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Part A: Content Design

Course Title Computer Organization and Software Systems
Course No(s) SS ZG516
Credit Units 5 (1 + 2 + 2)
Unit split between Class Hours + Lab/Design/Fieldwork + Student
preparation respectively; each unit translates to 32 hours
Course Author Lucy J Gudino / Chandra Shekhar
Version No 3.0
Date 17/08/2022

Course Objectives
No Course Objective

CO1 Introduce students to systems aspects ( i.e. Computer Organization and Operating
Systems) involved in software development

CO2 Equip the student to understand the computer architectural and operating systems related
issues that affect the performance and nature of a software

CO3 To prepare students to be in a position to evaluate/correlate high level software

performance based on its system level features (i.e. architectural and operating systems)

Text Book(s)
T1 Stallings William, Computer Organization & Architecture, Pearson Education, 10th
Ed. 2013
T2 A Silberschatz, Abraham and others, Operating Systems Concepts, Wiley Student
Edition, 9th Ed.
Reference Book(s) & other resources
R1 Patterson, David A & J L Hennenssy, Computer Organization and Design – The
Hardware/Software Interface, Elsevier, Revised 4th Ed.
R2 Randal E. Bryant, David R. O’Hallaron, Computer Systems – A Programmer’s
Perspective, Pearson, 2nd Ed, 2016.
R3 Kai Hwang and Briggs, Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing, Tata
McGrawHill Edition
R4 Stallings, Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, International Edition,
Pearson Education, 2013 (Pearson Online)

Modular Content Structure

1. Introduction to Computer Systems

1.1. Hardware Organization of a uniprocessor computer
1.1.1. Basic uniprocessor Architecture
1.1.2. Instruction Cycle State Diagram
1.2. Operating System role in Managing Hardware
1.2.1. Running a Hello Program
1.2.2. Processes, Threads, Virtual Memory, Files
1.3. Performance Assessment
1.3.1. MIPS Rate
1.3.2. Amdahl’s Law

2. Computer Organization and Design : Memory Organization

2.1. Internal Memory
2.1.1. Semiconductor Main Memory (SRAM and DRAM)
2.1.2. DDR – DRAM
2.1.3. Error Correction – Hamming Code

2.2. External Memory

2.2.1. Magnetic Disk ( Not in very detail)
2.2.2. RAID
2.2.3. SSD - Solid State Memory Technologies (Types)

3. Computer Organization and Design : Cache Memory Organization

3.1. Locality
3.1.1. Locality of Reference to Program Data
3.1.2. Locality of instruction fetches
3.2. Memory Hierarchy
3.3. Cache Memories
3.3.1. Generic Cache Memory Organization
3.3.2. Direct-Mapped Caches
3.3.3. Fully Associative Caches
3.3.4. Set Associative Caches
3.3.5. Issues with Writes
3.3.6. Performance Impact of Cache Parameters
3.3.7. Writing Cache friendly Codes
3.3.8. Replacement Algorithms
3.4. Processing : In-memory vs. (from) secondary storage vs over the network

4. Computer Organization and Design : Central Processing Unit (4 hrs)

4.1. Computer Architecture and Organization
4.1.1. Von-Neumann Architecture vs Harvard Architecture
4.1.2. RISC Vs CISC Machine Instruction Characteristics Types of Operands, Operations and Addressing Modes Instruction Formats Hardwired vs microprogrammed control unit
4.2. Pipeline
4.2.1. Overview of pipeline
4.2.2. Hazards: Resource, Data and Control Hazards
4.2.3. Hazards – Mitigation
4.2.4. Pipeline job scheduling

5. Process Management
5.1. Concept of Process
5.2. Process State Diagram
5.3. Operations on Processes : Process creation and termination examples
5.4. Process vs. Threads
5.5. Process Scheduling criteria
5.6. Process Scheduling Algorithms -FCFS, SJF, Priority, RR, Multilevel Queue,
Multilevel Feedback Queue

6. Process Coordination
6.1. The Critical section problem and Peterson’s Solution
6.2. Semaphores
6.3. Deadlock:
6.3.1. System Model
6.3.2. Deadlock Characterization
6.4. Methods of Handling Deadlocks
6.4.1 Deadlock Prevention
6.4.2 Deadlock Avoidance: Banker’s Algorithm
6.4.3 Deadlock Detection
6.4.4 Recovery from Deadlock

