Generic Risk Assessment For Arboriculture - Sheffield

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Generic Risk Assessment for Arboriculture - Sheffield

Ref Hazard Risk I ndustry Best Practice/ Guidance Control Measures
1 .0 Em ergency Contingencies
Staff or other Fatality, Work team  AFAG Safety Guide 401,402.  Appropriate First Aid Kit for task.
personnel on  FI SA 802  Clim bers carry personal First Aid Kit fit for purpose.
I ll health, Client
site suffer  AA - A Guide to Good Clim bing Practice” ,  All staff t rained and certificated in First Aid.
Worsening of General Public
injury, including  HSE I NDG317 “ Chainsaws at work” .  At least one of ground staff t rained, equipped and certificated in Aerial
infection with  HSE: “ RI DDOR” Rescue.
Worsening of
com m unicable  AA ‘I COP for Arboriculture – Tree Work At  All staff to know site location and m eans of contacting em ergency
1. 1 condition,
disease, e.g. Height’ services.
HI V, Hepatitis B Viral infection,
Psychological  All staff t rained to com plete Accident Book. Be aware.
and TB  I tem s of concern should be carefully handled with protective gloves
t raum a
See also Section and disposed of correctly
2: Site
Fire Burns Work team  AFAG Safety Guide 401  Sam e as above.
 FI SA 301, 302,802
explosion Blast injuries Client  I n case of vehicle or plant fire. Stop work, evacuate all persons to a
 HSE HSG47 “ Avoiding danger from underground safe distance and contact the em ergency services.
General public
1. 2 services”
 Do not attem pt to extinguish a fire, leave that to the em ergency
 Fire blanket stored in vehicle
Contact with Serious injury Work team  AFAG Safety Guide 401, 402,  As above, and all staff t rained.
energised power  FI SA 302, 802, 804
Fatality Client  Em ergency procedures known.
lines  HSE HSG47 “ Avoiding danger from underground
Third party General public  Accurate assessm ent of situation.
electrocution.  Means of contacting Regional Electricity Com pany is known to all staff.
See also 2.2  HSE GS6 – ‘Avoiding danger from overhead
1. 3 power lines’  No work to take place within one t ree length + ‘Vicinity Zone’ if felling.
Power lines –
over and  AA ‘I COP for Arboriculture – Tree Work At  I f clim bing no work to take place within 10 m of live cables, including
underground Height’ the canopy of the t ree.

Em ergency call- Cut/ crush/ Work team /  AFAG Safety Guide 308, 310, 501,  All operators t rained and certificated.
out work: night- im pact inj ury client/ general  FI SA 301, 302, 303, 304, 306, 307, 802, 804  Co- ordination with em ergency services, local authorities, utility
t im e work. due to poor public  HSE I NDG317 “ Chainsaws at work” , HSE HSG47 com pany etc.
Poor weather visibility/ Avoiding danger from underground services”  Portable light ing on site.
1. 4 conditions. unstable t rees  NPTC CS 34, 35, 50  Unauthorised personnel excluded from work area: signs, barriers, etc.
or structures/  PPE.
other people/
vehicles on

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Generic Risk Assessment for Arboriculture - Sheffield

Ref Hazard Risk I ndustry Best Practice/ Guidance Control Measures
2 .0 Site Conditions

2. 1 Work Site – Com m on Factors

Works vehicles Personal Work team  AFAG Safety Guide 403,  All operators t rained.
injury from  FI SA 501, 502, 503, 603, 701, 702  Vehicle m anufacturers’ instruction m anual available.
contact with  Routine preventative m aintenance in accordance  All guards and warnings in place.
sharp edges General public with internal procedures and m anufacturers’  Regular vehicle m aintenance and servicing.
( doors, recom m endations  Loading and securing of load in accordance with
lockers,  Departm ent for Transport guidelines.
tailgates,  Appropriate PPE, such as safety helm et , safety boots and suitable
etc.) . gloves.
Jum p/ fall from  Always reverse with the aid of a ‘banksm an’
a load bed,
t railer, cab,
etc. Crush
injuries from
t ipper bed,
t railer,
m ovem ent,

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Generic Risk Assessment for Arboriculture - Sheffield
Ref Hazard Risk I ndustry Best Practice/ Guidance Control Measures
Theft of work Serious injury/ User  I nternal procedures designed to ensure security  Awareness t raining for all operators.
equipm ent from fatality arising Thief of work equipm ent on site  Com ply with all in- com pany security instructions.
works vehicles. from  Do not leave m achinery running when unattended
General public
Theft of works untrained  Do not leave ignit ion keys in unattended vehicles or idle plant such as
vehicles, use/ abuse/ Work team brushwood chippers or stum p grinders.
including t railed m is- use of Client  Tim ing of operations in sensitive areas ( see also 2.6 Working in
loads. stolen work Em ergency sensitive/ emotionally charged locality).
equipm ent. services  Regular vehicle servicing and m aintenance.
Severe injury personnel  All guards and warnings in place.
from contact  Loading and securing of load in accordance with Departm ent for
with stolen Transport guidelines.
b m oving at
Jum p/ fall from
load bed,
t railer, cab,
etc. Crush
injuries from
t ipper bed,
t railer,
m ovem ent,
Use of hand Cuts Work team  AFAG Safety Guide 401  Edged tools guarded.
tools Muscular  FI SA 302, 304, 307,  Safe stance/ positioning.
c strain  Safe working distance from colleagues.
 PPE.
 Appropriate First Aid Kit
Access Falling, Work team  AFAG Safety Guide 401, 403  All staff fully t rained and com petent.
equipm ent: :  AA – Guide “ A Guide to Good Clim bing Practice”  Ensure stability, especially on soft or uneven ground.
I njury from Client
Ladders, steps  AA ‘I COP for Arboriculture – Tree Work At  Ladders should be secured at the top if used as a working platform ,
falling object General public
and tem porary Height’ and operator independently secured.
platform s Concussion  HSE L22 – ‘Approved Code of Practice’ PUWER  Do not extend the ladder beyond the top 3 rungs.
d Crushing  Follow m anufacturer’s safety instructions. Regular inspection of all
See also 5.7 access equipm ent.
Mobile elevated
work platform

