Apeks Status Electronics 1st Stage Maintenance Issue 4 (13-01-2010)

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Issue 4
Document No. AP5927 13/01/10
Tel: 0044 (0) 1254 692200 Fax: 0044 (0) 1254 692211 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.apeks.co.uk
Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

Amendments and approval of this document can only be carried out by the relevant people listed on the Approved list of signatures, which
is listed in the Apeks Quality Manual. To instigate a change, a Task / Change request form, (Form No. ‘DESI/10002’), must be completed
and passed to the relevant person(s) for approval which are listed on the Approved List of Signatures. When approval has been granted and
recorded this table can then be completed and the document up issued.

Change Change Re- Description & Comments: Change Date New Issue Changed By: Approved
No. quest No. No. By:
1 106 Page 10 Caution Note added to steps 4, 5 and 6 2/01/2008 2 M.Winward ACD
Warning user to depressurise regulator prior to
fitting Hydrostatic Diaphragm and End Cap

2 113 Addition to note on page 4 regarding removal 18/04/08 3 L.Holt ACD

of battery and minimum time of one minute to
reset service interval timer.
1013 0167 Update the Nitrox policy to the current 13/01/10 4 RH ACD
revision, and add information about using
cristo-lube to lubricate threads on DIN

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

COPYRIGHT NOTICE ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
WARNINGS, CAUTIONS & NOTES ......................................................................................................................................... 4
STATUS NOTES .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
GENERAL GUIDELINES ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
GENERAL CONVENTIONS....................................................................................................................................................... 5
DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES ................................................................................................................................................ 6
REASSEMBLY PROCEDURES.................................................................................................................................................. 8
IMMERSION TESTING ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
TABLE 1 - TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ..............................................................................................................................11
TABLE 2 - LCD FAULT GUIDE ............................................................................................................................................... 12
TABLE 3 - RECOMMENDED TOOL LIST.............................................................................................................................. 13
TABLE 4 - RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTS AND CLEANERS ........................................................................................ 14
CLEANING AND LUBRICATION PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................. 15
TABLE 5 -TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................................. 16
TABLE 6 - TEST BENCH SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 16
XTX200 (FSR) STATUS EXPLODED PARTS DRAWING ..................................................................................................... 17
XTX100 (FST) STATUS EXPLODED PARTS DRAWING ..................................................................................................... 18
XTX50 (DST) STATUS EXPLODED PARTS DRAWING....................................................................................................... 19
XTX40 (DS4) STATUS EXPLODED PARTS DRAWING ....................................................................................................... 20

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual
whether the regulator needs a M.P. adjustment or if a high
COPYRIGHT NOTICE pressure (H.P.) leakage has occured and a full service is required.
This manual is copyrighted, all rights reserved. It may not, This is dependant on the condition of the components within
in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, the first stage or the length of time since the regulator was last
translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine serviced (if close to one year, a full service is recommended).
readable form without prior consent in writing from Apeks If the M.P is correct and there is no leakage, then the LCD
Marine Equipment Ltd. It may not be distributed through the display will show ‘OK’ for a small length of time and then it will
internet or computer bulletin board systems without prior disappear.
consent in from Apeks Marine Equipment Ltd.
©2006 Apeks Marine Equipment Ltd. Service Status

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual The Status indicator will display ‘SVC’ either annually or after
(AP5927 Issue 3) a specific time of usage, whichever comes first. This informs
the user that the regulator needs to be inspected by a Service
INTRODUCTION It is recommended that the Apeks Status first stage regulator
This manual provides factory prescribed procedures for the correct should have an interim service carried out annually regardless of
maintenance and repair of the Apeks STATUS first stage regulator usage, with a full service being performed every two years.
electronics. The parts shown in this manual are used throughout The regulator’s previous service history, along with the general
the STATUS range. It is not intended to be used as an instructional condition of the first stage, dictate whether a full service is
manual for untrained personnel. The procedures outlined within this required or if an interim is satisfactory, i.e. if it was fully serviced
manual are to be performed only by personnel who have received the previous year, then only an interim service will be necessary.
factory authorised training through an Apeks Service & Repair Battery- Important notes
Seminar. If you do not completely understand all of the procedures
outlined in this manual, contact Apeks to speak directly with a NOTE: If at all unsure about the correct functionality
Technical Advisor before proceeding any further. of the Apeks Status first stage or if the Status indicator
displays ‘HI’ or ‘LO then it must be officially inspected
Pay special attention to information provided in warnings,
cautions, and notes that are accompanied by one of these
symbols: It is vital that the battery is replaced during both an interim and
full service. To reset the Service Status indicator, with both the
WARNINGS indicate a procedure or situation
annual and usage counters restarting from zero, the battery must
that may result in serious injury or death if be removed for at LEAST one minute.
instructions are not followed correctly.
If however, the regulator has only had an adjustment of the M.P.,
CAUTIONS indicate any situation or technique then the battery does not need replacing until the unit does display
that will result in potential damage to the ‘SVC’.
product, or render the product unsafe if
instructions are not followed correctly.
NOTE: Removing the battery for at least one minute
NOTES are used to emphasise important points, tips, and resets the Service Status indicator. Ensure battery is
reminders. replaced with a new one every time.

