Assessing Evaluating Reporting K 8 Guidelines

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Assessing, Evaluating

and Reporting
Grades K-8

Guidelines for New Brunswick K - 8 Teachers

Updated October 2021
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) gratefully acknowledges
the many educators who contributed and continue to contribute to the development of this
document. The input from professionals working in the schools is key to clarifying and enhancing
information. A special thanks also to the members of the Provincial Report Card Committee,
including representation from each of the four school districts, the New Brunswick Teachers’
Association, and staff from EECD, for their support in conceptualizing and revising the document.
EECD also extends a sincere thank you to Nova Scotia’s Tri- County Regional School Board for
providing permission to adapt sections of their handbook for use in this document.

Version: September 2021

Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

Table of Contents

Introduction................................................................................................................................. 5
Reporting on Student Achievement: 2021-2022 School Year ..................................................... 5
Adjustments to Report Card Templates ...................................................................................... 5
Grades K-2 Reporting ............................................................................................................ 5
Grades 3-5 Reporting ............................................................................................................. 6
Grades 6-8 Reporting ............................................................................................................. 7
Assessment and Evaluation Practices ........................................................................................ 7
Balanced Assessment............................................................................................................. 8
Formative Assessment ............................................................................................................ 8
Triangulation of Data ............................................................................................................... 9
Performance Standards ............................................................................................................ 10
Achievement Levels .............................................................................................................. 10
Learning Habits ..................................................................................................................... 12
Year-End Curriculum Rubrics ................................................................................................ 12
Completing Provincial Report Cards ......................................................................................... 13
Reporting Periods ................................................................................................................. 13
Considerations When Writing Report Card Comments .......................................................... 13
Tips for Writing Comments ................................................................................................ 13
Descriptors for Consideration When Writing Comments .................................................... 15
Phrases and Verbs for Consideration When Writing Comments ........................................ 16
Constructing an Effective Next Steps Comment ................................................................ 17
Character Counts for K-8 English Prime and French Immersion Report Cards .................. 17
Report Card Comment Sample .......................................................................................... 18
Checkboxes on the Report Cards ............................................................................................. 23
English as an Additional Language (EAL) .......................................................................... 23
Personalized Learning Plans (PLP) ................................................................................... 23
French Learning Experiences ............................................................................................ 24
Attachments ...................................................................................................................... 25
Wabanaki Languages........................................................................................................ 25
Report Cards and Cumulative Record Cards ............................................................................ 25
Report Card Response Form ................................................................................................ 25
Frequently Asked Questions ..................................................................................................... 27
Misconceptions About the Report Card Academic Achievement Scale ..................................... 28

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Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

Why this document?.............................................................................................................. 28

References ............................................................................................................................... 31
Appendices............................................................................................................................... 32
Appendix A: Definitions............................................................................................................. 33
Appendix B: Wabanaki Language Report ................................................................................. 37
Appendix C: Completing K-8 Report Cards with PowerTeacher Pro ........................................ 38

Version: September 2021

Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

As part of the ongoing work to support assessment for learning, and to update and improve
consistency with reporting practices, this document explains the importance of ongoing assessment
and includes references to key materials that have been created to support educators with
assessment practices. The majority of the document provides information about various aspects of
preparing for and completing report cards. It includes an explanation of the levels educators will
use to report on achievement as well as the performance indicators to report on Learning Habits,
suggestions for writing comments, details concerning attachments, and information about possible
checkboxes that are available for use on report cards. Appendix C - Completing K-8 Report Cards
with PowerTeacher Pro provides step-by-step technical procedures for actually completing report
cards. Many screen shots have been included in this appendix to enhance the clarity of the
information. Although there is some redundancy between the main body of the document and
Appendix C, the appendix focuses on technological explanations.

The complete document is in electronic format and can be found

on the Educational ONE site ( in the PS
section under the My Tools on the left hand side. This site will
continue to be a storage area for all shared documents pertaining
to reporting and PowerSchool.

The full document also appears on the PowerSchool Playbook site.

Appendix C appears as a separate document to facilitate printing.
There are other PowerTeacher documents and videos on the
Playbook site to assist teachers in using PowerTeacher and
PowerTeacher Pro.

Reporting on Student Achievement: 2021-2022 School Year

With the interruption of the 2019-2020 academic school year due to the global COVID-19 pandemic,
students’ flow of learning was affected. As a result, the province of New Brunswick prioritized curricular
outcomes for the 2020-2021 academic school year. Given these adjustments to ensure foundational
learning, adjustments were also made to reporting on Achievement of Learning.

After surveying educators, it was decided that prioritized curriculum outcomes would continue as the
focus in the 2021-2022 academic school year.

The following links provide information about the organization of the school day for K-2, 3-5, and 6-8.
Revisions have been made to the year-end curriculum rubrics (Report Cards K-8 One site) to support
prioritized curricula. During summer 2021, a team of District and EECD educators collaborated to
adjust the Grades 3-5 Cross Curricular rubrics based on teacher feedback. These 2021-2022 rubric
adjustments are also reflected in the Grades 3-5 Cross Curricular Guidelines document found on the
Curriculum Concepts and Tools in development SharePoint site.

Adjustments to Report Card Templates

Grades K-2 Reporting
The K-2 report card for 2021-2022 will focus on the Achievement of Learning of literacy (Language
Arts), numeracy (Math), Art, Music, Physical Education, Learning Habits, and anecdotal reporting on
Exploration Time.
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Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

Language Arts reporting has not changed and has a comment section character count of 700.

Math strand reporting will continue to reflect the prioritized curriculum. Math reporting has a comment
section character count of 700.

Art, Music, and Physical Education each have a character count of 350.

The Exploration Time section will provide space for anecdotal documentation only. The Exploration
Time section has a comment section character count of 1000.

Educators can use a check mark to indicate participation in French Language Opportunities for Rural
Areas (FLORA) if this program is being used. FLORA, the blended learning program, has been made
available to all K-2 educators to support Exploration Time and literacy development.

The direction for the 2021-22 school year continues to be: meet children where they are at. The
global pandemic means that learners may need more focused efforts to scaffold their ability to work
on what is expected in the current grade level. This will not be the case for all students. The
prioritized curriculum, of reduced expectations, continues to be the focus. For many learners, their
Achievement of Learning can be reported on the 1-4 grade-level scale. If the strand is not assessed
at this time the box is left blank. If educators have insufficient evidence to evaluate, N/A is used.

Grades 3–5 Reporting

The Grades 3-5 report card for 2021-22 will focus on the Achievement of Learning of literacy
(Language Arts, French), numeracy (Math), Art, Music, Physical Education, Cross-Curricular Block
(CCB), and Learning Habits.

Language Arts (E and FI) reporting will not change. Language Arts reporting has a comment section
character count of 700.

Math strand reporting will continue to reflect the prioritized curriculum. Math reporting has a comment
section character count of 700.

Art, Music, and Physical Education each have a character count of 350.

In Grade 3, schools that have chosen to offer French Language Opportunities for Rural Areas
(FLORA) will indicate with a report card check box. In Grade 4, there is one report card section for
FLORA/Pre-Intensive. The Achievement of Learning areas on the Grade 4 and 5 Intensive French
sections of the report card have not changed.

The direction for the 2021-22 school year continues to be: meet children where they are at. The
global pandemic means that learners may need more focused efforts to scaffold their ability to work
on what is expected in the current grade level. This will not be the case for all students. The
prioritized curriculum, of reduced expectations, continues to be the focus. For many learners, their
Achievement of Learning can be reported on the 1-4 grade-level scale. If the strand is not assessed
at this time the box is left blank. If educators have insufficient evidence to evaluate, N/A is used.

After surveying educators, it was decided that in 2021-2022 Achievement of Learning in the CCB will
report Personal Wellness, Science and Social Studies on the 1-4 scale. A summary level will be
reported for each with a shared comment section to describe learning including subject specific skills.
The subject specific strands for CCB will not appear on report cards. These adjustments correspond
to the Grades 3-5 Cross Curricular Guidelines document and the rubrics found on the Report Cards
K-8 One site – Cross Curricular Rubric Grade 3 2021-2022; Cross Curricular Rubric Grade 4 2021-

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Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

2022; Cross Curricular Rubric Grade 5 2021-2022; Cross Curricular Rubrics Grades 3-5 2021-2022.
Decisions about scheduling the Cross-Curricular Block can be made according to the school context.

Grades 6–8 Reporting

In 2021-2022, the Grades 6-8 report card will continue to focus on the prioritized curriculum in the
subject areas. There are three areas on the report that have changed since 2019-2020 to match the
prioritized curriculum.

The Achievement of Learning in Grade 8 Math section will continue to report Number, Patterns &
Relations, Shape & Space, and Statistics (i.e., Probability will not appear).

The Achievement of Learning in Personal Wellness will continue to report Care of

Self/Family/Community, Use, Misuse & Abuse, Growth & Development, and Life Goals. A document to
support the blending of Health and PDCP curricula is on the Grades 6−8 section of the Curriculum
Concepts and Tools in development SharePoint site. Current rubrics are found on the Report Cards
K-8 One site.

Achievement of Learning in Science will report Science Skills (collapses Plan & Perform, and Analyze
& Explain) and Society & Environment. “Knowledge” is not a discrete area of Achievement of Learning
on the Grade 6-8 report card. Current rubrics are found on the Report Cards K-8 One site.

The direction for the 2021-22 school year continues to be: meet children where they are at. The
global pandemic means that learners may need more focused efforts to scaffold their ability to work
on what is expected in the current grade level. This will not be the case for all students. The
prioritized curriculum, of reduced expectations, continues to be the focus. For many learners, their
Achievement of Learning can be reported on the 1-4 grade-level scale. If the strand is not assessed
at this time the box is left blank. If educators have insufficient evidence to evaluate, N/A is used.

Assessment and Evaluation Practices

Assessment and evaluation are critical to the teaching and learning process. By collecting and
examining evidence of students’ learning on an ongoing basis, educators are able to make informed
decisions about instruction to support improved student learning. They are well positioned to
personalize instruction and maximize learning for all students as they compare the various forms of
evidence with the learning outcomes or goals that students are expected to achieve. These actions
and decisions directly support New Brunswick’s vision: Working together, in inclusive learning
environments, to support each child and student in reaching their full potential.
New Brunswick has placed a greater emphasis on assessment and how it can positively impact
learning. Educators at all levels are encouraged to be guided by the following principles of
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Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

• The purpose of all assessment is to obtain evidence of learning.

• Assessment is a powerful tool to effect change for improvement.
• Assessment is an integral component of an evidence-based, decision-making model.
• The effectiveness of assessment depends on users’ understanding and appropriate
application of results.

Balanced Assessment
Balanced assessment includes a variable blend of formative, benchmark and large-scale assessment
to provide information at differing intervals, for different purposes and for different roles. Each type of
assessment provides a different perspective, and one cannot take the place of another. Together, they
provide holistic assessment that informs decisions from the individual student through to the
international level. Assessment is driven by purpose and educators select the type of assessment
depending upon the decision they need to make. At the classroom level, the emphasis is on formative
and benchmark assessments with formative assessment being used most frequently.

