CS6310 Udacity Transcripts
CS6310 Udacity Transcripts
CS6310 Udacity Transcripts
Spencer Rugaber
P1L1 Introduction 1
01 – Welcome 1
02 – Introductions 1
03 – Course 1
04 – Objectives 2
05 – Course Structure 2
06 – Readings 2
07 – Assignments 2
08 – Projects Design Studies 2
09 – Policies 3
10 – Grading 4
11 – Class Participation 4
12 – Resources 4
13 – Conclusion 4
02 – OMT 21
03 – UML 21
04 – Diagram Types 22
05 – Diagram Quiz 22
06 – Diagram Quiz Solution 22
07 – Class Models 22
08 – UML Classes 23
09 – UML Relationships 23
10 – Example Class Diagram 23
11 – Object Diagram 23
12 – Composite Structure Diagram 23
13 – Component Diagram 24
14 – Example Component Diagram 24
15 – Deployment Diagram 24
16 – Example Deployment Diagram 24
17 – Packages 24
18 – Example Class Diagram with Packages 24
19 – Example Package Diagram 24
20 – Profile Diagram 25
21 – Example Profile Diagram 25
22 – UML Structure Diagram Quiz 25
23 – UML Structure Diagram Quiz Solution 25
24 – UML Quiz 25
25 – UML Quiz Solution 26
26 – Behavior Diagrams 26
27 – Use Case Diagram 26
28 – Use Case Diagrams 26
29 – Example of Use Case Diagrams 26
30 – Individual Use Cases 26
31 – Tabular Version of Example 27
32 – Context Diagrams 27
33 – Example Context Diagrams 27
34 – Sequence Diagram 27
35 – Example Sequence Diagram 27
36 – Communication Diagram 27
37 – Example Communication Diagram 27
38 – Activity Diagram 28
39 – Example Activity Diagram 28
40 – Interaction Overview Diagram 28
41 – Timing Diagram 28
42 – State Diagrams 29
43 – Example State Machine Diagrams 29
44 – Behavior Diagram Quiz 29
45 – Behavior Diagram Quiz Solution 29
46 – Object Constraint Language 29
47 – Example OCL 30
48 – UML MetaModel 30
49 – Class Model of UML MetaModel 30
50 – Summary 30
40 – Recursion 74
41 – Pasting 75
42 – Third Case 75
43 – All Together 75
44 – Some Questions 76
45 – OCL 76
46 – Notes 76
47 – Summary 76
P2L07 OCL 77
01 – OCL 77
02 – Why Do We Need OCL 77
03 – OCL Overview 77
04 – Uses of OCL 77
05 – Syntax 78
06 – Invariants 78
07 – Role of Invariants 78
08 – Invariant Constraint Quiz 78
09 – Invariant Constraint Quiz Solution 78
10 – Pre and Post Conditions 79
11 – Pre and Post Conditions Example 79
12 – Changes to Attribute Values 79
13 – Post Condition Quiz 80
14 – Post Condition Quiz Solution 80
15 – OCL Built in Types 80
16 – OCL Keywords 80
17 – Let Clause 80
18 – Navigation 81
19 – Navigation Example 81
20 – Navigation Multiplicity 81
21 – Bank ID Quiz 81
22 – Bank ID Quiz Solution 81
23 – Collections 82
24 – Other OCL Features 82
25 – Summary 82
13 – Explanation 86
14 – Requirement 7 OCL Quiz 86
15 – Requirement 7 OCL Quiz Solution 86
16 – Operations 86
17 – CheckedOut Operation 87
18 – Explanation 88
19 – Requirement 4 OCL Quiz 88
20 – Requirement 4 OCL Quiz Solution 89
21 – Requirement 4 Explanation 90
22 – Side Effects 90
23 – Requirement 5 Signature 90
24 – Checkout Preconditions Quiz 91
25 – Checkout Preconditions Quiz Solution 91
26 – Requirement 5 91
27 – Checkout Postconditions 92
28 – Further Checkout Explanation 92
29 – Postconditions 93
30 – Derived Data Quiz 94
31 – Derived Data Quiz Solution 95
32 – Missing Pieces 95
33 – Observations 96
13 – Terminology 134
14 – Architectural Views 135
15 – UML Diagram Quiz 135
16 – UML Diagram Quiz 135
17 – Architectural Styles 135
18 – Arch Style Quiz 135
19 – Arch Style Solution 136
20 – Architectural Styles cont 136
21 – Catalog of Styles 136
22 – More Styles 137
23 – Style Issues 138
24 – Architecture Description Language 139
25 – Architectural Evaluation 139
26 – SAAM 139
27 – Summary 140
01 – Introduction 269
02 – Exercise Intro 269
03 – Defects Quiz 1 269
04 – Defects Quiz 2 269
05 – Defects Quiz 2 Solution 269
06 – Observations 270
07 – Reviews 270
08 – Step 1 Planning 270
09 – Step 2 Preperation 271
10 – Step 3 Review 271
11 – Step 4 Rework 271
12 – Step 5 Follow Up 271
13 – Roles 271
14 – Moderator Responsibilities 271
15 – Recorder 272
16 – Recording Form 272
17 – Severity Classification 272
18 – Reader 272
19 – Reviewers 273
20 – Review Meeting 273
21 – Thoroughness 273
22 – Metrics 274
23 – Process Data 274
24 – Alternative Review Styles 274
25 – Guidelines Participants 275
26 – Guidelines Content 275
27 – Guidelines Process 275
28 – Effectiveness 275
29 – Other Costs and Benefits 276
30 – Summary 276
01 – Welcome
Hello and welcome to CS 6310, Software Architecture and Design. My name is Spencer
Rugaber, and I will be your guide through this material. This lesson tells you about the course.
What its subjective are? How it is structured? And what its policies are? A written description
of the course can be found at the link in the instructor’s notes for this lesson. But let’s begin
with some introductions, both of myself and of Jared Parks.
02 – Introductions
As I said, my name is Spencer Rugaber and I have been with Georgia Tech for 25 years.
Before that I was an industrial software developer, both for big companies like Bell Laboratories
in Spery, and for a startup called Interactive Systems. Since coming to Georgia Tech I have also
worked closely with industry Both for the large telecommunications vendor, and with several
startup companies. Throughout I have tried to combine academic software engineering theory
with everyday industrial practice. I am the developer of CS 6310, and have taught it many
times, both on site in Atlanta, and remotely in Korea, and France. I also participated in the
planning and development of other software insuring courses here at Georgia Tech including the
course on software process that is part of the ahms program. And other courses on software
generation and software requirements. One thing that characterizes these courses, is their
emphasis on learning by doing. Particularly for design, no amount of academic knowledge can
make up for the hard won experience of actually building things. You will have that opportunity
in the project portion of this course. You can have a look at my teaching philosophy by following
the link in the instructor notes for this lesson. I now want you to meet Jarrod Parkes. You will
see him in some of the lesson videos acting as a typical student, trying to solve the exercises
and asking questions that arise. Jarrod, can you tell us a little about yourself. Absolutely, as
Spencer said my name is Jarrod Parkes and I’ll be working with you and Spencer throughout
this course. In terms of software experience I’ve worked in a number of different places in my
career. I’ve worked in a telecommunications company and there I tested and programmed new
features for dsl routing equipment. I’ve also programmed a number of small video games and
prototypes for the biotech community. And I own a web and mobile development company
with my twin brother, James. More importantly, though, is I want to help Spencer bring a
new, exciting feel to this course.
03 – Course
This course is about software design focusing on high level architectural design rather than
detail design. It is not a programing course. In particular, you should already know how to
program in at least one programing language in order to succeed in this course. It is also
not an introductory software engineering course. A prerequisite of the course is that you have
already been introduced to this subject, even by another course or because you have worked
04 – Objectives
This course, has specific learning objectives. It is intended by the end of the course, you
will be able to accomplish the following tasks. Fist off, express the analysis and design of an
application using the Unified Modeling Language, also called UML. Specify functional seman-
tics of an application using the object constraint language, OCL. Specify and evaluate software
architectures, in particular, select and use appropriate architectural styles. Understand and
apply object-oriented design techniques. Select and use appropriate software design pattern.
Finally, understand and participate in a design review.
05 – Course Structure
This course, software architecture and design, is divided into parts, each interleaving con-
tent lessons within class exercises. After a few introductory lessons we will begin by looking
at the process of analyzing a design problem and specifying it using UML and OCL. Both the
static and dynamic aspects of analysis will be presented. The next part of the course has to
do with software architecture. This includes different ways of thinking about and representing
architectures, the role of non functional requirements in determining architecture, and how
architectural designs can be refined into modules that can then be implemented. The final
part of the course gets into the specifics of software design, including object design, design
patterns, design principles, and design reviews.
06 – Readings
This class does not have a required textbook, although several books that cover the material
are listed on the class resources page. Instead, there are a set of reading assignments listed
on the class schedule page. And the material itself is available via links on the class resources
page. You are expected to have read this material before viewing the corresponding lesson.
07 – Assignments
In addition to the lessons, this course features a collection of assignments meant to give you
an opportunity to explore material not directly covered in the lessons. These topics include
architectural styles, design patterns, and middleware. There are also two exercises, one on
OCL and one on state charts, intended to allow you to try these technologies for yourself.
Finally, there’s an opportunity to see how design is done in fields other than software in order
to better appreciate how universal design is.
those can’t be dealt with within the constraints of a single course. I have taken a different
approach to structuring projects called design studies. The idea here comes from a world of
building architecture in which the architect often constructs a variety of small scale models in
order to explore a design space. For each of the projects in this course, I ask you to solve it
several different ways and then to systematically study the differences. The projects themselves
are relatively small, and although some coding is involved, you will be working on teams with
enough members that you should have enough resources to get the job done, and then study
the variations. I’ve also tried to make the projects similar to those in the real world. The first
similarity is that you will be working with team members that you are not colocated with.
You will have to learn to quickly organize yourself to work in a parallel distributive fashion.
The second similarity, is that the projects are some what open ended. That is, though they
are basically requirements, there is room for you to be creative in your solutions, and to go
beyond those requirements, if you believe you can significantly add value to the product you
are producing. Of course, the danger with an open ended project is you might get engaged
in polishing an extension and not have a working solution to the basic problem. I strongly
suggest that you tackle these projects in an incremental manner, that is, begin by producing
a trivial working program providing only minimal functionality then add one new feature at a
time. Ensuring that the older functionality still works. The third similarity to the real world
is that the projects are phased. What this means is that the three projects all deal with the
same problem domain and each subsequent project builds on the solutions developed in the
previous ones. In fact, you’re specifically encouraged to make use of code. From your own
or other teams that was developed earlier. This situation is typical of the real world, where
successful projects often have long lifetimes in which the additional features are added and
released to customers. The fourth similarity is that the members of your project team change
for each phase. In the real world, turnover of teams is common and you have to learn to work
with a variety of people. One specific benefit is that by having team members with different
teams, you will have familiarity with and access to a variety of working solutions from which
you can choose components from previous phases. More over, managing teams in this fashion
provides a motivation for designing your solutions in a way that they can be reused on future
projects. Even if you don’t know exactly what those projects are.
09 – Policies
As you can imagine, anything as institutionalized as an online course has a strict set of
policies to which the students and faculty must adhere. Of course, Georgia Tech has an honor
code linked to in the instructor’s notes that you should read and follow. Unless explicitly
stated in the description of an assignment or project, all work you submit must be your own.
The course makes use of the Piasa forum, which allows you to ask questions and otherwise
communicate with your fellow students. You are encouraged to ask for clarifications and about
the details of a particular tool or technology. But you should not ask for nor provide answers
to questions that are an explicit part of the assignment or project. This course is officially
administered using T-Square. All material will be turned in using T-Square according to the
specific instructions of the assignment or project. Any changes of policy or due date will be
announced on T-Square, and you are responsible for monitoring T-Square to obtain the latest
information. The projects and some of the assignments require you to turn in written reports.
The format of these documents should adhere to Georgia Tech standards as described on the
page linked to from the instructor’s notes.
10 – Grading
There are several means by which your performance will be evaluated for this course. First
are quizzes that you will take while watching lessons on Udacity. These quizzes are not graded.
But are included to evaluate your understanding of material as you follow along. In terms of
graded evaluation, this course includes projects, assignments, class participation and an exam.
The projects and some of the assignments are team based. And all members of the team will
receive the same score on that submittal. That said, you will have an opportunity to comment
on the contributions, or lack there, of your teammates. Those comments will become part of
their class participation scores. The staff of this course, will make a strong effort to express
the grading criteria for each deliverable, as explicitly as possible. Moreover, it is our intent
to provide you accurate, prompt and informative feedback on your work. Should you have
any questions about a grade you receive, please send an email to the head TA. Do not post a
question about grades on Piazza. Any general announcements about grading, will be made by
the staff using T-Square.
11 – Class Participation
As I mentioned earlier, I can’t really teach you software design. You have to actively learn
it. To encourage this, part of your grade for the course will be a measure of your participation in
it. This is necessarily a subjective element, but I can let you know of some of the considerations
that go into it. First is your teammates’ evaluations of you on the projects and assignments.
Also your engagement in the quizzes that are part of the lessons. Third is your non-gratuitous
participation on the class form. I consider this course, itself, as a design project. Although it
has been offered many times before, it has necessarily been adapted to deal with the constraints
of web-based delivery and a large number of students. Therefore, I expect some elements will
work better than others. I specifically would like to solicit your contributions, such as the
following. First, any bugs in the material. These can be as trivial as typos, or as vague as
questions about unclear lesson content. If you have any suggestions for additional content,
as long as the suggestions fit within the general intent of the course. Also, specific examples,
either generated by you or ones that you have seen that were particularly edifying. Alternative
assignments or assignment questions. Even suggestions for style elements that might be added
to the course. In general, the first contributor on a particular item will get primary credit for
that contribution.
12 – Resources
As part of this course, you’ll be given access to a virtual machine that contains an envi-
ronment and tools that should aid your work for the course. For example, the virtual machine
has ARGO UML, a UML-aware drawing tool. You are not required to use ARGO UML, but
it may enable you to get started more quickly with the UML related work. There are other
tools such as Eclipse installed as well. In addition to the virtual machine you should also be
aware of the class resources page. It not only contains links to all the courses required readings,
but other items referenced in the lessons, and some pointers. That should allow you to dig
deeper into topics that interest you. I encourage you to explore. Also, if you are aware of other
interesting resources, let us know on the class forum and we will add them to this page.
13 – Conclusion
Thanks for sticking with me through this introduction. I look forward to seeing your
contributions and hope you find the course engaging and enlightening.
P1L2 Text Browser Exercise (Analysis)
01 – Introduction
Design is better learned than taught, this means that you actively try to solve design
problems. And this course is structured around a set of exercises that you should actively work
on as you are watching them. Let’s jump right in and try to design a text browser application.
05 – FileManager
It turns out that we also need a component that’s going to supply us the text. Now, this
isn’t strictly in the GUI toolkit. But in order to make this thing work, we have to access
the text somehow. So we’ll call that the file manager component. We’re going to make some
assumptions. We’re going to assume that you cannot hold the entire files contents in memory.
You’re going to have to go to the disk to get it. And assuming you have at the operating
level line oriented access to the file. So in your, in your system libraries you have a way of, of
reading the lines at anytime. So you’re going to need to have a module, that when requested
can retrieve a limited length, consecutive sequence of the file’s lines. And we’re also going to
assume we don’t have to worry about opening the file or closing the file. Just the reading of
the file, supplying the lines.
06 – ViewPort
For your window component, we’re going to call that a ViewPort, and you need to be able
to use it, to display the textual content graphically. And we’re going to make some assumptions
here, we’re going to assume that the ViewPort displays an inter, integer number of lines, and
we’re going to be, assume that it can be resized to be any length between one and a 100 lines.
And we’re going to assume that all the text in the same font, is in the same font and has
the same point size. So these are simplifying assumptions to make the, make this particular
exercise, you know, small enough to fit in a lesson and also allow us to focus on just what the
important issues are.
07 – ScrollBar
As far as the scroll bar is concerned, scroll bars are one graphical way of supplying numbers
to other parts of an application. Were going to use a traditional scroll bar in which there’s it’s
going to be a vertical scroll bar and it’s going to have a movable part of it. That is the user
can move a part called the handle which sits in a tray. So you can move up and down, and
we when we use the terms handle and tray to indicate that we can set, the user can set the
position in the file by by moving this handle up and down on the tray. The handle position
denotes that part of the file that should be displayed in the view port. So when you move it
all the way up, you get the start of the file, and when you move it all the way down, you get
the end of the file. Also, the size of the handle in proportion to the size of the tray denotes
the portion of the file that is visible. So if all of the file contents fit into the viewport, you’d
expect the tray to be, filled up. And if we have a gigantic file, that in a very small window,
we’d expect just a thin handle to appear in the scroll bar.
08 – Use Cases
So we’ve, we’ve come up with three candidate structural elements. Now, let’s look at the
behavioral side of this TextBrowser. One way to get a handle on behavior is to imagine how
the user will use the intended application. We call these descriptions use cases.
11 – Analysis Model
Once you have a handle on the major elements and behaviors you can begin to construct
an analysis model. We’ll use the UML class-model diagram to express this analysis. A class-
model diagram has rectangles for classes which we’re going to use the term components to
indicate the structural elements. We’re going to use classes to, denote the components. Each
rectangle is divided vertically into three compartments. One for the compartment name, at
the top. One for its attributes, in the middle. And one for its operations, at the bottom. And
then lines between the rectangles are going to denote relationships among the components.
12 – Classes Quiz
So to start the drawing of the model, why don’t you come up with some classes to represent
these three components and, and put them into a drawing?
14 – Operations
So, the next thing we’ll look at as far as the constructing the diagram is the operations. In
the analysis model, operations comprise those actions that the users can undertake to interact
with the text browser. The call that we’re concerned here with an analysis model and not a
design, okay? So, we are not trying to fill in the implementation methods that are involved.
But rather, we’re using the class model diagram to describe at a high level what the user
can do. You can use the identified use cases to answer the questions, what internally visible
operations does the text browser respond to? And, you recall what those were? So the first
was just viewing the text. That doesn’t seem to really elicit any kind of behavior though. So
you’re right, there’s no event that the application has to respond to, to do that. Assuming
that we started it up okay. Okay, and then moving the handle. Okay, so that’s certainly going
to be an operation the system has to respond to. And lastly, re-sizing the view port. And, we
could also specify parameters for those particular operations like, what’s the size of the view
port that the user would like to see? Or, what’s the position of the handle in the tray, when
the user is using the scroll bar?
15 – Operations Quiz
So can you add those those two operations into your diagram?
So how about the other use case in terms of moving the scroll bar handle? So that’s added
to our rectangle for the scroll bar and I indicated that there would be an argument for the
new position of the handle. And it- And a, and a return type? So void two. Okay. Based on
our last one. Now, conventionally the operations go in the lower, the, the lowest of the three
compartments rather than, than the middle. But UML is actually flexible and you can have
anything between one and number of, of boxes there and you can use them however you want.
Your particular tool may, may differ. There are some subtleties here which ultimately we’re
going to have to, to deal with. The requirements didn’t say only that the size of the viewport
was an int. It said that that int must be between 1 and 100. So the UML diagramming notation
doesn’t allow us to express that, and we would have to use some other mechanism to to get at
that particular detail. And also our GUI tool kit, when it’s dealing with the scroll bar is, is
probably going to return some kind of pixel position. But we’re at, we’re at the analysis stage
and not the design stage, and so we’re just going to, once again, assume that we could deal
with, with numbers between between 1 and, 1 and 100 as the particular position of the scroll
bar handle.
19 – FileManager
So when we do this, we have, with the ViewPort, we have its height as a percept and we
have its contents a, as a percept. For the scroll bar, we have the position of the handle is
a percept and also the size is a percept. But we don’t currently have any percepts for the
FileManager, and in fact the user doesn’t directly see the file manager. However if we took our
40,000 foot view of the system, and, and we said what is external to the system and what is
internal to the system. The user is external to the system. Users, is, is the one that’s going to
be taken advantage of the, of the system. But also, the file system itself, the operating system
is external to the system and the operating system is the one with which the FileManager
component has to deal. So we’re going to treat the operating system as an external acto,r and
the FileManager is going to interact with that external actor. And as far as the FileManager
is concerned, it has an attribute which is the document. Providing that as a, as a resource to
the rest of the system, and it’s, it’s, it’s It also has an interface to this external actor, that
is, the actor has to provide that, that document. So we have an attribute there which is, the
document which is a sequence of, a sequence of lines.
20 – Relationships
So we have so far, developed a diagram that has some classes or components, some oper-
ations, and, and attributes which correspond to the percepts. That’s the easy part really in
doing the analysis. The hard part is dealing with the relationships. These are the relationships
among the components. In a UML analysis model, you should be concerned with three types
of relationships. Associations, aggregations, and generalizations.
21 – Relationships Quiz
One way of getting at these relationships is to determine which components have respon-
sibilities for handling the two user actions. The use cases and corresponding operations can
provide answers to these questions. However, each of these events is just the first step in the
text browser’s response. For each of these two actions, determine what subsequent events you
would expect to see. So if, so for example, if the user is resizing the window, or moving the
scroll bar, not only do we expect the window size to be different, or the scoll bar position to
vary, but we want this, the rest of the application to respond somehow. So, can you lay out
what other things you would expect to happen?
25 – LinesVisible Association
It’s in UML, it’s an association. We can’t, as I said, we can’t express this entirely within
the graphical notation. We’ll use UCL to do this, OCL to do this. And later in the course
we’ll look more carefully at OCL. For now, here’s what the relationship looks like. It says
that as far as this particular association, the LinesVisible association, is concerned, there’s, a
fact or there’s an invariant that must hold that the size of the viewports must be equal to the
minimum of the size of the file manager and the size of the, of the viewport.
Yes. Okay, with respect to the The tray. Huh. Okay. So if it’s halfway down, you’d expect to
be halfway down the file. Correct. Okay. And then, for the rest of the lines in the sequence
how many more lines do we need is based on the handle size. We don’t even have to be that
complicated. Okay. We can just say the number of lines that fit in the view port. Okay.
Right? So if the view port has 50 lines, we can expect to get the next 50 lines. Okay. Okay.
Ultimately we would have to translate this into mathematics or express the mathematics on
OCL but for now our expectation is that that percentage of the way down in the tray indicates
the percentage of the way down in the file.
28 – Explanation
Determining the top line, top visible line and the number of lines together tells us which
lines will be displayed. This determination is based on the attributes of the viewport, its size,
the file manager, its document size, and the scrollbar, the handle positions. Hence there is an
association, a three way association, amongst all three components. You can also call that a
ternary, as opposed to binary, association. Let’s call this association displays, as in the view
port displays the contents provided by the file manager and determined by the scroll bar
29 – Displays Diagram
In UML you can use a a diamond to indicate associations that have more than two par-
ticipants. Here there’s three participants. It’s the display’s association, and we’ve added in
the OCL that gets down to this particular mathematical details as to what, what actually gets
shown here.
32 – HandleProportion
Here’s what it, what it looks like, and the OCL is provided as well.
33 – Subtleties
However, there are some gotcha’s here. What happens, for example, if the length of the
document is zero? All of sudden, you have divided by zero. Right. Okay. Right. So we would
have to consider that as a special case. Also, what exactly do we mean by the size of the
handle? As we said, we probably from the GUI toolkit would get some pixels, a number of
pixels. But we’d need to translate that into something like a percentage, or an integer count
of things. And then there’s an even more subtle situation. Let’s say that we’ve scrolled to the
end of the file. Okay. And we re-sized the window to make it bigger. Okay. What happens?
What do we expect to see in the viewport? So one possibility is we would see exactly the
same lines, but now some blank lines at the bottom. Okay. Another possibility is that the line
that was at the bottom of the viewport before stays at the bottom of the viewport, and we
see some more lines at the top. And, in fact, if you go play around with actual web browsers
out there, and with word processing editors and so on, you can see both of these behaviors.
However, if we’re designing the application, we have to make the decision about which one of
those two behaviors we actually intend that the text browser to have. Okay? So, this process
of modeling has forced us into thinking about something which we might not have, otherwise,
thought about, which is one of the benefits of doing the modeling. It forces you to think
through subtleties of things.
34 – Summary
This exercise has illustrated the construction of an analysis model for the text browser
problem. We haven’t yet begun to solve the problem, which is what design is all about. To
begin thinking about design ask yourself, what is the key design question with which any
implementation of the text browser must deal? We’re not going to answer that question right
now, but we will come back to this a little while later, and maybe by that time you will have
thought through what it would take to actually to do a design here.
P1L3 Design Concepts
01 – Design Concepts
Good day, class. Today’s concept is design concepts. And design is everywhere. From
super complex manufactured artifacts like the International Space Station, to the dinner party
you were planning for next week. In the course, although we are going to be specifically
concerned with software design, many of the concepts of design in general are going to play a
role, so we’d like to get into that. Let’s start with a few definitions.
02 – Terms Quiz
For this quiz, I’ve listed four different terms, along with their definitions. The terms
are overlapping, and include design, engineering, craft, and art. See if you can connect, the
definition to the term that’s being defined.
06 – Software Design
What is software design? Software design is the process of building a program while
satisfying the program’s functional requirements and not violating any of its non-functional
constraints. This is going to turn out to be a question of trade offs. How do you trade off
between performance and resource consumption, for example? Software design is normally
broken into two different phases, architectural design and detail design. Architectural design
is the process of carving up the programs into components and assigning responsibilities for
aspects of behavior to each component and talking about how the components are going to
interact with each other. We’re going to spend a great deal of time in this course talking about
architectural design. Detail design is the process of dealing with the individual components.
Particularly, with respect to their data structures and their algorithms. Let’s look for a minute
at some of the aspects of detail design.
07 – Design Notation
Here’s a quote from Tony Wasserman about detail design. The primary activity during
detail design, is designing the data structures that are there and by implication the algorithms
that are going to work on those data structures. As far as those algorithms are concerned,
sometimes you may wish to represent them using some kind of design notation. Here are a few
that have been used in the past in which you may have little familiarity. Their pseudo code,
which is like writing a programming language algorithm without the programming language.
There’s structured programming, which is a set of control structures, which allow you to
organize the algorithm into sequences, conditions, repetition, and chunking in the form of
calling subprocedures. Flow charts and call graphs are graphic representations of programs,
that may be useful in helping you understand how that program is going to, going to work.
And in some cases decision tables, which are lists of rules and the conditions under which those
rules are going to apply, can be useful in helping to understand complex situations.
08 – Weather Quiz
Here’s a little quiz for you that deals with detail design. Imagine that you were writing
a program to predict the weather. The way that these programs normally work is by taking
some geographical area and carving it up into a rectangular grid or mesh. That is, there are
numerous cells and each cell contains some data such as temperature, wind pressure, humidity,
and so on. And then running an algorithm which diffuses the information from cells to their
neighbors in order to come to some conclusion about what the future weather will be. If you
had to develop a weather prediction program you might have the choice between using arrays
or objects.
14 – Design Validation
The third important aspect of approaches to design, is how they are validated. As I just
said, typically that means some kind of review, walk through, inspection by a team. It could
also be the case that the tools that you’re using, to represent the design can do some checking
for you. Some issues arise with design validation. And a key one is the independence of the
validators. The problem here is that if you have the design team, doing its own validation.
They may be blind to particular issues. If they didn’t think about them when they were doing
the design, they may not think about them when they’re inspecting the design. Bringing in
independent val, validators can help with the effectiveness of the design review. Second issue
that arises is the, dependence of the design validation on the design method. For structured
design, there’s a complete set of rules associating metrics with each of the design artifacts. On
the class resource page, there’s some guidelines that I’ve written up concerning the things that
you can ask about during a object oriented design review. A third key issue with validation
is when do you do it? One strategy is to do it as you go along. That is, on a daily or weekly
basis, review what you have and make adjustments. An alternative is to wait until you get to
ma, major milestones, have design reviews and make your changes at that point.
16 – Design Documentation
The next key concept to consider is design documentation. If we’re talking about the
software design of large systems, the systems are likely to be complex and the scale and
complexity beg for having good design documentation. If you’ve invested all that energy in
developing the system, it’s likely that that system is going to around for a while and is going to
be under maintenance, maybe by people that were different than the original designers. And
having some form of written communication can be a big help. Different kinds of methods,
different kinds of applications, require different kinds of documentation. Those may range
from formal, multi-volume documents, to scribbled notes or, or slides in, that are used for
17 – Documentation Quiz
Here’s a brief quiz for you. Think of organizations that are doing software development.
Pick a typical organization that would require a lot of formal documentation.
20 – Leonardo Objects
An even more elaborate approach to design information was taken by the Leonardo Project
at the MCC in the 1980s. They devoted, a whole project to determining what is a suitable
set of design information, and some of the, elements that they came up with that go beyond
these, we’ve talked about already are. Explicit lists of the stakeholders involved. Okay. Most
important is what issues were raised during the course of the design. And for those issues, what
were the possible resolutions and why. Was a particular choice made? That is, design decisions
and the reasons for making them. Leonardo also stressed various relationships among the design
artifacts. such as versions. In producing this system you actually maybe producing several
versions. Like the professional version and the free version and so on. And what exactly is in
each version, and what design compromises had to be made in order to accommodate multiple
versions. There is also the questions of revisions. And the time, the historical progress of
the design. What went into each of the, the revisions along the way. Specific. Descriptions
of constraints, upon the solution and how they’re being dealt with. important, and what
groupings or aggregates of, of design, artifacts implementation, artifacts configuration files,
packaging, components and so on, did you decide to use, as far as your solution is concerned.
21 – Design Rationale
Taken together, a lot of this design information, can be thought of as design rationale.
Rationale here means, the reasons that you did what you did in coming up with your design
solution. The more you can make explicit choices with reasons for those choices, the better
off we’ll be, the downstream people who are trying to maintain the system. The bottom line
as far as design information is concerned, is that there’s many options to you. And you need
to decide upfront, what it is that’s going to be important in your documentation, and then
capture it as you go along. Now I’d like to introduce you to some key design concepts that are
going to be used throughout the term, when we talk about software design.
The first is from the philosopher Descartes. He said of these thoughts on the very first that
occurred to me was, that there is seldom so much perfection in works composed of many sepa-
rate parts,. Upon which different hands had been employed, as in those completed by a single
master. More recently, Fred Brooks, in, The Mythical Man-Month, has said much the same
thing. I will contend that conceptual integrity is the most important consideration in system
design. It is better to have a system omit. Certain anomalous features and improvements,
but to reflect one set of design ideas, then to have one that contains many independent, and
uncoordinated ideas. A couple of related concepts are coupling and cohesion. These originally
came out of structure design, but they also apply to object orientated design, and other design
approaches. Assuming you’ve carved your system into separate components, those components
may be coupled to each other. Coupling is the extent to which two components depend on
each other for successful execution. If you think about it for a minute low coupling is good.
After you’ve delivered your system, and you have to maintain it. If you have a highly coupled
system, and you change one module, that means that you’re likely to have to change other
modules. Whereas if there’s low coupling, that likelihood goes down. A related concept is
cohesion. With cohesion we’re talking about a single module, and cohesion is the extent to
which that module, or component has a single purpose or function. High cohesion is good. For
example highly cohesive modules are much more easy to reuse. They have a single purpose.
You need to reuse them to accomplish that purpose.
23 – Java Quiz 1
Here’s a two part quiz for you having to do with coupling and cohesion, and the Java
language. Which of the two possibilities reduced coupling, or increased cohesion, is Java’s
package designed help with? Reduced coupling or increased cohesion?
25 – Java Quiz 2
Second part of the quiz. How about Java’s class inheritance mechanism, does that decrease
coupling of increase coupling between the parent and child classes?
27 – Information Hiding
Next concept is information hiding, developed by David Parnas. And it has to do with
encapsulating the capabilities that a particular module has behind an abstract interface. After
all, if the rest of the world that’s going to make use of that module only knows the abstract
interface. It gives you freedom later to change the implementation details without breaking all
the client programs. One key example of information hiding is if you’re dealing with a system
that has access to many hardware devices, hiding that access to the devices behind an abstract
interface. See if you can come up with some other good examples of places in the system where
you might like to hide information behind abstract interfaces. Some typical examples include
access to a database or some server some place, the specifics of an algorithm or how you’re
implementing, a data structure.
29 – Aesthetics
Now let’s come back to aesthetics. I mentioned this at the start, and I wanted to see how
some two, in particular, two classical authors have kind of captured the notion of aesthetics
and what relationship that might have to software design. The first is Aquinas. I won’t quote
for you the, the Latin but what it, what it boils down to is that beauty, elegance, resolve to
wholeness, harmony and radiance. And we can think of that as far as software is concerned as
completeness, consistency and conceptual integrity. Other quote comes from Pascal, you may
have heard of the Pascal programming language. Pascal was a French mathematician, and one
of my favorite quotes is he said, he apologized in a letter saying, sorry I didn’t have I would
have written you a shorter letter, but I didn’t have time. If you think about it for a minute,
what this means is it takes a lot of time and energy to come up with an elegant solution that
looks quite simple on the surface, but really satisfies the complex requirements.
30 – Design Philosophy
Finally, I’d like to finish this lesson with talking about philosophy a little bit. And these
insights come from the Danish Design researcher Piete En, and he is relating the process of
software design to the thinking of four important philosophers. So, first philosophers, Descartes.
We think about Descartes with analytic geometry. And this may translate for us into thinking
about the analysis phase of software design. On the other hand, Marx is very concerned
with social processes and classes. And understanding the social context of design, maybe even
involving the users in the design process. Martin Heidegger, was concerned, among other things,
with tools. And of course, tools play a big role in the automation of our development process
and tools like IDEs in our active development environments and case tools, computer aided
software engineering tools of course play a big role. And finally, my favorite is Wittgenstein,
the Austrian philosopher, who came up with the concept of language games. And, what this
means, is the inventing of a vocabulary, that helps you think about a particular problem. For
example, think about the introduction of personal computers and the role that thinking, the
role of the terminology of the desktop, folders, trash baskets, and so on, play in doing that.
31 – Metaphors Quiz
Can you think of some other metaphors that are important to us in, in dealing with
computers place your answers into the text box
33 – Summary
Tying up this whole lesson, the important thing is that design is the most creative part
of the software development process. Consequently, overall system quality is highly dependent
on the designs produced. A key determinate of design quality is the extent of experience of
this, on similar projects in particular, of the members of the design team.
P2L01 Review of UML
01 – Diagrams
Doing design you need to be able to represent those designs and a very popular way of
doing that is with diagrams. This course focused on UML, using UML and constructing those
diagrams and the purpose of this lesson is to review for you some of the different kinds of
diagrams that are there. There’s lots of diagrams, we’re not going to be using them all. But
I’d like you to be at least familiar with what ones are there. So lets step back a little bit in
history. Diagrams have been a popular part of software development from the beginning. I
still have a flow chart template that you use for writing out the control logic of an algorithm.
Over the years, various sophisticated diagramming techniques have developed. Okay. Among
those are SADT, Jackson Design, Structure Design and so on. Each with their own particular
approach to diagramming. In the 1980s, object oriented tech, techniques began to emerge,
and with them. Various techniques for diagramming [UNKNOWN] solutions. The first one we
want to look at is called OMT.
02 – OMT
OMT was developed at General Electric corporation by James Rumbaugh and others that
were there. It resulted in a book, a cover of a book as a, a die on which there are three visible
faces. And one face has a class model diagram, one face has a state chart diagram, and one
face has a data flow diagram. The class model gave you the structural aspects, the state chart
gave you the behavioral aspects, and the data flow diagram gave you the functional aspects.
That is OMT was a way of putting together three views of a system into a cohesive view. As
OMT was coming along other competitive, object-oriented methods and diagrams were also
being developed.
03 – UML
This led to the natural development where there was a goal of trying to unify these var-
ious techniques together, which led to the Unified Modeling Language, UML. There’s a, an
industry group called the Object Management Group, called OMG. That is the home for this
standardization effort. It’s where you can find the specification documents, which I referred
to you refer you to during the term. UML has also been championed by IBM. They acquired
a company called Rational, which had developed a development environment called Rational
Rose, which supported directly UML. There’s lots of such case tools now. Aside from Rational
Rose, one that we’ve used is Enterprise Architect. These are commercial tools. There are also
all kinds of drawing tools out there, which you can get for free. UML, itself, had three main
architects. One was Rumbaugh, one was Grady Booch, and the other was Ivar Jacobson. Okay.
They’re sometimes called the three amigos. They produced, in addition to a unified modeling
language itself, three books, a reference manual, a user’s guide and so on. That had its main
author as each one of the three, and then together. Conveyed the overall approach to UML.
It’s important to note at this state the UML diagrams can be used both for design but also
for analysis. I’ll try to distinguish as we go forward whether we’re talking about an analysis
diagram or a design diagram. The main distinction is, analysis is concerned with the problem
being solved and design is concerned with the solution to that problem. I’ve taken some of
these diagrams you’re about to see from the UML reference manual and from the UML users
04 – Diagram Types
We’re now into version two of UML. Which has as a total 14 different kinds of diagrams.
We’re going to go over those quickly here but in the course we’re not going to be using all of
them. We’re going to concentrate on just three or four of them. And we’ll have special lessons
devoted to those but I wanted you to at least be aware of the different kinds of diagrams that
are there. That said, on a particular project, you’re unlikely to use all the diagrams. You’re
going to use the ones appropriate to the particular project. In particular, determine what is
the trickiest part of the project and use the diagram that helps you best understand that tricky
part. The two main categories of diagrams are structural and behavioral. Structural diagrams
give you the pieces of the system that are always there and the relationships among them.
Behavioral diagrams on the other hand, are concerned with the executions of the system. And
the particular diagram may only convey one execution. That is, you may have to have multiple
sequence diagrams in order to get a good feel for all of the behaviors of the system
05 – Diagram Quiz
Imagine you’re in a development shop. And this development shop is old school and don’t
know anything about diagrams. And you have to convince them of the value of having design
07 – Class Models
Let’s start with the most popular diagram. The Class Model Diagram. This is also
sometimes called the static model or the class structure diagram and it is an example of a
structured diagram. It is showing the structure of the system. In particular, it has classes and
the relationships among those classes. And there are numerous embellishments. Class Model
Diagrams have many, many different affordances on them, icons on them and so on that you
can use. And we’ll be devoting a lesson later to looking at those, and, how, what, what the
meaning of those particular affordances are
08 – UML Classes
As a quick reminder, UML classes are depicted as having up to three compartments,
separated by horizontal lines. The top compartment, typically, has the name of the class in
it. The middle compartment has the attributes of that class; the instance variables. And the
bottom compartment has the methods or operations that class provides.
09 – UML Relationships
As far as relationships are concerned, there’s three main categories of relationships in
UML. There are dependencies, depicted by dashed lines with an arrowhead, indicating that
the class at one end uses the class as the other end. The solid lines without arrowheads are
associations. And that says that class at one end affects or has a instance of the class at the
other end. The solid line can be adorned with a diamond. The diamond is used indicate this
has a or aggregation embellishment to the association. Third main category relationship is the
generalization relationship. The class at one end is a kind of a class at the other end. In this
case there is a solid line but it has that triangle at the end of it.
11 – Object Diagram
Related visually to the class model diagram is the object diagram. In fact they’re the
same with one major exception. Instead of mentioning classes, they mention instances. The
label compartment at the top of the boxes has an underlined text line. A text line has two
parts. One is the class name, just like in the class model diagram, but it also has the name of
a specific instance, and those two are separated by a colon. So for example here, we have the
company class, and in particular we have the c instance of a company class. Optic diagrams
are obviously used to convey the specific use of the classes involved in a class model diagram.
As you can see, for this particular instances here, many of the attribute fields have attribute
values filled in for them, as they would be for a particular instance.
13 – Component Diagram
In fact, that’s exactly what a component diagram does. It’s a static implementation view
of how the components of a system fit together. As far as UML is concerned, a, a component
is a physical, replaceable part of a system that packages implementation and conforms to and
provides a realization of the set of interfaces. It’s usually used to model code entities such as
binaries, okay, that might perhaps come from a library. And relationships in the diagram are
meant intended to specify that one of the components uses the services of another component.
This particular type of diagram can also be used to convey architecture.
15 – Deployment Diagram
If we’re talking about complex systems, these systems may run on different processing
units. And we’d like to convey the configuration of the run-time processing units, and their
component instances in a way, that sees how they can interact. And this is, included inside a
UML deployment diagram. A node in the diagram will correspond to a computational device,
and the arcs indicate some kind of communication.
17 – Packages
UML also supports packages, in the sense of Java packages. These are general purpose
organizing mechanisms. Before UML 2, you could use packages as parts of other diagrams.
In UML 2 there was a separate package diagram. Essentially this is providing namespace
scoping so that each package can have its own set of names without worrying about collisions.
And that there’s dependency arrows between two packages if some piece of one package has
a dependency arrow with some piece of another package. That is, it’s an abstraction of that
particular dependency at, to the package level.
20 – Profile Diagram
The final structural type of UML diagram that I’d like to mention is the Profile Diagram.
But this requires taking a step back. UML itself is a language, that has various pieces to it,
such as classes and associations and so on. Those pieces. Essentially provide a, describe a
system and therefore you could have a UML description of UML. That UML description or
UML is called the UML meta model and in fact you can have, a UML class model diagram
of a UML meta model. Even, more abstract is the fact that you, as a user, a designer, can
extend the UML middle model. You can add new kinds of icons. You can give, special labels.
To particular elements in the model. You do that extension in what’s called a UML profile.
And there’s a UML Profile Diagram in which you can convey it
24 – UML Quiz
Another quick quiz for you on this material is, which of these particular UML structural
diagram types could be used to convey system architecture?
26 – Behavior Diagrams
The second main category of UML, Diagram Systems Behavioral Diagrams. In contrast
with the structural diagrams, which describe the system as a whole, the behavioral diagrams
are concerned with a particular instance of behavior of that system. That is, you may have to
have multiple sequence diagrams, multiple collaboration diagrams, to convey, to give an idea of
overall system behavior. We’re going to now survey these so you get a feel for what’s available
to you. Once again, it’s unlikely that for a given system you’ll use all of these diagram types.
32 – Context Diagrams
The top level dataflow diagram is called the context diagram. The context diagram has
a single oval. Which is the system as a whole. There are rectangles there that indicate the
system actors. And then the lines indicate the flow of data between them.
34 – Sequence Diagram
Another one of the most popular UML behavior diagrams is the sequence diagram. This
can be used to convey a single use case.
36 – Communication Diagram
An alternative view of a use case to that provided by a sequence diagram, would be a
communication diagram. In the communication diagram, it looks like a class model diagram.
That is, there are rectangles corresponding to classes, and there’s lines between them. However,
in this case the lines correspond to instances of communication, likely operation calls.
kind of, Dewey Decimal notation. So, first step is number 1, then number 2. And then 2.1, 2.2
and then step 3.
38 – Activity Diagram
The sequence diagram and the communication diagram that we’ve seen aren’t particularly
designed to deal with synchronization. UML has a separate diagram, called an activity diagram,
designed for this purpose. In this diagram it’s a variant of a state machine in which. Multiple
states may be simultaneously active. That is have their own threads of control. This activity
diagrams are derived from petri nets. Petri net diagrams that have been around for many
years. In the diagrams trans, transitions are typically triggered by activity completion. That
is you finished with one state. Rather than by external events. You can use these diagrams to
model workflows, process synchronization, and concurrency.
41 – Timing Diagram
Here’s a example of the UML timing diagram. If your familiar with the design of digital
chips, it should look very similar. In digital chips obviously you’re worried about electrical
signals arriving at a certain time in response of the silicon and germanium in that chip, how
long it’s going to take to happen. If you need, in fact, to diagram out specific timing of
situations in your system you can use the UML timing diagram to do that. Time marches
from left to right and arrows indicate the places where timing has to be synchronized.
42 – State Diagrams
Final behavioral diagram I’d like to mention is the state diagram. This is the most powerful,
the most complex of the behavioral diagrams. They’re also sometimes called state charts.
These diagrams convey extended finite state machines extended with the ability to represent
aggregation, concurrency, history, broadcasting events and so on. We’re going to devote a
whole lesson to them, but let me give you one example diagram here.
Object Constraint Language, this first-order predicate logic, plus the ability to navigate around
the diagrams and some collection classes, like sets and, and bags and sequences. The overall
purpose of the Constraint Language, Object Constraint Language, is to be very precise, if you
need to, in the specifications of your system.
47 – Example OCL
Here’s an example of OCL. In this case, we’re talking about using the OCL as an extension
to a class model diagram. In the class model diagram, there’s an account class. The account
class has a deposit operation. That operation takes in a real number called amount. The
pre keyword indicates the precondition, in this case, that the amount being provided in this
deposit is greater than zero. The postcondition, indicated by the post keyword is indicating
what must be true after the execution of this particular operation. In particular, the balance
afterwards must be equal to the balance before plus the amount that was deposited.
48 – UML MetaModel
The second non textual part of UML to be aware of is the Metamodel. I mentioned this
before, it’s UML defined in terms of UML. The UML Metamodel, is a UML description of the
UML language. More over, you can extend the Metamodel. You as a designer can extend the
Metamodel. Using UML profiles and we saw the profile diagram. Those extensions are more
stereotypes, more tag values and you can add the constraints. These are constraints on the
diagrams now, not on the models
50 – Summary
Bottomline is you can’t design an complex system with having, without having some idea
of what it’s supposed to do. That is what problems is it trying to solve. Diagrams can help you
express that understanding and express your solution to that problem. UML provides a wealth
of diagram types for you as well as OCL and the meta model. In general, the more precisely you
understand problem the fewer subsequent problems you will have with that system’s history.
P2L02 Object Oriented Analysis Exercise
01 – Analysis
As you know, this is a class about design. And the question is, how do you get started
doing a design? Well, before you can solve a problem, you need to understand it. And the
process for understanding a problem is called analysis. In this lesson, we will be concerned
with a specific type of analysis called, Object-Oriented analysis, or OOA.
03 – Object Quiz
To get you started thinking about this, I’d like you to, for a moment, reflect on why objects
might be a better starting point for analysis than functions. Choose among the following four
possible reasons. First, functions are provided by all programming languages, whereas many
languages don’t include objects. Second choice, during maintenance functions change more
frequently than objects. Third, functions are too mathematical. And fourth, objects are a
more modern technique. Which of those do you think is the best answer?
is primarily concerned with the data objects. These are defined first in terms of their attributes
and data types. Later the functions are defined and associated with a specific objects.
06 – OOA
Well how does OOA work? First it takes a textual description of a system to be built,
such as a requirements document. And looks for different kinds of words such as, nouns, verbs
and adjectives. It’s goal is to use the identified words to built up descriptions of classes and
their relationships. Nouns will correspond to classes. Action verbs to operations. Adjectives
to attributes. And stative verbs to relationships. The resulting class model can be reviewed
with a customer for accuracy and completeness. Here is an overview of the steps involved
07 – Steps in OOA
First off, candidate object classes are indicated by the occurrence of nouns in the natural
language description of the system to be built. The nouns can then be organized into related
groups termed classes. The next step looks for adjectives, which often indicate properties
that can be modeled as attributes. Subsequently, action verbs can be modeled as operations
and assigned to the appropriate provider class. Other stative verbs are indi, indicative of
relationships among the classes.
08 – Technique
More specifically, the actual OOA technique to apply is the following. First off, obtain
or prepare a textual description of a problem. Underline in your textual description all the
nouns. Organize the nouns into groups to become candidate classes, then underline all the
adjectives. Assign the adjectives as attributes of the candidate classes. Then, underline the
verbs, differentiating action verbs from stative verbs. Assign the action verbs as operations of
classes, and assign the stative verbs as attributes of classes or relationships. Sounds simple,
but we will also see that there are some stumbling blocks along the way, which we’ll have to
apply our own thinking to, to solve appropriately.
11 – Issues
So here are some of the issues that arise when we try to accomplish the first step in OOA.
As Jared mentioned, some of the words are duplicated. You know, we’ll try to condense those
and just have one copy of each of the words. Some words share the same stem, for example, pile
and piles. And some words are, are close to each other and really share the same underlying
concept like leaf and leaves. And in these cases we’re going to do what’s called stemming.
Stemming removes the prefixes and the post fixes, the suffixes to the words, and just uses the
root word as the corresponding candidate and class. That leaves us with a question that you,
you, you indicated both counter and count, okay? In this case, we’re going to use our kind of
discretion and say, let’s for the, the moment treat those as separate classes, even though by
getting rid of the, the suffix on counter, we get the same word as count.
values of doing an approach like this is that it will point out problems, and inconsistencies and
incompleteness in the documents. So I would say go with your intuition at this stage. One
other noun that you didn’t say something about is zero, okay? So what was your thinking
about not including zero as a potential classer? Zero to me sounds like a description of a tree
or an attribute to a tree, it doesn’t seem to represent its own, in a sense, an object. It’s just a
state of an object, for instance. Okay. Can you pick one of the classes here which zero might
gravitate toward? Counter. Sure. So the counter’s going to count something, and one of the
possible things it’s going to count, is it going to have values, and one of the values it might
have is zero. So I think you’re right at this stage of saying let’s not worry about zero as being
a class. Okay. But we can’t forget about it either. Okay? It’s going to be part of our model
15 – Caveats
Note that like in any analysis process, the conclusions that we reach are always tentative.
As we engage in the process, we learn more about the problem, which may lead to revisions of
our analysis. In fact, it was one of the early lessons of software engineering, is that requirements
documents are always wrong in the sense that they’re incomplete, or inconsistent, or they don’t
truly reflect what it is that the customer ultimately wants. And as an analyst it’s your job to
elicit that correct description. And OOA can help you do that. Questions that arise during
OOA may require research on your part, or even going back to the customers. Often, the
customers may not have even considered, what you, what you bring up as a question. And will
thank you for realizing that there was more to the problem than what they originally had in
my mind. Thus, the overall process of analysis is inherently incremental, hopefully leading to a
joint understanding between the analyst and customer so that the design and implementation
can proceed
18 – Adjective Issues
Long is, is normally an adjective of some sorts, but that doesn’t mean that every adjective
is going to necessarily contribute to this list of attributes. So, it’s fine to have one and then
discard it as not being relevant. Okay? You had single leaf, you have leaf counter. We have
this one set modify sub trees. There is another, call it a trick, another way of getting modifiers
that aren’t directly, that don’t correctly come from adjectives, and that is if you’ve got a
prepositional phrase, such as parts of the tree, or count of the leaves, you could think of tree
parts. Okay? And leave counts and so on. So once again, the, the, the simple rule of saying
adjectives doesn’t quite get you all the, all the way where you want to go. So, some of the issues
that arise when you, when you try this technique. Okay? As we said, parts of the tree doesn’t
appear. In, in the natural language to be an adjective. However we still want to recognize
that the word part signifies an attribute of tree. Same for count of leaves. As you indicated
the use of the word long even though it’s, nominally a, an adjective doesn’t really contribute
here in the sense of being a modifier for one of these classes. The phrase single leaf, if we think
about it for a minute, has to do with the count of the leaves. This is a one, of a, of a potential
different number of counts that leaves could have. That is, there’s a count attribute that has a
value of one. Okay, single being, single meaning one. Similar to the phrase two sub trees can
be interpreted as a count of the number of a sub trees, in the tree class. Having a value of two
20 – Step 4 Operations
Now let’s look for candidate operations. An operation is a computational service provided
by an object. In OOA, candidate operations are suggested by looking for verbs, particularly
action verbs. In addition to action verbs there are other kinds of verbs including linking verbs.
Which are typically associated with the word is, they’re more likely to be descriptive, hence
related to attributes rather than to actions. Another category contains the stative verbs,
typically descriptions of situations rather than of objects. And they’re going to be indicative
of relationships among the objects
system, but then again, so is the counter. And the counter is not the pile. It sounds like the
counter’s actions though are usually on behalf of an operation maybe that started with what
the pile was doing, which is examining parts of trees. Okay. And at this stage, we’re doing
a static analysis. The interplay of the classes is more behavioral analysis, which would come
later. Okay, so you’re right that that’s an important element of understanding the intended
system. But as far as this initial analysis, we’re going to do it and look for the structural
elements that are involved. Okay, here should be an easy one. How about increment? Counter
is increment. Okay, so we need an operation to increment the counter. How about throw away,
or throw? Increment the leaf counter and throw away the tree. So the counter increments and
then throws away the tree? So it could be the counter that’s throwing it away. Well, a synonym
for throw might be delete. Okay, and we’re deleting it from the pile. Correct. So there might
be an operation in the pile class for deleting or throwing away the element. Okay, how about
splitting? Splitting? The pile splits trees into trees and sub-trees? I don’t think that the pile
does any splitting. The pile’s looking at the split sub-trees. That’s correct. Or storing them.