WARNING: When handling and disposing of

STATUS NOTES batteries, please observe the following instructions to
Apeks Status first stage regulators contain micro-electronics that
prevent accidents.
carry out two functions.
Never swallow- keep out of reach of children.
Firstly, it calculates whether the first stage is supplying gas to the Never charge, heat or expose to open flames- this can lead
second stage at the correct medium pressure (M.P.) in order for it
to fire and cause it to explode.
to perform at its best. Secondly it calculates a service schedule,
calculated by both usage and an internal, annual clock. All of Never disassemble the battery.
this information is displayed to the user via an LCD display upon Never short circuit the battery by reversing the +tive and -
pressurisation. tive terminals when mounting or by touching it with a metal
Medium Pressure Status Do not allow the electrodes to come into contact with your
skin or fingers. The moisture from your skin may cause
If the M.P. is too high or too low, the LCD display will display ‘HI’ discharge resulting in chemical burns.
or ‘LO’ respectively. This will also be followed by a flashing ‘SVC’
sign, indicating to the user that the regulator requires an inspection
by a service technician. It is then at the technician’s discretion

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

An Official Inspection consists of:

1. A pressurised immersion test of the entire unit to check for
air leakage. Unless otherwise instructed, the following terminology and
techniques are assumed:
2. Checking for stable medium pressure that is within the
acceptable range. 1. When instructed to remove, unscrew, or loosen a
threaded part, turn the part anti-clockwise.
3. Checking that all parts are tightly fastened together and that
no parts are loose. 2. When instructed to install, screw in, or tighten a
threaded part, turn the part clockwise.
4. A visual inspection of the Environmental Diaphragm
looking for tears or holes and checking the general 3. When instructed to remove an ‘O’ Ring, use the pinch
condition. method (see figure below) if possible, or use a brass,
aluminium or plastic ‘O’ Ring removal tool. Avoid using
5. A visual inspection of any filters for debris or dis-
hardened steel picks, as they may damage ‘O’ Ring
sealing surfaces. All ‘O’ Rings that are removed are
6. Pulling back hose protectors and checking that the hoses are discarded and replaced with brand new ‘O’ Rings.
secure in the hose crimps.

