane (not implemented)
Link Clock recovery from Ethernet or Optical Link (not implemented)
DIPswitchSel Clock source decided by dip switches on the board (not implemented)
2.1.23 EnClockOutP0
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Enable clock output on P0 connector for the backplane propagation of the clock.
Option Description
True Clock output on the P0 is enabled
False Clock output on the P0 is disabled
2.1.24 EnClockOutFP
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Enable clock output on Front Panel for the daisy chain propagation of the clock between multiple boards.
Option Description
True Clock output on the front panel is enabled
False Clock output on the front panel is disabled
Option Description
EncodedClkIn Start from CLK-IN/SYNC connector on the front panel. This is a 4-pin connector
(LVDS signals) used to propagate the reference clock (typ. 62.5 MHz) and a Sync
signal. The rising edge of the Sync starts the acquisition, that lasts until the Sync
returns low (falling edge).
SINlevel Start from SIN (1=run, 0=stop)
SINedge Start from SIN (rising edge = run; stop from SW)
SWcmd Start from SW (see SwStartAcquisition)
LVDS Start from LVDS (see LVDSMode)
P0 Start from P0 (backplane)
2.2.2 GlobalTriggerSource
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Defines the source for the Global Trigger, which is the signal that saves the events in the memory buffers. Multiple
options are allowed, separated by “|”.
Option Description
TrgIn Front Panel TRGIN
P0 Trigger from P0 (backplane)
SwTrg Software trigger (see SendSWTrigger)
LVDS LVDS trgin (see LVDSMode)
ITLA Internal Trigger Logic A: combination of channel self-triggers (see ITLAMainLogic, ITLBMainLogic)
ITLB Internal Trigger Logic B: combination of channel self-triggers
ITLA_AND_ITLB Second level Trigger logic making the AND of ITL A and B
ITLA_OR_ITLB Second level Trigger logic making the OR of ITL A and B
EncodedClkIn Encoded CLK-IN trigger (not implemented)
GPIO Front Panel GPIO
TestPulse Internal Test Pulse (see TestPulsePeriod and TestPulseWidth)
2.2.3 WaveTriggerSource
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Allows to set the trigger source for the waveform. Setting this parameter means to get an event including the
waveform and the associated time stamp and energy information.
Option Description
ITLB Internal Trigger Logic B can generate a trigger for a waveform
ITLA Internal Trigger Logic A can generate a trigger for a waveform
GlobalTriggerSource Acquisition Trigger Source (the same of the Scope mode) can generate a
trigger for a waveform
TRGIN External TRGIN can generate a trigger for a waveform
ExternalInhibit Inhibit can generate a trigger for a waveform
ADCUnderSaturation ADC Undersaturation can generate a trigger for a waveform
ADCOversaturation ADC Oversaturation can generate a trigger for a waveform
SWTrigger Software Trigger can generate a trigger for a waveform
ChSelfTrigger Channel self-trigger can generate a trigger for a waveform
Ch64Trigger One (or more) channel self-trigger can generate a trigger for a waveform
Disabled No trigger source enabled for the waveform
2.2.4 EventTriggerSource
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Allows to set the trigger source for a Time-Energy (T-E) event. Setting this parameter means to get an event including
time stamp and energy information.
Option Description
ITLB Internal Trigger Logic B can generate a trigger for a T-E event
ITLA Internal Trigger Logic A can generate a trigger for a T-E event
GlobalTriggerSource Acquisition Trigger Source (the same of the Scope mode) can generate a trigger
for for a T-E event
TRGIN External TRGIN can generate a trigger for a T-E event
SWTrigger Software Trigger can generate a trigger for a T-E event
ChSelfTrigger Channel self-trigger can generate a trigger for a T-E event
Ch64Trigger One (or more) channel self-trigger can generate a trigger for a T-E event
Disabled No trigger source enabled for the T-E event
2.2.5 ChannelsTriggerMask
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: STRING
Allows to set the mask over 64 bits to generate a channel trigger. It can be used to trigger a channel using a trigger
coming from another channel.
It also allows to set the mask over 64 bits to enable the channel to participate in the coincidence logic defined in
CoincidenceMask and AntiCoincidenceMask (option Channel64Trg).
64-bit enable mask, each bit representing a channel.
2.2.6 WaveSaving
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Allows to save waveforms always or on request only.
Option Description
Always Waveforms are always saved
On Request Waveforms are saved on request
2.2.7 TrgOutMode
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Selects the signal that is routed to the TRGOUT output. Multiple options are not allowed.
Option Description
Disabled TrgOutMode is disabled.
TRGIN Propagation of Front Panel TRGIN (TRGOUT is a replica, with some delay, of the
TRGIN signal)
P0 Propagation of P0 trigger (not implemented yet)
SwTrg Software trigger (see SendSWTrigger)
LVDS LVDS trgin (see LVDSMode)
ITLA Internal Trigger Logic A: combination of channel self-triggers (see
ITLAMainLogic, ITLBMainLogic)
ITLB Internal Trigger Logic B: combination of channel self-triggers
ITLA_AND_ITLB Second level Trigger logic making the AND of ITL A and B
ITLA_OR_ITLB Second level Trigger logic making the OR of ITL A and B
EncodedClkIn Propagation of the Encoded CLK-IN trigger (not implemented yet)
Run Propagation of the RUN signal (acquisition start/stop), before applying the
delay given by the RunDelay parameter.