For more information about assessment types as they relate to

planning, supporting, monitoring and verifying learning, refer to
the provincial Balanced Assessment document found on the
Educational Resource Hub or in each school.

Formative Assessment
Formative assessment is an essential part of a balanced assessment program and when used
regularly and in an interactive manner can significantly improve learning. As Moss and Brookhart
(2009) state, “The research is clear. Formative assessment works because it has a direct effect on
the two most important players in the teaching-learning process: the teacher and the student.”

Formative assessment (assessment for learning) is not a new concept; it has been around for well
over 40 years. It has, however, gained significant attention more recently because of its potential
improve learning with:
• evidence collected and examined on an ongoing basis to make informed
instructional decisions;
• specific and descriptive feedback;
• information to plan for learning that happens at different rates and is shown in many
ways; and
• specific information and a process to help learners take responsibility for their own learning.

For more information on how formative assessment can be used

throughout the entire learning cycle, that is, planning for learning prior to
instruction, supporting learning during instruction, monitoring learning
between instruction, and verifying learning after instruction, see the
provincial Formative Assessment foldout document on the Educational
Resource Hub or in each school. This document also includes educator
and student strategies to help facilitate effective formative assessment
practices. Additionally, it provides valuable links to support the
implementation of formative assessment.

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Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

Formative Assessment to inform instruction

Formative assessment is an interactive and frequent part of the
learning cycle, and allows educators to collect feedback to
validate or modify current instruction. Additionally, it allows
students to affirm or adjust their current learning strategies. In
order for formative assessment to be successful, the relationship
between educator and student is paramount. Educators have
access to Formative Assessment Learning Scale reflection
checklists in detail (English), for individual educators in English or
in French, or for a team of (English) educators. These tools
assist with reflection and to monitor growth over time. The
Formative Assessment Learning Scale reflection checklists and
other formative assessment tools can be found on the
Educational Resource Hub.

Triangulation of Data
Triangulation of data involves gathering evidence from multiple sources. This approach increases the
validity and reliability of the assessment and/or evaluation. When students can demonstrate the skill
in multiple ways (i.e., observations, conversations, products) over a period of time, in varied contexts,
there is greater certainty that they have learned it. It is important to note that some types of evidence
within each category. It is important to note that some types of evidence can represent more than one
• observations (e.g., checklists, presentations, performance assessments, experiments
being conducted);
• products (e.g., projects, benchmark assessment, quizzes, end-of-unit tests,
experiments, writing samples, journals/learning logs); and
• conversations (e.g., self-assessments, interviews, conferences, peer feedback).

In Making Classroom Assessment Work, Anne Davies offers some excellent advice with respect to
gathering evidence. Davies underscores the need to consider in advance the types of assessment
evidence that will best capture or verify a student’s learning with respect to identified learning
expectations or goals. Davies also emphasizes the importance of involving students in the
assessment process. According to Davies (2011, p. 53),

When you get ready to evaluate and report on how well students are doing in relation to
what needs to be learned, you will first need to review the description of learning, check
that you have the right kinds of evidence, and use these observations, products and
conversations to answer the questions: Did this student learn what she or he needed to
learn? How well? In order to make an evaluation, we may look at different collections of
evidence for different students.

Further, in Embedded Formative Assessment Dylan Wiliam suggests,

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Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

When the focus is on the decision that needs to be made, the teacher can then look at
relevant sources of evidence that would contribute to making that decision in a smarter
way. (2011, p. 41)

The educator is not sorting through data that has been provided to them, but using their professional
judgement, gained through experience and reflective practice, to decide what evidence they need to
collect to determine next steps for teaching and learning.

Performance Standards
As part of provincial review of reporting practices, it was agreed that to accurately communicate a
student’s academic learning success, it is important to assess, evaluate and report on Learning
Habits separately from achievement of curriculum expectations and learning goals. The separation
of and attention to such habits underscore the role they play in developing the New Brunswick Global
Competencies, required in 21st century learning and environments, and ensuring the descriptors of
achievement are accurately focused on curriculum expectations and learning goals (and the criteria
for success established for them).

The following three sections: Achievement Levels, Learning Habits and Year-end Curriculum Rubrics
explain the common criteria educators will use as they report on student learning and learning habits.

Achievement Levels
Educators use a collection of evidence (observations, products and conversations) gathered about
each student’s learning and based on curricular expectations to assess the quality of the learning.
This process requires looking at a comprehensive range of evidence and the professional judgment
of the teacher. According to Herbst and Davies (2014, p. 56), making a professional judgment is a
purposeful, systematic, multi-step process. This process does not just come into play at the end of
the learning. Professional judgment becomes more informed with reflection, practice, and ongoing
collegial conversations that involve looking at student work.

Educators collaborate as professional learning teams to examine, discuss and thoughtfully consider
various samples of student learning. This helps to ensure the reporting of learning for students is as
accurate, consistent and informed as possible.

As part of the learning process, educators help students understand achievement expectations.
Educators are the experts of their curricular area and can guide co-construction of criteria for
expectations with students. This includes sharing samples or models of work to support students
with clarity of expectations.

In Making Classroom Assessment Work, Davies (2011, p.53) indicates,

It is important that we use the evidence available for each student and compare it to
the same set of curriculum standards and expectations. In a standards-based
evaluation system, we have to account for each student’s learning in relation to the
expectations for that grade and subject area. While our written and verbal comments
may speak to the amount of progress students have made in their learning, the
evaluation must reflect their accomplishments in relations to the standards for the
subject area and level at which they are working.

For achievement reports in New Brunswick, educators will identify the level that best
describes the evidence of learning on a 4-point scale.

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Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

Scale Provincial Academic Achievement Expectations

Student learning and work show: Strong and/or Excellent Achievement

4+ indicates, in addition to excelling, the student demonstrates learning that surpasses grade-
level expectations.
Excelling The student has a thorough understanding of outcomes addressed to date and consistently
applies learning to new situations. Work surpasses the descriptors in the “Meeting” category
but is within the expectations specified for the grade/course.

Student learning and work show: Appropriate and/or Proficient Achievement

3+ indicates the student demonstrates consistent proficiency with meeting learning expectations.
The student independently applies learning to familiar situations and demonstrates aspects of
excelling in some learning expectations.

3 The student has a solid understanding of the outcomes addressed to date and often applies
Meeting learning to familiar situations. Students maintaining this level will be prepared for work in the
next grade/course.

Student learning and work show: A Combination of Appropriate and Below

Appropriate Achievement
The student has some understanding of the outcomes addressed to date and with support,
applies learning to familiar situations. Work on identified learning gaps is needed to ensure
future success of the student.

Student learning and work show: Below Appropriate Achievement

Working below The student has a limited understanding of the outcomes addressed to date and rarely applies
learning. Significant improvement in specific areas is needed for the student to be successful
in the next grade/course.

N/A (Not Applicable) indicates there is insufficient evidence to comment* at this time.

A blank box indicates the strand has not been taught in this reporting period.

PLP-ADJ (former Personalized Learning Plan – Modified) (Personalized Learning Plan – Adjusted Curriculum) indicates
adjustments to learning goals as per the PLP-ADJ.

IND (Personalized Learning Plan – Individualized) indicates individualization of learning goals. The student’s
achievement levels are not based on prescribed grade-level curriculum but on functional individualized goals and

EAL (English as an Additional Language) - Students who are learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) may
receive this notation as a comment on their report card to note that they are learning the language of instruction while
working on content

*Please note: the word comment in this description for parents refers to if a teacher does not have
sufficient evidence to indicate a level on the achievement scale by strand. The N/A designation does
not prevent a teacher from providing strengths/needs/next steps in the “Comment” box.

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Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

Learning Habits
The development of Learning Habits is an important part of a student’s learning, developing Learning
Habits or behaviours impacts an individual’s success in school and in life. Co-constructing criteria for
each of the Learning Habits with the students at the beginning of the school year will help clarify what
is necessary to be successful. The same Learning Habits will be reported Kindergarten through Grade
8. Kindergarten to Grade 5, the homeroom teacher completes this section of the report cards. There
is a separate comment box to elaborate on or clarify performance indicators. Grades 6-8, each subject
area teacher reports on the Learning Habits. If educators wish to add comments, these must be
included in the subject area comment box.

Learning Habits and Observable Indicators K-8

Learning Habits Observable Indicators

• Sets goals and reflects on these goals.
Independence • Asks for assistance when needed.
• Does not give up easily on challenging tasks.

• Has the desire to learn.

Initiative • Works hard and makes an effort.
• Takes risks.

• Resolves conflict appropriately.

Interactions • Works well with others.
• Is respectful.

• Creates and follows a plan.

Organization • Manages time well to complete tasks.
• Manages personal belongings and learning materials.

• Takes care of belongings and school property.

Responsibility • Completes work on time.
• Accepts responsibility for actions and manages own behaviour.

Learning Habits Scale

C Consistently Almost all or all of the time
U Usually More than half of the time
S Sometimes Less than half of the time
R Rarely Almost never or never

Year-End Curriculum Rubrics

The most up-to-date year-end curriculum rubrics align with the outcomes in priority curricula
and can be found on the Report Cards K-8 ONE site. They describe levels of performance
or understanding and provide clear assessment targets, consistent expectations, and
support learners to know exactly what is expected of them.

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• The year-end curriculum rubrics are developed to define end-of-year achievement levels.
Everything a student does in class and throughout the year counts as evidence of learning and
will help to inform the achievement level assigned at each reporting period. End-of-year
achievement reflects current learning; if a student experienced challenges and now has
mastered the skills and knowledge, those past performances will not change the achievement
level (i.e., it is a statement of learning now, not an average of evidence over time).

• Rubrics will guide evaluation, however, there will be decision points that have to be made.
They will help to bring consistency to grading across the province, but they do not remove
the need for professional judgments as learning in each strand is complex and cannot be
captured by a few lines in a rubric. The rubric language provides the collective thinking of
other professionals and will help direct the evidence educators and students will gather
over time.

• Consistent with formative assessment, educators and students gather evidence of learning
over time (observations, products and conversations). On achievement reports, this
evidence will be used to make professional judgments about which level best describes the
student’s current capacity with the curriculum learning goals. As part of their everyday
practice, educators collect evidence through a variety of assignments and techniques. This
allows them to capture what students know and are able to do, and to identify progress and
gaps. Educators ask: What do my students need to learn? (learning
expectations/targets/goals) How do I know when they have learned it? (check for
understanding/gather evidence) What will I do when they have/haven’t learned it?
(instructional decisions and design).

• Evidence informs educator decisions about what level best describes the learning to date. The
levels in the rubrics should be considered globally, not as a checklist, though certain aspects
may be highlighted as holding more weight. Many students will not fall neatly into a level.
Educators will need to use their professional judgment and may need to add more
specific descriptions in the comment section. For example, a student may be mostly
“Meeting” the learning expectations, but “Approaching” in one or two details; evidence may
suggest learning is solid enough to be valued as “Meeting”, however, comments could explain
the one or two details as “Needs”. It is noteworthy, that unless it is part of a curriculum outcome,
behaviours will be reported separately from achievement in the Learning Habits section.

