Final Writing Exam - English V
Final Writing Exam - English V
Final Writing Exam - English V
B. Task
Please write an argumentative essay about the topic expressed in the situation given by the
teacher and the question(s) proposed.
Version 1
Data-Time Inc. is a company which manages databases for a large city in Colorado. Included
in these databases is information collected from the city’s homeless shelters and free clinics.
Specifically, the databases contain personal information of the users of these services over the
past 10 years; this includes people’s Social Security numbers and health records.
This data is highly secure and only accessible to the employees of Data-Time Inc. Employees
are given a laptop when they are hired which allows them to access the database remotely.
Unfortunately, one of these laptops has been stolen and the security of the database is
Most of the people whose information was compromised are homeless; therefore, there is no
easy way to contact them in order to alert them of the security breach. How should Data-Time
Inc. manage this breach of security?
Writing Rubric - English V
B. Task
Please write an argumentative essay about the topic expressed in the situation given by the
teacher and the question(s) proposed.
You will be judged on your ability to:
• Answer the question without straying from the topic
• Write in a way which allows your reader to follow your ideas
- Introductory paragraph
- Body paragraphs
- Concluding paragraph
• Communicate ideas to the reader in an appropriate style
• Use English grammar and syntax accurately
• Use appropriate language in terms of register, style and content.
Taken and adapted for academic purposes from
Version 2
Rachel works as a Quality Assurance Engineer at a large electronics company. She is
responsible for the final testing of her company’s servers and is part of a team which decides
when new products will be shipped to distributors for sale. Rachel’s company has a contract
with another company which makes the chips which are incorporated into the servers Rachel’s
company makes. The business model for this product is to release a new generation server
approximately every six months, meaning Rachel has a limited timeframe to conduct her
Quality Control tests, because there is such a short amount of time between the release of
each next new product, the Quality and Assurance department cannot perform every possible
test on the servers to ensure they are defect free. Rachel will not ship a product if there is any
possibility that the server could malfunction and cause physical harm to the customer.
However, she will ship a product that has a higher likelihood of failure resulting in data loss for
the customer, because she knows that if she doesn't, her company's competitor will. Is this an
ethical way to conduct business? How should she determine when to ship a product with known
Writing Rubric