RefClk Monitor of the 62.5 MHz clock (used for phase alignment)
TestPulse Internal Test Pulse (see TestPulsePeriod and TestPulseWidth)
Busy Busy of the board
Fixed0 0
Fixed1 1
SyncIn SyncIn signal
SIN SIN signal
GPIO GPIO signal
AcceptTrg Accepted Triggers signal
2.2.8 GPIOMode
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Select the signal that is routed to the GPIO, when this is used as output. Multiple options are not allowed. The GPIO on
the front panel is a bidirectional signal that can used in three different ways:
1) as independent board output (each board drives its own GPIO)
2) as a shared input for the boards: the signal is driven high (= 1) or low (= 0) by an external source and connected in
“short circuit” among multiple boards using “T” connectors at the inputs. The GPIO is not internally terminated, thus it
is necessary to put a 50Ω terminator at the end of the line (last “T” of the chain)
3) as a shared bidirectional line, making a “wired OR”. One or more boards can simultaneously drive the signal high (=
1). If no board drives the GPIO, it remains low (= 0). All boards can read back the signal. It is necessary to put a 50Ω
terminator at both ends of the line (first and last “T” of the chain). This mode ca be used to generate, for instance, the
global Busy and Veto logic for multiple boards.
Option Description
Disabled GPIOMode is disabled.
TrgIn Propagation of Front Panel TRGIN (GPIO is a replica, with some delay, of the
TRGIN signal)
P0 Propagation of P0 trigger
SIN Propagation of SIN
LVDS LVDS trgin (see LVDSMode)
ITLA Internal Trigger Logic A: combination of channel self-triggers (see ITLAMainLogic,
ITLB Internal Trigger Logic B: combination of channel self-triggers
ITLA_AND_ITL Second level Trigger logic making the AND of ITL A and B
ITLA_OR_ITLB Second level Trigger logic making the OR of ITL A and B
EncodedClkIn Propagation of the Encoded CLK-IN trigger (not implemented)
SwTrg Software trigger (see SendSWTrigger)
Run Propagation of RUN
RefClk Monitor of the 62.5 MHz clock (used for phase alignment)
TestPulse Internal Test Pulse (see TestPulsePeriod and TestPulseWidth)
Busy Busy of the board
Fixed0 0
Fixed1 1
2.2.9 BusyInSource
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
In a multi-board system, it might be necessary to prevent one board to accept a new trigger while another board is full
and thus unable to accept the same trigger. For this reason, each board can generate a Busy signal to notify that it is
unable to get a new trigger. If the busy/veto mechanism has some latency, it is advisable generate the busy slightly
before the digitizer become full. For this purpose, it is possible to assert the busy output when the acquisition memory
reaches a programmable level of occupancy.
The OR of the busy signals is typically used to stop the global trigger. It is possible to get the individual busy signals
from each board and make an external OR logic or connect the boards with cables to propagate the Busy along the
chain. Each board makes an OR between its internal busy and the busy input signal coming from the previous board,
thus having a global Busy at the end of the line. This parameter defines the source of the Busy Input.
2.2.10 SyncOutMode
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
In a multi-board system, it can be useful to propagate a synchronous signal together with the clock (to synchronize the
start of the run, for example) on CLK OUT front panel connector [RD1]. This parameter defines which signal must be
sent out. Multiple options are not allowed.
Option Description
Disabled SyncOutMode is disabled
SyncIn SyncIn signal (if provided with clkIn on CLK IN connector [RD1])
TestPulse Internal Test Pulse (see TestPulsePeriod and TestPulseWidth)
IntClk Internal 62.5 MHz clock
Run Propagation of RUN
2.2.11 BoardVetoSource
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Defines the source for the Veto, which is the signal that inhibits the acquisition trigger. Multiple options are allowed,
separated by “|”. The VETO signal can be either active high or low, depending on the BoardVetoPolarity parameter.
When active low, it acts as a GATE for the trigger. It is possible to stretch the duration of the VETO by means of the
Option Description
SIN SIN on the front panel
LVDS LVDS trgin (see LVDSMode)
GPIO GPIO on the front panel (used as input)
P0 P0 (signal from the backplane)
EncodedClkIn Encoded CLK-IN veto (not implemented)
Disabled VETO is always OFF
2.2.12 BoardVetoWidth
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: ns Min: 0 Max: 34359738360
Whatever is the source of the VETO signal, it is possible to stretch the duration of the veto up to a given time by means
of a re-triggerable monostable. Expressed in ns. When 0, the monostable is disabled and the veto lasts as long as the
selected source is active
E.g. 2000 ns
2.2.13 BoardVetoPolarity
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Defines the polarity of the Veto.
Option Description
ActiveHigh Veto is active high. The signals acts as an “Inhibit” for the trigger
ActiveLow Veto is active low. The signals acts as a “Gate” the trigger
2.2.14 ChannelVetoSource
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Allows to set the veto for each channel; it can be external (which means one of the veto options in the previous table),
or it can be on a channel base.
Option Description
BoardVeto Enables board veto
ADCOverSaturation Enables veto due to ADC oversaturation
ADCUnderSaturation Enables veto due to ADC undersaturation
Disabled Any channel veto source is disabled
2.2.15 ADCVetoWidth
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: ns Min: 0 Max: 524280
It is the width of the ADC veto (undersaturation and oversaturation width) expressed in ns.
E.g. 2000 ns
2.2.16 RunDelay
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: ns Min: 0 Max: 524280
When the start of run is controlled by a RUN signal that is propagated in daisy chain between the boards (for instance
through the ClkIn-ClkOut or SIN-GPIO sync chain), it is necessary to compensate for the propagation delay and let the
boards to start exactly at the same time. The Run Delay parameter allow the start of the acquisition to be delayed by a
given number of clock cycles with respect to the rising edge of the RUN signal. Assuming that the propagation delay is 2
cycles, the RunDelay setting will be 0 for the last board in the chain, 2 for the previous one, and so on up 2*(NB-1) for
the first one.