Correct. Who is doing that? The system? The- So it’s an operation, your splitting. Okay,
who would you send instructions to actually to do the split? The tree. The tree. Okay, so
we are going to have an operation on a tree. It says split thyself and getting out two results
from that. How about display? Display, the counter’s displaying its count. Sure. Okay, so you
can see the back and forth in trying to understand these things that goes on. All the process
we saw before of combining words together, stemming and now trying to associate the various
operations with the classes.
25 – Operations in Classes
If we now try to summarize what we have so far, we have a pile class and its got operations.
We can put a tree onto the pile. We can get a tree from the pile. We can take a tree off of the
pile. For the counter we have increment and display. And for the tree class we have split and
throw away. Now, a minute ago we talked about throwing away from the pile, and sometimes
these things can go back and forth. For the moment we are going to associate with the tree
class. In our class model diagram we added a new compartment at the bottom of the rectangle
to hold the operations. In general, we could also at this time list of various arguments that go
arguments to the operations, what their types are, what is the type of the return value, or we
could hold off that process later. What we are trying to do is get a feel for what the elements
of the problem are, and how, how, how they are represented in terms of attributes, and then
what services the various the various classes can have in terms of operations.
26 – Operation Issues
Some of the issues that arise from doing this, we talked about keeping a pile, and it’s really
the system as a whole that keeps the pile and we’re not going to explicitly represent the system
ourselves. There was the phrase that we had, has been counted, and really has been counted
is more a description of a state then an action verb. Okay, so we could say count is an action
verb but has been counted as more a stative, or stative situations, so we’re going to revisit
that when we get to looking at relationships. And the phrases is set to, examine, and consists
of. Well if you think about it those are really an expression of what is the case. So, when
you examine something, you find out what is the case there. If you examine a counter, you
get back the count. These are really ultimately going to be represented in our implementation
with some kind of eq, equality check. And so, we’re going to assume that all the classes that
we have eventually come out with are going to have an equality operator associated with them.
So we’re not going to explicitly model those at this time.
27 – Step 5 Relationships
Step five in the object or in analysis process has to do with relationships. The main
elements in the class model diagram are going to correspond classes and relationships. And
we’re going to depict the classes ash compartmentized, rectangles and relationships are going
to be indicated by lines connecting the rectangles. And there are going to be three different
kinds of relationships that we’ll look at. One kind is generalization, and that’s indicated by
a line at, and at one end of the line will be a little open triangle. The second kind is called
aggregation. This is going to be used for situations like what we mentioned parts of, and in this
case, the line ends with an open diamond, and then if we don’t have any adornment on the line
at all, that’s going to be a general association. So let’s look at each of those three categories
of relationships and see if we can find examples of them in our, our example problem.
28 – Generalizations
The first kind of relationship we look at is generalization. This relationship between two
classes indicates that an instance of one of the two classes, the child class are, are the instances
of one of the two classes are a kind of instance of the other class, called the parent class. This
means that the instances of the child class are the subset of the instances of the parent class.
In our text, words like kind of and type of, indicate a generalization relationship. Even if these
words aren’t explicit in the text, the class names, themselves, can serve as indicators. For
example, cars are a sub class of vehicles.
29 – Generalization Quiz
So implicit in our text, it’s not there explicitly is a generalization relationship. Can you,
can you guess what it is? You kind of men, you kind of mentioned this earlier on
31 – Aggregations
The second kind of relationship to look for are aggregations. Aggregations are some kinds
of collection, or set of things. An aggregation is heralded in text by words like consists of, part
of, contains, has, incorporates or belongs to.
32 – Aggregation Quiz
Can you think in our example of instances in the description of leaf counting, where
aggregation relationships might be indicated?
a pile is a collection of trees. Likewise if we have sub-trees being parts of trees, we have an
aggregation relationship between a tree and itself. Okay, so we’ll have a line, a looped line
going from tree to itself, and at one end of that line, we’ll have the diamond indicating that
tree is a recursive data structure, as you might expect, okay? Consisting of parts which are
34 – Associations
Generalizations and aggregations are two specific structural relationships, between classes.
More general, is the idea of association. For example, went to school at, is an association
between the university class and the student class. Stative verbs, denote a state of being.
For example, the house sits on top of a hill. Stative verbs, often indicate associations. In
class models, associations are indicated by lines connecting the associated classes. There are
no special adornments on the ends, but the line is usually labeled with the name, of the
35 – Associations Quiz
In the tree counting example, there are no explicit associations indicated. However, there
is an implied association. Can you determine what it might be, and what classes it associates?
37 – Relationship Issues
Some of the issues that arise when we try to determine relationships. First of all, all
of the indicated classes are really part of an overarching TreeCountingSystem class, as we
mentioned before. Such system classes are not normally displayed in these diagrams. But you
can think of each of the rectangles as being a part of, or an attribute of. The, this overarching
class. The textual description from which we, began was not truly characteristic, obviously,
of typical requirements documents, which can go on for hundreds of pages and have lots of
specialized vocabulary. Also, we went into implementation details. It was actually describing
an algorithm. Requirements documents don’t necessarily describe solutions, they describe
problems. In general it is important to distinguish the analysis and design phases of a software
development effort in order to avoid prematurely biasing the approach taken towards solution.
38 – Summary
So to wrap this up, Object Oriented Analysis is a valuable first step to take during a
software development effort. It can get you started in understanding the problem to be solved,
and suggesting a breakdown of a solution system indicate, its component parts. However, as
with all analysis techniques, it is important to validate the results with other stakeholders, and
particularly with the customer.
P2L03 UML Class Models
01 – Introduction
In the previous lesson, we talked about object-oriented analysis, the process by which you
can begin to come to understand the problem you’re trying to solve. Today, we’re going to talk
about how would you express the results of that understanding using the Unified Modeling
Language, UML. In particular, we’re going to talk about UML’s Class Model Diagram, which
is the most popular form of UML. Besides being popular, it’s also the most complex of the dia-
gramming types in UML. However, there’s no need for you to use all of its features, particularly
at the start of the modeling process. There’s nothing wrong with having an abstract version
that you refine over time. Nevertheless, I’d like to introduce you to all of the features, so that
when you need them you’re aware that they’re there. UML class diagrams are also sometimes
called Static Structure Diagrams. They’re one of UML’s structure diagrams as opposed to
the diagrams which you used to model behavior. Despite being called Class Model Diagrams,
besides classes, they also have iconic representations for interfaces, objects, relationships, and
so on. The official specification for UML can be found on the Class Resources page. And we’re
also going to be taking some examples from the UML reference manual, which is referred to
on the resources page as well.
02 – Classes
A class in ULM or in an object-oriented language, is a description of a similar set of
instances. Candidates for classes include domain objects, roles, events, and interactions. In
the previous lesson we learned how to use nouns as a way of giving you ideas of what are good
candidate classes. In UML a class is denoted by a rectangle that is horizontally partitioned
in to three or more units. Actually, all but the first of those units is optional. The particular
units which are most commonly used, are the name, the attributes, and the operations. And
we’ll be looking at all of those. In addition, if you wish, you could have units that describe
responsibilities, exceptions, and so on. Here’s and example of a UML class. There are three
horizontally partitioned units. The top one features the name of the particular class, in this
case it’s window, it’s the window class. In the middle is an area where the attributes of that
class are described. In this case, they’re attributes for the size of the window, the visibility,
and other features. In the bottom most of the three units is a description of the operations
which a window object can provide. In this case it can display, it can hide, and so on.
03 – Name Compartment
Okay, so let’s drill down into the name compartment. Obviously, the most important
piece is the name, and that should be a noun. After all, it describes a class of instances. For
example, you saw that Window was in italics. That’s one way in which you can express in
UML that this particular class is an abstract class. Abstract classes, if you’re familiar with
object oriented programming, are contracts which describe the properties of sub-classes, and
can never have instances themselves. Besides using italics, you can also specify that a class
is abstract using a tag with the word abstract in it. Why might you want to use an abstract
class? Well, for one if you have some related sub-classes that have common features, you can
factor those features up into the abstract class. Inside the name compartment, you can also
have some other affordances. You can for example have a stereotype. Stereotypes are a way
in UML of extending the base UML modeling language. You can also express some optional
properties inside of curly braces. For example abstract is one of those key words you can use
to give properties to the particular class.
04 – Class Features
Classes have features. By that we mean its attributes, and its, its operations. While
classes, really describe the real world, that is, the problem that you’re solving, features are
something that are going to end up inside the computer. Obviously, your attributes are going
to translate, into instance variables in your object oriented programing language. And your
operations are going to be translated into methods. We’re going to look a little bit at the
attributes and the operations. But, in general. In addition to the names of the attributes
and operations, we are going to have some type of information. And possibly also some, some
names for the attributes so that they can be referred to in, in, in your models.
05 – Attributes Compartment
Here is our example class again. Now let’s look at the middle compartment which is for
purposes of describing attributes. You’ll see that there are different attributes described. All
of them have names. They have types. And they may have some other symbols that described
how the names can be accessed from other classes. Those symbols, describe the visibility of
that name. They’re optional you don’t have to provide them and there’s no reason, at the
start, to do that. They’re a refinement that you add later on in the process. The four options
in UML for visibility include. Publicly visible that’s a plus sign. Private, which is a minus sign.
Protect meaning that only sub-classes can access that attribute is the pound sign. And for those
situations where you used UML packages that tilde indicates that the name is visible within
the package. In addition to the visibility of course you must have the name of the attribute.
You can indicate the multiplicity of ordering of the attribute. Now they’re not shown in this
example, but we’ll see them later. You should give the type of the attribute. And UML has
a set of built in types that you can use. You can optionally describe an initial value for that
particular instance variable. You could indicate that the instance variable is derived. That
is it’s computed rather than being set directly. And you can give some additional properties
to the instance variable using the the braces notation that we mentioned before. For example
we can indicate that that particular instance variable is frozen. That means its value can’t
06 – Operations Compartment
Returning once again to our, our window diagram. Now let’s look at the third compart-
ment, this is the one for operations. Once again, there’s optional visibility, using the same
symbols we had before. There’s the name. There may be a return type, if the operation
returns some value. It’s not shown in, in these particular examples. Then there’s a list of
parameters. Just like you would have, if you were describing some method within an object
oriented language. The parameter list includes a name of the parameter. It’s type. You may
express a default value. And you may also indicate, whether the particular. Parameter, is an
input parameter, an output parameter or an in, out parameter. In, out parameters are those
in which the value can come in, and a different value can be returned. Those kinds of param
adjectives in, out and in out are not shown in this particular example. In addition to the
parameters in the operations section, you can give some properties. Some of those properties
are expressed within the braces, like we’ve seen before. For example, you can indicate that a
particular operation is a query operation. That is, it’s only providing information about some
existing attributes that in, within the class. You can, there’s, there’s, properties to describing
concurrency. there’s, there’s properties describing whether or not this particular operation is
abstract, as would be seen in an abstract method in obscuring language. And you can also
show, that a particular operation has Class Scope. That’s shown by an underline on the op-
eration name, and what class scope means, is that it’s not a operation of particular instance,
but a operation for the class as a whole. For example, let’s say you wanted to know how many
instances of vehicles, you had already instantiated. You can’t query any particular instance
and ask it about other instances. Instead you query the class, using a Class Scoped operation,
and the class if you’ve implemented things correctly can provide the answer back to you.
12 – Advanced Features
There are some additional advanced features of class models. Four that I’d like to just
briefly mention are interfaces, parametrized classes, nested classes, and composite objects. If
you’re familiar with an object-oriented language like Java, you know that you can express in
your program, a type by using the interface construct within Java. In UML you can also have
interfaces. And in those interface descriptions, you typically describe what that interface pro-
vides to the rest of the system and what it requires from the rest of the system. Parameterized
classes correspond to Java generics or C++ templates. That is, that is they provide a way of,
for example, describing collection classes by giving a parameter that is a type of the class. You
have a set of vehicles, you have a set of bank accounts. Thirdly, our nested classes. If you’re
familiar with Java, you know that within a Java class definition, you can have other classes.
These are sometimes called nested classes or inner classes. And UML provides a feature for
describing those situations. Finally, you can have composite objects. These are objects that
contain other objects within them. Diagram allows you to express this by having class dia-
grams that have class rectangles that have other class rectangles in them. As I said, these are
advanced features just so that you’re aware that they’re there.
13 – Relationships
In object orientated analysis we saw that nouns could give us a good lead into what the
classes are going to be. Similarly verbs can be used for several purposes one of which is to
describe what the relationships are between the classes. In UML there are three kinds of
relationships. There are associations. For example, association between people and vehicles,
people drive vehicles. There’s generalization, that is a car is a kind of vehicle. And there’s
dependencies. There might be a dependency between cars and pollution laws. If a pollution
law changes, cars might have to be adapted. For example, putting on some kind of pollution
control device.
14 – Associations
Let’s have a look at these relationships, beginning with associations. Associations are
denoted by solid lines connecting two class rectangles. Here’s an example of a UML class
diagram containing two relationships and three classes. We have the Polygon class, the Point
class, and a GraphicsBundle class. Between Polygon and Point, we have a association called
Contains. That is a polygon contains points. The little filled triangle to the right of the word
Contains means that, when reading aloud that particular relationship, you would read from left
to right. So polygon contains point. You wouldn’t say point contains polygon. You would say
something like point is contained by polygon. The second association at the bottom, between
GraphicsBundle and Polygon, isn’t named directly. This is fine. We’ll see that we can describe
it using roles, which are ways of saying, giving similar information about how the association is
relating the two, the two classes. There’s lots of possible notational affordances for associations.
You can have a name, as in contains. You can have association classes. They weren’t shown
in this diagram, but we’ll look at them a little bit later. And you can have aggregation and
composition. In the example, we saw both of these. The open diamond indicated aggregation
and the closed, that is the filled diamond, indicated composition. In both cases, we are saying
that the two classes are related by some kind of containment relationship, that is a polygon is
made up of points. We saw reading direction, that was the filled, filled triangle. We can also
express Navigability, which is the appearance of an arrowhead on one end of, or both ends of
the association line. This indicates that the primary access pattern for those classes is in the
direction of the arrow. That is, we are going to be going normally from polygons to their points
and not in the other direction. You can express multiplicity, in the, diagram we saw star. We
saw 3 dot dot star. Star means any number of, instances. 3 dot dot star means between 3
and any number of instances. We also saw a property ordered which indicates that at least for
the case of the polygon and its points, those points are in a particular order. They might be,
for example, in clockwise order. Not shown in the example diagram is the ability in UML to,
UML class model diagrams to express associations which involve more than two classes. In our
text browser example, there were three classes involved and we used a rhombus into which the
various lines, the various lines come in to indicate all the participants within that particular
association. We saw also the fact that you could have role names. The word bundle, adjacent
to the graphics bundle class, indicates the graphics bundle is playing the role of bundle in that
particular association. You can have these role names on either or both ends of the association
line, or you don’t need to have them at all. Also not shown, are the fact that you can express
qualification. You can think of qualification as this as indicating what are the keys into the
set of instances. We’ll see an example of that in a minute. And you can express also, certain,
Constraints on the association. For example, that they’re ordered, that they’re frozen, that is,
the association can’t change, that you can only add things to it and so on.
15 – Assocation Class
I mentioned, a minute ago, the association class. You can think of an association class
as ac-, as an association that has some class properties. For example attributes, or you can
think of it as a class that has some association properties. Here’s an example. If we have a
company class. And a person class, and we have some kind of association between them that
a person, has a job with a company. We might want to indicate what that person’s salary
is, from that company. So this is not really a property of the person. Because the person
might have more than one job is not really a property of the company because the company
certainly has more than one person. It’s really a property of the association itself. Association
classes are indicated by having a dashed line. That abuts into the association line. At the
end of the dash line is another rectangle. In this case it is the association of class called job,
and in the class rectangle for job there is an attribute of salary. Notice something else a little
peculiar here. That job, has an association with itself. This is called a recursive association.
For recursive associations in particular, you better use role names. This case, we’re talking
about the manages association. So one job might manage another job. The department head
might manage the staff and therefore we want to have roles for the boss or supervisor, and the
16 – Aggregation Composition
I mentioned also, aggregation and composition. Using aggregation in particular is very
common in UML class diagrams. You often want to say that one class is related to many
instances of another class. And you use the aggregation association to do this. It’s still an
association, it’s just adorned with an open diamond to indicate that it’s a particular kind of
association called an aggregation. I want to say a word, though, about the difference between
aggregation and composition. It’s somewhat subtle, and it gets to the point that aggregation
doesn’t really say much about the semantics of the relationship. In particular, it doesn’t say
much about the lifetimes of the participant objects. For example, let’s say you had a house
class and room classes. Clearly, a house has rooms so you’d expect there to be an aggregation
there. But think further, if you destroy the house you’re also destroying the rooms. Therefore,
instead of using aggregation, we would use composition. That is, we’d fill in that diamond. In
compositions, there is a responsibility for managing the lifetime of the constituent objects. That
further says that a particular constituent can only belong to one composition. Compositions
also have the transitive property. That is, a house can have room and a room can have closets.
For aggregations there’s no rules like this. Aggregations are general situations. We might
say, for example, that a room has a table. Now this is an aggregation situation, because we
could certainly destroy the room after taking the table out. They have separate lifetimes, and
therefore we’d use aggregation instead of composition.
19 – Qualifiers
Another refinement of associa, of associations that I mentioned, is qualifiers. Qualifiers
are indicated by small rectangles, that are on the sides or edges of class rectangles. The small
rectangles contain the name of one of the attributes, of that particular class. The attribute
within the small rectangle is the qualifier, that can provide access to, instances of that particular
class. If you were doing a relational database model you would think of the qualifier as the
key, into the set of the instances. In the leftmost example here, we have bank, and the account
number is the qualifier. Note also that there’s some multiplicity information, that a person
can have any number of bank accounts, for example. On the right, we have the situation with
a chessboard and its squares. How would we identify a particular square? In this case, we’re
going to use a pair of attributes, giving the rank and the file of the particular squares within
the chessboard. Notice also that in the chessboard situation, we have a, a composition. Notice
the filled black diamond.
20 – Links
One further nuance to mention about associations, is the idea of links. Just like classes
can have instances, associations can have links. For example, if we had the situation where
a company hires people, we might have a situation where IBM hires Bob. IBM hires Alice.
Hewlett-Packard hires Tom. Hewlett-Packard hires Alice. She has two, two jobs. In this
situation, we would have four different links. One for each pair involved in the association.
Notice in this particular diagram that in addition to indicating all of the particular instances
of the classes, that the lines here are going to indicate links. That is lines between rectangles
for which the rectangles are instances indicate links, that participate in association. Notice
also that we have role names here and we have qualifiers.
21 – Generalizations
The second major kind of relationship that you use in UML class model diagrams is
generalization. Generalization is also indicated by a solid line, but in this case the line ends
with a triangle. The class rectangle that’s adjacent to the triangle is the superclass or parent
class. And the other class rectangle is the child class or subclass. The semantic import of
generalization is that all instances of the subclass are also instances of the parent class. That
is there’s a subset relationship. Let me warn you though that generalization is not the same
as inheritance in object oriented programming languages. Inheritance is an implementation
technique, generalization is a modeling, approach. We’ll see how that difference plays out later
in the course. In UML, generalization supports both multiple parent classes for a given class
and multiple child classes for a given parent class. Moreover, you can specify discriminators.
That is names of groups of subclasses. So here’s an example of the UML class model diagram in
which generalization is illustrated. We have a superclass called Vehicle. Note that it’s got four
lines coming into it each with an open triangle so it’s got four sub-classes. Those sub-classes
are wind powered vehicle, motor-powered vehicle, land vehicle and water vehicle. Notice also
that we have two grandchild classes. We have trucks and we have sailboats. So let’s think
for a minute about trucks. Trucks are motor powered vehicles are motor powered vehicles but
they’re also land vehicles, that is truck has two parent classes. Similarly sailboat is a wind
powered vehicle and a water vehicle so its got two parent classes as well. With respect to the
parent level. We have two categories of sub-classes. We have a category related to the power
that moves the vehicle, it might be wind or it might be motor. And we have a category having
this labeled here as venue, indicating where the vehicle does its moving. Is it on land or is it
on water? Also visible in this diagram are some properties in curly braces. Those properties
indicate properties of the sub-classes. If a parent class has two child classes, and instances can
belong to both of the child classes. We want to use the overlapping property. If that can’t be
the case that is if a given instance can only belong to one child, we say that those particular
sub-classes are disjoint, their members belong to one of the child classes not the other and.
But by our definition of generalization, the instances do belong to the, to the parent class. A
second kind of constrained or property we might want to express is whether or not the set,
of child classes covers all of the instances or not. If that’s the case we say, we would use the,
property, complete, and otherwise we would say incomplete. Why might a modeling situation
be incomplete? Well you might have some weird hybrid vehicle that doesn’t belong to any of
the. The child classes, but nevertheless we want to have an instance that, that recognizes it,
or, or models it, say the Segway, for example.
22 – Constraints Quiz
Let’s do a little quiz that checks you on this, with respect to completeness, and overlapping.
I’m going to give you two examples. The first example is athletes, and let’s say we have, sub-
classes of athlete, for baseball players, football players, basketball players. Determine whether
first of all, those subclasses are disjoint,and are they complete? Second example is books which
can be Paperbacks, ComicBooks or hardboundBooks. Are they, complete subclasses? Are they
disjoint, subclasses?
26 – Summary Quiz
Here’s on final quiz for you. We saw in the previous lesson that there are 14 different
kinds of UML diagrams, some of those are structure diagrams and some of those are behavior
diagrams. What I’d like you to do is to draw a UML class diagram. That indicates the parent-
child sub-classing relationship, amongst those kinds of diagrams. That is, you’re going to have
classes for each of the 14 diagrams. You’re going to a class for class diagram and you’re going
to have a class for class structure diagram and behavior diagram. See if you can fill in the
28 – Summary
In summary, UML provides a rich vocabulary for modeling system structure. And the
UML class model diagram exhibits many, many different features. However, there’s no need
for you to use all of its affordances. Particularly at the start of the modeling process. Never
the less, each affordance implies a question to be answered. What is the multiplicity? Are
these values ordered? What’s the qualifier? Does the system that you are modeling, exhibit
the property expressed by that affordance? One of the important benefits of modeling, is that
it encourages you to face these questions early, in the development process. Because if you
forget and they, they may later come back to haunt you.
P2L04 Design Studies
01 – Design
Design is all about making decisions. Generally trading off among nonfunctional criteria.
There are various sources that can inform these decisions. Such as the customer, the end user,
technology specifications, and competitor’s products. Sometimes however, a more detailed
analysis is required. Examples of such devices include simulations, prototypes, and the topic
for today, design studies.
02 – Design Studies
When an architect designs a building, often one of the early steps is to undertake a design
study. This takes the form of a series of scale models where different approaches are explored
in order to get a better feel for the design space, which is the range of possibilities available as
solutions. The same approach is used in other areas, other areas of design such as cars, planes
and even clothing.
03 – Definition
A design study is a rigorous and systematic evaluation of the factors that influence a design.
It should begin with a determination of the relevant criteria, how they are to be measured, and
what measurement values are deemed satisfactory. The study itself consists of a comparison of
the various possible approaches in which each approach is measured against the predetermined
04 – Design Spaces
The process of doing a design study helps the designer explore a space of possibilities.
Although aesthetics may play a role in the ultimate decision process, other more objective
factors should be examined as well. For buildings factors such as the cost of construction,
availability of building materials, conformance to building codes and zoning regulations and
effect of traffic on traffic patterns may be taken into account. For this class, we want to use
design studies to evaluate the design of computer programs.
08 – Projects
Each of the projects involves solving a design problem in several ways. To determine
which approach is best, you are asked to evaluate your solutions in a systematic way, that is,
to conduct a design study. The result of each study is documented in a report that conforms to
a prescribed format laid out in a template file linked to from the class resources page. We will
now go through the contents of the template as a way of illustrating what a software design
study is all about.
09 – Experiments
You can think of a design study as an empirical scientific experiment. As such, there
are research questions, subjects of study, experimental conditions, methods, tools, metrics,
independent and dependent variables, data collection, statistical analysis, and conclusions. As
with a scientific experiment and overall goal of a design study is repeatability. That is, someone
else should be able to take your study report, use it to recreate the study conditions, and reach
the same conclusions that you did. It is one of the goals of this class that you’ll learn the skills
to produce and present an industrial quality design study.
10 – Report
The design study itself is presented in a report. It may include charts, tables, graphs and
screenshots, as well as, as well as descriptive text. It is, however, not a narrative, but a dish,
dispassionate description of a systematic exploration. I want your reports to be professional
in quality. This means that you should treat it like you would if you were preparing to show
it to customers or submit it for publications. Its spelling and grammar should be checked,
and it should be carefully proofread by a team member other than its author. We will now go
through each of the sections of the report, indicating what is expected in that section. This
should also give you an idea of what you need to do during the study itself to gather the data
that goes into the report.
11 – 1 Context
The first section is titled Context. It provides background and motivation for the study.
So the reader who is not familiar with the class or the project can make sense of what you have
written. It should also define any specialized vocabulary necessary for the reader to understand
what you are saying in the report.
12 – 2 Research Questions
Section two is titled research questions. A designed study examines the tradeoffs between
various non-functional requirements, for example, space and time. Each tradeoff can be ex-
pressed in the form of a question, such as, how are execution times and memory footprint
effected as the amount of pre-processing computations vary? The second section of your re-
port lists such research questions. Each question should be formulated in a neutral fashion
16 – 6 METHOD 53
with regard to the due, dependent variables being measured and also indicate what factors are
being varied. That is, the independent variables. And each question should be numbered for
later reference in your report
13 – 3 Subject
In experiments, a subject is something that you are studying, usually a program. A design
study compares multiple subjects. In the third section of your report, each subject should be
briefly described, differentiating it from the other subjects.
14 – 4 Experimental Conditions
The fourth section is titled Experimental Conditions. A software design study normally
means running several versions of a program, making measurements, and evaluating the re-
sults. These programs’ executions take place on computers configured with resources. Such
as their number of cores, the amount of RAM, their clock speed, and potentially net, the net-
working that networks them together. To support the goal of repeatability, this configuration
information should be explicitly documented in your report. The fourth section of the design
study describes the experimental conditions under which the study is conducted. In particular,
it describes the environment of which the study will take place. This includes elements such as
the machines, [COUGH] their models, operating systems, programming languages any virtual
machines and their versions. Where relevent, the network, the build and execution parameters,
input files, and confounding factors. Such as other users on the machines at the same time or
other, processes going on
15 – 5 Variables
The fifth section is titled variables. Design studies themselves have to be designed. In par-
ticular the independent and dependent variables must be identified and appropriate metrics
specified. Design studies, like experiments, allow designers, like scientists, to alter condi-
tions and note results. The altered conditions comprise the independent variables. And the
corresponding results comprise the dependent variables each variable has a unique name a de-
scription and a unit of measurement such as seconds. Sometimes the units are easy for example
time other variable such as maintainability require you to think carefully and invent an ap-
propriate way to measure it. But this section of the design study describes the variables, both
independent and dependent, the units and measures, and how the research questions address
them. The section should also include a summary table, with three columns, which for each
research question, lists the independent and dependent variables you used, in answering the
16 – 6 Method
The sixth section describes the method that you use to conduct the study. This includes
the number of trials or measurement devices and tools, any randomization techniques were
appropriate, and number of significant digits you used in your measurements and so on. This
should also include an explicit statement of which subjects will be run, and the arguments
used for each of your trials. For example if you were studying the relationship of performance
to grid size, you would want to specify what different grid sizes you will be using. The section
should also briefly describe any statistical techniques you will use, for example linear regression
17 – 7 Results
The point of conducting a design study is to produce data and the seventh section is where
you describe these. It’s titled the Results section. It presents the data collected and their
statistical analysis. Any speculations and generalizations are reserved for the next section.
18 – 8 Discussion
The eighth section is where you get the opportunity to interpret the data you collected
and provide a discussion of its implications. This often means offering an explanation for of
any unexpected values you see. This section also allows you to reflect on the experimentation
itself including any suggestions, any suggested further work or for improving the study process
19 – 9 Conclusions
The final section allows you to summarize your results, and draw any conclusions. In
particular, in this section you should provide explicit answers, to each of the research questions
you raise in the second section.
20 – Deliverables
Each of the projects in this course has three deliverables. The source code, involving,
solving a specific problem in several ways, a project report containing project specific content,
and a design study report. The design study represents an, the explicit knowledge about
the design, that you learned during the project. In summary, here are the expected sections
to be included in the design that are important. Section one includes the context. That is
the background, motivation and vocabulary. Next section is the research questions. Then
descriptions of the subjects, experimental conditions and the variables, both independent and
dependent. Section six has the method. Then come the results, discussion and conclusions.
21 – Wrap Up
I want to repeat that I can’t teach you design, you have to learn it. And I want you to
learn it using the projects that have been defined for the course. I encourage you to invest
energy in those projects and to think systematically about the design issues that each one of
them raises. Express that systematic thinking in the form of some experiments that you run,
then write up those experiments in the form of a report. I think by doing this, it will force you
to reflect upon the design process, and thereby, make it much more real to you.
P2L05 Library Exercise (UML)
01 – Introduction
Hello and welcome to a tale of analysis and design, featuring Spencer Rugaber, as the
librarian, and Alex Orso, as the software engineer. Hi! I’m here waiting for Spencer, my
librarian friend. He needs some help developing an information system for a library. So I asked
him to write down the requirements for the libra... Oh, that must be him. Hello Alex. Hey
Spencer. How’s it going? Good. Did you get those requirements I emailed you? Oh, you
emailed them. Now let me check. And, by the way, get some coffee for you here. Thank you
very much. Oh yeah. They’re right here. Let me see. Oh, good. Oh, yeah, good. We have,
what we need. So the, the way I like to do this is. I like to start by looking at the requirements
and identifying the nouns in the requirements, because those tell us the kind of the relevant
elements in the, in the requirements. So if you don’t mind we can start looking at those and
you can tell me you know, whether the ones that I am identifying make sense or not. Sounds
good. All right.
02 – Analyzing Requirements
Okay so let me start underlining these nouns, and I’ll start identifying the ones that are
relevant, and I’ll ask you some questions or you can ask me questions if you see something that
doesn’t make sense to you. Good enough. okay, let’s see, patron. It seems to me that patron
is definitely an important entity. That’s, that’s what its all about. Okay, all right, so actually,
the way I’m going to do this, I’m going to take all these relevant entities and I’m going to
start putting them into what I call a class diagram. So you don’t really need to know what
that is exactly, but imagine this being a, a diagram in which I’m drawing, I represent in all
development items as rectangles with a given name and, and then later on some attributes.
Okay. Okay, and I’m, I’m just going to put them there. So I’m going to start with patron. I’m
going to create one class for the patron. I’m going to give it the name patron. And by the way,
assuming that you’d probably figure out, it’s important that we represent, we use the right
names so that it’s clear when we’re looking at the class diagram what we’re referring to, so I’ll
just use the, the nouns themselves as names. Okay, library card seems to be also a relevant
element. Every patron has a library card. All right, perfect, so we’ll just create a library card
here. And let’s see. As, as long as they’re in the system. And I saw that there’s a system
here, this concept of system, this concept of library. And based on my experience, normally,
those are kind of in an overarching themes. So this is really what we are modeling. So the
only thing that will make a difference is if there were more than one library or more than one
system. Is that the case? We just want one system for our one library Okay so, in this case
I won’t even represent those because basically what I’m representing is the system and the
library. I understand, I understand. 38 00:01:42,740 – 00:01:44,420 Okay and then, oh name,
address and phone number are interesting because these are important entities, but this seems
like, you know, they’re not entities in themselves, so they’re more attributes of something else.
I would imagine that this is the way you identify, or these are elements that are important for
the patron? That’s what we take down when we issue the cards. Okay. Perfect. So, I’m going
to take those and make those attributes of the patron, which means that I’m going to take
the class that I created before, and I’m just going to write them down here so that they’re
represented and, and we know that these are kind of what characterizes the patron. Gotcha.
Okay? And then, I guess similar consideration for the library card number. So this is to be
associated with the library card? It’s printed right on it. All right, so we’ll put this as an
attribute of the library card, then. And then, in addition, at any particular point in time.
Okay, so time seems to be a relevant entity right, because time seems to occur several times in
this description. For example, I think you guys keep track of how long a book has been loaned,
right? Right. And there’s some time associated also here. And a children’s age. Oh yeah.
The children’s age here that I didn’t see before. Yeah. So, what I’m going to do, I’m going
to represent this in a sort of generic way, as a date. Okay. These are kind of, kind of classes,
utility classes we call them, that are normally in every system. Okay. So I’m just going to put
it down here as a utility class that will be used by different elements in the diagram. Okay, so
I want to calculate the items. So the items also I mean I for what I know about libraries they
seem to be pretty relevant elements, right? So these are all This is what we check out, this is
what we’re for. Okay, so then items definitely will become a class, and then we have a due.
Oh there’s also this concept of fines. I guess that seems to be important. Right? You guys
give fines to people who are late. Right, right. Right, collect fines and so on. So we create a
fine class down here and the children. So children are special customers, right? It’s their age
makes a difference? Is that the way it works? Right. They, they can only check out a few
books. Okay. So I’ll create them a special kind of case, a special kind of customer so I just
create here a class for children. And I can see that they’re categorized by their age. Right. So
I’ll just put the age here as an attribute of the child. And, okay, so the next one is restriction.
And restriction is kind of tricky because just to be sort of a general concept. I mean, in a
sense, all of those are restrictions, right? Right, this is just another one of these requirements.
Oh, okay, so, so we don’t need to represent it explicitly, right? Right, right. It’s just telling us
how the children, yeah, okay, right; this is just another requirement, so I just won’t consider
that for now. And oh, I see that these books and audio video materials, I guess these are
things that the patrons can check out, right? Those are some of the items, right. There are
two more down here, right? Reference books and magazines? But, they can’t be checked out,
but they’re definitely in the library. Okay, so then I’m going to represent all of those actually,
now. So, I’m going to have books, I’m going to have audio video materials, reference books,
and magazines. And I’m just going to have those as classes. Then, okay here we have week,
and we already represented this general concept of time, so week will be represented by the
date class as well. And oh, I see best sellers. So best sellers are also, I guess, items that can be
checked out, right? Right. Okay, so I’ll just represent those as a class as well and an additional
item that is relevant for the library. And the limit, this is also a time limit, right? Right. So
it can also be represented with a, with a class. Oh, here we have cents, and for cents, same
consideration that made for time. This is kind of the money, is a general concept that in all
currency, many, in many IT systems. So, I’m, I’m going to just have a money class here, which
is another utility class. Okay Okay, and, oh, here I have value, so value is a property. Let me
look again at the requirement. Oh, it’s the value of the item. So value I’m going to put in the
item as an attribute. Okay? Okay. That’s how much it cost us. Okay. Perfect. Seems like we
got them all. Right? Anything I forgot? That looks like it. Okay, so this one, what I’d like
to do. We have a kind of a first take, first cut at the class diagram. I’d like to kind of move
to that and go through the different classes with you. And I’ll ask you some questions again.
And you can tell me whether there is something that jumps at you that’s not right. And then
we’re going to try to refine that. Okay Okay. Sounds good.
of the bestseller, because I kind of feel like, we might have the same problem. So, what is the
story? What is a bestseller. Well it’s an item that we want to restrict how long people can
keep, because there is such demand for it. I see, and so basically a book that’s a bestseller,
like the New York Times bestseller, is a bestseller forever? No, no, no it’s hot for awhile, and
then it becomes just a regular item. I see. Hm. Then I guess it’s a similar situation to the one
I was mentioning before, right? Okay. That if we have a book, it will kind of have to change
its type if it becomes a best seller. Then we have to change its type again, if it’s no longer a
best seller. Right. So it seems to me that a better way to represent this, is just to eliminate
this BestSeller class and instead, I’m going to put the best seller attribute, which would just
be a Boolean in the book. Okay, what do you mean by Boolean? Right. We don’t know what
Boolean is, right? The Boolean is basically just a number. It can have two values, right? True
or false. Okay. So we usually, normally use it in this in this case. Imagine one, zero, right?
Then it’s just kind of the basic. Okay. You know, the bits, right? Okay. So, this is just telling
us, it’s like a flag that is telling this book is a best seller, or not. Okay. It’s very easy to change
this value and make a book a best seller or not a best seller, than just creating and destroying
instances of these classes. Okay, makes sense. Okay, so at this point, this already looks better,
right? Because we have, less classes, and I think we did, yeah, we did some serious cleanup.
That’s good. Okay, so now that we eliminated some of this, what I would like to do, as I said,
we are going to both clean up, but also refine. I would like to go back to our, requirements and
see whether we can identify additional attributes for this, class that maybe are not as obvious
as the one that we saw so far, okay?
04 – Adding Attributes
Okay, so let me look at the requirements and it’s something that I can see here that we
didn’t point out before is that there seems to be clearly some concept of a due date. And I’m
telling you why I’m saying that because here, for example, I notice that it says when items are
due. We mention overdue several times, so is this something we need to keep track of? Yeah
remember when we used to stamp them on the books? In the stamp pad? Oh yeah yeah yeah!
Oh course! Right? Yeah we definitely keep track of, the system has to keep track of when
books are due. Okay. So it seems to me that one good way of doing that is by basically adding
an attribute to the, item. Okay. And I’ll just call it due date. Okay. So basically for each item
in case it’s loaned there will be this attribute that will contain the value of Okay. Of when,
when the item is due. And then, something else that I noticed here is that down here, it seems
like the requirements are saying that an item can be renewed only once. So, I guess, that’s
something we need to keep track of, right? Yeah. The system needs to know. We have to know
whether they’ve renewed it or not. Okay so, I’ll do a similar thing here. I think I want to go
and add a an attribute that we’d call number of times renewed, and add it to the item class.
Okay. And this is kind of more generic than what you need, because here it says only once,
but let’s say that in the future you want to allow it to, kind of renew twice, you’ll be able to
use these attributes again because, we can just count how many times it was renewed. Okay?
Makes sense. Alright. And one last thing I want to point out. And this seems obvious but I’m
going to check with you anyways. And seems like there is a basically the need to keep track of
whether an item is checked out or not. If you look at the text here, the requirements here, I
can see that check out and checked out are mentioned five times. So, I’m assuming that that’s
something also that we want to know about an item, whether it’s checked out or not. We have
to keep track of whether they’re checked out. Okay, so I’ll add an additional attribute there.
So I’m going to again go back to the diagram and I’m just going to write here also the checked
out attribute. And, I think that’s it as far as I’m concerned. Is there anything that you think
is missing? Well, I do have a question. Would checked out, better not be the case that someone
can check out a reference book. Oh, I see, I see. Okay. I mean, it’s only the books and the
audio visual material that can be checked out. Right, right, right. Okay, so I, I guess, well
the way I will fix that is, I’ll probably put yet another attribute in the item class, and I’ll call
it loanable. And basically, this attribute is just telling us whether an item is loanable or not.
So, when it’s not true and loanable is not on. Basically, that item can be checked out. Okay.
And, the system would know this. The system will know that. And prevent it from happening.
And prevent it from happening. Okay? Alright. Perfect. So, we’re going to do that and, any
other objections, any other? No, that was my question. Okay, perfect, so what I’m going to
do next, I mean, I haven’t mentioned that yet, but you know classes right now we just looked
at the attributes right that give you sort of the state of the class. And there’s something else,
there’s a second part of the class that is kind of an orthogonal aspect, which is what the class
can do. And we call those operations. So normally these kinds also have operations, I guess
you know it would make sense to you as well. And one way, one very natural way to identify
operations is to look at the requirements and look for verbs. Because verbs associated with
an item will tell you basically what the item can do. Okay. So I, I’d like to go back to the
requirements and start, the same way in which we underlined, nouns, we’re going to underline
verbs and we’re going to see which ones of those verbs actually represent actions that we want
to represent explicitly, we want to model explicitly in our class diagram. Okay. Okay.
05 – Identifying Operations
And before we get started actually, I’d like to mention that there’s just, you know, FYI,
there’s different kinds of verbs because what I’m looking for is really action verbs. So verb,
verbs that clearly express an action that can tell me that, you know, what, for example, an
item could do, ’kay? Okay? Not the verbs that represent, for example, relationships, ’kay?
Okay. So, and the, there, and the ones that I’ve identified und, underlined here actually, I, I
underlined complete sentences so that you kind of we can look at the verbs in in context. And
the first one is this sentence that says that the library may need to know or to calculate the
items a patron has checked out, when they are due, and any outstanding overdue fines. So
I, I will imagine that this is representing a situation in which you bring up a patron’s record
and you start looking up this information. Is that [CROSSTALK] The, the patron often wants
to know what they have currently checked out. Oh, alright. Or when are their due or how
much they’re owed or. Oh, in fact, and then now that you mentioned it, I think you sent me.
One of the scenarios you sent me had to do with that, right, with the patron coming in and
asking for this information. So yeah, and it makes a lot of sense. So what I’m going to do, I’m
going to model this by adding this three operations to the patron method. The first one, I’m
going to call, itemsCheckedOut and, basically, it’s an operation, but you don’t need to, you
know, understand the implementation details, but when you call this operation, it will give you
back exactly this information, so the items that are checked out by that patron. The second
one, I’m going to call it whenDue. That will tell you basically when a, when an item is due.
And the third one is going to be called the outstandingOverdueFines and, you know, as the
name says, it’s going to tell you what are the outstanding overdue fines for that patron. Okay.
And as you might notice I mean, I, I’m going to separate the, the, the attributes from the
operations by having a separate kind of subrectangle so, in this way, it’s clear what is attribute
and what is, what is an attribute and what’s an, what’s an operation. Gotcha. And let me see
then. Okay, for the second one you can see that that patron can check out books and audio
visual materials. So I guess, similarly you, you build kind of the record for a patron. The
patron will give you an item and you will record the fact that the patron is kind of checking
it out. Right. And is that operation related to this, the checked out attribute that we did a
minute ago? It is actually because what will happen then again, you know, if we jump ahead
a little bit would be that every time you invoke this operation. So I’m going to represent this
as a checkOut operation for the patron. Every time you invoke this, you will also have to say
something about the item and so we will also flip kind of that that, that build information in
the, in the, in the item. Okay. Mm, ’kay? And, and finally, here, I can see that a patron can
request a book or an audio video item Is not currently in. So I guess this is referring to items
that are already checked out but for which there is interest. Is that? Right. So, particularly,
the popular items the patrons want to get on the list so that they get notified when it comes
back in and. Oh. And check it out. I see. I see. Okay. Then I’m going to do the same thing
here. I’m, I’m going to add this method, which I’m going to call request and I’m going to put
it here in the list of the methods in the list. Okay. Of operations for the, for the patron, okay?
06 – Adding Relationships
OK I like the way this class diagram is coming along. So at this point I think we have all
the classes that we need. For each class we specified the attributes or the characteristics of the
class. And we also specified the operations so we know what the class can do And, I like to
kind of move forward on this, but I first want to see that you’re fine with the class structure.
So that’s the way the class structure is going to be in terms of attributes and operations. So
anything that bothers you? Well, one thing I didn’t understand is how come you put check
out over where the patron when it’s really the item being checked out? Right. Okay. So
that actually is you know, is a perfect segway for the next thing that really wanted to model.
Because what you’re talking about is basically a relationship between two classes which is
something we haven’t touched on yet. So we haven’t, haven’t looked at individual classes. But
now, it is typical, now we are looking more at requirements, we’re starting to find more things
about our system, and what you’re pointed out right now is the fact that patron and item
are somehow related. So this checkout operation is not really something that belongs only on
in the patron, because it needs to know about the item. And it doesn’t belong only on the
item because it needs to know about the patron. So, it’s something that associates the patron
and the item. Okay. And that’s exactly the way we call in the UML which is the notation
that we’re using here this kind of relationship. So, we’re going to represent that by drawing
a line between these two classes that tells us there is an association. And we’re also going to
give a name to this. Since this refers to the fact of checking out items. We’re just going to
call it, checkout. Gotcha. And notice that this basically you know,eventually will end up kind
of replacing this attribute. Because the existence of this association will tell us that this is
checked out. We’re, we’re not going to, you know, do it right now, but in the final cleanup or
the diagram, this name will disappear. Okay. Okay. And so since we started talking about
relationships and associations, is there any other kind of relationship that you see here? Well,
what you just did with checked out is, it seems similar to the whole issue of requests. It is, it is.
So a request is something else that happens in both, you know, in the patron and in the item,
it involves both. And in fact in a request, I would definitely represent this as an additional
association. So I will just draw an another line between these two that represent that specific
kind of relationship and I will call it request. So that indicates that this association refers to a
request that also connects the patron with an item. Okay. And, let’s see. Any, anything else
that jumps at you? Yeah, well, how about all these ones down at the bottom? I mean book
and item’s got to be related, right? A book is a kind of item, And audiovisual... are there
associations between them? Can you repeat that, you said that the book, yeah? Is a kind of
item. Perfect, that’s exactly what we’re modeling next, which is, this, what we call the is-a
relationship. So you said, a book is an item? A book is an item. And, we can model that in
the diagram. So, we do that using another kind of relationship between the classes. So we’re
going to represent that as a specialization we call it. And, a specialization is indicated in this
way. Okay? With this arrow at the end, so a solid with this kind of arrow at the end. And
we can do the same for book, magazine, reference book and audiovisual material. So we’re
all going to connect, we’re going to connect all of them, to the item, using the same kind of
connection. And now that we have connected all these four, with item and indicated them in
subclasses. That’s something else that we can do. So we can make this kind of cleaner. And
I’ll tell you what I mean by that. So now we have this loanable attribute that refers to item,
but it seems to me from what you were saying before, that loanable is not really an attribute of
an item. Right? It’s more of a characteristic of the type of item. Right. Is that right? Right.
Books, and audio/visual are loanable but the others aren’t. Okay, and so representing it here,
it’s okay to, it will work. But it’s not really right so from the style standpoint it doesn’t really
you know, it’s not the best way of modeling this. What we’re going to do instead, we’re going
to use this specialization relationship to make that more explicit. To make it cleaner. Okay,
so what I’m doing here is I’m going to take this hierarchy of classes, this is just on two levels
now, and I’m going to kind of make it a little richer. So I’m going to add an intermediate set
of classes. And in particular I’m going to have these two classes that I’m going to call non
loanable item and loanable item. So, they’re both items but they tell me clearly that some
items are loanable and some items are not. Okay. Okay. And then I’m simply going to put
book and audio video material as subclasses of loanable item and reference book and magazine
as subclasses of non-loanable item. So, if we look at this diagram now it’s pretty clear what is
loanable and what is not. And it’s actually is a very clean, much cleaner design. And, and I
see you’ve, gotten rid of the loanable attribute, too. I did. Because at this point this is already
represented by the fact of having these two classes. And actually, something else that I did is
that I moved all these attributes, value, due date, renewed and checked out, that makes sense
only for loanable item. From item to loanable item. So at this point, this really is telling me
that, you know, these characteristics are just meaningful for the loanable item, and not for the
other ones. Well, speaking of that, the way that you got the lines going in the diagram here
is you still have request and checked out going to item, even though you can’t request non
loanable Items. You can’t check out non loanable Items. Oh, you were right actually. You got
me on that one. You’re exactly right. So this associations are between the two wrong classes.
So, I guess, at this point, you can probably go and fix the diagram yourself. Well, can we just
make the lines go from patron to loanable item instead of to item? That’s exactly the way in
which we are going to fix it. So, we’re going to move these two associations down here. And at
this point, this will represent the right relationships in the, in the diagram, and in the system.
Makes sense to me.
07 – Refining Relationships
Spencer, I gotta tell you, I’m impressed. You’re getting very good at this. So, why don’t
you go wild and continue, there anything else you think we can improve here? Well something
was bothering me, that what happens if there’s more than one book with the same title and
somebody puts in a request? Oh, I see. That’s a good point. So basically what you are telling
me is there’s kind of a difference between an item and the title, so the title is kind of a more
general concept, in a sense. So if you can have multiple copies of a given title, is that right?
Yeah, we have five copies of Tom Sawyer, and the persons, the patrons, really putting in a
request for any Tom Sawyer. They don’t want like copy number three of Tom Sawyer, right?
They want, they want to read Tom Sawyer. Okay and I can represent that. So, in which
I suggest we do that, and you can tell me whether it makes sense to you is by introducing
an additional class, which I call Title. And that represents exactly the concept that you’re
mentioning. So this is a title which represents some specific content. That is not related to
a specific physical element. Like it can be rated to multiple, physical elements. So basically
I’m going to create this title. And then I’m going to create a relationship between the title
and the item. And what the relationship is telling me, the the association between these two
in this case. Is an association, that we call aggregation. So it’s a special kind of association,
that basically indicates that an item of this type, so a title can consist of a multiple elements
of this type of multiple items. So it’s telling me that one title can consist of multiple items,
and I’m going to indicate it with this annotation, which is a this diamond at the top of the
association. And so we can move our request line, up from loanable item to title, because that’s
what they’re really requesting. Definitely, definitely, and in fact, you know, that represents
exactly the situation that you are mentioning, at this point when the patron makes a request.
It makes a request to a title and not to a loanable item. And then, and when the actual loan
will take place, then that will be connected to a specific item. Right. Okay that makes sense.
Makes sense? Yeah. Okay, good.
put an additional attribute in the checked out class and I’m going to call it when returned
and that item will have either a special value or it will contain the date in which the book
was returned. So in this way you should be able to keep this in the system until it’s paid, and
also to compute how much the fine is. Is that working? So the special value is for a normal
situation when they haven’t, they don’t owe anything and haven’t returned it yet. Exactly so
that will tell us that, that the loan is still active basically. Great. Does that work for you?
Yes. And you know, I like this. I mean, I feel pretty good about it. I think we have a nice
class diagram. So what I’d like to do is just go off and clean it up a little bit, and put it in
an IDE so I can pretty print it and rearrange things a little bit. And then I’d like to sit down
again and just go through it for a last time. And for some final considerations. So if you don’t
mind we will take a ten minute break and reconvene here. That’s fine. Alright.
09 – Final Considerations
Okay. So this is what I’ve done as you see, it looks a little nicer than it was before. And
I didn’t really change that much. I just made a few changes, so I just wanted to point them
out to you, so that you know what they are. And the main thing, one of the main things I
did is really to introduce these derived attributes. So these are attributes that are basically
computed. Based on some other attributes. Okay, they don’t have a value themselves, but
their value is computed. And I used two. The first one is age. So basically we know the age of
the patron based on the birthday, of the patron. So you guys, I don’t know if you have that
information currently in the system. No, we’ll have to add that to the form patrons fill out,
when they get their card. Is that, that an issue? Can you do it? No yes, we, we can easily do
that. Okay, so then, perfect. So we’ll do it that way. I think it’s a, in a little cleaner. And
similarly, since you told me that the fine was computed based on the amount of days that an
item was late. The patron was late returning the item, then I also added this as a derived
attribute that is computed based on the due date and when the item is actually returned.
Makes sense. Makes sense? Okay. And the rest is kind of really minor things. So the, the only
one I want to point out is I didn’t, you know, discuss that with you before, but I added this,
which is called cardinality for some of these relationships. And what they say is basically is
how many elements are involved in the relationship. So, you mean the stars? Yeah, like the
stars and the one... Okay. Here for example, this is telling you that for each item there is only
one title. And that for each title, there are multiple items. So, star means many. Stars mean
many, yeah. Okay, go you. Sorry that’s kind of computer science lingo - we use the star for
that kind of stuff. And, similarly, for the patron, it’s telling me that, you know, each patron
can have multiple, can request multiple titles, and that the same title can be requested by
multiple patrons, which I think is the way the system works. Right. So except for these minor
changes, we already had a pretty good model in our hands, so I think is a, we can finalize this
and then just move to the low level design and then implementation, and be done with the
system. Sounds good.
10 – Debriefing
So Spencer, now that we went through this process and, I’d just like to hear whether
you enjoyed it, whether you think it was useful. What are your thoughts? Well, ti was
very interesting. I not only learned something about computers and about how you design
information systems in UML, but I, it was interesting. I also learned something interesting
about the library. And things that, that I knew but I never really, explicitly written down.
Uh-huh. Came up during the course of doing this. And I think I now much better understand
what this information system that you’re going to build for us, is really all about. Okay, well, I
mean, I’m very happy that you say that, because I really believe that, you know, doing this kind
of analysis and design exercises really helps you figuring out whether there’s any issues with
the requirements. So for example, you can find out whether there’s any missing information,
or maybe conflicting information. And I think that’s exactly what happened today. So I’m
very glad to hear that it worked for you. That you enjoyed it. I hope you enjoyed it as well.
And I strongly encourage you to do this kind of exercises for different kinds of systems. So as
you can become more familiar with analysis and design techniques. So, any final thoughts? I
look forward to receiving your delivered software. All right. Will do.