If a regulator fails steps 1,2, or 3 the entire regulator should be

serviced. If a regulator fails 4 or 5 it will be at the technician’s Pinch Method
discretion whether or not a full service is required. Failure of step Press upwards on
6 requires replacement of the Hose. sides of ‘O’ Ring to
create a protrusion.
1. In order to correctly perform the procedures outlined in insert ‘O’ Ring tool
this manual, it is important to follow each step exactly in
the order given. Read over the entire manual to become
at protrusion.
familiar with all procedures and to learn which specialty
tools and replacement parts will be required before
commencing disassembly. Keep the manual open beside 4. The following acronyms are used throughout the
you for reference while performing each procedure. Do not manual: MP is Medium Pressure; HP is High Pressure;
rely on memory. PN is Part Number.
2. All service and repair should be carried out in a work area 5. Numbers in parentheses reference the key numbers
specifically set up and equipped for the task. Adequate on the exploded parts schematics. For example, in the
lighting, cleanliness, and easy access to all required tools are statement, “...remove ‘O’ ring (4) from...”, the number 4
essential for an efficient repair facility. is the key number to the Spring Carrier ‘O’ Ring.
3. During disassembly, reusable components should be
segregated and not allowed to intermix with non-reusable
parts or parts from other units. Delicate parts, including DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES
inlet fittings and valve seats which contain critical sealing
NOTE: Before performing any disassembly, refer
surfaces, must be protected and isolated from other parts to
to the exploded parts drawing, which references all
prevent damage during the cleaning procedure.
mandatory replacement parts. These parts should be
4. Use only genuine Apeks parts provided in the 1st stage
replaced with new, and must not be reused under any
service kit (AP0227). DO NOT attempt to substitute an
circumstances - regardless of the age of the regula-
Apeks part with another manufacturer’s, regardless of any
tor or how much use it has received since it was last
similarity in shape or size.
5. Do not attempt to reuse mandatory replacement parts
under any circumstances, regardless of the amount of use CAUTION: Use only a plastic, brass or
the product has received since it was manufactured or last aluminium ‘O’ Ring removal tool (PN AT54)
serviced. when removing ‘O’ Rings to prevent damage
6. When reassembling, it is important to follow every torque to the sealing surface. Even a small scratch
specification prescribed in this manual, using a calibrated across an ‘O’ Ring sealing surface could
torque wrench. Most parts are made of either marine brass
result in leakage. Once an ‘O’ Ring sealing
or plastic, and can be permanently damaged by undue stress.
surface has been damaged, the part must
be replaced with new. DO NOT use a dental
pick, or any other steel instrument.

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

5. Using an ‘O’ ring removal tool (AT54) carefully prise the
Silica Gel Packet out of the Diaphragm Clamp (9).
The following procedures show the correct method of
servicing the dry sealed chamber on all STATUS first stage
regulators. The dry sealed chamber contains the micro-
electronics for the STATUS regulator. This sub assembly
is serviced using the same procedure regardless of the first
stage model.

Removal of STATUS Dry Sealed Chamber

1. Using a C Spanner (PN AT30) unscrew the Environmental

End Cap (1). Remove the Hydrostatic Diaghragm from the 6. Remove the Location Plug (12) and using an ‘O’ ring
environmental end cap removal tool (AT54) carefully prise the Diaphragm
assembly out by levering evenly around the whole

2. Remove the Logo Ring (8) and using a 34mm open ended
spanner (AT47) unscrew the Diaphragm Clamp (9).

3. This will remove the Main Electronic Unit (4) ,the

Spring Adjuster (7) and the Spring (11).
NOTE: Take care when removing the Diaphragm assembly
so as not to damage the seating face of the Valve Body (18)
or bend the stem of the valve lifter (17).

7. Using the Valve Lifter Tool (AT21) and a 3/4” Spanner

(AT33), remove the clamping nut (13) from the Diaphragm
NOTE: The thickness of the spanner must not assembly. Remove the diaphragm ring (14) from the valve
exceed 11mm or it will not fit between the thread and lifter (17)
the flange. The correct spanner can be purchased
from Apeks (PN AT47)

4. Remove the ‘O’

ring (10) from the
Diaphragm Clamp. (9)

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

8. Carefully remove the Pressure Sensor (15) from the Valve 11. Remove the Battery (6) from the Battery Carrier (5) by
Lifter (17). holding the edge of the carrier and pushing the battery out
as shown.

CAUTION: When removing the Pressure Sensor, do This Ends Disassembly

so by pulling gently on the black plug,

Before starting reassembly, perform parts cleaning and

9. Using an ‘O’ ring removal tool (AT54) carefully remove the
lubrication according to the procedures outlined in
‘O’ Ring (16) from the groove in the Valve Lifter.
‘Cleaning & Lubrication’ on page 14.

10. Carefully prise the Battery Carrier (5) from the main
electronic unit using your fingernail or an ‘O’ Ring removal

NOTE: Removing the battery for at least one minute

resets the Service Status indicator. Ensure battery is
replaced with a new one every time.

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

REASSEMBLY PROCEDURES 5. Place the location plug (12) over the socket with the small
oval lug aligned with the small oval hole in the pressure
Fitting of Dry Sealed Chamber sensor (15).

1. Install a new greased ‘O’ Ring (16) into the groove in the
Valve Lifter (17) using the ‘O’ Ring Removal tool (AT54).

6. Press the location plug (12) firmly so that it sits flat on the
top face of the clamping nut. (13)

CAUTION: Take care not to scratch the ‘O’ Ring

groove or damage the ‘O’ Ring with the sharp point
of the tool.

