Lesson 7
Lesson 7
Lesson 7
dx dx
2x ( 1)
where is a real constant, p( x) and q ( x ) .
1 x2 1 x2
The point x = 1 represents a singularity (a regular singular point),
since (1-x2) p (x) is finite and (1-x2) q (x) is also finite. However, it
must be noted that x = 0 is ordinary point.
a (m n)(m n 1) x
n 0
m n 2
an (m n)(m n 1) x mn
n 0
2 a n (m n) x m n
a n x m n 0
n 0 n 0
which gives
a0 m(m 1) x m2
a1m(m 1) x m 1
an (m n)(m n 1)x m n2
[an (m n)(m n 1) 2an (m n) an ]x m n
n 0
a0 m(m 1) x m2
a1m(m 1) x m 1
[an 2 (m n 2)(m n 1)
n 0 .
an (m n)(m n 1) 2an (m n) an ]x m n
R. I. Badran The Legendre’s Equation Mathematical Physics
a1m(m 1) 0 ,
(m n)(m n 1) 2(m n)
an2 an
(m n 2)(m n 1)
Case (1): m = 0
n(n 1) 2n
an2 an
(n 2)(n 1)
Case (2): m = 1
For =3, only the odd series survives and we get y a1 ( x x 3 ) ,
3 5 3
for x = 1 and y = 1 a1= - 3/2. P3 ( x) ( x x) .
2 3
a. The second solution for each which is infinite series at x= 1,
is convergent for x 1. This latter solution is called a Legendre
function of second kind Q (x) . The functions Q (x) are not used
as frequently as P (x) .
b. For fraction (non-integral) both solutions are infinite series
and again these occur less frequently in applications.
c. By solving the Legendre DE, we actually have solved what is
called the eigenvalue problem. That is, the values of , namely,
0, 1, 2, and 3 are called eigenvalues and the corresponding
solutions P (x) are called eigenfunctions.