P2L06 Formal Specification Exercise
01 – Specification
If you want to design a program, you might want to know first what the program is
supposed to do. These instructions are called specifications and they might come from the
customer, the end user or the analyst team. They might pr, provide it to you in informal text,
in a structured document, or using a formal mathematical notation. This lesson focuses on
precise specification using mathematical notations
02 – FOL
In this part of the course, we will use two notations, mathematical logic and OCL. The
brand of mathematical logic we will use is called by various names, including first order logic,
FOL, and predicate calculus. You should be familiar with FOL from your undergraduate
computer science courses. If you need a brush up, there’s a paper on the class resources page
you can look at. Also for purposes of this lesson, we will use a textual syntax for FOL that
is described on another paper on the class resources page. As a reminder, FOL enables you
to precisely express propositions, combine them using logical connectives like and, or, or not.
And quantify them using the operators for all and there exists.
03 – OCL
The other notation we will use, is OCL. OCL stands for the Object Constraint Language,
which is a part of the Unified Modeling Language, UML. OCL provides a syntax for FOL, that
can be used to annotate UML diagrams.
04 – Sorting
To build up our understanding of precise specifications, we will use a simple example.
Sorting. Everybody intuitively knows what it means to sort a list. Everyone that is except
the computer. You need to provide a sorting program too. Imagine that we want to specify a
program that could sort vectors of integers, in ascending order. Let’s name the program sort,
and say that it takes an input argument named X, which is a vector of integers. It returns
another vector of integers Y, that was a version of X sorted in ascending order. We will begin
by using First-order logic.
05 – Exercise Introduction
We’ll start our specification exercise in using English. I’d like you to provide an English
language description of the expected behavior of y equals the sort of x. Where x is an input
sequence of integers and y is an output sequence of integers. And assuming that you’re sorting
in ascending order. So think how you would say this in precise English. Okay. So, given a
input vector x of integers, we will return to y and output vector of integers in which for each
element that is an x, the element that comes after it will be greater than that element. You
mean and why, the outcome? And why, yes, yes. So, once it’s sorted, each element and why,
of the element that comes after it will be greater than it, except for the last element. Well,
first of all, say the input had some duplicates, is it greater than, or greater than or equal?
Okay so it could be greater than or equal to if we have duplicates. Okay, and what do we do
about the last one? The last one will not have a element to come after it. Right. So it will be
the greatest element and the, the output vector. Or possibly equal to the one before it? Yes.
[LAUGH] Ok. So there’s a lot going on in, in trying to express that in a precise fashion. Let’s
see what we can, what we can do about it.
06 – Input Type
So, the, the first thing to consider here, is whether or not your specification stated what
the input looks like. Okay? And, and Jared, in fact, said it was a vector of integers. If not,
then your program would allow the vector, apples, oranges, rambutan, physalis and pepino to
be sorted in a meaningful way. Those, by the way, are some weird fruits that I came across on
Wikipedia. So you might say, and which Jared did given is a vector of integers named X.
07 – Output Type
And Jared also mentioned that the output is a vector of integers. And in this case in
named Y.
08 – Ordering
And of course a key with sorting is that the output is in order and in particular here we’re
concerned with ascending order, and Jerred tried to indicate what that means by talking about
the values at particular positions with respect to the position that comes after them. In the
output vector. And we had to make a special case concerning the, the last element. because it
doesn’t have anything that comes after it.
09 – Sensitivity to Input
So now, a key thing here is that we have to also make sure of another important property.
And I don’t recall you saying exactly that the contents of the output has to be the same as the
contents of the input. So, if we had input which was three, two, one, and we had output which
was four, five, six, that is in order, okay? And it is integers. But I don’t think it’s what we
would mean by saying that the output was a sorted version of input. Okay. So you want to try
again here? Yeah, let me make sure I have what you just said, correct in my head. So, given
a input vector of three, two, one. Right. We’re going to map that to four, five, six. So, is that
a legitimate output of the sort, what we’re trying to do in the sort routine? No, it’s not. So
we need to say something along the lines of that for every element in the output vector y, that
element exists in the input vector x. So it better be the case. We’re not allowed to have that
456 there. So once again if we started with three, two, one, how about an output that is one,
one, one, two, three? Okay, so we have three two one, and that’s going to map to one one, did
you say two three? Something like that. Yeah sure. Okay. All right so, we also need to say
something then about, I guess, the cardinality, or the, how many times the elements appear
in the input vector x, they need to appear that same number of times in the output vector y.
Okay, so for everything in the input it’s got to, for every individual item in the input, it has
to show up as a separate individual item than in the output. Well how about if we then take
three, two, one, and map it to one, two, three, four? So it satisfies your specification. Right,
so we can’t have any new elements appear either in the output vector y. It sounds like we’re
getting a little verbose with our original definition here. So you’re not comfortable that we’ve
captured what seems to be a simple concept of sorting, okay, in a similarly simple expression of
what the specification is. Okay, and If you think about it for a minute, sorting is pretty simple.
If you imagine trying to specify the software on the International Space Station or something
you’d better get right or if doesn’t work there are safety issues, it makes sense to spend some
time in trying to state precisely what’s going on here.
10 – Circularity
And just to point out that Jared didn’t run into this problem. But, sometimes in people
trying to specify things they might use the concept being defined in the definition. So, saying
that sort is defined in terms of sort. That would be a circular definition and you have to look
out for that because. It doesn’t really get you any place as far as better understanding of what
the problem is.
11 – SORT in English
So here’s, here’s one way of kind of combining the things that we eventually got around
to with, with Jared. Given is a vector of integers named X. Produced is a vector of integers
named Y. The output vector Y must be ordered, in order, okay? And the contents of Y must
be somehow the same as. The contents of X. That is everything in X must be in Y, everything
in Y must come from X, and the number of occurrences of each item in Y must be the same as
the number of occurrences of each item in X. Even that seems a little a little long and so we’d
like to now take this same problem and see what it looks like when we express it in a precise
mathematical notation.
12 – Process
So how do we go about doing this? Typically, when we want to do mathematical specifi-
cation, we break it into three stages. The first stage is called the signature. The second is the
precondition. And the third is the postcondition. Let’s look at each of thee three pieces
13 – Signature
The signature gives the name of the program, the names and types of the input arguments,
and the name and type of the results. For SORT, the signature looks like the following. Vector
of type integer Y equals the SORT of the Vector of type integer X. That is, SORT takes a
single argument named X, that has a datatype, which is a Vector of integers. And produces,
produces, as a result, Vector Y, which also holds ints.
14 – Comments on Signatures
In, in specifying the signature we have given explicit names to the variables Y and X. And
we do this because we’d like to be able to refer to them in the pre and post conditions by, by
some, some name. Clearly this is simple, similar to what you would do in, in writing a stub
in a programming language like Java. Where you can give whatever names you’d like to the
arguments as long as you consistently use them. The other thing to note about this is that, we
could apply our SORT program to things other than integers if they ha, satisfy one particular
condition, which is that the basic elements have to be suitable as arguments to some kind of
ordering operation. So greater than, less than, and so on, are ordering operations. So we can
sort ints, we can sort reals, we can sort, strings and lexical graphic order if that’s what we
needed to do.
17 – SQRT Preconditions
Okay, fair enough, now of course if instead of reels, we had complex result, okay, then we
wouldn’t have the same precondition, but deciding what the form of the. Output is whether it’s
real or complex is an important part of the specification process. For this particular exercise,
we’re going to go with, go with the real numbers and the precondition says that X which is our
input argument is greater than or equal to zero. Notice that were not saying what happens
if. X is less than zero. We’re specifying the behavior of the function in terms of what does
this function mean when it gets expected arguments? Now, if you wanted to have a variant.
Which worked on any argument. But race and exception or produced a return code if x was
less than 0. We could specify that as well. But we’re going to keep it simple for now and really
say we’re defining square root over the non-negative reels.
18 – SORT Preconditions
Okay, square root was intentionally simple here. Let’s try now giving a precondition for
sort, okay? What do you think are the required conditions in order for sort to execute? I guess
depending on how you might want to write your function, we should say something about
having an empty, we need a non-empty set of a vector of integers. I guess you could have
an empty set of integers, or an empty vector and still have integers, but you wouldn’t get
anything meaningful back. So it seems to kind of fall in the same category with the negative
number in our square root function, maybe. Does it matter? Okay, so Jared mentioned a
couple things here. One is he did say that it was important in our particular case to deal with
integers. And what we’re going to do there is we’re going to say as far as our preconditions
and post-conditions are concerned, we’re not going to be concerned with the data types of the
input arguments and the output results. We’re going to assume that the signature took care of
that. And ultimately when the program is turned into code the type checker on the compiler is
going to do that kind of checking, okay? So we’re not going to include in the precondition any
statements about the types of things, okay? And then the second thing that Jared mentioned
was, there was an uncertainty about what to do in the case of an empty vector, okay? And he
said if you give in an empty vector, you wouldn’t get any meaningful results back. But I would
come back and say, well, isn’t the sort of an empty vector an empty vector? It is. Okay, so it’s
a meaningful result there. Now we could have a precondition that said the length is greater
than or equal to one. And we have a perfectly good sort routine there. But we can stretch it,
make it a little bit more general, by saying that the sort of an empty vector is an empty vector.
And of course, all of us are computer scientists, and as such we like to have general solutions
that work in as many cases as we can deal with. So in this case we’re going to go with the
fact that we’re going to specify something that will work on an empty vector and produce an
empty result. So when you factor all those things in, what’s the precondition of sort? Okay,
so x must be a vector, and- But that the compiler’s going to take care of. We’re not worried
about that. Right, okay. Okay? What are the conditions on x that must hold. I don’t know
if there are any. That’s right. And if we are not concerned about the type checking parts of
things, then any input vector of integers sort should be able to deal with. So in this case there
is no precondition, or we could also say the precondition is true. That is, the precondition
always holds.
19 – Postconditions
So that was signature and that was precondition. The third part which is usually the
trickiest one is post conditions. A post condition is also an insertion. And it says what must
be true about the output produced by a function. Typically this means expressing how the
output relates to the input
22 – Comments on Postconditions
So some Comments on Postconditions. First of all, we’ve only been concerned so far with
pure functions. And a pure function is one in which the output is completely determined
by the input. However, in real programming languages, computational units like functions,
procedures and methods may be impure. For impure functions, in addition to describing how
the output relates to the input you should also indicate any side effect. These include changes
to global variables and any operations like input and output that aren’t reflected in the results
of the function. And if we’re talking about and OO. That is, an object oriented programming
language, then changes to any instance variables of the of, of the object that we’re dealing
with, are also things that we would have to express inside the post conditions. But so far, with
square root we don’t have to worry about that. And it’s also the cates that, that sort is going
to be a pure function, so we don’t have to worry about it there.
24 – Ordered
For every element in Y, if there exists an element that is after it, then that element must
be greater than or equal to the current element we’re looking at. Almost there, okay. you,
what, Jarrod did is he broke the specification into two parts. One part is all the elements
except the last one. And he, he stated exactly what the post-conditions is for that. But he
didn’t say anything about the last one. Okay, so if we wanted to have a precise specification,
we’d have to deal with, with that one as well. Okay? Now, it turn out in this particular case
that we can do a little proof in our head. To say that if the post condition that he specified for
all the other element is true, that implies that the last one must be the greatest one. So, we
could get we could get away with that, and in fact that’s a pretty nice, clean way of expressing
it. Notice, also, that Jared used the word” for each,” and when you hear that phrase, it’s
suggestive of, in our first-order logic, of one of those quantifiers that I mentioned, the universal
quantifier, for each or for all. And so we’re going to, we’re going to see when we specify this
in first order logic that that, that quantifier is going to be there. First order logic when we
introduce a quantifier at the same time that, or, when we use the quantifier at the same time
we introduce a variable which is going to stand for the typical element of the vector. Okay, so
for each i where i is going to be an index position into y, then we can say something about the
value that’s held in position i and the position i plus one Okay? So, the quantifier for each has
a variable that comes with it we can call it i or j or whatever you would like.
25 – Elements
And so, if we’re going to talk about all the elements, we’d better have a handle on how
many elements there are. So, how would you deal with that? We could use some variable, I
guess, to represent the number of elements in the vector, say N. That would work. Okay, and
are there any limits on the value, then? No, I don’t think so. Well, it better be non-negative,
right? Right, right, yes. It wouldn’t make sense to have a vector of negative length. So,
we’re going to, when we talk about all the elements, and the typical element is going to be
in the ith position. The value of i is going to go up to this value of n. And, of course, with
programming languages, you have to worry about whether they start counting from zero, or
they start counting from one. And here, we’ll say that we start counting from one. That is the
first element of the vector using position one. And then, the subsequent elements go up to the
last one then being in position n. So, if there are n elements in the vector, and we are talking
about all but the last, that says we’re talking about from position one to n minus 1. Right.
Okay? And we want to have some property that’s true about that. And you said that the
property was that, if we look at that position and get the value in that vector, it’s less than or
equal to the value in the next position. Correct. Okay. So if we’re going from one to n minus
1, and n is initially 0, isn’t that asking us to look in the position minus 1? I guess n can’t be
negative, but couldn’t we write it in such a way that we say, i, and then i plus 1? So, we could
start at zero, and then go to one? Well, I think we have the same problem there. Okay. But,
what we’re trying to do is make some statement for all i, i being from one to n minus 1. If
n is zero, then we’re saying from all i, from one to minus 1, and there aren’t any i there. So
vacuously, it’s true. Okay? So, even though we run into this seemingly nonsensical situation,
it doesn’t actually effect the truth of the post condition. Okay? So, think about that a little
bit. And given that, we’re then allowed to make this quantified statement for all i, from one
to n minus 1. And what must be true of each of those i possibilities? You’re talking about the
output. This doesn’t get any easier. [LAUGH]. But we have . Okay, so y of i is less than or
equal to, or no. We’re going to do an i minus 1. So it’s going to be greater than or equal to y
of minus 1. Nope. I think you had it right the first time. Oh. If i is starting at one, okay, then
we’re going to be talking about and we’re going to n minus 1. We’re going to be going to y sub
i plus 1. Okay. Okay, so you might want to change your slide there. Okay. So what it means
to be ordered is, if we look at the first n minus 1 elements, any one of those, and compare it
to the one next to it on the right, it’s got to be less than or equal to it. And if we have that
property, then we say that the output is ordered. Notice, that we didn’t say anything in this
part of the post condition about what those y’s are and how they relate to the input. That’s
what the second part of the specification is. Before we move forward, is it okay to start trying
to express things? This is kind of like predicate calculus kind of notation. Is that what we’ll be
leaning towards once we start expressing things in OCL? So, in this part of the lesson, we’re
going to use first order logic. It turns out that OCL is just another syntax on top of first order
logic. Okay? We’re going to stick with first order logic here. Eventually, I’ll show you a little
bit of OCL. And then, in later lessons, we’ll get into the whole OCL as a language, which in
addition to first order logic has some other things that help it deal with UML.
typical element of the vector, in what can you say about that in relation to the value of the
ith plus first element?
28 – ORDERED Postcondition
It written out in nice predicate logic we have what’s shown here. It says for all i, okay, so
i, sorry for all is the quantifier, i is the index variable. And we’re going to qualify i by saying
it’s, it’s greater than or equal to 1. And it’s less than the length of Y when we put a vector
inside of the vertical lines that’s the, the length or cardinality of it. It must be case so the, the
dot that we have here separating the two parts, you can read it must be the case. We can, use
that i to pick out an element of Y and compare it to the element that Y plus 1 if in fact we
have ordered output it had better be less than or equal to it. Notice that we said less than the
length of Y and that gets us around the problem of trying to index into a value of the vector
into a position of the vector that doesn’t exist.
31 – RORDERED Postcondition
Now, see if you can take that quantified expression we had before. Mm-hm. Okay, as far
as the post condition is concerned and play with it a little bit to get a post condition. And
this one, I’ll give you a hint, is going to be different. Okay, it better be different. Mm-hm.
Or otherwise we’re specifying ordered again. See what you can do with it. So, very much like
our other post condition, we will start by saying for every element i. That of, is index of, of a
integer y from one all the way to the element one less than the cardinality of the vector y. It
better be the case that, if we’re looking at Y sub i that it is greater than or equal to the element
that- Succeeds it. Succeeds it, sorry. [LAUGH] Comes in, comes , okay? That’s precision is, is
what this is all about. Mm. So exactly right. In fact, the only change is that instead of a less
than or equal, we have a greater than or equal, okay? And notice that we could’ve done this
same thing with j. The exact letter that we use, doesn’t make any difference.
32 – SAME–ELEMENTS–AS Signature
Mm-hm. So as I said before, the actual letter that we use doesn’t make any difference as
long as we’re consistently use it. So we could say here bool y, we could say bool z, as long as
is, it’s different than those input names that we used.
33 – SAME–ELEMENTS–AS in English
Okay. And it points out a choice that you have as a specifier here. We could if we were
given a a vector of length three and a vector of length 10, say no they, they don’t have the
same elements and remember by same elements as, we’re talking about the same number of
occurrence as. Or, we could treat it as a pre-condition, okay? And say that the lengths must
be the same in order for us even to apply same elements as, as a function, and that’s the choice
that we’re going to, we’re going to make here. Okay, so remember that the vertical line is used
for cardinality or length. And the cardinality of x must be equal to the cardinality of y. Now
we’re talking here about first order logic. We’re not talking about a programming language. So
equals means equal. It doesn’t mean a sign to or anything else. We don’t have to worry about
anything like the C or Java where we’d have to use two equals, symbols in order to designate
equality. So we’re just going to say that the length of x equals the length of y, and that’s the
precondition for, same elements as. Now, going back to when we first asked the question to
state in, in English, what it means for the output to be the assorted version of the input, we
said things like each element in x must be found in y, each element of y must be found in x, and
the number of occurrences the elements in x must be the same as the number of occurrences
the elements in y. And we could take that and we could go through the stage of writing out
each of those parts in first order logic.
34 – Permutation
Fortunately, there’s a better way. We can make in, make use of an already defined mathe-
matical construct called a permutation, that is, we can describe the same elements as in English
by the following. X has the same elements as Y if the elements of X are a permutation of the
elements of Y. Or, the other way around. The elements of Y are permutations of the elements
of X. Because we know that permutation is well-defined, has well-defined mathematical prop-
erties, we don’t have to write it out for ourselves. We could just rely on an already existing
well-defined concept. Nevertheless, for the, for the purposes of this exercise, let’s, let’s build
up a a specification of what it, what it means for one vector to be a permutation of another
37 – PERMUTATION Postcondition
So defining the postcondition for permutation is a little tricky. Here’s one answer that is
worth studying to ensure yourself that you truly understand how a formal specification might
look. We will break down the specification of permutation into several different special cases.
Okay? And this is a typical approach for tricky specifications or even for tricky programs, is to
break them down into special cases and handle each one of those special cases by itself. Okay,
the first case to look at is when both vectors are empty. We already know that the lengths
are the same, so if we say, we can check whether they’re empty by just checking whether the
length of the vector x equals zero. And, in that case, we already talked about this, we will say
that they have the same, well no we didn’t talk about it. We talked about it with order. So, if
we have an empty vector and we know that the lengths are the same, that’s saying we’re going
to have an empty vector as output, is that output vector a permutation on the input vector?
It is. Okay. So, special case number one, the length of the input vector is zero. We will say, in
fact, that the output is a permutation of the input.
40 – Recursion
So to state this in logic, we first have to define what j is. And we’re going to use the other
the, the there exists quantifier. And that’s represented by a backwards facing E. So there’s
going to exist some position which we’re going to call j. And it’s going to be greater than one.
We’ve already taken care of the k squared’s equal to one. So it’s going to be greater than one
and it’s up to, the length of Y. And what must be the case is that the value in Y of the jth
position. At the jth position must be equal to the value in X at the first position. In order
to make use of this we’re going to then use the three segments that we have and define. And
we’re going to use a recursive definition like we did before. And, but it’s going to be in terms
of these three segments.
41 – Pasting
The way we’re going to deal with this is by pasting together the segments, leaving out the
J position. In particular, we’re going to say that in order for the output to be a permutation
of the input, in the case where, we don’t have a match in the first position, okay? And it
better be the case that, the following two things are permutations of each other. First thing in
our permu, in, in our check is the tail of X. That is we’re going to leave off that first element.
And then, we want to compare that permutation wise with the results of pasting together the
first segment of Y with the last segment of Y. So, we have left out the first element in X. And
now, we are going to leave out that same element in Y by pasting together the first, remember,
which J minus one elements, okay? Then from J plus one to N, we’re going to paste those
together, leaving out the J position. And we are going to ask the question, is the tale of X
a permutation of that? Now we know from our equality check, that in that J position, we
matched the first one of X. We’ve left that out. We’ve left out the one in the J position. And
we’re now asking recursively the question about whether the remainder of X matches is the
permutation of those two segments pasted together.
42 – Third Case
Okay, so it is another well-founded induction because we’ve shrunk the lengths of the things
that we’re comparing recursively. in, in logic this would look like x is the value at position 1 of
x does not equal the value in position 1 in y, that’s our condition here and there, what we had
before about the position x so there existed j. j is greater than one, j is less than the length of
y where x of 1 equals y of j and it must be the case that there’s a permutation between the tail
of x. Leaving out the first element and the results of pasting together y from 1 up to j minus
1 with the result, with the the third segment which was from j plus 1 through the end of, end
of y. And the little funny symbol with, looks like a cap hair is pasting together and the real
name for that is concatenation. We can concatenate two vectors together using this operator
and if those conditions all hold then we’ll, then what we’re defining x to be a permutation of
43 – All Together
Here’s the result of the entire post condition for the permutation function. Okay, we’ll say
that X is a permutation of Y, if and only if one of the three, any one of the three cases hold.
The first case was that the vector was empty, then it’s a permutation. Or the second case was
if it’s non empty and the first elements are the same then it’s a permutation if the tails are
the same, and the third case was it’s non empty, the first elements don’t match, and there is
some place in the output vector Y, where the first element does occur, and we’re going to call
that position J, and it’s then the case that there’s a permutation between the tail of X and
the results of pasting together the segment before the J position with the segment that comes
after the J position. Please make sure you understand this example. It’s the toughest bit of
specification we’ll see in these lessons. And it’s important for you if you’re going to be able to
express things precisely that you understand how we approach this particular problem. I think
that second case was, you said the first elements in both X and Y hold, and then the remaining
tails of both X and Y are permutations of each other. Not the same as each other like, is that
okay? So, you got me there. And but, one of the points we’re making with this is that same
elements as is, the same thing as permutation. Okay. Okay. So, I did state it incorrectly.
44 – Some Questions
Okay, to check your understanding of this, let me ask a couple questions. First of all, what
is the specifications say if x is the empty vector? So if x is the empty vector, then y is also
the empty vector. They’re equal. Okay, they have the same elements. Right? And in fact,
there was a special case that checked exactly that thing. Okay? Here’s a little bit trickier one.
What happens if the first element of X appears in more than one place in the output. I feel
like we’re still covered because the way that we defined it. We know that for this element that
does exist in x there’s a place in y that is also that element also exists. There’s at least one
place. At least. At least one place and the exists quantifier doesn’t care which one you’ve got.
Mm-hm As long as you use that position consistently. If there is more than one occurrence of
x sub 1 in the output, okay. Then when we do our recursive permutation check on smaller and
smaller segments, we’ll run into this situation again and eventually we’ll get down to where
we’re comparing the empty vectors which we’d say are our permutation. Right.
45 – OCL
So far, we have expressed specifications in first order logic. UML includes a variant of first
order logic, called the Object Constraint Language. We will be going into OCL in subsequent
lessons, but for now, I would like to show you, what it looks like. Here’s the complete specifi-
cation of ordered. That was the first part of our sort routine, in OCL. That is the signature,
the pre and post conditions.
46 – Notes
Several differences that we saw in the OCL from the First-Order Logic. It uses the vertical
bar, not only, to get at the length of things, but I’m sorry. Not not as we saw in the First-Order
Logic to indicate the length of things, but it serves the role as the dot we saw before to separate
the part which is saying. What the, what the variable is from the remainder. The limitations
on the value of i appear as part of the proposition itself. The limitations on the value of i are
separated from the proposition itself, by the use of the implies OCL keyword. I’ve also cheated
a bit, by using OCL’s built in sequence class instead of vectors. OCL doesn’t have vectors, it
has sequences, but those are essentially the same.
47 – Summary
To summarize all this, sometimes you need a means to precisely express exactly what the
functionality of a required system is. There are a variety of formal languages, and accompanying
tools exist for writing such specification. Many of these are industrial strength. That means
they’re used in industry, and there’s tool suites that come with them. Although using them
requires you to think hard about exactly what you want to say. The effort can save you a lot
of rework, resulting from misunderstood requirements
01 – OCL
The topic today is the Object Constraint Language, a part of UML. So far when we’ve
looked at UML we’ve been looking at diagrams. But diagrams don’t tell the whole story. There
are places in the specifications and the designs of your system where you need more details.
And that is what OCL was designed to provide to designers. OCL is a language, it’s not a
programming language, it’s a specification language. It’s declarative, it’s strongly typed, and
allows you to specify the functional details of system properties. OCL consists of a means to
express constraints plus some collection classes. And an ability to navigate around the various
classes of relationships in your diagrams. OCL’s a mature technology is part, an official part
of UML and supported by various tools. Such as Rational Rose, ArgoUML, Eclipse, Poseidon,
Enterprise Architect and so on
03 – OCL Overview
As an overview, three aspects of, of OCL to be aware of, is first of all it’s declarative. It’s
not a procedural language, it’s not a programming language, it’s a way of specifying properties.
In programming language terms it’s a pure expression language, that is, it describes values, it
doesn’t, describe activities. It doesn’t have any assignment statements, instead it, it specifies
assertions or constraints or properties, usually with equal signs. The language is strongly typed
and it comes with some primitive types that you might expect in terms of reals and integers
and so on. And the neat thing about OCL is it only has one key concept involved with it. And
that’s the concept of a constraint. A constraint is some formal assertion of system properties.
04 – Uses of OCL
You can use OCL for a variety of voices. You can specify invariants on classes in your
class model diagrams. You can describe pre and post conditions on the operations, in your
diagrams. You can specify derivation rules for derived attributes. Remember them? You can
describe guards on transitions in statecharts. You can specify the targets for messages and
actions, you can speci, specify type invariants for stereotypes, which we’ll describe a little bit
later. You can even use it as a query language. Class model diagram is describing a set of.
78 P2L07 OCL
Possible instances, and you might wish to query those instances for certain things, OCL can
be used as a query language in that sense.
05 – Syntax
Here’s the Syntax. There’s only one statement in the language. It’s a statement which
is a constraint. The constraint has a couple of keywords in it, and a couple of expressions.
The first keyword is context. And it’s followed by an identifier. That identifier gives a name
to the context. The context is where you are in a diagram. Usually this means a class, so
it’s the name of a class. It might be the name of a particular method in a class. Then there
comes another keyword which is the kind of constraint, and we’ll see that there’s three kinds of
constraints. One is invariance, one is pre, preconditions, and one is post conditions. And then
comes a Boolean expression, which is the actual constraint that the statement is expressing.
From what I’ve just said you can infer correctly that OCL constraints are inherently connected
with UML class model diagrams, and you probably will have already developed the class model
diagram. And then gone into details by specifying the details with the OCL constraints
06 – Invariants
An invariant is a statement of a property that’s always true. You can think of it as an
expression of a key system requirement. Might be an essential relationship among the values
of objects in, in your system. The keyword that’s used to indicate that, you know, you’re
expressing an invariant constraint is inv. For example, you might say in large companies that
the official definition of a large company is a company that has more than 50 employees. And
you could express a constraint that says that in OCL by having in the context of the large
company class. An invariant that says its number of employee’s attribute must be greater than
07 – Role of Invariants
If you’re familiar with the relational databases, you may have come across the idea, of
integrity constraints. And can, integrity constraints are just another name for invariants. For
example, in a database, you wouldn’t want to have a record for a, a person saying that they
work for a company, and that company has gone bankrupt and is no longer in the database.
In programming terms that’s a dangling pointer. You want to make sure that your database
or your system, never gets in situations where there’s those. There are those kinds of integrity
16 – OCL Keywords
The entire OCL language has a small set of keywords. We’ve already seen invariant, pre,
and post. There’s an if-then-else if you need that to, describe conditional expressions. There
are Boolean operators. There’s a packaging mechanism that reflects UML’s ability to partition
things into packages. The context keywords you’ve seen. There’s, several key words that
allow you to do some definitions. Definitions can be useful to save you typing effort if define
something to use the short version there’s ability to indicate that your computing the value of
derived attribute the derived key word. There’s the ability to indicate that you’re specifying
an initial value, we, and we’ve already seen result and self.
17 – Let Clause
Let’s just have a look for a minute at the let clause, which is way of doing a local abbre-
viation or a local definition. Say you have you a relatively complex computation that you’re
going to include in one of your constraints, and you’re going to use it more than once. Now,
you could type it out more than once, but that’s extra effort and you might make a mistake.
So instead, you could use a let clause to introduce a new identifier that has the value of that
expression, and then use that identifier in a subsequent constraint. So for example, if our
income is expressed in terms of the sum of our of our salaries for all of our jobs, okay, we could
use a let clause which says exactly that. We could introduce a new variable, or identifier called
income and then we could have expression, in this case is an if then else expression that says
if someone is unemployed then their income is less than 100 else their income is greater then
or equal to 100. It’s just as if we’ve typed in the long expression in both the places where we
used to.
18 – Navigation
I said at the start that OCL had constraints, it had collection classes, and have navigation.
Let’s say, let’s talk for a minute about the navigation aspect. I also said that OCL typically is
associated with a particular class model diagram. And when you remember that the, each of
the OCL constraints has a context clause that says which class or operation you are starting
with. Well, it’s certainly a value to be able to give constraints on the instances of a particular
class. But it’s even more powerful to be able to say, that several classes are related in certain
ways. That means, that in your constraints, you need to not only be able to specify the
attributes of the, the context class. But the attributes of other classes, as well. Okay? Well,
how do you do that? In OCL, there’s the concept of navigation, which allows you to essentially
walk your way through the diagram. And every time you take a step, you add the period and
the name of the next class or relationship along the way.
19 – Navigation Example
Here’s a diagram that involves a group of classes and we’re going to assume, that our
contacts class is the customer class in the upper left hand corner. Now let’s say that you would
like to write a constraint that involved, the date in which an order was made. Remember
you’re in the cu, you’re in the customer class. To do that, you can use this series of steps each
separated by a period. You can say self.order.date. Self is your class, order is the next class
along the chain, and date is the attribute, of that particular class.
20 – Navigation Multiplicity
What do I mean by multiplicity? Well, we’ve seen with class models, that we can adorn
the associations, with stars and numbers and so on. And this indicates, how the number of
instances of one class, is related to the number of instances in another class. For example,
we could have 1 to 1 associations, like spouses. Okay, we could have 1-m, 1 to multiple
associations, like a parent and the parent’s children. Or we could have m to n, multiple to
multiple associations, like we might have between students and courses. That is, a student
could take multiple courses, and a course could have multiple students in it. There’s the
ability in UML to express each of those possibilities by, adorning the ends of the association
with numbers or stars and so on. In UML, when multiplicity is used, the result of navigating
is some kind of collection. It might be a set. It might be a bag, it might be a sequence. And,
UML, and OCL in particular, has a notation, that allows you to po, perform operations on
those collections. The notation is a hyphen followed by a greater than. You can think of this
as an arrow.
21 – Bank ID Quiz
See if you can express the navigation from Customer to BankID in order to determine the
number of different banks that were used to make payments. See if you can come up with an
expression that gives the number of banks. And as a hint, collections have an operation, a
built in operation, called size, which for any collection will return the number of elements in
that particular collection.
23 – Collections
So we’ve, we’ve been over constraints, we’ve been over navigation, the third main element
of OCL is collections. I’ve hinted at what that is. There’s, there’s four built in collection
classes. We already talked about sets, and bags, and sequences a little bit. There’s an abstract
class that sits above them all called the collection class. These four classes are organized with
the collection class being a parent class, and the collection class has various operators such as,
size which we saw and count, and sums, and ways of interrating over the collection and so on.
That are inherited by all of the three other collection classes. Moreover, those collection classes,
those three other concrete collection classes may themselves have some specialized operations.
The OCL reference manual has a complete list of all the operations that are available to you
for dealing with collections
25 – Summary
And that’s it for OCL. It’s a, it’s a, it’s a relatively simple language. There’s some tool
support for it. What it is, does is it gives you the ability to precisely specify the properties of
your system. They’re a complement to the diagrams, which can give you the structural and
behavioral aspects of things. But OCL allows you to become as precise as you’d like. In order
to get a true sense of what it is your system is supposed to do
P2L08 Library Exercise (OCL)
01 – Library Exercise
Remember back, several lessons ago, when we analyzed a set of requirements for a library
information system, and we expressed the results in a UML class model diagram. Along the
way, we were actually able to improve the quality of the requirements as we discovered several
things, that weren’t mentioned explicitly. But there were some aspects of the problem that the
UML diagram could not express. In this lesson, we will use, the object constraint language, a
part of UML, to fill in the gaps.
04 – Requirements Quiz
As a first quiz on this, I’d like you to look through the set of 11 requirements and determine
which of these the diagram is able to, by itself, adequately address and which of these requires
something more to be said.
you can in your UML diagram give the signature of the operation. But the actual details of
what the operation is supposed to compute, UML can’t deal with that. So we’re going to need
OCL for that. Was there another one that you thought the diagram was sufficient for? I listed
both five and nine, and requirement five talks about audio visual materials, which there is a
class for that in the UML diagram. And then for reference books, I believe magazines that
can’t be checked out, they have classes in the UML diagram. In that sense I think they’re
kind of partially specify, or they’re partially taking care of the requirement, but in terms of not
being able to check them out, that type of functionality, it doesn’t exist. Okay, so recall in the
diagram, we invented some subclasses, one for things that were loanable and things that were
not loanable. So references and magazines were not loanable. Right. So by the nature of the
diagram we were able to express that. So that’s requirement nine. Right. I guess I don’t know
if it was enforceable by the diagram. In terms of, functionally when you actually try to check
something out, it seems like there’s still something you have to do as a programmer, outside of
the diagram. Okay, so another thing to look at in the diagram is the association line between
the patron and it went only to loanable item. It didn’t go to the non-loanable item. Okay? So
there’s no association expressed in the diagram that supports checking out references and and
magazines. Okay, so nine I think is covered. The other one you mentioned was requirement
five which talks about a patron checking out books and audiovisual materials. This is also an
operation. This is going to require that the system, ultimately implemented, do some work at
the time that that happens. And that corresponds to an operation, and once again, we need to
say what that means, okay? Mm-hm. So for example, if we were to talk about checking things
out, some record has to be kept of that. We have to be able to ensure the other requirement
about the kids only being able to check out a limited number of books and so on. So there’s
going to be work to do there, and we need to be able to express that work. So five is something
that is going to require us to say a little bit more about it. Okay.
06 – Limitations
So as far as the answer to the question’s concerned, two and nine are completely expressed
with the diagram. But the others require some varying amounts of work ih, to, to get precisely
at what’s intended by those requirements. And so to, begin our exploration of the use of OCL
here, we’re going to look at Requirement number 6.
07 – Requirement 6
Requirement 6 recall, says, ”Books are checked out for three weeks unless they are currently
bestsellers, in which case the limit is two weeks.” Okay, what’s happening a key that points to
an issue here is that they’re explicit numbers. And if they’re explicit numbers then typically
that means there has to be some kind of a check. And if there’s a check, where you going to
express the check okay. It turns out that UML provides a way to express requirements like this
and associate them with elements of the diagram, and this part of UML is called the Object
Constraint Language, or OCL. It’s an official part of the language. It’s available and supported
by tools, including drawing tools that you can then annotate various parts of the diagram with,
with the OCL. It provides, that is OCL provides sufficient expressive power to convey to any
level of detail the functional requirements of a system because it’s essentially equivalent. In
power to the first order of logic, okay? So, let’s see how we would express Requirement six
using OCL
08 – Requirement 6 Quiz
So to think about writing something up in OCL, the first thing to think about is, which of
the classes in the diagram, is the most appropriate place to annotate to make that expression.
And, OCL has a key word called context. And the context is typically the name of a class or
a method in a class, and in deciding that you’re going to write an OCL expression, you need
to first decide, which of the classes or methods you sh, you should use. Okay. So, with respect
to these books are checked out, requirement, which of these classes do you think would be the
appropriate one to associate with that requirement.
12 – Requirement 6 OCL
So once we have determined the class to use and the type of constraint, we can actually
express the constraint in OCL and here’s what it slooks, looks like. What I’ve put in bold are
key words that belong to the language and the parts in plain text, not bolded text correspond
to the particular. Particulars of the UML diagram so we have the context is book. We have
the keyword invariant and then we have a conditional expression. Recall from the statement
of the requirement that there were two situations, one for books in general and the other is
for bestsellers. So it makes sense that we have some kind of conditional going on there. This
is a conditional expression. It’s not a statement in the sense of a, a programming language.
That is it produces a value rather than a change of state. Okay? And so if we read through
it says, if bestseller and recall that bestseller was a bullion. Then it is the case that the check
out period, which is an attribute of book, is two weeks. And otherwise, the check out period
is three weeks. So, one of two possibilities exist, and it depends upon the value of that, that
13 – Explanation
What we’ve written expresses a single constraint, that is a single property of the system
which must always ho, hold. Okay? It happens to be an invariant as indicated by the INV,
keyword. What, one thing that I’ve glossed over is, the fact that, we use the numbers 2 and 3,
explicitly. Without any indication that they’re, they’re dates. Now that can be inferred from
the type of checkout. But if we were to get this completely right, we have to make sure that
all the types matched up. And in fact, we were talking about two weeks here or three weeks
here. We do have a date class but we have to make sure that we’re using it appropriately. Each
OCL constraint is interpreted in the context of a particular class. What that means is that any
names that occur without qualification. That means without having only a single part without
any period in there are interpreted in the context of a particular class. And what that means
is that the name could be the name of the class, it could be the name of an attribute, or it
could be the name of an operation. We’re also allowed within the language to refer to elements
of other classes. And in that case, we’re going to have to explicitly name the class. And then
put a period separator. And then the name of the attribute or the name of the operation in
the other class. Those are qualified names. But if we’re doing it in, if we’re referring to names
that belong with the class itself, we don’t have to which is why we have the context keyword.
This particular constraint is conditional and says that for each book object, if the bestseller
attribute of that object is true, then the checkout period attribute for that object must have
the value of 2. Denoting two weeks, otherwise the checkout period attribute must have the
value if 3
16 – Operations
So in the, the previous two examples we were talking about the value of an attribute and
those are usually pretty straightforward. Let’s now talk about operations. OCL provides a way
to specify operations using pre and post-condition constraints. These are different keywords
in the language. In this case, we’re going to look at requirement three, which describes some
query operations. Now by query operation, I mean an operation that is asking about the value
of an attribute, but not changing anything. So, in this case, it should be straightforward to
have an operation that returns that value. So, the requirement itself says, in addition, at any
particular point in time, the library may need to know or to calculate. The items a patron
has checked out, when they are due and any outstanding overdue fines. So, let’s concentrate
on a part about the items a patron has currently checked out. So, previously when we did our
analysis, we associated this text with an operation class patron called items currently checked
out. What we need to do now is to say something about that particular operation. We need to
make it stated more precisely then just saying that it exists. And in fact, we have to say that
the value computed by this operation corresponds to just those items that are checked out for
that patron. Recall that we have a, an association between patron and loanable item. And
that association is going to record what items are checked out. And now we’re talking about
the operation in patrons, so essentially that operation is querying the association, and we want
to make sure that what the operation returns is in fact, what’s appropriately expressed in the
17 – CheckedOut Operation
So in this case, first question to ask is if we are trying to come up with a constraint for
this operation, what’s its context? It is the patron class. So it’s in the patron class with
constraints that talk about operations. We can go a step further and say which operations.
So, we’re going to essentially have Patron, and in this case, there’s going to be double colon,
separating Patron from the name of the particular operation. And we’re allowed to go one
step further and actually have the signature there. Now the signature was expressed within
just the UML diagram part of things. So to fill in this part of the constraint, we’re going
to say context. We’re going to have a patron colon, colon. And then the items currently
checked out. And in this case there’s no arguments or at least there’s no explicit argument.
In object-oriented languages there’s always an implicit argument of the object receiving the
request. So the Patron itself. So the Patron itself is an argument and we’re going to qualify
with respect to it. And so there’s no explicit argument listed in the signature, however there
is a return value. Given the diagram, what do you think would be the type of the return value
of this CheckedOut operation? It would be a LoanableItem. Okay, but the requirement says
the LoanableItems, plural. Well, okay, yeah, so a list or some group of some LoanableItems.
Okay. Where that association becomes, when you actually program it in. Okay, in this case
because there’s a plural in the expression of things, we know there’s going to be more than one.
And OCL provides us various, what it calls collection classes, ways of organizing things. And
it’s important in deciding exactly which collection class to use, to think about the properties
that are required. So I use the word list and list tends to have an order. In this case do we
care about the order? Not particularly, I don’t think. Okay, so what other data structure is
a collection class but doesn’t care about order? A set or an array or? So OCL does have a
set operation, so in this case the return value for this operation is a set of loanable items. Is
it okay, because when you use the word set, it makes me think that you’re implying we can
only check out one of a certain type of book which may be a requirement, but I don’t think
that was explicit in the requirements statement. You can check out multiple copies of the same
book, couldn’t you? There’s nothing about either the requirements or this OCL that prevents
you from checking out multiple copies of the same book, because each of those is going to be
a separate loanable item. Okay so- But what it is preventing you from doing is checking out
the same book twice at the same time. Right, that’s what I mean. Right. So we can’t do
that, even. Is that specified in the requirements, or is that just something we’re now implying-
Okay, so great point. So we call one of the subtleties of the original requirements analysis had
to do with what happens if you check out a book, hold it overdue, you have money due on it,
you return it so it’s not accruing any extra as far as the fine is concerned, but the system has
to remember that, right? So in a sense that CheckedOut record has to still be there to hold
that information. Now what happens if you try to check it out again? If we use a set here
we run the risk of clobbering the record and breaking things. So I think you’ve pointed out a
place where we have to be very, very careful about doing this right. And in this case it looks
like yes, we would clobber things in that particular situation. For operations that we’re trying
to model in OCL, the next question typically is what are the preconditions. And that means
the circumstances under which it is meaningful for the operation to execute. In the case of
items currently checked out, as with most operations that provide a value without affecting
any change in state there are no preconditions. In OCL we have two ways of dealing with that.
We could have a precondition which has the Boolean value true which says it always is the case
that it’s okay to run this operation. Or we can leave out the precondition entirely which has
the same implications. And so for readability purposes you may want to do that to make the
overall constraint a little shorter. The third part in specifying operations is to specify which
value is returned by the operation. To compute the items that are currently checked out, we
merely navigate along the CheckedOut association to the corresponding loanable items. So
here’s what the overall constraint looks like. We have the context which had our signature,
and then we had a post condition. And now the post condition lists another OCL keyword,
which is result. And that stands in for whatever it is that’s computed by that operation. And
what needs to be computed in this case is those links in the CheckedOut association which
correspond to items checked out by this particular patron. Now we already are restricted by
our context to just the patron of interest for the query. And that patron is then going to be a
partner in certain of the links in the association and we want to get the partners at the other
end, the loanable items that belong to that patron. So we navigate from Patron, which is our
context, through CheckedOut to LoanableItem, and that will be the set of loanable items that
are currently associated with that patron. It once again leave us in the situation, what does
checked out mean? It means either you currently have them checked out, and haven’t returned
them. Or you checked them out, you held them too long, you returned them, and the system
is remembering that you still owe something on them.
18 – Explanation
The phrase checkedOut.LoanableItem is an example of a compound name in OCL. The
checkedOut part is an association which is adjacent to patron, and then the qualification of
that is LoanableItem which is also adjacent to the association. So it’s as if we’re walking
through the diagram. And every step along the way, is going to be a name in our qualified
name. OCL yomilla as a, in general, treats the names of these associations syntactically, just
like it would treat an attribute.
varies depending upon has the operation executed? So, every time that child wants to check
something out, it has to be checked. I think that it feels better to have it associated with
a particular operation than its invariant because, I mean, as a statement of truth, it doesn’t
vary. But our need to check it is associated with this operation of checking things out. See
if you can do it with operation. So, is this context the patron? Is the child association or
a generalization of the patron class? So, recall when we did the original analysis, that we
had a choice. We could’ve had a subclass child of patron. Or we could have, essentially, an
attribute. And recall that the issue that arose was little Timmy, today, is 11 years old and
having a birthday tomorrow. And they would change from being a child class to a full adult
patron class. Now, there are ways of modeling that in UML. But, in general, in object oriented
languages, you can’t change the class of an instance. So, we decided, in this case, to use an
children can check out to five books, less or equal to five was. I guess that was me kind of
falling back and saying okay it’s less than or equal to five that’s how many books I can check
out. But prior to this method executing, it can’t have five books because then they would go
to six if it did execute. [CROSSTALK] An interesting point. If somehow magically, they had
checked out 50, and they came and tried to check out the 51st, this would prevent them from
doing it. Correct. Now, you can then ask, how could they have gotten 50? Okay, and you
could then prove to yourself that they couldn’t have gotten to 49, to 48. They couldn’t have
gotten past four, right? Correct. So this particular constraint is not saying how many they
have checked out explicitly, but you could use it to prove that they could never have gotten
above four. Okay. Okay, so I guess what we’re talking about here is the inner play between an
invariant statement that they never have more than four checked out, and the precondition on
the operation of which is preventing them from getting in a state which violates that invariant.
So wait, the invariant though is thick would never have more than five checked out. What’s
going on here is that the precondition says that they have to have less than five. Right. And
then they can, the checkout on the operation would allow them to add one more, and that
would get them to five, so you’re right. Okay, okay.
21 – Requirement 4 Explanation
There are several noteworthy features of this constraint. The first is the use of the implies
keyword to denote logical implication, which is just a way of saying the restriction is only true
for children. It is equivalent to the use of the right right arrow in first order logic. The second
feature is the, the OCL use of the right arrow, this one with only one horizontal line. And
that’s used with collection classes. So in the case where there’s a collection on the left hand
side and you wish to, access or make use of one of the built in operations in this case size,
you can use this right arrow to say you’d like to bring in the size operation on this particular
collection class. The other types of collections that we’ll get to but all of them have a size
operation associated with it
22 – Side Effects
So, so far the two operations that we’ve looked at have been query operations. That
is, they’ve been asking about the values of attributes. However, in interesting information
systems, in addition to querying, you need to have operations that actually change the state of
things. And, so this is going to be ultimately implemented with the database and you need the
ability to add records, to change records, and that sort of thing. We call particular operations
that don’t make any changes like this pure, as in pure functions. Because they’re similar to
mathematical functions, which always compute the same result. Functions which are impure,
are said to have side effects. And side effects might be changing the values on the database.
They might be doing IO operations, input output operations. Or flashing something on the
screen that the user sees. what, whatever it is. So, those are side effects. And, so, now, as
the next, next step in our, modeling of these requirements, let’s try to specify a more complex
situation. One where an operation actually results in a change of state. In this case, we choose
to model the actual process of checking out a Loanableitem as indicated in requirement five.
A patron can check out books or audio visual materials
23 – Requirement 5 Signature
So first off, what might the signature of this look like? So I think we’re still working
with this check out method, but now we’re specifying a post condition of the method. So
the signature is still patron, checkout, a loanable item as as an argument and the implied
argument of patron, but the the post condition is what we’re worried about. Okay, so that
raises an interesting point. So we just had an example where we were expressing some of the
properties of the check out process. This case, having to do with kids. Okay. In fact, you could
have any number of constraints about a particular class or a particular operation. What they
mean is its as if you were ’anding’ all those together. So, this must be true, and this must be
true, and this must be true. Well, the thing about the kids must be true, but it’s only going
to be true about kids. Okay. So it makes sense that you can, what the designers of OCL have
done is they’ve simplified the syntax by saying you don’t have to do all those ands if we just
have the constraints listed there we can focus on the ones that we want to focus on. So, yes, in
this case the signature is going to be exactly the same as what it was before. So how would we
express, or could we express multiple pre-and-post-conditions? Is there an operation to string
some together or would we need to make multiple constraint statements for the same method.
So you can roll your own. So let’s say we had three pre-conditions. Okay, you could have them
all in the same constraint with ’ands’ between them, or you could have three constraints, each
with one precondition. Okay. Getting the same thing out of it; the same thing on the post
condition side of things. Likewise, an invariant is something that must hold true. If you have
five invariants, they all must hold true as if you have ’ands’ between them. Okay. Okay, so
that was the context in the signature for checked out in this case.
26 – Requirement 5
So the, these three conditions that Jared has come up with about whether it’s available,
whether it hasn’t been requested by somebody else and the one that we had before concerning
age correspond to three conjuncts. You know, three, three possibilities that all must hold. And
as we talked about a minute ago we could have three separate preconditions, or we could have
one precondition with three, with, with two ands separating the three parts of it. The other
thing to note in the expression of it is. We’ve use some new operation names, in expressing
it. So we said, is available. Now, is available is not one that came out of the process of
building the [UNKNOWN] class diagram. But that’s okay. It’s like. Breaking the writing
of a a method into, into pieces and calling other methods along the way. Okay it’s, it’s just
divide and conquer. So, we’re going to assume we can invent the names of these convenient
operations. And, that simplifies the, not only the writing here, but the reading as well, if we’re
trying to show the requirements to the customer.
27 – Checkout Postconditions
So that was the pre-conditions and as is usually the case the pre-conditions are easier than
the post-conditions. So we want to next look at the what it means, assuming that we’ve past
the pre-conditions, to actually check something out. What affect is that going to have on our
information system. Okay, so take a minute and think what you expect to happen when the
item is checked out and list them in English. So I think my mom was the obvious post condition
is now the book’s checked out. So a way to say that or express that I thought wouldn’t go back
to that item’s currently checked out operation that belongs to the patron class and say that
the set that’s returned from that operation should contain this new loanable item that’s been
checked out. So, this raises an interesting [COUGH] issue. So we’re specifying an operation.
And we’re specifying one operation in terms of another operation. Okay?. And we can do that,
that’s fine. However, the real change of state here has to do, so the items currently checked
out. Is a query operation that reflects the state. We could more directly say what’s the change
in the state, okay? So what other post condition do you have? So the other condition I have I
think is more related to this, I guess, is that a checked out, we have that, a class represented on
our email diagram. There has to be an instance of that now for this particular operation that
has just occurred. Okay. So we have the association class checked out. Yes. And [COUGH] the
effect of checking out something new would mean that there’s another link in that association
class. Yes. Instance of that. And, if there is another link there, then, by implication, the items
currently checked out will return that new item. Correct. So we don’t have to state both of
those. Okay. We only have to say that the association has one more thing in it and we get the
other one for free. However, there’s another post condition. Recall the business about requests.
Okay, so what would the post condition there be? So, the request queue is now one less than
it was prior. Someone has such it popped off the queue, because a checked out operation has
occurred. Well, it had better be you, because you’re doing the checking out. We can’t just
get rid of an arbitrary person. The implied patron should be the one who’s- Right, okay. So,
we already have a precondition which says that this particular patron is eligible because either
there’s no request in which case there’s nothing to pop off. Or if there is a request out there,
the first one on the list had better be you. So in that latter contingency we do want to pop
off your name, okay from there. So we’re going to state the post condition but it’s going to
be a little tricky to state because it’s only in the case where you were on the list. Right, and
it sounds like an implication because we just had like another only if the case of it’s a child
this happens. So only if the case that you were the patron on the checkout request list. Bingo.
Okay, cool.
has requested it. So, the request queue needs to be empty so to speak for you to be able to.
Well, almost. How about if you’re the person that requested it? If you’re the first person that
requested, then the precondition should hold and- Right. Execute. It’s not am empty queue.
It could be a queue with one thing in it or a queue actually with any number of things in it as
long as you’re top on the list. Okay. Okay.