7. Memory Management
7.1. Memory-Management Strategies
7.2. Paging
7.3. Segmentation
7.4. Virtual-Memory
7.5. Demand Paging
7.6. Page Replacement Algorithms: FIFO, Optimal, LRU, and LFU

8. Optimizing Program Performance

8.1. Capabilities and Limitations of Optimizing Compilers
8.2. Expressing Program Performance
8.3. Eliminating Loop Inefficiencies
8.4. Reducing Procedure Calls
8.5. Eliminating Unneeded Memory References
8.6. Understanding Modern Processors
8.7. Loop Unrolling
8.8. Enhancing Parallelism

9. Parallel and distributed systems

9.1. Motivation for parallel Processing
9.2. Flynn’s classification
9.3. Parallel Processing Models
9.4. Shared memory vs distributed Memory
9.5. Memory Hierarchy in parallel Systems
9.6. Impact of Memory Hierarchy on performance
9.6.1. Shared memory and memory contention
9.6.2. Communication Cost
9.6.3. Locality
9.7. Memory Hierarchy in distributed systems

Learning Outcomes:

No Learning Outcomes

LO1 Students will apply the knowledge of performance metrics to find the performance of

LO2 Students will Examine different computer architectures and hardware

LO3 Students will Analyse and Compare of process management concepts including
scheduling, synchronization ,deadlocks

LO4 Students will Examine multithreading and system resources sharing among the users

LO5 Students will Analyse and Compare various memory management techniques

LO6 Students will apply different code optimization techniques

LO7 Students will Investigate high performance architecture design

Part B: Contact Session Plan

Academic Term SEM I, 2022-23

Course Title Computer Organization and Software Systems
Course No SS *ZG516
Lead Instructor Dr. Lucy J. Gudino
Instructors Prof. Pradeep H K

Course Contents

Sl. No. Conta List of Topic Title Topic # Text/Ref

ct (from content structure in Part A) (from Book/extern
Hour content al resource
# structure
in Part A)
1 1-2 Introduction to Computer Systems 1.1-1.3 T1, R1, R2
 Hardware Organization of a uniprocessor
computer (T1: 3.1, 3.2)
o Basic uniprocessor Architecture
o Instruction Cycle State Diagram
 Operating System role in Managing
Hardware (T1: 8.1)
o Running a Hello Program (R2:
o Processes, Threads, Virtual
Memory, Files (Class Notes)
 *Performance Assessment (R1: 1.4,
T1: 2.3)
o MIPS Rate
o Amdahl’s Law
* to be covered in tutorial

2 3-4 Computer Organization and Design : 1.5, 2.1 Class Notes,

Memory Organization T1 , R2
 Internal Memory (T1: 5.1 – 5.3)
o Semiconductor Main Memory
o Error Correction – Hamming
 External Memory (T1: 6.1 )
o Magnetic Disk ( Not in very

3 5-6 Computer Organization and Design : 2.2, 3.1, T1

Memory Organization (Contd..) 3.2, 3.3
 External Memory (T1: 6.2, 6.3 ) (3.3.1)
o SSD - Solid State Memory
Technologies (Types)

Computer Organization and Design :

Cache Memory Organization
 Locality (Class Notes)
 Locality of Reference to Program
 Locality of instruction fetches
 Memory Hierarchy (T1: 4.1)
 Cache Memories (T1: 4.2, 4.3)
 Generic Cache Memory
 Direct Mapped Cache (T1: 4.3)

4 7-8 Computer Organization and Design : 3.3.2 – T1, R2

Cache Memory Organization 3.3.6
 Cache Memories (Contd..)
 Fully Associative Cache (T1: 4.3)
 Set Associative Caches (T1: 4.3)
 Issues with Writes (T1: 4.3)
 Performance Impact of Cache
Parameters (T1: 4.3)

5 9-10 Computer Organization and Design : 3.3.7- T1

Cache Memory Organization (Contd) 3.3.8, 3.4
 Cache Memories (Contd..)
 Writing Cache friendly Codes
(R2: 6.5)
 Replacement Algorithms (Class
 Processing : In-memory vs.
(from) secondary storage vs over
the network (Class Notes)
Computer Organization and Design :
Central Processing Unit
 Computer Architecture and Organization
 Von-Neumann Architecture vs 4.1 (4.1.1
Harvard Architecture (Class – 4.1.2)
 CISC (T1: 12.1 – 12.5, 13.1 –
 Machine Instruction
Characteristics, Types of
Operands, Types of
Operations, Addressing
Modes, Instruction Formats