2. Place a new diaphragm ring (14) onto the valve lifter (17).

7. Place the Spring (11) on the clamping nut (13) over the
location plug.

3. Secure the valve lifter fastener tool (AT21) into the vice and
tighten the clamping nut (13) onto the valve lifter (17) using
a torque wrench. Torque to 12-14Nm.
8. Install a new lubricated ‘O’ ring (10) onto the Diaphragm
Clamp (9).

CAUTION: Torque wrench must be kept straight

so that the assembly does not slip out of the tool or
damage to the valve lifter can occur.
9. Thread the Diaphragm Clamp (9) onto the Valve Body (18),
making sure that the Spring (11) remains on the Clamping
4. Drop the diaphragm assembly through the centre hole of Nut (13), until hand tight. Using a 34mm open ended
the Valve Body (18) and press the Diaphragm (14) into the spanner (PN AT30) tighten the Diaphragm Clamp (9) until
Body. Run your finger around the edge of the diaphragm to there is metal to metal contact.
make sure it is properly seated.

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

CAUTION: Ensure that while tightening the diaphragm 3. Attach a M.P. test
clamp the regulator remains vertically upright so that the gauge (0-20 bar) to a
location plug does not become dislodged. If this occurs medium pressure hose
the electronic unit will not assemble into the regulator and thread the hose into
correctly . a MP Port. If your test
gauge does not have
an over pressure relief
10. Refit the Logo Ring (5). valve, you must attach
a properly adjusted
second stage to the first
stage to act as the relief
valve, in case of a H.P.

NOTE: Refer to the appropriate first stage manual to com-

plete the assembly. CAUTION: If the pressure gauge rapidly exceeds
11 bar, then there is a HP leak. Quickly close the
cylinder valve and purge the regulator. Refer to the
troubleshooting table for the causes of the leak.
4. Assuming there are no leaks, close the cylinder valve and
STAGE depressurise the regulator by opening the gauge relief
valve or by pressing the purge button of the second stage
regulator. Adjust the medium pressure by turning the Spring
WARNING: Compressed air can be highly explosive Adjuster (7): Turning in the Spring Adjuster increases the
and is dangerous if misused. Ensure cylinder valve is MP; Turning out the Spring Adjuster decreases the MP. Turn
opened slowly. Use Eye and Ear Personal Protective the Spring Adjuster in 1/8th turn increments and purge the
Equipment when performing any tests involving relief valve several times after each adjustment. When the
Compressed air. MP is between 9 and 10 bar , purge the relief valve on and
off 10-15 times. After cycling, watch the gauge needle. The
first stage MP should “lock-up” between 9 and 10 bar. Make
1. Attach the first stage any adjustments as necessary. Allow the first stage to stay
(with no Blanking pressurised for several minutes and check the MP again to
Plugs fitted) to a fully make sure it remains “locked-up” between 9 and 10 bar. If
charged 232 or 300 the MP creeps upward more than 0.25 bar, then there is a
bar cylinder. Slowly leak. Refer to the troubleshooting table for possible causes.
open the cylinder
valve, this will remove
any particles or
contaminants from the
first stage.

2. Install new lubricated

‘O’ rings on all of
the Blanking Plugs .
Using a 5mm Allen
key, install all of the
Blanking Plugs into the
Valve Body.

5. Close the cylinder valve and de-pressurise the regulator

by opening the gauge relief valve or by pressing the purge
button of the second stage regulator. Close the relief valve
and re-pressurise the system. The M.P. should still read
between 9 and 10 bar. If the pressure reading is different
than the original setting, repeat steps 3 and 4 until the M.P.
is stable.

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

6. Insert a new battery into the battery carrier (5) . Place one
side of the battery into the carrier underneath the tabs and 4. Install a new Hydrostatic Diaghragm (2) into the
press the remaining side into position with the ‘+’ side up. environmental end-cap (1).
Slide the carrier ino the main electronic unit.

CAUTION: Prior to re-assembling the

environmental end cap, the system MUST be
depressurised. This avoids the possibility of the
hydrostatic diaphragm sticking to the top of the
LCD display and dislodging the electronic unit. For
the same reason the hydrostatic diaphragm must not
be pressed whilst tightening the end cap into place.
5. Thread the Environmental End Cap (1) onto the Diaphragm
Clamp (9) until hand tight. Using the C Spanner (PN AT30),
NOTE: Removing the battery for at least one minute tighten the Environmental End Cap (1) until there is metal
resets the Service Status indicator. Ensure battery is to metal contact.
replaced with a new one every time.
6. Once the environmental End Cap (1) is fully tightened, the
regulator can then be re-pressurised for final testing. If the
CAUTION: Ensure that the battery is inserted with LCD displays ‘HI’, ‘LO’, or ‘SVC’ please refer to trouble
the positive (+) side up, failure to do so will destroy shooting table on page 11.
the electronic unit and pressure sensor.