29 – Postconditions
So there’s going to be these two post conditions, one having to do with the new link in the
association and the other one having to do with contingently updating the request list. So we’ll
consider the first post condition here. What we’re really saying is that there’s going to be a
new CheckOut record. Another way of saying that is there must exist a new CheckOut record,
and in fact, there’s that keyword in OCL called exists. So, the post condition here is going to
say there’s going to exist, and this is just like in our first order logic where we had the leftward
facing capital letter E. That there’s a bound variable in this case we’ll call it C. So there’s a
new link in that association, the association’s name checked out, okay? With the properties
that the that-links-loanable items had better be the item that we’re checking out which was
the argument to the operation. And the properties that we wish to hold about that CheckOut,
that is the due date, had better be correct. And to get the due date, we can go get today’s date,
and then we can add in the checkoutPeriod. And remember, we have the checkoutPeriod, that
was one of the first requirements we dealt with in OCL. And we can go get that checkoutPeriod
by navigating from the CheckOut link to the corresponding loanableItem, and then getting its
checkoutPeriod. That says there must exist this new item and it also better be the case that
the checkedOut association itself must have a new item in it. And the way we do that in, either
first door logic or in OCL, is to make a statement of the quality between the state that existed
before the CheckOut operation, and the state that existed afterwards. So the state that exists
afterwards is just checkedOut. You can think of that a set of records or a set of links. But
need some special notation to deal with the state of the checkedOut association beforehand.
And OCL has a keyword, and it’s indicated by the @ followed by the word pre. So this is
saying checkout@pre means the version before we call the operation, and CheckOut by itself
means the version afterwards. And there’s an operation on sets, and checkedOut is a set, it’s a
set of links, that allows us to indicate that another element is associated with that particular
set. And that keyword is including. So it’s as if we are constructing a new set, which is the
old set, plus this one new item. Actually this one new checkedOut link, which we’ve given the
name C. So, we have the checkedOut afterwards is equal to the checkedOut before, and this
one other item which we’ve just added, and that’s what’s being expressed on the bottom line
there. So we’re making use of some special keywords and operations in the OCL language to
express the equality of these two states. So I’ve got a quick question. Can we also consider
the @pre including kind of be like set union, so we’re unioning the set of all of our checkedOut
associations plus this new checked-out association. Almost, but this item, I’m sorry, this new
checkedOut link is not a set. Its just an element. If we had somehow been able to wrap it in
some set thing, then it would be unique. A set containing this new element. And what I think
Jared is pointing out here, is we have to be careful in getting the data types right in these
things. So, a set is different than an element and if you had a union operation you couldn’t
put an element on it. And if you had including you couldn’t put a set on it. That was the
first post condition having to do with updating the checkedOut association. The second one
had to do with the requests that were made. We had a precondition that said if there are
requests then it’d better be the case that Jared is the one doing the requesting. Now we need
to update that request list if it exists, and with the fact that we want to take Jared off that
list. We don’t want him to hog the book too long. So, in this case, the post condition is going
to make use of another feature of OCL called the LET expression. And the LET expression
is just an abbreviation. It allows us to state in one place, an expression, and then use it in
several places. So in this case we’re saying let the new variable t of type Title be that title of
the current item. We distinguish between items, which are things that could be checked out
from the things the things that could be requested, which we called titles. But an item always
has a title, that’s the composition operator that we see in the diagram. And we just want
to use the shorthand of t for item.title to save ourselves a few characters every time we type.
So the let expression there defines the new symbol, and binds it during the scope of another
expression, which is the post condition. And the post condition here is conditional as to be
expected. So if that particular title has a request to this particular patron. And then we want
to update the request association. So the antecedent of the conditional is t.request.patron and
if we didn’t have t, we’d have i.title.request.patron, it’d be either three or four steps in the
chain of qualified name and includes is a operation on that set of requests. And self is the
OCL keyword corresponding to the instance of the particular class. And remember that was
way back with the Patron. So we’re seeing whether or not Jared is in the list of people during
the requesting. And if so, we want to do another one of these statements of equality between
the state before and the state afterwards. So, the state afterwards is the request association
and the state before is request at pre. And, in this case it’s not that we’re adding in a new
record, it’s that we want to remove it. But, it’s a statement of equality so were stating that
by saying If we, and the key word in OCL is reject. If we reject those particular items in the
list which have the following boolean. And the boolean is, the title is t, and patron is self.
Then we have a version of the request association without that one record in it and that had
better equal to the one afterwards. If there were no requests with Jared at the top of the list,
then our result is true. Okay, so we don’t have to be concerned there. So the overall post
condition constraint has the form of the let binding, and then within that a conditional. And
the conditional, we’re only interested in the then part of it, which is qualified by whether or
not Jared has done the requesting. And in which case we want to ensure that Jared’s request
is no longer in In that particular association. So do you have a recommendation on this if
then statement? because this if then statement, the else is kind of a vacuously true situation.
So wouldn’t it just be better to use an imply statement to save yourself some writing? Good
point. So yeah, we could shorten the situation by doing the implies. I had on other question.
Sure. If that’s all right. So I guess, are all associations that are modeled in our UML diagram,
can they be thought of when we’re expressing things in OCL as sets. because it seems like
express t.request.patron, this is an association. We’re talking about the patron part of the
association. The set of all patrons that have requested things, or in which a request instance
is there, is modeled in a set. Okay, so you can think of them as sets, but sometimes we can
do a little bit better. So we call that in UML, those the ability to order things. And in order
things, then we get sequences. So sequences give us a little more power because we can index
into them. Okay. Whereas with sets you can’t index into them, right? So, now a sequence is
a set, but a sequence, because it has this ordering with it, allows us a little more power. And
that’s going to be based on the model that we have, whether we modeled it that way or as a
set. The properties, the requirements, and whether we modeled it that way. Okay.
the amount of the overdue fine. Remember that derive data are, they’re attributes, like any
other attributes but, they’re going to be computed along the way, rather than something that
is a, is a set piece of data. Okay? And the, the situation here had to do, for example, with
the, Patron’s age, which is changing on a day to day basis. So, at any moment when we need
the age, we compute the value. Okay, so we need to say what value is being computed. And
the same, the same holds true for the amount of fine which changes on a day to day basis, and
depending upon how long your book is overdue. So let’s, let’s do a little exercise here. See if
you can come up with a constraint in OCL or a Patron’s age. And as a hint here, there’s a
keyword in, in OCL called derive, and you use that instead of pre or post interim variant. See
if you can express it.
32 – Missing Pieces
This lesson has illustrated some uses of OCL to provide precise specifications for simple
library information system. Even so there are many more things we need to do to complete this
exercise. We haven’t even mentioned some of the other requirements like numbers one, three,
eight, ten, 11 which we would need to specify. We haven’t of course at all in this whole exercise
mention anything having to do with non functional. Requirements. Along the way we invented
some axillary operations like is available, and is available is actually pretty complicated itself
and we’d have, we’d have to white that out. We’d have to handle some situations implicit
in the requirements such as returning a loanable item, as returning a book we checked out.
Paying a fine, cancelling a request, and so on. And, we might have to consider some new some
new issues that arise during the course of doing this. For example, if one item in a title is
a best seller, need all of them be best sellers, okay? It would make sense in a library if you
have some. Designated a book as a best seller that all the items in that title, are a best seller.
But we haven’t stated anything explicitly that would require that. We would also need to
op, add in some specifications for operations for classes date. And money. Money had to do
with paying fines. Although in those situations we could presumably reuse those specification
in other systems that we’re building. Likewise, for the operating system operations. We also
haven’t said anything about constructing instances of loanable items and patrons. Although,
we did construct instances of associations and we can use similar techniques for constructing
h, the instances of the other two classes.
33 – Observations
So, some observations about this exercise. Be aware that there may be more than one
answer. And we, we saw some instances of that. Be open during the process of analyses to
the possibility of new requirements arising or that there’s ambiguities. Or infact, that there,
mistakes have been made. And this may mean for the consultation with the customer. The
fact that a simple set of requirements can have so many issues, should illustrate the value of
performing this kind of careful thinking that is but the kind of careful thinking that is required
in order to construct an OCL specification.
P2L09 Behavior Modeling
01 – Behavior Modeling
The structural models that we have been looking at so far express properties of systems
that are true at all times. Although, these models are general, they fail to convey interesting
behavioral aspects of the systems. That is how the systems respond to external stimuli. UML
provides a variety of alternative diagrams that do support the behavioral modeling of systems.
We will look at these and later we will also go into detail on the state chart diagramming
technique. Which is the one which provides you the ability to. Precisely describe the system
02 – States
First, let’s start with two key concepts, states and events. Both of these are abstract but
nevertheless useful in describing system behavior. A state is an abstract description of a set
of system values at a given point of time. For example, it’s raining outside. This is actually
some estimation or abstraction over the amount of precipitation in the air at a given point in
time. Let’s imagine a slightly more complex situation in the imaginary town of Des Cartes
Iowa, that has ten streets and eight avenues laid out in an orthogonal grid. And let’s say we
were trying to imagine the state of the town that had one car in it. The position of that car
in this imaginary scenario is at third street and fifth avenue. The number of possible states
it could be in is 80, ten streets, eight avenues. For two cars though, the number of possible
states, goes up with a square. That is, 80 times 80 or 6400 possible states. The State Space
of a system, is a set of possible states, and its size goes up, multiplicatively, with a number
of different attributes that we’re trying to capture. And the number of possibilities, that each
attribute has. This is called the state explosion problem.
05 – Events
The second key concept is the event. Once again it’s an abstraction, and we’ll say it’s
a single, instantaneous, noticeable occurrence. And also, and also, think of it as some kind
of stimulus because the system is going to respond to it. Events in these kinds of systems
can either be asynchronous or synchronous. Asynchronous events you can think of as kind of
randomly occurring, they can come in bursts, they can be spread out. Synchronous events are
more likely to come at periodic intervals, often the system has some sort of clock or event loop
that controls. The current events when they can be dealt with in our approach to modeling
these systems the events can serve as the reason or the stimulus for a change of state in
the system. That, that change of state is sometimes called a state transition. For example,
when you got your envelope through the mail that said you were admitted to college, that’s
a significant state transition in your life. Events can occur as the results of user actions like
hitting a, hitting a button on the, on the graphical user interface. They can occur because of
changes in the data, in the, in the state space the temperature getting above 90 degrees. Or
they can be queued by the passage of time.
09 – Modeling Techniques
With these two concepts, states and events in mind, let’s think a little bit about modeling
of behavior. Systems that respond to events are called reactive systems. If you think about it
for a minute that’s much different than this other kinds of systems that you would normally
build, in which it’s the system in charge of controlling the order in which things happen. Here is
the external world which supplies the stimuli that are causing things to happen in the system,
the system has to react to them. In general there are a variety of different approaches to mod-
eling behavior. We’re going to go through from the simplest, which is combinatorial systems.
Through sequential systems, to the most complex and concurrent systems. In combinatorial
systems, we’re just concerned with states no events. Sequential systems have states, that is
they have memory, but they’re linearly ordered one state after another. And then concurrent
systems. Particularly asynchronous concurrent systems have lots of states and lots of events
and the events are happening at unpredictable moments of time.
10 – Combinatorial Modeling
Starting at the simplest combinatorial modeling, this is the simplest form of behavioral
modeling, and it merely expresses the logic of simple combinatorial systems. In these systems,
only the inputs and not the history of previous states determines subsequent states. We’ll
look for a second at two equivalent forms of combinatorial modeling. Called decision trees and
decision tables.
11 – Decision Tables
Start with decision tables. This is a common way for, getting a, getting your head wrapped
around a situation where there are various different, states that can affect ultimate behavior
of the system. If you, if you think about decision tables in terms of input conditions and and,
and, and responses to those inputs. That is combinations of inputs yielding results. That’s
where the term netwire comes from. The table will have columns. Some of which correspond
to the inputs and the remainder will correspond to the outputs. And then each of the rows
is going to correspond to a different combination of input values. Let’s imagine that we have
a workshop and there are three switches, okay. Each of the switches can have on and off as
possible values, okay? So we’re going to have three columns and eight rows. Where did the
eight come from? Well, if we have three switches, two possible values for each switch, that’s
two to the third or eight. Let’s assume that the three switches control two output devices.
Maybe an overhead light and maybe a, a power drill. The third switch is a master switch which
controls all the electricity in the workshop. Well here’s the, here’s the decision table for this
situation. Partitioned the columns into three input columns for the three different switches
and two Output columns for the lights and the motor on the power drill. Each of the rows
correspond to one of the possible combinations of the values for the input switches. Due to
the third, eight different rows there. For each of the combinations of the inputs there’ll be a
resulting situation as far as the outputs are concerned. So for example, if the master control
switch is off then it doesn’t matter the positions of the other switches, both the lights and the
motor will be off.
12 – Decision Trees
A graphical version of the decision table is called a decision tree. It’s a form of a flow chart
in which the decisions are taken sequentially and the resulting output can be seen as a path
through the tree. It’s exactly the same information as in the decision tree, but you’re seeing
it in a different form. In the decision tree we’ll see in just a second, there are two kinds of
nodes. Diamonds denote decisions and rectangles denote the actions that are going to be taken
based upon the decisions that are made. The arcs in the diagram indicate the implications
when a decision is answered in a particular way, either affirmatively or negatively. Note that
in the decision tree you’re about to see, some of the nodes have been duplicated. This is a
side effect of the redundancy which occurs in the table as well. Here’s the tree for the previous
situation. On the left is the decision about the master control and the on, on the rightmost is
the resultant response from the system in terms of what lights are on and what lights are off.
Once again, same information is in the decision table. Note that the two rightmost diamonds
contain exactly the same question. And that’s it for combinatorial combinatorial logic. As
you can well imagine, as the number of possibilities for the input goes up, these tables quickly
become unmanage, unmanageable.
13 – Sequential Systems
So then let’s move to the next most complex version of behavioral modeling called se-
quential systems. In sequential systems and concurrent systems that we’ll get to, the main
difference from common [UNKNOWN] systems is that there’s history or memory of what hap-
pened before. You were in a previous state and based upon that state and whatever events
occur you move to a new state. Systems like this are sometimes called finite state systems
because we’re going to limit the number of states that they can have. To a finite number.
Okay, and if you recall from your theory course we’re going to take advantage of finite state
machines as a way of doing the modelling.
the first thing that happens is the motor is stopped and we transition into the Door Partially
Closed Motor Off state just above it. But when we go on, okay, remember the, the safety
concern. The door was going down and we stopped, and we now want to take it up. So there’s
a transition to the left in which there is no event causing the transition. Okay? So immediate
transition and what we want to do is start the motor going upward and end up in the state at
the extreme left labeled Motor Running Up
22 – Example Telephone
Here’s another example, a graphical example, of a state machine, using slightly different
icons on things. In this case, ovals for the states. We have the telephone being off hook, we
have it when you’re dialing or pressing the buttons. We have it when it’s ringing, when it’s
busy when you are connected to another party. And, when it’s in a rest state on hook, on the
extreme left. Notice in that case, that there are two ovals nested inside of each other. This is
used to designate what the default or start state of the system is. There are then transitions,
these directed arcs going, among the states. One to look at is the one on the top right labeled
dialing, where it’s a transition from a state to itself. That is, when you’re dialing or pressing
the buttons, okay, you’re doing this several times and, you remain in the dialing state until
you’ve finished dialing. Now we could have had a machine here that had numerous states as
part of the dialing process, in which we’ve dialed the first digit, the second digit, and so on.
And in that case, it would be different states. Until we eventually got entered our local number
or our our long distance number. That would have complicated the diagram, and remember
these diagrams, are abstractions. We abstract over the set of states, and abstract over the
events. That’s, that’s your choice as a designer or a modeler. Notice also that, the diagram is
somewhat busy and that there are arcs that have a seemingly redundant labels. This is another
example of a situation where we’d like to improve the diagrams by by simplifying them. And
that’s where we’re going when we get to concurrent systems model with statecharts.
24 – State Charts
Well, fortunately, there is, at least a partial solution to the problem of dealing with com-
plexity in these, in these systems. I say partial because no matter how nature notation is,
you’ll always going to be confronted with systems that are more complex than it can deal with.
However, state charts, as developed by David Harel. Okay. Our way of coping with this in,
in a fa, in a fashion that allows you to do the modeling of the system in a way that help you
get an understanding of it. He calls these his improvements to state transition diagrams, state
charts. And they provide, several mechanisms for, dealing with the, with the complexity. ’Kay,
and we’ll be looking at those. State charts are a part of UML. Okay. Tools support them, and,
we will be, looking into them in a subsequent. Lesson and giving you a chance to use them
30 – Concurrency
Well, that was nesting. The other, important addition to state machines that Harel offers
is concurrency. In this case, concurrency is indicated by a dashed line. It separates a larger
roundtangle into two other machines, but in this case, it is nesting that goes on at the same time.
That is, we’ve cranked up two machines that are running. Each can have their current state,
each can respond to transitions and each can perform actions depending upon the transitions.
’Kay, once again, this reduces the total number of states from a multiplicative combination to
an additive combination. Here’s from Harel’s paper on the left, is the bowl of spaghetti, that
indicates the multiplicative combination. Notice the labels of the states are really indicating
where you would be in one of the concurrent machines, and where you would be in the other
concurrent machines hard to understand what is really going on there. Harel has replaced this
jumble by one major state labeled y and left two of the original states, H and I to interact
with it. The y-state has that dash line indicating concurrent actions that are taking place,
they correspond to states a and d. They each have default states, they each have their own
transitions. But, hopefully, you can see it’s a little bit easier to follow what’s going on there.
Notice also that Harel allows the splitting of a transition to go to two possible states, one
in each of the concurrent arms. So the lower right state in the rightmost diagram, I has an
E transition coming out of it that’s then split into two places. There’s also an example of a
data condition in here as well. In UML the concurrency looks like the following. There are
two states here, there’s an idol state and a maintenance state. The maintenance state has the
dashed line in this case it’s a horizontal line. And two concurrently executing machines, one
called testing and one called commanding, each of which are quite quite simple. Each has an
initial state and and a final state and some transitions between them.
31 – Synchronization
Of course if you’ve got concurrent, concurrently executing machines, they have nothing
whatsoever to do with them. Why did you put them in the diagram in the first place? They’re
there because, somehow they’re cooperating. And, that cooperation needs to be coordinated
or synchronized. State charts provide several ways of doing that. One are called broadcast
events, and the other is the data conditions that we’ve already seen.
33 – Data Conditions
The second way that the differently executing concurrent machines can communicate is
by data conditions. We’ve already, we’ve already seen this. Remember that they occur within
square brackets. Okay? And they contain within them Boolean expressions in which the terms
correspond to attributes of a various classes in the overall system model. You can think of
these data conditions as being continuously monitored. And that when one of them becomes
true, that’s like an event were issued saying, look at me I’m now true, I can take this particular
this particular transition. State charts, in addition, support the keywords in and not in. What
in means is, I’ll make this transition if in one of the other concurrent machines I’m in state
whatever x is. So if I say in x and in the other machine I’m in state x, then I can make the
transition. And similarly from not in. The variables which occur in these expressions, as I
said, come from attributes in the system model. And these attributes are globally known by
all of the concurrently executing machines.
34 – Special Transitions
UML supports a couple of special transitions that you can take advantage of, each indicated
by a keyword. So, here’s a two state machine. The transition from the active state to idle
state. the, transition is labeled after 2 seconds. Okay? So you can assume that there’s a timer
here that if you’re in the active state 2 seconds later, you’ll make the transition to the idle
state. Similarly, the idle state has a self transition, okay? That’s labeled when we key, the
keyword when and then a particular clock time that the system waits until that particular
clock time happens before making the transition. We can put this example in a slightly larger
context of to ill, to illustrate one other feature of, state charts. So, we have the self transition
on idle and we have some, normal, transitions labeled by events in the rest of the diagram.
But the transition between idle and tracking, okay? Involves an action, okay? That action is
invocating a method, invoking a method, and the method has a parameter p, that is you can
pass information in the action calls. Similarly, on the transition itself, the event that led to the
transition has an argument p. So, what we’re doing here is we’re passing on the information.
That came in on the event to some kind of method call so it can presumably be processed in
the tracking state
35 – History States
The final major feature we want to look at with state charts are called history states.
Here’s a nested state machine. Where the two external states are the command state and the
backing up state. And there are transitions from the backing up state into the command state,
two transitions there. And there’s a transition from the command state, to the nested state
into a circle labeled with a label H. This is an example of a history state. And what it says is,
let’s remember whichever state we were in, in the backing up machine, the last time we were
there. And we left. And, when I’m entered into the history state, I’ll go to the state that I was
last in. Whether it was collecting, copying, or cleaning up. I could even go so far as to label
the circular state H star. And that says, if any of the the states and the backing up state were
themselves nested, I could go to the sub-states that were there. This is quite a, quite powerful
feature, but it can get you into diagrams that are kind of hard to read because you may have
to remember what state you were in, and also look into the, the various nesting levels.
42 – Summary
As I said, these reactive systems are hard to build. You probably have heard of examples of
complex systems getting into deadlock states or otherwise freezing up because of the common
[UNKNOWN] blowup in complexity that occurs from all of the internal things that are going
on. So, you have to spend some time in getting these things right. And some kind of behavioral
modeling technique, like statecharts, okay, can be very helpful to getting that kind of assurance.
Besides statecharts, UML provides other diagrams that can be used for understanding behavior.
Okay, we’ve already seen these in our review of UML, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams,
collaborations, use cases, communication, timing and interaction overview diagrams. Okay?
Outside of UML, there’s a couple of other behavioral modeling approaches which I’ll just
mention to you, we won’t go into it. One of those is temporal logic. If you’ve heard of model
checking and model checking tools these are ways of modelling system and asking can I ever get
into this certain state that I don’t want to get into, okay. Am I ensured that I can’t get into it,
okay and model checking tools can help you get answers to that problem. Another notation for
expressing concurrency is process algebras. These allow you to specify what things can go on
42 – SUMMARY 109
concurrently and the reads and write behavior between the concurrently executing activities.
We will be looking further into statecharts, we will do, be doing an exercise that ask you to
learn the features. This is such an essential part of getting models right that want to make
sure that you have kind of acquired that skill.
P2L10 Clock Radio Exercise
02 – Description
The radio is powered by electricity from a wall socket at not a battery. It can be controlled
by two manual knobs. One for volume on the top right and one for tuning on the right side.
The chosen frequency is displayed on the right side of the front panel with a small vertical
white bar. The display features a twelve hour clock on the left front and two small lights. The
light in the upper left hand corner of the display labeled AM indicates whether the displayed
time is in the morning, when the light is off or in the afternoon or evening when the light is on.
The light in the lower right hand corner of the display is labeled wake. If it is lit indicates you
have armed the alarm. In addition to the above, the radio has two switches and five buttons.
One of the switches on the top edge of the back determines whether the frequency band is set
to AM or FM. The second switch found in the center front of the top has four positions. The
switch slides horizontally from left to right. In order, the positions indicate whether the radio
is on, off, armed for wake by radio or armed for wake via a beeping sound. Four buttons are
found on the left side of the top of the radio. They can be used to set various timers in the
clock. They are labeled hour, min, wake, and sleep. By pressing the wake button, you can set
the time you wish the alarm to go off. By pressing the sleep button, you can set how long you
would like the radio to play before automatically shutting off. Using this feature allows you to
fall asleep with the radio playing. If neither button is pressed you can set the current time of
day. You’ve actually set these three timers using the other two button on the front left of the
top of the radio, they are labeled hour and min. By pressing hour you increment the hour of,
of the respective timer, the wake, sleep or time of day timer. Similarly for min, if you wish to
be awakened 15 minutes later tomorrow morning than you were this morning you would hold
down the wake button while pressing the min button 15 times. The final button is the snooze
button. It is the large button found in the center front of the top of the radio. The snooze
button is useful when the alarm is trying to wake you up. Each time you hit the snooze button
the alarm shuts off for 10 minutes. The final feature to note about the radio is that the alarm
will automatically turn itself off after one hour, to prevent the situation where you forgot to
turn it off and it was audible all day long.
03 – Exercise Introduction
So this lesson we’re going to go through an exercise. Imagine you had to prepare an analysis
model of the external behavior of this clock radio using state charts. What steps would you
take to do this? Because we are concerned here with modeling behavior, one natural way to
get started is with usage scenarios, also called use cases. A use case is a sequence of steps, each
involving an actor performing an action, possibly on an object. Clearly any model of behavior
of the clock radio must indicate how each of the use cases is realized. See if you can come
up with three typical use cases for the clock radio. Okay. So the first use case I can think of
is that the user is setting the time for one of the three different modes. Whether that’s the
display time or the time we want the alarm to go off. There’s a third time but with each of
those, I guess there’s a separate use case but we’ll just say setting the time is use case one.
Okay, so, Jared is right that each one of those would be a separate use case and now we’re
picking the one about just setting the time of day that’s visible on the display. And then for
use case number two we could change the frequency of the radio so we may be in AM mode
and changing the frequency, or in FM mode and changing the frequency. So regardless of the
mode, we’re changing what station is coming in. Right, so we’re going to be twisting that knob
to change it. On the side. On the side. Okay. And then for a third use case, let’s say the
user presses the snooze button, the alarm’s going off and they want to sleep a little bit longer.
Okay. Clearly there are lots of other ones, like just listening to the radio, turning it on and just
listening to it, or getting shocked out of bed by the beeper going off. Lots of possibilities here
and ultimately, our state and chart model needs to be able to cover all the cases that might
arise, including error cases, including situations where what you had hoped to happen doesn’t
happen and the radio has to respond in that situation.
04 – Percepts Quiz
Once we have the use cases, we can use them to determine the radios percepts. Recall that
a percept is an externally, sensible, by that I mean visual, audible, tactile aspect of a device.
That is you can walk through a use case to determine what percepts the user interacts with.
Typically a device’s output and some of its input comprise its percepts.
guess we’re actually, you know, we’re adjusting that dial, so we’re not seeing anything. I guess
you could see the dial moving, but that’s something we’re interacting with. You’re definitely
interacting with it, and in fact, tactilely again, you’re getting a feel for it. And this one does
retain some state, okay? Although, in the middle of the night you’re not going to be able to
tell what state it’s in. Oh, right, okay. Which is different than the volume knob, where actually
there’s a little vertical piece of plastic on top of it that indicates its position. Okay, is there like
a limit I guess mechanically maybe with that switch too, that we could probably, or with the
dial? If you turn it far enough you get the aliens in outer space, but no, it’s limited to normal
AM and FM radio bands. Right, okay, so we have the vertical bar and then the dial or two
percepts that we’re interacting with for this use case. And then for our third use case, which
was pressing the snooze button, we have the snooze button. Right. Okay, yeah, I guess for that
particular use case, I feel like I might be tying in other use cases that are involved with what
would set you into actually pressing the snooze button, which would be either be being an
alarm mode or in music mode, but those themselves I think, could we put a separate use cases.
Should we worry about them as separate use cases? So recall when we talked about use case
modeling that we can have contingent use cases that is we can, the UML modeling notation
allows use to say that one use case is included in part of another use case. And that allows you
to factor out the common part and have separate other parts. However, there is one another
percept concern with this particular use case. When you set the, when you hit the snooze
button, what’s your purpose for setting that button? To turn off the alarm or the music that’s
going. So turn off the speaker, essentially, and the speaker is certainly a percept. In fact, that’s
the whole purpose of the clock radio is to have that, to control, that particular percept. So we
definitely are going to have to model the fact that when the snooze button is hit, something
happens with the speaker. So to summarize the various percepts that are involved here. The
speaker, the time display. We just went through those along with those indicator lights on the
time display, saying whether the alarm is turned on and the AM/FM percept. There’s also, as
we indicated, the rotational position of the tuning knob, the horizontal position, that left and
right position of the vertical frequency bar. Rotational position of the volume dial, the current
setting of the switch which is the AM/FM band, and the current setting of the slide switch,
which is on/off, radio, or alarm. Think of it as a mode switch there. The other devices, the
various buttons, are in fact that. They don’t retain any state. But you can still use them to
cause other effects in the clock radio.
08 – Display FSM
What we’re looking at, is a finite state machine, a state chart that is carved up into a
collection of concurrently executing sub machines. And the one that we filled in, that pivotal
state chart is labeled Display. And the Display, if you think about it, can be in one of three
states. Either, it can be displaying the current clock time, time of day. The time when you
wish to be awoken. And, the amount of time that you’d like the radio to run, as you’re going
to sleep at night. And between these each status is an oval. And between the states are some
transition arcs. And in this case to make it a little bit simpler, we’ve abbreviated the two arcs,
the ones that go back and forth with a single arc with double-headed arrow. But in general
those are two transitions and we have to take care that we represent them both
11 – Station Indicator
Another percept of the clock radio is the tiny bar on the front that indicates the current
station. This device is physically controlled by the StationKnob, and like the knob, can take
an infinite number of positions. It can be modeled as a single state with no transitions. Now,
we would expect that the StationKnob and the station indicator are coordinated with each
other. After all, when you turn the knob you would expect the indicator to move. And later
we’ll figure out how, using our state chart modeling notation, we can connect those two, those
two concurrent activities together. But for now we’ll just treat them as separate machines.
13 – Speaker
Okay. Clearly it can be on or off and, a part of the abstraction process is deciding that
for the purposes of, our, our understanding of the radio here. That, we’re not going to be
concerned with as if there were any states between the two. Now if we were, went down to the
electronic level, there would be some voltage levels and there would be, you know, transitions
going on there. But that’s that’s not what we’re concerned with here.
14 – So Far
So far, we have been developing a StateChart to describe the behavior of, of a clock radio.
Thus far, we have used seven concurrently executing machines to model the radio’s percepts.
We have left some placeholders for other machines we will need to complete the diagram.
We have also left out the transitions for the time being. Let’s begin to look at the events
that can provide the impetus for these transitions. Recall that an event is a spontaneous or
instantaneous occurrence. That is, we’re not concerned with its duration. It can communicate
information such as if we turned the dial what position are we turning the dial to. But that
the state machines can be sensitive to those events taking place and cause a change of state
when they detect them.
doing an implementation for this thing, you would have to deal with both of those. And you
want to deal with them separately, right? You have to know. Now we could model those as
two separate events, or we could model them as one event, maybe called slide, and have a
parameter to it that says left or right. What else? Okay, so we can also turn our tuning dial.
Okay. And here again, we might want to have a parameter which indicates the rotational angle
or something that indicates the information that is being communicated from the dial to the
system, that’s actually going to change the vertical bar and the actual tuning behavior of the
radio. Right. Okay. Another one is flipping our switch for the AM or FM. And, once again,
that’s a left-right thing. Okay? I guess, is it not toggle, though? It seems like since we just
have two options, kind of like toggling between, do we need a- Well, this particular clock radio
that I modeled, that’s on the picture there, is a slide switch left and right. Okay. And then
I have pressing the snooze button, but I felt like it might need to be split, because you could
press the snooze button while it’s beeping, like kind of the intended use case for that. But
you could also press the snooze button when It’s just sitting there on accident or something,
or you just fumble- Okay, so let’s think about this a second. As far as the user is concerned,
the event is pressing the button. Okay. Okay. What’s in the user’s head is irrelevant here,
okay? At least as far as our initial approximation of things. Certainly, we want to consider the
possibility of what it means if the user presses the snooze button when the alarm is not going
off. And presumably, our resultant state chart will describe for us what behavior will happen.
This is one of the real reasons we want to do this sort of thing, is to come up with insights
about, well, I haven’t thought about that yet. And I need to take care of it. We certainly don’t
want the radio to go off when it’s not playing, just because we hit the snooze button. What
else you have? So, this is kind of like three parts to this, but when you press the wake button
and then press either the hour or minute button, and then that’s going to affect. So is that one
event or two? I think the first event, there’s one event of pressing the wake button, because
that’s going to affect our different systems, like displays is now going to have to display our
wake time. So that’s a separate event, and then there’s a conjoined event when you press the
wake button, and then you press either the hour or minute buttons. Now you’re going to be
adjusting the display time, so that’s switching modes from your display to wake, for instance.
And then you have this separate case for actually changing the time. Okay. So, we want to be
clear about this, because this one of the different ways that state chart modeling forces us to
think about things. As far as the user events are concerned, they’re separate. Okay, so, there’s
an event of pressing that wake button and releasing that wake button. So another event here
is release. Pressing the wake button. And then, there’s a separate thing going on, pressing the
hour button. The order in which those happen is very important. If you press the hour button
first, it’s going to change the time of day. Right. Okay, if you press the wake button first,
then press the hour button, it’s going to change when you wake up. So its important that the
state chart that we end up with reflects that difference, because the user intends them to be
used differently. The event is pressing the wake button, the event is releasing the wake button.
Another event is pressing the hour button and pressing the minute button. And our machine,
as we eventually refine it to deal with all these contingencies, had better behave in an expected
way as far as all of the precepts in all of those possibilities, all of those possible situations.
precise description of what are all the different events. What information comes in along you
know, its parameters to those events. And ultimately then, what the system, how the system’s
going to respond to those events. And for the purposes of this exercise, I’ve expressed that in
a table in which we have numbered events, and we have the the description of the event, and
then the systems response to that event. So, listed here at the beginning of that table
19 – Adding Events
So, here’s a, a very simple outermost state chart in which we have an unplugged state
and a plugged-in state. The pulling the plug causes us to go from the plugged-in state to the
unplugged state. And I’ve labeled here, this is not part of the state chart notation, but I’ve
labeled here, what the event number is in our table. So vent number five is the pulling of the
plug. Symmetrically, the, going from the unplugged to the plugged-in state is plugging in the
plug, and that’s, that’s event number six, okay? But for the remainder of the, this exercise,
we’re only going to, consider sub states of the plugged-in state. That is, now, imagine that,
the rightmost state here has all of those other concurrently executing machines which we were,
talking about previously.
20 – Event Allocation
So, some of these events that we’ve been talking about and put in our list affect the different
concurrently executing sub-machines that we’ve already modelled. See if you can figure out
which ones of these, which ones these are and label the transitions in the finite state machine
with their numbers. So, pick a particular event and decide which of the state machines are
affected by that particular event happening. Starting with number one for turning the dial
for the frequency, that would be affecting our station finance statement. So, we would now
expect, as a, in that particular machine, the station of machine that the arc that we have, the
self arc that we have is going to be labelled by a particular event, which is event number one,
okay? Simple, right? And we can do the same thing for some of these other events and come
up with an annotated diagram or a diagram in which the transitions all have arcs on them.
In our particular, this particular exercise, we don’t have any spontaneous transitions. The
spontaneous transition is where you’re in some state and you go to the next state without any
event happening. Okay, so we ultimately are going to see, we’re going to need to have for each
of the arcs that we have in the diagram, some have been causing the transition. Remember
that our arrows with two heads on them are really an abbreviation for two arrows, one going
in each direction. So I think we meant event four for the, event one I think’s changing the
volume so that would be the volume dial state machine but for this one were talking about
four. Okay so with the transition were putting on the station knob, self transition is for event
four. Here are the additions to our machine to handle events one, two, three, four, 12, and
13. So with respect to event one, that’s the volume knob that’s similar to our station one, or
switching the band between AM and FM. Those are events two and three, one going to the
left and one going to the right. And similarly sliding the mode switch to the right and left are
events 12 and 13.
21 – New Sub–Machines
Some of the events that we’ve listed suggest that we need to add additional state machines,
sub-machines, to our set of concurrently executing machines. Typically, these correspond to
internal timers. So you think about it, the clock radio has some timers in it, for example, with
the snooze button. You know it has to time ten minutes before it turns itself off. And those
timers, even though they aren’t directly or explicitly visible to the user, do effect things which
are visible to the user. So, we’re going to have to model them. So, the question then arises as
to which ones those are, how do you come up with that list of things? And one way of doing
that might be to consider events eight through eleven which are the events that correspond
to depressing and releasing the wake and sleep buttons. So think for a minute about what is
going on when those buttons are pressed, and presumably, then, the user is also pressing the
hour and minute buttons. And you want me to design another state machine to represent this?
Well, first think what the radio has to do to deal with those things, and see if that if that
doesn’t then suggest that we need to keep track of some history somehow, and if that then
suggests that we need to have another state machine there. Okay. So, I think, based on the
buttons, say, none of the buttons are pressed, talking about the wake button, and the sleep
button. Right. It seems like that needs to be represented by some kind of state, say, nothing,
or none, or something. And based on that state, your other machines are going to act a certain
way. Like when you press the hour and minute button, the rest of your state machines for
adjusting the display and so on and so forth, will act a certain way. But then you have a state
where the wake button is pressed, so that’s it’s own state. And based on it being in that state,
your other machines will act a certain way. So, while we’re pressing that wake button we are
in a state. Okay? Yes. And that state then allows us to press the hour button. Okay? So,
pressing that hour button while we we’re in that state has a different effect than pressing it
when we’re not in that state. Okay? So, let’s see what such a state machine might look like.
23 – Responses to Events
The ultimate value of the clock radio to its user is how it responds to these listed events.
Each of the events we have listed should have some effect on the radio state. Consider what
happens when you turn the volume knob. Certainly you would expect the sound coming from
the speaker to be louder. But there is another response. The rotational position of the knob will
also have changed. This is an important piece of feedback to the user, who may be adjusting
the loudness, in the dark of the night. We can fill this in, this information into, into a table of
that’s an excellent question that the developer would actually have an answer to. My intuitive
reaction is that no, it doesn’t reset the timer, it just allows you to snooze a little while longer.
29 – Internal States
Things are a little trickier than this, however. It is occasionally necessary, even when
modeling external visible behavior of a device, to invent some additional internal states. The
most common example are timers, such as what we saw earlier. A user can’t really understand
how a clock radio works without appreciating that there are several internal timers working.
See if you can come up with a list of what internal timers are there. Okay, what timers do you
have? So, the first one is the snooze timer. So as soon as you hit the snooze button, then in
10 minutes, the- Times up to 10 minutes, sure. What else? There is an alarm time. I think, or
you know, the alarms not going to go on forever. So there’s like an internal, isn’t there a state
for, our alarm has started and then at some point the alarm needs to go off so its not playing
forever. So, recall the original requirements in which we said that the alarm can only go for
an hour, and so there has to be a timer to time up to that one hour. Okay. What else? For
the sleep, internally when you are playing music and you have your sleep timer set. Is there
something that kicks off? Usually you press sleep on, right, or something like that? And then
it’ll run until it meets the time you set for when the- Well if you set the sleep timer. Then
when you move your slide switch or mode switch into radio or alarm, I guess into radio, it’s
going to, normally if you hadn’t set the sleep time, it would go off. You wouldn’t be hearing
any radio. So, if you’re sitting there and move it to on, radio comes on. Okay. But if you move
it to radio. Music Music, music. Okay, it would normally go off. But if you have the sleep
timer set, it goes off after that amount of time. And then, another internal timer is for your
sleep timer. I guess I want to make sure I understand correctly how the sleep timer, like how
it functionally works. So you press the sleep time, and that’s like, say you want to play for 30
minutes before it goes off. So to activate that, what mode do you need to be in to start your
sleep timer? Okay, so there’s two things going on here. Setting the amount of time before the
radio goes off and then actually causing that to happen at night when you’re ready to go to
sleep. So, we know how to set the time by hitting the sleep button and then setting some time
there. Now, it turns out on this particular clock radio, we’ve seen that the possibilities are 12
hours and there’s 60 minutes. But, this particular clock radio, you can only set it for, I believe,
up to an hour. Okay. So, you’re really just setting the minutes part of it. And, I haven’t
personally tried this feature out, so I don’t what the internal logic does in the situation where
you say three hours and twenty minutes, even though it only can do this sleeping for an hour.
So, that’s one thing that as an actual developer, we’d have to decide upon. Okay. Then there’s
the question of how, when you’re going to bed at night, this thing works, and what it is, is if
you have set the sleep time, if it’s got an actual value you’ve put in there, when you move the
mode switch into radio you would normally expect not to hear anything. But if you’ve got the
sleep time set then you would actually expect the radio to continue playing until that sleep
time expires. Okay. So then, I guess, just the internal timer for that. So as soon as you move
it into that mode, it goes up until you’re to that threshold. Right. And then lastly, we have
this internal clock timer for your actual display clock. So yeah, we’re clocking the minutes and
hours as they go by, and so there has to be some timer to do that particular thing. So we can
add these timers and sub-machines, and when we do the results, this is what you see here.
31 – Guarded Transitions
For guarded transitions, earlier we looked at situations where the response to an event is
conditioned on a sub-machine being in a state. For example, with event 20 we had the response
that looked like the following. If in mode music, go to speaker go in the speaker sub-machine
to mode playing. This response can be coded as a transition between the silent state. And the
playing state for the speaker that occurs when event 20 happens. And there is a guard that
looks like the phrase in, in music. And that particular logical expression is in square, square
32 – Cascaded Events
The second way of coordinating activities would be cascaded events. In state charts the
response to an event can be the broadcasting of another internal event. Because all states listen
for all events, this mechanism can be used to communicate between concurrently executing sub-
33 – Example
For example, when the frequency knob is turned, which was event four, three responses are
required. The physical knob ends up in a new position. The radio channel must be changed.
And the white vertical line indicating the current station must be moved. The position of
the vertical bar is in the province of a different machine from the one that was recording the
moving of the knob. Somehow, it must be, this, this other state must be informed of the new
station. This can be accomplished by using, by issuing a new internal event which we’ll just
call event A to which the station machine responds.
34 – Still To Do
We can do this, the same sort of invention of new events were appropriate to make sure
that all of the news cases that we started out with actually cause the machine or make the
radio behave in a way we like or behave. Well, we’re going to stop the exercise here, but there’s
some things which we would still have to do to get a complete model. Although this model
process, we have undertaken seems quite long there’s still some things we’d have to do. We’d
have to indicate what the default states for each of the concurrent machines is. Recall that for
a state machine we can indicate what the state is when we turn things on, and we would need
to do that for these concurrent machines. We would have to place the guards on the transitions
where required, and we’d have to invent these in, internal events. The results of this process
can be seen in, in the diagram shown here.
35 – Validation
We’re not quite done however, so far we’ve been in the, we’ve been engaged in building the
state chart model. Once the modeling is over, the resulting stays sharp but still be validated.
There are various ways we could, we could perform this check. We could hold a review that is
get a team of people involved in. I’ll walk through the use cases and make sure that each of the
concurrent machines is doing what you would expect it to do. You could do model checking.
Model checking is a, is an automated technique where you can encode all of the concurrent
state machines and any questions or tests. You’d like to determine whether or not the state
machine can ever happen in the state machines and then you can run what’s called a model
checker to determine whether those things can ever happen. And we could even and this is
similar to but he could have a separate, we could build a simulator of the execution using some
kind of state chart interpreter, which probably others as, as well, including going back to the
users with any questions that arise during this validation process.
37 – Conclusion
Clock radios are a common consumer device which people can use without any training and
without normally making any mistakes. Never the less they are complex, as the state chart we
have produced indicates. In fact, the clock radio that I have at home has a bug in it. If you get
awakened by the radio, turn it off and then change the alarm time to a later time. For example,
to waking your spouse, the radio comes back on. It still thinks that within, that it is within the
hour window. Okay I call that a bug and I think that the original designers of the radio should
have detected this particular situation and change that implementation. In any case it is only
by carefully modeling and validation that such situations can be avoided. State charts are a
device that can help you do that careful thinking and hopefully lead to better implementations,
better understanding of complex situations and ultimately better implementations of them.
P3L01 KWIC Exercise
01 – Software Architecture
To get a feel for software architecture, we will do an exercise first described in a paper by
David Parnas, which is linked on the class resources page. The exercise asks you to come up
with four different architectures that address the same problem. The problem is to design a
program that produces a Key Word in Context index, also called a KWIC index.
05 – KWIC Exercise
Here’s a solution to that example with three titles. And note that we have in doing this,
we have left out unimportant words like and, and of, which are sometimes called stop words.
And that we have rotated the output so that all the key words line up in a column. Okay.
And when quick indexes are actually published, you can see them look like this and you can
just go down the column to find the appropriate word. And so we have, in this case, six lines
in our output. We’ve removed the stop words from the, from the index list and, and then
alphabetized according to the key word.
some results that are then passed over to the sorter. Okay. And this order does its thing and
presumably there’s an input process at the start of this and there’s an output process at the
end of this. Yes. Well the way you phrased one part, the circler doesn’t necessarily have to
know about this order. So the circler its, I’m thinking its only job is rearrange the lines and
then now you have this index all the different arrangements in your lines. That index could
then just work with the sorter and the circler doesn’t have to know about it. Sure. And now,
what is it that breaks the file into lines and the lines into words? I guess the, the system in
this case would be the one that gets the file and then gives that off to the index or populates
the index initially.
08 – Components
So, it sounds as though what you have is the system component is responsible for causing
the input to be read in, causing it to be parsed into pieces getting storing those pieces into the
line and word data structures, and organizing index. Okay? And then calling the circular ship
to do his thing, and then ultimately calling the sorted view to do its thing. Now sometimes
when you put a lot of responsibility for organizing steps and behavior and algorithms inside
of one piece, you may want to break that piece into, into parts. So, this particular solution is
similar to Parnas’ approach which he called the Shared Data Decomposition. Well, we’re the
system into components based upon the functions they compute. And all components share
access to the data, which is stored in, in, in memory. So you have a component several data
structure components which are then accessible to the circular sorter and to the the circular
shifter and, and to the sorter. And this solution solutions like this typically contain some
form of what’s called a master controller routine, which you have labeled as systems. And it’s
responsible for invoking the others and knowing what steps are, are in the process and that
the typically in a situation like this, control flow dependencies, is, are organized or realized by
function calls.
09 – Shared Data
And he has a, a diagram which has these pieces in it. It’s somewhat similar to yours
and it differentiates between subroutine calls which are indicated here by the lines with the
arrowheads, the big arrowheads. And accesses to the memory which are lines with the smaller
arrowheads. And he also breaks out system IO, that is the reading and the input and the
writing and the output. So that’s solution number one. Take a minute now and see if you
can come up with another solution. Okay, so for my second solution, I’ve tried to decentralize
some of this, because it sounded like the system was just too, too heavy. So, the system is still
comprised of these components for parsing something to circle what we parsed, and sort and
then display. So I have the parser, the circler, the sorter and the displayer, but I’m trying to
treat it as if it’s like a running through a process in which the system doesn’t have to negotiate
everything. So . So, a step at a time? A step at a time. Okay. So we start with the parser.
The parser does its job, passes its output to the circler. The circler, then, creates all of our
different, you know, shifted versions of the lines. That gets passed to the sorter. And then,
the sorter sorts it alphabetically and passes that on to the displayer. Okay. This sounds very
similar to, what Parnas calls the pipe and filter, solution to things, so let’s take a minute and
look at that.
these queues are called pipes. So we have pipes connecting together the filters. Each of the
filters is going to take a single input, which has become called the standard input, and it’s
going to produce a single output, which has now been called the standard output. The filters
share the assumptions that the inputs and output consist of sequential files containing lines of
ASCII characters. Can you think of a situation where you have a pipeline of filter components
where it’s non-ASCII? I mean, I guess you could pipe together Linux processes that have
binary output, but. Yeah, but what- Useful. Well, okay. In terms of, like, a user interface,
you wouldn’t be seeing anything that might be useful. Well, it turns out that in doing image
processing, okay, you put various filters along the way to deal with the processing of the images.
Also in situations where there’s sensor data and you want to filter out noise of certain kinds
or select certain frequency bands and so on. It’s binary data, but it’s going through a filtering
process. So although this does work in other situations, it’s most familiar and most used in
situations where there’s text files. So as you’ve indicated, there’s going to be filters having
to do with circular shifting, and alphabetizing, and reading things in and putting things out.
And one of the essential elements of this particular approach to solving things is there’s no
common data storage elements. We’re just passing the solution along as we go.
components into data structure, and then have operations for computing the values in that
data structure. We have input components, like before, output components like before, and a
master controller that invokes the other components.
14 – Implicit Invocation
Parness’ other solution is a little bit more subtle. Now, in this case we’re going to co-
ordinate the communication between the components using a technique called registration
broadcast. Components requiring services which, we’re going to call clients, express interest
in state changes in components providing them which we’ll call servers. And that requesting
notification is called a registration process. When a server component announces that some-
thing, detects that something has been changed and announces it, it’s going to announce it to
all the registered clients and that’s going to be broadcast. In this particular approach, servers
don’t know the identities of the clients. The clients called them and said, call me back, but I
don’t know who you are that I’m calling. And the uni, unit of notification here is the event.
We have essentially the same components as before, it’s just that their mode of interaction has
changed, and, and is now implicit invocation based upon something happening.
18 – Evaluation
With respect to the three other solutions, we have advantages and disadvantages as well.
As far as the ADT, Abstract Data Type solution, it’s very good, as far as maintainability and
reuse. Those particular components could be used in other applications by just, just plucking
them out. Remember, they’ve hidden away details. On the other hand because things are
hidden away you have to invoke them through function call interfaces which might be more
expensive, so you might pay a price in performance. With respect to implicit implication, okay
it has also maintainability advantages. If you change the representation because the, the, the
clients and the servers don’t know much about each other you only have to change them in
one place. You don’t have to change change the others, which also facilitates reuse. On the
other hand, because it’s implicit invocation and you don’t know who you’re talking to a lot of
times, it’s sometimes difficult to think about or control what’s going on. And if you had to
do some kind of debugging it might be tricky to know, you know, which of the components
was responsible for some kind of problem. Also, as with the ADT solution, because you have
these more or less abstract interfaces between things there may be a performance hit. With
respect to pipe and filter, pipe and filter is very intuitive, easy to think about. It’s also easy
to reuse because each of the filters along the way, you can plunk out and put into another,
another solution. On the other hand if we wanted to make changes, such as making the system
interactive pipe and filter wouldn’t work at all. It, it’s going to stream things, stream things
through. also, it’s not particularly space efficient because you have no no place for you to
store the data, which means you might have multiple copies of that data floating around as
you’re processing. So, each of the particular solutions has advantages and disadvantages, and
in any particular sit, situation you want to look at what’s important to you. Is performance
important? Is memory footprint important? And, pick a solution that has the particular
advantages that you need and avoids the particular disadvantages that might bother you.
19 – Enhancements Quiz
Another consideration is what’s going to happen next. If you’re building a system and
you’ve done a good job and that system is successful, you’re customers are going to want more.
Fact of life. They’re going to want enhancements and you can’t really anticipate very well in
advance what those enhancements are. Okay? If you could, then you could build your system
in the first place so that it already had the enhancements in there, okay? So as another little
quiz here see if you can list three ways in which this particular quick indexing tools might be
improved. Three, three kinds of enhancements that you can imagine the customers wanting.
components in other applications. That’s, that’s a, a form of, of evolution as well. We might
want to for performance reasons, or, or other reasons change the processing algorithm, so that
we do the shifting of lines as they’re read in or we wait until, doing the shifting until they’re all
read in. We might want to shift lines on demand we might want to use an incremental rather
than a batch sort. That is, have some kind of sorted pre-structure that we add each title to
as it comes in rather than when you get them all in and do a sort. You might want to add
new functionalities such as we indicated before, in terms of stop words and eliminating those.
We might want to support deletions, like, like you mentioned. We might want to use external
stores, that is along the lines of persistence we might imagine the database on disc that holds
these either in their original format or in some partially processed format. We might want to
change the data representation. Imagine that we are moving to a different library to support
our our in-memory storage. And we, so we might need a new representation of the lines and,
and so on. Variety of changes. And the question then is, of the various approaches to the
architectural breakdown of things, which ones are resilient to which changes? If you could
anticipate the changes coming in, you could pick an architecture that, if not already able to
provide that particular change would be able to easily adapt to that change.
21 – Reusability Quiz
So let me posit a hypothetical here. Which of the four styles you think would be able to
deal with a change having to do with the reusability of the components?
25 – Deletion Quiz
And which if the four styles would be best able to cope with the change having to do with
this interactive deletion of titles.
27 – Lessons
So to take away from this, the bottom line, is that there are a variety of different archi-
tectural styles that can be used to solve the same design problem. And, in order to figure out
which one to use you should be aware that each style has it’s advantages and disadvantages,
and depending on the particular requirements, changes you have to deal with, you can pick
the one that’s best suited for your particular situation.
P3L02 Overview of Architectural Styles
01 – Introduction
With this lesson, we begin the second major unit of the course on software architecture.
Which is you recall, is the highest level of expression to a design problem. In actual practice,
software architecture and industry usually amounts to the preparation of a slide for display that
contains some boxes and arrows depicting the major components of a system, and how they’re
connected together. We want to take a more principled look at what this essential aspect of
software design is all about. Here is such a diagram. The boxes depict major components of
the system, and the arrows indicate some form of dependency among the boxes. It might be
the flow of control, it might be the flow of data. The point being is that the, there’s no actual
semantics to the diagram that is universally accepted.
02 – Informal Definition
Let’s start with an informal definition of software architecture. It is the organization or
the breakdown of the system in to component subsystems or modules. Architecture is almost
universally done in layers. That is, there’s a most abstract version, and then the components of
the abstract version are broken down into sub-components, subsystems and so on, until we get
to a level, a low enough level where things can actually be implemented. So, for architectures
as we mentioned a second ago, often also make use of a stereotypical architectural styles and
we’ll be looking into those styles in this lesson.
This is false because there will likely be additions to a system for collection classes or other
types of utility classes that an analysis model would not specify
05 – USP Definition
Here is a somewhat more formal definition from the definers of the unified software process.