E.g. 20 ns
2.2.17 EnAutoDisarmAcq
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
When enabled, the Auto Disarm option disarms the acquisition at the stop of run. When the start of run is controlled
by an external signal, this option prevents the digitizer to restart without the intervention of the software.
Option Description
True The acquisition is automatically disarmed after the stop. It is therefore necessary
to rearm the digitizer (with the relevant command sent by the software) before
starting a new run.
False The acquisition is not disarmed after the stop. Multiple transition of the start
signal will produce multiple runs.
2.2.18 LedStatus
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: STRING
Get a 32-bit word representing the LEDs status of the digitizer.
Bit Number Name
2.2.19 AcquisitionStatus
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: STRING
Get a 32-bit word representing the acquisition status of the digitizer.
Bit Number Name
0 Armed
1 Run
2 Run_mw
3 Jesd_Clk_Valid
4 Busy
5 PreTriggerReady
6 LicenceFail
7-31 Not Used
2.2.20 MaxRawDataSize
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: NUMBER UoM: byte
Maximum size that can be returned from a single call to GetData from the raw endpoint (see Chap. 4). This parameter
should be read at the end of the configuration.
E.g. 2621440 bytes
2.2.21 EnDataReduction
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: STRING
If enabled, events consisting of 2 words are compressed in a single word event.
Option Description
False Data reduction is disabled.
True Data reduction is enabled.
2.2.22 EnStatEvents
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: STRING
If enabled, stats events are generated.
2.2.23 VolatileClockOutDelay
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: ps Min: -18888.888 Max: 18888.888
Sets the delay of the clock output with respect to the input reference clock. When the clock is distributed between
multiple boards in daisy chain (typ. through CLKIN-CLKOUT connectors), this option allows for compensation of the
propagation delay and fine alignment of the clock phases. This setting is directly writing into the PLL registers and is not
permanent. Once the good setting has been found, use the parameter PermanentClockOutDelay to store the delay in
the flash memory and automatically reload it at every power-up.
E.g. 148.148 ps.
2.2.24 PermanentClockOutDelay
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: ps Min: -18888.888 Max: 18888.888
Sets the Value
Option Description
False Data reduction is disabled.
True Data reduction is enabled.
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: STRING
If enabled, stats events are generated.
Option Description
False Stats event generation is disabled.
True Stats event generation is enabled.
VolatileClockOutDelay, stores the value into the filesystem and makes it permanent.
When read, it returns the value of the delay stored in the filesystem, that may differ from the one currently applied, if
volatile. Steps of 74.074 ps
E.g. 148.148 ps.
Option Description
ADC_DATA Data from the ADC (normal operating mode)
ADC_TEST_TOGGLE Set the ADC to produce a Toggle signal
ADC_TEST_RAMP Set the ADC to produce a Ramp signal
ADC_TEST_SIN Set the ADC to produce a Sinusoidal signal
IPE (not implemented)
Ramp Data from a ramp generator (16 bit: 6 most significant bit for the channel
codification + 10 bit for the Ramp signal)
SquareWave Internal Test Pulse (see TestPulsePeriod and TestPulseWidth)
E.g. 32000
2.3.3 WaveResolution
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Allows to set the waveform resolution.
Option Description
Res8 8ns
Res16 16ns
Res32 32ns
Res64 64ns
Option Description
ADCInput, ADC input probe
ADCInputBaseline ADC input baseline probe
CFDFilter Constant Fraction Discriminator filter probe
Option Description
Trigger Trigger probe
CFDFilterArmed Constant Fraction Discriminator Filter Armed probe
ReTriggerGaurd ReTrigger Guard probe
ADCInputBaselineFreeze ADC Input Baseline Freeze probe
ADCInputOverthreshold ADC Input Overthreshold probe
ChargeReady Charge Ready probe
LongGate Long Gate probe
PileUpTrigger Pile Up Trigger probe
ShortGate Short Gate probe
ChargeOverRange Integrated Charge Over Range probe
ADCSaturation ADC Saturation probe
ADCInputNegativeOverthre ADC Input Negative Overthreshold probe
E.g. 800/3200.
E.g 1000 ns.
2.4.2 TestPulseWidth
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: ns Min: 0 Max: 34359738360
Width (i.e. the time the signal stays high = 1) of the test pulse in nanoseconds (ns). The actual value will be rounded to
8 ns. See TestPulsePeriod.
E.g 1000 ns.
2.4.3 TestPulseLowLevel
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: ADC counts Min: 0 Max: 65535
Low level of the test pulse. See TestPulsePeriod.
E.g. 0.
2.4.4 TestPulseHighLevel
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: ADC counts Min: 0 Max: 65535
High level of the test pulse. See TestPulsePeriod.
E.g. 10000.
2.4.5 IOlevel
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Sets the electrical logic level of the LEMO I/Os (TRGIN, SIN, TRGOUT, GPIO). NOTE: TRGIN and SIN are 50 Ω terminated,
GPIO and TRGOUT require 50 Ω termination at the receiver.
Option Description
NIM NIM logic (0=0V, 1=-0.8V, that is -16mA)
TTL Low Voltage TLL logic (0=0V, 1=3.3V)
E.g. 40.7 (°C).
E.g. 4.997 (V).
2.4.8 IOutSensDCDC
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: NUMBER Units: Ampere Min: 0 Max: null
Sensor monitoring the DC-DC converter current. The resolution is 0.001 A.
E.g. 7.570 (A).
2.4.9 FreqSensCore
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: NUMBER Units: Hertz Min: 0 Max: null
Frequency of the DCDC converter. The resolution is 0.1 Hz.
E.g. 800 (Hz).