Final Assembly

1. With the regulator still

pressurised, insert the
main electronic unit 7. Close the cylinder valve and depressurise the regulator.
(4) into the Diaphragm Remove the test gauge and reinstall the Blanking Plug.
Clamp (6).
This Ends Reassembly
2. Whilst applying very gentle downward pressure, rotate
the electronic unit until a positive location is found. Press IMMERSION TEST
the electronic unit home so that it sits below the end of the
diaphragm clamp. With the Blanking Plugs and at least one properly adjusted
second stage installed, slowly open the cylinder valve and
pressurise the first stage. Completely Submerge the first
stage in fresh water and check for leaks.
NOTE: Do not confuse bubbles from trapped air with a
true air leak. If there is an air leak, bubbles will come out in
a steady constant stream.

Assuming that there are no leaks, close the cylinder valve

and depressurise the regulator. Remove the first stage from
3. Within a 20 second period, the LCD should display ‘OK’ to the valve and secure the Protective Cap in place with the
signify that the regulator is set correctly. Yoke Clamp Screw. If the regulator has a DIN connection
replace the Protective DIN Cap.
If a leak is detected, note the source of the leak and refer to
NOTE: If the LCD does not display at all, de-pressurise the troubleshooting table on page 11 for possible causes and
the regulator completely of gas and wait 20 seconds before corrective actions.
repeating step 2. If the pressure is correct, but there is
still no display, or the LCD displays ‘HI’, ‘LO’, or ‘SVC’
please refer to trouble shooting table on page 11. This Ends Testing
Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

Table 1 - Troubleshooting Guide

1. HP Valve (14) is worn or damaged. 1. Replace HP Valve.

2. Removable HP Valve Seat(13) is worn or dam- 2. Replace Removable HP Valve

aged. (FSR Only) Seat.
3. ‘O’ ring on Removable HP Valve Seat (12) is
3. Replace ‘O’ ring.
damaged or worn.
High Pressure Creep
4. HP Balance Plug internal wall damaged. 4. Replace HP Balance Plug.
(also causes second stage leaks)
5. ‘O’ ring inside HP Balance Plug (16) is dam-
5. Replace ‘O’ ring.
aged or worn.
6. ‘O’ ring on HP Balance Plug (12) is damaged
6. Replace ‘O’ ring.
or worn.
7. HP Valve Seat in Valve Body (11) is worn or
7. Replace Valve Body.
1. Blanking Plug ‘O’ rings (12,28,29) are worn or
1. Replace ‘O’ Ring.

2. Diaphragm (9) worn or damaged. 2. Replace diaphragm.

3a. Valve Body 3a. Replace Valve Body.

3b. Diaphragm Clamp 3b. Replace Diaphragm Clamp.

3. Diaphragm sealing
surface damaged.
3c. Valve Lifter 3c. Replace Valve Lifter.
External air leakage
3d. Clamping Nut 3d. Replace Clamping Nut.
Environmental diaphragm
distended or burst
4. Clamping nut (13) loose. 4. Tighten Clamping nut.

5. Pressure Sensor ‘O’ ring damaged. 5. Replace ‘O’ Ring.

6. Connector ‘O’ ring (12) worn or damaged. 6. Replace ‘O’ Ring.

7. Diaphragm Clamp (6) loose. 7. Tighten Diaphragm Clamp.

8. ‘O’ ring on HP Balance Plug (17) worn or

8. Replace ‘O’ Ring.

1. Cylinder valve not completely open. 1. Open valve, check fill pressure.

Restricted air flow or high inhala- 2. Cylinder valve requires servicing 2. Switch to different cylinder.
tion resistance through entire
system 3. Conical Filter (35) or Disc Filter (21) is
3. Replace filter.
4. Adjust Medium Pressure to be-
4. Very Low Medium Pressure.
tween 9 and 10 bar.