I’m not going to recite it for you, but I will mention several key elements. One is architecture
is all about decisions, choices that the architect makes about how which, which components
are there, how they interact, and how the non-functional requirements are being dealt with.
As far as the components are concerned, these are structural elements, and they’re interfaces,
that is what they provide to the rest of the world, and what they require from the rest of the
world. Components interact, they, they engage in collaboration with other components, and it
is the composition of these structural and behavioral elements into larger, and larger subsys-
tems that form the overall architecture. This structuring, this, this composing may be guided
by architectural styles, that provide guidance as to or bring in experience that others have had
with building similar systems. The decisions about software architecture, concern not only the
structure and behavior but other important elements, such as usage, performance, compre-
hensibility, understandability, economics, technology constraints and trade-offs and aesthetic
06 – Other Definitions
Some other definitions we want to, to pull from during this lesson are, one from Dwayne
Perry and Alex Wolf, that involves elements, forms and rationale. Rationale being the set of dis,
the, the decisions and reasons for making them, that the architects have agreed on. Obviously,
architecture involves the fundamental organization, components and relationships. This comes
from the IEEE definition. Another element from Verhoff is the determination of what makes
up the components here based upon hiding away those things which are hardest to change.
That’s a little bit different way of thinking about a system. But if you imagine what the system
is going to be like several years after its initial release, it’s going to change. And those changes
have the potential of breaking the system in unexpected ways. So by hiding away those tough
decisions we can help reduce the overall maintenance cost downstream. And then for the rest of
this lesson, we’re going to be guided by the Garlan and Shaw paper which is listed on the class
resource page, and they talk about architecture in terms of its components, its connectors,
and its configurations. What do they mean by these three terms? Well, a component is a
computational or a data element, plus its interfaces, which they call ports, interfaces to the
rest of the system. The interfaces express what the component requires or needs from the
rest of the system, and what it provides. Recall from the UML component diagrams, this is
exactly what the interfaces, represent. A connector is a, essentially a communication protocol
among components, although it may have code associated with it for enforcing that particular
protocol. It is its, its major element of defining the character is that protocol. And then
configuration is how you put those pieces together. You plug a connector into a component.
You plug the other end of the connector into another component if it’s a binary connector, and
the ports then can talk to each other using the connector. That overall topology for the pieces
is called a configuration.
07 – Components
A couple of takes on components one from Richard Taylor, a software component is an
architectural entity. It’s concerned with a unit of the system’s functionality or its data. Once
again, key here is the interfaces that it provides to the rest of the world, and, according to
Taylor, the dependencies on its required execution context. What that, what that means
is, what does it take in order to enable the component to run in a manner that it should?
Szyperski offers the following, that a component is a unit of composition. We’re going to take
components, we’re going to put them together with contractually specified interfaces. This
means that the interfaces are explicit, the other components know about it, they agree to it,
and that these interfaces when you’re putting things together in configurations can be checked
and enforced.
08 – Selecting Components
The obvious approach to selecting components is to say, well what is it the system is
supposed do or compute and break that down into, into pieces. However there are many other
factors that might go into deciding which components are going to be part of your system. Of
course, required functionality is, is most important there, but it may also be the case that you
already have some existing reusable components from your libraries that you want to build
into your system. And that may have a important role in deciding on the overall component
structure as would the physical machine architecture, that is the architecture providing you
multiple cores in which case how can you take advantage of those in, in breaking down your
computation. Another element you might not have thought of is your staff, that is the people
who are going to do this. Conway’s Law say’s that the ultimate structure of a system depends
upon the structure of the organization building it. So it’s well to take into account that if you
have three people helping you lay out the architecture you’re likely to end up with three major
components. Another important element is that for real systems they’re going to have long
lifetimes. And the trajectory of that lifetime, the direction in which it’s going to move as we
saw in the Brohoff definition, could and should strongly influence the components into which
you divided.
09 – APIs
A word about API’s. I’ve mentioned it requires and provides part of the components
description. This is sometimes called the component’s application programming interface or
API. If you look at documentation for systems at the level of Javadoc for, let’s say a bunch of
software you may download. The description of the, of the classes and what their methods are
and so on, are this, is that, is that classes API. It’s going to include the names by which you
can refer to the elements of that particular unit for example, the method names, the arguments
you, you provide to that component, and, and their types, the return value and so on. The
API could be specified in a particular programming language. If, if it’s, if that’s the case, it’s
called the language binding. It might be described that a higher level of abstraction, such as
using OCL. And a little later were going to look at specialized notations for describing APIs
at the architectural level called Architectural Description Languages, or ADLs.
10 – Connectors
That’s what I wanted to say about components. In a sense components are easier because,
you’re going to, devise them in terms of the functionality, and the functionality is, dominates
what’s in the requirements, specification. Connectors are trickier. Okay. Connectors, are,
where the designer has to make some specific choices about how to deal with problems. Taylor’s
definition is a, a connector is a, a software connector is an architectural element tasked with
effecting and regulating interactions among components, the piping between those components.
The key way that I like to look at connectors is they provide a protocol for interaction among
those components. A protocol is a kind of a language saying who speaks in what order. What
information is passed back and forth, and what to do if something goes wrong. We’re going to
later in the course, devote a whole class to discussing connectors.
11 – Example Connector
As an example, the simplest connector I can think of is a procedure call and return. This is
a pair of messages. The first one you’re calling some method, and second you’re getting every
turn value passed back. This is an asymmetric relationship, okay, that is the caller, okay? One
of the two roles for the, for the connector is caller and the other’s callee. The caller waits,
once he’s issued the call, for the callee to re, return. Okay? It’s a synchronous relationship
because the caller blocks or. Stops any further computation. The connector also allows for
the passing of information in terms of typed parameters and the second message may include
a return value, also a typed value.
12 – Configuration
Assuming that we have the components and the connectors, now we need to wire them
together. And we call that a configuration. It’s a set of specific associations between the
components and the connectors of a software system’s architecture, according to Taylor.
13 – Terminology
There’s some other terms related to architecture that I”d like to mention for a minute
just so that if we come across them later, you’ll know what I was intending. The first one
is conceptual architecture. Obviously, the word conceptual connotes that it’s vague or high
level. The reason is fake or high level is that it’s often produced very early in the development
process, in fact before you may even have a complete idea of what the requirements are.
Conceptual architectures are often produces a way to begin the planning process. Okay, by
having an idea of what at a very high level the components and connectors are going to be,
you can begin to block out what the teams might look like and how long it’s going to take
to produce the ultimate program. A pair of other terms to be aware of is the As-Intended
versus the As-Built architecture. During the planning process, the architectural planning
process in which the architectural team decides on what the architecture is going to be and
produces some documentation for that, the result is the As-Intended architecture. However,
during the course of actual construction of the program, something else may be built, and
we’ll call that the As-Built architecture. There are several reasons why the As-Built may
not match ideally with the As-Intended. It may be the case, for example, that during the
course of refinement, the development team comes across a available component, whether it’s
open source or from another group, that can short cut the development process by providing
some needed functionality. But that additional piece may not match identically with what was
intended in the architectural plan. This process by which the As-Intended becomes the As-
Built is sometimes called architectural drift. And if it happens during software maintenance,
that is, after the program is released and the maintenance team then is dealing with bugs and
enhancement suggestions, the term is sometimes called architectural erosion. This may arise
because the maintenance team, under time pressure to get the fixes out to the customers, may
not make the ideal fix that would be done if, if the original development were done in a way
that was aware of this particular problem or enhancement. and, perhaps also didn’t go back
and make the appropriate changes to the architectural documentation.
14 – Architectural Views
In another lesson later on we’re going to be looking at architectural views. But to anticipate
that I’ll just mention that architectural description is not just a diagram, it’s a set of decisions.
And in fact the, in order to fully communicate that set of decisions, many diagrams and/or
textual documents might be produced. We call these architectural views. Because the set of
decisions may be large, and there may be many different aspects to it, okay? Over the course
of time various different kinds of diagrams and tables have been developed and found useful
and so we want to be aware of what those are so if you are confronted by a situation where you
need to convey some aspects of the architecture, you have you’re aware of the various diagrams
and, and textural processes you could apply.
17 – Architectural Styles
Most of the remainder of this particular lesson is going to be concerned with architectural
styles. As with buildings, software systems come in, in, of different types. Okay, we call those
types architectural styles. Taylor’s definition of an architectural style is a named collection of
decisions. Those decisions are appropriate in a particular circumstances that is dependent upon
you know, the system specifications and its major concerns. The design decisions constrain,
what are the possible components and interactions and by using. The architectural style. You
get various benefits from it on the ultimate system you’re you’re building and the process of
building it.
requesters from each other. They’re aware of the service provider or providers but not each
other and we’re even going to allow for multiple service providers the number of which may
grow dynamically depending upon the demand for the services that are there. Can you name
this particular architectural style?
21 – Catalog of Styles
What I have here is essentially just a big, long list. And I’m not going to go into all of
them, but I will make some, make some comments that are appropriate to a few of them. The
idea for throwing these at you is that as I said, the key to software design is having experience.
Experience means being aware of possible solutions, and here’s a catalog of solutions that
have been applied in certain circumstances in the past. In the KWIC quick exercise that you
undertook you saw the abstract data type architectural style as did the, as you did the batch
sequential one. Blackboard architecture is one in which the various components post their
results and their requests on some kind of common data repository, and the other components
look at the repository and see if there’s anything they can react to. The fourth one here, the big
ball of mud is not really any architectural style it’s an absence of one. It usually arises of because
of the process of architectural erosion, or because the team didn’t even have an architectural
design process in the first place. We also have already have mentioned client server. We’ll talk
about component-based systems later in the, in the course. This use of the term component
is somewhat different than the one we’ve been using in this particular lesson, but we’ll make
that clear when we get to it. You may not have heard about coroutines. So I want to ment,
take a, take a second to mention that. With subprograms or subroutines we mentioned that
there’s this asymmetric relationship. There’s a caller and a callee. With coroutines, it’s a
symmetric relation. Okay? A can call B and B can call A. Okay? Moreover, if A calls B for
a second time, B continues from the point that it was last at when it returned from the first
call. These are called coroutines. A primary example of coroutines. Think about printing out
22 – MORE STYLES 137
formatted data. With printing out formatted data such as with print F, typically you have a a
list of formatting information and a list of data items. And you, the implementation proceeds
by taking a, the first formating information and the first data item and then connecting them
together. Then getting the second format information information and the second data item,
and there may be some loops involved, some formatting information may allow for multiple
occurrences. Moreover the data provided maybe in the form of a loop. So we’re really going
back and forth between these two streams of information, and a coroutine is a perfect a perfect
style for dealing with that kind of situation. If you’ve got a sequel database and you’ve got
some experience with this, you know that you can include in your standard sequel some other
functions that you’ve written. If you do that sometimes the architectural style is called data
centric, you, that is, you’re using stored database procedures. In this course we won’t be
getting into domain modeling very much but there is a architectural style called domain driven
design. And here, by a domain we mean a kind of application program. So think about, for
example, tax processing software. With tax processing software, there’s certain vocabulary that
everybody’s familiar with such as deductions. And there’s typical ways of solving problems.
So, if you’ve ever used your TurboTax or other tax preparation software, you know if you
change something over here, other things will get changed automatically for you. That style of
data flow updates is inherently part of the tax preparation software application domain. And
so by organizing your tax appropriation software using this particular domain architectural
style once again you can save yourself effort. We’re going to be looking more extensively at
implicit invocation. And, and also in the Garland and Shaw book that’s listed on the resources
page there’s a very nice section that talks about all the possible options for implicit invocation
architectural style. Another very popular one is layered architectures, in which each layer in
the system acts as a virtual machine, providing capabilities to the layers above it.
22 – More Styles
Historically probably the first architectural style that became pervasive was called the
Master Control. That issued right at top level routine that was responsible for organizing the
use of the lower level routines. Some of the other ones listed on this particular list listed here.
Are more recent message bus is an analogy with the bus, the hardware bus that organizes
computations on a chip message bus often means asynchronous message passing over some
common data channel. With your smartphone or other mobile devices there are a set of
constraints that you have to deal with. That you wouldn’t have to deal with in other kinds
of applications. So architectural style in support of mobile code. Where there might be
remote remote evaluation and you have agents of various places on a network is an example of
mobile code architecture and style. The term object-oriented architectural style is a little bit
different, than, object-oriented programming or object-oriented programming language. But
with the object-oriented architectural style, we still have objects, but each of those objects have
an independent existence that is they’re running all the time, they have their own thread of
control, and they’re sending message to each, messages to each other. Assynchronous messages.
This will allows them to cooperatively address a, address the problem being solved. Peer to
peer network, you may have heard of. Here there are equal parties sharing responsibility for
providing whatever services. Plug in architecture. If you are familiar with some interactive
development environments like Eclipse, you know that there’s a whole registry of available
additional functionality that you can plug into Eclipse. And the mechanism for doing that is a
very powerful way of adding extensibility to systems. Pipe and filter you’ve seen before with a
quick a quick exercise. One you haven’t seen probably, is process control. Think here, nuclear
reactor. Think here, your speed control on your car. The situation is you have some ongoing
hardware process and you’d like a corresponding software. Application to control that process.
If the process is going too fast, you want to slow it down. If it’s going too slow, you want
to speed it up. This is called process control, and its key element is some kind of feedback
loop. From the artificial intelligence world, there’s production systems. These are essentially
a collection of rules, and the conditions under which the rules fire. It enables the modeling of
systems where we don’t have a clear idea of what the control flow needed to implement the
system. A very popular one these days is, is Rest. Rest stands for representational state transfer
and you could think here it’s those internet applications that are using HTTP. that, often have
a client server type relationship, and that are stateless, that is each of the, user requests are
handled independently, and some potentially some caching going on to improve performance.
Service oriented architecture or SOA, is where we have carved up the functionality of the
system into separate services. That is, from the users point of view, a service is a unit, a self
contained unit of, of, of functionality and that means that we have to imagine the architecture
of the system as being able to support a set of, a set of services. These are typically done
in support of enterprise type applications, and often with internet connectivity between the
user requests through some browser, and the ultimate service being provided by some server.
Shared nothing is a term for a distributed database with no sharing across across the nodes. I
don’t have, personally have, a lot of experience with that one. Stay transition systems, on the
other hand, are very common, particularly if yo have a situation where the system is driven by
events, assynchronise events, and has to react to those events. A typical example is, if you’ve
got a GUI and the user is providing the events. But it could also be some kind of real time
system where the events are coming from the outside world. Shared memory, we saw from
the, from the quick exercise and finally we have table-driven interpreter. For certain kinds of
applications where the requests take the form of simple expressions in some kind of language we
can deal with those requests by having a, an interpreter. The interpreter is essentially taking
the request parsing it, and then invoking the, whatever procedure is required to deal with that
sp, specific request.
23 – Style Issues
Although it may sound like, all the problems have been solved by just selecting the correct
architectural style, there are still some issues. One important one is that for real systems,
big systems it may require more than one architectural style. We call that a Heterogeneous
system, you can imagine for example that the. System might have some client/server elements
that might have a GUI make it reactive. It may be the combination of a variety of, of, of of
different approaches and the systems, you still have to have an architecture so that, so you
have a single concept for how the system is going to work. Secondly. Some situations, although
they call for having an architectural style, style are very domain specific. For example, imagine
in military context of a particular kind of airplane. It may be the case, it is the case that
that airplane comes in a variety of variants. However, the control systems for the airplane is
pretty much the same across variance. That is, it shares more than it differs. In this situation,
we call it a Domain-specific software architecture, or DSSA. Another term sometimes used is
reference architecture, that is the reference architecture describes what’s common. And then
for any particular variant, the architecture responsible for saying what those variants are, and
how they’re going to be dealt with. The third issue is one of semantics. It’s easier for me,
it’s easy for me to lay out and say, a client server is XYZ. But what exactly does that mean?
It’s important, and as the field of software architecture evolves, to get more and more precise
definitions of what these styles mean. Which will then enable, reuse of, of existing solutions.
26 – SAAM 139
25 – Architectural Evaluation
The final thing that I wanted to mention in this overview of software architecture, is evalu-
ation. It doesn’t do you that much good to develop this fancy architecture, if it’s not the right
one. Okay? So, we need some process by which we can judge the correctness, completeness,
consistency. And other quality aspects of the architecture we’ve produced. Because of its, the
importance of software architecture on the ultimate product being developed, it’s key to get it
right. Because if we make a mistake, it’s very costly to make a change. So, some approaches
have been developed for dealing with architectural evaluation. One of those, is architecture
review boards. That is, for large systems which are developed by multiple teams. Or, maybe
systems of systems. Making a change can have impacts on various unexpected places in, in
the ultimate system. And so it’s good to have the stakeholders, particularly development
stakeholders, sit down and evaluate the impact of those changes. Some organizations have, for-
malized this into a periodic meetings. That review suggested for architecture, suggestions for
architectural changes. Also some, so, some evaluation techniques have been developed. Soft-
ware architecture assessment method, or SAAM. I’m going to show you a slide on this. It’s, is
a relatively informal one. More formal one developed at the Software Engineering Institute, is
the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method, or ATAM.
26 – SAAM
Here’s a sketch of SAAM. Assuming that we have already gone through an architectural
design process and if we produce some artifacts like diagrams. So we generate that architecture.
We also generate some scenarios. Now these are not primarily usage scenarios, or we could
think of them as, as elaborated usage scenarios. Where instead of looking at it from the outside,
external view, we’re looking for it internally. So for example if, if the external request is by the
user to compute some result, the generated scenario here that we, the team provides is which
elements of the architecture are required. To, be involved in providing that functionality. And
in what order. That is, we essentially are going to, walk through the diagram and see how
that particular usage of the system impacts the architecture. This is particularly important if
what we’re talking about is a new scenario. That is imagine the system that was architected
one way and we want to add a new a new, a new functionality to it. Imagine also that maybe
there are thoughts on different ways of doing this. So if we had alternative proposals. Each are
provided in the form of some kind of diagram, we could walk through the two diagrams and
see which one, in which one, there’s more impact of the change. We might want to go with
the solution which has the, the lesser impact. And so imagine this all happening in some kind
of design review meeting, in which we systematically go through that proposed changes. The
proposed architectural responses to them. And use the gathered information to come, to come
to some kind of conclusion about the way forward.
27 – Summary
Well, the intention of this lesson is to introduce you to the topic of software architecture.
That we’re going to be looking at in more detail in subsequent lessons. The ultimate goal of
course, is to produce high quality systems and reduce the cost of producing them. The key way
of doing that is the early detection of problems. And the key way of detecting things early is
to try to layout in advance, what the, what the system is going to look like. You want to have
explicit recognition of what the issues are, explicit rationale for how they are being handled.
We want to be able to on the productivity side to deal with any existing assets we can apply
toward the solution. And we want to be able to construct an architecture at a sufficient level
of abstraction. That it can be used to convey all these idea quickly and effectively to all the
stakeholders involved.
P3L03 Architectural Views
01 – Architectural Views
Building architects use sketches and blueprints to convey the architecture of a proposed
building. Similarly, software architects use a variety of notational devices called views for the
same purpose. It’s well to remember though that an architecture is not simply a picture, it
is a set of these important design decisions made during the course of thinking about how
the building or the software system is going to solve whatever problem it’s suppose to solve.
Specifically, software architecture conveys the set of components that will together compute
a solution to the problem while satisfying or not violating any of the require non-functional
constraints as specified in the requirements for the system. In this particular lesson we will look
at a variety of different graphical and textual approaches for conveying software architecture
views. We will start with Philip Kruchten’s 4 plus 1 architectural views paper which I asked
you to read. And then we will add in some different views that go beyond what he was talking
about, the feature view, non-functional requirements, bug reporting, context, and utility views.
02 – Logical View
The first and probably the most popular of Kruchten’s five views is the logical view.
This conveys the structural breakdown of the computational, communicational, and behavioral
responsibilities of the system. There’s lots of ways of conveying logical views. Probably the
most frequently used is a box and arrow diagram. We’ll see a slide in a second. You’ve
already encountered some of the UML diagrams that can be used to convey the logical view,
including the class model diagram, interaction overview, and collaboration diagrams. And also,
we will be seeing the components and connectors that are part of architectural description
languages. Here’s a random box and arrow diagram. It contains boxes which indicate the, the
the functional components of a system, and arrows connecting them indicating some kind of
dependency between the boxes. Box and arrow diagrams have the benefit of being familiar.
And usually can convey a whole lot about the high-level architecture in terms of a single slide.
However, they have the disadvantage of being imprecise. Just what is it that those arrows
03 – Developmental View
The second of Kruchten’s views is the developmental view, and here we’re concerned with
the source code. The logical view had to do with the system, primarily with how it’s going to
execute. The development view has to do with the source code. And the units of source code
which might be considered for modeling in the development view include packages, classes,
subsystems, libraries, files, and so on. UML package diagrams, UML component diagrams
can convey this sort of thing, as can the mechanisms provided by source control systems such
as CVS or, or, or, or some of it’s SVN or, or Github or some of the more modern modern
systems allow the developers to break the system into modules. Here is a reminder of some of
the slides that we saw when we were reviewing UML diagram types. Here’s a class diagram
with packages, here’s a package diagram, and here’s a component diagram where the rectangles
correspond with the components. The the arrows correspond to specific dependencies among
the components indicating that a component supplies what is needed by a component at the
other end of the line.
06 – Process View
The third of Kruchten’s diagrams is the process view, and here we’re very specifically get-
ting into what concurrently executing processes or threads exist and how executed, execution
is divided among them. Primary means for conveying this is the UML deployment diagram.
Here’s an example that we saw before where there are two major concurrently executing com-
ponents and some indication of how they’re communicating with each other
07 – Physical View
The fourth of Kruchtens’ views is the physical view, and this is very close to the previous
one. Here however we are concerned with how the processes are allocated to the various
execution units. And we can use the deployment diagram that we just saw, or we can use a
sequence diagram here. Here, as a reminder, is a sequence diagram. The columns correspond
to objects, which could be running on separate processors. Recall that objects are like classes,
except the names are underlined and there’s usually a colon separating the name from the
class name. Going down a column corresponds to the passage of time. And the lines that
cross it indicate messages being sent. So here we have the, the coordination of three particular
processes dealing with the handling of a transaction. Collaboration diagrams had the same
content as in sequence diagrams, but they’re laid out differently. Here’s the corresponding
collaboration diagram for the previous sequence diagram. Same objects, same messages. The
numbers indicate the orders in which the messages are sent.
among several use cases. Important thing is that the use case diagram in UML conveys a set
of use cases, not an individual use case.
09 – Context View
Going back to our historical overview of, of modeling. Recall OMT, the object modeling
technique. And it had both structural view and behavioral view, but it had a functional, and
the functional view made use of what are called data flow diagrams. UML does not contain that
particular functional view. It uses use case diagrams instead. But I wanted to show you the,
the data flow diagrams because I have found them personally useful in describing describing
systems. In particular, a data flow diagram conveys systems activities and the ordering in
which they occur. Data flow diagrams can be nested, and the outermost data flow diagram is
called a context diagram. In the context diagram, there’s a single oval which denotes the system
as a whole. That oval can be connected to various external actors. In the case of the context
view, those aren’t stick figures. Instead they’re rectangles. And the actors can be individual
users, or they even can be external systems which are communicating with the system that
you’re modeling. The lines that connect the actors to the system are called dataflow lines, that
is there’s some communication of data between the actor and the system or the system and the
actor. Here’s a context diagram of a system that plays chess. The external actor is the human
opponent and there are three flows of data. The human opponent can submit moves to the to
the chess playing program. Similarly the chess playing program can communicate moves back
to the human opponent, or the chess playing program can produce a diagram of the current
board situation.
11 – Feature View
Well that’s it for the four plus one views, but I think there are some other views which are
sometimes useful in understanding, or conveying your understanding, of a system that you’re
trying to build at the architectural level. One that I’ve found quite useful is a feature view. A
feature is a conceptual unit of system behavior from the user’s point of view. Your camera has
a zooming feature available to it. Or maybe it doesn’t, okay? Typically, features are something
which manufacturers provide as options, that you may have to pay extra for. Feature modeling
is used for describing a set of features that a a collection of related applications provide. There’s
feature diagram, which I’m going to show you in a second, that conveys the set of possible
features that might be configured into a particular product in that set of products. The diagram
is graphical. It has icons and so on, but it can also have intra-feature constrains which aren’t
shown in this particular diagram. Here’s a particular feature diagram showing the features of
a car. At the top is the, what’s called the concept or the main manufactured item and then
under it are its features. So the car, this particular car has four features. Okay. Three of the
features are required. The body, the transmission, and engine. And whether or not it pulls
trailer is optional. Whether it’s required or optional is indicated by the little circle at the end
of arc connecting cart to its features. If the circle is filled in it’s a required feature, and if it’s
open; then it’s an optional feature. Features can have sub-features. So, a transition sorry, a
transmission can have an automatic transmission feature, or a manual transmission feature.
The or that I just said, is indicated by that open arc connecting those two lines coming out
of the transition. Similarly there are two kinds of engines, electrical and gasoline. In this case
the arc is filled in though, indicating that you can have a combination. That is you can have
a hybrid engine. We could imagine a constraint here going between automatic transmission
and pulls trailer, saying that the pulls trailer option is only available if you have the automatic
transmission and not the manual transmission.
options are and how you decided to trade things off, and I’m suggesting here some tabular
text. Here’s an example, if you imagine a web browser and you say, what’s it’s major com-
putational responsibility? Well it’s displaying web pages. Quite simple. But if you actually
look at the code for a web browser, it’s filled with code having to do with managing caches.
There are page caches and connection caches and image caches and so on. Okay? Why are
there caches? Well, caches are a technique for dealing with performance constraints and non-
functional requirement, okay? So it’s important to relate that information, first of all, that
there is a performance requirement, and second of all, what technique is being used to address
that performance requirement, the caches.
20 – Utility Views
The last view I’d like to talk about is not really a view but a miscellaneous category
indicating that there’s a lot of other information having to do with system structure that
hasn’t been conveyed by the other views we’ve seen. Okay? This has to do with supporting
software in files which are, are, are part of the system but maybe aren’t part directly of the
executing software. Okay? And I’m suggesting that this information be conpeyed, conveyed in,
in tabular text it includes things like installation scripts, log file analysis, statistical processing,
the make files that are there the configuration files for different configurations for the system,
any documentation. Okay, the project manifests which describe system structure as part of a,
a large delivery package. And any supporting tools. Okay, when you’re building the system
all of these pieces have to actually be there to contribute to the build and hence they’re part
of this kind of grander architecture of a system.
21 – Conclusion
In putting this all together, an important point to get across is there’s no such single,
tangible thing as in the architecture. An architecture is a set of decisions. You can convey
some of the information about those decisions with various views, whether they’re graphical
or textual, okay? And their sum conveys the architecture. For your purposes as a developer,
you need to select the appropriate views depending upon the structure of the system, that is
the complexity and the application domain of the system and the particular people that are
going to be looking at those diagrams or reading that text.
P3L04 Text Browser Exercise (Arch)
02 – Text Browser
We call the following problem that we considered earlier. You have a source of textual data,
a Document, with a file system interface, which we call the FileManager. You have a resizable
viewing window resource capable of displaying lines of text which we call the ViewPort. And
you have a controlling device which we call the ScrollBar capable of selecting a discrete value
via handle, where the purpose of it controlling which lines have actually appear on the screen.
The objective of, of this case study is to specify the properties of a text browser, choose an
architecture, and assemble the components together
03 – Exercise
To construct this diagram, you should take the following steps using a UML class model
diagram as notation. First of all, indicate external actors but only one activity. That is, there’s
only going to be one class in here and that’s the class of the text browser itself. Indicate in
the external stimuli or events that can affect the text browser. And indicate how the text
browser communicates it’s results back to the external actors, it’s percepts. So you want to
take a crack at producing such a, a, a diagram that lays out the text browsers relationship to
the external actors. Okay, so I have I think kind of what are the things that you can do to
the system. Okay, let’s, let’s start with [COUGH] what are the actors, the external actors? So
for the external actors, I’ve shown drawn the user using the text browser, but also I believe
we mentioned previously that the operating system is also an actor, even though you may not
think of it visually, like, see that happening. Okay. So there’s two external actors in here. The
end user and the operating system which is going to supply the actual file contents. There’s
the the classic self which represents the system, okay. And you also have some events okay.
What events do you have? So, an event that the user would, start with the user, what the user
can do with a text browser, view the text browser, can move the handle that’s in the tray, and
then also resize the text browser. So which one of, which ones of those are events? events? The
movement of the handle’s an event, the resizing of the window’s also an event. Viewing’s kind
of like a continuous process, there’s no kind of instantaneous event that’s happening. Well but
the system is not doing the viewser, viewing, the use is doing the viewing, so. Correct. That’s
actually a percept of the system right. Okay. It’s something that the system provides for the
user. In addition to the actual lines of file, what else is the system communicating back to
the user? We’re also communicating back the size of the handle. Something that we’re seeing.
That, that says something about the proportion of the file that’s visible. Correct. And we’re
also communicating back to the user the height of the view port. Okay. Obviously the the
user has control over that height. And the system is going to give feedback by showing a view
port with different heights on it. And you mentioned also that the contents, and that’s clearly
a percept as well. So we have the height of the viewport, it’s contents, the size of the handle,
and the position of the handle on the tray is another percept. Correct. Okay, and we have the
two events, the resizing event and the scrolling event. We have the two external actors and
we have the class itself. Okay, so we can take the informal sketch that you’ve done, and we
can lay it out using some kind of UML tool into a precise UML diagram that’s got the single
rectangle indicating the, the class labeled text browser. It’s got some attributes which include
the height, the the contents that are visible, the handle size, the handle position. Its got some
external actors for the user and the file system. Its got some events indicating the user what
the user can do to affect the text browser, and I’ve also put into the image into the diagram
some real mode comments which are the rectangles with the dog eared corners on them. Note
that there are some certain subtleties that haven’t included in here such as how we’re going to
deal with zero length files and so on.
04 – Phase 0 Preparation
We divide this process into phases. Phase 0 is the preparation phase. And to begin, we
will look at the TextBrowser from the outside in to determines its properties that have to be
implemented. We will specify these properties using a context diagram. A context diagram
portrays a single system. And the actors that interact with the system and the information
that is passed between them.
05 – Phase 0 Summary
So, to summarize Phase 0. The goal of Phase 0 is to understand the system being built
in terms of its relationship with its environment. And this means understanding important
external actors and the interactions, the event interactions that they can have with the system.
06 – Phase 1
After you have a good idea of what the system looks like, from the outside, and how it is
expected to behave, you can begin the architectural design process. This involves decomposing
the system in to it’s components, and allocating responsibilities to them. Now we did this
before, when we did this exercise, but that was an analysis model. Here, when we’re talking
about act, act, architectural design we’re actually going into the solution phase of things. Now,
one of the features of object oriented development is that it’s often the case that the particular
elements that we come out of the analysis with, our pieces there, translate into pieces into the
architecture and ultimately into the implementation. In addition to decomposing the system
into it’s components, we have to allocate responsibilities to the components, for handling those
direct and indirect effects of the events, okay? And we’re going to express that using OCL
invariants and pre and post conditions. To indicate how those responsibilities are being satisfied
07 – Phase 1 Steps
So this is phase one. The steps we have here are the following. First of all, we’re going
to decompose the system into components. Secondly, we’re going to allocate responsibilities.
Those include event handling, the delivery of the percepts and the guaranteeing of the prop-
erties that the system is required to have. And third, we’re going to specify the component
properties as OCL and variants, and preimposed conditions. So at this point in time can we
assume components to be objects, when we’re using OCL the syntax looks like we’re referring
to objects. So that’s a good question. And it doesn’t have an easy answer. Let me break
it into pieces. So we’re using to specify architecture we’re using UML and OCL which are
object oriented notations. Okay so that’s one answer. The other answer is that object oriented
programming languages have other features like inheritance. Okay and delegation of messages
and so on, which we’re not going to be involved with here. We’ll get to those later when we talk
about actually designing the objects, okay? But for now, we’re thinking at the architectural
level and we’re going to think of these components insofar as UML and OCL are concerned.
08 – Decomposition
So the first step was decomposition. In order to decompose the systems into components we
begin with the analysis model that we produced earlier. Note that the elements in the analysis
model are good candidates to serve as architectural components. However in general, we might
need to make some adjustments or add new components in order to deal with non-functional
09 – Phase 1 Diagram
So, in this particular slide we have the results of our analysis model. There were classes cor-
responding to our three major elements and then there were associations among the elements.
There was one binary association having to do with displaying the contents. And there were
other ternary or three part associations that indicated how the misc, how the three components
worked together to make sure that the scroll bar affected the lines on the screen, and that the
scroll bar handle and the position of the scroll bar handle were all right. Now, in analysis,
UML supports the idea of associations. In design, there are no associations, in programming
languages there are no associations. Instead there are in UML what are called dependencies.
So part of our process here will be going and taking these associations and translating them
into dependencies. Also, the comments which describe the guarantees in the previous, picture
have been translated into or, they, they, they have the OCL constraints which we developed
during the analysis phase.
11 – Another Postcondition
Here’s a similar postcondition for resizing a window expressed in OCL. The context part
gives the signature, and it’s saying that the new size is, is an integer. The precondition is that
that new size is greater than or equal to zero. And the post condition is that the height of the
window, okay, which was the percept, is going to be that new size. So about as simple as you
can get it.
13 – Phase 1 Summary
To summarize Phase 1, the purpose of Phase 1 is to divide the system being built into
components. The analysis diagram is a good place to start. Similarly, the associations in the
analysis model indicate the kinds of interactions that will have to occur among the components.
14 – Phase 2
In Phase 1 we divided our system up into components responsible for handling events
and providing percepts. We also saw how guarantees were specified by invariants. Note that
although the example invariants we saw was, were attached to associations, other invariants,
invariants might be directly provided by the components themselves. For Phase 2, we want to
determine the systems architecture. What this means is determining how the components will
interact. This determination takes the form of selecting an architectural style. An architectural
style is a generic pattern of interactions that can be used to to address non-functional concerns
such as performance, reuse, or reliability.
15 – Phase 2 Steps
Here are the steps we’ll employ for Phase 2 in the TextBrowser example. First we’re going
to choose an architectural style. For the check, tech, TextBrowser, we’re going to choose a
layered, implicit invocation architectural style. We’re then going to assign the components to
layers in the layered architecture. Typically users events are at the bottom and percepts are
at the top. Now we’re going to determine dependencies among the layers, and we’re going to
update the OCL into a, an equivalent, but what’s called a constructive format in which there’s
a single variable on the left hand side.
21 – Phase 2 Diagram
Here’s a UML diagram we might come up with. On this we have the viewport at the
top, the scrollbar in the middle, and the file manager at the, at the bottom. Notice that
the, whereas in the earlier diagram we had associations among the components, here we’ve
converted these into dash lines which in UML correspond to dependencies amongst, amongst
the components. Dependencies are something which the ultimate implementation languages
have many mechanisms such as procedure calls to implement. So we don’t have to worry about
vague concepts of associations. We can deal directly with, with dependencies
22 – OCL Updates
Next we have to worry about updating the OCL. Recall that in our previous diagram,
OCL was associated with components and associations. The component OCL was used for
specifying event handlers, and the OCL that, and that OCL will remain unchanged in the
architectural diagram. In particular here are the two constraints that we had for dealing with
event handling. The first one has to do with moving the handle, and there we saw that the
handle has a new position like we expect, and similarly for the resizing the window, where the
height of the window is the, is the new size. There was, there was also OCL annotating the
associations. [COUGH] As we move from analysis to design, we will replace these associations
with dependencies and as part of this process, we must assign each association’s OCL to
appropriate layer. Here are the three constraints that specify the associations in the analysis
model. There was one for scaling the handle, there was one for displaying the document, and
there was one for making the lines visible. This is just a repeat of what we, what we saw
before, and you’ll notice that the, in all three cases we have a single variable on the left hand
side. This doesn’t necessarily always have to be the case. You could well imagine a constraint,
in which we said a plus b equals c plus d. That doesn’t have a single variable on the left-hand
side and we’d have to subtract b from both sides, or a from both sides or whatever to get that,
okay. It could also be the case that there are inequalities. That is the constraint might say
that a must be greater than b, okay. That one is going to be we’ll have to think a little bit
about how we can implement that. In fact, if a is greater than b that’s even easier than saying
that a has to be equal to be because any value of a that’s greater than b will, will satisfy the
25 – Constraint Placement
So, we’ve now updated the diagram, which we placed the constraints and associated the,
the indirect constraints, and associated the, them with the, the components. Now we can begin
to think about, well, implementing those components is going to involve being responsible for
making sure that those constraints are, in fact, satisfied.
34 – Example Continued
If the user moves the scrollbar handle, the invariant is temporarily broken, because the
displayed lines no longer represent those that exist at the requested position in the file. Now
for this particular example, let’s look at each of the three strategies and see how it works. First
off, aggregation.
35 – Aggregation
One of the components that the owning component, that is, the one that is aggregating
things, and let’s say in this case it’s the ViewPort, has pointers of instance variables to the
other two. It owns them. When the scroll, ScrollBar change request that is the direct event
first is in, notified, or announce to the Viewport. It delegates a responsibility to the other
components to handle it. First off, it has to find out from the ScrolBar what the new position
is. The Viewport then determines that it needs additional content from the FileManager in
order to reestablish the invariant. It makes a request to the FileManager for the required lines,
and then uses its own method to display them. That is, the viewing window has aggregated
the responsibility for maintaining this invariant.
38 – Distributed Responsibility
The second possibility, the second strategy was Distributed Responsibility. The ScrollBar
receives the change requests and determines the new value, that, that is the relative, relative
position in the ScrollBar tray. It also knows that the ViewPort depends on this information, so
it makes a method call passing the relative position to the ViewPort. The ViewPort compares
the relative position received to the current value associated with the top displayed line, and
realizes that it cannot satisfy the responsibility. It formulates a request to the FileManager for
the additional lines. The FileManager component returns the lines to the ViewPort for display,
thereby reestablishing the invariant. That is, Knowledge of the invariant is distributed among
three components that delegate partial responsibility to each other when needed.
41 – Mediators
Third strategy is mediators. In mediator situation, a new implementation element is in-
troduced for each invariant. And it’s called a Mediator. Each Mediator is responsible for
maintaining one invariant. And knows what the dependent components are. The indepen-
dent event receiving component knows only that they must inform the mediator, when their
attributes change value. For example, when the Scrollbar is adjusted, it alerts the relevant
Mediator. Which in turn, requests the new position from the Scrollbar. The Mediator realizes
the new content is required from the FileManager. Requests it, and pass it to the ViewPort.
That is each Mediator has knowledge and responsibility for the maintain, maintenance of one
invariant. And by the way, Mediator is an example of a design pattern. Which we will explore
later in the course.
44 – Summary of Process
So to summarize this overall architectural design process, phase zero was specifying prop-
erties, and this involved constructing the context diagram. Indicating the external actors but
only one activity the system itself. We indicated external stimuli or events. That can affect
the system. We have the external actors being the user and the file system. We indicated how
the system communicates its results back to the external actor. Those are the percepts. And
then we specified in English, the behaviors that you want the system to have, and we used
as starting point for that, used cases or scenarios that we developed when we looked at the
exercises at the start of the term. In Phase 1 we componentized. Which meant decompos-
ing the system into components, reallocating responsibilities to them, for handling events and
for delivering percepts, and we assigned responsibility for the vary, guaranteeing the various
properties. In Phase 2 we chose an architectural style, and that in turn specified how the com-
ponents will interact. We chose a layered implicit invocation architecture, we have assigned
the components to layers, we determined the dependencies between the layers, we updated our
guarantees, we selected an invariant maintenance strategy, and we’ve assigned, in doing so,
that assigned responsibility for maintaining those invariants.
45 – Conclusion
This lecture has presented an architectural design process using the text browser as a case
study. The main result is a breakdown of system functionality into components. Also, the
components are assigned responsibility for maintaining important system invariants. However,
we haven’t yet dealt with with the non-functional requirements, which is a major concern of
software, software architectural design. We will address this issue in a later lesson.
P3L05 Non-Functional Reqs & Arch Styles
02 – Qualities
Beyond the functionality that a system provides exists certain non-functional qualities.
These qualities are often crosscutting. What this means is that their implementation is often
spread across the entire system. For example, consider re-usability. It is not enough that one
of a systems components is reusable, it means that most of the components and possible the
application as a whole must be easily applicable in other contexts. Because of the crosscutting
nature of non-functional qualities, providing them often has a strong effect on the system’s
overall structure.
07 – Quality Catalog
So let’s take a minute and exam each of these five non-functional requirements that we’ll
be using in this lesson. After we do this we’ll see how each of them influences systems built
with different architectural styles. For each quality we will provide a definition. The ways in
which the quality might be measured. And some devices that are used to provide this quality.
First off for performance, the Software Engineering Institute’s definition of performance is,
that attribute of a computer system that characterizes the timeliness of the services delivered
by the system. And we can measure this in a lot of different ways, in terms of response time,
throughput, system capacity, system utilization. And there are many devices that programmers
can use to improve performance for example caching, concurrency, memory management, and
so on. The second quality we want to look at is maintainability, and this is the extent to which
enhancements can be readily added to a system. This is sometimes also called evolvability,
flexibility, adaptability, and so on. The measures and we have talked about these earlier
are coupling and cohesion, and there’s many devices such as encapsulation, publishing your
interfaces, use of sub-classing, indirection, and wrapping. The third quality is reliability and
this is the likelihood of failure, of system failure, in a given period of time. That is, the
continuity of service that the system provides. The typical measure for this is called Mean
Time To Failure, or MTTF. Some of the devices that can be used to provide a high reliability
include redundancy, fault tolerance, and recovery blocks. Software safety is the extent to
which a system protects against injury, loss of life, or property damage absence of catastrophic
consequences. It can be measured in terms of the complexity of the system, the time coupling,
and by fault tree analysis. Some of the devices include hardware interlocks, in the case that
the particular system has peripheral hardware devices, and false containment strategies. The
fifth quality that we’ll, that we will look at, it is security. And this is the extent to which
the system protects against unauthorized intrusion or provides confidentiality. Security is
measured by levels such as confidential and top secret. And sometimes formal proofs are used
to guarantee that the system obeys whatever its confidence level is. Some of the devices include
authentication, authorization, security kernels, encryption, auditing and logging, and access
control mechanisms
08 – Applications Quiz
Those are the five qualities we’re going to look at as a quiz for you. The first column
contains a list of the five qualities and the second column contains some sample applications.
See if you can match these up, that is, what application in column two is a best match or best
represents the quality listed in column one.
09 – Applications Quiz
While weather prediction is a good tester performance. The finer the grid on which the
weather is computed, the higher the quality of prediction made, and so having many, many
computations on a fine grid, which might stress the performance of a system is the best way
to get good results. As far as security is concerned, online banking. Certainly, you don’t want
anybody interfering with your bank accounts. And so, having a highly secured banking system
is important. As far as safety conce, is concerned, I want the cruise control software on my
card to be highly, highly safe. Maintainability, I’m thinking here of the Twitter API. That is
we know that there are many, many applications that are based upon the twitter API, and
over time if we can maintain stability and maintainability of that API, those applications won’t
be broken. As far as reliability is concerned, I want my traffic light controllers. So, at every
intersection you come to where there’s traffic lights those traffic lights are controlled by some
kind of control box, and we want that control box to be, the software on it to be as reliable as
10 – Architectural Styles
Now that we’ve had a look at the five qualities that we’re going to be digging into, let’s also
look at the architectural styles we’re going to compare them with, okay? In particular, we’re
going to examine be examining the effect of the five selected non-functional qualities on system
architecture for each of these five styles. The five we will look at are pipe and filter, layered
architecture, blackboard, object-oriented software architectural style, and implicit invocation.
So first, let’s take a minute to recall the features of those particular architectural styles.
Moreover, if the hardware only allows one process to run at a time. There maybe significant
overhead due to contact switches among the filters.
15 – Layering Qualities
Let’s now take a look at layering. By and large, security is enhanced because it is straight-
forward to add a security layer between the system and its environment. As far as the effect
of the other four qualities on layering, performance may be reduced because the response to
external events must be passed up and down the layers, which may in, may also increase con-
text swapping. Maintainability, on the other hand, might be improved because of the stable
interlayer protocols and interfaces would lead to well-defined and reusable components. It may
even be possible to replace an entire layer or insert other layers. Reliability may be reduced
because an event may be handled in multiple layers. That is, making it hard to find, when
something goes wrong, what the responsible layer is. However the higher layers may have an
oversight capability to provide the necessary redundancy to improve reliability. As far as safety
is concerned, similar to security, it maybe easy to insert safety monitoring layers.
due to the independents of the components. On the other hand, as far as safety is concerned,
increased interaction complexity may make it harder to ensure safety. And with to respect
security as we saw with object orientated, object orientation, the fragmentation of an implicit
location architectural style can cause problems, but encapsulation can help to mitigate them.
26 – Summary
To summarize, non-functional qualities, not just the five that we’ve looked at but the
whole, whole set of them, can dramatically affect the architectural software system. Moreover,
real world systems often have multiple conflicting non-functional qualities. This means that
you as a designer have to make tradeoffs among them. For each of the quality requirements of
your system, be sure to take into account both the positive and negative impacts that it will
have on the overall system architecture.
P3L06 Connectors
01 – Connectors
Recall our terminology for describing architecture in terms of components, connectors and
configurations. The components are mainly determined by the system’s functionality, with a
few invented to handle non, some non-functional requirements. Now it’s time to take a look at
connectors. The main material for this lesson comes from the [UNKNOWN] paper, which I have
asked you to read. There is also some material in the optional text by Taylor [UNKNOWN] on
software architecture foundations. According to Shaw and Garlan, connectors are responsible
for mediating the interactions among the components. They establish the rules that govern
component interaction and specify any auxiliary mechanisms required.
02 – Atomic Elements
Let’s come at this from the bottom up, in terms of the atomic elements out of which
connectors are built. The base element is called, in the meta-paper, ducts, as in air-conditioning
ducts. Okay? This, this is the channel, has no associated behavior, with it. It could, for
example, be some kind of internet connection. Or it could be all on one machine in terms of
the underlying electronics. It could be provided by the program language implementation, for
example in a virtual machine. It could be the operating system through some kind of system
call. Okay? Or it could be an inter machine communication, for example with sockets. Ducts
provide the mechanisms for transmitting the data, and it could also be control information
among the components. Connectors go beyond ducts, by providing the protocol used by the
ducts for doing that communication. That is the sequence of interactions. In addition to ducts,
connectors may include internal mechanisms. For example, some storage,uh, like, like would
be used for buffers. Or computation, computational elements such as might be involved if you,
if the, if the connector were fighting some kind of translation capability.
05 – Service Categories
In addition to [UNKNOWN] mehta talks about, meta at all talks about services. Now
these are not, services in the sense of services that the, user sees or even service in the sense
of client server. Okay that words, it’s a unit of computational service. These are services
that connect or provides the overall architecture. According to Mehta, it’s a service category
that represents the broad interaction role the connector fulfills, and they lay out four different
06 – Services Quiz
For this particular quiz I provided some types of services and asked you to say what
categories those fill in. See if you can provide one of the four letters next to each of the service
names to give its major category of service that it provides.
07 – Services Quiz
Well, for data buffering, that’s really a facilitation. It makes the system work better, but it’s
not in itself a major communication of either data or control. Acknowledgement, guaranteed
delivery, multiplexing, transactions, scheduling, synchronization, all about the collaboration
aspects of, that a particular connector could provide. As far invocation is concerned, there is a
collaboration aspect there, but there’s also a data transmission aspect as far as the parameters
are concerned. Dynamic reconfiguration is a, an advanced technique for making a system run
better at runtime. So that’s a facilitation operation, as is load balancing.
08 – Variety of Connectors
So we’ve talked about the atomic elements, the ducks. We talked about the different
surface categories. Now we’d like to actually look at a variety of different kinds of connectors.
the particular class or it’s parents, or children classes, and then public acc, access, where any
other, the caller can be anyplace
10 – Event Connectors
The second kind of connector we’d like to look at are event connectors these are, these
are also very common. In fact book on the resource page. They devote a very nice section
to describing all the different variations that might exist with event connectors. First of all
event connectors are responsible for a flow of controls so that’s a coordination role. They may
also pass parameters. Typically this might involve time stamps, or actual data, so that’s a
communication wall. Event connectors, once an event is detected, generate messages, method
calls. After detecting the event or some combination of events that it’s, it’s prepared to detect.
Event connectors are particularly relevant for distributed, asynchronous applications in which
we need to know when certain things happen. The set of event connectors that exist is dynamic.
That is, the application itself can turn on or turn off the ability to detect certain events. Some of
the variations that might exist among implementations of event connectors include cardinality.
That is how many different components can produce the event? How many different observers
of the event might exist? And might there be patterns of events? In which, we like to be able
to detect currents of the pattern. How were the events actually communicated? Is it via best
effort, exactly once, at most once, at least once? Do we have a priority among a set of events?
Do we always handle the outgoing ones before the incoming ones? Are there different priorities
embedded with the event that are handled in a certain fashion? Synchronous, asynchronous,
or based upon certain time out? How is notification handled? Is it polled? That is, does
the potential receivers have to periodically look to see whether the event occurred? Is there a
published, published subscribe interface in which a particular component registers it’s interests
in events. And then, gets told when events happen? Is there a central updating mechanism
that, a registry that receives all of the events and distributes them to the known, known parties.
Or is, are there queues sitting there that everybody’s responsible for looking at. Causality refers
to the circumstances determining the actual issuing of the events. Are there, absolute, absolute
event occurrences? Or, could could the events be relative to other situations that is conditional
type events. And what’s is the ultimate, generator of the event. Might it come from hardware
such as pa, page faults, interrupts, or traps. Or are they software signals or triggers or even,
inputs from the, from the GUI.
12 – Linkage Connectors
The fourth category of connector is a little bit different than the other. This is linkage
connectors. And they’re responsible for describing the structure of the system. That term
linkage here, you can think in terms of link editors, if you’ve ever heard of those ways of
organizing or constructing or putting together the pieces of a system. Linkage connectors are
responsible for establishing the ducts and enforcing the interaction semantics. Hence, they
provide a facilitation service. Because they’re responsible for putting the system together but
not for actually running the system, they may disappear after setup is complete. The unit of
linkage might be a module, might be a file might be an object. And related to this are tools
like configuration management tools and the make command for actually building a system.
There are semantic issues with respect to the granularity of the pieces and the semantics that
is the, what are the protocols among the pieces. Among the variants that are involved with
linkage connectors are whether they’re implicit or explicit. For example, implicit might be
something like make where you merely state a overall target that you’re trying to build and
the other building steps are done, done for you. The granularity that is what, what unit is
being put together. Could it be variables, procedures, functions, and, and so on? And then of
course, the semantics, the cardinality in terms of defines and uses provides and requires, and
a key one is binding, that is when does all this happen? It might be at compile time, it might
be at run time, or might even be before compile time if, well, part of your construction process
involves things like templating or generics.
13 – Stream Connectors
Streams are another popular form of connector. They’re primarily concerned with data
transfer, that is communication services. Common examples include pipes TCP sockets and
proprietary client-server type protocols. Some of the possible variations available with stream
connectors include delivery guarantees. Whether the stream itself is bounded, that is, it only
has a certain capacity or whether it’s unbounded and whether it’s capable of buffering the
information. What its units of transmission are, that is, is it bytes or is it something more
higher order, more structured? Is it stateful or stateless? Is it named or unnamed? Is it
available only locally or is it, is it more remote? Synchronous or asynchronous or timed? Law
or structured? And what’s the cardinality? That is, is it definitely a one to one type connection
or might there be multiple receivers? Or might it even be end to end where there are multiple
riders and multiple receivers?
14 – Arbitrator Connectors
A powerful category of connector are arbitrators. These are primarily responsible for fa-
cilitation services, but because they can redirect control there’s also a coordination service
they provide. You might be able to use them to negotiate service levels. That is how much
resources are being devoted to a particular problem. Hence they support reliability and atom-
icity, scheduling and load balancing, trapping of faults and even synchronization. Some of the
variations for arbitrator connectors include how they handle faults. Typically with a simple
arbitrator scheme, there’s a single decision made but more complex systems might involve a
voting scheme. That is if there are three arbitrators around, they would have to vote on the
course of action and the majority would rule. How concurrency is dealt with. The mechanism
is it semi fours, a rendezvous, monitors, locks there’s lots of approaches to this. And whether
it’s a light weight approach or a heavy weight approach. Variations involved with transactions
such as whether they’re simple or they’re nested. Whether the arbitrator is there if you need
it or is required. And whether the arbitrator supports reads, writes, or both. And then a ma-
jor category of, of capabilities and variation of arbitrators involves security. Authentication,
authorization, screening, durability that is how long the particular decision last. Is it a single
session, or is it a multi session? And then the scheduling of the arbitrator activities.