2.4.10 DutyCycleSensDCDC
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: NUMBER Units: Percentage Min: 0 Max: null
Duty cycle of the DCDC converter. The resolution is 0.1 %.
E.g. 14.8 (%).
E.g. 2700 (rpm).
32-bit integer, where each bit meaning is explained in the table below. Other bits currently unused.
Bit Description
0 power_fail
1 board_init_fault
2 si5341_unlock
3 si5395_unlock
4 LMK04832_unlock
5 jesd_unlock
6 ddr_pl_bank0_calib_fail
7 ddr_pl_bank1_calib_fail
8 ddr_ps_calib_fail
9 fpga_config_fail
10 bic_error
11 adc_overtemp
12 air_overtemp
13 fpga_overtemp
14 dcdc_overtemp
15 clkin_miss
16 adc_shutdown
2.4.13 ErrorFlags
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: ENUM
Reads the status of the error flags.
See ErrorFlagMask, ErrorFlagDataMask fields.
2.4.14 BoardReady
Level: DIG Mode: R Type: ENUM
Check if there is any error set in ErrorFlags.
Option Description
True True means ErrorFlags is zero
False Otherwise
Width in ns (0 = Linear)
Retriggerable: True, False
Option Description
OR ITLOUT = masked OR of channel self-triggers
AND ITLOUT = masked AND of channel self-triggers
Majority ITLOUT = masked Majority of channel self-triggers
E.g 10.
Option Description
OR Both Pair Logic Outputs = OR of two consecutive self-triggers
AND Both Pair Logic Outputs = AND of two consecutive self-triggers
NONE Outputs = Inputs
Option Description
Direct Polarity of the ITLA/ITLB is direct.
Inverted Polarity of the ITLA/ITLB is inverted.
2.5.5 ITLConnect
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: STRING Index:[0:63]
Alternative to ITLAMAsk, ITLBMask. Determines if the channel partecipate in ITLA or ITLB.
Option Description
Disabled The channel is disabled.
ITLA The channel participates in ITLA logic block.
ITLB The channel participates in ITLB logic block.
64-bit enable mask, each bit representing a channel.
E.g 1000 ns
Option Description
SelfTriggers Each LVDS line can be assigned to a combination of the 64 self-triggers,
implemented as a masked OR, where the mask is set by the parameter
LVDSTrgMask (16 independent masks, one per LVDS line)
Sync Whatever is the direction of the quartet, the 4 lines are rigidly assigned to
specific acquisition signals:
0=Busy; 1=Veto; 2=Trigger; 3=Run
It is possible to implement a daisy chain distribution of these signals using one
quartet as input and another one as output
IORegister The LVDS lines of the quartet are statically controlled by the parameter
LVDSIOReg. Use the SetValue function to set the relevant LVDS lines when
programmed as output. Use GetValue to read the status of the LVDS lines when
programmed as inputs.
2.6.2 LVDSDirection
Level: LVDS Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Assigns the direction of a quartet of LVDS I/Os.
Option Description
Input The LVDS lines of the relevant quartet are used as input. The relevant LED on the
front panel is OFF
Output The LVDS lines of the relevant quartet are used as output. The relevant LED on
the front panel lights-up.
2.6.3 LVDSIOReg
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: STRING
Set the status of the LVDS I/O for the quartets that are programmed to be output and Mode = IORegister.
16-bit value representing the status of the LVDS I/Os (either for writing or reading).
2.6.4 LVDSTrgMask
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: STRING
Each LVDS line can be assigned to a combination of the 64 self-triggers, implemented as a masked OR, where the mask
is set by this parameter. There are 16 independent masks, one per LVDS line. NOTE: the trigger mask assignment does
not imply the LVDS direction and mode settings. It is therefore necessary to set the Direction = Output and Mode =
SelfTriggers to use the Self-Trigger propagation to the LVDS I/Os.
64-bit enable mask, each bit representing a channel.
Option Description
Static DAC output stays at a fixed level, given by the parameter DACoutStaticLevel
IPE (not implemented)
ChInput The DAC reproduces the input signal received by one input channel, selected by
the parameter DACoutChSelect
MemOccupancy Level of the memory occupancy (not yet implemented)
ChSum The DAC reproduces the “analog” sum of the of all the digitizer inputs.
OverThrSum The DAC output is proportional to the number of channels that are currently
above the threshold
Ramp The DAC output is driven by a 14-bit counter
Sin5MHz The DAC output is a sine wave at 5 MHz with fixed amplitude
Square Square wave with period and width set by TestPulsePeriod and
TestPulseWidth and amplitude between TestPulseLowLevel and
2.7.2 DACoutStaticLevel
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: units Min: 0 Max 16383
When the DACoutMode = Static, the DAC generates a static output.
E.g 1000
2.7.3 DACoutChSelect
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: units Min: 0 Max 63
When the DACoutMode = ChInput, the DAC reproduces the inputs signal received by a selected channel.
Selected channel index.
E.g. 1 (dB).
2.8.2 EnOffsetCalibration
Level: DIG Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
The input DCoffset that determines the position of the signal baseline (zero volt) is controlled by individual channel
DACs. Due to the tolerance of the components, there is some spread in the offset setting that is compensated by the
offset calibration. This is normally enabled and automatically applied in the firmware of the board. The calibration can
be disabled, mainly when a new calibration has to be calculated.
Option Description
True DC offset calibration is applied (default)
False DC offset calibration is not applied
2.8.3 ChEnable
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Allows to enable/disable a channel. If the Run is already set, ch_enable starts the acquisition.
Option Description
True The channel is enabled for the acquisition
False The channel is disabled for the acquisition
2.8.4 SelfTrgRate
Level: CH Mode: R Type: NUMBER
Each channel has a 32-bit counter permanently connected to its self-trigger. This parameter allows to read the channel
self-trigger rate in Hertz (Hz).