* Problem Solving: Cache Memory and

Replacement Algorithms (Class Notes)
* to be covered in tutorial

6 11-12 Computer Organization and Design : 4.1 (4.1.2- R1, T1

Central Processing Unit (Contd…) 4.1.3)
 CISC (R1: Selected topics from
Chapter 2 and Chapter 4, and Class
o Machine Instruction
Characteristics, Types of
Operands, Types of
Operations, Addressing
Modes, Instruction Formats
 Hardwired vs microprogrammed
control unit (Selected topics from T1:
Ch 20 and 21

7 13-14 Computer Organization and Design : 4.1.3 T1, R1

Central Processing Unit (contd..)
 Pipeline (T1: 14.4)
o Overview of pipeline
o Resource Hazard
o Data Hazard : Forwarding
versus Stalling

8 15-16 Computer Organization and Design : 4.2 T1

Central Processing Unit (contd..)
 Pipeline (T1: 14.4)
o Control Hazard
o Pipeline job scheduling
(Class Notes)
9 17-18 Process Management ( T2: 3.1-3.3, 4.1, 6.1- 5.1-5.6 T2
 Concept of Process
 Process State Diagram
 Operations on Processes : Process
creation and termination examples
 Process vs. Threads
 Process Scheduling criteria
 Process Scheduling Algorithms -

10 19-20 Process Management (Contd…) (T2: 6.3) 5.6, 6.1, T2

 Process Scheduling Algorithms - 6.2
Priority, RR, Multilevel Queue,
Multilevel Feedback Queue
Process Coordination
 The Critical section problem and
Peterson’s Solution (T2: 5.1-5.3)
 Semaphores (T2: 5.6)
*Problems – Scheduling Algorithm,
semaphores to be covered in tutorial

11 21-22 Process Coordination (T2: 7.1, 7.2) 6.3 T2

 Deadlock:
o System Model
o Deadlock Characterization
 Methods of Handling Deadlocks (T2:
o Deadlock Prevention
o Deadlock Avoidance:
Banker’s Algorithm
o Deadlock Detection
o Recovery from Deadlock
*Problems – deadlock to be covered in

12 23-24 Memory Management (T2: 8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 7.1 – 7.5 T2

8.5, 9.1,9.2)
 Memory-Management Strategies
 Paging
 Segmentation
 Virtual-Memory
 Demand Paging
*Problems – Memory Management to be
covered in tutorial

13 25-26 Memory Management (Contd…) (T2: 9.1- 7.6 T2, R2

 Page Replacement Algorithms:
FIFO, Optimal, LRU and LFU
Optimizing Program Performance (R2: 8.1, 8.2
 Capabilities and Limitations of
Optimizing Compilers
 Expressing Program Performance

14 27-28 Optimizing Program Performance (R2: 8.3-8.8 R2

 Eliminating Loop Inefficiencies
 Reducing Procedure Calls
 Eliminating Unneeded Memory
 Understanding Modern Processors
 Loop Unrolling
 Enhancing Parallelism

15 29-30 Parallel and distributed systems (Selected 9.1-9.4 R3

topics from R3)
 Motivation for parallel Processing
 Flynn’s classification
 Parallel Processing Models
 Shared memory vs distributed

16 31-32 Parallel and distributed systems (Selected 9.5-9.6 R3

topics from R3)
 Memory Hierarchy in parallel
 Impact of Memory Hierarchy on
o Shared memory and memory
o Communication Cost
o Locality
 Memory Hierarchy in distributed
Comprehensive Examination

Evaluation Scheme
Evaluation Name Type Weight Duration Day, Date, Session,
Component (Quiz, Lab, Project, (Open book, Time
Midterm exam, End Closed book,
semester exam, etc) Online, etc.)
EC – 1 Quizzes / Assignment Online 5+25% NA To be announced

EC – 2 Mid-term Exam Open book 30% - To be announced

EC – 3 End Semester Exam Open book 40% - To be announced

Note - Evaluation components can be tailored depending on the proposed model.

Important Information

Syllabus for Mid-Semester Test (Closed Book): Topics in Weeks 1-8 (1-16 Hours)
Syllabus for Comprehensive Exam (Open Book): All topics given in plan of study

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