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Generic Risk Assessment for Arboriculture - Sheffield
Powered tools Cut injuries Work team  Operator’s certificates  All staff fully t rained.
and m achinery  FI SA 203, 805  Access to m achinery m anuals and records.
Crushing Client
 Manufacturers’ guidelines to be followed, as is guidance published by
e Electrocution General public AFAG, HSE etc.
I nfection from
hydraulic oil
Manual handling Muscular Work team  HSE I NDG317 “ Chainsaws at work” :  Avoid m anual lift ing where practicable: use m echanical aids.
strain  FI SA 301, 302, 303, 304.  Move sm aller pieces.
 Am ey docum ent - PLC- H&S- 204  Use hand aid tools.
f Back injury
 Use ergonom ic work system s, work planning.
Crush injuries  PPE.

Weather: Poor visibility Work team  AFAG Safety Guide 401  Continually assess working conditions
Extrem es of  FI SA 302, 802  Change task if required
Loss of grip
tem perature,  AA – Guide “ A Guide to Good Clim bing Practice”  Stop work.
wet, windy, Slipping,  PPE.
g electrical storm Physiological  Therm al blanket available.
Hypotherm ia
Terrain Slipping Work team  AFAG Safety Guide 401  Prepare site.
 FI SA 302, 307, 802.  Change task if unprepared.
Tripping Client
h General public
 Change access.
 Appropriate footwear for staff / tyres for vehicles

Staff or other Fatality Work team  See Am ey Docum entation  Appropriate First Aid Kit on site.
personnel on I ll health  RI DDOR - Reporting of I nj uries, Diseases and  All staff t rained and certificated in First Aid.
site suffer injury Worsening of Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013  Site location and m eans of contacting em ergency services is known to
from condition. General public  F2508A Guidance notes all staff.
com m Viral infection https: / / form s/ incident/ f2508an  Treat all blood or body fluid as infected and take universal precautions
i unicable Psychological otes.htm i. e. use of gloves, wash hands thoroughly, bag it em s carefully and seal
disease, e.g. t raum a bag.
HI V, Hepatitis  Be aware.
B, TB  I tem s of concern should be carefully handled with latex gloves and
See also Section disposed of correctly.
1: Em ergency

Ref Hazard Risk I ndustry Best Practice/ Guidance Control Measures

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Generic Risk Assessment for Arboriculture - Sheffield
Stings or bites Transm it ted Work team  Health m onitoring and surveillance  I dentify any team m em ber with specific allergy.
infections Client  I dentify the anim al / insect / vegetation with the potential to cause
( bacterial or harm and m onitor position, activity and m ovem ent and t reat with
viral) General public caution. Where the r isk of injury is real, use the appropriate PPE.
j Allergic  First Aid t raining.
reactions  Guidance published by AAI S, AA, HSE etc.
 Program m e work for m ost appropriate t im e/ season.
 Staff to disclose allergies
 Epinephrine auto- injector ( if required)
Needle st ick Viral infection Work team  Health m onitoring and surveillance  I dentify sites with the potential to harbour discarded hypoderm ic
injuries Psychological  HSE ‘Health and Safety ( Sharp I nstrum ents in syringes and t reat with caution. Contact supervisor.
t raum a. Healthcare) Regulations 2013 - Guidance for  Where the r isk of injury is real then use “ sharps” containers for the
General public employers and employees’ acceptable disposal of syringes.
k  Under no circum stances shall syringes be re- sheathed because of r isk
of needle st ick injury.
 Appropriate PPE.
 Appropriate First Aid and post exposure t reatm ent, counselling.
 Guidance published by AAI S, Arboricultural Association, HSE etc.
Deer t ick bites Lym e disease Work team  Reporting of any ill health. Operatives at r isk  Where deer are believed to be present wear long t rousers tucked into
I nfection from should m aintain regular health checks. socks, long sleeves buttoned at wrist and tucked in at waist during
the bacteria  “ Tick bites and Lym e disease” , Kingston and May – October
General public
l carried by Richm ond & Twickenham PCT
deer t icks, Most likely  HSE – Lyme Disease ‘Guidance Note’
from May to
Salm onella Fatality Work team  Reporting of any ill health.  Be aware.
I ll health  Operatives at r isk should m aintain regular health  Wear gloves.
m Client
checks  Wash hands thoroughly before eating, sm oking etc.
General public  HSE – Salmonella ‘Guidance Note’
Tetanus Fatality Work team  Regular booster injections.  Keep anti- tetanus injections up to date.
I ll health  Reporting of any ill health.
n Client
 Operatives at r isk should m aintain regular health
General public checks
Dog and cat Toxocariasis: Work team  Health m onitoring and surveillance  Be aware
faeces: Loss of sight  Wear gloves.
o Toxocara cati I ll health
 Wash hands thoroughly before eating, sm oking etc.
roundworm General public