Eg. 1000 Hz.
2.8.5 ChStatus
Level: CH Mode: R Type: ENUM
Gets a 32-bit word representing the status of the acquisition.
Bit Description
0 Channel signal delay initialization status (1 = initial delay done)
1 Channel time filter initialization status (1 = time filter initialization done)
2 Channel energy filter initialization status (1 = energy filter initialization done)
3 Channel full initialization status (1 = initialization done)
4 Reserved
5 Channel enable acquisition status (1 = acq enabled)
6 Channel inner run status (1 = run active)
7 Time-energy event free space status (1 = time-energy can be written)
8 Waveform event free space status (1 = waveform can be written)
9 : 31 Not used
2.8.6 DCOffset
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: percentage Min: 0 Max: 100
A constant DC offset (controlled by a 16-bit DAC) is added to the analog input, individually for each channel, in order to
adjust the position of the signal baseline (that is the “zero volt” of the analog input) within the dynamic range of the
ADC. Because of the tolerance of the components, it is necessary to calibrate the offset DAC. The calibration is done by
factory testing and normally it is not necessary to recalibrate the digitizer. It is however possible to perform a new
calibration. The calibration parameters are stored in the flash memory of the board and loaded at power on. They are
automatically applied by the internal logic every time the parameter DCoffset is written or read. DCoffset expressed as
a float number, in percent of the full scale. When the DC offset is 0, the baseline of the input signal is at 0 ADC counts.
When the DC offset is 100, the baseline of the input signal is at 2 NBIT-1 ADC counts.
E.g 50 %.
2.8.7 GainFactor
Level: CH Mode: R
Read the gain ADC calibration value stored in the internal flash. This value can be used by the user in its own DAQ
software to calibrate the ADC and provide the signal amplitude value in mV units.
E.g 1.010591
2.8.8 ADCToVolts
Level: CH Mode: R Type: NUMBER UoM: Volts
Factor to convert ADC counts to volts. It is a more sophisticated version of the inverse of the GainFactor that takes into
account also the value of the VGAGain (2745 digitizers only). While GainFactor is a fixed value, ADCToVolts provides
the current value to be applied to convert ADC into Volts.
E.g 0.000031
2.8.9 TriggerThr
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: units Min: 0 Max 8191
Each channel of the digitizer features a Leading Edge and a digital Constant Fraction (TimeFilterSmoothing
TriggerFilterSelection, CFDDelayS, CFDDelayT CFDFraction) and threshold able to self-trigger on the input pulses and
generate a self-trigger signal feeding the internal trigger logics or digitizer outputs. This parameter sets the trigger
threshold. In case of the CFD discriminator the trigger threshold is then referred to the CFD signal itself, and the
threshold crossing arms the event selection. The trigger fires at the zero crossing of the bipolar signal. The user can see
the bipolar trace on the signal inspector. Threshold value in counts is referred to the Time Filter. It is a 13-bit signed
E.g 52.
Option Description
Positive Positive polarity
Negative Negative polarity
E.g. 1000.
2.9.2 EnergySkimHighDiscriminator
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: units Min: 0 Max 65534
Allows to flag events with energy lower than the high skim threshold. 16-bit value.
E.g 2000.
2.9.3 EventSelector
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Allows to set which events have to be saved.
Option Description
All All events are saved
Pileup Only pileup events are saved
EnergySkim Save only the events in the Energy skim range
2.9.4 WaveSelector
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Allows to set which waveform have to be saved.
Option Description
All All waves are saved
Pileup Only pileup waves are saved
EnergySkim Save only waves in the EnergySkim range
2.9.5 EventNeutronReject
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Enable Neutron Rejection for Events. See NeutronThreshold.
Option Description
Disabled Neutron rejection for events is disabled.
Enabled Neutron rejection for events is enabled.
2.9.6 WaveNeutronReject
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Enable Neutron Rejection for Waves. See NeutronThreshold.
Option Description
Disabled Neutron rejection for waves is disabled.
Enabled Neutron rejection for waves is enabled.
2.9.7 CoincidenceMask
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Allows to set the coincidence mask that generates a trigger on the specified channel.
Option Description
Disabled All the coincidence sources are disabled
Ch64Trigger One of the 64 channels can generate a coincidence signal
TRGIN TRGIN can generate a coincidence signal
GlobalTriggerSource Acquisition Trigger can generate a coincidence signal
ITLA ITLA can generate a coincidence signal
ITLB ITLB can generate a coincidence signal
2.9.8 AntiCoincidenceMask
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Allows to set the anticoincidence mask that generates a trigger on the specified channel.
Option Description
Disabled All the anticoincidence sources are disabled
Ch64Trigger One of the 64 channels can generate an anticoincidence signal
TRGIN TRGIN can generate an anticoincidence signal
GlobalTriggerSource Acquisition Trigger can generate an anticoincidence signal
ITLA ITLA can generate an anticoincidence signal
ITLB ITLB can generate an anticoincidence signal
E.g 800 ns/100 samples.
This parameter allows to set the Number of samples used to average the baseline of the Energy Filter.
Option Description
Fixed Baseline fixed at AbsoluteBaseline value
Low Baseline samples for average = 16
MediumLow Baseline samples for average = 64
MediumHigh Baseline samples for average = 256
High Baseline samples for average = 1024
2.10.2 AbsoluteBaseline
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: sample Min: 0 Max: 65535
Absolute value of the ADCInput signal baseline.
E.g 32000 samples
E.g 800 ns/100 samples.