• The “Meeting” column of the rubrics describes appropriate achievement based on curricular
standards. “Excelling” means that over time the evidence of learning demonstrates
deeper and/or more insightful thinking; demonstrates the learner is recognizing
connections and applying learning to a wider range of situations; and/or demonstrates the
learner is applying learning to more complex contexts.

• There are not separate rubrics for the fall and spring achievement reports. Rubrics for
midpoints in the year will be created by educators with students, with year-end goals and
standards for achievement levels in mind. This supports flexibility and responsive
instruction while maintaining consistency with curriculum expectations. Students are not
expected to have met the curriculum expectations by mid-year, so educators will use
evidence of learning and professional judgment to determine if students are on target to
be “Meeting” the curriculum expectations by end of year.

Completing Provincial Report Cards

This section of the document includes information related specifically to the completion of report
cards and is organized by headings that are intended to facilitate ease of use.

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Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

Reporting Periods
Each school year, there will be three provincial achievement reports for Grades K-8. These will occur
in November, March, and June. The purpose of the achievement report card is to provide a summary
of learning during each reporting period. In most cases, educators will report Achievement of Learning
by subject area strands and there is a place for comments on the achievement reports.

In 2021-2022, EECD will begin a process of opening the PowerSchool Public Portal to inform
guardians on student attendance, schedules and report card information.

Considerations When Writing Report Card Comments

Report card comments are an important mechanism to communicate with guardians about a child’s
learning. They reflect the provincial focus on learning by specifically identifying student strengths,
needs and/or next steps.

Tips for Writing Comments

The following are some suggestions to consider when writing comments on report cards. The
ultimate goal is to provide meaningful comments that reflect a student-focus.

• Do not write a curriculum summary of material taught during the term. This information can be
communicated in other ways and at other times.

• Be specific. Use simple words and short sentences to ensure maximum clarity. Avoid
superlatives and absolutes such as ‘best’, ‘always’ and ‘never.’

• Address ‘strengths’, ‘needs’ and/or ‘next steps’, as appropriate. (See Phrases to Consider
for Report Card Comments). Comments do not need to reflect all three aspects for each
comment section, nor is it necessary to provide feedback on every strand. Educator
professionalism and discretion must be applied. Keep in mind that more information can be
shared directly with guardians.

• Remember that guardians vary widely in their educational experiences and familiarity with
educational terms. Use language that avoids educational jargon and expressions. This will
help guardians to better understand their child‘s progress and in what areas they may need
continued development.

• Create comments specific to established learning outcomes or expectations for the various
subject areas.

• Consider questions guardians might have about their child’s progress and achievement,
and use these to inform comments.

As an educator creates comments for each student across subject areas, it is valuable to ask if a
guardian reading will:

understand clearly how their child is doing in the class/subject?

understand that their child has areas of strength?
know what is being done to address areas of challenge? (This can include ways the
child can take some responsibility for improvement or ways the family can further
support learning.)
be aware of educator interest in their child as an individual learner?
Adapted with permission from Tri-County Regional School Board, Nova Scotia

It is not expected that administrators will review every comment on each report card. However, the common
practice of reviewing a sample of comments from various grade levels is recommended.
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Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

Descriptors for Consideration When Writing Comments

4 3
Demonstrates required knowledge and Demonstrates required knowledge and
skills, and is excelling with learning goals. skills, and is meeting learning goals.

• Consistently • Solid
• To a high degree • Is proficient
• With minimal or no prompting • Most of the time
• Is skilled at • Is able to
• Has fully demonstrated • For the most part
• Clearly • Often can
• Independently • Usually
• Excellent • Demonstrates
• Comprehensive understanding • Requires some support with
• Easily 3+ This achievement level is reserved for
• Is very good at consistently proficient achievement throughout
• Often uses the reporting period.
• Skilfully uses
• Understands how/that
4+ This achievement level is reserved for
outstanding achievement throughout the
reporting period that surpasses grade-
level expectations.
• Without prompting
• Confidently and independently

2 1
Demonstrates some of the required knowledge Demonstrates limited understanding of
and skills, and is approaching learning goals. the required knowledge and skills and
is working below learning goals.
• Sometimes • Is not able to
• With support • Does not yet
• With prompting • Is unable to
• Occasionally • Needs a great deal of assistance
• Is beginning to • Has not yet demonstrated
• Has some difficulty with • Not usually
• Is developing • With repeated assistance
• Is aware of ... but is not applying • Rarely
independently • Has difficulty with
• Is approaching • Struggles to
• Strives to • Has a limited understanding of
• Has a basic understanding of
• Understands some of

Adapted with permission from Tri-County Regional School Board, Nova Scotia

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Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

Phrases and Verbs for Consideration When Writing Comments

Strengths Needs Next Steps
(what the student is able to (areas of learning that require (ways to support the
do) further attention or student’s growth)
development )
• Able to construct, able to • Attempts to ...  Can practice at home by ...
determine, able to extend, able to • Continues to need help with...  Greater focus on ...
research, able to respond, able to • Could profit by ...  Is encouraged to ...
support ... • Demonstrates a limited ability to ...  Is encouraged to be more ...
• Can accurately, can adapt, can • Does not always ...  Is encouraged to seek ...

consistently, can easily, can • Does not demonstrate ... 
Is encouraged to strive to ...
effectively, can explain, can
identify, can solve, can successfully • Experiences difficulty with; has difficulty Is not always willing to ...
... with ...  It is recommended that ...
• Consistently makes ... • Finds it difficult at times to, has  It is suggested that ...
• Continues to ... difficulty ...  Needs more time to develop ...
• Demonstrates a clear • Has not yet demonstrated the ability to  Needs to ask ...
understanding ... ...  Needs to be more open ...
• Demonstrates effective ... • Has not yet demonstrated  Needs to consider ...
• Displays strong, displays understanding ...  Needs to continue to ...
exceptional ... • Has trouble with ...  Needs to develop ...
• Has achieved ... • Is seldom able to ...  Needs to expand on ...
• Has a good grasp of ... • Is encouraged to ...  Needs to improve; needs
• Has successfully ... • Is benefiting from practice with ... improvement in ...
• Has learned ... • Is learning to/that ...  Needs to refer to ...
• Has very good insight ... • Is receiving help with ...  Needs to review ...
• Improved tremendously ... • Is working at ...  Needs reinforcement in ...
• Is able to ... • It is important that ...  Needs to spend more time on should
• Is capable of ... • Lacks a clear understanding spend more time on ...
• Is developing ... • Needs more opportunities to ...  Needs time to ...
• Is consistently able to ... • Needs ongoing help with ...  Needs to work on ...
• Recognizes the importance ... • Needs support to ...  Requires additional effort ...
• Shows commitment ... • Needs to clarify ...  Requires more practice ...
• Is competent in ... • Needs to develop ...  Requires further understanding ...
• Is proficient at ... • Often lacks ...  Requires guided instruction...
• Is skillful at ... • Rarely able to ...  Should continue to ...
• Is very good at ... • Requires adult support ...  Should do further practice ...
• Often uses ... • Requires more time  Should take the time to ...
• Recognizes that ... • Tries to ...  Should use options for ...
• Successfully interprets ... • Struggles to ...  Would benefit from ...
• Skillfully uses ... • Unable to explain ...  Will have opportunities to ...
• Understands how ...
• Uses a variety of ...

Some action verbs to consider using:

Applies Constructs Experiments Illustrates Operates Shows
Builds Creates Explains Interprets Participates Solves
Compares Describes Expresses Knows Performs
Completes Evaluates Extends Organizes Produces
Adapted with permission from Tri-County Regional School Board, Nova Scotia

Version: September 2021 16

Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

Constructing an Effective Next Steps Comment

1. Use verbs (e.g. apply, develop, focus on, use). See action verbs at the bottom of page 16.

2. Indicate what the student should strive to do to make future progress. Describe the use of a
learning skill to affect subject knowledge or skill development. Do not describe what the
educator should do or simply state the next topic of study.

Example: use the editing checklist specifically to improve punctuation in longer

forms of writing.
Non-example: use correctly the conventions specified for this grade.

3. Be specific and phrase positively.

Example: use observations accurately to create diagrams and record information.

Non-example: use research skills.

Adapted from Elementary Report Card Comment Criteria: A Guide, Halton District School
Board, Toronto, 2009

Character Counts for K-8 English Prime and French Immersion Report Cards
The spaces for comments on the provincial report cards are based on specific character counts
as shown below. The following are the 2021-2022 character counts for both K-8 English Prime
(EP) and French Immersion (FI) report cards.

English Pre – Middle

K-5 Art, Exploratory,
Language Intensive/FLORA, School
Learning Learning Music and Mathematics Cross-
Arts (K-8) and Intensive, and Subject
Habits K-5 Habits 6-8 Physical K-8 Curricular
FI Language Post Intensive Areas
Ed. Block
Arts (1-8) French 4-8 6-8

Reported within
700 subject area 700 350 700 700 1000 350
comment box

Although Strengths, Needs, Next Steps appear in each subject area comment box, these words
are hard coded and do not use any of the available characters. The comment box will not allow you
to exceed the allowable character count for any subject and will stop at 700 characters for K-5
Learning Habits, ELA, FILA, Mathematics, and Pre-Intensive/FLORA and Post-Intensive French;
1000 characters for K-2 Exploration Time and Cross-Curricular Block; 350 characters for individual
middle school subject areas (not-including ELA, FILA, Mathematics, Pre-intensive/FLORA and Post-
Intensive French).

With the comment box open in PowerTeacher Pro, 700 characters (including spaces) are
approximately 9 lines of text, 350 characters (including spaces) are approximately 4 ½ lines, and
1000 characters (including spaces) are approximately 12 lines of text.

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Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

It is not possible to change the font size in the comment boxes. Spell check does work in the comment
boxes and runs from the dictionary on the computer. The option does exist to type comments in MS
Word and then copy and paste them individually into the comment box. Some educators prefer
completing comments in this fashion so they can easily reference comments from previous terms. It is
possible, however, to see comments you have written for a specific student in a previous term by going
back to that term.

Report Card Comment Sample

Comments, like achievement levels, need to reflect a student’s learning at the current reporting
period and be based on a collection of evidence (conversations, observations and products) that
shows what the student knows, understands and is able to do at the time with respect to defined
learning expectations or outcomes and related standards or rubrics.

This document provides a sample comment for Term 1, Term 2, and Term 3 reporting in 2021-2022.
An exemplar comment across three terms demonstrates a possible journey in student achievement.
When reviewing the comments, please read them understanding that each context is unique to the
learner. For example, a student could be receiving a 4 on one strand of a subject area and perhaps a
2 and a 3 on other strands within the same subject area. Consequently, a comment reflects the current
achievement. Another student may receive all 4s on strands within a subject area and again the
comments will reflect the current achievement.