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Generic Risk Assessment for Arboriculture - Sheffield
Weils Disease Fatality Anyone who is  Reporting of any ill health.  Wear protective clothing.
( Leptospirosis) I ill- health exposed to  Operatives at r isk should m aintain regular health  Cover all cuts and broken skin with waterproof plasters before and
– t ransm it ted to rats, rat or checks. during work.
hum ans by cattle urine:  HSE I NDG84 Leptospirosis – are you at r isk?  Wash hands after handling contam inated clothing or other m aterials
p contact with those in and always before eating, drinking or sm oking.
urine from contact with  See local Public Health Laboratory Service or hospital consultant
infected rats canal and r iver m icrobiologist for advice and serological testing
water are also
at r isk
Power lines – Electrocution Work team  AFAG Safety Guide 401,  All staff t rained.
over and Contact with  FI SA 804  Observe safe working distances: No work within 10m of any overhead
underground live lines  HSE HSG47 ‘Avoiding danger from underground power line without contacting Regional Electricity Com pany supplier
General public ( REC) . I f working within vicinity zone.
 NPTC suite of certificates of com petence in  Follow instructions and procedures of REC.
2. 2 Utility Arboriculture ( if working within vicinity  Shut down power.
 HSE- GS6 ‘Avoiding overhead power lines’
 AA ‘I COP for Arboriculture – Tree Work At
Other ut ilit y way Rupturing gas, Work team  AFAG Safety Guide 401: HSE HSG47 “ Avoiding  Establish existence / position of way leaves: Utilit ies’ site plans;
leaves water and danger from underground services” :  CAT scanner used by t rained operator.
( e. g. Telephone telecom m  Am ey docum ent - PLC- H&S- 116/ 01‘Service  Avoid excavation or excavate only using insulated hand tools
lines, gas supplies. General public  Avoid significant ground im pact from falling t im ber
avoidance briefing’
2. 3 m ains, water or Explosions  AA ‘I COP for Arboriculture – Tree Work At  Avoid contact with overhead telecom m lines.
sewage pipes) Flooding Height’
Loss of com m s
Loss of data
Buildings or Trees Work team  AFAG Safety Guide 401  Work planning.
other Parts of t rees  FI SA 302, 307, 310  All staff t rained and certificated in felling and dism antling operations.
obstructions in contact with  NPTC Certificates of Com petence: CS31, 32, 33, Buildings evacuated if necessary.
building or General public  Notify occupants, and use work staff to m onitor building access
41, 44
obstruction  AA ‘I COP for Arboriculture – Tree Work At routes.
2. 4 People Height’  Undertake work during ‘off- peak’ or closed hours if possible
enter/ exit
buildings near
to worksite
that m ust
rem ain open.

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Generic Risk Assessment for Arboriculture - Sheffield
Ref Hazard Risk I ndustry Best Practice/ Guidance Control Measures
Working near Trees Work team  AFAG Safety Guide 401:  All staff t rained to appropriate level.
roads/ Parts of t rees  Departm ent for Transport Approved Code of  AT least one certificated operator on site on public roads.
footpaths/ hit t ing passing Practice “ Safety at street works and road works”  Adequate staff on site to m aintain t raffic control.
public areas t raffic/ General public to support NRSWA.  Use of “ Hi- viz” clothing/ PPE.
2. 5 pedestrians.  Traffic Signs Manual - Chapter 8  Public excluded from work area: signs, barriers, tape.
Workers  AA ‘I COP for Arboriculture – Tree Work At  Stop t raffic when required to safely facilitate works
struck by Height’  All signage and guarding to com ply with Traffic Signs Manual -
passing t raffic Chapter 8
Working in Offending or Work team  I n- com pany code of practice / instruction.  Use of hand tools where possible for pruning works; clear work site:
sensitive/ alienating the Client Take brash off- site without chipping to reduce the r isk that noise m ay
em otionally general public. cause nuisance and/ or signal the presence of the work team .
charged locality Work team General public  Refer situation to supervisor.
becom ing the local special  Seek to calm the tensions.
2. 6 vict im of interest  Guide and educate the general public.
verbal or group/ anti-  Consider battery powered saw.
physical abuse social elem ent
of local
com m unity
Protestors Mem bers of Work team  Am ey policy.  Should protestors threaten or attem pt to prevent or interfere with
actively t rying the public  Client instruction. work. Work Team are to stop work and contact their designated
to disrupt or entering work supervisor / m anager
prevent work site and / or General public  Contact the police as a ‘Non- Em ergency’ by phoning 101 if required
2. 7 designated  Always use the Am ey Close Call reporting system should an incident
‘Drop Zone’ occur no m at ter how m inor
Risk of serious
Works within Electrocution Work team  Supertram Code of Practice - SEO / 1 / 1003  Method statem ents m ust be prepared by the Statutory Undertaker or
3m of the Contact with Contractor and be agreed in writing by the SYSL Engineer.
Supertram live lines.  Staff briefed on Supertram Track Safety.
swept path or Workers / General public  Consider arranging for tem porary closure of t ram service or when
2. 8 2.75m of the Equipm ent / t ram is not operational e.g. night
overhead line Trees hitt ing  I n case of em ergency works that effect the Supertram Network,
equipm ent passing t ram contact the following ( 0114) 2798128 - Supertram Operations Control
Centre ( OCC). Callers should ask for the Control Room Officer ( CRO) .

