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maslow's hammer

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Law of the instrument

The law of the instrument, law of the hammer, Maslow's

hammer (or gavel), or golden hammer is a cognitive bias
that involves an over-reliance on a familiar tool.
Abraham Maslow wrote in 1966, "If the only tool you
have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it
were a nail." › wiki

Law of the instrument - Wikipedia

People also ask

What is an example of Maslow's hammer?

What is the law of instrument or Maslow's


What is the hammer and nail approach?

What is the hammer and nail quote?


Psychology Today › ...

Maslow's Hammer
27-Mar-2012 — In psychology, they call it Maslow's
Hammer. Abraham Maslow was a psychologist who
loved human beings. He wanted his branch of science…
to ...

Medium › when-all-you...

When all you have is a Hammer,

everything looks like a Nail
The law of the instrument, otherwise
known as Maslow's hammer is a
cognitive bias that involves an over-
reliance on a familiar tool. As
Abraham Maslow said ...

Wiktionary › wiki

if all you have is a hammer, everything

looks like a nail
Maslow (1962), Toward a Psychology of Being: I suppose
it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to
treat everything as if it were a nail.

Everyday Concepts › maslo...

Maslow's Hammer
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail,"
is a an aphorism from Abraham Maslow's The
Psychology of Science, published in 1966. Everyday…

FourWeekMBA › einstellu...

Maslow's Hammer: Understanding The

Einstellung E!ect
18-May-2023 — Maslow's Hammer is
a solution heuristic causing an
individual to have an over-reliance on
a single tool for many different
problems. It was ...

The Decision Lab › biases

Law of the instrument - The Decision

This bias is also known as “the law of the hammer”, “the
golden hammer”, or “Maslow's hammer”, in reference to
psychologist Abraham Maslow's famous quote: ...

Fitzrovia Psychology Clinic › if-th...

"If the only tool you have is a hammer,

you tend to see every problem as a nail.
This is a famous quote by Abraham Maslow which refers
to a concept commonly known as the 'law of instrument'
or Maslow's Hammer. › 2020/09/20

The Law of the Hammer

20-Sept-2020 — Abraham Maslow in his book The
Psychology of Science (1966) wrote “I suppose it is
tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, ...

The Association of Corporate Treasurers | › wiki

Maslow's hammer - ACT Wiki

27-May-2020 — Maslow's hammer is a cognitive bias
that involves over-reliance on a familiar tool: "I suppose it
is tempting, if the only tool you have is ...

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