Version: September 2021 18

Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines
English Language Arts K
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Speaking and Listening 4 Speaking and Listening 4 Speaking and Listening 4
Reading and Viewing 2 Reading and Viewing 3 Reading and Viewing 3+
Writing and Representing 3 Writing and Representing 3 Writing and Representing 3
Strengths/Needs/Next Steps: Raj takes turns Strengths/Needs/Next Steps: Raj takes turns Strengths/Needs/Next Steps: Raj continues
when communicating and asks questions when communicating to friends and asks and to communicate to friends and teachers,
during class. Raj likes being read to and can answers questions during group activities. sharing thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
point to the front cover, back cover, and first They enjoy interacting with books and stories When prompted, they select books for
page of a book. When working in small groups, and is learning to select books for interest. enjoyment and often express an interest for
they clap out words in a sentence, points to Raj is confident sharing thoughts with the reading and exploring. Raj has started to
words on a page, and can sometimes come up group and often asks questions during read- identify end sounds in some words, and often
with rhyming words. With a little help, Raj is alouds. Raj names most letters and sounds asks questions about the sounds in words –
starting to name letters, and is working on and can match upper- and lower-case letters. pointing out that some words rhyme and
naming more letter sounds. When writing, they When asked to identify the first sound in a some words do not. Overall, Raj is
draw lots of pictures with simple details and word, they can sometimes produce a word connecting letters to sounds more and more
enjoy talking about their ideas. Raj enjoys with the same sound. With help, Raj is and is making good progress in their reading.
looking at books about animals and would beginning to break apart the first sound from Raj continues to write often, using pictures
benefit from extra practice naming letters and the rest of a word. When practicing writing, with details and some print to support their
letter sounds. Raj supports their ideas with detailed ideas.
drawings and is beginning to print letters.
(Character Count: 611) (Character Count: 570)
(Character Count: 665)

Opening Comment: The first sentence is strength-based.

Progress Monitoring Comments: The body addresses what the learner can presently do, the current Achievement of Learning.
Closing Comment: If the learner is approaching or working below grade level expectations, the closing comment contains a positively phrased next
steps statement.

Report Card Comment Checklist

Has inclusive language been used? Has the comment been created in accordance to sections 6.3.1, and 6.3.2. of Policy 713?
(e.g., gender neutral pronouns, culturally inclusive language, proper/full names)
Has the language been reviewed for clarity and concise terminology?
(e.g., consideration of intended audience, use of strength-based language, reducing technical terms where possible)
Has the character count been reviewed?

Have the report card academic achievement scale misconceptions/facts been considered?

Version: September 2021 19

Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines
French Language Arts 2
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Speaking and Listening 3 Speaking and Listening 3+ Speaking and Listening 3+
Reading and Viewing 3 Reading and Viewing 3 Reading and Viewing 3
Writing and Representing 2 Writing and Representing 3 Writing and Representing 3
Strengths/Needs/Next Steps: Ann usually Strengths/Needs/Next Steps: Ann Strengths/Needs/NextSteps: Ann’s oral
uses the vocabulary and language structures consistently uses learned vocabulary to language development during the year has
learned in class to communicate on familiar provide descriptions and share information on enabled the sharing of information,
topics. Ann usually uses various visuals, familiar topics. Ann uses knowledge of simple preferences, ideas as well as communicate
gestures, and prompts to support and complex sounds to decode new words. A with ease on a variety of familiar topics,
understanding. Ann recognizes most high next step for Ann will be to recognize when personal experiences, and basic needs.
frequency words and is beginning to apply not to pronounce certain word endings such While Ann should continue to work on
knowledge of sounds to decode new words. as silent letters and decode more complex reading with more expression, Ann is able to
Ann understands texts read while benefiting at words. While Ann has shown improvement in read and understand a variety of grade level
times from prompts to add details to a adding more details to a summary, this will texts. Ann is now able to complete a
summary. Ann is encouraged to read texts with continue to be an area to work on. Ann is now summary of what has been read by providing
more expression. Currently, Ann relies heavily able to adapt the teacher’s model and is key details. While summarizing a text, Ann’s
on the teacher’s model to complete writing creating texts that are more detailed. Ann’s use of a graphic organizer to support the oral
tasks. A next step for Ann would be to create use of classroom resources such as summary has proven beneficial. I encourage
more complex sentences by adding details to checklists, word walls, and anchor charts Ann to continue using the resource tools
the teacher’s model. continue to be successful tools used in the provided in class to support various writing
revision of initial writing drafts. tasks.
(Character Count: 633)
(Character Count: 684) (Character Count: 649)

Opening Comment: The first sentence is strength-based.

Progress Monitoring Comments: The body addresses what the learner can presently do, the current Achievement of Learning.
Closing Comment: If the learner is approaching or working below grade level expectations, the closing comment contains a positively phrased next
steps statement.

Report Card Comment Checklist

Has inclusive language been used? Has the comment been created in accordance to sections 6.3.1, and 6.3.2. of Policy 713?
(e.g., gender neutral pronouns, culturally inclusive language, proper/full names)
Has the language been reviewed for clarity and concise terminology?
(e.g., consideration of intended audience, use of strength-based language, reducing technical terms where possible)
Has the character count been reviewed?

Have the report card academic achievement scale misconceptions/facts been considered?

Version: September 2021 20

Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

French Language Arts 5

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Speaking and Listening 4 Speaking and Listening 4 Speaking and Listening 4
Reading and Viewing 2 Reading and Viewing 3 Reading and Viewing 3+
Writing and Representing 3 Writing and Representing 3 Writing and Representing 3
Strengths/Needs/Next Steps: Jomaa Strengths/Needs/Next Steps: Jomaa is Strengths/Needs/Next Steps: Jomaa’s
consistently understands the main idea and confident sharing thoughts and opinions and language development enables the
supporting details of complex presentations often asks questions during discussions and presenting, sharing, and discussing of
and conversations. Jomaa contributes to read-alouds. Jomaa readily understands and familiar and studied topics, and personal
classroom discussions and conversations, follows multistep instructions. Jomaa is able experiences using precise vocabulary.
using learned vocabulary with ease. Jomaa is to read texts at the target level, and new Jomaa consistently applies reading
almost reading at the target level and can now words with more ease and confidence. comprehension strategies and demonstrates
read texts with better expression and fluency. Jomaa is developing a very strong vocabulary understanding by explaining the main points
Jomaa benefits from guiding questions to and asking the question Does this word make expressed in the books read. Overall, they
support overall comprehension. Jomaa’s sense? will help with the reading of new can view texts with a more critical lens and
writing pieces are well organized into words. Jomaa regularly uses resources and can connect to concepts in books by
paragraphs. Jomaa continues to apply criteria to ensure that the writing traits are comparing them to things already known.
strategies learned in class to their writing. I reflected in their writing. Jomaa will continue Jomaa is able to follow the writing process by
encourage Jomaa to continue using various to revise word choice and work on using more planning, writing a draft, revising and editing
reading strategies to support their complex adverbs and adjectives in their texts. it before sharing it with an audience. Jomaa’s
understanding while reading more complex final narrative writing piece showed good
content specific texts (Character Count: 627) detail to word choice using various verbs,
adjectives, and adverbs.
(Character Count: 658)
(Character Count: 696)

Opening Comment: The first sentence is strength-based.

Progress Monitoring Comments: The body addresses what the learner can presently do, the current Achievement of Learning.
Closing Comment: If the learner is approaching or working below grade level expectations, the closing comment contains a positively phrased next
steps statement.

Report Card Comment Checklist

Has inclusive language been used? Has the comment been created in accordance to sections 6.3.1, and 6.3.2. of Policy 713?
(e.g., gender neutral pronouns, culturally inclusive language, proper/full names)
Has the language been reviewed for clarity and concise terminology?
(e.g., consideration of intended audience, use of strength-based language, reducing technical terms where possible)
Has the character count been reviewed?

Have the report card academic achievement scale misconceptions/facts been considered?

Version: September 2021 21

Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

Mathematics 7
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Number 3 Number 3 Number 3
Patterns & Relations 3 Patterns & Relations 3 Patterns & Relations 3
Shape & Space 3 Shape & Space 3 Shape & Space 3+
Probability & Statistics 3 Probability & Statistics 2 Probability & Statistics 3
Strengths/Needs/Next Steps: Arina routinely Strengths/Needs/Next Steps: Arina uses Strengths/Needs/Next Steps: Arina rarely
uses math strategies they learned in past patterns, showing understanding of integers makes minor errors in the Shape and Space
school years and this year, they have a strong using pictures, they are growing as a math strand. Now that Shape and Space concepts
foundation. These experiences have helped learner. Arina explains their reasoning or their and developing a formula are familiar, Arina
learning about and working with integers, and math strategy, sometimes to the whole class, is consistently proficient and sometimes
when identifying plotted points. Arina makes using math language. Arina has focused on excels in this area. Arina is routinely able to
connections between adding and subtracting communication this term. Arina can model work symbolically with Number strand
decimals, multiplying and dividing decimals, linear equations and has solved problems problems and self identifies when
and solves problems. Arina enjoys working while working in groups. Arina consistently manipulatives would be helpful. Arina is able
with tables of values and practicing graphing identifies plotted points and is routinely to identify and represent more situations with
data, great labelling! Arina’s strength with data plotting points with few minor errors. Arina linear equations, they are growing with
is also evident when collecting and enjoyed the process of developing a formula practice. They make few minor errors no
independently organizing data, allowing them when working with triangles and other matter the pattern represented. Arina’s
to work with mean, median and mode, Arina shapes. Arina’s focus on communication, and resiliency and determination with probability
has also met this goal while working in groups. performing experiments, will allow them to concepts is clear as they met their learning
Arina’s hard work shows because they make become consistent in understanding and goals in this term.
few minor errors. explaining probability.
(Character Count: 627)
(Character Count: 694) (Character Count: 680)

Opening Comment: The first sentence is strength-based.

Progress Monitoring Comments: The body addresses what the learner can presently do, the current Achievement of Learning.
Closing Comment: If the learner is approaching or working below grade level expectations, the closing comment contains a positively phrased next
steps statement.

Report Card Comment Checklist

Has inclusive language been used? Has the comment been created in accordance to sections 6.3.1, and 6.3.2. of Policy 713?
(e.g., gender neutral pronouns, culturally inclusive language, proper/full names)
Has the language been reviewed for clarity and concise terminology?
(e.g., consideration of intended audience, use of strength-based language, reducing technical terms where possible)
Has the character count been reviewed?

Have the report card academic achievement scale misconceptions/facts been considered?

Version: September 2021 22

Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

Checkboxes on the Report Cards

There are several checkboxes on provincial report cards that educators have the option to select
based on the student’s program. Instructions for inserting indicators that will create checkmarks
in the boxes are provided in Appendix C – Completing K-8 Report Cards with PowerTeacher
Pro. Further guidance about the selection of checkboxes is provided below.