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

Table 2 - LCD Fault Guide

1. Regulator not pressurised 1. Pressurise regulator and re-check.

2. 20 second pressurised reading time period 2. De-pressurise regulator completely,

has not lapsed wait 20 seconds and re-pressurise.

3. No battery 3. Insert new battery.

No Display
4. Pressure sensor faulty 4. Replace Pressure sensor*

5. Main electronic unit faulty 5. Replace Main electronic unit.*

6. Remove debris from underside of

6. Blocked sensor
valve lifter.
1. Adjust Medium Pressure to between
1. Medium pressure too low
Display ‘LO’ followed by ‘SVC’ 9 and 10 bar.
2. Faulty electronics 2. Replace electronics*

1. High pressure creep 1. Please see Table 1

Display ‘OK’ followed by ‘HI
and then ‘SVC’ flashing
2. Faulty electronics 2. Replace electronics*

1. Adjust Medium Pressure to between

1. Medium pressure too high
9 and 10 bar.
Display ‘HI’ followed by ‘SVC’
2. High pressure creep 2. Please see Table 1

3. Faulty electronics 3. Replace electronics*

1. Replace battery (battery must be

1. Annual counter expired
removed for at least one minute)
2. Replace battery (battery must be
Display flashing ‘SVC’ 2. Usage counter exceeded
removed for at least one minute)

3. Faulty electronics 3. Replace electronics*

* Electronics replacement kit AP0228 consists of Main Electronic Unit (4) and Pressure Sensor (15). These are non-serviceable items. If
they are damaged or faulty, both the Main Electronic Unit and Pressure Sensor must be exchanged for new components from a replacement
kit as they are factory callibrated as a pair.

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

Table 3 - Recommended Tool List


AP0430 I.P. test gauge Intermediate pressure testing
AT54 ‘O’ Ring removal pick ‘O’ Ring removal
AT30 C spanner Removal of Diaphragm Clamp & End Cap
AT48 First Stage Work Handle Clamping Valve Body in Vice
AT53 Removable HP Valve Seat Tool Removal and installation of HP Valve Seat (FSR)
n/a Torque wrench, Nm or lbf/ft Installation of Balance Plug & DIN Connection
n/a 6mm Allen key bit for torque wrench Installation of Balance Plug & DIN Connection
AT34 11/16” spanner Hose Removal
AT37 5mm Allen key Blanking Plugs
Removal of Balance Plug, DIN Connection & Spring
AT38 6mm Allen key Adjuster
Removal of Black Pearl, Tungsten and XTX Diaphragm
AT47 34mm open ended spanner Clamp
AT33 3/4” ring spanner Removal of Clamping Nut
AT21 Valve Lifter Fastener Fastening and unfastening of clamping nut & valve lifter
n/a 232 or 300 bar Diving cylinder Testing of regulator

AP0430 AT54 AT30 AT48

AT53 AT34 AT37 AT38

1. Photos not to scale.
2. Actual tools may differ
from those shown.

AT47 AT33 AT21

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

Table 4 - Recommended Lubricants & Cleaners


Christo-Lube® MCG-111 All ‘O’ Ring seals Apeks Marine Equipment Ltd
(Lubricant) PN AP1495, or

Lubrication Technologies
310 Morton Street
Jackson, OH 45640, USA
(800) 477-8704

CAUTION: Silicone rubber requires no lubrication or preservative treatment. DO NOT

apply grease or spray to silicone rubber parts (eg. Diaphragm, Exhaust Valves.) Doing so
may cause a chemical breakdown and premature deterioration of the material.

Biox Biological immersion fluid for reusable Solent Divers Ltd

(Cleaning agent) stainless steel and brass parts. 122-128 Lake Rd, Portsmouth,
Hants, PO1 4HH
White distilled vinegar (100 gr.) Acid bath for reusable stainless “Household” grade
(Cleaning agent) steel and brass parts.

CAUTION: Do not use muriatic acid for the cleaning of any parts. Even if strongly diluted,
muriatic acid can harm chrome plating and may leave a residue that is harmful to ‘O’ Ring
seals and other parts

Liquid dishwashing detergent diluted Degreaser for brass and stainless steel “Household” grade
with warm water parts; general cleaning solution for
(Cleaning agent) plastic and rubber

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

Cleaning & Lubrication Procedure

General Cleaning of all Parts
1. Place all components in an ultrasonic cleaning bath containing an appropriate cleaning solution, such as Biox.
2. The components should be cleaned for 6 minutes, depending upon their condition. Longer cleaning times may used if
3. Rinse the components in warm fresh water.
4. The components should then be blown dry or left to dry naturally.