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Generic Risk Assessment for Arboriculture - Sheffield
Ref Hazard Risk I ndustry Best Practice/ Guidance Control Measures
3 .0 Environm ental Considerations
Mineral oil/ Pollution Work team  BS 3998: 2010 “ Recom m endations for Tree  All staff to receive t raining. Refuelling of vehicles, plant and equipm ent
herbicides/ threat to Work ” , to be carried out away from watercourses.
pesticides in or aquatic life  BS 5837: 2012 “ Guide for t rees in relation to
near water form s, be they General public construction” .  No m ixing and decanting of pesticides and herbicides or other
courses. plant or  Forestry Com m ission: “ Forests and water chem icals in the vicinity of a watercourse.
anim al guidelines”  Gain Environm ent Agency licence for herbicide application within 20m
3. 1 Tree work Sawdust,  Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 of a watercourse.
adjacent to chippings,  EC Directive 2000/ 60/ EC Water Fram ework  Ensure watercourses and banks are kept clear of arisings from t ree
watercourses brushwood, Directive work
t im ber causing
blockage to
Proposed work Dam age to Work team  Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 as am ended.  Experienced surveyor to carry out visual check before works
adjacent to protected  EC Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds com m ence. I f protected species present either:
protected species or 1979 ( 79/ 409/ EEC) .  Delay works until animal moves off of it s own accord ( e.g. otter, snake
species / habitat habitat: General public  EC Directive on Conservation of Natural Habitats etc.). or
Dam age to and Wild Flora and Fauna 1992 ( 92/ 43/ EEC).  Delay works until a non- crit ical season – out of nesting/ breeding or
badger setts  EC Directive 2000/ 60/ EC Water Fram ework migration season, or
and so Directive.  Change scope of works to avoid disturbance of habitat, or
com m unity of  Badger Act 1981.  Obtain relevant licence from English Nature ( badger sett, bats,
badgers.  The Deer Act 1991. crayfish, water voles).
3. 2  The Protection of Badgers Act 1992.  As appropriate for the species or habitat present.
Disturbance to  Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.
nesting or  BS 8596 - Surveying for bats in t rees and  Notify Am ey Ecological Team
roosting woodland  Any work within 50 m of an active badger sett will require a license
places.  AA Guidance Note 10 ‘Protected Species and from Natural England.
Disturbance to  Bat Conservation Trust Training - Arboriculture
habitat. and bats: Scoping surveys for arborists
 AA ‘I COP for Arboriculture – Tree Work At
Excessive noise Loss of Work team  Noise at Work Regulations 1989  Only use correctly m aintained and silenced vehicles, plant and
or noise at enjoym ent of  HSE – Noise at Work I NDG362( rev 2) equipm ent.
inappropriate property  Unless em ergency work, lim it working hours to 8: 00 to 18: 00 Monday
t im es. through noise General public to Friday.
3. 3 or dust.  Consider battery operated chainsaw use.
Excessive dust.  Site chipping equipm ent to avoid wind blowing debris onto private
 Use water suppression to dust dispersal if practicable.

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Generic Risk Assessment for Arboriculture - Sheffield
Ref Hazard Risk I ndustry Best Practice/ Guidance Control Measures
Bio- Security Cross Work Team  WEBSI TE http: / /  When bio- security issues are encountered or suspected notify
contam ination pestsandd iseases supervisor / m anager.
of t ree stock.  FI SA 805  Correct disposal of arisings. Cleaning / sterilising work tools after use.
3. 4 Vectoring of Update/ t rain arb staff on latest pest/ disease inform at ion.
pathogens –

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Ref Hazard Risk I ndustry Best Practice/ Guidance Control Measures
4 .0 Operations