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Every student, as per the Education Act, has the right to regular communication about their progress.

In many cases, content objectives can be assessed for those learning English as an Additional
Language (EAL), using universal accommodations and language scaffolds. Language scaffolds are the
supports educators use to make the content more linguistically accessible (linguistically) to students of
varying language proficiency levels. This has also been referred to as actions educators take to make
the content comprehensible (understandable) at different language levels.

In cases where a student is currently functioning at the A1 level in English, the teacher may not have
been able (or had enough time) to collect sufficient information to assess the content objective. In these
cases, the EAL check box may be appropriate to use, to show that the student is learning the language
of instruction while acquiring content-related knowledge. Please discuss appropriate assessment with
the school Education Support Services team, including the EAL professional, and with the district EAL
team, if necessary. Each learner’s unique needs, background, goals and progress must be considered.

Even with a checked EAL box, the educator should provide comments on the report card on student’s
strengths, needs and/or next steps. For the comment box to appear on the report card, educators
need to indicate an achievement scale of 1 to 4+; if it is felt that there is insufficient evidence to identify
Achievement of Learning, the educator should use N/A. An anecdotal report detailing goals and
progress in language may also be provided to the student and family.

Personalized Learning Plans (PLP)

A Personalized Learning Plan may be identified as PLP- ADJ (Adjusted Curriculum) or PLP-IND
(Individualized) on the report card. The learning goals in the PLP are to be assessed and
evaluated for the purpose of reporting Achievement of Learning.

A check in the PLP-ADJ box signals that the student’s Achievement of Learning is based on
adjustments to the prescribed grade-level curriculum outcomes. When reporting on achievement
by strands, it is in relation to the learning goals within the PLP and the performance levels and
corresponding criteria apply.

There is no check box to signal a student has a PLP-IND. Educators will use the code, IND, to
indicate that the student’s Achievement of Learning is not based on prescribed grade-level
curriculum but on functional individualized goals and outcomes.

In the case of a student who has a PLP-ADJ or PLP-IND, educators must use an attachment
(Progress Reporting Section of the PLP) to describe the Achievement of Learning of the student
in relation to the learning goals of the PLP.

In the case where a student has a PLP-ADJ or a PLP-IND, guardians should have already
received a copy of the PLP and the identified learning goals. Consequently, the educator should
avoid duplicating this information when completing the report card. If the PLP has been updated
or revised prior to a reporting period, a copy of the PLP should have been sent to guardians. For
Version: September 2021 23
Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

students experiencing less than expected success, the goals and outcomes in the PLP will need
to be reviewed and a consultation with ESS for next steps may be appropriate.

Accommodations do not alter the expectations described in the curricular outcomes. They are
strategies, technologies or adjustments that permit students to reach prescribed outcomes
regardless of barriers to learning. Accessing these accommodations does not devalue student
performance and resulting Achievement of Learning. As such, they are not documented in the report
card. As a general rule, schools are not to disclose information on a report card that identifies a
student as being differently abled or flags them as having a Personalized Learning Plan unless the
educational program has been modified (adjusted) or individualized. (Note: Justified
accommodations are documented in a student’s Personalized Learning Plan). This adheres to the
principles of Universal Design for Learning and is in compliance with the Canadian Charter of Rights
and Freedoms, as well as the New Brunswick Human Rights Act. More information can be found in
the Accommodations for Instruction and Assessment document found under Student Services on
the EECD K-12 Anglophone website.

When summarizing student Achievement of Learning on the report card, it is critical to

recognize two important components:

1.) What is the outcome measuring?

2.) What are the multiple means of demonstrating that the student has met the outcome?

See the following examples:

Mathematics, Grade 1: PR1 - Demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns (two to

four elements) by: describing; reproducing; extending; creating patterns using
manipulatives, diagrams, sounds and actions.

This outcome promotes multiple means of representation (i.e., manipulatives,

diagrams, sounds and actions). It does not require that a student be only evaluated
through writing.

English Language Arts, Grade 4: 9.1 - Create written and media texts, collaboratively
and independently, in different modes (expressive, transactional, and poetic) and in
a variety of forms; recognize that particular forms require the use of specific
features, structures, and patterns.

This outcome allows for multiple means of expression (i.e., it does not suggest a student must use
a pencil or pen to create). It does not require that a student be evaluated through cursive or
manuscript writing.

French Learning Experiences

In New Brunswick, students in the English Prime program will have some experiences with French
learning. In Kindergarten to Grade 3, students may participate in French Learning Experiences and/or
in FLORA. These programs give students opportunities to learn French language and culture.
Although educators do not report Achievement of Learning in French in K-3, a checkmark indicates
which program (s) the students experienced. Some schools elect to use a French Learning
Experiences and/or FLORA report card attachment, this is not required.
In Grades 4, there is an Achievement of Learning section for French in addition to the checkmark for
FLORA. If an educator has insufficient evidence to assess achievement in French (due to their own
proficiency level), but students have been learning French through FLORA, it is sufficient in this case
to mark the checkbox and not complete the achievement section.

Version: September 2021 24

Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

In grade 4, Pre-Intensive and FLORA have been placed together as they meet the same outcomes.
The grade 4 and 5 Intensive French report cards continue to remain the same.

There is a box on the first page of the report card to indicate to parents the number of attachments
included. This number must be handwritten. Attachments should be kept to a minimum and
focused on providing information about student learning (e.g., First Nations Languages Checklist or
Progress Reporting for a student who has a PLP). The signature page (to be returned to the
school) is considered part of the report card; it is not an attachment. Similarly, school wide notices
are not considered attachments and do not require the box to be checked.

Wabanaki Languages
Provincially prescribed curriculum for K-5 is currently under development and middle school
curriculum was launched with the 2021-2022 school year. If there is a group of students in a
school studying a First Nations language in Grades K-5 they should be scheduled in Advisory.
An attachment has been created to facilitate reporting to guardians on student Achievement of
Learning for such a language course. See Appendix B for Wabanaki Language Report

Report Cards and Cumulative Record Cards

A copy of the Term 3 June Report Card should be placed in the student’s cumulative record. Schools
will be able to print labels that show the Achievement of Learning by strand for the various subject
areas, these labels are to be attached to the cumulative record cards in the appropriate grade level

Report Card Response Form

This form is for guardians and students to complete and return to the homeroom teacher. It is a
permanent attachment and is printed as part of the report card. The scale and legend are printed
on the back. Educators may wish to review the report cards with students so they are aware of
the opportunity for them to write/draw their reflections. Examples of reflection prompts include:
“Things I did well this term,” “Things I need to work on,” and “Things I really enjoyed.”

Completing the Report Card Response Form is not mandatory; however, when the document is
returned to the homeroom teacher, the process for managing this form must follow the
Classification Plan and Retention Schedules for Common Records found under Corporate
Information Management on the Province of New Brunswick website. This means the homeroom
teacher should keep any Report Card Response Forms in their classroom during the year in question.
At the end of June, the educator should take these forms to the school office where they need to be
retained for one year. Once the year has passed, the forms may be destroyed.

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Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

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Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions guardians may ask you (educator) at parent-teacher about the report
card or information you might wish to share about the updates.

1. What is the difference between a 4 and 4+?

Refer to the descriptors and definitions provided for guardians and educators. A rating of 4 is
very strong and outstanding work for the grade level. The student consistently applies learning
to new situations. A rating of 4+ indicates, that in addition to excelling, the student produces
work that surpasses grade-level expectations.

2. Does the reflection page for guardians and students have to be filled out?

It is great place for students and guardians to share but is not required. It needs to be
signed by guardians to indicate the report card has been received. Comments will be read
by the educator and then filed. Those not filled out will also be filed. All forms will be
collected and read by educators.

3. If a box is blank, or N/A, what does that mean?

N/A will be given if there is insufficient evidence to give a comment or Achievement of Learning
value at this time. For instance, you may have a course that is only taught once a week or once
every two weeks. With any storm days or classes missed, the educator may not have had the
students for enough time to assess an outcome. It could also be that a student in a course rotation
has just started a new course and may only have had a few classes at reporting time. If a student
has been absent a number of days this could also result in N/A since the educator may not have
had adequate time to teach the curriculum outcomes.

Blank means the course or outcome hasn’t been taught at this time.

4. What is a 3+?

A 3+ allows the teacher to indicate when a student is demonstrating learning more consistently and
independently, to familiar situations. Both 3 and 3+ indicate appropriate learning and work within
grade level outcomes.

Version: September 2021 27

Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

Misconceptions About the Report Card Academic

Achievement Scale
Why this document?
The Education Act states: It is the right of a pupil to be informed of his or
1 her educational progress on a regular basis. s.14(2)
Evaluation of educational progress is only meaningful if it is based on
2 common standards from classroom to classroom.
Evaluation that is not based on shared standards is unfair to students.
Families must be assured that the methods used for measuring the progress of their
3 child provide an accurate portrait of progress, and the same conclusions would result
if the child were in any other classroom.
Provincial consultation and report card data analysis indicate varied interpretations of
4 the use of the report card academic achievement scale and methods for determining
student scores.

“It is important that we use the evidence available for each student and compare it to the same
set of curriculum standards and expectations. In a standards-based evaluation system, we have
to account for each student’s learning in relation to the expectations for that grade and subject
area. While our written and verbal comments may speak to the amount of progress students have
made in their learning, the evaluation must reflect their accomplishments in relation to the
standards for the subject area and level at which they are working.” (Davies, 2011, p. 53)


Balanced Assessment
Formative Assessment
Teaching Process Map English | French
Intervention Process Map Print | Interactive

New Brunswick report card rubric library, guidelines and job aids can be found on the Report
Cards K-8 ONE site

Davies, A. 2011. Making Classroom Assessment Work. Courtenay, BC: connect2learning.

The report card misconceptions table on the following page is adapted from: Report
Card Opinions vs. Facts – Manitoba Education:

Version: September 2021 28

Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

Source: Assessing, Evaluating, and Reporting K-8: Guidelines
for New Brunswick K-8 Teachers, October 2019
Students should only receive
an achievement value of 4 in
the last reporting period. An achievement value of 4 is possible in any reporting period for
students who have a thorough understanding of the “outcomes
It is expected that an
addressed” and who “consistently appl(y) learning to new
achievement value of 4 will
situations.” (p.7)
be accessible only to a small
minority of students.
Achievement in the previous Achievement in the previous term is not considered when
terms is considered when determining subsequent results. Achievement values are not
determining achievement cumulative. “It is a statement of learning now, not an average of
values in subsequent terms. evidence over time.” (p.9)
If a student’s achievement “The achievement level indicated each term reflects the student’s
value changes from a 4 to a performance and understanding of outcomes taught in that term
3 later in the year, the only.” (p.25) A student whose achievement value moves from a 4
student has regressed in to a 3 in a later term will still have demonstrated new learning.
knowledge and skills.
Term 1 report card Term 1 achievement values are normally based on the grade-
achievement values are level outcomes covered in Term 1. “The achievement level
intended to be based on indicated each term reflects the student’s performance and
learning outcomes from the understanding of outcomes taught that term only.” (p.25)
previous grade.
An achievement value of 4+ is
unattainable for most students “4+ indicates, that in addition to excelling, the student
since it requires complete demonstrates learning that surpasses grade-level expectations.”
mastery of the outcomes (p.7)
“T1, T2 and T3 are not averaged. The achievement level
The final achievement value indicated each term reflects the student’s performance and
is determined by averaging understanding of outcomes taught that term only. The mark for
the values reported for Term T3 reflects assessment from March until June. If there is a mark
1, Term 2, and Term 3. in T2 only, it means that course/outcome was taught only during
the second reporting period.” (p.25)
The year-end curriculum rubrics tell student and teacher the
learning targets for the end of the grade. Evaluation at the end
of each reporting period should reflect whether the student’s
The year-end grade-level
learning is as expected for the respective time of year, keeping
rubric should be applied as a
the end of year target in mind. If a student experienced
scoring rubric for daily
challenges during a reporting period but mastered the expected
classroom use.
skills and knowledge by the end of the year, the achievement
level should reflect the final outcome (i.e., it is a statement of
learning now, not an average of evidence over time).

