Financial Accounting Standard 25 Association of Indonesian Accountants
Financial Accounting Standard 25 Association of Indonesian Accountants
Financial Accounting Standard 25 Association of Indonesian Accountants
Financial Accounting Standard (PSAK) 25, Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Fundamental
Errors and Changes in Accounting Policy, was approved by the Indonesian Accounting
Principles Committee on 24 August, 1994 and legalised by the Central Committee of the
Indonesian Institute of Accountants on 7 September, 1994.
Central Committee
The Indonesian Institute of Accountants
Objective 01 - 05
Definition 06
Net Profit or Loss for the Period 07 - 09
Extraordinary Items 10 - 14
Profit or Loss from Ordinary Activities 15 - 17
Discontinued Operations 18 - 21
Changes in Accounting Estimates 22 - 29
Fundamental Errors 30 - 36
Changes in Accounting Policies 37 - 41
Adoption of a Financial Accounting Standard 42 - 44
Other Changes in Accounting Policies 45 - 49
The objective of this Standard is to prescribe the classification, disclosure and accounting
treatment of certain items in the income statement so that all enterprises prepare and present
income statements on a consistent basis. This enhances comparability of both the enterprise's
financial statements of previous periods and the financial statements of other enterprises.
Accordingly, this Standard requires the classification and disclosure of extraordinary items and
the disclosure of certain items related to ordinary activities. It also specifies the accounting
treatment for changes in accounting estimates, changes in accounting policies and the
correction of fundamental errors.
01 This Standard should be applied in presenting profit or loss involved in ordinary activities
and extraordinary items in the income statement and in accounting for changes in accounting
estimates, fundamental errors and changes in accounting policies.
02 This Standard deals with the determination of net profit or loss for the period and the
disclosure of certain items of net profit or loss for the period. Those disclosures are made in
addition to disclosures required by the relevant Financial Accounting Standard.
03 This Standard deals with the disclosure of certain items of net profit or loss that are
made in addition to any other disclosures required by the relevant Financial Accounting
04 This Standard also deals with certain disclosures relating to discontinued operations. It
does not deal with recognition and measurement issues related to discontinued operations.
05 The tax effects of extraordinary items, fundamental errors and changes in accounting
policies are accounted for and disclosed in accordance with current tax accounting standards.
06 The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified:
Extraordinary items are income or expenses that arise from events or transactions that are
clearly distinct from the ordinary activities of the enterprise and therefore are not expected to
recur frequently or regularly.
Ordinary activities are any activities which are undertaken by an enterprise as part of its
business and such related activities in which the enterprise engages in furtherance of, incidental
to, or arising from these activities
A discontinued operation results from the sale or abandonment of an operation that represents
a separate, major line of business of an enterprise and of which the assets, net profit or loss and
activities can be distinguished physically, operationally and for financial reporting purposes.
Fundamental errors are errors discovered in the current period that are of such significance
that the financial statements of one or more prior periods can no longer be considered to have
been reliable at the date of their issue.
Accounting policies are the specific principles, bases, conventions, rules and practices adopted
by an enterprise in preparing and presenting financial statements.
07 All items of income and expense recognised in a period should be included in the
determination of the net profit or loss for the period unless a Financial Accounting Standard
requires or permits otherwise
08 Normally, all items of income and expense recognised in a period are included in the
determination of the net profit or loss for the period.. This includes extraordinary items and the
effects of changes in accounting estimates. However, circumstances may exist when certain
items may be excluded from net profit or loss for the current period. This Standard deals with
two such circumstances: the correction of fundamental errors and the effect of changes in
accounting policies.
09 The net profit or loss for the period comprises the following components, each of which
should be disclosed on the face of the income statement:
Extraordinary Items
10 The nature and the amount of each extraordinary item should be separately disclosed.
11 Virtually all items of income and expense included in the determination of net profit or
loss for the period arise in the course of the ordinary activities of the enterprise. Therefore,
only on rare occasions does an event or transaction give rise to an extraordinary item.
12 Whether an event or transaction is clearly distinct from the ordinary activities of the
enterprise is determined by the nature of the event or transaction in relation to the business
ordinarily carried on by the enterprise. Therefore, an event or transaction may be extraordinary
for one enterprise but not extraordinary for another enterprise because of the differences
between their respective ordinary activities. For example, losses sustained as a result of an
earthquake may qualify as an extraordinary item for many enterprises. However, claims from
policyholders arising from an earthquake do not qualify as an extraordinary item for an
insurance enterprise that insures against such risks.
The application of those criteria stated above should be related to the nature and
characteristics of an enterprise’s activities and geographical factors. If only one criteria is met,
therefore, the transaction or event is classified as other income or expenses.
13 Events or transactions that generally give rise to extraordinary items include losses
sustained as a result of an earthquake, fire, deductions after an insurance claim, if any.