2.10.4 SmoothingFactor
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
The smoothing is a moving average filter, where the input samples are replaced by the mean value of the previous n
samples, where n is: 2, 4, 8 and 16 samples. When enabled (see TimeFilterSmoothing), the trigger is applied on the
smoothed samples, thus reducing triggering on noise. Both CFD and LED triggering modes can be used on the
smoothed input. The charge integration is either performed on the input samples and/or on the smoothed samples,
according the ChargeSmoothing parameter.
Figure 3: Example of smoothing over four samples. The input samples are averaged over four samples and replaced in the
smoothed samples by the mean value.
Option Description
1 Smoothing is disabled.
2 Smoothing is done averaging 2 samples.
4 Smoothing is done averaging 4 samples.
8 Smoothing is done averaging 8 samples.
16 Smoothing is done averaging 16 samples.
2.10.5 ChargeSmoothing
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Enable/Disable Smoothing factor for the charge evaluation.
Option Description
Enabled Smoothing factor is enabled in the harge evaluation
Disabled Smoothing factor is disabled in the charge evaluation
2.10.6 TimeFilterSmoothing
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
Enable/Disable Smoothing factor for the time filter.
Option Description
Enabled Smoothing factor is enabled for the time filter.
Disabled Smoothing factor is disabled for the time filter.
2.10.7 TriggerFilterSelection
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
The DPP‐PSD allows the user to select the pulses according to two methods: leading edge, where a pulse is identified
when its samples crosses a programmable threshold value, or through a digital constant fraction discrimination to have
a better timing information. In both cases once the event is selected, the signal is delayed by a programmable number
of samples (corresponding to the “pre‐trigger” value in ns) to be able to integrate the pulse before the trigger
(“Pre‐Gate”). The gates for charge integration are then generated and received by the charge accumulator before the
signal. While the gates are active, the baseline remains frozen until the last averaged value and its value is used as
charge integration reference. For the whole duration of a programmable “retrigger guard” (see
TimeFilterRetriggerGuardT, TimeFilterRetriggerGuardS) value, other trigger signals are inhibited. It is recommended to
set a trigger hold‐off value compatible with the signal width. The baseline remains frozen for the whole trigger hold‐off
This parameter allows to set the Leading Edge or Constant Fraction Discriminator Filter selection.
Option Description
LeadingEdge Set the Leading Edge discriminator
CFD Set the Constant Fraction discriminator
Figure 4: Implementation of the Constant Fraction Discriminator. The input signal is first inverted to have a positive arming
threshold, then attenuated by a factor f, then inverted again and delayed. The resulting signal has its zero-crossing corresponding
to the set fraction f.
The delay of the CFD signal can be defined by the user in the range 32 to 8184 ns. The TriggerThreshold is then
referred to the CFD itself, and the threshold crossing arms the event selection.
The trigger fires at the zero crossing of the derivative signal itself.
E.g. 20 ns/5 samples.
2.10.9 CFDFraction
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: % Min: 25 Max: 100
CFD Fraction.
E.g. 25%.
E.g 2000 ns/250 samples.
2.10.11 TriggerHysteresis
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
When the input signal is no more over‐threshold, the trigger could fire again in the tail of the pulse, especially in case
the tail contains spikes or noise. The “Trigger Hysteresis” feature inhibits any trigger until the input pulse reaches half
of the threshold value itself. See for a diagram of this feature. This parameters allows to Enable/Disable Trigger
hysteresis mechanism.
Figure 5: Trigger Hysteresis in DPP‐PSD firmware. Any other triggers are inhibited after the over‐threshold until the input reaches
the value of half the threshold.
Option Description
Disabled Trigger hysteresis mechanism is disabled.
Enabled Trigger hysteresis mechanism is enabled.
2.10.12 PileupGap
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: sample Min: 0 Max: 65535
The DPP‐PSD firmware is mainly designed to work with fast signals like those coming from scintillation detectors
coupled with Photomultiplier Tubes. The relevant output signals do not show long decay tails as in the case of charge
sensitive preamplifiers, and the probability of pile‐up between two pulses is quite low. In particular, the case of a
second pulse sitting on the exponential tail of the previous one is rather rare. However, with the PSD algorithm, it is
important to separate fast and slow components of the light emitted by the scintillation detector. Typically, the fast
component is a quick pulse (few tens of ns) while the slow component is a quite long tail (typically a few μs) having
amplitude much smaller than the fast component. To get the best results in the pulse shape discrimination, it is
necessary to set the “Long Gate” as long as the full duration of the slow component. Under these conditions, most likely
the events in pile‐up occur during the long gate and cause an error in the calculation of the charge of the slow
component. For this reason, it is important to detect these cases.
In the DPP‐PSD firmware, two events are considered in pile‐up when there is a situation of peak‐valley‐peak inside the
same gate, where the gap between the valley and the peak is a programmable value. Referring to Figure 6, when the
peak value is reached the algorithm evaluates the point corresponding to the PileupGap (PUR-GAP) value and gets
ready to detect a pile‐up event (PILE‐UP ARMED). If there is a condition of “valley”, and the input signal overcomes the
PUR‐GAP threshold, then the event is tagged as pile‐up. In the default configuration the firmware does not take any
action and the total charge of the event is evaluated within the gate and saved into memory.
This parameter allows to set the Peak Gap to identify pile up.
E.g 1000 samples.
Figure 7: Long and short gate graphic position with respect to a couple of input pulses. The blue pulse has a longer tail
than the red one.
This parameter allows to set the Gate Long Length (in ns or samples).
E.g 4000 ns/500 samples.
E.g 2000 ns/250 samples.
E.g 80 ns/10 samples.
2.10.16 LongChargeIntegratorPedestal
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: counts Min: 0 Max: 1000
This parameter allows to set the Long Charge Integrator Pedestal. This feature is useful in case of energies close to
E.g. 300 counts.