4. 1 Chainsaws – Com m on Factors

Fuelling Fire Work team  HSE I NDG317 “ Chainsaws at work” :  All operators t rained and com petent. Shaded fuelling site. Safe
Explosion  AFAG 308 distance from any ignit ion source. Correct sealed containers. Saw
Burns/ blast  FI SA 301 fuel caps replaced securely.
a injuries General public  NPTC CS30.1  * NO SMOKI NG ON SI TE*
Spillage  Spill kit located on vehicle
 Fire blanket on site
Maintenance: Cuts from Work team  HSE I NDG317 “ Chainsaws at work” :  Avoid bare hand contact with chain and bar.
b chain / bar chain / bar /  FI SA 301  Ensure files have handles.
hand tools  NPTC CS30.1  PPE.
Noise Deafness Saw operator  HSE I NDG317 “ Chainsaws at work  Correct saw m aintenance ( exhaust baffles, chain and bar) .
c Work team
 FI SA 301,801  Hearing protectors.
 NPTC CS30.2  PPE
Vibration Vibration- Saw operator,  I NDG175 ‘Hand- arm Vibration at Work’  Select appropriate equipm ent
induced White particularly  I NDG317 “ Chainsaws at work” ; HSE 246/ 31  Monitor and carefully regulate exposure t im es against published data.
Finger ( VWF), operators of “ Reducing Risks of HAV I njury From Hand Held Correct m aintenance for A/ V system s, chain and bar.
Hand Arm large Power Tools” ;  Gloves worn.
d Vibration  FI SA 301  PPE.
Syndrom e  NPTC CS30.2  Use of lorry- m ounted grab to reduce the need to cut large diam eter or
( HAVS) stem wood into m anageable pieces
 HAVS recorded and m onitored on t im e sheets
Poor handling Muscular Saw operator  HSE I NDG317 “ Chainsaws at work” :  All operators t rained and com petent.
e strain/ long-  FI SA 301, 302, 303, 304  Use of ergonom ic work system s.
term inj ury  NPTC CS30 - 45  Work planning.
Contact with Cut injuries / Saw operator  HSE I NDG317 “ Chainsaws at work  All operators t rained and com petent.
m oving chain/ laceration  FI SA 301, 302, 303, 304, 306, 307  Saw safety features fit ted and working.
f kickback  AFAG 308.  Correct bar and chain m aintenance.
 Appropriate level of chainsaw com petence as per  PPE
NPTC CS units 30 to 45.  First aid kit appropriate for task

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Ref Hazard Risk I ndustry Best Practice/ Guidance Control Measures
4. 2 Tree Clim bing – Com m on Factors
Weak t ree Failure of Clim ber  AFAG Safety Guide 401, 403:  All operators t rained and certificated.
structure. clim ber’s  AA Guide “ A Guide to Good Climbing Practice;  Assessm ent of anchor points and t ree.
Ground crew
anchor point,  NPTC CS38;  Ensure strength of anchor points.
See also 5.4 clim ber falls  HSE Research Report 123 Use and effectiveness  Use of supplem entary anchor points.
a Mobile Elevating from t ree, of m obile elevating work platform s for t ree work  Avoid clim bing: Consider the use of a Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Work Platform lim bs fall on  AA ‘I COP for Arboriculture – Tree Work At ( MEWP) as m eans of access and/ or as working platform .
clim ber/ Height’
ground crew
Equipm ent Clim ber falls Clim ber  AFAG Safety Guide 401  Daily checks of equipm ent.
failure from or within  AA Guide “ A Guide to Good Climbing Practice”  Worn/ dam aged equipm ent withdrawn from service.
Ground crew
t ree: m ajor or  NPTC CS38.  Thorough Exam ination of Lift ing Equipm ent ( PPE climbing equipm ent
b m inor contact  LOLER Regs 1998 every 6 months)
injuries  HSE L22 – ‘Approved Code of Practice’ PUWER
 AA ‘I COP for Arboriculture – Tree Work At
Poor clim bing Clim ber falls Clim ber  AFAG Safety Guide 401,  All operators t rained and certificated.
technique: Free from , or  AA Guide “ A Guide to Good Climbing Practice”,  Use of correct equipm ent and procedures.
Ground crew
clim bing, within, t ree:  NPTC CS38  PPE.
c unprotected m ajor or  AA ‘I COP for Arboriculture – Tree Work At
position, loss of m inor contact Height’
balance injuries
Falling objects: I njury to Work team  AFAG Safety Guide 401,  All operators t rained and certificated.
equipm ent, persons and  AA Guide “ A Guide to Good Climbing Practice”  Correct use of tools, equipm ent and tool strops.
d tools, branches / or property
General public
 NPTC CS38, 39, 40, 41, 45  I dentified hazard areas.
below  AA ‘I COP for Arboriculture – Tree Work At  Com m unication procedures.
Height’  Use of suitable ‘Drop Zone’
Awkward Muscular Clim ber  AFAG Safety Guide 401  All operators t rained; Planned work program m e.
m ovem ents strain  AA Guide “ A Guide to Good Climbing Practice”  Ergonom ic clim bing techniques and routing of ropes to achieve best
e when working in Back injury  NPTC CS38, 39. working positions.
t ree  Use of supplem entary anchors.