Lubrication and Dressing

All ‘O’ Rings should be lubricated with Christo-Lube® MCG-111. Dress the ‘O’ Rings with a very light film of grease, and remove any visible
excess by running the ‘O’ Ring between thumb and forefinger. Avoid applying excessive amounts of Christo-Lube grease, as this will attract
particulate matter that may cause damage to the ‘O’ Ring.
Caution: Use a small amount of an appropriate lubricant (such as Christo-Lube) LIGHTLY applied to the thread of the Din Handwheel
periodically. This prevents seizing on the Cylinder Valve. DO NOT OVER LUBRICATE or apply to the internals of the handwheel or cylinder
valve gas-way.
Enriched Air Nitrox Use – Outside EEC (European Economic Community) Countries Your Apeks regulator has been prepared for use with
Enriched Air Nitrox (EAN) where the percentage of oxygen in the EAN does not exceed 40%. This is possible because each regulator is built to a
high standard of cleanliness using EAN compatible components and lubricants. In addition, each regulator design has passed stringent adiabatic
compression testing to ensure its safety and compatibility with increased percentages of oxygen. If it is your intention to use your new Apeks
regulator with Nitrox EAN (O2 not to exceed 40%), it is imperative that you maintain the internal cleanliness of the regulator (see section on Care
and Maintenance). If it is your intention to use the regulator interchangeably with breathing air, the breathing air should be oxygen-compatible or
“hyperfiltered” where the condensed hydrocarbons do not exceed 0.1 mg/m3. Your local authorised Apeks dealer can help you determine whether
the breathing air that they provide meets this criterion.

Standard compressed breathing air meeting the EN 12021 standard, often referred to as Grade E in the United States, does not necessarily meet
this criterion. Grade E or EN 12021 breathing air may contain a certain level of hydrocarbons, including traces of compressor oils that while not
considered harmful to breathe, can pose a risk in the presence of elevated oxygen content. Passing hydrocarbons through a valve and regulator
creates a cumulative effect where the hydrocarbons build up over time along the internal passageways of the equipment. When these hydrocarbons
come into contact with high-pressure oxygen enriched air, they can pose a very real hazard that can lead to combustion. Therefore, if a regulator
has had use with Grade E or EN 12021 breathing air, it should be returned to an authorised Apeks dealer for overhaul service including oxygen
cleaning, prior to being put back into nitrox service. Although second stage components are not exposed to high pressure EAN, Apeks recommends
that the same cleaning procedures be followed for the complete regulator. This prevents the possibility of cross contamination and guarantees the
cleanliness of the entire regulator.

Enriched Air Nitrox Use – Inside EEC (European Economic Community ) countries EN 1443-3 and EN13949In CEE countries, diving with
Nitrox/O2 is controlled by Standards EN 144-3 – Respiratory protective devices - Gas cylinder valves - Part 3: Outlet connections for diving gases
Nitrox and oxygen - and EN 13949 – Respiratory equipment - Open circuit self-contained diving apparatus for use with compressed Nitrox and
oxygen - requirements, testing, marking.

NOTE : Apeks offers a range of regulators designed and manufactured specially for use with oxygen-enriched mixtures, over 21% and up to
100% oxygen. This range has been certified according to the EN 144-3 and EN 13949 standards and meets the requirements of the adiabatic
compression tests. They have received CE certification for this type. For further information on this range, contact your Apeks specialist center.

WARNING : These regulators fitted with special connections should be used only with complementary equipment (tank valves, tanks, pressure
gauges, etc.) designed and prepared for use with an oxygen-enriched mixture. These items are marked Nitrox/O2.

WARNING: If the regulator that you use is fitted with a yoke or DIN connection, it is designed for use only with compressed breathing air (21%
oxygen and 79% nitrogen) which meets the EN 12021 standard. DO NOT USE this equipment with other mixtures or with gases containing more
than 21% oxygen. Disregarding this rule could result in serious injury or death caused by fire or explosion.

Every Nitrox/O2 regulator is assembled in a clean workshop, using compatible components and special lubricants. It is important to maintain the
interior of the regulator in a clean state. Breathing air used in the production of a mixture should be oxygen compatible and double filtered with
a hydrocarbon content not greater than 0.1 mg/m3. Your Apeks technical specialist should be able to help you determine if the breathing air he
supplied meets these criteria.