15 – Adaptor Connectors
Another category of connector is called the adaptor connectors. These are responsible for
putting together components that were not designed to be put together. This often means
there’s some kind of translation going on. It might be converting protocols and policies and
hence there’s a conversion or transformation activity provided. Some of the variations include
invocation conversion, that is is there a dress match, mapping? Is there marshalling, virtual
memory translation, virtual function tables? Are there conversion as far as wrappers or pack-
agers? Is there protocol conversion or even is the presentation conversion, that is is the output.
The actual form of the output determined by some kind of, computation engine such as XSLT.
16 – Distributor Connectors
The final category of connectors to look at it are called Distributor Connectors. They’re
role is also primarily facilitation. They identify the interaction pads and they rout things
among them. In a sense, they are assisting other connectors. A primary example here is
DNS, Domain Name Services. Whereby various components on the internet can talk to each
other using names rather than strictly by addresses. Some of the variations that are possible
with distributor connectors include naming. That is are they structured based. Can they be
hierarchical or flat? Or are they attribute based? What’s the delivery policy? Is it best effort,
exactly once and so on? And is the mechanism unicast? That is point to point or multicast or
broadcast, and then routing, okay? Is there a bounded list? Or is it more ad hoc? And is the
path static, cached, or dynamic?
21 – Connector Design
I’d like to take a moment and talk about the design of connectors. As with components
there is a design step required, particularly if you’re building your own connector. Starting from
the overall architecture, of course you determine your components and the required interactions
among them. Then for each interaction, determine what required services that interaction
needs. Once you’ve done that you can select a con, connector type that provides that service.
Each of the connector types has a variant of dimensions, variation dimensions, that you can
24 – SUMMARY 173
choose which of those variants you would like to have. And from that, define your connector.
And then you need to validate. And we’ll have one in a minute we’ll, we’ll describe some of the
rules you can use for checking whether or not the, the choices you made will work out. And in
doing this you may actually have to define your own connector. You may not find one in the
catalog or in available libraries that you can use.
22 – Validation Rules
One category of validation rules are requirement requirements placed by the value on one
dimension on the values of another dimension. For example, if you’ve got event connectors
that require delivery notification, then you also need to be concerned with the cardinality rules,
synchronization rules, and mode rules. Might be situations where it’s not a strict rule, but it’s
some kind of caution. Certain combinations may be unstable or unreliable. That is they’re
dynamic, the dynamics of that particular situation may not work in all circumstances having
to do with concurrency and locality. There may be restrictions. ’Kay, certain combinations
may be invalid, for example, passing by name and transient can’t be used together. And there
might be prohibitions. Total incompatibility of dimensions, such as streams and atomicity
24 – Summary
It’s easy to think that after you have determined the components of a system that your job
is done. Just as vital is determining how those components will correctly interact. Treating
connectors as first-class part of the design process can further that end.
P3L07 Acme
01 – ADLs
The topic for today is Acme, which is an architectural description language. As awareness
of the importance of architecture has grown, so too have the tools available for working with
them. Examples include tools for drawing, simulation, analyzing, reverse engineering and
reporting on software architectures. A necessary step for tool interaction is a standard way for
representing software architectures, that is for an architectural description language or ADL.
In this less we will look at one particular ADL called Acme.
02 – ACME
Acme is a extensible ADL developed at Carnegie Melon University and University of South-
ern of California’s ISI. It was specifically designed to facilitate the interchange of architectural
descriptions among tools. And it comes with a variety of tools of its own. Including Acme
Studio, which is a graphical editor by which you can draw architectural diagrams. AcmeLib
which is an API in languages such as Java and C++ for interacting with these artifacts. And
AcmeWeb which is a document generator. More information about Acme can be obtained by
following the link on the class’ resource page.
03 – ACME Features
The primary contribution of ACME is that it defines a vocabulary for talking about archi-
tectures. Other features include an extension mechanism enabling tool specific sub languages
to be imbedded in it. For example, a simulator might wish to deal with timing information.
ACME features generics, families and types for defining architectural styles. Further, ACME
is defined in such a way that ACME descriptions can be converted into first order logic suitable
for use by automatic reasoning tools such as type checkers.
04 – Architecture Vocabulary
Here is Acme’s vocabulary. Some of it should be similar to you from the Garland and
Shaw paper that you read, and terms that we have been using to describe architecture so
far. First off is components, these are computational elements and data stores. Along with
them come connectors, which are communication and coordination among. The components.
Ports are com, component interfaces, possibly including protocols. And roles are similarly
connector interfaces. So you can imagine plugging together components and connectors using
their their po, ports and roles. The Acme term for configuration is a system. It is the set of
components and connectors you have for a particular architecture you’re describing, the actual
configuration specified via what Acme calls attachments of the ports to the roles. I’ll also be
talking about representations, which is Acme’s way of describing hierarchical decomposition
across multiple levels of abstraction. And rep-maps which are specific bindings between those
176 P3L07 ACME
levels of abstractions. Those seven terms constitute all that Acme requires of you to understand
in terms of building architectural descriptions.
06 – ACME Quiz
To see whether you’ve understood this idea, here’s a little quiz for you. Take the ACME
code you’ve just seen, and add a means for communicating errors from the server back to the
07 – ACME Quiz
Well we still have the same two components. We haven’t added anything there, but for
each of the components we’ve added another port for dealing with these error messages. In
particular for the client, it’s now got a port which is called here err-trap, and symmetrically
the server has another port, this one for sending the alert. We’re going to add a new connector
for dealing with this communication channel. It’s called error, okay, and it’s got two roles. One
being the source of the error and the other being the sync or receiver of that error. We still
have the same two attachments we had for, for dealing with the main flow of communication,
but now we’ve added two more for dealing with error flow. In particular, a clients error trap is
connected to the connector sync and the receiver’s alert port is connected to the connector’s
source role.
09 – Decomposition
What we’ve seen so far, is capable of dealing with simple, one-level architectures. However,
humans deal with complexity using divide and conquer, breaking things into smaller pieces and
then trying to put them together somehow. For software architecture descriptions there are
2 kinds of such Decompositions, Horizontal and Vertical. Horizontal de, Decompositions are
done at the same level of abstraction. We understand the human body in terms of its digestive,
respiratory, immune and so on systems. However, we can also decompose vertically by going
deeper into the abstraction hierarchy, that is we understand the respiratory system in terms
of Lungs, Trachea, Diaphragm. The Lungs in terms of Alveoli and gas transfer for example.
We have already seen how, Acme deals with Horizontal Decomposition in terms of components
like connectors and so on. now let’s look at it’s support for Vertical Decomposition.
10 – Representations
Acme supports vertical decomposition by allowing any component or connector to be
represented by one or more lower level views. Note that there are two things going on here.
One is, levels of abstraction, that is a view can be at a lower level representation of something
of a higher level. Also, is the fact that you can have multiple views of the same higher level
thing. Recall from our discussion of architectural views, that no single view is likely to provide
all the information we need. And hence having multiple views, allows us to develop different
representations, that can each add something to our understanding. Each view in your Acme
description is called a representation. Within representation there’s a mapping between levels
called a rep-map, short for representation map
11 – Example Representation
Here is a simple example of a representation. It is a decomposition of a single component,
which is called here, the component. The component involves a, two ports: one for dealing with
easy requests, and one for dealing with hard requests. And then, there’s the representation,
which describes the details. In a sub-system, called details that has two components. One
fast but dumb component and second a slow but smart component. The binding section then
pastes these two levels together. Easy requests are mapped to the fast but dumb component
port P and hardRequests to the slowButSmartComponent also called Port P. Hence we now
have the same system described at two different levels of abstraction, the lower one allowing
us to go into the more details than the upper one.
12 – Extending ACME
What we have seen so far are the basic features of Acme. That is the vocabulary of
keywords and descriptions that you can build from the keywords describing basic architectures.
However, Acme has some additional features that allow you to go beyond this basic vocabulary.
In particular, because Acme was designed in support of interchanging architectural descriptions
between tools. And each tool may have its own vocabulary that goes beyond what’s needed for
simple interchange. Acme has a mechanism for embedding within it tool specific terminology.
This additional text is not interpreted by Acme other than for syntax checking. But is passed
along to the various tools. And they can do their own work on it. This extension mechanism
is called Acme’s property sublanguage.
178 P3L07 ACME
13 – Properties
A property in Acme is nothing more than i, than an identifier that can be associated with
a value. That is, you’re giving name value pairs that are then become part of the syntax
syntactic description of your architecture. Examples of uses of such name value-pairs include.
Visualization properties, that is, if you are not satisfied with what Acme Studio gives you, but
you have other tools available to visualize architectures, you might wish to communicate infor-
mation about those additional properties within an Acme description. Temporal constraints.
Archi, architectures describe systems that actually run and may have timing considerations
with them, and you may wish to use tools that can take advantage of this, such as simulator
tools. You might like to have more detailed checking, on the data being communicated via the
ports and roles, and so you might have a type checking tool. The particular communications
between the components across the connectors to other components, constitutes a protocol.
And you might wish to enforce that protocol. Do checking on that protocol, and so on. And
hence you could use the property language to describe the protocol. If there’s scheduling con-
straints you could put those in. If there’s resource consumptions constraints you can put those
in, and so on.
14 – Properties Example
Here’s an example of extending our previous top level description with some properties.
We still have our client and server components. We still have our RPC connector. We still have
our attachments. However, we’ve added some property statements within the descriptions of
the components and connector. In particular, the first property is labeled Aesop-style, and
it’s some kind of style ID. Second one is Unicon-style. Now, be aware that Aesop and Unicon
are other architectural description languages with their own tools. By the way, I’ve indicated
here a comment using C++’s slash, slash commenting style. For the second component, the
server component, there are two properties, and these are not intended for particular external
architectural style architectural description language. The first one is labeled idempotence, and
it’s got a Boolean value indicated as true. The second one is an integer, including a maximum
concurrent clients that this particular component can, is capable of dealing with. As far as the
connector is concerned, there are properties for synchronization. For the maximum number of
roles that that connector can have and for a particular protocol, in this case, using the Wright,
as in Frank Lloyd Wright, architectural description language.
15 – Families
Another feature of Acme that goes beyond the basic vocabulary of what are called Families.
And Families are what you would use within Acme to describe architectural styles. That is
they’re defining new terms that describe sets of architectures. You can encode style rules as
properties, that describe how to use a particular family.
16 – Example Family
For example, here is a brief description of a family called the pipe and filter family, which
you should now be familiar with. There’s a type of component, not a component but a type
of component, called the filter type. Another type of component called the pipe type. And we
might then use. This, this additional vocabulary in defining a system. And you notice that in
the declaration of the system, there’s a type given to it. In this case, it’s the PipeAndFilters-
Family. And we’re now going to define specific components that correspond to the types we’ve
defined in the family description. So filter 1 is a, a type, filter type and likewise is filter 2 and
then connector is of the pipe type.
behavior. Also, ACME doesn’t directly provide a way for connecting code with architectural
elements, and you can imagine that going in either direction. That is, you might like to take
an architectural description and automatically generate stub code for it. Similarly, if you’ve
got some existing code, you can imagine a tool that can do some kind of analysis on that
code to generate an architectural description that can then be imported into ACME and you
can visualize it using the ACME Studio Graphical Editor. Also, of course, is the fact that
ACME doesn’t say anything at all about non-functional requirements other than what the
property sub-language allows you to describe on your own. The essential role of non-functional
requirements in any architectural description means that it would be of value to come up with
some way in a standard fashion, trying to characterize these particular requirements.
22 – ACME Limitations
The main goal of acme is to enable architectural descriptions to be expressed in a way
that can be used by a variety of tools. That is, it’s an interchange format. Because of its
limited goals, it lacks features found in more elaborate architectural description languages.
Nevertheless, it should give you a feel for the importance of architectural description and the
role that architectural description language can play in describing these architectures.
P3L08 Refinement
01 – Complexity Abstraction
As you know the world is filled with complex problems that we try to, that we strive to
solve. And our primary weapon for dealing with this complexity, is abstraction. That is we
hide details so we can concentrate on the big picture. For example, when we have to pick
up supplies at the grocery store for dinner. We break the problem down into traveling to the
store, locating the items, paying for them, and so on. It is only when we actually driving to
the store that we worry about things like what turns to take. This lesson is about managing
this complexity by carefully refining a design from an abstract version into an implementation
02 – Levels of Abstraction
Abstraction implies thinking at different levels. For example, there is the level of solving
our hunger problem, where we think about food items and where we can obtain them. An
entirely separate level has to do with our physical body movements, such as insert the key into
the ignition or packing the grocery bag. For abstraction to help us solve a design problem, a
key property must hold. The work done at a lower level of abstraction must contribute to the
solution at the higher level. It doesn’t help us to solve our hunger problem if all we pack into
the grocery bag are paper towels and people magazine.
03 – Divide Conquer
In summary, solving a design problem at one level of abstraction means dividing it into
subproblems. Solving each of the subproblems at a lower level of abstraction and ensuring that
the lower level solution, indeed, contributes to the higher level. That is, divide and conquer.
04 – Horizontal Decomposition
I want to talk about two different kinds of dividing. First off, horizontally dividing things.
You can think of design as a three-dimensional picture puzzle, where you have to cut out the
pieces. At any one level of abstraction, you carve out the pieces and fit them together. This is
called horizontal decomposition
05 – Vertical Decomposition
However, solving a problem at one level is not enough. For each piece at that level, you
have a whole picture puzzle at a lower level. This ladder is called a refinement of the former.
Devising the puzzles at a lower level, and ensuring that they satisfy the needs at the upper
level is called vertical decomposition. Of course the above holds true for each of the top level
pieces, and for however many levels are involved in your decomposition. So what we really
have are a collection of refinements at one level addressing a, a problem at a higher level.
06 – Proper Refinements
All non trivial design involves refinement. Moving from a high level of understanding to an
implementation. Multiple levels may be involved, not just two, depending on the complexity
of the problem. To execute a multilevel design properly, three properties must obtain. The
top level must faithfully represent the requirements. Each level must be internally consistent.
And third, each lower level must faithfully represent the level above it.
07 – Property 1
First, Property 1. Property 1 holds of any program that we want to implement. It must
satisfy it’s requirements, obviously. You check this property using traditional methods such as
software testing, group reviews, and customer acceptance criteria
08 – Bank Account
In this lesson we are going to do an example of a refinement. We will start with a very
simple bank account application that allows deposits, withdrawals, and queries about the
current balance. Here are some possible requirements. The user can make a deposit of any
positive number of dollars. The user may make a withdrawal of any positive number of dollars
so long as at least that number of dollars is currently held in the account. Their user may
request the current value of the bank balance, which is defined as the net value of all the
deposits made minus the sum of all the withdrawals. And initially the bank account is empty.
12 – Property 2
The first property that we looked at is concerned with whether we understand the problem
we are trying to solve. Property two is concerned with whether we have solved it correctly.
We can state property two as follows, each level in a design must be internally consistent.
Technically, what this means is that we must make sure that for each operation. Defined at
that level. Each operation leaves whatever invariants are there true. That is, if the invariant
was true before the operation took place it’s still true afterwards. The operations don’t break
13 – Notation
One of the objectives of this lesson is to give you some tools to think carefully about
dealing with complexed, that is the management of these levels of abstraction. So to do that,
I am going to introduce notation. Okay, this notation is taken from first OR logic. To state
property too precisely, we are going to need a little of that notation. And throughout the rest
of this lesson, we are also going to use the term abstract and concrete to refer to the upper
and lower levels of a refinement. First off, we are going to talk about the abstract operations
and we are going to use P1, P2 and so on up to Pn and Pi we’ll use to indicate a typical
abstract operation. We’re going to have abstract states. The set of abstract states is the
capital letter S and a typical abstract, typical element of the abstract state is the letter s. And
we’ll also put an apostrophe after the s if what we’re talking about is the abstract state after an
operation. We have invariants, we use inv to indicate invariants and invA will stand for abstract
invariants and invC will correspond to the concrete invariants. We have pre-conditions and
post-conditions and we’ll just append the word pre and post to our Pi’s to indicate. Whether
it’s a pre condition or a post condition, and those pre and post conditions can have states
associated with them and arguments. Finally we’ll use symbols like the ampersand to indicate
and, and the rightward facing arrow to indicate implies.
14 – Valid Operations
Property 2 says that each level must be consistent. In other words, that Operations preserve
invariance. We will use the term Valid to denote Operations with these properties. That is,
we wanted to be to, want to ensure that all our operations are valid. Using the rotations
we just introduced, we can express Property 2 precisely by saying that for each operation.
The following must hold. Well, first off, that we have an abstract invariant over state s’, and
we have the preconditions for s, and we have the postconditions for s. If we have all three
of those things, then the invariant, the abstract invariant must hold on the state afterwards.
Remember that that’s the state s’ with an apostrophe on it. You have, invariant true before
on the state. You have the pre-conditions all set so the operation can run. If the operation
runs and leaves the post conditions the way we expect. And it better be the case that the
invariants are true on the state resulting. Now that said for the model that we’ve done so far
there is no invariance. Okay, but we’re going to need this later when we get to the refinement
so I thought I’d introduce it now.
15 – Implications of Property 2
So, we’ve got some, some first order logic. What does this really mean to you as a developer.
Say you have a spec, you could have written it, could have been given it, or whatever, and you
want to implement it directly. So we’re going from, from spec directly to implementation, just
one level of refinement. Property two says that you have an obligation to make sure that each
operation in the spec doesn’t break anything. Any invariant. You can do this. You can insure
yourself of this by testing, by code reviews or even by proving. But somehow you, you have to
do it.
16 – Property 3
Property three is where things get interesting. Okay? It states that each lower level of
refinement, must faithfully represent the level above it. Okay? But this is going to be a little
bit tricky to express, and involves some subtleties, we’re going to have to get at. It’s the most
involved of the three properties. And, the question one asks is, how exactly can we determine
whether a level implements the piece that is abstracting it? Before answering that, let’s go
back to our example bank account and add a level of, refinement to it.
20 – Property 3 Details
Well now that we’ve got the exercise part out of the way let’s return to the details of
property three and see what it means to faithfully represent that have the refinement faithfully
represent the specification. In fact we have to check three things. There’s three criteria that
we have to look at. First of all, is the refinement adequate? That is, is our refinement rich
enough to represent all of the abstract situations? Second, is the refinement total? That is,
are we sure that the cron, concrete level can’t get into some state that doesn’t correspond to
a possible abstract state? And the third criterion is, does the refinement model the abstract
level. That is, is each abstract operation correctly implemented by a concrete one? We’ll look
at all three of these criteria separately, after we introduce a little more notation.
21 – More Notation
First off notation wise, they correspond to the concrete operations. We’re going to have
variables Q sub 1, Q sub 2, so on, to correspond to the abstract ones which were the Ps. And
similarly to correspond to the abstract state which was indicated by s. We’re going to have
the concrete state indicated by t as a typical concrete state element. And capital T as the set
of concrete states. And then, the interesting one is that we’re going to introduce a function, a
retrieve function. Here, I’m using retr as an abbreviation for it. And it’s going to map from
concrete states to abstract ones. That is, retrieve on some t, concrete state t, is going to be
corresponding to some abstract state s. And it’s always going to be the case that, t goes to a
single s. However, it might be the case that different ts go to the same s. You kind of expect
that because at the lower level we have more details. And so, we can get into more states. But
those states are going to map into a fewer number of abstract states.
22 – Adequate Representation
The first property three criterion to consider is adequacy. That is, the lower level im-
plementation must be rich enough that each abstract state is represented by a concrete state.
State it precisely, for each abstract invariant, if the invariant is true in a state. Then there must
exist a corresponding state in the implementation in which that the corresponding concrete
invariant is also true. And in logic, okay, for every, every abstract state S, okay, if the abstract
invariant is true for S, then there must exist some state T down in the concrete. implementa-
tion. And some, some, concrete invariant over that state T, such that if you were to apply the
retrieve function to the concrete state, you would get the abstract state.
24 – Adequacy Quiz
So, for an exercise, if I give you the abstract state that looks like a deposit of three,
withdrawal of two, deposits of four and five and then a withdrawal of six, I’d like you to give
me the corresponding concrete state.
25 – Adequacy Quiz
Well, as you recall, the concrete state is like the abstract state except we’ve added in a
running total to it. And if we do the addition and, and if I’ve done my addition correctly, then
the value of the running total attribute is going to be 4 at this time. That is the valid concrete
state is identical to the abstract one with the running total added in.
26 – Total Representation
That was the first criterion adequacy. The second property three criterion is totality. That
is our implementation can’t put us in a concrete state that doesn’t correspond to an abstract
one. No memory fault core dump messages. Memory fault core dump would be a concrete
state. Okay? And it doesn’t correspond anything in our spec. And we want to prevent such
situations from arising. We call this criterion total or totality because we must make sure that
the retrieve function is total in the mathematical sense. That it’s defined at every point. Here
is how this property looks if we express it formally. For every concrete state t, if the invariants
are true on t, then it had better be the case that there exists, some kind of abstract state s.
That’s the result of retrieving out of t. And the invariants of the abstract invariants must hold
on, on state s.
32 – INPUTS QUIZ 187
27 – Totality Quiz
So let’s now turn the exercise around. I’m going to give you a concrete state and ask you
to tell me what the corresponding abstract state is. So the concrete state has the transaction
deposit 13, withdrawal 12, deposits three and five and then withdrawal six. And the running
total of this is the amount of $3. Now I ask you to give me, what is is the abstract state that
corresponds to this?
28 – Totality Quiz
Simple right? We just get rid of the running total. The transactions remain the same.
29 – Models
The third and last criterion to examine has to do with concrete operations, modelling
abstract ones. That is, each concrete operation must faithfully reflect the intent of the abstract
specification. You had to do your implementation right. And this criterion has two parts,
having to do with inputs and outputs to operations. That is to refine operations, we must
assure ourselves of two things. The implementation must be able to handle all the imports
described in the specification. And the outputs produced by the operation, along with any
changes made to class attributes or other side effects, must satisfy the operation specification.
30 – Operation Inputs
As far as inputs are concerned, inputs acceptable to an abstract specification must also
be acceptable to the concrete implementation. However, the refined operations, that is the
implementation, can accept more. This might happen if for example you use a particular
library routine that’s very general to deal with satisfying some con, some abstract need. Okay,
you can accept more inputs, but it has to accept at least as many as the abstract one requires
of us. In terms of our specification stated more precisely, refinements can weaken operation
preconditions. And in logic where every, concrete state T, if the invariant is true an the,
preconditions are true in the abstract state, then it better be the case that the preconditions
are true in the concrete state.
31 – Interpretation
To perhaps get you a little more comfortable with looking at first order logic, we’re going
to parse this a piece at a time. First, we are concerned with valid concrete states T. In which all
the invariants, that is invC corresponds to concrete invariants, hold on that state. Now consider
the corresponding abstract states and remember the retrieve function. We can go from the
concrete states to the abstract states by using the retrieve function. If we are in the abstract
state, the corresponding abstract state. And we want to execute the abstract operation with
arguments, some argument list, called args here. Then of course, it’s preconditioned. Which
we’ve indicated with the prefix ERE, on the retrieve state, and the arguments must hold. If the
abstract precondition does hold, and if we have implemented the operation successfully. Then
the concrete precondition, which has the, uses the Q version on the concrete state t, must also
32 – Inputs Quiz
For our banking application, which of the three operations in the account class that are
affected by this part of the modeling criteria? Check all that apply.
33 – Inputs Quiz
The answer is ”Withdrawal.”
34 – Outputs
Well that was inputs, now let’s look at outputs. In particular the outputs produced by
the concrete operations along with any changes made to class attributes and other side effects
must satisfy the abstract specification. Among other things this says the answers that your
implementation give had better satisfy what is required by the specification. Stated in logic. If
we have some concrete state t, and the invariant is true, and the preconditions are, the concrete
preconditions are true, and the, after executing the operation the concrete post conditions are
true, then it better be the case that the abstract post conditions are true. Parsing this one
step by step like we did for the inputs. Valid concrete states as the part that says that for all
t element of the set of concrete states, capital T would be invariant. The concrete invariant
must hold on that state. And the concrete preconditions are satisfied, and that’s the Pre-Q
sub i on t and whatever arguments we have. And running the country operation satisfies the
concrete post conditions. That’s the phrase with post Qi on a concrete state. The arguments,
the resulting concrete state T apostrophe, and whatever results are produced. Then the post
condition had better map to the stated abstract post condition, the last part of our post
logic. Which say’s the post condition on the abstract operation Pi, with the retrieve state, the
arguments, the retrieved version of the resultant state, and the results produced had better
hold. Note that as you might expect, the implement, the implementation can do more than
what the spec says as long as it does at least what the spec says.
35 – Outputs Quiz
Let’s ask the same question we did a minute ago about the bank account class. Which of
the three operations in the Account class are affected by this part of the modeling criterion?
That is, the part that has to do with outputs. Check all that apply.
36 – Outputs Quiz
Well this time, all apply. You should have a check in each one of the boxes. All the
operations are affected because all of the concrete post conditions refer to running total, the
account balance attribute.
37 – Satisfy Property 2
So now that we’ve, we’ve got together all the criteria, and the, first order logic expression
of things, let’s go back to Property 2 for a moment. That requirement that the concrete
implementation is consistent. Recall that this means that all operations preserve invariants.
The relat, relevant invariant is that running total reflects the sum of the transactions that
have taken place. So we have to make sure that each of the operations if that invariant is true
before hand, it’s also we true, it is also true afterwards. So the balance operation is not a
problem because it doesn’t effect the value if the variables. For the other two we would need
an inductive argument that the invariant is initially true and that deposits and withdrawals
keep it true. This intern relies on the fact that the sum operation can be defined in terms of
re, repeated additions and subtractions.
38 – SUMMARY 189
38 – Summary
Pulling this all together. The problem is that design is tough. And design mistakes can be
costly. Our chief weapons against complexity are abstraction and refinement. So we must make
sure that our refinements do what we expect. One way to do this is, is to systematically think
about what refinements must guarantee. Here they are, the top level specification, matches
the requirements document. Operations at each level preserve invariants. Each refinement
is adequate. Each refinement is total. And the concrete operation preconditions and post
conditions model their abstract counterparts.
P3L09 Middleware
02 – Middleware
Because these types of applications are so common, a group of technologies has evolved
to support them. These technologies are called Middleware. That is, they are technologies
between the user or client and the ultimate server. They essentially are responsible for dealing
with satisfying the non-functional constraints of the overall distributed system. They’re similar,
in concept, to the architectural connectors that we’ve talked about. It will be interesting to
contrast those connectors with the kind of middlewares described. We’ll be using in particular
the material taken from the Emmerich paper, which I’ve asked you to read.
03 – Context
Why is this an important application class to consider? Well, obviously the Internet has
just opened up so many different opportunities for applications. That means, not only more
applications but more customers, heavier load, increasing demand on the resources. Hence,
performance and resource consumptions considerations, nonfunctional constraints. Also, the
hardware resources themselves have become more specialized. Think about ATM machines or
card readers at gas stations, or mobile phones, or square card readers. Just all kinds of devices
that have their own peculiarities. Also we’ve seen increasingly powerful applications, okay, that
involve integrations of existing components, and sometimes even negotiation among them.
04 – Needs
Well, if we’re to deal with this challenge of increasing growth in distributed applications,
we should consider what kinds of technologies we can use to support them. One category are
technologies that provide abstractions, okay? In particular, the abstractions take the form of
interfaces realized as application programmer interfaces, or APIs, such as Ajax or Enterprise
JavaBeans. Standards, think HTTP or new kinds of architectures such as REST architectures
or service oriented architectures. similarly, the development of new notations. Over the last,
maybe ten years we’ve seen the increasing penetration of XML into applications. And similarly,
there’s been the development of tools and that support the development of these kinds of
systems such as WebSphere or Hibernate. You may have heard of those. In the design space,
there’s Oracle’s Fusion and there are even code generators for, for transforming or generating
the XML such as XSLT.
05 – Exercise Application
Going through this lesson, there will be some opportunities for quizzes. And what I’d
like to do is have you consider a simple application that I’m, then, going to be asking you
questions about. The application involves users and a web browser, visiting some kind of
website and being asked to vote on certain questions. The votes are then submitted and the
system responds back after registering the vote with some count of how other people voted
on the same, same question. So the application is web-based, users are polled on a variety of
questions, their choices are recorded, and there’s a display of how others voted. And, in this
particular situation the actual users remain anonymous as far as the database is concerned.
06 – Characteristic Issues
So before, we get into the describing the technologies involved and addressing these prob-
lems. Let’s look at little deeper into the issues, some of the issues that might involved. We
want to look at network communication issues, coordination among the pieces of the applica-
tion reliability concerns, scalability concerns and then just the implications of the heterogeneity
of the various parts of the system.
07 – Network Communication
Let’s begin with network communications. Obviously, if you have a distributed application
the pieces of the application have to be connected together over some kind of network. Some
of the issues that arise in dealing with applications that are split across a network are how are
errors handled. And there a variety of different kinds of errors that might arise. There are
synchronous errors. That is, when a particular request is made, and part of a system awaits
a response. Or asynchronous errors. That is spontaneous issuing of some kind of notification
that the rest of the system has to respond to. Primary concern here is reliable delivery of these
messages, particularly the error messages. If the network itself is unreliable, various strategies
such as delivering more than once can be employed, but then again, you don’t want to have
more than one actual copy of a message received and, and acted upon. And communicating
across the network, another issue relates to how the data is represented. It may well be the
case, because we’re in a heterogeneous situation, that the different machine and the different
machines represent data in different ways. And then third is the whole question of transaction.
If there’s a database involved, it may well be the case that of the multiple users which might
be using the application, one user is updating the database at the same time another user is
reading the database. And there’s the potential for the receipt of information that is not up
to date with respect to the, the database.
08 – Data Transportability
To drill down for a minute into this question of data transport ability. This is sometimes
called serialization in Java, or marshaling, or even pickling. Some of the differences that might
arrive have to do with bit order. Yes, some machines order the bits from high order to low
order in different orders. Byte orders within a word. Different character sets that are used.
Alignment, that is, whether, particular pieces of data are aligned on word boundaries or byte
boundaries. Okay? And then the whole question of word length. Now we have, of course,
64-bit, words, but other machines are only 32-bits. And, of course there are, uses, of, data
storage in which we wish to use less than a full word. Even after these, differences are resolved
there’s still the question of how the various pieces of some complex data are, are, are organized.
Okay? Must they be kept in a certain order? Can they be, can they be shuffled around in order
to compact them? These days, many, approaches to data representation include self-definition.
That is, not only are you communicating with data, but you’re communicating at a description
of the data. That, can then be decoded at the other end. Fortunately, various, standards have,
arisen to address these kinds of questions. Internet standard x680 is one, and then on the
commercial side Google has developed the idea of protocol buffers. Which are descriptions of
data. Which then can be incorporated into your applications for communication among the
pieces and interpretation at either end by an API.
11 – Transactions ACID
In the situations where a database is involved and we have to be concerned about transac-
tions, that is making sure that the data that we store and retrieve is consistent with respect to
the overall database we have to deal with transaction processing, and in particular with what
are called the ACID properties. The primary concern is reliable database access, particularly
when there are multiple readers and writers. That is parts of the application reading from the
database and other parts writing into the database, particularly on in addressing a particular,
a specific record. Imagine that you were in a situation, maybe you were doing airline reser-
vations or something like that, and you need to understand the information in the database,
but you may want to update it if you’re making that reservation. Okay? So you have to
read it, examine it, change it, and then write it back. What happens if another application
changes the record after you’ve read it, but before your change version has been written back.
So we’d like to have database transactions that satisfy the ACID properties, and ACID is
an acronym. The A stands for Atomic. That means that your transaction, these four steps,
reading, examining, changing, and written, are all treated by the system as if they were one
step with no intermittent activities going on. The C stands for consistency preserving, in the
sense of database integrity. Okay. That is if the database satisfied all its integrity constraints
before your transaction, it will also satisfy them after your transaction. Third, the letter I
stands for isolated. Okay, that, what that means is that other transactions can’t see into any
intermediate states in the processing of your particular transaction. And finally D stands for
durable, and that mean that once your transaction commits then it’s persisted. That means
it, it is a permanent record that the system is aware of.
14 – Coordination
The second category of issues is coordination. Remember that we have heterogeneous
distributed application, multiple things going on at the same time. And these multiple things
have to synchronize across certain actions. Okay, and how is that going to be provided? The
two main categories of a synchronization are synchronous applications, synch, synchronous
communications and asynchronous communications. Synchronous means that when one piece
of the application initiates that particular message or interaction that it waits until it gets a
reply back, a response back, before continuing. Often synchronous types of interactions are
clocked. That means that there’s some heartbeat or some other measure of when it can do
certain things. On the other hand asynchronous communication means the client can continue
to execute after it sent the message and it’s notified when the response comes back and it can
take appropriate steps at that point. Obviously asynchronous is more general, but writing code
for dealing with a, asynchronous coordination is a little trickier, it makes it a little harder to
understand. So once again there’s a trade off. Another question with respect to coordination
is, who’s in charge here? Okay, is it the client or the server? You’ve no doubt seen situations
where the server is capable of pushing things out to the client such as web pages which you
want to update with current events or it could be that the client requests information as it
pulls from the server. Deciding how you’re going to deal with that is a key design question
in any distributed application. It’s always the case with such applications that robustness
is important. What this means is that the system can deal with situations where one or
more of its components goes down. Think that you send out a message and you don’t get any
response back. And the reason that you don’t get any response back is that the the piece of the
application you were dealing with goes down. How does your part of the application deal with
that? Think for example, if you were user facing you don’t want to just wait there and leave
the user in limbo. You want to provide perhaps some time map on a message acknowledgment
and be able to let the user know what went on. Similar to robustness is availability. How does
the system appear to the user as far as being available? Is it 24/7, type application? Does
it have set maintenance times? How does it deal with load situations? That is, does it get
so slow that the user gets frustrated? All those kinds of questions. Persistence we’ve already
mentioned. In general this means how a server stayed maintained. One obvious approach is
with a data base. It might be a file system, but nevertheless the choice has to be made. And
if you’ve got multiple clients talking to the system, how is that concurrency handled? Okay,
how does the server part of the application deal with all these multiple users? Related to that
is the transaction and integrity constraints which we’ve talked about on the previous issue.
17 – Reliability
Their major issue is reliability, which we’ve alluded to already. We have a complex system
that has multiple pieces to it and that means a piece might go down, or might, be overloaded
at, at some particular point and how does the rest of the system, respond to that. Overall
we can call that a reliability question. That is what percentage of the time is the overall
application providing the, the services that it should be providing. Typically you learn about
a reliability problem when some message that is sent is not delivered. Or at least you don’t
get an acknowledgment back from it. When strategy is to try sending the message again.
The danger there of course is that the, recipient receives two copies of the message, and does
whatever action is doing twice which also may be a problem. This is an example of a classic
reliability performance tradeoff. That is. Whenever you use replication that’s going to take
more time and more resources, as well as, as, as compromising the integrity of the system. You
can do it faster but it may not be as reliable. Various policies for dealing with reliabilities use
have arisen such as the, the client making its best effort. The client’s saying it will do at most
once, as far as message sending, at least once, exactly once and so on.
22 – Scalablity
What major issue is Scalability. If you’ve got an interesting application, that’s distributed
across the internet, it might grow. That is, it might, have more users over time. Or it might
have, a greater load, due to the individual users. In either case, you want to be able to grow the
application. And the question then is, how easy is it to grow? This is sometimes called scaling.
That is, how easy is it to scale your application? Scaling typically takes the form of adding new
hardware. And the question then becomes, to what extent will adding new machines change
your system architecture, or its components? Ideally, we’d like to grow transparently. What
transparency means is, whether or not a particular aspect of a systems architecture is visible
externally, that is, to the, the other machines. If it’s invisible, of course, you can scale as much
as you want, and the rest of the system would not be concerned.
23 – Kinds of Transparancy
So, the different kinds of Transparency, which you might consider versus Access trans-
parency. That is, it’s a particular computational or data resource which the application re-
quires available locally or remotely and in particular does the application need to know whether
it’s local or remote. If it’s Access transparent the application doesn’t need to know. Extending
this is the idea of Location transparency. Is it necessary to know the physical location of a
resource. Third, is Migration transparency, that is, can we move a resource from one. Physical
machine to another, in such a way that the rest of the system doesn’t have to know that it’s
moved. This can be tricky of course, if you’re in the middle of using a resource when it moves,
there’s the possibility that, your interaction is going to be inconsistent, or even break. And
finally, Replication transparency. One way for dealing with reliability issues is Replication. At
one extreme would be Database Replication, where all of your data is in more than one place,
and if your, one of your databases go down, at least you have the other one there. Okay, and
then as far as Transparency is concerned, is your application aware that there are multiple
database servers in that situation.
24 – Heterogeneity
The fifth major category of issues is heterogeneity. We started with the assumption,
we have a heterogeneous distributed system, but the dimensions of heterogeneity are many.
Hardware, this not just what kind of computers, but also are there embedded devices involved.
Are there cellphones involved in this? Are there card readers involved? Are there other, other
devices? Different operating systems. Different programming languages. All of the different
standards protocols and API’s that might be involved in building this application. The pieces
of the application that provide access such as a web browsers or these devices. All of these
can change. More over even if they don’t change. Even if they’re uniformly applied. That is
every part of the system uses Linux or every part of the system uses Ruby. Are they using
the same version? For example, imagine the issue of testing a web based application across
browser versions. You have three or four main families of browsers, each coming in three or
four different versions. Also the problem of testing becomes that much more challenging.
25 – Implications of Heterogeneity
How are you going to deal with a question of heterogeneity? Some approaches include
standard APIs. Those standards come from organizations like W3C, that is the World Wide
Web Consortium, OMG the Object Management Group which is the promogater of GML,
ANSI American National Standards Institute, international standards organization. All of
these standard API’s and protocols must at least address the issue of backward and forward
compatibility. Backwards compatibility means if you’ve got a new version, does that version
support or break older versions. Tougher is forward compatibility. In your current version,
are you promising that regardless of how the particular standard may change in the future,
that the current version will be supported. Second is the question of normative architectures.
Here OMG is taking a stab with what they call Model-Driven Architecture, MDA, in which the
parts of a systems architecture which are machine independent are separated from the machine
dependent parts. And then there is a co-generation process that enables the generation of the
dependent parts from some kinds of machine descriptions. The major vendors or players in the
game also offer there own ways of dealing with heterogeneity. For example, Sony has its what
originally was called J2E and is now called JEE. Microsoft has .Net, IBM has Websphere and
so on.
26 – LAMP Quiz
For our sample application, there’s a call it a normative architecture or a mild form of
normative architecture called LAMP. Look up this acronym, and for each of its four letters, each
of its four parts, determine the role that, that part might play in the application architecture.
means of essentially embedding the database interactions into your HTML program so that on
the server side, that can then become SQL transactions to the database.
29 – Challenges
Well that’s the set of challenges. Variety of different problems that successful distributed
systems have to deal with. And the overall question is, what solution approaches have been
developed for dealing with it. In particular we’re going to look at middleware. Middleware
between the client and the server that supports, in particular, addressing some of these non-
functional problems.
30 – Kinds of Middleware
The first thing we’re going to do is carve the problem up into four kinds of middleware.
And the four kinds are going to be based upon the interaction mechanisms between the pieces.
In particular we’ll look at transactional, middleware because it deals with distributive trans-
actions. We’ll look at message oriented middleware in which the interactions are messages,
message passing. We’ll look at procedural mid, middleware, which has to do with remote pro-
cedure calls. And finally we’ll look at object or component middleware in which we’re making
requests on remote objects.
31 – Transactional Middleware
First off, transactional middleware, recall that we have to deal with reliability and those
acid requirements. Various approaches including two-phased commit are policies which the
application can obey in order to get higher reliability and guaranteed consistency. We’d like to
develop a transactional middleware solutions in such a way that we have location transparency.
That is, the pieces the server doesn’t know where the clients are distributed. And moreover,
the clients don’t know where the server is other than possibly with some kind of IP address for
the web server. Some of the products over the years that have been developed for dealing with
transactional middleware include CICS on IBM mainframes. Tuxedo, which is a UNIX-based
approach, and Encina, from Hewlett Packard.
33 – Procedural Middleware
You’ve possibly in the past used remote procedure calls. This is an example of procedural
middleware. The idea here is that, your piece of a system needs some computation that’s
available on another piece, and you’d like to make it look, in your code, as if you’re just making
some kind of function call. When really, the function that’s doing the comp, computing is on
another machine. Remote procedure calling, technology hasn’t been available since the 1980s.
It is typically synchronous, okay, that is you block until you get the procedure call comes back.
However, it’s operating system dependent. And there have been technologies developed by
SUN and, NDR, for dealing with the data representations and, and the coordination of the call
and return.
35 – Middleware Quiz
For our sample application, here’s another quiz question for you. Which of these four
types of middleware do you think would be the most appropriate one to deal with a voting
38 – Research Questions
So more specific questions about building these applications include the following. One
kind of question is, how do the clients know what capabilities are available to them? One
approach, which is typically used, is naming. That is the client has the IP address or URL of
server technology. Okay? And it, it essentially finds that service by providing that name. You
can think of this as White Pages in the, in the telephone sense. An alternative to this approach
is a client saying, I have a need for service x, and being able to try to find various resources
that can find, can provide that service. That’s similar to a Yellow Pages lookup. Some Yellow
Pages technology have come out, but it hasn’t proven quite as successful as maybe we had
hoped. Second research question has to do with use of reflection and meta-object protocols.
Recall that I mentioned that data can sometimes be self defining, that is the data itself reflects
or represents its own structure. The same thing can hold with respect to, to programs, that
is programs knowing what kind of services they provide even knowing how, they deal with
non-functional considerations. How many transactions can they provide in a given unit of time
and so on. The third category of questions has to do with data representations. For the past
20 years, relational databases have dominated the world, but now there’s a recognition that
one size does not fit all. The different kinds of applications might require different kinds of
organizations for the data. Okay. This movement is sometimes called the NoSQL movement,
and there is various commercial, even solutions out there that you can consider in building
your applications. Another question is, fat versus thin. Particularly fat versus thin clients.
This question has actually been with us for a long time. When we had applets, originally
developed by Java, the idea was that the client, that is the web browser, would, download
functionality as needed. Be able to try to provide as much functionality close to the user as
possible. This is sometimes called a fat client. The other extreme is to say, let’s make the
client as thin as possible. That is, all it is is really a user interface. Now we’ve gone back and
forth between fat and thin clients. AJAX is a way of being able to reduce the overhead of
client to server messaging, in particular client to server when a whole page is being re-written.
AJAX is a way of making local changes to web pages without necessarily having full server
interaction. Another class of questions has to do with the different kinds of devices that are
now parts of distributed systems. Sometimes those devices are relatively constrained by their
power consumption and batteries, which might mean that their memories and their chips are
going to be smaller or slower. In which case the overall device is going to be somewhat limited
that might be a reason to have a thinner client on it. Related to that is the whole question of
mobility. If part of the application, if the client side of the application is moving around, what
happens if it all suddenly goes in a tunnel, right, and you can’t reach it? Your system man
has to be more robust with dealing with that kind of uncertainty.
39 – Examples
And now I want to look at a couple of examples of approaches taken to these kind of
applications. You can think of these a computing paradigms or, methods for dealing with
particular kinds of situations. In particular they both relate to services. One of them is web
services and the other is service oriented architecture. For the purposes here we can say that a
service is a self contained, self defined unit of computation that’s meaningful to the user. We’ll
go into that a little bit more when we look as these two particular, types of implications.
42 – Web Services
The first style of application is a web service. You’ve probably used those. You may or
may not realize you’ve used web services but they’re there. And all it really means is that you
have some kind of software system, designed to support machine to machine interactions over,
over the web. They often involve particular with APIs or standards that are agreed upon up,
by the various parties involved.
44 – J2EE System
Here’s a graphic that describes one approach to web services. This one provided by J2EE,
which is Oracle’s technology for dealing with new situations. Three remaining components
on the left is your web browser, which is going to be using HTMLs or applets, or possibly
even application. On the right, is some kind of database services, and in between is where
the beef is, as far as Oracle is concerned. And that’s what holds the business logic. This is
the computational segment, that knows about the particular application computations. And
the way that J2EE has it, there’s two parts. One is a web server, and the other is the EJB
containers. EJB is enterprise java beans which is libraries are API within Java. Standard
interactions then apply, and presumably you can build your applications using this technology,
in a way that can deal with some of the non-functional constraints that these applications have
to be constructed.
45 – SOA
Second example approach, Service Oriented Architecture, sometimes abbreviated SOA.
Wikipedia calls this a computer system architectural style for creating and using business
processes, package to serves throughout their life cycle.
46 – SOA Services
What this means as far as the actual delivery of services is once again you have self
contained, self defined modular applications. You can think of these as more or less vertical
slices through the system. That each service is capable of self contained that it has all that
it needs in order to provide that functionality to the user. There’s a definition for it, so that
the remainder of the system and the architecture can have a configuration that it understands.
And it’s modular, okay? It obeys certain rules about interactions. In particular, there’s a
use protocol use at the level of the software architecture protocol describing, how the pieces
work together. The overall intent is to try to directly relate, the business needs of the user, to
functionality that’s being provided. And typically this means that as a developer, an architect,
you’re coming up with a suite of sub-services, that together can be composed into. These
user facing services. You publish them, you located them in particular places and you can
dynamically invoke them.
49 – SUMMARY 203
47 – Characteristics of Services
Some of the characteristics of services are flexibility. That is, you are essentially refactoring,
if, if you have an existing application, you want to make that service oriented you factored
into, into pieces that then you could combine in interesting ways. Meaningful here on the slide
means each of the services is something that’s meaningful to the end user. They’re stateless,
for the reasons described with web services. Stateless means that typically the code is actually
simpler than it would be if you have to remember variables. And also it’s transparent with
respect to middleware. Typically, there’s a middleware technology solution that takes your
descriptions. Takes your configuration information and generates the the, the middle work
pieces that need to be generated.
48 – SOA Rearchitecting
Service Oriented Architecture is, is often of interest at the enterprise level. That is, big
corporations or organizations who have a suite of applications that they want to adapt to
internet type situations and rather than rewriting the whole suite from scratch, they want to
re-architect it into a service oriented configuration. This can be tricky, as you might imagine.
Any time you’re dealing with large amounts of code and rearchitecting them. You can run into
issues of, of reliability. And there’s many a story of a lot of wasted money leading to systems
that don’t work as expected. So, in, in doing such rearchitecting, ultimately you have to take
code that maybe was used to running on a mainframe in which a code was controlling it’s own
fate. It was in charge control-wise for calling the various pieces. Have a service oriented type
architecture over the internet, and it’s intended to be providing user functions, then it may
have to be switched in to a reactive type system. That is, responding to the user interactions.
This is a major change to any system to do this. The point I’m making here is that there’s a
cost in doing this and there’s a high degree of risk because of that cost.
49 – Summary
To kind of tie all this together, Middleware is ultimately a collection of technologies for
addressing non-functional constraints in these heterogeneous distributed applications. These
technologies include application programmer interfaces, protocols tools, and even design pat-
terns. As the Internet grows, as our, our networking and our number of users and the various
applications, the need for standard Middleware solutions is going to become all that more
P3L10 Guest Interview: LayerBlox
01 – Introduction
Yes, so I started at Georgia Tech and ended up getting my PhD there in computer science.
Did work in software architecture, software engineering. User interface design and kind of the
intersection of those, those three. After I got my PhD I was a faculty member at Michigan State
University for about 12 years. Did research in, in formal modeling of software architecture.
For the past I guess about six years, I’ve been working at a local company called Logic Blocks.
That specializes in smart databases, and uses a lot of the modeling ideas and formal methods
ideas that I’ve been working on in, in my research, in, in practice. So it’s been very interesting.
02 – LogicBlox
What kind of company is LogicBlox, what sorts of things they sell? So LogicBlox’s primary
product is what we call a smart database. It’s an active cloud database that has much of the
business logic that one would normally need to write in a traditional imperative language
running on separate machines down in the database. So that when data are added to the
database, these business rules kick in and update views automatically. It specializes in doing
really large-scale analytics and applications that are kind of a hybrid between transactional
and analytic, and that’s really our sweet spot. And what sort of customers do you have and
the kinds of products that they need? Yeah, so most of our customers that are longer-term
customers have been customers in the retail domain, that need to do analysis to decide how
many products they should order for a given promotion, or forecast demand for a given set of
products at their stores, or do financial planning. These tend to be really large, often multi-
terabyte applications that have years and years of sales history that we use to try to do a good
job of forecasting or predicting how products will move. And we use our smart database to
analyze that and roll up and roll down those data very efficiently. So the terabytes is not the
size of the source code but it’s the amount of data that they have to deal with. That’s correct.
Yeah, the amount of source code is meant to be very small. The idea is that you want to
declare your business rules as concisely and compactly and as close to the way you’d want to
just say them in English is you can. And then we install those business rules into our database,
which then we load with the terabytes of data. And you mentioned in the cloud, is this what
they call softwares and service? It is, yes, so all of our applications are sold as a service. So our
forecaster, which I think we’re going to talk about in a little while. In particular, our forecast
manager, is a service that big retail customers will pay us a monthly fee to access. Part of
our model is that they can at any time choose to. They don’t have to install a lot of special
hardware and have IT expertise in house, they can just subscribe to our service. They access it
through standard web browsers. They can turn it off and on as they desire. If they decide that
they don’t like it anymore, they can just quit. And so it’s really nice for customers. Part of
our business proposition is that we can quickly get into, give access to a customer and let them
see the benefits. They don’t have to make a lot of upfront commitment to use our technology
and they can decide to leave anytime. So would you call this a real time application? I’m not
sure I’d call it a real time application. It is an interactive application in the sense that there
will be users who will be executing queries and analyzing data in what they would consider to
be real time so they need fast response time. It’s an interactive system. It doesn’t have hard
real time deadlines, the way we normally think about real time stuff being developed. And
how does the customer’s data, their sales data or their product data get to you? Yeah, it’s
actually a little bit complicated. So, customers tend to keep their data in database systems
that they’ve had for 50 years and have their own special format and they’re very difficult to
integrate with. What we tend to do is get them to export the data that they need to send to
us and usually in just big CSV files or some kind of delimited tabular file. And they’ll send
us these files at various times. We have servers that will receive the files and put them off to
Amazon’s S3 storage, it’s a nice, very scalable, very reliable storage system that we use to keep
the incoming data and from that we load them into our databases. But, this data might be
periodically updated. That’s correct. Okay. Often, on a daily basis, and sometimes, for some
customers, even more frequent than that.
03 – Role
Can you tell me a little about your role at LogicBox? So I’m a Chief Application Architect.
And what this means is that I oversee all of our app development and pretty central in coming
up with the initial design for any kind of new products that we develop. I often do a fair
amount of prototyping, data modeling, early in a new product that we’re developing for a
new client. I’ll sometimes, often actually, interact with customers to make sure we’re clear on
requirements when we start. And I’ll often make a lot of the initial programing decisions and
then start to farm it out to a group of developers. And I’m guessing you also have a strategic
role as far as how a company is going to be developing applications on into the future That’s
right. So, in addition to Chief Application Architect I’m also Executive Vice President. So,
as an architect, what kinds of decisions do you have to deal with in terms of structuring this
code base. So typically, there are kind of two scenarios where I get involved. So there are
new configurations of existing services that we’ve implemented before and there most of my
work is just in requirements analysis to understand differences between clients. And helping
to put together an application development team to go extend that configuration to the new
client. That’s kind of the normal development role, and I do that for several products in our
family that we’ve done many times before. We’ve deployed these services many times before
for previous clients and it’s really just a matter of kind of bringing up a team of developers
and just showing them what the architecture is and telling them how to flesh it out. For new
products, and as of not too long ago, the forecast manager that we’re going to talk about later
was a new product. For that, I actually had to do a lot of the initial development of it, and we
did things like initial scalability analysis. There’s often some pretty complex calculations that
need to be performed. Under not under real-time, but under time constraints that a user would
need to deem acceptable. So I do a lot of initial scalability analysis, which involves coding up
some solution approaches. Making sure that we understand how to do the integration with all
the various data that come from the customer and also just doing data modeling. Because,
a lot of the times we find when we do a new application, there’s a significant data modeling
exercise that needs to get done before we can really start making progress. And how about
the software process itself, the development activities in particularly, strategically, as far as
improving productivity in the long run. Yeah, I also play a role in that as you might imagine.