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Ref Hazard Risk I ndustry Best Practice/ Guidance Control Measures
4. 3 Chainsaw in Tree – Com m on Factors
Top- handled Kickback Saw operator  HSE I NDG317 “ Chainsaws at work” : HSE CRR  All operators t rained and certificated.
saw use by Cut injury / 402/ 2001 “ Safe working m ethods with top-  Top handled saws used only in t ree ( apart from warm - up).
Ground crew
clim ber laceration. handled chainsaws” ;  Operator in correct position.
Cutting  FI SA 301  Ropes kept in safe position.
a clim bing rope  AFAG Safety Guide 308, 401;  Use of supplem entary anchor.
causing fall  AA Guide “ A Guide to Good Climbing Practice”  Use of cut- proof strop if applicable.
injury  NPTC CS30, 38, 39, 40 41  Chain brake applied before and after cutting.
Fatality  Two- handed use wherever possible, never “ cut and hold” .
 PPE.
Passing saw to Saw falling on Saw operator  HSE I NDG317 “ Chainsaws at work” :  All operators t rained and certificated.
or from clim ber ground staff.  AFAG Safety Guide 308, 401  Good com m unication.
Ground crew
b Rope dam age  AA Guide “ A Guide to Good Climbing Practice”  Correct m ethods of attaching/ securing saw.
 NPTC CS30, 38, 39, 40, 41, 45.  Use of tool line if appropriate.
 PPE.
Large saw use. Kickback, cut Saw operator/  HSE I NDG317 “ Chainsaws at work” :  All operators t rained and certificated.
injury / Ground crew  FI SA 301  Saw is appropriate to task.
See also 4.1 d laceration,  AFAG Safety Guide 401:  Saw supported centrally on harness or on tool line if appropriate.
Vibration Vibration.  AA Guide “ A Guide to Good Climbing Practice” Operator in correct position.
Muscular  NPTC CS30, 39, 41, 45.  Consider unclipping saw from harness when rem oving large diam eter
strain, back sections.
c injury.  Ropes kept in safe position.
Cutting  Use of supplem entary anchor.
clim bing  Use of cut- resistant strop if applicable.
rope/ strop  Chain brake applied before and after cutting.
leading to slip  Two- handed use at all t im es.
or fall injury /  PPE.
Branch rem oval Cuts Work team  HSE I NDG317 “ Chainsaws at work” :  All operators t rained and certificated.
I m pact  FI SA 301  Correct clim ber position. Accurate severing cuts.
Crush injuries  AFAG Safety Guide 401, 403, 308:  Team com m unication.
General public  AA Guide “ A Guide to Good Climbing Practice”  Work equipm ent, plant and m achinery stored securely at suitable
4. 4  NPTC CS30, 38, 39, 40, 41 distance from t ree.
 PPE.
 Non- Workers public excluded from work area
 Use of suitable ‘Drop Zone’
 Stop highway t raffic if required

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Ref Hazard Risk I ndustry Best Practice/ Guidance Control Measures
Use of lowering System failure Clim ber  FI SA 301  All operators t rained and certificated.
equipm ent. I m pact  AFAG Safety Guide 308, 401, 403  Equipm ent inspected regularly by a com petent person.
Ground crew
Crush injuries.  AA Guide “ A Guide to Good Climbing Practice”  Thorough Exam ination of Lift ing Equipm ent ( lowering equipm ent
Rope fr ict ion  NPTC CS38, 39, 40, 41. HSE AI S 30: “ every 12 m onths) .
4. 5 burns  LOLER Regs 1998  Correct routing of ropes.
 HSE L22 – ‘Approved Code of Practice’ PUWER  Appropriate position and strength of anchor points, pulleys, etc.
 AA ‘I COP for Arboriculture – Tree Work At  Working within Safe Working Load.
Height’  Team com m unication.
 Stop highway t raffic if required
Tree felling I m pact Work team  HSE I NDG317 “ Chainsaws at work” :  All operators t rained and certificated.
Crush injuries  FI SA 501, 301, 302, 303, 304, 306, 307, 310  Safe working distances.
 NPTC CS30, 31, 32, 33, 44.  Escape routes m aintained.
4. 6 General public  Accuracy of cuts.
 Use of felling aids.
 PPE.
De- lim bing and Chainsaw Work team  HSE I NDG317 “ Chainsaws at work” :  All operators t rained and certificated.
cross cutting. injury:  FI SA 301, 303, 304.  Work planning.
Kickback, cut  NPTC CS30, 31, 32, 33  Safe working distances.
4. 7 injury/  Escape routes m aintained.
laceration.  PPE
I m pact/ crush  Beware of kick back from saw to operator and work team .
injury.  Maintain ‘safe working distance’
Storm dam aged Chainsaw Work team  FI SA 302, 304, 306, 310  All operators t rained and certificated.
t rees: Extrem e injury:  NPTC CS31, 32, 34, 35, 50  Work planning.
tension. Kickback, cut  Safe working distances.
injury/ General public  Escape routes m aintained.
Em ergency
4. 8 laceration.  Correct assessm ent of tension and com pression.
I m pact/ crush services  Safe use of winch.
injury. personnel  PPE
 I f unsafe to work, secure area in conj unction with em ergency services
and return to site better prepared
Chem ical Contam ination Operator  FI SA 202  All operators t rained and certificated.
spraying. Poisoning.  NPTC PA1, PA2 , PA6  Choice of application m ethod.
Work team
 HSE L5 – ‘Approved Code of Practice’ COSHH  Safe and secure storage.
Client  COSHH Regs 2002  Operation in accordance with COSHH assessm ent.
General public  HSE L22 – ‘Safe Use of Work Equipm ent’  Data inform at ion available.
4. 9  Accurate calibration and m ixing.
 PPE.
 Washing facilit ies.
 Correct disposal of waste.
 Medical surveillance.

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 Follow m anufacturers instructions.