WARNING: Please check the regulations regarding Nitrox in your particular country as this may differ
from Apeks standard policy.

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

Table 5 - Torque Specifications


AP7505 Clamping Nut (13) 14 Nm / 10.325 lbf.ft

Table 6 - Test Bench Specifications


Leak Test Inlet pressure 150 - 232 bar No Leaks allowed

Medium Pressure Inlet pressure 150 - 232 bar 9 to 10 bar

0.25 bar max for 15 seconds after purging

Medium Pressure Creep Inlet pressure 150 - 232 bar

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

FSR (XTX200) Status Exploded Parts Diagram

* All marked items must be replaced when serviced.

# Replacement Main Electronic Unit Kit AP0228
1 AP1484 Environmental End Cap 10* AP7520 ‘O’ Ring
2* AP1482 Hydrostatic Diaphragm 11 AP1475 Spring
3 AP7510 Status Decal 12 AP7506 Location Plug
4# AP0151 Main Electronic Unit 13 AP7505 Clamping Nut
5 AP7518 Battery Carrier 14* AP7501 Diaphragm Ring
6* AP7504 CR2025 Battery 15# AP7513 Pressure Sensor
7 AP7508 Spring Adjuster 16* AP7502 ‘O’ Ring
8 AP5725 Logo Ring 17 AP7512 Status Valve Lifter
9 AP7507/S Diaphragm Clamp 18 AP5101 Valve Body

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

FST (XTX100) Status Exploded Parts Diagram

* All marked items must be replaced when serviced.

# Replacement Main Electronic Unit Kit AP0228

1 AP1484/S Environmental End Cap 10* AP7520 ‘O’ Ring

2* AP1482 Hydrostatic Diaphragm 11 AP1475 Spring
3 AP7510 Status Decal 12 AP7506 Location Plug
4# AP0151 Main Electronic Unit 13 AP7505 Clamping Nut
5 AP7518 Battery Carrier 14* AP7501 Diaphragm Ring
6* AP7504 CR2025 Battery 15# AP7513 Pressure Sensor
7 AP7508 Spring Adjuster 16* AP7502 ‘O’ Ring
8 AP5725 Logo Ring 17 AP7512 Status Valve Lifter
9 AP7507/S Diaphragm Clamp 18 AP5102 Valve Body

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

DST (XTX50) Status Exploded Parts Diagram

* All marked items must be replaced when serviced.

# Replacement Main Electronic Unit Kit AP0228
1 AP1484 Environmental End Cap 10* AP7520 ‘O’ Ring
2* AP1482 Hydrostatic Diaphragm 11 AP1475 Spring
3 AP7510 Status Decal 12 AP7506 Location Plug
4# AP0151 Main Electronic Unit 13 AP7505 Clamping Nut
5 AP7518 Battery Carrier 14* AP7501 Diaphragm Ring
6* AP7504 CR2025 Battery 15# AP7513 Pressure Sensor
7 AP7508 Spring Adjuster 16* AP7502 ‘O’ Ring
8 AP5725 Logo Ring 17 AP7512 Status Valve Lifter
9 AP7507/S Diaphragm Clamp 18 AP1480 Valve Body

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual

DS4 (XTX40) Status Exploded Parts Diagram

* All marked items must be replaced when serviced.

# Replacement Main Electronic Unit Kit AP0228
1 AP1484 Environmental End Cap 10* AP7520 ‘O’ Ring
2* AP1482 Hydrostatic Diaphragm 11 AP1475 Spring
3 AP7510 Status Decal 12 AP7506 Location Plug
4# AP0151 Main Electronic Unit 13 AP7505 Clamping Nut
5 AP7518 Battery Carrier 14* AP7501 Diaphragm Ring
6* AP7504 CR2025 Battery 15# AP7513 Pressure Sensor
7 AP7508 Spring Adjuster 16* AP7502 ‘O’ Ring
8 AP5725 Logo Ring 17 AP7512 Status Valve Lifter
9 AP7507/S Diaphragm Clamp 18 AP5201 Valve Body

Status First Stage Regulator Electronics Maintenance Manual




Apeks Marine Equpment Ltd

Neptune Way, Blackburn, Lancs, England, BB1 2BT

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