We use, we’re an agile shop, and so we tend to like really short iterations where we have demos
at the end of those iterations. We use your traditional Jeera and other kinds of technologies
for issue tracking. But yeah, our process mainly is one of when we have a new project, do an
initial architectural assessment which may take a month or two, to do the kind of prototyping
and scalability analysis that we need. And then we proceed when we start bringing developers
on, usually with a small number of developers it scales up over time. Rather than with a big
group that starts at the beginning. And we use a very iterative usually one to two week cycle
iterations. So this is a grunt process.
04 – Typical Application
Can you give us an idea of a typical application, and in particular, how big it is, how long it
takes to develop? Sure. So there are two or three, as I said, different kinds of applications that
we tend to develop. I think one, that is a good representative is the Forecast Manager. So a
forecast manager, is an application that will forecast customer demand for products at various
locations, various stores, of a retailer based on a historical analysis of how those products
have sold at those stores over the past two to three years. It takes into account special events
like promotions that are enforce and it’s actually a pretty complicated set of calculations. It
involves some regression analysis and it’s pretty involved. So, we generally, when we have a
customer, what we’ll do is, every week or maybe even every day, we will generate new forecasts
for them in a big nightly batch. Nightly or weekly batch. And we’ll calculate the next 52 weeks
of forecast for all their products at all their stores. After which, most retailers have a group
of employees who go through and review those forecasts. And if they find things don’t look
like they have imagined, because it’s forecasting, it’s not, you know, it’s not an exact science.
They’ll want to get in and do some tweaking, make some adjustments to them, maybe they
think that some estimates of increased demand are too high or too low, and they’ll actually
want to make some changes. So forecast manager application’s responsible for generating all
these forecasts allowing forecasters, the employees at a retail organization to go through and
drill up and drill down, and try to understand these forecasts, and also to allow them to make
changes to the forecast. Tweak them, what if them, et cetera. And they can use they forecasts
to predict sales and do inventory? Correct. Sorts of things. It’s central to they’re planning.
It’s very similar to their plan, yeah. It’s typically hooked up with replenishment systems as
well. So once they approve the forecasts that we’ve suggested for them, they’ll then send those
forecasts down to a replenishment system which will actually make orders and cause goods
to be put on trucks or on ships or whatever. And I imagine with all this data that there
are kind of heavyweight calculations, functional requirements that the forecast manager has
to satisfy. That’s correct, that’s correct. And what’s interesting about it, and what I found
particular in working in the retail domain was surprising, let’s put it that way. There are,
every different client has slightly different business requirements that make it very difficult to
design a completely generic product. So there’s always a bit of client specific business rules
that you need to take into account and configuration. It’s not like a shrink wrap product at
all. So, it really is when you want to sell this to a new clien, even if it’s a product very similar
to one you’ve released before. You have to do a fair amount of, you have to staff it up with
a development team, and you know, do or extend an existing requirements analysis. And do
some custom protection. And so when you say product before you were talking about software
as a service, the products are really services. That’s correct, Yes. Okay,and what I’m hearing
is that you don’t want to have to do a separate forecaster for every one of your customers, but
there are individual pieces. Each customer has their individual needs, and so you need some
solution for them specifically, but you can’t have a general one for everybody. That’s correct,
that’s correct. That’s one of the core parts of the problem that makes it hard. Okay, now
how about on the non-functional side? What sort of interesting non functional characteristics
do these applications have? Yeah, you can break them into a couple of categories. One is,
you asked earlier about how we get data and we load it, so that implies that there’s a batch
operation that has to load all this data that come in, into our database. The batches tend to
have pretty tight timing requirements. So, for example, when we do forecasting at the end of
a week for next week’s orders, we typically get the revised sales data that we use in predicting,
we’ll get that sometime late on a Friday evening. We may get any number of other kind of
data from the customer, as well, that we need to use in prediction. We’ll have to have the
forecast all generated and ready for inspection and modification for the forecasters when they
arrive by 8 AM Monday morning. So there’s a batch window and that batch window is a
very hard deadline. If we can’t do all the work within that deadline, we have a service level
agreement with customers because we sell this as a service, and if we don’t meet our batch
window, then we’re in violation of that agreement, that has financial implications, et cetera.
So batch requirements are big. We also have a nightly batch which has a much tighter window
and doesn’t consume as much data. So in the weekend situation, is that enough time for you
to deal with things? How much of that weekend is consumed with actually computing? So
that’s a good question. It depends largely by client. We, for our bigger clients, we have one
that I think their app is now, it’s over 11 terabytes of data that we have to maintain and let
them use. And what we do is, we actually partition the database. Over many different nodes,
many different nodes on the cloud, so that we can meet this batch window. And what we find
when we’re scaling these up is, we have to do some experiments to decide how big, how fat
can we make one database in order to meet our batch window to load all, not just to do the
calculations, just to load the data to begin with, because it takes a while to load 6 terabytes of
data. So we have to, we have to scale ourselves and partition it so that we can load all the data,
perform all the calculations within the batch window. And there’s always a trade off between,
the more that you can make, you can decrease your batch time, if you throw more machines
at it, but then that increases your cost, our company’s cost which we have to eat. So we’re
always trying to optimize that sweet spot. So what I’m hearing is that you’re making use of
a large number of fairly heavyweight server nodes on the cloud that are cranking pretty much
full time over the weekend- That’s correct. To make sure you hit your deadline for Monday
morning. That’s correct, that’s correct. And one of things that’s interesting about deploying
as a service, has everything to do with that problem. So traditionally, when a retailer would
want a forecasting application, that retailer would have to buy and maintain all the machinery
he or she might need in order to generate those forecasts even though you’re only going to do it
every week, every weekend sorry. So, what typically happens with the forecasting application
is, it’s a of heavyweight work on the weekend, but then during the week, not so much. And
so our solution scales, so that we actually scale up over the weekend in order to do all this
data loading and calculation. But then we scale back down to a smaller footprint after all
those calculations. So you’re taking advantage of the fact that you can get elastic computing
resources Elasticity, exactly. Off the cloud and only pay for what you need. Precisely. So,
I interrupted you before when you were talking about the nonfunctional requirements, what
else is there? So batch requirements is the one category. The other category are interactive
requirements. So, users are going to, as I mentioned when, after we generate all these forecasts
you’re going to want to go through and inspect them and analyze them, and drill up, and
drill down, and make analyses, and maybe even modifications. So, that’s a large set of data
that they need to operate over. And anytime you have users doing interactive queries over
large data sets, you have the potential that queries and operations could take a very long time.
So in addition to our batch window, we also have to design and partition accordingly so that
queries will be, user operations will be performed in acceptable times. And I’m assuming that
you’ve kind of mentioned that reliability is really important. Hm-mm Okay this, you have to
get the thing done. Yeah. How about accuracy of these computations, how do you deal with
that? Yeah, so usually through a separate process, so Logicblocks has a dedicated data science
team that works with big retailers who are very familiar with their own data to do accuracy
analysis. And we tend to do this by running our forecasting offline, and comparing on old
data, and then comparing it with actual sales data, so there s some metrics we used called
mean. Mean percent error which are used to decide whether your forecasts are sufficiently
accurate. If they’re within a certain percent error of the actual sales. And so, we tend to do
that offline, and then if there are any changes to the algorithms, the science algorithms, we
roll those into the service so that it’ll be available next week when we do the next analysis. So
some real significant, non functional requirements, in order to make all this work in a fashion
that can satisfy your customers. Right. Okay, how about the architecture itself, let’s say of the
Forecast Manager, what makes this particular application architecturally interesting? Okay,
so I think from an architecture standpoint, what makes this architecture most interesting is
the distribution aspect. The services oriented design of the whole thing. And how each of
the distributed nodes talk to one another. So I have a diagram we can take a quick look at.
This is a multi tier diagram. I’m not showing the top tier, because the top tier is basically
a web browser, right? So all of our clients, they’re top tier, presentation tier, would be there
web browser. They’re going to be running HTML 5, JavaScript applications, running in their
browsers that are periodically going to make service calls to a uniform location on the cloud.
Those requests, those http service requests will all go through this front end node that I’m
showing here in this diagram. We consider that the middle tier, all right? So the front end of
our application is a middle tier that has a couple of databases running on it, which I’m showing
there. One of them is largely the one called UI0. It is hosting services which do things like
either directly answer queries or proxy them down to other nodes that actually contain a slice
of the real data. And so that data tier level that I’m showing in the diagram, actually has
multiple. I’m abstracting it by just showing 2, but there could be up to 50, or 60, or 100 of
these things depending on the size of the data. Each one of them is the same in terms of what
code they’re running, but they have a different partition of the data that they’re responsible
for, and each one of them is running a web server that’s hosting services that answer queries,
all right, or do updates. So typically in this architecture, you don’t see this much when you’re
running the app from your browser, but you’ll click on a link to go drill down into, you know,
the results of some query that will issue a request that goes to this front end node, which
may then delegate to one or more of those data tier nodes to gather some data, perform some
updates, put it back together and then get your response. And all this has to work very quickly.
So, as far as architectural style, would you say this is a three tier architecture? Yes, yes. And,
complicated by the fact that you’ve partitioned your data across many, may networks. Correct,
of those databases as being active rather than passive. Their actively calculating and coming
up with results rather than just being dumb date stores. So that code that we write and
install on those databases itself has some interesting software engineering challenges because
we implement all of the business rules in our applications, in that code, and then install it.
And one of the things we’ve found is that particularly with applications, like forecast managers
and most of the other predictive applications that we’re developing, is that we are often are
not developing just a single product, but in fact, we are often developing something more akin
to a product line. That is we find that there are many slightly different variances of use of
the same algorithm like forecasting. But they need to be deployed in slightly different ways
for slightly different contexts. And so, what motivated Layer Blocks was, after we had been
doing some development on the first Forecast Manager application, we noticed that a lot of
the work we were doing was kind of developing code that really seemed redundant. That we’re
developing the same kinds of algorithms multiple times for these different uses. And we wanted
to find a way to unify that, so we could do the development once, very efficiently, and manage
this growing list of variants of the same component or functionality. So this is getting back
to the challenge you mentioned at the start about that each customer has their own specific
needs, okay. But that you’d like, to the extent possible, to have a common solution to reduce
your costs of dealing with the customers. Exactly. Yeah, you don’t want to have to develop a
system, a component from scratch for each customer. If you’ve got 100 customers, you don’t
want to have to develop 100 components. And what you want to do is you want to develop
one component very nicely so that it can be configured and packaged in different ways very
easily. And that’s what we developed LayerWise for.
06 – LayerBlox
Well, can you give us a 4,000 foot view of what LayerBlox is? So, LayerBlox is a software
generator for generating different variants of products in the same product line. So you, you
want to be able to generate all of these, these variants. how, how how does your generator
actually work? What does it take as input, and, and and, and, and how does it process that?
That’s a good question. So I should say first off that our generator is based on a pretty well
understood idea from software engineering. That goes back to, really goes go back to the,
the early 90s on product line generation. And so, each variant that we want to generate is a
different program in the same product line. And we, we organize our product lines in terms of
re-useable features that we put into a library. We’ve designed them according to a design idiom
that, that, that makes them very composable with one another, which I’ll demonstrate here in
a little while. And what you do, then, to, to generate a variant is you write something called
an assembly specification. Assembly specification explains how you put these features together
in some novel combination to generate a particular variant. And it has some particular useful
properties, which I think we’ll be able to, to dig into by example here in a few minutes. But
what’s really nice about it is the features you can write once and reuse many times. And
you can very easily understand by virtue of comparing these assembly specifications how two
different variants in the same product line are common and how they differ and be very precise
about that. And I’m curious about the, the title, LayerBlox. Is it, is this related to layered
architectures? It is, it is. When you see some examples of assembly specifications, you’ll see
that the, the components that we’re generating, each component, when I use the term variant,
I mean program or component. So the when you see how, how a given component is generated,
you’ll notice that it’s, the little program you write to say how to generate it, the recipe looks,
is, is a very layered, very hierarchical form. It’s related to layered architectures in another way
too, in the sense that typically with layer architectures, you tend to think of of software built
in stacks. Where you can understand a layer you can understand one layer, just in terms of the
interface that it exports, without any knowledge of how it’s implemented or of the layers that
are underneath it. the, the assembly specifications that we write using LayerBlox have that
same property. And, and just to, to clarify a bit. The layers that you’re talking about are,
and the generated code you’re talking about, they go in that middle tier? No, they actually,
in this case they could go in the middle tier. But in this case they go in, down in the data
tier. Okay, so the, the tiering is kind of independent of the, of the layering? That’s correct.
That’s correct. And in the diagram, there’s also this reusable feature library. Can you say a
word about that? So, you know, I mentioned earlier that when we have a number of different
clients, their programs and their applications are very similar, but they’re not exactly the same.
What we found is that if we do a decomposition and design of our software by feature and
I know you guys have spoken of feature diagrams and feature modeling in the past. When
you, when you when you do a feature-based design, you actually can get reusable pieces of,
they’re not whole applications. They’re little fragments, but the, but they’re highly reusable
and composable in ways that you can put them together to make different variants of a, of,
of the same application very easily. So we did a, in the example we’ll see we basically did
a feature analysis to understand what are the different features that are put together to do
forecasting. And based on that feature analysis, we we designed our reusable features around
it and, and got this ability to, to, to compose them in this very, very nice way. So the, the
unit of variation is kind of, a customer-visible feature? It may not be customer-visible, I, and,
and ideally it, it could be, right? And in other product line work it is the unit of visib, of the
unit is customer-visible feature. In our case, it’s more implementation centric. But, but still,
it’s, it’s much more on the science side than, then the customer side so in our case, we, we’re
doing forecasting. And there are some pretty com, complicated algorithmics that go with, with
forecasting. So that domain is the domain at which we’ve we’ve done the future analysis.
07 – Assembly Spec
Can you tell us a little bit about what one of these forecaster’s is? Sure, so at a very
high level, forecasting is a pretty simple problem. What it basically is about. We do some
analysis to calculate demand, to forecast demand of products in the absence of any kind of
promotional activity or any other kinds of events, special events that might cause spikes or
troughs in demand. And that generates something called a baseline forecast. So we have
some algorithms that are responsible for generating baseline forecasts by doing an historical
analysis of sales data. We then have a separate set of algorithms that calculate what we call
incremental sales. This is an additional uplift or it could also be negative uplift from the base
line when certain special events are in play, like a promotion, a mother’s day promotion that’s
going to cause an uptake in the sale of flowers and gift cards, right? Christmas is going to,
yeah, or any other kind of holiday is going to have and uptake in sales. So, we tend to think of
a forecaster. The thing that actually calculates forecasts as being decomposed into a baseline
forecaster and an incremental forecaster. And each of those things can be parameterized. And
then put together to form the actual forecaster that you want to use to generate to calculate
demand for products in stores. So that’s a forecaster kind of in the abstract. It gives you some
idea of what some of the features in it are and how they might compose. And can you give
us a, a picture of what this forecaster is like in terms of its assembly spec. So, if you look
at this slide, you’ll see a very simple example. Probably the simplest example. I call it the
Hello World! Of forecasters. And you’ll see it just has four lines. Right. So, those four lines
explain how to generate four different components that are used with one another. In this
case, we’ve got a really simple one called bForecast, for baseline Forecast. One called mults
for multipliers. These are the multipliers that are used to calculate the incremental uplift
when there are different promotions and such in place. We use this two components, bForecast
and mults to generate an incremental forecast, where they calculate the actual incremental
forecast. And then, we put the incremental forecaster and the baseline forecaster together into
a component called batch, which is a batch forecaster. And so what that does, and we can
go into in a moment exactly how it does it. But as you can see, we start with some kind of
elementary components, the baseline forecaster and the multipliers. And then, we compose
those with some reusable features incre for incremental, and fcst for forecaster. We compose
those together to make an actual component called batch. And batch is the component that’s
kind of the output of this thing. That you would then install in your database to calculate
your forecast. So is this the description of one variant? This is the description of one variant.
That’s correct.
08 – Components
Yeah, so let’s look at this example and the different parts of it in some detail. So what
I’m showing here in green are the four different components that were generating as a virtue
of this assembly specification. And as I mentioned a minute ago, the only one that’s the, the,
the variant, the one that were interested in is batch. But the other three, bFsct, mults and
iFsct are all kind of sub components that are used to, to, to create batch. You can think of a
component as a little program. It’s clear that batch is a little program. It’s a little forecaster
but each of the other ones is a little program too. iForecast is an incremental forecaster. Mults
is a set of multipliers and bFcst is a baseline forecaster.
09 – Interfaces
So, now what we’re seeing are what I call interfaces. Each of the components that I
just mentioned, exports some interface, which explains to the client of that component, or
the outside world, how to interact with it, what capabilities it provides. In our case, those
capabilities are what we call predicates. You can think of them as tables in a database. These
are predicates, or tables, that are accessible and visible to the outside world that clients could
query or update. And as you see here, even though we have four different kinds of components,
we only have two different kinds of interfaces forecast and multipliers, and this is by design.
What that means is that I can, as you see in this example, I can have multiple components that
implement the same interface. Now what’s nice about that is components that implement the
same interface are plug compatible, and layered assemblies. So I can actually build different
assemblies that use each of these components, each of these three forecast components that I’ve
just declared. Put them together in different ways and build a nice, rich library of variance, just
by putting those forecasts, just by putting those together in different ways. And can you relate
this use of the term interface to its use in other languages like Java? Yes it’s almost exactly the
same use. So in Java interfaces you declare signatures of methods that many different objects
would, obviously many different classes could implement. It’s essentially the same thing here.
10 – Refinements
So, the next thing I’m showing on the slide are two of the refinements that are being used
in this assembly specification. Refinements are little program generators. They take existing
programs of some type that implements some predetermined interfaces. And, they compose
those programs to generate a new program, or new variant, that implements some other in-
terface. So, for example, we have here a refinement called Incor for incremental forecaster.
And, Incor is parametrized by two different kinds of arguments, one is some component that
11 – VARIANTS 213
implements forecast interface. The other is some component that implements the Multipliers
interface. And, when I apply this refinement to components of those suitable types, then I’ll
actually generate a new component that implements the forecast interface. Likewise, for the
FCST refinement, it’s parameterized by two components that implement the forecast interface,
and it generates a new component that implements forecast interface. So, I’d like to relate this
term as well. Earlier In this class, we’ve talked about using refinement to go from an abstract
description of something to a more concrete description. It sounds like your refinements here
are doing that with some kind of generator. Exactly, yeah so, but it’s meant to appeal to that
same sensibility, right? You can think of an interface as representing an abstract program that
fills in some details. In particular, in our case, the signatures of the different tables that are
going to maintain calculations that we want to make, like forecasts. But,hey may be imple-
mented in many, many, many different ways. And so, each refinement Is a generator that will
generate a different way of implementing that interface. It really is meant to appeal the same
11 – Variants
So I can see that you have some mechanism here and in the specification file and the
generators for generating variance. Can you give me an idea of kind of variance that might
apply in this forecasting situation? Sure. So we already showed an example of the most
common case, which is what we call a batch forecaster, one that generates forecast for all the
locations and products that pertain to a given retailer. Some other variants on that are we
might want to generate forecasts not in batch, right, not down in the database, where they’re
materialized and kept. We might want to generate them on demand. That is, we may just
want to say, all right, well rather than having to wait for the weekly or the nightly reforecast for
everything, I might want to quickly regenerate a forecast for some particular product, or some
particular set of products. And I don’t want to store that result in the database, I just want
to get an answer. We call that on demand forecasting. Is this something that somebody, at
one of your clients might formulate as a query? Yes, yes. In fact, in several of our clients who
use this service, they have existing systems where they need to be able to get an on-demand
forecast. Because they had traditionally integrated with other systems that did on-demand
forecasting. So we have to package up a service for just that, and that service has to involve all
of the same algorithms that we use to do a batch forecast, but it’s deployed slightly differently.
So that’s an example, batch versus on-demand. Another example is, as I may have alluded
to previously, users, forecasters, that is, the actual employees at one of the retail clients will
often want to make adjustments or do some what-if analysis by tweaking the inputs to our
forecasting algorithms to try to see if they can get forecasts that look more in line with what
they’ve seen historically. That’s not used a lot, but it is something that is needed, so the
ability to do variance that will allow for user adjustments and for tweaking of inputs is another
common class of variant. I think in this particular, I should say, in the first application we
built, the first forecast manager application, we built at least eight different variants of the
forecaster. And I may be missing a few. We may have made even some different ones that
we’ve used in order to test that capability and do the accuracy assessment. So clearly you
get a lot of different variance. I mean eight’s a lot. Right? You wouldn’t want to implement
eight of these from scratch. You’d need to do something to manage that variation. And can
you show us an assembly spec for one of these variance might look like? So if you look at the
slide that is being depicted now, this is the Hello World assembly spec that we were looking
at just a moment ago. And this is a new one, a variant that I’m calling Guten Tag Welt. It’s
a variant of Hello World that allows for forecast adjustment. And if you look at this assembly
spec, you’ll notice a couple of things. So first, it’s not exactly the same as Hello World.
It’s got some new components, a new interface, and a new refinement. In particular, there’s
the mods component that implements a new interface called overrides that represent some of
the adjustment overrides that a user of the system might want to make if they’re tweaking the
inputs to the forecast in order to see the effects. There’s also a new refinement called dampener,
which allows multipliers to be dampened by these overrides. So typically in these applications,
one common adjustment scenario is to go in and allow the users to change, by some percentage,
the multipliers that our forecaster calculated to compute uplift so that they can see its impact
on the final forecasts. And so what that dampener refinement there is doing is it’s applying
those overrides by virtue of being parameterized by that mods component to multipliers to
give us another implementation, another component that implements the multipliers interface.
And we can then use that in the same two refinements that we saw previously in Hello World
increment forecast. And the output of this thing is the last line. That’s right. You have a
batch, but it’s an adjusted batch. That’s right. Application that you built. Exactly. Exactly.
And it’s a different component, so we could actually put both of these in the, install both of
these in our database if we wanted to, and then we would have a batch forecaster and batch
adjusted forecaster if we so desire.
12 – Product Lines
I can see that this might be useful in a situation where you’re dealing with a potential
customer, and they want to do some some forecasting, but their needs aren’t exactly what
your existing system is. You want to get some idea of how much work it’s going to be to
produce a variant for them. Can we use these specifications to determine that? Yeah, indeed
you can. And in fact, that exact problem is one of the things that motivated us to invest in
this approach. So, if you look at the slide, you’ll see Hello World and Guten Tag Welt, those
two assembly specifications. And you can notice a couple of things. First off, they have a
lot in common. So, Guten Tag Welt reuses two of Hello World’s components, the bFcst And
mults components and it also uses both of its refinements incr and fcst. Where they differ is
also very clear to see. So the Hello World has this iFcst and this batch component where as
Guten Tag Welt has the diFcst and batchAdj component. And Guten Tag Welt has this mods
and overrides. Component interface respectively. So you can see from this just by comparing
exactly what two variants have in common and exactly how they differ. Okay, Kurt can you tell
us something about now that you’ve had some experience with using layer blocks over the last
year or so about the benefits you’ve seen from its use? So, there are several benefits that we
can get from it; the most obvious one is that we get a lot of code reviews. I can try to quantify
that a little bit. When we had multiple different implementations of these variants and we
replaced them, which is how we originally brought layer blocks into being. We replaced them
with with a Layer layer blocks based solution, we’ve cut our code footprint by about five times.
So, it was a substantial amount of code reduction that we got in [CROSSTALK]. You mean
80% in code base? Yeah, that’s right. Fantastic. 80% reduction in code base. In addition,
the virtue of it is that it’s designed to do programming by generating variance, rather than
writing one off programs. And so that approach, and that way of doing engineering actually
helps the scale much better to building a large complex software. It just adds a discipline on
it. Now when developers are working on this code base, instead of thinking about how to go
write the new method or make this new tweak, they think, could I or should I make this a
different refinement of an existing interface or different feature. So you get a lot of simplicity
in a design by virtue of that. The scalability of the whole approach really owes to this idea of
feature refinements being so reusable. As you saw in the examples, and there are many more,
each of those little generators gets reused quite a bit. So you don’t need that many of them,
and you can build a pretty interesting and rich library of variance. In addition, features, if you
design them by doing a feature analysis are very robust abstractions in a domain, and so they
tend to give you the kind of reuse that we get. So if you couple a good feature analysis with
applying an approach like this, you’re going to have some good idea that you’re going to be
able to get this kind of reuse in a project. And then finally, I think maybe the last big benefit
is, it’s really beneficial for understanding and for training. So if a new developer has to come
onto a project, and they’ve never see a forecaster before. But they have an assembly spec which
is something that’s pretty small, just a few lines. And particularly if they see two or three
of them for different variants. They can very quickly get an idea of how to do, a sort of, top
down step wise refinement of a variant as a sequence of refinements of a very common easy to
understand program. That turns out to have really nice understanding and training benefits.
But historically, in software engineering when a code generation technology or a very general
solution to things is proposed, there’s often a performance hit in the generated code that you
have to trade off. Has that been your experience here? So, ironically, it’s actually been the
opposite. Let me try to explain why. So we are doing a lot of generation, you’re correct. But
in fact, because we’re generating variants that contain really only what’s needed. They contain
only those features and only those capabilities that are actually needed for a given variant, and
they don’t have any extra cruft with them. They have been running more efficiently. In fact,
when we replaced these hand written forecasters with ones we generated from this library, we
saw pretty dramatic performance improvements just by reducing the amount of business logic
that we had to install into our database, and which of course then had to always be running
and calculating. So in that case, we’ve actually seen the opposite. So win win. Win win, yeah.
13 – Possible Limitations
Well this sounds great. Are there any down sides, or where are you as far as implementing
this in your company? So, we haven’t implemented it everywhere yet. We’re using it right now
almost exclusively for generating forecasters. Although we’ve started using it in some newer
applications for similar variance. We’re not generating whole applications with it yet, we’re
generating mostly components of applications. So there’s a lot of opportunity there to expand
its use and we’re looking into that. Also, I think I mentioned that this whole approach is based
on a lot of prior work. In particular, it’s based on the work on these layered assemblies, the
GenVoca approach, the Head approach, all the work of David Parnas, Don Batory. That work
is quite rich, and so we’ve been able to borrow heavily from it to get the LayerBlox to where
it is right now. But that prior work also has gone on beyond what we’ve done. So there are
some pretty nice things you can do in some of Batory’s latest work where you can actually
think about generating product lines of product families. Which, if you can imagine, would
scale much larger to building whole applications. We don’t have any support for that yet in
LayerBlox, but that’s something we’re looking into. So let me get a little clarification here. You
used the term product line and product families. Can you differentiate those two? Probably the
best is to give an example. So what we’ve looked at so far is how to use LayerBlox to generate
different forecasters, different variants of a forecaster. But a forecaster is one kind of product.
Often what you find, and what we have to deliver to customers, is a family of related projects.
Such as a forecaster that works together with a replenishment system that works together with
a promotion planning system. And what you really would like to do to scale this up is to be
able to generate product lines of entire product families. And that work is, there is existing
research in that area. But we have not incorporated that yet into LayerBlox. So, there’s this
family of compilers called GCC that are capable of targeting various platforms. But also they
can be used for different, the technology can be used for different programming languages. Is
that related to this product lines and product families? Interesting question. Yeah, I guess you
could say that. I wouldn’t think of a compiler as a product family. But to the extent that it
is not for a single language but for multiple languages, like GCC can be used for FORTRAN
and for Ada. Right. Yeah, I think that’s probably a good way of thinking about it. Anything
else you’d like to say about the current status of LayerBlox or the things you’d like to do
in the future? We’re interested in integrating LayerBlox itself in this method of composition
more tightly into the programming language that we use to build our applications. Right now
LayerBlox is a separate generator. But historically, this kind of approach has almost always
started that way, started with a separate generator. But then led into very tight integration
into a programming language. And I think that’s probably where this belongs. That will then
let us do much more sophisticated analyses of type correctness of these assemblies. It’ll help
us make some better decisions. You mentioned the generality versus performance problem,
which could at some point crop up. I have no doubt that, eventually, it might. By integrating
this more tightly into the programming language, you get more opportunities for having more
context when you’re doing generation. Is this anything like the generic capability in Java?
Where you can generate collection classes of various types by parameterizing them? It’s very
similar, yeah, so in fact that tends to be that kind of method. The use of templates that
are supported in the programming language is often ways that this general model gets tightly
integrated into a language. So there was some work, Janusz Mardok just did some work on
integrating this very approach into Java, in exactly the way you’re just suggesting. So yes.
And we will put on the class resources page some links to some of the papers that Kurt is
referring to in case you want to look into them a little more deeply.
14 – More on LayerBlox
Sure. So once we built the code generator, we built a number of supporting tools that were
useful in just understanding these assemblies and communicating them to to others. One of
them is a graphical visualization tool that’ll let you, let you look at in graph form in a, in a dot
form. One of your assembly specs so that you can see exactly what the dependencies are, how
the different refinements compose with one another. That’s been really useful particularly as
we were developing our [UNKNOWN] to begin with, because we’ve found that over time we
could compare these, these different visualizations and we could see them getting simpler and
simpler. So that was very useful. We also did we implemented some code metrics, so that we
could track how large or small our refinements were. We, we hypothesized and this actually
born out to be true that over time and after a lot of use, big refinements will break down into
compositions of smaller ones and in fact that’s happened. And we use code metrics now to, to
help us find candidates that we should, should go kind of proactively dive into. So yeah, there
are a number of little tools and supports like that, that are pretty useful.
15 – Implications Advice
So Layer Blocks sounds like a powerful technology. Can you reflect any on what change it’s
meant to people as they’re confronted with developing a new application? Do they think about
the architecting of it now any differently than they did in the past? Certainly, when we build
new instances of the forecaster. It changes dramatically how we think about configuring that,
because now there’s a lot more structure in place based on the existence of Layer Blocks itself
and these assembly specifications to allow us to plan for a new configuration of this capability.
And to divvy up the parts when executing it. In terms of new capabilities, I think it’s been a
mixed bag in the sense of I think that people often find it very difficult to come up with the
right abstractions, initially. So, even with Layer Blocks and with this approach kind of in the
bag of tools, we often don’t immediately think, when we have a new problem to solve, that
it’s going to be a product line. Or that’s this is the right way to solve it. And I don’t know
what to do about that. Perhaps if we got better at, kind of, a priori feature analysis, it would
be more obvious. Or perhaps maybe, you have to build one or two products in a product line
to recognize that you have a product line there to begin with. I’m not really sure, I think it’s
still kind of an open question. But that’s been our experience to date. The other thing I’d like
to ask you is, for the benefit of the students who might want to become software architects.
Do you have any reflection on the relationship between, kind of, the academic knowledge that
you learn about software design, software architecture and what you have to confront in the
real world with doing software architecture? So, let me think of a few things that. It’s all over
the map. I’ve found that, in the last seven years, I’ve used just about every thing that I’ve
learned in a software engineering course that, at the time, seemed very abstract and perhaps I
thought I’d never use this. I do. But let me try to be concrete about things I’ve found that are
definitely useful skills. So, maybe the biggest one for me is, well two. One is data modeling, be
it data modelling using ER, or ORM, or UML, or whatever. Getting really good at modeling at
a conceptual level the structure of data in a system. If you’re going to build any kind of system
like the ones I’m just mentioning, that is a really critical skill. And even though it’s taught
pretty well in database courses and a lot of people take database courses, you’d be amazed at
just how rare it is to be really good at that. So, getting facility and data modeling and not
applying it just to database design, but to any kind of information design problem at all, I’ve
found it extremely useful and to really pay dividends. I’ve also found it really useful to get
really comfortable with many different models of software composition, because you just never
know when one might be useful and they often are. So, when I was a student at Georgia Tech,
I spent a lot of time learning how to use process algebras and CSP, FSP, LOTOS. There’s
a whole family of these action languages that were very interesting to me. And we covered
them in classes, and we learned how to use them. And they have very nice compositional
capabilities that were very elegant and very clean and were very well-studied. But it wasn’t
really clear how to use them in something. There was not a compiler that you would write
programs in this language to use to build a big piece of your system. But over time, I’ve found
that they come back a lot. In fact, we’ve started using them in LogicBlox as the basis for
building a batch automation framework where you’ve got this problem of designing work flows.
And you have to compose them, and you need to compose them using a small number of very
clearly defined operators. And doing it cleanly and being able to reason about it. So, things
like that have been very useful. Petri nets, which I studied many, many years ago, and also
seemed like a nice, elegant way to think about concurrency, and data flows, and work flows.
Again, it’s not immediately obvious how to just take that and use it, but you’ll find that they’ll
inspire designs that you’ll see in the future. And they’ll be just the right thing when you run
into some architectural problem. What are some others? Any kind of algebraic approach to
thinking about software composition, I think that, maybe, is the underlying theme. If you can
understand nice, clean, elegant models of software composition. What are their properties?
When are they useful? How can you use them to inspire the designs? You’ll find that a lot
of infrastructure work that you do tends to be better by having been inspired by these ideas
that have been worked out by a lot of very smart people over many years, rather than try to
come up with it yourself. And, I guess, maybe the last thing I’d say is a segue from that, and
that is this is not something that we tend to to very well generally as software developers. But
knowing a body of related work, and when you start a new problem, try to relate your problem
to a problem that has already been seen, because chances are someone has solved it or solved
some variant of it that you can heavily borrow from. I think that’s huge, and I think that
that’s maybe the biggest piece of advice I would give to a budding software architect. So what
I’m hearing is the world is filled with all kinds of complex problems and the more weapons
you can bring to bear to solving them, the more likely you are to be able get a handle on that
complexity. Indeed, Indeed. Well, Kurt, this has been a wonderful story you have to tell about
this, and I’m glad that you were able to apply some of your academic background to solving
it. And I just want to thank you very much for conveying that story to the class. You’re very
welcome, and thank you for the opportunity to tell the story.
P4L1 Components
01 – Bottom Up Design
So far in this course we have been primarily concerned with top-down design. That is,
when given a set of requirements come up with a set of pieces, connect them together and refine.
In this lesson we will go the other way. Start with self contained pieces called components and
put them together to build systems.
02 – Components
Pieces that we put together are called components. However, don’t get this use of the term
components, confused with the one that we talked about when we were discussing software
architectures. Here’s the definition that we will use for this lesson. A component is, an
executable unit of independent production, acquisition and deployment, that can be composed
into a functioning subsystem. The definition and other material for this lesson is taken from
the book by Clemens Szyperski, and from the paper by Liwen Wang, both of which I have
listed on the class resources page.
03 – Buy vs Build
To place the use of components into context. I want to describe a typical situation that
often arises during industrial software development. The decision has to do with acquiring
software assets. Should you construct them yourself? Or buy them from somewhere else? This
is sometimes called the buy versus build decision.
04 – Buy Quiz
Below are some business factors to take into consideration when deciding whether to buy
a software component from a third-party vendor. For each, determine whether the factor is
enhanced or diminished if you decide to buy. Put a plus next to factors that are benefitted
and a minus next to factors that are diminished. First, your uniqueness with respect to your
competitors. Second, the amount of your staff time required to develop the product of which
the component is a part. Third, your overall production costs. And fourth, your control of the
development process.
However, dealing with a vendor is a third party relationship, and the channels of communica-
tion that you have with the vendor may not be as effective as the ones you would have if you
did in-house development.
06 – Build
Building means in house custom development. The advantages and disadvantages mirror
those of buying. The build solution may cost you more, because you don’t have the same
economies of scale that a vendor might have. However, you can tailor what you build to your
own situation. You also retain control of its intellectual property. However, overall delivery
risk is increased when you build things yourself.
10 – Characterizations of Components
Now I’d like to take a minute to characterize components. They are pre-existing and
general, making them reusable in a variety of contexts. The question arises, what does it
mean to manufacture a component. Well to manufacture a component you just have to copy
it. So the manufacturing costs are quite low. You can configure a component with respect to
your needs and target environment. That is, there’s a great deal of flexibility involved when
you have components. The components that property built can be easily composed with each
other and with noncomponent code. Components conform to a software component model that
prescribes their syntax and semantics, and how they are composed. We will look into example
software component models a little later.
12 – Component Models
Inherent in any component technology is that technology’s component model, also called
the component’s framework. A component model is a set of shared assumptions about the
component syntax, semantics and composition. Component syntax includes how components
are specified, which need not be in the same language as the one in which they are implemented.
The semantics prescribes what information is in the component’s contract and what is the
nature of the environment in which the component runs. Component composition specifies
how components work with other components.
Object Request Broker. And it comes from the Object Management group. It includes an
Object Management Architecture and an Interface Description Language called IDL. Finally
and more generically, there’s web services. These include web service description language,
WSDL, Universal Description, Discover and Innovation markup, also called UDDI. And the
Simple Object Access Protocol SOAP.
16 – Issues
To understand components better, we will now look at some of the issues that component
vendor has to face when offering a component technology to the marketplace. The issues that
we’ll look at are configuration, versioning, extension mechanisms, callbacks, contracts, using
objects as components, scaling, and domain standards.
17 – Issue 1 Configuration
The first issue is configuration. It may not be apparent from the discussion so far that
components are typically configurable. What this means is that the component vendor provides
a means, such as a configuration file, by which the client using a component can tailor it to a
particular situation. This gives to the designer a powerful means for managing design trade-
offs. For example, space versus time. This flexibility that configuration gives comes at a cost,
however. Because configuration is a form of late binding, it becomes difficult to unit test the
components in the actual usage environment. It is also more expensive to document and to
deploy them.
18 – Issue 2 Versioning
The second issue is versioning, which can be tricky. As new versions of the components
are released, backward compatibility becomes a problem. If you are a component vendor, you
need to keep your customers up to date with changing standards, new programming language
releases, and enhanced features. The question then becomes, to what extent should you remain
compatible with previous versions? Think of the issue from the customer’s point of view. They
have a working product. It will cost them time and energy to upgrade to a new version of your
component, and there’s a risk of breaking their system if they do so. If they don’t need the
new feature that you are offering, they’re going to be reluctant to upgrade. From your point
of view, however, this may mean you’ve got to maintain and support a long history of previous
versions at additional expense. Moreover, if there are multiple components involved, each with
their own versions, you have an explosion in the number of combinations you have to support.
What’s a poor vendor to do?
19 – Versioning Strategy
Vendors have come up with a variety of strategies for dealing with component versioning
issues. At a minimum, version numbers are used. When deployment is performed the version
number is used to perform a compatibility check. Other strategies that vendors have taken
include the following. Some vendors have ad hoc compatibility rules. That is the rules pertain
to the particular version and change between versions. Some vendors claim that they have
immutable interfaces, that is the vendor promises never to change the interface. Some vendors
guarantee backward compatibility. Changes can be made but old versions are guaranteed to
continue working. Some vendors have sliding windows of supported versions. That is, they will,
support the previous five versions or the previous three versions. Some vendors take a middle
ground saying they’re going to break compatibility only with major releases that include major
new features.
22 – Issue 3 Extensions
The third issue has to do with Extensions. Components are often extended by adding new
features. Recall that we met features and features diagrams when we looked at architectural
views. When the vendors add new features complicating situations may arise. For example,
the particular situation might require that there be exactly one instance of that particular
component. This is sometimes called a singleton extension. If there are multiple components
involved, we might want to ensure that at most one of the, one has this new feature added to
it. Related to that is what happens if there are parallel extensions of, of multiple components
in the same dimension. If we do allow the same feature, feature to be configured into multiple
components, we may need to be aware of the possibility of resource contention, if each version,
version of that component is trying to get access to the same resource. Sometimes there
are non-orthogonal extensions, and we have to be careful of possible feature interactions, if
a customer configures in more than one new feature at the same time. And then there are
recursive extensions. Some component models support adding components that can themselves
be extended. This may mean that the component vendor loses control of what components are
actually deployed.
23 – Issue 4 Callbacks
The fourth issue is concerned with a technical consideration, the use of callbacks. A callback
is an operation provided by the client. When a specified event is detected by component, the
client operation is invoked. Callbacks can be a powerful tool that components can be use for
interacting with a client, but they come with a price. System integrity may be compromised
during the time in which the client is in control. Here is the situation.
24 – Invariants
Typically, the modules in a system are responsible for maintaining invariants. That is, they
have to make sure they are in a consistent state before and after executing each service they
provide. The same holds true for components, which are just third-party modules. However,
the presence of callbacks makes invariant maintenance much more difficult. In particular,
during the time when the client is handling the callback request, the component is vulnerable.
Because it has given up control to the client, there’s a danger that the client may do something
that breaks the invariant, like make another call to the component.
25 – Callback Example
Here’s an example. If your client code is making use of the GUI toolkit component that
allows the n users to type into a text box the client code can register the name of a callback
operation that should be invoked when the end user types into a, types into the field. During
the period of this call the client callback operation has access not only to the event itself,
but the other elements of the component state, such as the type text, the specific text box,
and even the pixel position of the cursor on the screen. The client can take advantage of this
information to do things like suggest completions or fix spelling mistakes. Imagine further that
while com-, computing possible work completions, the client makes a direct call to the GUI
component asking it to display a message. When the callback code eventually returns control
the component there is no guarantee that the state of the text box is the same as it was before.
It might not even be visible anymore.
26 – Callbacks Quiz
To check if you understand this, try the following quiz. Consider this sequence diagram
describing a typical callback situation in which a Component captures a user event and invokes
a client method via a callback. During the process, the Component is subject to corruption
during which time period indicated by consecutive letters in the left margin?
28 – Callback Summary
To summarize, the advantage of callbacks is that the component can provide a structured
regime of calling within which the client executes. The regime can orchestrate the order of
operations in a way that the client would have to do by itself using the tradi, using a traditional
approach. For example, the regime might provide an event loop. The cost of using callbacks
is that the component state is exposed to the client at a time when it might not be internally
consistent. That is, using callbacks makes it more difficult for components to guarantee their
34 – Guarantees Quiz
To test your understanding of this, consider the following snippets taken from the Oracle
documentation of the format method in the Java PrintStream class. Classify each of these
snippets as to the guarantee level. The first snippet states data formats are not synchronized.
It is recommended that you create separate format instances for each thread. If multiple
threads access a format concurrently, it must be synchronized externally. The second snippet
is a snippet taken directly from the Java code for PrintStream format method, including its
arguments and the name of the method. The third snippet comes from the context of the
throw’s IllegalFormatException. It states that if a format string contains illegal syntax, a
format specifier that is incompatible with the given arguments, insufficient arguments given
the format string, or other illegal conditions, then the IllegalFormatException is thrown.
36 – Summary of Contracts
To summarize contracts, when purchasing a third-party component. The customer needs
to know what he or she is getting. One way to do this is to see a specification of the component
that covers all four levels of guarantees. The alternative is to learn about restrictive limitations
later when it may be quite expensive to overcome them
39 – Inheritance Dangers
We have previously talked about the danger of using inheritance to implement general-
ization. If objects are used for components and if inheritance is used inappropriately, then
subclass objects may violate component contracts.
to encourage customer migration. In the longterm the community benefits from standard
solutions. However, such standards take a long time for approval and penetration.
45 – Component Framework
Earlier I mentioned the role of component frameworks. Let’s now take a look at some
prominent frameworks to get a better feel for how the vendors are addressing the issues we
have raised.
46 – Shared Attributes
These frameworks typically all provide late binding, persistence, encapsulation and sub-
typing. They provide support for communication among components including events, channels
and uniform data transfer mechanisms. They also offer some form of component transfer
packaging, such as JavaJar files, ComCab files, or CLI assemblies. They all provide a way of
describing deployments such as via configuration file. This description is also typically available
at runtime via mechanisms such as Reflection or metadata. Any given framework provides a
way of serving, of serving components such as an application server model like EJB, COM+
and CCM or web server models like JSP and ASP.Net.
47 – Comparison of Differences
The framework vendors however had made some design decisions that differentiate their
approaches. For example, they often differ on memory management. Java and CLR provide
garbage collection, COM provides reference counting, and CORBA doesn’t provide anything
at all. As far as container managed persistence is concerned, Java has Enterprise Java Beans.
CORBA has CCM, but CLR and Compost don’t provide anything. The vendors also have
various approaches for the versioning, some of them freeze, some of them have version numbers,
some of them have compatibility rules, and some of them allow for side-by-side execution.
Some other differences include the target environment for the component frameworks. J2EE
and COM target servers. COM also targets client and desktop machines, whereas CORBA
targets legacy applications. They all also differ in terms of their development environments.
J(2)EE uses WebSphere, which is the commercial version of Eclipse. And .NET uses Visual
Studio .NET. As far as protocols are concerned, Java and CORBA support IIOP and XML.
Java supports, also supports RMI. COM and CLR support DCOM. And CLR supports XML
and SOAP.
49 – Future Directions
The component marketplace is real and more continue to grow. This is going to bring
customers the benefits of well-defined, tested and supported, and documented solutions. Nev-
ertheless, there are some ongoing concerns that need to be addressed. How about liability?
When a system that uses a component fails, how is liability apportioned among all the vendors
that have provided components to it? Quality guarantees. How can cross cutting quality of
service requirements be addressed in a multiple component environment? If the quality of
service has to do with performance which of the components is responsible for providing the
performance guarantees? Well all of them. And the third question to be looked at. Contract
persistent over versions. What is the white balance between new versions and support for
incompatible exis, existing features?
50 – Summary
The advent of viable component marketplace has opened up a whole new approach to
building software applications. Providing some of the flexibility that comes with building your
own solution without incurring all the associated risks. You can therefore expect components
and their frameworks to be part of the design thinking that goes into many future development
P4L2 Coffee Maker Exercise
01 – Status
In the course so far, we have looked at analyzing problems, modeling them in UML, and
designing architectural solutions. Now we want to look at the actual process of designing
objects. To get started, we will do an exercise from Robert Martin that involves designing
software to control a coffee maker.
04 – Hardware Quiz
So one way of attacking a problem like this, is from the bottom up. That is, you are given
a device that you are going to provide software support for. So determine what its capabilities
are. Begin by making a list of all of the hardware devices that are part of the coffee maker.
for the controlling system have to deal with. Okay, so I do have a couple of those elements as
well. So there is a brew button, and all the connected, I guess, circuitry for the brew button.
And maybe any other widgets that might be on this. But assume the brew button was the
only one described. Okay. And then a plate that will warm the coffee pot, it has to be told to
be turned off and on. We have to have that warming plate. We also have to boil the water.
There’s a heater for the- Right. Okay. It’s a water heater as well. Mm-hm. Okay, and then
there have to be some sensors. because recall we had to be able to determine whether there
was coffee in the pot. Okay. And we had to know whether all the water was gone. That is,
had been heated for boiling. So we needed a sensor there. And safety is always a concern,
so we better have a pressure relief valve. Which wasn’t mentioned in the requirements, but
it’s another example of coming up with requirements during the course of thinking about the
system rather than all in advance. And it’s for reducing the pressure in the boiler in case
something goes wrong.
06 – Hardware
As is often the case in software development, the written problem description leaves out
some other details. So to the above list, let’s add three more hardware elements, an indicator
light when the brewing cycle is over so you know when you can grab the cup and pour yourself
some coffee. A censor for the boiler which determines whether the, water, there is water in
it to be boiled. You don’t want to turn on that, heater in the boiler, there’s no water there.
And, we mentioned the pressure relief valve.
07 – Hardware Design
If we were designing the coffee maker as a whole and not just the software controllers for
it, we would now spec out each of the devices we just listed. Fortunately, the hardware team
has taken care of that task and we have been given a Java API for the hardware. The API
is available to you from the class resources page. It comprises methods and constant values.
The methods provide a way of determining the status of the hardware device and to change
them as requested. The constants give symbolic names to the inner, to integer values that,
are needed by the controllers. Note that Robert Martin wrote this example before enums were
added to the Java language. So he had to define them using the integer constants himself.
08 – Two Approaches
In the first phase of this course, you learned about object oriented analysis, in which you
searched for various categories of words, nouns, verbs, adjectives, in the textural description
of the system you were building. Martin contrasts this approach to one in which behavior is
central. We will look at both, beginning with OOA.
electronics, there’s a sensor that we talked about being associated with that, that would tell
us whether there’s water in it or not. So, there’s that, the brew button. And any other kind
of control widgets, the on/off light for the coffee’s ready. As well as the warmer plate. We’re
interfaced with that. I wrote down Mark IV special, that’s kind of like the facade. Everything
we’re looking at The overall system? Right, so, there’s that element as well. The other heating
element, to actually, create the steam. And you know, and then the result with the coffee
so those, those are some of the things that are listed. Okay well we could have, we could go
through the whole process here of underlining the nouns. We could put them into groups, we
could stem them just like we did before. But for now it’s enough to get a sense of the the
particular elements we’re going to have to be primarily concerned with
12 – Limitations Quiz
One of the points of, of Martin’s description of this is that this approach is going to get us
into trouble. So like you to take a minute and think about any, any difficulties you can foresee
using this diagram to go forward
interface instead of being a class, okay? Second, what Martin labels as imaginary abstractions
that even though the heater and sensor are base classes, they are not going to have much to
share between them. Third is a term from the objectorian role called the God class. The only
substance of class left, when taking account these the other problems, is the coffee maker class.
And it contains all the interesting code. When you have that sort of situation, you probably
haven’t done a good job at your OO design. And so, we want to address that. And then even
though we have the button and the light, we don’t really have a user interface class. And so we
need to represent that as well. So I have a quick question. Is the term here, god class, is there
some carry over to that in the invariance maintenance strategies that we talked about earlier,
where you have kind of this central node that seems like it’s controlling everything instead of
distributing that responsibility out amongst the rest of the components in this system? So I
hadn’t thought about that. One of the guidelines for OO design is to break things up into very
small pieces, okay? There’s reasons to centralize, okay, both at the architectural level, where
you’d like to have knowledge concentrated because you want to control effectively where you
might want to do things with respect to safety or security, things like that, but also at the
object level. If there are things that might change separately, you probably want to have those
in separate places, so you can change just what you need to change.
14 – Use Cases
So Martin suggests using an alternative approach to OOA is to write out use cases. Recall
that a use case is a simple story illustrating a single execution or pointing out an important
obstacle that the user might confront. For the case of the coffeemaker can you come up with
a few use cases? What’s brewin’ ? So if they did press the brew button, but that was, I guess,
the first use case there’s a couple of things that could happen. Everything could be right,
because all of our pre-conditions are there, or there could be no water for the brewing process
to start, or just the filter’s not in place, or no coffee grounds. Those are some problems that
could happen. So on, on that one notice that so far we haven’t, we don’t have an sensor for
the grounds. OK. So if there’s no grounds in there you’re going to get very, very weak coffee.
Okay. And if there’s no filter, you’re going to get your coffee pretty quickly. Right. I guess I
have a question that regards to that use case. Is the problem of them not having coffee grounds
something that the system should even worry about? Because it seems like that would be hard
to tell, like the filter being in place I can imagine being something a sensor could tell. But
how much coffee is in your, your filter could be, maybe something that’s not supported, I don’t
know. So this is an issue with designing software and hardware at the same time. So you could
imagine, for example in the Mark 5 having a sensor for the recep, receptacle actually clicking
in. Okay. When you, when you push it in there. Trying to figure out how many grounds are in
there or how, you know, how deep the grounds are or something our hardware people haven’t
gotten that one yet. Okay, so we’re, we’re not going to be able to sense that very well. It
sounds a little bit like trying to count jelly beans in a jar or something. But anyways the other
use cases I have involve remember moving or placing the pot because we have an indicator for
that. Right, right. So it’s something that stood out. And then also when you fill the water
receptacle. We have an indicator whether the water is there or not. So that seemed to be a,
an interaction that had something the user could see. So let’s consider four of those. The user
press, press pushes the brew button, and that’s our primary one. And then some contingent
ones containment vessel is not ready. The coffee is all gone or we could have that the, the
brewing is actually complete.
17 – Brew Button
So then after the user presses the button and the user interface detects it what’s the, what’s
the next thing that you expect would happen? So I think that the next things that are hap,
going to happen are going to be all of our checks to start the brew process. So we’re- Make,
makes sense. Mm-hm. Check if the water’s there, check if our receptacles in place. Okay, so
there’s, there’s two primary checks. Do we have, you know, have we loaded up the water, and
then, do we have a, a coffee pot to hold the results of, you know, the coffee after we’ve brewed
it. So those are two checks. Is does it matter which one we do first? I don’t think so. Not
necessarily. Okay. Just as long as they’re all held. And so, I, I don’t see either. And so, we’re
not going to be concerned about that. At that point things are ready. We can, we can start
the boiler to produce some hot water.
18 – Collaboration Diagram 1
So Martin then does is express these steps using a UML collaboration diagram. We called
that a collaboration diagram. Was like an object diagram. But the lines between the objects
indicated our operations. And the lines were numbered indicating the order of the operations.