Ref Hazard Risk I ndustry Best Practice/ Guidance Control Measures
Stum p Grinding Silica dust Operator  AFAG 606  All operatives t rained in the use of cable location plans and cable
exposure – Work team  HSE - Control of exposure to silica dust: A guide detecting equipem ent.
long term lung General public for employees  Exploratory hand dig if underground services are in close proxim it y.
disease  HSE HSG47 “ Avoiding danger from underground  Use of insulated hand tools.
4. 10 Contact with services”  Suitable dust m asks and eye protection.
underground  Prior to work - Perm it to dig always required
services  ( SHARC) Service Hazard and Risk Control
Flying debris  When there is r isk of silica dust FFP3 filt ering face- pieces
or respirators with P3 filt ers m ust be used
Tree Planting Manual Work team  FI SA 103  Operatives have m anual handling t raining
handling  HSE L23 – Manual Handling  Containerised t rees to be carried by at least two persons
injuries  HSE HSG47 “ Avoiding danger from underground  All operatives t rained in the use of cable location plans and cable
Contact with services” detecting equipem ent.
4. 11 underground  Exploratory hand dig if underground services are in close proxim it y.
services  Use of insulated hand tools.
Cuts to hands  Prior to work - Perm it to dig always required
 ( SHARC) Service Hazard and Risk Control

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Ref Hazard Risk I ndustry Best Practice/ Guidance Control Measures
5. 0 Machinery
Brushwood Cuts, Operator  FI SA 604 Woodchippers.  All operators t rained.
chippers Noise  HSE Agricultural I nform at ion Sheet 38: “ Power-  Manufacturers’ instruction m anual available.
Work team
( deafness) fed m obile wood chippers: Operator protection  All guards and warnings in place.
5. 1 Lim b inj ury at infeed chutes”  Regular m achine m aintenance.
Eye inj ury General public  NPTC Certificate of Com petence in Brushwood  Safe fuelling and storage of fuel.
Chipper Operations  Unauthorised personnel excluded from work area: signs, barriers, etc.
 PPE.
Stum p grinders Cuts Operator  HSE HSG47 “ Avoiding danger from underground  All operators t rained.
Noise Work team services” :  Manufacturers’ instruction m anual available.
( deafness)  NPTC Certificate of Com petence in Stum p  All guards and warnings in place.
I njury from Grinding Operations  Regular m achine m aintenance.
flying debris. General public  Safe fuelling and storage of fuel.
 AFAG- 606 Mobile Stum p Grinders
I njury from  Adequate barriers for flying debris.
5. 2 contact with  Unauthorised personnel excluded from work area: signs, barriers, etc.
cutter wheel  PPE.
or contact
Winches – hand I njuries from : Operator  FI SA 310, 502  All operators t rained.
or m echanical failure of Work team  NPTC CS32, 34, 35, 44.  Regular m achine m aintenance.
equipm ent,  LOLER Regs 1998  Equipm ent inspected regularly by a com petent person.
5. 3 whiplash, and
General public
 HSE L22 ‘Approved Code of Practice’ PUWER  Thorough Exam ination of Lift ing Equipm ent ( every 12 m onths).
worn cables.  SWL known: all strops, shackles and cables to SWL m inim um .
 PPE.

Brushcutters / Cuts Operator  FI SA 203  All operators t rained.

Clearing saws Noise Work team  NPTC Certificate of Com petence in Brushcutting  Regular m achine m aintenance.
( deafness) Operations ( if applicable)  Safe fuelling and storage of fuel
I njury from  Correct fit t ing of harness.
General public
5. 4 flying debris.  Unauthorised personnel excluded from work area: signs, barriers, etc.
I njury from  PPE.
contact with
cutting head /

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Ref Hazard Risk I ndustry Best Practice/ Guidance Control Measures
Hedge- t r im m ers Cuts Operator  Manufacturer’s operator m anual.  All operators t rained.
( See also: Noise Work team  NPTC AHT02 - Certificate of Com petence in the  Regular m achine m aintenance.
2.1 d: Access ( deafness) Safe Use of Hedge Trim m ers ( I f applicable)  Safe fuelling and storage of fuel.
5. 5 Client
equipm ent) I njury from  Unauthorised personnel excluded from work area: signs, barriers, etc.
contact with General public  PPE.
cutting knives
Mechanised pole Cuts Operator  Manufacturer’s operator m anual.  All operators t rained.
pruner Noise Work team  NPTC CS 48: “ Mechanised pole pruner”  Regular m achine m aintenance.
( deafness) ;  Safe fuelling and storage of fuel.
I njury from  Observe working height / angle lim it s.
contact with General public  Unauthorised personnel excluded from work area: signs, barriers, etc.
5. 6 chain, severed  PPE.
sections falling  Wear Harness to reduce strain.
on operator /  Share operation of saw.