(a) A manufacturing enterprise that buys land for expansion purposes but, because certain
circumstances, the expansion project cannot be performed so the enterprise resells the
land. The gain or losses sustained from selling the land cannot be classified as an
extraordinary item because this event does not possess a high degree of abnormality even
though it is not included in the ordinary activities of an enterprise.
(b) A write-off of fixed assets due to technological obsolescence.
14 In the income statement, extraordinary items are presented after income obtained from
the ordinary activities of enterprise. The nature of extraordinary items and the consideration
used in classifying events or transactions as extraordinary items should be disclosed in the
notes to financial statements. Therefore, the users of financial statement are still able to
evaluate enterprise performance associated with ordinary activities during the period and see
the effect of extraordinary items on income statements for the related period.
15 When items of income and expense within profit or loss from ordinary activities are of
such size, nature or incidence that their disclosure is relevant to explain the performance of the
enterprise for the period, the nature and amount of such items should be disclosed separately.
16 Although the items of income and expense described in paragraph 15 are not
extraordinary items, the nature and amount of such items may be relevant to users of financial
statements in understanding the financial position and performance of an enterprise and in
making projections about financial position and performance. Disclosure of such information is
usually made in the notes to the financial statements.
17 Circumstances which may give rise to the separate disclosure of items of income and
expense in accordance with paragraph 15 include:
(a) the write-down of inventories to net realisable value, as well as the reversal of such
(b) a restructuring of the activities of an enterprise and the reversal of any provisions for the
costs of restructuring;
(c) disposals of items of property, plant and equipment;
(d) disposals of long-term investments;
(e) discontinued operations; and
(f) other reversals of provisions.
Discontinued Operations
18 While the disposal of investments or other major assets may be sufficiently important to
warrant disclosure of the related items of income or expense, occasionally an enterprise sells or
abandons a separate, major line of business which is distinguishable from other business
activities, for example, a segment determined in accordance with Financial Accounting
Standard 5, Reporting Financial Information by Segment. When this constitutes a discontinued
operation as defined in this Standard, the disclosures contained in paragraph 15 are relevant to
users of financial statements.
(e) the gain or loss on discontinuance and the accounting policy used to measure that gain or
loss; and
(f) the revenue and profit of loss from the ordinary activities of the operation for the period,
together with the corresponding amounts for each prior period presented.
20 The results of a discontinued operation are generally included in profit or loss from
ordinary activities.. However, in the rare circumstances that the discontinuance is the result of
events or transactions that are clearly distinct from the ordinary activities of the enterprise and
therefore are not expected to recur frequently or regularly, the income or expenses that arise
from the discontinuance are treated as extraordinary items. For example, if a subsidiary is
expropriated by a foreign government, the income or expense disclosure requirements in
paragraph 19 are applied for all discontinued operations including those that give rise to
extraordinary items.
21 When it is known at the date on which the financial statements are authorised for issue
that an operation was discontinued after the balance sheet date or that it will be discontinued,
this circumstances should be treated accordance with Financial Accounting Standard 8,
Contingencies and Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet Date. The disclosure requirements
of paragraph 19 are applied to the extent that the information can be reliably estimated.
(a) the period of the change, if the change affects the period only; or
(b) the period of the change and future periods, if the change affects both.
26 A change in an accounting estimate may affect the current period only or both the current
period and future periods. For example, a change in the estimated useful life or the expected
pattern of consumption of economic benefits of depreciable asset affects the depreciation
expense in the current period and in each period during the remaining useful life of the asset. In
both cases, the effect of the change relating to the current period is recognised as income or
expense in the current period. The effect, if any, on future periods is recognised in future
27 The effect of a change in an accounting estimate should be included in the same income
statement classification as used previously for the estimate.
29 The nature and amount of a change in an accounting estimate that has a material effect in
the current period or which is expected to have a material effect in subsequent periods should
be disclosed. If it is impracticable to quantify the amount, this fact should be disclosed.
Fundamental Errors
30 Errors in the preparation of the financial statements of one or more prior periods may be
discovered in the current period. Errors may occur as a result of mathematical mistakes,
mistakes in applying accounting policies, misinterpretation of facts, fraud or oversights. The
correction of these errors is normally included in the determination of net profit or loss for the
current period.
31 On rare occasions an error has a significant effect on the financial statements of one or
more periods that those financial statements can no longer be considered to have been reliable
at the date of their issue. These errors are referred to as fundamental errors. An example of
fundamental error is the inclusion in the financial statements of a previous period of material
amounts of work in progress and receivable in respect of fraudulent contracts which cannot be
enforced. The correction of fundamental errors that relate to prior periods requires the
restatement of the comparative information or the presentation of additional pro forma
33 The amount of the correction of a fundamental error that relates to prior periods should
be reported by adjusting the opening balance of retained earnings. Comparative information
should be restated, unless it is impracticable to do so.