2.10.17 ShortChargeIntegratorPedestal
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: counts Min: 0 Max: 1000
This parameter allows to set the Long Charge Integrator Pedestal. This feature is useful in case of energies close to
E.g. 300 counts.
2.10.18 EnergyGain
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: ENUM
This parameter allows to set the Energy Gain i.e. to rescale the signal charge.
Option Description
x1 Charge value is multiplied x1.
x4 Charge value is multiplied x4.
x16 Charge value is multiplied x16.
x64 Charge value is multiplied x64.
x256 Charge value is multiplied x256.
2.10.19 NeutronThreshold
Level: CH Mode: R/W Type: NUMBER UoM: counts Min: 0 Max: 1000
This parameter allows to set the Neutron Energy Threshold for Neutron Discriminator. The FW compare the difference
“Energy Long” – “Energy Short” (i.e. the difference between the charge integrated in the Long gate and in the Short
gate) with the threshold set by this parameter to decide whether the event has to be rejected.
Referring to the example of neutron/gamma discrimination shown in Fig. 2.16, the cut on PSD allows the user to reject
most of the gamma events, thus recording only neutrons and the small amount of gamma overlapping with the
Figure 8: 2D scatter plot of PSD parameter vs Energy in a neutron‐gamma application. On the left the 2D plot before the cut, on the
right the plot after the cut on Neutron Threshold .
E.g. 300 counts.
2.10.20 ChRealtimeMonitor
Level: CH Mode: R Type: NUMBER UoM: 524288 ns
RealTime measured by the FPGA, incremented with step of 524288 ns. Reading this parameter updates the values of
ChDeadtimeMonitor, ChTriggerCnt, ChSavedEventCnt and ChWaveCnt.
32-bit value expressed in clock cycles.
2.10.21 ChDeadtimeMonitor
Level: CH Mode: R Type: NUMBER UoM: 524288 ns
DeadTime measured by the FPGA, incremented with step of 524288 ns. Updated when reading ChRealtimeMonitor.
32-bit value expressed in clock cycles.
2.10.22 ChTriggerCnt
Level: CH Mode: R Type: NUMBER UoM: 1 cnt
Counter of channel triggers (24 bit), measured by FPGA. Updated when reading ChRealtimeMonitor.
Eg. 1000.
2.10.23 ChSavedEventCnt
Level: CH Mode: R Type: NUMBER UoM: 1 cnt
Counter of channel saved events, measured by FPGA (24 bit). Updated when reading ChRealtimeMonitor.
Eg. 1000.
2.10.24 ChWaveCnt
Level: CH Mode: R Type: NUMBER UoM: 1 cnt
Counter of channel events with waveform, measured by FPGA (24 bit). Updated when reading ChRealtimeMonito.
Eg. 1000.
3 Commands
3.1 Reset
Level: DIG
Resets the board. This command sets all registers to the default value and clear data from memories. It does not act on
the communication interfaces, the PLLs and the clocks.
3.2 ClearData
Level: DIG
Clear data from memories. Register’s content is not affected. This command is typically used before starting an
acquisition to guarantee that no data belonging to a previous run is still present in the internal memory of the digitizer.
3.3 ArmAcquisition
Level: DIG
Arms the digitizer to start an acquisition. When the start of run is software controlled, the arming is not implicit in the
start command and it is necessary to use the ArmAcquisition command.
3.4 DisarmAcquisition
Level: DIG
Disarms the acquisition and prevents the digitizer to start a new run (for instance controlled by an external signal
feeding SIN) without the grant of the software. It is possible to set an automatic disarm after the stop of the acquisition
by means of the EnAutoDisarmAcq parameter. However, in order to make the higher level software aware of this
occurrence and allow him to properly manage the Disarm condition, the use of the DisarmAcquistion command is
mandatory even when the EnAutoDisarmAcq parameter is used.
3.5 SwStartAcquisition
Level: DIG
Starts the acquisition, provided that the option SwStart is enabled in the parameter StartSource. This start command
does require a previous arming command.
3.6 SwStopAcquisition
Level: DIG
Forces the acquisition to stop, whatever is the start source.
3.7 SendSWTrigger
Level: DIG
Send a software trigger to the digitizer, provided that the option SwTrg is enabled in the GlobalTriggerSource
3.8 ReloadCalibration
Level: DIG
Delete calibration file and reload it from flash or, if invalid, use default calibration.
4 Endpoints
4.1 Parameters
4.1.1 ActiveEndpoint
Defines which endpoint will be used.
Option Description
raw Decode is disabled and ReadData should be made on handle /endpoint/raw
dpppsd Decode is enabled and ReadData should be made on handle /endpoint/dpppsd
Supported fields
Name Native type Dim. Description
DATA U8 (fixed) 1 Raw data (type conversion not supported)
SIZE SIZE_T 0 Size of data written to DATA
N_EVENTS U32 0 Add N_EVENTS to raw endpoint to get the number
of events in the blob. In case of firmware using
aggregate events (DPP firmwares) it returns the
number of aggregates.
Data are passed on the network as big-endian 64-bit words. The endianness must be properly adjusted before to start
decoding it.
In all the 27xx digitizer family the most general structure of the events is
• n. words = N
• format can be:
o 0x1 in case of Common Trigger Mode
o 0x2 in case of Individual Trigger Mode
o 0x3 in case of Special Events
The DPP-PSD belongs to the Individual trigger mode case. In such a mode the event aggregate has the following format
• n. aggregate words = N
• bit 56 ("board fail") is common to all the aggregated events. The size of each aggregated event must be
inferred by the information in the aggregated event itself.