Version: September 2021 29

Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

The year-end grade-level Rubrics for midpoints in the year will be created by educators with
rubric should be applied as a students with year-end goals and standards for achievement
scoring rubric for Term 1 and levels in mind. Students are not expected to have met the
Term 2 reporting. curriculum expectations by mid-year. (p.9)
Factors such as attendance, Factors such as attendance, attitude, late assignments,
attitude, late assignments, homework completion, and effort should not be factored into
homework completion, and evaluation of academic performance.
effort are a valid component “It is important to assess, evaluate and report on learning habits
of academic performance. separately from achievement of curriculum expectations and
learning goals.” (p.6)
“It is noteworthy, that unless it is part of a curriculum outcome,
behaviours will be reported separately from achievement in the
Learning Habits section.” (p.13)
Students who have PLPs can The achievement value received by the student who has a PLP
only receive an achievement should reflect their success in meeting their personalized
value of 1 because they are learning goals. (p.21)
not meeting grade-level
There is insufficient Assessment is an ongoing process of gathering evidence of
information to evaluate student learning.
student progress at the end “Making a professional judgment is a purposeful, systematic,
of Term 1. multi-step process. This process does not come into play just at
the end of the learning.” (p.6)
N/A is used when an
“The purpose of the achievement report card is to provide a
outcome is not assessed.
summary of learning during each reporting period. Teachers will
report on achievement by subject area strands and there is a
place for comments for every subject on the achievement
reports.” (p.10) As such, educators are expected to have
collected enough data by the end of every term.
N/A may be used on the report card when students have missed
a significant amount of instructional time. This could be due to
illness, storm days, student transfers, etc.
A blank on the report card “A blank box indicates the strand has not been assessed in this
means insufficient evidence. reporting period.” (p.7) Under normal circumstances, all strands
should be touched on each term to the extent of which an
achievement value might be provided. An achievement value
does not mean that all strands were explored in equal part, but
that each of the strands was covered. The reason for a lack of
assessment, in this case, would be because the outcome has not
yet been taught.

Version: September 2021 30

Assessing Evaluating Reporting K-8 Guidelines

Internal New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood
Development documents were consulted as well as the following:

British Columbia Ministry of Education. 2009. Reporting Student Progress: Policy and Practice.
Victoria, BC: Queen’s Printer.

Cameron, C. and K. Gregory. 2014. Rethinking Letter Grades: A Five-Step Approach for
Aligning Letter Grades to Learning Standards. Winnipeg, MB: Portage and Main Press.

Davies, A. 2011. Making Classroom Assessment Work. Courtenay, BC: connect2learning.

Halton District School Board. 2009. A Guide to Creating Meaningful Report Card Comments.
Halton, ON: Halton District School Board

Herbst, S. and A. Davies. 2014. A Fresh Look at Grading and Reporting in High Schools.
Courtenay, BC: connect2learning

Lincoln, Y and E. Gubba. 1984. Naturalistic Inquiry. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.

Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning. 2014. Manitoba Provincial Report Card Policy and
Guidelines: Partners for Learning Grades 1-12. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Education and
Advanced Learning.

Moss, C. and S. Brookhart. 2009. Advancing Formative Assessment in Every Classroom: A

Guide for Instructional Leaders. Alexandria, VA: ASCD

Ontario Ministry of Education. 2010. Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting
in Ontario Schools. Toronto, ON: Ontario Ministry of Education.

Tri-County Regional School Board. 2010. Creating Strong Report Card Comments. Tri-County,
NS: Tri-County Regional School Board.

Wiliam, Dylan. 2011. Embedded Formative Assessment. Bloomington IN: Solution Tree Press

Version: September 2021 31

Appendix A: Definitions


Version: September 2021 32

Appendix A: Definitions

Appendix A: Definitions
Accommodations are strategies, technologies or adjustments that
Accommodations provide support to students to meet prescribed outcomes.
They do not alter the expectations described in the curricular outcomes.
Achievement of
Learning / Brief descriptions of student performance on the provincial curriculum
Achievement expectations, which is indicated with a number value on the report card.
Levels / There are four levels of achievement (4-3-2-1).
Achievement With values 3 and 4, a student may receive a ‘+’ designation.
The process of gathering information and/or providing feedback to confirm if a
student is achieving the curriculum expectations in a subject strand.

Co-construct The process by which students and educators develop criteria together
Criteria for assessing successful Achievement of Learning targets/goals.

Conversations are one way to gather evidence of learning, they include

planned dialogue with individuals about their learning. These can be done
through written and/or spoken conferences. Conversations help educators to
get to know their students’ strengths and the challenges, monitor their
progress, provide feedback, and plan future instruction based on identified
needs and interests. They include both planned and unplanned dialogue with
students about a topic that relates to their learning. Other ways to gather
evidence include observations and products.
This refers to the prescribed or approved program design and components,
learning expectations/outcomes, learning experiences and instructional
and assessment strategies, and resources. The documents that outline the
information are called curriculum guides.
These refer to specific criteria statements that explain how a student has
Descriptors demonstrated what they know and are able to do in different aspects of
learning. The descriptions are outlined in achievement charts called rubrics.
This is an acronym referring to the provincial government Department of
EECD Education and Early Childhood Development that oversees Early Learning
and publicly funded education.
This is the term used for schools offering Grades K-5.
Primary refers to students in Kindergarten to Grade 2.
English as an Students who are learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) may
Additional receive this notation as a comment on their report card to note that they are
Language (EAL) learning the language of instruction while working on content
The process of making professional judgments about student learning with
established criteria and assigning an achievement value to describe the
quality. Evaluation is based on assessments of learning that provide data on
student Achievement of Learning at strategic times, usually at the end of a
period of learning.

Information gathered to demonstrate student learning. Evidence is gathered

Evidence over time through observations, conversations, and products. Educators
examine all sources to plan for, assess, and evaluate learning.

Version: September 2021 33

Appendix A: Definitions

Assessment that is part of the teaching and learning process. It involves

frequent and interactive checking for understanding and adjusting instruction
to ensure students have the supports and challenges required to progress
toward their learning goals. A key component is ongoing feedback about
understanding and progress.
The software that is part of the School Information System, PowerSchool.
GradeBook It is used by teachers to track information about students including
attendance, behaviour, and achievement.
Knowledge and skills students are expected to develop and to demonstrate in
Learning classwork, on tests, and in a variety of other activities; learning expectations
Expectations are also referred to as outcomes and are the focal point when assessing and
evaluating achievement.
These are also referred to as targets and are brief statements that describe
what students should know and be able to do by the end of a period of
instruction (e.g., a lesson, series of lessons, or learning task). The goals are
Learning Goals
more specific than learning expectations/outcomes. The audience is the
student. Ideally students help develop (co-construct) criteria for assessing
successful achievement of these learning goals.
The habits identified as being important for learning and for life. These can be
demonstrated across all subjects and grades and in other aspects of school
Learning Habits participation. Development of these habits supports achievement of the
learning expectations. There are five learning habits reported on from K-8:
independence, initiative, interactions, responsibility, and organization.
This is the provincial level for achievement to indicate a student has met the
criteria in a course. Level 3, indicates a student has met the provincial
Meeting standard for achievement. Guardians and educators of students achieving at
level 3 or above can be confident that the student is prepared for subsequent
work/the next grade.
This is the term used for schools offering Grades 6-8. Depending on the
school, sometimes Grade 5 students are included in the term middle level.
The philosophy of middle-level schooling is that is should offer a transition
Middle Level from elementary in which instruction is largely the responsibility of one or two
teachers, to high school in which students are instructed by multiple teachers.
Usually middle-level students take different subjects taught by a cluster of four
or five teachers.
Observations are one way to gather evidence of learning. Observations
include watching, listening, and noting students’ behaviour, interests and
abilities, patterns of development, and progress in learning. Teachers keep
record of their observations to monitor progress, to plan instruction and to
support professional judgments. Other ways to gather evidence includes
conversations and products.

Broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do
at the end of a course or grade level. These are also referred to as learning
Outcomes expectations. All prescribed curriculum includes descriptions of the
knowledge and skills students are expected to develop and demonstrate as an
outcome of the course. These expectations are the focal point for instruction.

A process for examining a change in a controlled environment before

introducing it on a large scale.

Version: September 2021 34

Appendix A: Definitions

Refers to a written plan for a student who requires specific and individual
identification of practical strategies, goals, outcomes, targets and educational
supports that ensure the student experiences success in learning that is
meaningful and appropriate, considering the student’s individual needs.

Refers to the process in which students provide each other with meaningful
feedback about particular work for the purpose of making improvements prior
Peer Assessment to completion. In order to participate, students must have an understanding of
the learning goals and criteria for success. Peer assessment is a powerful
process for creating a community of learners.
A web-based student information system (SIS) used to maintain
student records.
A collection of carefully selected samples of student work that the student, with
teacher support, uses to show what has been learned throughout the year. It is
an excellent self-assessment tool as teachers ask students to actively reflect
on their learning in order to choose what will go into the portfolio.
Primary Refers to students enrolled in Kindergarten to Grade 2.
Products are one way to gather evidence of learning. They include performance
Products tasks, demonstrations, projects, essays, quizzes, and tests.
Other ways to gather evidence includes conversations and observations.

Decisions informed by professional knowledge of curriculum and the

learners. It is part of professional practice to use information gathered: daily to
make decisions about instruction; and, overtime from conversations,
products, and observations to determine how well a student is meeting the
learning expectations.
Research Published and credible sources reviewed for information.
This refers to a chart that describes levels of achievement of the learning
expectations, in relation to specific criteria. The rubrics for the New
Rubric Brunswick curriculum are posted to the portal. In the future, these will be
embedded in curriculum documents for every subject. The rubrics have
descriptors for the achievement scale for each report card strand.
Scale Levels used to describe particular areas of learning (e.g., 4-3-2-1, C-U-S-R).
The process of recognizing, describing, and applying criteria and using
the information to set, monitor and adjust one’s own learning goals.
Assessment focused on whether a student’s performance in relation to a
predetermined set of criteria not in relation to the performance of other
students or through the averaging of scores.