34 The financial statements, including the comparative information for prior periods, are
presented as if the fundamental error had been corrected in the period in which it was made.
Therefore, the amount of the correction that relates to each period presented is included within
the net profit or loss for that period. The amount of the correction relating to periods prior to
those included in the comparative information in the financial statements is adjusted against the
opening balance of retained earnings in the earliest period presented. Any other information
reported with respect to prior periods, such as historical summaries of financial data, is also
35 The restatement of comparative information does not necessarily give rise to the
amendment of financial statements which have been approved by shareholders or registered or
filed with regulatory authorities. However, national laws may require the amendment of such
financial statements.
37 Users need to be able to compare the financial statements of an enterprise over a period
of time to identify trends in its financial position, performance and cash flows. Therefore, the
same accounting policies are normally adopted in each period.
(a) the adoption of an accounting policy for events or transactions that differ in substance
from previously occurring events or transactions; and
(b) the adoption of a new accounting policy for events or transactions which did not occur
previously or that were immaterial.
43 The transitional provisions in a new Financial Accounting Standard may require either a
retrospective or a prospective application of a change in accounting policy.
44 When an enterprise has not adopted a new Financial Standard which has been published
by the Indonesian Accountant Institute but which has not yet come into effect, the enterprise is
encouraged to disclose the nature of the future change in accounting policy and an estimate of
the effect of the change on its net profit or loss and financial position.
45 A change in accounting policy should be applied retrospectively unless the amount of any
resulting adjustment that relates to prior periods is not reasonably determinable. Any resulting
adjustment should be reported as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings.
Comparative information should be restated unless it is impracticable to do so.
46 The financial statements, including the comparative information for prior periods, are
presented as if the new accounting policy had always been in use. Therefore, comparative
information is restated in order to reflect the new accounting policy. The amount of the
adjustment relating to periods prior to those included in the financial statements is adjusted
against the opening balance of retained earnings of the earliest period presented. any other
information with respect to prior periods, such as historical summaries of financial data, is also
47 The restatement of comparative information does not necessarily give rise to the
amendment of financial statements which have been approved by shareholders or registered or
filed with regulatory authorities. However, national laws may require the amendment of such
financial statements.
48 The change in accounting policy should be applied prospectively when the amount of the
adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings required by paragraph 45 cannot be
reasonably determined.
49 When a change in accounting policy has a material effect on the current period or any
prior period presented, or may have a material effect in subsequent periods, an enterprise
should disclose the following:
50 This Standard should be applied by all enterprises in presenting profit or loss from
ordinary activities and extraordinary items in the income statement and in accounting for
changes in accounting estimates, fundamental errors and changes in accounting policies.
51 All items of income and expense recognised in a period should be included in the
determination of the net profit or loss for the period unless a Financial Accounting Standard
requires or permits otherwise.
52 The net profit or loss for the period comprises the following component, each of which
should be disclosed on the face of the income statement:
Extraordinary Items
53 The nature and the amount of each extraordinary item should be separately disclosed.
54 When items of income and expense within profit or loss from ordinary activities are of
such size, nature or incidence that their disclosure is relevant to explain the performance of the
enterprise for the period, the nature and amount of such items should be disclosed separately.
(b) the industry and geographical segments in which it is reported in accordance with
Financial Accounting Standard 5, Reporting Financial Information by Segment.
(e) the gain or loss on discontinuance and the accounting policy used to measure that gain or
loss; and
(f) the revenue and profit or loss from the ordinary activities of the operation for the period,
together with the corresponding amounts for each prior period presented.
(a) he period of the change, if the change affects the period only; or
(b) he period of the change and future periods, if the change affects both.
57 The effect of a change in an accounting estimate should be included in the same income
statement classification as was used previously for the estimate.
58 The nature and amount of a change in an accounting estimate that has a material effect in
the current period or which is expected to have a material effect in subsequent periods should
be disclosed. if it is impracticable to quantify the amount, this fact should be disclosed.
59 The amount of the correction of a fundamental error that relates to prior periods should
be reported by adjusting the opening balance of retained earnings. Comparative information
should be restated unless it is impracticable to do so.
63 A change in accounting policy should be applied retrospectively unless the amount of any
adjustment that relates to prior periods is not reasonably determinable. Any resulting
adjustment should be reported as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings.
Comparative information should be restated unless it is impracticable to do so.
64 The change in accounting policy should be applied prospectively when the amount of the
adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings required by paragraph 63 cannot be
reasonably determined
65 When a change in accounting policy has a material effect on the current period or any
prior period presented, or may have a material effect in subsequent periods, an enterprise
should disclose the following:
Effective Date
59 This statement becomes operative for financial statements covering periods beginning on
or after 1 January, 1995. Early application is encouraged.