• dec. factor log2 (decimation factor in log2 scale) = 0x0;
• n. traces = 0x1;
• acquisition width = 0x0;
The aggregate event(0), aggregate event (1), …, aggregate event (N-1) can be of three types:
The latter can be used when the data throughput is a concern. Such event type replaces the first one when the
EnDataReduction is enabled.
In the above pictures:
• bit 63 is set on the last header word, despite the presence of the waveform payload. In case of no extra word,
it is set on the second word.
• there are always at least 2 words (i.e. bit 63 on first word is unset).
• the optional waveform payload is present only if the bit 62 on the second word is set.
• in the timestamp field: 1 LSB = 8 ns
• in the fine timestamp field: 1 LSB = 7.8125 ps
When waveform are present, channel record length = N samples (ChRecordLengthS, ChRecordLengthT) so waveform
n. words = N/2.
Sample format is:
• analog probe #0 = bit [0:13]
• digital probe #0 = bit 14
• digital probe #1 = bit 15
• analog probe #1 = bit [16:29]
• digital probe #2 = bit 30
• digital probe #3 = bit 31
If enabled, these events are sent for statistical purposes only, and does not represent real events. If there is the time
extra word, bit 55 is set on the first word and the second word is meaningless. In the dead time field 1 LSB = 8 ns.
If there is the waveform extra word, bit 62 is set on the second word.
The Time resolution (Time res.) is referred to the waveform downsampling, and it can be:
• No downsampling = 0x0
• Downsampling x2 = 0x1
• Downsampling x4 = 0x2
• Downsampling x8 = 0x3
The Stop Run is a special event composed of three 64-bit words and generated at the end of the Run. The Stop Run
event will be read out after all the data events.
The Stop event is below described:
• Timestamp is the end of run time so the Real Time (1LSB = 8ns)
• Dead time is the dead time of the acquisition (1LSB = 8ns)
Supported fields
Name Native type Dim. Description
CHANNEL U8 0 Channel (7 bits)
TIMESTAMP U64 0 Timestamp (48 bits)
TIMESTAMP_NS U64 0 Timestamp in nanoseconds (51 bits)
FINE_TIMESTAMP U16 0 Fine timestamp (10 bits)
ENERGY U16 0 Energy (16 bits)
ENERGY_SHORT U16 0 Energy short (16 bits)
FLAGS_LOW_PRIORITY U16 0 Event low priority flags (12 bits). See Low Priority.
FLAGS_HIGH_PRIORITY U8 0 Event high priority flags (8 bits). See High Priority.
TRIGGER_THR U16 0 Trigger threshold (16 bits)
TIME_RESOLUTION U8 0 Time resolution (2 bits):
• No downsampling (0)
• Downsampling x2 (1)
• Downsampling x4 (2)
• Downsampling x8 (3)
ANALOG_PROBE_1 I32 1 Analog probe #1 (18 bits, signed)
ANALOG_PROBE_1_TYPE U8 0 Analog probe #1 type (4 bits):
• ADC input (0)
• Baseline (9)
• CFD (10)
ANALOG_PROBE_2 I32 1 Analog probe #2 (18 bits, signed)
ANALOG_PROBE_2_TYPE U8 0 Analog probe #2 type. See ANALOG_PROBE_1_TYPE
DIGITAL_PROBE_1 U8 1 Digital probe #1 (1 bit)
4.3.2 Statistics
Path: /endpoint/dpppsd/stats
Supported fields
Name Native type Dim. Description
REAL_TIME U64 1 Channel real time (in clock steps)
REAL_TIME_NS U64 1 Channel real time (in ns)
DEAD_TIME U64 1 Channel dead time (in clock steps)
DEAD_TIME_NS U64 1 Channel dead time (in ns)
LIVE_TIME U64 1 Channel live time (in clock steps)
LIVE_TIME_NS U64 1 Channel live time (in ns)
TRIGGER_CNT U32 1 Counter of channel triggers
SAVED_EVENT_CNT U32 1 Counter of channel saved events
5 Flags
5.1 High Priority
Bit Name Description
0 Pile-Up Identifies pile-up events, ie events in which there is a at least one situation
of peak‐valley‐peak inside the integration gate. See PileupGap.
1 Unused -
2 Event saturation Identifies an event in which a saturation of the input dynamics occurred
3 Post saturation event Identifies an event occurred during a the ADCVetoWidth time.
4 Charge overflow event Identifies an event in which an overflow of the integrated charge occurred.
5 SCA selected event Identifies an event falling within the SCA windows (if enabled).
6 Event with fine Identifies an event in which the fine timestamp has been properly
timestamp calculated.
6 Technical Support
CAEN makes available the technical support of its specialists for requests concerning the software, hardware,
and eventually board repair. To access the support platform, please follow the steps below:
Note: only MyCAEN+ accounts can request technical support. If you have a basic account, please insert
your institutional email: if the domain is in our whitelist, the account is automatically updated to MyCAEN+,
otherwise an operator will take care of the validation within 48 hours .
CAEN SpA is acknowledged as the only company in the world providing a complete range of High/Low Voltage Power
Supply systems and Front-End/Data Acquisition modules which meet IEEE Standards for Nuclear and Particle Physics.
Extensive Research and Development capabilities have allowed CAEN SpA to play an important, long term role in this
field. Our activities have always been at the forefront of technology, thanks to years of intensive collaborations with
the most important Research Centres of the world. Our products appeal to a wide range of customers including
engineers, scientists and technical professionals who all trust them to help achieve their goals faster and more
UM8762 - FELib PSD Parameters User Manual rev. 0 - June 15th, 2022
Copyright © CAEN SpA. All rights reserved. Information in this publication supersedes all earlier versions. Specifications subject to change without notice.
59 UM8762 – FELib PSD Parameters User Manual rev. 2