Assessor Nam e: A. Greenwood S.Taylor- Hanson Signature: Date: Jan 2017

For Risk Classification Matrix and ALARP calculation see Appendix

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Risk Classification ( As Low as
Ref Severity Likelihood
Classification After Control Reasonably
Measures Practicable)
1 .1 5 1 Hi Hi Yes
1 .2 4 2 Hi Me Yes
1 .3 5 2 Cr Hi Yes
1 .4 4 2 Hi Me Yes
2 .1 a 3 2 Me Me Yes
2 .1 b 5 2 Cr Hi Yes
2 .1 c 3 3 Hi Lo Yes
2 .1 d 4 2 Hi Me Yes
2 .1 e 3 2 Me Me Yes
2 .1 f 3 3 Hi Me Yes
2 .1 g 3 2 Me Lo Yes
2 .1 h 2 3 Me Lo Yes
2 .1 i 5 1 Hi Hi Yes
2 .1 j 2 2 Lo Lo Yes
2 .1 k 4 2 Hi Me Yes
2 .1 l 4 2 Hi Me Yes
2 .1 5 1 Hi Hi Yes
2 .1 n 5 1 Hi Hi Yes
2 .1 o 4 1 Me Me Yes
2 .1 p 5 1 Hi Hi Yes
2 .2 5 2 Cr Hi Yes
2 .3 4 2 Hi Me Yes
2 .4 2 3 Me Lo Yes
2 .5 3 3 Hi Me Yes
2 .6 2 3 Me Lo Yes
2 .7 3 3 Hi Me Yes
2 .8 4 2 Hi Me Yes
3 .1 2 2 Lo Lo Yes
3 .2 3 2 Me Me Yes

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Risk Classification ( As Low as
Ref Severity Likelihood
Classification After Control Reasonably
Measures Practicable)
3 .3 2 2 Lo Lo Yes
3 .4 4 2 Hi Me Yes
4 .1 a 4 2 Hi Me Yes
4 .1 b 2 3 Me Lo Yes
4 .1 c 4 4 Cr Me Yes
4 .1 d 4 3 Cr Me Yes
4 .1 e 3 3 Hi Me Yes
4 .1 f 4 3 Cr Me Yes
4 .2 a 5 2 Cr Hi Yes
4 .2 b 5 2 Cr Hi Yes
4 .2 c 5 2 Cr Hi Yes
4 .2 d 4 3 Cr Me Yes
4 .2 e 3 3 Hi Me Yes
4 .3 a 5 3 Cr Hi Yes
4 .3 b 4 2 Me Me Yes
4 .3 c 4 3 Cr Me Yes
4 .4 4 3 Cr Me Yes
4 .5 4 3 Cr Me Yes
4 .6 4 3 Cr Me Yes
4 .7 4 3 Cr Me Yes
4 .8 4 3 Cr Me Yes
4 .9 3 2 Me Me Yes
4 .1 0 4 2 Hi Me Yes
4 .1 1 3 2 Me Me Yes
5 .1 3 3 Hi Me Yes
5 .2 4 2 Hi Me Yes
5 .3 3 2 Me Me Yes
5 .4 3 2 Me Me Yes
5 .5 2 2 Lo Lo Yes
5 .6 2 3 Me Lo Yes

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Risk Calculation
The risk calculation process described below uses a qualitative (rather than quantitative) assessment of risk. This means that the process is largely
subjective, being based on personal judgement, supported by appropriate knowledge of the activity, location and hazards in question. The following tables
use five levels of severity and likelihood.

“Severity” is indicative of the consequence or outcome of the hazard. The progression from level 1 to level 5 for severity is not linear. The consequence for
each level is so much greater than the preceding one, that it should be visualised as an exponential progression.
The most likely adverse effect of the hazard should be used when determining severity, rather than the worst case outcome. Because the consequence
for each level is so much greater than the preceding one, the assessor must be satisfied that the likelihood of any more severe outcomes is both As Low
As Reasonably Practicable and Tolerable (ALARP)

Level Description Measure
1 Trivial Trivial injury (or trivial asset damage)
2 Minor Minor injury (or minor asset loss / damage)
3 Moderate Over 3-day injury (or significant asset loss / damage)
4 Substantial Major injury (or business interruption)
5 Catastrophic Fatality (or business termination)

“Likelihood” is the estimate of the hazard arising

Level Description
1 Minimal highly unlikely to occur
2 Low foreseeable, but unlikely to occur
3 Moderate foreseeable and likely to occur
4 High foreseeable and highly likely to occur
5 Very High almost certain to occur

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Risk Classification Matrix
The five levels specified for severity and likelihood give rise, when entered, to a 5-by-5 risk matrix. Tolerability of risk decreases with increasing Risk
1 2 3 4 5
Trivial Minor Moderate Substantial Catastrophic
1 Highly unlikely In Lo Me Me Hi

2 Unlikely In Lo Me Hi Cr
3 Likely Lo Me Hi Cr Cr
4 High likely Lo Hi Cr Cr Cr
5 Almost certain Lo Hi Cr Cr Cr

Classification Conclusion Action Required

Risk is broadly acceptable. Work may proceed with no further action, but be alert to any changes which may
require reassessment.
In Insignificant

Risk falls in the region of tolerability, so it must be shown to be Monitor for changes, which will require reassessment.
ALARP before work begins / continues.
Lo Low
If costs* are clearly very high and the reduction in risk is only marginal,
then it is likely that the situation is already ALARP and further
improvements are not required.
Me Medium In other circumstances the improvements may be relatively simple or
cheap to implement and the risk reduction significant. Here the existing
situation is unlikely to be ALARP and the improvement is required.
The degree of scrutiny, level of effort and robustness of recording
this consideration must rise with the risk classification.
Hi High

Risk is not tolerable. Work may not start or continue until the risk has been reduced. If it is not possible to
reduce the risk even with unlimited resources, the work has to remain prohibited.
Cr Critical

* Costs includes finance, resources and time

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