Version: September 2021 35

Appendix A: Definitions

Strand This refers to categories within a subject. Achievement is described by strand

to provide specific information about learning; therefore, there are no overall
subject grades in K–8. For example, instead of an overall grade on ELA,
information is separated into Speaking and Listening, Reading and Viewing,
and Writing and Representing.

Student The provincial learning management system for tracking student information.
Information In New Brunswick the SIS is called PowerSchool.
System (SIS)

Student-Led A student-led conference is a student-centred approach that engages the

Conference student in direct communication with the parents through the use of personal
work samples and demonstrations (games, experiments, etc.). Students
showcase their knowledge of their own achievement and learning. Teachers
work with students to prepare them to lead a conference.

Summative Refers to assessment used to measure what students know and can do with
Assessment respect to learning expectations. This kind of assessment occurs at the end
of units and key times in learning.
Targets/Goals Refers to brief statements that describe what students should know and be
able to do by the end of a period of instruction (e.g., a lesson, series of
lessons, or learning task). The goals are more discreet than learning
expectations or outcomes. The audience is the student. Ideally students help
develop (co-construct) criteria for successful achievement of these

Triangulation Refers to the use of information gathered from multiple types of evidence
(conversations, observations, and products) overtime in order to enhance
confidence in professional judgments.

Version: September 2021 36

Appendix B: First Nations Language Report

Appendix B: Wabanaki Language Report

Language: ________________________ Name: ________


o Communicates clearly in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of
information on familiar topics and activities. Handles very short social exchanges.
o Uses a series of phrases and sentences clearly to describe in simple terms information
on familiar topics and activities.
o Always understands phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to the
topic. Grasps the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements.
o Accurately reads very short, simple texts. Locates specific, predictable information in simple
everyday material such as advertisements, menus, timetables and personal letters.
o Accurately writes short, simple notes and messages related to the topic.

o Interacts in a simple way provided the other person is prepared to repeat or rephrase things
at a slower rate of speech.
o Uses simple phrases and sentences to describe information on familiar topics and activities.
o Recognizes familiar words and very basic phrases related to the topic when people speak
slowly and clearly.
o Understands familiar names, words and very simple sentences for example on notices
and posters.
o Writes short, simple messages related to the topic.

o Sometimes is able to shares thoughts, feelings and experiences related to the dialogs
that have been practiced.
o Sometimes uses simple phrases and sentences to describe information on familiar
topics and a
o Sometimes recognizes familiar words and very basic phrases related to the topic when
people speak slowly and clearly activities.
o Sometimes understands familiar names, words and very simple sentences for example
on notices and posters.
o Sometimes is able to write short, simple messages related to the topic with support.

Working Below
o Rarely shares thoughts, feelings and experiences related to the dialogs that have been
o Rarely uses simple phrases and sentences to describe information on familiar topics
and activities.
o Rarely recognizes familiar words and very basic phrases related to the topic when
people speak slowly and clearly.
o Rarely understands familiar names, words and very simple sentences for example on
notices and posters.
o Rarely is able to write short, simple messages related to the topic with support.


Version: June 11 / 2021 37

Appendix C: Completing K-8 Report Cards with PowerTeacher Pro

Appendix C: Completing K-8 Report Cards with

PowerTeacher Pro

This appendix provides step-by-step procedures for completing the provincial K-8 report cards. The
document begins with instructions for logging on, followed by the procedure for adding an
individualized or modified (adjusted) Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) indicator, if required. Adding
the PLP indicator is an action that must be completed in PowerTeacher; remaining steps are
completed in PowerTeacher Pro (PT Pro).

Logging on to PowerTeacher

By entering your nbed username and password, you will come to the
PowerTeacher Homepage shown below.

Version: September 2021 38

Appendix C: Completing K-8 Report Cards with PowerTeacher Pro

PLP Indicators in PowerSchool, PowerTeacher, and

PowerTeacher Pro
Subject Teachers
An update to the functionality of ESS Connect and PowerSchool has been implemented which will send PLP
information from ESS Connect to PowerSchool. This section will describe how this update will impact subject

• Subject Teachers will no longer have to use the PLP Alert (now called ESS Connect Alert) in PowerTeacher to
set the PLP-ADJ Indicator for the report card.

• Once a PLP-ADJ has been created for a course, ESS Connect will automatically set the PLP indicator in

• If the PLP-ADJ indicator has already been added in PowerTeacher and the student’s PLP-ADJ in ESS Connect
completed, no further action is required.

• Subject Teachers will need to remove the PLP-ADJ checkmark when a plan has been deactivated or a PLP-
ADJ was created in error. If this occurs, you will be notified by the EST-Resource at your school. Please refer
to the section below Removing the PLP Indicator, if required.

Important Changes:

When a student has a PLP or
Newcomer Support and Transition
Plan (NSTP), the ESS Connect Alert
box will be automatically updated.

The PLP-ADJ will be visible for all teachers of the student. This does not mean that the student has adjusted
curriculum in all subjects.

Version: September 2021 39

Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

Removing the PLP Indicator

If a PLP-ADJ was created in error or has been deactivated, the PLP-ADJ indicator for your course in
PowerTeacher will need to be removed. This is the only time teachers will have to access the ESS Connect

1. Click the ESS

Connect Alert
icon for the
relevant class.

2. Click on the
student’s name.

3. Remove the
4. Click Submit.

The PLP-ADJ indicator

on the report card will
no longer be checked.
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

PLP-IND Indicators
Just a reminder that PLP-IND indicators will be set when teachers assign the new IND
code on the report card. The IND must be added in PowerTeacher Pro for the IND to
appear on the report card. When IND is selected as the academic result on the report
card, this will identify the student has a Personalized Learning Plan for you course.

If you require any assistance, please contact your EST-Resource.

If IND is entered in each Strand, the report

card will look as follows:

ESS Connect

To locate ESS Connect within PowerTeacher, click

the arrow in the top right-hand corner of your
PowerTeacher home screen.

Then click ESS Connect to reach your

ESS Connect home page.
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

Launching PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook

(PT Pro)

PT Pro can be launched from PowerTeacher in

one of two ways.

1. In the left-hand side Navigation menu, click on

PowerTeacher Pro. This launches PT Pro
defaulting to the Homeroom class.


2. From the Current Classes list, click on any of

the PowerTeacher Pro hyperlinks located under
each class. The gradebook will default to the
class selected.

NOTE: The earlier version of PowerTeacher Gradebook (PTG 2.8), used by

teachers in ASD-W in previous years, is available in Read Only. It must be
reinstalled by the teacher for this launch feature to work. Clicking on Installer
provides step-by-step directions.

Homepage of PT Pro

After launching from either the Navigation menu or from one of the current classes, you will see
the PT Pro Homepage. It will appear as in the screen shot below if you are accessing PT Pro
for the first time.

You can access the

help menu by
clicking on the ? in
the top right corner. It
includes a lot of
excellent information,
including tips and
tricks. The green
boxes and welcome
message appear
only the first time you
open PT Pro;
choosing Getting
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

Started will bring them back.

All classes you

teach are
available from
the Select
Classes blue bar
at the top of the

Selecting the Reporting Term

Prior to entering student achievement level data by subject strands or performance indicators for
learning habits, it is IMPORTANT to select the correct reporting term. For K-8, you should select either
Term 1 (T1), Term 2 (T2) or Term 3 (T3). If you teach in a school that includes high school students,

you will see other terms intended for Grades 9-12. These include: Semester 1 (S1), Semester 2 (S2),
Final Grade/Full Year (F1), Quarter 1 (Q1), Quarter 2 (Q2), Quarter 3 (Q3) or Quarter 4 (Q4). These
terms should not be used for K-8 students.

In the top right corner below your name you will

see the Term button; click on the ^ to open the
list for your school.

Choose the correct reporting term.

After making your selection, click on the ^to close the list. This will
assign the term to all of your classes. You will need to change the term
at the start of the next reporting period.
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

Opening the Standards Page

With the correct term selected, you are ready to enter report card data on the Standards
page. To open this page, follow the steps below.

1. Select the Class (subject/grade)

2. Click A+ Grading
3. Hover over Standards and click

The subject standards pages vary in Grades K-5 and Grades 6-8.

• At Grades K-5 the homeroom teacher completes the performance indicators and the comments
for the learning habits in the Homeroom class.
• At Grades 6-8 the learning habits are included in each subject and no homeroom entry is

• In addition to the subject area strands, every subject has a comment field and the option of
adding an English as an Additional Language (EAL) indicator.
• If you have added an individualized or modified as a PLP indicator in PowerTeacher it is not
displayed on the standards page; it will only show when the report card is run/printed.On the
Standards Page for all Grades K-5 subjects you will see:

On the Standards Page for all Grades K-5 subjects you will see:
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

For each subject on the report cards K-5 you may add a comment, EAL indicator and the
subject strand(s) achievement indicator (4+, 4, 3+, 3, 2, 1, NA, IND).

On the Standards Page for Grades 6-8 subjects you will see all features shown above, plus columns
for reporting on the learning habits for each of the
middle school courses.

Adding Report Card Comments

Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

All subjects have a comment cell located in the second column after the term header (T1). Clicking
on a cell in this column turns it white and opens the keypad on the right. The keypad will change
depending whether you are adding comments or achievement scale indicators for the strand(s)
within a subject. The example below shows a comment box when reporting on strands it will change
to a number pad with the achievement levels.

Comment Bank Enhancements

In PowerTeacher Pro, you can now compose and save your own comments. This functionality is
not to be used by high school teachers. High School teachers are still required to use the district

WARNING: The Smart Text fields DO NOT adjust for non-binary students. If Smart
Text fields are used, you must preview your comments and make corrections
before the report card is sent home.

1. Select Settings
2. Select Comment Bank
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

3. Click Add

4. When adding a Code, be mindful of your naming

conventions as the codes sort the order in which they are
grouped. Also think long term; create a coding system
that will work for many courses over a number of years.

5. Category is optional

6. When using Smart Text, be diligent that it appears on

the report card properly. See the warning above.

7. Make sure the character length fits the allotted

character count for the subject.

8. Click Save

To access your comments:

9. Select the comment tab in the Score Inspector

10. Click on the Settings wheel

11. Select My Comments

12. If you are stringing a number of comments

together as opposed to one longer comment, select

When Comments are Entered by More than One Teacher

If subjects have Lead and Co-Teachers, all teachers have access to add comments.

Several key points should be noted:

• The teachers must share the total character count outlined in the following section.
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

• If one teacher uses the fill feature, any comments entered by a following teacher cannot use the
fill feature: the additional comments must be entered one student at a time.
• Comments are not tagged with a teacher’s name automatically; it is recommended that if the
teacher wishes to identify the author of the comment, the name of the teacher and/or subject, in
brackets, be typed in front of the comment. The inclusion of the name will be part of the
character count.
• Caution: Comments as typed in the comment field in PowerTeacher Pro will appear differently
on the report card.

Possible Scenario

The Cross Curricular Learning Block has one Lead teacher and two co-teachers. The Lead teacher is
commenting on Social Studies related learning, the Music and Art co-teacher wishes to tell parents
what was done in these subject specific courses related to the unit and the Science and Physical
Education co-teacher has specific comments as well.

When more than one teacher is sharing the comment field, it is recommended that following convention
be used: Open bracket, teacher’s name, semicolon, subjects taught, closed bracket (e.g. (Ms. Sally
Black: English Language Arts).

(Mr. Peter White: Social Studies) Our focus has been on a “Happy and Healthy Life.” and how do my
communities help people live together? We have studied current events that are relevant to our
communities here in NB. Students were introduced to the diversity that surrounds us and the
significance of having respect for all cultures.

(Mrs. Nora Green: Art and Music) Students were able to express their creativity and demonstrate their
cultural awareness. In addition, we explored the importance of our natural resources and surroundings.

(Ms. Sally Black: Science and Phys. Ed.) Through nature walks and studies of our region, students
were able to develop an appreciation for our local communities. We discussed a number of issues
facing our society today, such as climate change, pollution, and the importance of preserving our
natural resources. Students asked questions and identified ways in which they could contribute to help
preserve and protect the environment for future generations.
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

If the comments are pasted or typed by

each teacher separately in PowerTeacher
Pro, with Enter clicked after each teacher
comment, it will appear as follows:

When the report card is generated, the

comments will look as one continuous paragraph, but each teacher’s comment will be separated by a
vertical line.

Knowing the Comment Character Count

The following are the character counts for K-8 English Prime (EP) and French Immersion (FI)
report cards.

Although Strengths, Needs, Next Steps appear in each subject area comment box, these words are
hard coded and thus do not use any of the available characters. The comment box will not allow you
to exceed the allowable character count for any subject and will stop at 700 characters for K-5 Learning
Habits, ELA, FILA, Mathematics, and Pre-Intensive/FLORA and Post-Intensive French; 1000
characters for K-2 Exploratory Time and Cross-Curricular Block; 350 characters for individual middle
school subject areas (not-including ELA, FILA, Mathematics, Pre-intensive/FLORA and Post-Intensive
French). These are changes for the 2021-22 school year.
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

English Pre – Middle

K-5 Art, Exploratory,
Language Intensive/FLORA, School
Learning Learning Music and Mathematics Cross-
Arts (K-8) and Intensive, and Subject
Habits K-5 Habits 6-8 Physical K-8 Curricular
FI Language Post Intensive Areas
Ed. Block
Arts (1-8) French 4-8 6-8

Reported within
700 subject area 700 350 700 700 1000 350
comment box

With the comment box open, 700 characters

(including spaces) are approximately 9 lines
of text and 350 characters (including
spaces) are approximately 4 lines of text.

The option still exists to type your

comments in MS Word and then to copy
and paste them individually into each
comment box.
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

Navigating Through Students or Indicators

When entering achievement level indicators for subject strands or performance level indicators
for learning habits on the keypad, it is possible by clicking on the arrows to move up and down
through the class list and left and right through the indicators.

Using the Fill Functionality

The keypad provides the option to fill both vertically and horizontally. If there are any
scores already entered in a cell in the column or row when fill is selected, they will not be

Filling Vertically
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

In the above example with the cell selected that has a 3 achievement indicator, clicking on
the fill vertically button would place a 3 in any empty cells in this column.

Filling Horizontally

In the above example with the cell selected that has a 3 achievement indicator, clicking on
the fill horizontally button would fill the other strands for this student that are blank with a 3.

Immediately after fill is used, a confirmation message will appear. There is the option to confirm
with OK or undo the change. Once the fill is confirmed with OK, a tick mark (small black
triangle) indicating the teacher has entered a score will appear in the upper, left-hand corner of
the cell.

If the score is cleared by deleting it with the X, the tick mark will remain and using fill again for
that cell will not be an option. The message No eligible blank scores are available to fill will be
displayed. To completely clear the cell so fill can be used again, click on the revert arrow.

Filling can also be done with comments and works in the same way as described above
for performance indicators.
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

The comment cell would be selected by clicking on the cell. In the case of comments, the fill
vertically button would be clicked.

Fill comments includes the option of Smart Text


Note: Even though the title suggests Names

and Pronouns, Smart Text will only recognize
the pronouns of comments typed or pasted in
the field. If this feature is to be used, verification
will be required to ensure names are change to
match to the corresponding student.

After filling comments, teachers can still click

on individual student comment cells and edit
the comment.

Please be advised that <preferred name> is not

functioning at this time.

WARNING: The Smart Text fields DO NOT adjust for non-binary students. If Smart Text
fields are used in your comment, you must preview your comments and make
corrections before the report card is sent home.
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

Selecting either the incomplete or

exempt buttons on the keypad when
assessing student performance for
Strands, GCOs or SCOs, these will
not appear on the Report Card.

When all data are entered or when you want

to stop entering data click on the Save button.

If you forget to click Save and try to go to

another page or sign out you will be prompted to
Save and Continue.

Entering Learning Habit Performance Indicators

All K-8 teachers will enter and use the same performance indicators for student learning habits:

Learning Habits: Performance K-5 teachers enter Learning Habit

Indicators: Performance Indicators in the Homeroom
Independence class and not for subjects.
Initiative C -Consistently
Interactions U - Usually 6-8 teachers enter Learning Habit
Organization S - Sometimes Performance Indicators for each
Responsibility R - Rarely subject and not the Homeroom class.
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

Directions for entering learning habits indicators and comments - Grades K-5

A. Select the Homeroom Class

B. Click on the A+ Grading

Icon on the left-hand side.

C. Slide over and down the

menu to Standards

This opens the Homeroom Standards page. It is a good idea to confirm you are on the
right term before entering data. The bar across the top lists the headers and standards
associated with homeroom. Where the Red “X”s are shown below you do not enter any
data; these are columns for the title header of each section.T1 is the term header, LH is
the Learning Habits header, FLC.1 is the French Language and Culture and, FLC.2 is the
FLORA header.
A. LH.C is the Learning Habits Comment
B. LH.ID is the Learning Habit Independence
C. LH.IN is the Learning Habit Initiative

D. LH.IT is the Learning Habit Interactions

E. LH.O is the Learning Habit Organization
F. LH.R is the Learning Habit Responsibility
G. FLC.1 is the French Language and Culture
H. FLC.2 is the FLORA

Note: Clicking in any of the cells causes the following to happen:

On the left the full name of the indicator appears and below it is the applied assessment
scale. On the right, the keypad opens with the appropriate scale available.
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

In the example below, clicking on the LH.IT cell displays Interactions, Grade Scale Type (C-R)
and keypad to select C, U, S or R. The performance indicators can also be typed on your
keyboard instead of using the keypad.

To complete the learning habits section, you need to enter C, U, S, or R for each of the five
learning habits and enter any comments needed for elaboration or clarification in the
comment section. A blue comment balloon will appear when a comment has been saved.
In addition, all K-3 English Prime teachers will enter a Yes FLC.1 for French Language
and Culture. FI teachers will no longer have to respond to this column as the only
response is YES. Schools and teachers that are offering FLORA participation or
modules will respond YES to FLC.2.

These tasks can be completed in any order. It is a good practice to save frequently
while working.

If you choose to type performance indicators versus selecting from the keypad and accidently
enter an incorrect letter or number that is not associated to the selected learning habit, an error
message will appear when you try to save your work or when your try to move to another cell.
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

The entered indicator will change to RED and will have to be replaced before you can continue
or save.

Grades 6-8 Learning Habits Procedure

Performance on learning habits for middle school students is entered for each subject by the
subject teacher and not by the homeroom teacher. The procedures for opening the standards
page for each subject include:

A. Select the Class

(subject/grade) on which
you wish to enter data.
B. Click on the A+ Grading
Icon on the left-hand
C. Slide over and down the
menu to Standards.
D. This will launch the
course section Standard
Grading Page which
displays columns for the
entry of course
comments, learning
habits performance indicators and the achievement indicators for course strands.

On your Standards Grading page for all Grades 6-8 courses you will see the following
Learning Habits Section (A –F) at the beginning left of the list of Standards. Scrolling to the
right will bring you to the English as an Another Language Indicator (EAL) and Subject
Strands. Both learning habits and strands are completed for all Grade 6-8 subjects.
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

The Comment Box for the course is in the second column.

PLEASE NOTE: For Grades 6-8 there is no separate learning habits comment box; the
comment box is used for both learning habits and subject comments.

Clicking in the cell will display the complete name of the strand above on the left and opens
the score inspector on the right. You can enlarge the comment box by clicking on the white
speech balloon. The Characters Left cell keeps track of the space you have used and will
stop further entry when O is reached.

The learning habits headers follow the comment column and are left blank. B-F are the
five columns for the five learning habits listed below.

A. Is the comment box.

B. LH.ID is the Learning Habit Independence.
C. LH.IN is the Learning Habit Initiative.
D. LH.IT is the Learning Habit Interactions.
E. LH.O is the Learning Habit Organization.
F. LH.R is the Learning Habit Responsibility.
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

Entering Subject Strand Indicators Grades K-8

A. Select the Class (subject/grade) on which you wish to enter data.

B. Click on the A+ Grading Icon on the left hand side.
C. Slide over and down the menu to Standards.

For Grades K-5

A. Enter a subject comment. Follow the same procedures as when entering comments for learning
habits. The character left count cell will tell how many characters remain available as you type.
When you reach 0, you cannot type anymore text.

B. Enter the
indicator if

C. Enter strand
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

For Grades 6-8

1. The comment section is located before the learning habits.
2. Enter the EAL indicator if required.It is located after the Learning Habits.
3. Click the blue arrow to scroll to the next page for the Strands.

As was explained with the learning habits, the score inspector can be used with all subjects to
move through:

1. Students
2. Strands or learning habits and
3. Use the fill buttons to up and down or left and right

You can save anytime and then continue to work on data entry. You will see the Data
Saved Banner at the top of the page to let you know your save is complete.
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

Printing Student Report Cards from PowerTeacher

You need to return to the PowerTeacher homepage to print report

cards. You can do this by clicking on the PowerSchool
Logo/Name in the top left corner of PT Pro.

To print a class set of report cards, click on the report icon for any of your classes

On the next screen choose the appropriate term and click submit to run a class set of
report cards.

To print a report card for an individual student, click on the backpack of the class in which
the student is enrolled.
Appendix E: Reporting in 2020-2021

This opens the class list screen; click on the student’s name.

On the individual student screen, use the Select Screens menu to choose K-8 Provincial
Report Card.

Select the appropriate term and click on submit to run the report card

and click on submit to run the report card

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