So in this case, we had the steps of user interface getting, getting the request from the user
with the brew button, and then asking the hot water source for whether it’s ready. And then
asking if the containment vessel whether it’s ready, and then starting the hot water source
heating up the water. So there’s three steps labeled one, two, and three here. And we can
see that there’s, there ought to be at least three classes supported to deal with those three
possibilities. Is it possible here for this diagram to be more descriptive? In the sense that, it
seems like when you ask the ho, hot water source. Is it ready or not? If it says it is ready, then
you might make the next check to see if the containment vessel’s ready. But if it says no, it
seems like a whole another steps set of steps may have to be taken to indicate to the user hey.
The water source, hot and ready to go. Okay so remember that a use case, or a representation
of a use case in a collaboration diagram or a sequence diagram is not contingent. Okay, it’s,
it’s one step by step walk through the system. And what we’re going to have to do is to deal
with contingencies which are obviously an important part of this whole process. We’re going
to have to have multiple diagrams. And one of the things that Martin does is suggest that we
can add together those diagrams. So, I think that maybe is where you’re going. We want to
have them, them all there. But, wha, what we’ll do them a step at a time, so to speak. So
we would have, I guess a use-case symbol user-presses brew button and a water vessel is not
ready. Like, that would be a separate use case and we can model and tie that in later with this
situation, which seems like we’re pressing brew and everything’s ready to go. That’s where
we’re going.
19 – Containment Vessel
So in fact, let’s, let’s go there, let’s, let’s go to use case number two, which was the having
to do with the containment vessel was not ready. So our first use case asks the question, but
the question might come out negative and in that case we have like a contingency we have to,
have to deal with. So this is a variant on the, on the first use case. So, in order to get there,
the, the steps are that the query is sent to the containment vessel. If it is not ready then a
message must be sent to the hot water source, telling it to stop or prevent the flow of water.
Now what’s, what’s going on here is, really a couple things. One is, the startup situation
where, before we even start. The, we check whether the, the pot is there, but it could also
be the case that somebody pulls that pot out too quickly, okay? And so in that case it’s not
going to be ready either. In both of those situations we want to make sure that water doesn’t
start pouring through. We can extrapolate it and indicate that when the containment vessel is
returned to the, the heating plate. Another message is sent to the hot water source, enabling
it to resume. So we’re talking about one to turn, turn off the hot water source and the other
one to turn it back on.
20 – Collaboration Diagram 2
So if we’re just concerned a part of scenario two having to do with, you know, the check
being made and we’re talking about maybe the user pulling back a pot after things have
started. We have the first step being the start, being sent from the user interface to the hot
water source. And then the user pulls off the pot and the containment vessel senses this and
sends a message to the hot water source saying, hold it don’t pour out any more water. And
then later, the user puts the pot back on and the contain, the containment vessel says, okay,
we can now proceed. And we can indicate that in a collaboration diagram labeling the steps
one, two, three in this case.
22 – Brewing
So, let’s now add in news case number 3. Brewing is complete. And started it up, its
going and maybe the user pulled the pot or stuck it back in or whatever, but we eventual got
to the end, brewing is complete. So, in this case, what, what, what steps do you expect to
have happened. So at this point we could assume that there should be coffee in the pot. And
if there’s coffee in the pot, then we have that warmer plate that needs to be activated to keep
the coffee warm. But I guess there’s also the switch, the situation like you mentioned, the cup,
the pot could have been removed and then it’s replaced. So we got to do the check to see If,
I guess, there’s still coffee there in the pot after brewing is complete. But the boiler needs to
be turned off, we’re no longer boiling. The water source is not really relevant anymore either.
I guess we need to somehow maybe prohibit our, well, I guess you could start brewing again
but. I don’t think that’s an issue, I think I, I jumped to that being an issue, but I don’t think
it is. And then we need to turn on the light to say hey, there’s coffee ready. So we got that
light there, so we need to inform the user interface as to where the light lives. So the one other
thing that needs to go on is the containment vessel needs to be informed because it keeps track
of how much coffee remains in the pot. And at the very start, the pot is full and so it has to
be told that the pot is full. So there’s a lot of messages and checks that have to go on here.
Let’s let’s add those into the diagram as well.
23 – Collaboration Diagram 3
So now we have a collaboration diagram in which there are three classes and there are a
series of messages going back and forth between them.
24 – Collaboration Quiz
And one more to go. What happens when, the party’s over and all the coffee, maybe the
party’s not over, and all the coffee’s gone, we have to indicate, the system has to be aware
of this, so what, what has to go on as far as the system is concerned in this situation. So, if
the coffee is all gone, the party, yeah, like you said, may just be getting started. But I guess
the brew, or the, the your copy is ready indicate to on the user interface, would be turned off.
Right. A lot of this has to do with keeping the state sane across all the classes
25 – Collaboration Diagram 4
And this, this leaves us with our final collaboration diagram which has all the messages
going on. Now it’s busy the diagram, the diagram has a lot in it, but it captures at least for
this exercise what we expect of the system. In terms of the classes that are involved and the
messages passing force path, passing back and forth amongst them.
26 – Alternative to OOA
Note that what has gone on here, we use the use cases to build up our diagram rather than
starting with the nouns as we did with OOA. This approach is called role-based-design.
31 – Example
Here is a image that describes a common place example of the dependency inversion prin-
ciple. It features, a, situation, describes a situation, which there’s a lamp that you want to
get electricity to. And the way you do this is by plugging, the lamp into the wall. The lamp
depends on the abstract plug interface and not on the underlying electrical wiring. It enables
you to plugin a variety of different kinds of lamps and other devices as well. We want to, we
want to come up with a similar way of dealing with that in, in our software designs.
32 – Realization
How do we go about realizing the dependency inversion principle for the coffee maker
example? First, we express what we have done so far as abstract classes. Then we subclass
each of them for the mark four. The subclass versions implement the abstract methods by
calling the coffee makers API. Also the subclasses, when communicating with, with each other,
use call to, calls to the abstract methods not to the specific versions for the mark four.
33 – Abstract Classes
When we have done this, we get a class model diagram that looks like the following. There’s
classes for the three classes that we had before, and then there’s subclasses for each of them,
corresponding to the versions, the specific implementation versions for the mark four
34 – Refinement
So what do we have so far? We have three abstract classes without abstract methods
in them. We’ve defined three classes for the Mark IV. But we still have to fill in the details
of those particular operations. We want to do this in a way that we don’t compromise our
abstraction. What Martin says about this is that none of the three classes we have created
36 – SUMMARY 237
must never know anything about the Mark IV. That is, none of the three abstract classes. This
is the depen, Dependency Inversion Principle. We are not going to allow the high-level coffee
making policy of this system to depend upon the low-level implementation.
35 – Solution
The solution approach is to add specific interfaces for the Mark IV that inherit from or
implement our abstract classes. We can also factor out the specific communication mechanisms
by which the sensors are accessed. Have a look at Martin’s specific Java implementation which
is provided on the class Resources page. So for the part about we could either inherit or
implement these abstract classes for our design. I guess the situation for inheriting the abstract
classes if we want to find some more policies about maybe a particular class of coffee makers.
Like if we have, for instance, our containment vessel, and it has these abstract things that the
containment vessels, the concrete classes would need to provide. Then we have maybe a slew
of coffee makers that has this style of containment vessel that’s a little bit more particular but
still we want to have another kind of inherited, abstract class and not like an implemented,
concrete class. [CROSSTALK] Let me comment a little bit and then see if you can refine the
question here a little bit. So different object-oriented languages provide different capabilities
for doing refinement. Java has both interfaces and subclasses but it only has single inheritance.
C++ has multiple inheritance but it doesn’t have interfaces, although they both have abstract
classes. So when I said about inherent or implement, I was really being generic across the
programming languages, okay? But in general, implementation of abstract interfaces is nice
because in the abstract interface, you’ve captured something that is purely abstract. In an
abstract class you can also have concrete methods. So if it’s purely abstract you really captured
the essence of something and we could even imagine a situation where each of the roles that
is expressed by a class is defined in a separate interface. So we might have a relatively vanilla
class that implements three roles, okay? And just provides the details of doing that. And then,
if we wanted to change one of the roles or one of the use-cases, we just can go look at that
one particular interface. So, given that, you want to re-ask your question? I think that covers
kind of my question, I guess I have a better understanding, I think now. I guess the takeaway
seems to be that with a very abstractly defined system like this, it’s kind of like saying well,
I don’t care how you provide the isReady ready function for the containment vessel. As long
as whatever you implement provides it, it’s going to fit with this abstract definition of how
our system works. So, you should be able to extend and have some kind of wild and crazy
thing that does, isReady or maybe your more typical Mark IV design of how the containment
vessel becomes isReady. So, one way of thinking about this is you’re really, at this stage,
designing policy. And that policy can take the form of protocols that is the names of the
abstract methods that have to be called. And the attitude here is to be as abstract as possible,
or at least the more abstract you are the more flexible you are with changes in the future.
Of course you can go overboard if you’re only ever going to have one version of this thing.
You might not want to spend a lot of time abstracting on it. And maybe there’s a sweet spot
in between. But in general, and reflecting back on some of what we’ve talked about earlier,
respect to maintainability of the modules and so on. You want to provide as much abstractness
as you can in support of eventual reuse.
36 – Summary
So what have we learned from this exercise? First off, we could, we could use traditional
Object Oriented Analysis. But this doesn’t necessarily always lead to the best solution. We
can think instead about using use cases to determine roles. And then use Dependency Inversion
to reduce the coupling and promote reuse. And the final lesson that you can get from this is,
don’t try to design any programs before you’ve had your morning coffee.
P4L3 Object Design
02 – OOD
The primary concern of OOD relates to the individual classes and relations in the class
model in our, analysis diagram. This process is sometimes called object design. Before con-
sidering object designs however, several other preliminary topics need to be discussed. In
particular the inter model. Consistency among your diagrams. The actual steps in going from
analysis to design. Some system design considerations. Abstraction mechanisms you might
use. And, I want to take a moment to talk about as, a somewhat, different approach called
collaboration-based design.
03 – 1 Intermodel Consistency
First of is Intermodel Consistency. The analysis process may have produce multiple di-
agrams, each of which we can think of as a model. These must be checked for inter-model
consistency. For example, if you produce use cases, in, in the form of a use case diagram, you
want to make sure that you have some representation for the individual use cases. Possibly
in terms of a communication. Or sequence diagram, and the names would have to match up.
Similarly, if you have classes that have complex behavior, you want to make sure that you have
a StateChart for those classes, and in the StateChart, any events, actions and activities corre-
spond to methods in the class model. And, if you, have data conditions on your StateChart.
Those data conditions are going to refer to attributes. It had better be, the case that those
attributes are listed in your class model diagram.
two sets of diagrams. In particular, what UML elements used in the OOA models don’t have
direct equivalents in object-oriented programming languages, thereby requiring some change
to be made to the object-oriented design diagrams.
07 – 3 System Design
The third preliminary topic is system design, and that is considering the system as a
whole, possibly with respect to the environment in which it’s going to run. First item is
architecture. Okay? We’ve already talked about nonfunctional requirements and their effect
on architectural style. Second is how you’re going to deal with concurrency and there’s a
spectrum of possibilities here between having everything in a, in a single process to having
one thread per object. Physical design has to do with how you’re going to allocate tasks
to processors and deal with any peripheral advi-, devices that are part of the system. If your
application has a, a significant data storage requirement you have to make some decision about
whether you’re going to use a database to do that. Whether you’re going to do files. And how
you’re going to deal with issues like lock, locking. And protocols talking back and forth to
the data repository and the system. What is going to be the overall control regime of your
application? Okay. Is your application going to be reactive, such, such as would be the case
with, when you have a GUI and the user is controlling things with mouse clicks and, and
key presses? Or is your application going to be proactive, that is, it has its own it has its
own control in mind Whereby it calls the appropriate subcomponents in order to accomplish
whatever its goal is. And finally, an important thing to consider is how you’re going to handle
errors and failures of various sorts. Okay? Is there a recovery technique you have in mind?
Are there error reporting approaches you’re going to take with the user? How are you going
to deal with that overall problem?
08 – 4 Abstraction Mechanisms
The fourth topic I’d like you to be aware of is the Abstraction Mechanisms which you
can bring to bear in solving problems. As I indicated at the start of the course, the key
element in success in doing design, is having experience in solving similar problems. The
way that the human mind stores this experience is in terms, of chunks or vocabulary, such
as words like client server, or visitor pattern. This Vocabulary can be thought of at different
levels. So at one end are, programming idioms that is snippets of program text which, it’s
almost as if you’ve memorized in order to accomplish some specific task. Classes of course
are an Abstraction Mechanism, and being aware of whatever Classes are available to you in
system libraries can ease your task of, of constructing the application. A little while later
we’re going to be talking about design patterns and I mentioned one a second ago the visitor
pattern. Being aware of those already existing solutions can help you avoid problems. And
we’ll be talking in this course about aspects but aspect orientated programming is a way
of specifically dealing with cross cutting concerns. We’ll also won’t be talking much about
object orientated frameworks. Well, they too are existing patterns of solutions which, if you
are aware of them, can significantly increase your productivity. And, as we’ve already talked
about, architectural styles, [UNKNOWN] approaches to solutions at the architectural level,
are a powerful mechanism you want to be familiar with.
10 – Object Design
With those preliminaries out of the way, let’s jump into Object Design. In particular,
we’re going to look at some of the specific elements that are currently analysis model and how
we’re going to deal with them during the design process. Those elements include methods, new
classes you might have to devise, how we’re going to deal with generalization, associations, and
dependencies. How we’re going to implement control, and then how we’re going to deal with
abstraction abstraction, such as abstract classes, interfaces and types.
12 – 2 New Classes
I mentioned earlier that your analysis model has classes in it, and those classes are likely
to show up in the design model. However, some additional classes may also need to be there.
What’s going on is the following. Object-oriented development methods have an advantage
called traceability. What this means is that you can see, starting with the real world that’s
being modeled, classes that directly represent those real world objects. Those classes show up
in the object-oriented design as well and in the ultimate code. That is, you can trace a line in
either direction between the real world problem and the code constructs. This can be a real
benefit in dealing with maintenance of the system. However, along the way, you may have
to invent some other classes and that’s which we want to examine. First and foremost, you
may need to implement relationships. Your programming language doesn’t have associations
in it, and it’s going to be up to you to come up with a way for each of the associations in the
analysis model, how you’re going to deal with it at design time and in your program. You’re
also going to have to deal with intermediate results. For example, if you have some complex
computation that’s going to be used in several places, you want to store it in some intermediate
inter, intermediate variable and then reuse it in the two places so you don’t have to recompute
it. Constructing those intermediate results may mean you are inventing new classes. And
third, you may want to invent new classes for abstraction purposes. Object-oriented languages
provide you the ability to have abstract classes, which capture common features of lower-level
classes, and inventing those abstract classes and including them into your design can improve
long-term maintainability.
13 – 3 Generalization
I now like to begin looking at how you’re going to deal with, you, and you’ll know, relation-
ships that show up in your analysis model. In your ultimate program, there aren’t any, direct
representations of those, particular relationships, so during design you need to come up with a
strategy for how you’re going to deal with them. First one we like to look at is generalization.
Now, object oriented programming languages have a feature called inheritance, and I want
to take a minute to describe to you the differences between inheritance and generalization,
because it can get you into trouble if you just routinely treat one as the same as the other.
First off, Generalization is an abstraction between two classes that mean that all instances of
the child class are also instances of the parent class. Inheritance, on the other hand, is an
implementation technique, whereby messages sent to a child may be delegated to a parent.
You can use inheritance to, implement Generalization, but you have to be careful how you do
14 – Generalization Example
Here’s an example of how not to do it. Say you have a nice address book application with
an address book class in it, and that class has a sort method in it. And now you’re writing
some financial application that or, or a financial part of an overall application, in which you’d
like to do sorting. And the piece you are working on has to do with ledgers, for keeping track of
credits and debits, and so on. So you’d like to, to use the sort that’s part of the address book in
your ledger class. So one strategy for doing that might merely be to have ledger be a subclass
that is inherent from address book. But this would not be an example of generalization. An
address book is not a general version of a ledger. This would be an abuse of power. So what
can you do instead?
15 – Generalization Advice
So how should you go about thinking about implementing generalization. You certainly
want to be able to take advantage of whatever inheritance feature is in your programming
language. You just need to stick to certain rules. Typically, this means that in children classes,
you can add features, but you don’t want to take away features. And you want to really
restrict how you do any kind of overriding, in the child class. When you do want to override a
method in the child class, make sure that you obey the two following rules. First of all, when
calling that particular method, you want to make sure that the child method can accept any
arguments that the parents method could accept. That is, the child has to be as open to inputs
as the parent does. Secondly, the output produced by the child method, when given the same
arguments that were given to the parent method should produce the same result. What we’re
saying with both these rules is that for the same situation in the parent, the child needs to
do the same thing. It needs to be, a special case. Now the child can do more. If the child is
handling a special case of the parent it, it can deal with that particular special case. It just
has to always, act as if it is, it is also obeying whatever rules it specified for the parent.
16 – Generalization Quiz
Here’s a little quiz for you. Imagine that you’re concerned with two classes, Squares and
Rectangles. Do you make Square a subclass of Rectangle or do you make Rectangle a subclass
of Square?
the rectangle is the child class. The point being, you have to be a little careful what you mean
by these classes, in order to decide who’s the parent and who’s the child.
18 – Implementing Generalization
There are a variety of different approaches to implementing generalization in object oriented
languages. One that we just alluded to, is inheritance that follows specific rules. Second,
you could just simply use a single class that has some kind of flag that indicates whether a
particular instance is of a certain type, and you might have multiple types and the fly could
have multiple different, different values. If you did that you would then be hiding the child
data that particular type inside that that that class as indicated by the flag. In Java you could
use interfaces or enums which are two mechanisms that allow you that enforce the rules that
I’ve that I’ve laid out, you can use the state pattern when we get to design patterns you’ll see.
That there might be situations where you want to have some flexibility that’s not provided by
using strict sub-classing. For example imagine that you’re implementing a, application having
to do with a library and the library might have different categories of books. It might have
one-week books, two-weeks books, four-week books, and it would, might be natural to say well,
I’ll have three subclasses of the, of the class book. But what happens when a one-week book
becomes a two-week book? And auditory language is you can’t change the class of something.
Once you’ve established as as being of a class, it’s, it’s there for ever. So the state patterns
allow, allows you to have a way to have dynamically be able to adjust the class of an object.
And then for languages like C++ that have multiple inheritance, this gives you the, the ability
to specify the properties that you wish to inherit in more than one class and be able to inherit
from those classes just what you need.
19 – 4 Implementing Assocations
Well that was generalization. Even trickier than generalization is figuring out how to
implement associations. OO programming languages do not directly support associations so
the OO design process must choose the best means of implementing these associations. Some of
the factors you have to take into account, first off is directionality. What this means is, if your
program is going to need to interact with several classes, is the direction of that interaction
always in one particular way? First A and then B or might you go in either way. Second is
cardinality. That is for particular instance of one class are there multiple instances in another
class? And third is the kind of access you will make into classes. Sometimes these are called
the CRUD properties. Where C stands for create, that is how you going to create instances,
R is for read, that means are you just going to query or access the, the instances, U is for
update, that is, could you change the instances and D is for delete. Depending on, which of
these particular kinds of accesses and how frequently they occur, it might particularly in the
performance area effect how you choose to implement them. And finally as far as invariant
maintenance is concerned, okay associations often have invariance associated with them. Like
referential integrity constraints and it’s up to you as the designer and programmer, to build
your program in such a way that these invariants are maintained
class. Okay, this is quite simple to do. And it even extends in the case where there might be
multiple instances in the target class associated with a particular instance in the source class.
In that case, instead of just using a simple pointer, we use a vector of pointers.
21 – Pointers
Here’s an illustration of that process if we have an object of class Foo and it has various
attributes in it. And if we wanted to associate with each class Foo, Foo, some number of
instances of class Bar, we could just have a vector in each instance. And each of the vector
elements would refer to one of the instances of the, the target class.
23 – Associations as Objects
Recall our situation where we want to loop through all of the elements in all the instances
of class B. And they’re pointed to by instances of class A. What this means is we have to loop
through all the A’s in order to get to all of the B’s and do whatever we’re going to do with
them. This approach if which is involves pointers in one direction only can be cumbersome and
costly. Instead, you could implement the association between classes foo and bar by intros,
by introducing a new class an association class that has two attributes. One is a name of or
pointer to foo instance and the other is a pointer to the bar instance. That is, the instances
are essentially a set of pairs. We have reified or made our association itself into an object. It’s
then an easy matter to link through all the possibilities, to loop through all the possibilities,
because they’re all instances of this association class. There is a cost associated with, with
doing this, it, the cost takes the form of an extra step. If we want to go from a particular foo
to a particular bar, instead of having a, a reference or a pointer directly to it, we have to go
to the association object, look up that particular instance of the foo class, find the associated
instance of the bar class and traverse in an extra step.
25 – Associations Quiz
Here’s a short quiz for you. Imagine that you’ve had an association between classes for
students and classes for courses. The association was called Take and the implication was that
a student is taking a particular course. I have four options for you in how to implement this
association, and I’d like you to give me a reason for each one which might be thought of as
a disadvantage of that particular approach. The first approach would be a reference in each
Student object to a Course the student is taking. Second option is a vector of references to
students in each course. Third is to do a, an association class containing two attributes, one
for a Student and the other for a Course. And the fourth possibility is symmetric vectors in
Student and, and Courses pointing back to the other class.
27 – 5 Implementing Dependencies
The third kind of UML relationship that we have to deal with during design is how are
you going to implement dependencies. Dependencies are at once both the most common and
the most varied kind of relationship. Having a dependency between two classes merely means
that one class somehow uses the other. This relationship can be implemented in a variety of
ways. Most simply you can have an attribute or a global object having the type of the target
class. You could receive arguments of the target class in one of your methods. You could make
a method or construct your call to the target. Or you could import the target as either directly
or as part of a, a, a package into your class. All of those are examples of how you’re using the
target in your particular implementation.
28 – 6 Implementing Control
The sixth issue you have to deal with in doing object design, is how you’re going to
implement control. Recall then, in your analysis model, you may have some state charts.
Those state charts describe the allowable behavior of objects of a particular class. How are
you going to implement that behavior? Regardless of how you do it, recall that the state that
you’re dealing with, is essentially, the possible values of the class’s attributes. The ad hoc
approach merely says, write the code, okay? Treat it as each particular situation, that is each
state is detected and you take appropriate events. So you are essentially implementing by hand
that, that state chart. Fortunately, there are more productive ways to spend your time. There
are libraries that already exist that support finite state modeling, finite state implementations
and you can make use of one of those or as an intermediate step you could write your own
table driven interpreter. That is the table rows have particular situations that you’re in and
32 – SUMMARY 247
corresponding events or inputs that might arise and the table then tells you what to do or
what to call when that particular, that particular situation obtains
29 – 7 Abstract Classes
The final topic in object design, that I want to mention, has to do with how you’re go-
ing to deal with abstraction. During the process of development, you may wish to increase,
maintainability by enforcing abstract interfaces. And there are various mechanisms in object
oriented languages, available for you to do this. For example, there are abstract methods.
An abstract method is essentially a method signature, in a parent class that says the types
of the arguments and the type of the return value possibly also any exceptions that might
arise. Child classes then, have to provide the implementation of the abstract class, obeying
that particular signature. Any class, with an abstract method becomes an abstract class. And
abstract classes can have no direct instances. It’s only the child classes, that have implemented
the particular method that can have instances. Essentially then, abstract class is providing
a kind of contract. That all subclasses must obey. Java provides, goes one step further and
provides the concept of interfaces, and interface is an abstract class in which all the methods
are abstract. For example, the serializable class is an abs, is an interface. I should say that
serializable interface is an interface. In addition there are no non-final attributes in interfaces.
32 – Summary
The object oriented analysis you perform goes a long way to determining what your final
solution will look like. There however some issues that arise that you have deal with before
you get there. Okay many of these resolve around how best to deal with UML elements at the
associations and state machines. They don’t exist directly in the OO programming language
you’re going to use. While there are many tools like design patterns, architectural styles, and
design guidelines available to you. In most cases, you’re going to have to think through the
tradeoffs involve before choosing an appropriate solution.
P4L4 Design Patterns
01 – Design Experience
The single most important predictor of a successful software design effort is the extent to
which the development team, staff, have experience on similar problems. Because we all want
to participate in successful projects, access to that experience is crucial. One key source of
such experience is familiarity with applicable design solutions. A design pattern is just that.
A description of a solution to a problem in context. What this means is that for a given
problem, a design pattern provides a way of solving it, including a description of the issues
and tradeoffs involved. Situations where the solution applies, options that you as a designer
have, consequences of using a solution, and any implementation issues. Thus, design patterns
are reusable design experience.
02 – Architectural Patterns
A concept of design patterns actually arose in the field of the design of buildings, architec-
tural design. In the 1970s Christopher Alexander wrote an influential book called A Pattern
Language, in which he described various patterns which arise in the course of architecting
buildings. For example, think about most of the public buildings that you’ve entered. You
enter into an area called an atrium. Aside from enabling the entrance to orient themselves
spatially, an atrium provide psychological and aesthetic means for adjusting to the building’s
purpose. Alexander’s book describes many such patterns.
04 – Definition
What is a software design pattern? A design pattern is a solution to a problem in context.
According to GOF, this amounts to a description of communicating objects and classes that
are customized to solve a general design problem in a particular context. Thus, design patterns
are a means of capturing and reusing design knowledge. We’ll look first at an example of a
particular simple pattern called the composite pattern.
06 – Composite Classes
GoF is concerned with object-oriented design patterns, those that support building systems
using object-oriented techniques. Patterns in the GoF book are presented in a stylized fashion,
including one or more UML diagrams, primarily class model diagrams, objects, diagrams, and
sequence diagrams. The class model diagrams for the composite pattern comprises four classes.
Client class, component class, leaf class, and composite class.
10 – Aggregation
There is one further element to add to the class model for the composite pattern. It is an
aggregation line from composite back to component. That is a composite can be made up of
further components, there by allowing for hierarchies of any depth.
11 – Textual Content
The class model diagram gives you the overall essence of the composite pattern, but it
isn’t by no means the complete expression of it. The pattern’s textural doc, documentation
consists of several other valuable pieces of information. Note that each of the patterns in the
Gang of Four book is formatted in a similar fashion, including diagrams, such as what we just
saw, and a structured, textural description.
14 – Participants
After the structure description in the diagram is a section called participants, in which
each of the classes in the descri, in the diagram is described as far as what its role is, what
role it plays in the overall operation of the pattern. In our case, we had a component, we had
a leaf, we had a composite, and we had the client itself. Each of those plays a particular role
with respect to the overall operation of the composite pattern.
15 – Collaborations
After the participant sections come the collaborations sections. Collaboration is how the
participants work together to accomplish the pattern’s goals. The composite pattern is an
example of a structural pattern. One in which the organization of the information provides the
primarily, the primary value added. For structural patterns, collaboration plays a less impor-
tant role than structure in providing information to the designer. Nevertheless, understanding
inter-element behavior is important. For example, with the composite pattern, a typical be-
havior is to have the composites iterate through their children, performing some operation on
16 – Consequences
The next section is called Consequences. Which are the advantages and disadvantages
of using the pattern. One of the most important elements of the pattern description is an
understanding of what tradeoffs using the pattern entails. For example, the composite pattern
makes the client interface simple at a possible cost of safety. That is, if we were to refactor
the add operation into component. To make the interface more uniform to clients, this might
mean that leaves can have children. Which wouldn’t make any sense unless we put in some
kind of ugly check to prevent it.
17 – Implementation Alternatives
The next section in each pattern description talks about implementation. The design
pattern that we’ve, understood so far has to do with the design of a solution. Not necessarily It’s
implementation. Implementation means translating that design into some code. Okay? Doing
that often means that there are choices arise. And it’s important to understand the implication
of the those choices. The implementation section of a design pattern description lays out those
implementation issues, and alternative ways of addressing them. For the Composite pattern,
here are some of the issues that arise. We know that in the pattern so far, we have references
from parents to children. An issue that you might wish to include, or a feature you might wish
to include is, do you have pointers from children back to parents. Once you do this, of course,
referential integrity problems might arise. Another issue is whether we would allow multiple
parents to refer to the same children. Imagine that you have separate hierarchies in which
the leaf elements are shared. This, of course, can be powerful if you wish to do it because
it reduces the overall number of objects that you have. But it might also increase your code
complexity if you were to do that. Similar to the situation where we just described in which
moving the add operation up in the hierarchy has the benefit of making the uni-, the interface
more uniform. However, it might lead to having unnatural operations at too high a level in the
hierarchy. Similarly placing the list of children up one level, also would mean that somehow
now leafs at children. Now, the issue is what data structure should you use to keep the list of
children, their hash tables, their arrays, link, lesson, so on. Finally is the question of whether,
when you delete a composite, do you also delete its children?
density. This section of the book lists other patterns which might be used together with this
23 – Categories
Well, that was an example of a gang of four structural pattern, in fact the, the book has
three categories of patterns. In structural patterns, the main value added is the description of
the various classes and how they’re connected to each other. The book also has a category called
creational patterns, that describe ways in which objects can be constructed. The largest and
most interesting part of the book has to do with behavioral patterns, which describes interesting
interactions, interesting ways in which classes interact to accomplish some particular goal. We
will now take a minute to look at each of these three categories beginning with the creational
24 – Creational Patterns
The book describes five creational patterns. Their names are singleton, prototype, builder,
factory method and abstract factory. In a minute we will look at the singleton pattern. The
prototype pattern is a way for designers to make use of a different kind of inheritance. Most
object oriented languages provide class based inheritance. But some languages like LISP,
provide a different way to inherit. Instead of inheriting from classes, you inherit from other
objects. The prototype pattern tells you how you might get that same facility within a class
based language. The builder patterns gives you a way of separating the actual construction of
the object from how it’s pieces are built. Factory method is a way that lets the sub classes
decide which class to instantiate. The framework as a whole merely ask for creation. Specific
creation is done by a concrete factory. And if you want to apply this method to a set of related
classes, you can use the abstract factory pattern. For example, user interface tool kits may
allow you to specify the look and feel of a set of widgets, and the abstract factory has a way
of accomplishing that.
28 – Consequences
There are several consequences of using a singleton pattern. One of the benefits is, you
provide controlled access. The only way to get access to the singleton instance is through that,
that class operation. This has the potential of reducing problems with the names, the program
name space. In particular, the alternative would be to have one or more global variables that
refer to the instance. Once you’ve got global variables, they can be copied, and, and, and
referenced. Thereby leading to potential problems. Because singleton is a class, it can be
subclassed, which gives you additional flexibility. And if you were so inclined, you wanted to
have a, a class in which there could be exactly two instances or three instances or four instances,
whatever. Okay, you could take the basic idea of the singleton and adjust it accordingly.
29 – Implementation
In order to implement the singleton pattern, the first thing you do is define a class variable
holding the instance. Then, you can define a class operation that creates the instance and saves
a reference to it in the class variable. The operation checks whether the instance already exists
and if not creates it. In order to protect yourself from creating other instances in implementing
the Singleton pattern you make the constructor private or protected.
30 – Implementation Issues
Because access to the singleton is through a class, and class names are normally known
globally, singletons somehow, sometimes act like global state instead of the traditional owned
instances that we see in other uses of, of classes in object-oriented languages. We can also run
into trouble in situations where the clients are multithreaded. That is, several threads may
be trying to create that single instance at one time. Leading to the production of multiple
singletons. Question arises as to when you create the single instance. One strategy is to do
it at startup. Which you could think of as eager construction. Or do you wait until the first
use to, to create it, which could be called lazy construction. Then some issues with respect to
what it actually means to be a singleton. Does singleton a word mean at most once or exactly
once? Similarly, does singleton mean only one ever or only one at a time? In languages with
destructors, like C++, you could get rid of the instance and then later create another instance
of that same singleton without violating the rule that there’s at most one such instance.
31 – Singleton Quiz
Although they sound simple singletons are actually somewhat controversial because you
can run into problems. Here’s a little quiz that might get you into understanding what that
problem is. Say you were in the process of writing a battery of unit tests for an application
that you intend to run frequently during development. And that implementation might have
use of some singletons. The question is what difficulties do singletons impose on such testing
33 – Structural Patterns
The next category of patterns, in the Gang of Four book, are the structural patterns
of which the composite pattern is example we’ve already seen. Some other ones that are
provided include the adapter pattern which you would use to convert an existing interface to
look like another interface. The bridge pattern, in which you decouple an abstraction and
implementation. The decorator pattern, in which you would add a single feature to an existing
class. The facade pattern, which provides a higher-level interface for a subsystem. This might
typically be used in a situation where you have some non-object oriented legacy code, which
you’d want to access from within an object oriented application. And you need to make it look
like an object oriented interface. The flyweight pattern allows you to use sharing to support
large number of fine-grained objects. So imagine a situation, for example, when you’re doing
text processing, and each of the characters you’d like to treat as an object. Well, this can be
quite expensive, because, because, there, because be tens of thousands of such objects. Instead
flyweight, allows provides you a way of doing this without creating all those objects. Finally
the proxy pattern allows you to control access to an object.
34 – Behavioral Patterns
The third category of patterns described in the book, comprised the behavioral patterns.
As you might guess, usually these are the most complex patterns and hence the most powerful
ones. Behavioral patterns, describe interesting ways that objects can interact.
36 – Visitor Pattern
The Visitor Pattern is a popular way of navigating a complex data structure applying
item-specific operations. Moreover, Visitor is a natural complement to Composite, which we
saw earlier. That is, the data structure being navigated by the visitor can often be represented
using a, a composite class.
motivation that the pattern addresses is to be able to decouple the structural elements that is,
the data structures. From the operations applies to them. You think about this. This means
that there are two factors that control how you are applying the operations. One is the data
structure itself which may have, may, may have many different kinds of nodes. And the other
is the class of operations such as, the code generation, pre-printing, and type checking
38 – Visitor Applicability
You would want to use the Visitor pattern. If you need to perform several different cat-
egories of operations on the elements of a complex structure. And you want to simplify the
element code by factoring out these operations. For the Visitor to be a value, the data struc-
ture would be relatively stable. You wouldn’t want to change it very much because that would,
that would break the overall structure. However, the operations can change, you can add new
ones without, without breaking the overall structure of the system.
39 – Structure
Here’s a picture of what the visitor pattern looks like, there of course is a client class,
which is going to lead the operations to be applied. And then two categories of other classes.
One is a category having to do with the data structure itself and the other is a category of
classes having to do with the visitors. As far as the data structure is concerned, there will
be some kind of abstract element and then concrete elements corresponding to the different
parts of the data structure. The abstract element provides an abstract method called accept
with an argument visitor. That is, as you are navigating through the data structure and you
want to apply the operations you send the visitor, as an object, to each of the elements you
come to. And it must accept that visitor, and essentially call back to the visitor to perform
the operations.
40 – Comments on Structure
If we were talking about using the viter, visitor pattern inside a compiler, then the concrete
visitors might one might do type checking, one might do pre-printing, and so on. And, the
concrete elements might correspond to things like assignment statements, or declarations, or
other parts of the Code. The object structure class, itself, represents the parse tree as a whole,
and is your starting point for doing the navigation through the structure.
41 – Visitor Participants
There are five sorts of classes involved in the visitor structure. The participants, one is
of course, the visitor itself, which is an abstract class declaring a visit operation, that is then
applied by each of the concrete elements. ConcreteVisitors are specialization of the visitor class,
implementing an operation on each of the concrete elements. And, in addition, they may store
local state, that is, if your navigation wants to accumulate statistics, there’s a place to do that
accumulation inside the ConcreteVisitor. The Element class is an abstract class declaring the
accept operation that takes a Visitor as an argument. It is sub-classed by Concrete Elements,
representing the various different kinds of nodes in the complex data structure, and each of
those elements takes an except operation with a Visitor as an argument. Finally, the fifth of
the classes is the Object Structure class, itself, which usually provides a way of enumerating
the various elements, serving as the root of the data structure itself.
42 – Visitor Behavior
The Visitor pattern is an example of a behavioral pattern. And in order to describe the
behavior, we use a sequence diagram in this case. Recall that in the sequence diagram, each
of the columns corresponds to a different object. The horizontal lines correspond to messages
being sent among the objects. And that time marches down the page. The first column in the
diagram corresponds to the data structure itself. And it is responsible for sending messages
to each of the concrete classes, and those messages are accept messages passing in whatever
visitor we currently want to implement. The concrete classes are in the second column. Their
responsibility is for doing the callback. That is, they are given a visitor as an argument and
they need to pass themselves to the particular visitor operation responsible for whatever visitor
they’re currently implementing. Those are the messages at the top which go from the second
column over to the fourth column and in the middle of the screen from the third column over
to the fourth column. Finally, in the visitor operation itself in the fourth column, can make
calls back into the elements, taking advantage of whatever operations those elements provide.
43 – Visitor Collaborations
As far as collaborations are concerned, the client is responsible for creating instances of
a concrete visitor object. And traversing the object structure. The visited concrete elements,
called the visit operation. With self as an argument.
44 – Visitor Consequences
The visitor pattern is quite powerful and popular however there are some issues with it.
First off the implementation of the operations are placed in a different place from the Elements
being operated on. It means that the operations are kept together. The elements are kept
together but in a sense encapsulation is compromised because those two are separated. Second
consequence is that adding new operations is straightforward, you just have new classes on the
visitor side of things. In a sense you are actually extending the operations on a class without
changing the class itself on the other hand adding new element types is hard. This would
break the data structure and cause a lot of reprogramming. Final consequences, if you need to,
visitors can accumulate state as I indicated before an example would be collecting statistics.
45 – Visitor Implementation
Couple of issues arise with respect to visitor pattern. First off, if you think about it, the
actual operation called at any time is dependent on two things. An element such as assignment
statement and a particular visitor such as type checking. This dependency is sometimes called
double dispatch. It most of object oriented languages you’re familiar with, there’s single
dispatch. That is, you send a message to a particular object. That, whatever method responds
to that message, depends on what object you’re sending it to. In languages like Ada, the
determination of who’s going to handle a particular message is determined not just by one
argument, but by all the arguments. Here we’re looking at a situation where we’re going to
make that determination on what operation we’re going to apply based upon two arguments.
Second issue is, who is responsible for performing the actual traversal, if we’re talking about
a compiler what we want to do is a tree walk and there are variant, various variants of tree
walks. We can place the code to perform that tree walk in several places. We can place it in
the ObjectStructure class, in the Visitor class, or we can have some kind of Iterator object.
46 – Pattern Quiz 1
Which design pattern does the following object model represent? Enter your answer in the
text box. The design pattern listed here includes three classes, one labeled Application, one
labeled Wrapper, and one labeled LegacyComponent.
48 – Pattern Quiz 2
Which design pattern does the following object model represent? Enter your answer in the
text box. The design pattern features five classes, a reader class, an abstract converter class,
and three concrete converter classes.
50 – Pattern Quiz 3
Which design pattern does the following object model represent? Enter your answer in
the text box. The pattern comprises seven classes. There’s a Client class and an abstract
class called Collection, which has two subclasses, ListCollection and MapCollection. There is
also an abstract Traverser class with four methods, and two subclasses, a MapTraverser and a
56 – Summary
To conclude, patterns are an essential part of developers’ vocabularies. We simply must be
aware of what’s there in order to take advantage of it. However, patterns are difficult to learn
passively. You can read all the catalogs you want. But unless you actually get some experience
with catalogs, they’re not going to be, come to mind readily when you’re in a development
situation. However, despite these costs and potential problems that might arise from using
patterns, they are so powerful that you want to take advantage of them when you can.
P4L5 Design Principles
01 – Design Guidelines
At the start of this course, we mentioned that design can’t really be taught, but has to be
learned through experience. That said, we have offered several ways in which we can learn from
the experience of others. Including catalogs of architectural styles and design patterns. In this
lesson, we’ll go over another catalog, that of design principles. Which are informal guidelines
to be judiciously applied in appropriate circumstance
02 – Design Quality
Design guidelines are one of several ways of gauging the quality of your designs. Of
course, the ultimate validation of a design is to build a program and have its users report
their satisfaction. Short of that, you can build a prototype or conduct design reviews. There
are also various metrics based on the structural properties of your design that compute actual
numbers assessing the design’s quality. Least expensive, but conceivably most valuable, is
adherence to the principles we will go over in this lesson.
03 – Design Guidelines
A Design Guideline, also called a design principle or design heuristic, is an informal piece
of advice about the structure of a design. With respect to objected-oriented designs, we are
concerned with Design Guidelines that take the form of do’s and don’ts. We will survey some
of the most well known design principles. But first, let’s review several important foundational
04 – Coupling
Recall earlier on when we talked about coupling. Which is the extent to which the module
is independent, from other modules. You would like the coupling of your modules to be low in
order to make it easier to maintain them. Coupling, as a software design principle was invented
by Larry Constantine.
05 – Cohesion
Another foundational concept is cohesion, which is the extent to which a module has a
single purpose. You would like the cohesion of your module to be high in order to enhance
its understandability and promote its reuse. Cohesion as a software design principle was also
invented by Larry Constantine.
06 – Orthogonality
The third foundational concept to review is orthogonality. Which is the extent to which
the features of a system can be varied independently. You would like to enhance the orthog-
onality of your system in order to make more options available to its users. Orthogonality
also clarifies system descriptions and documentation, and supports automatic generation of
system components. The principle of orthogonality was developed by David McGovern and
Christopher Date.
instances should obey parent class invariants and method contracts including their pre and
post conditions.
12 – Law of Demeter
Karl Lieberherr has developed the Law of Demeter, which suggest limits on the classes
that can be refered to by a given method. Imagine that you are writing code for a method
m of an object o. Your code can refer to features of other objects or features, either in
attribute or a method. The question is, what other objects is it reasonable for you to refer
to? Answering everything can lead to typely, tightly coupled systems. Instead of everything,
Lieberherr proposed some limits to the objects that can be referred to. You can refer to features
in O itself. You can refer to features. In classes that are the, the classes for the parameters that
go to the MethodM. You can refer to any objects created or instantiated within M, and you
can refer to the objects O’s direct component objects, that is, its attributes. Obeying the Law
of Demeter reduces coupling, but sometimes requires introduction of extra wrapper classes.
13 – Hollywood Principle
Donald Wallace introduced the Hollywood Principle for object oriented frameworks. These
frameworks consist of a set of abstract classes together with rules for the ways in which, their
concrete subclasses may interact. These rules suggest that calls should be made from the
framework to client classes, rather than the other way around. The pattern of frameworks
calling clients is the opposite of the situation where normally a client would call the resources
in a library. Hence the principle is also called inversion of control. Wallace dubbed the principle
the Hollywood principle, after the supposed response by a Hollywood producer, to yet another
unsolicited screenplay. Don’t call us, we’ll call you.
complex, and we now want to change it to instead make use of a new FancyMotor. Making
this change will difficult with the current design because it violates which design principle?
There are five choices for you here. There’s the Substitution Principle, the Law of Demeter,
the Hollywood principle, the Dependency Inversion Principle, and the Open-Closed Principle.
Which of these is the one that’s violated?
22 – Lattix Image
Here is a screen capture from a tool called Lattix, that can construct these dependency
matrices from code and point out violations of various principles. The Lattix tool provides
several interesting features. On the left hand side of the image, actually is conveying the hierar-
chical structure of the system’s components. This hierarchical structuring can be dynamically
specified by the user. So within the left hand column there are some sub columns. The ones
on the extreme left, contains the ones that are just to the right of that, which contains the
ones just to the right of that and so on. In the Lattix version of the DSM, here shown, the
numbers in the cells are not just zero and ones, they are integer values which indicate the
number of dependencies. More over, the user of the tool can specify the kinds of dependencies
and get numbers for each of the different kinds. The red triangles on some of the cells indicate
violations of user specified design principles. And, the internal brown squares that subdivide
the overall DSM indicate candidate modules having no violations. The user can construct such
modules, by suitable column and row permutations. And once you’ve done that and you can
then focus on the remaining cells that have violations and try to get the whole matrix to be
violation free.
24 – Stability
Martin uses the term stable to mean hard to change. Or, if you try to change it, it’s going
to have many implications. Typically, a module’s hard to change if a lot of other modules
depend on it. Martin’s stable dependency principle suggests that you should depend in the
direction of stability. In other words, no package should be dependent on packages that are
more likely to change than it is. This principle is similar to the previous one, that is, you
should depend downward and not introduce loops into the dependency hierarchy. Note that
we usually think of the term stable as a positive term but Martin is treating it as undesirable.
A corollary to this stable dependency principle is Martin’s Stable Abstraction Principle in
which stable packages should be abstract packages. The idea is that they’re hard to change
but easy to extend.
25 – Bad Smells
Kent Beck and Martin Fowler popularized the notion of refactoring as part of extreme
programming in the 1990s. The idea was to move some design activities that were previously
done before implementation was started into the actual implementation phase of development.
The intent was to reduce rework in situations with rapidly changing requirements. The first
step in refactoring is the recognition of bad smells, which are code situations that are suggestive
of design problems, such as duplicate code, too many comments, or long classes. So you can
think, bad smells as being, things to avoid in other words, design principles describing situations
which you, you don’t want to be in. The Fowler’s book recognizes dozens of bad smells and
the avoidance of each should be, could be thought of as a design principle. For example,
the duplicate code bad smell should be thought of as the avoid duplicate code by factoring
principle. You’re encouraged to explore Fowler’s book as a way of becoming familiar with these
situations, it is referenced in the class resources page.
29 – Transparency
Of course, we came across transparency when we talked about middleware and we listed
various kinds of transparency that was appropriate to middleware situations. In general, trans-
parency suggests providing interfaces that enable client code to be written without having to
be concerned with specific details. Of course, this generality comes with a cost of extra design
and testing work.
30 – Intentionality
The last principle that I would like to mention to you is also the most abstract one. It is
called the Principle of Intentionality. That is, design your software in such a way that your
intent is manifest and localized in the code. What this means is that the conceptual distance
between the problem that you are trying to solve, and the code with which you are solving it is
as small as possible. Intentionality supports traceability, validation and maintainability. You
can improve intentionality by appropriate use of cohesion, and naming conventions.
33 – Summary
I recognize that a catalog of design principles is too abstract to be immediately useful to
you. I hope, however, that by being made aware of these principles, you’ll be sensitized to
problematic situations when they arise. You can then look up the relevant principle and it’s
suggested solutions to help you resolve the issue that you you’ve seen.
P4L6 Design Reviews
01 – Introduction
High quality designs become more important as the size of the application being designed
grows. But as the size grows, so too does the likelihood of some kind of design flaw occur. It
therefore becomes essential to validate the designs and the most common way of doing so is
with design reviews. This lesson looks at design reviews, the participant’s roles. The process
of performing them and general guidelines for producing effective reviews.
02 – Exercise Intro
Let’s begin with an exercise. We’ll use a code example instead of a design example, but the
principles of reviewing are the same. The following code is written in Java. It computes the
sin function for argument x to accuracy e using a Maclaurin series expansion. In the example,
line numbers appear in parentheses at the beginning of each line. They are not part of the
program but are there so we can refer to the lines.
03 – Defects Quiz 1
Here is the example program. As an exercise, write down any defects you detect alongside
the relevant line number. There are no wrong or right answers for this quiz.
04 – Defects Quiz 2
For the same program, indicate the types of errors found at each marked line. Mark b for
bugs, d for documentation issues, v for violations of coding standards, or i’s for inefficiencies.
Note for multiple errors, use comma separated entries.
which in these sample, simple circumstances, could be replaced by a more efficient x times x.
Also in lines 8, because the value of x doesn’t change inside the loop, the computation of x
times x could be moved outside of the loop, thereby improving efficiency. On lines 9 and 10,
there’s another bug. The returned value produced by the algorithm is wrong because the test
comes before the accumulation. Line 10 illustrates another inefficiency in the computation of
sum. The exponentiation is merely doing the job of alternating signs. Surely, there’s a simpler
way to do that. Also on line 10, another inefficiency. Multiplication is used to flip the values
of the sign and this is inefficient also.
06 – Observations
I expect that no one of you found every one of these defects. But that, the class as a whole
noticed most or all of these problems. I also expect that some of you have noticed problems
that are not on the list. The point is that groups do better than individuals. This is sometimes
called the many eyes phenomenon. There’s a cost, however. If 200 people each look at 13 lines
of code for 15 minutes, this amounts to more than one week of staff time. At current loaded
salary rates, this might cost a company thousands of dollars. Is it worth it to a company to
spend that much money to find these problems? Would a smaller group size have worked just
as well? Would more time per person have worked better? Notice also that there were all kinds
of defects. I intentionally didn’t tell you in advance what the word defect meant, but here there
were bugs. There were documentation issues. There were inefficiencies, and there were even
violations of coding standards. Software engineers have studied defect detection and concluded
that team review efforts can be cost effective way to find defects. However, the reviews must
be done in a systematic fashion.
07 – Reviews
A review, which can also be called an inspection or a walkthrough, is a systematic reading
of a software development artifact. Reviews can be a cost-effective way of finding defects in the
artifact, and reviews complement other verification techniques such as testing and proofs. That
is, they find, tend to find problems that the other techniques don’t find. The purpose of a review
is to detect defects, which, depending on the artifact, might be called bugs or faults. Reviews
may also be used to check adherence to corporate or governmental standards. Reviews should
not be used to educate staff members, report status or fix the detected problems. Reviews
can be applied to different kinds of artifacts produced during the software development. These
include requirements documents, specifications, architectural designs, detail designs, new code,
fixes, test plans, and documentation itself. Effective reviews are systematic. It is not sufficent,
sufficient to just have a meeting and talk about an artifact. People’s time is expensive and
group meetings are especially so. Here are the recommended steps to take for an effective
08 – Step 1 Planning
First off is planning. During the planning phase, participants are selected, a meeting is
scheduled, roles are assigned, the specific artifact, or part of an artifact is specified. And the
materials, that is, the artifact, the review form, and any background materials, are distributed
to the, the participants. This planning should be complete about five days before the scheduled
meeting, to give time for the participants to prepare.
09 – Step 2 Preperation
The second step is the preparation itself. During this preparation period, the participants
should individually study the material, noting any potential defects. The idea here, is to save
time in the meeting by having the participants detect particularly superficial type problems
that can be reported to the, reported before the meeting. And not have to take time during
the meeting to go over them. The expected rate of individual review should be about ten pages
of text or 100 lines of code per hour.
10 – Step 3 Review
The third stage is the review itself. The actual meeting takes place. In general, it should
last no more than two hours, lest fasi fatigue set in and effectiveness, overall effectiveness be
reduced. The rate of review at the meeting should be approximately the same, as that used
for individual preparation. During the review meeting, the individually noticed defects should
be collected. In most cases they should not be further discussed at the meeting. The detailed
meeting process will be described after we discuss the roles of the participants.
11 – Step 4 Rework
After the meeting is over, there’s a rework period. The artifact’s author should investigate
the issues that are raised. And, if, in fact, they are defects, they should be, corrected or at
least saved in an issue tracking system for later correction on a subsequent release.
12 – Step 5 Follow Up
And finally, there’s a follow up process. The author of the artifact should report to the
moderator the results of the reworked process. The moderator should confirm that the fixes
have been properly implemented. Also, the moderator should collect data on the review itself.
Such as the number and types of defects detected, the number of participants, and the total time
spent reviewing. This data should be recorded and saved, so that the process of reviewing itself
is being reviewed and, and possibly improved if it, if it can be. Finally, the moderator should
suggest these improvements to the review process. And, take them up with, the organizational,
quality people, so that o, over time, the effectiveness of the review process itself can improved.
13 – Roles
In formal reviews, the participants play specific roles, including that of a moderator, a
recorder, a reader, and 3-6 reviewers.
14 – Moderator Responsibilities
The job of the moderator, in addition to those already mentioned, concerning preparation
and follow-up, include the following. The moderator should determine whether the participants
have done the necessary preparatory work. If necessary, the moderator should abort the review
if the team is not prepared. Why, after all, go through an expensive meeting if it’s not going to
be effective? The moderator should also evaluate whether the work to be reviewed is actually
ready for review. Let’s say it’s a code review. And the organization has guidelines that say,
before code review the code must be completed, it must be successfully compiled and it must
go through unit tests, the moderator can then check whether those events have happened and
if not, send it back and reschedule the meeting. A moderator is responsible for running the
meeting. Keeping the participants on track, arbitrating any differences, and managing time.
Moderation is a skilled activity and moderators typically have under, undergone some kind of
training at the task. Finally, moderators should be technically competent, but not necessarily
expert on the specific artifact of technology being reviewed.
15 – Recorder
Another important role during a review meeting is that of the recorder. The recorder is
responsible for making a record of the issues raised during a review. Note that it may not
be possible to determine in a review meeting itself whether an issue represents a defect. This
determination may require some offline research. It is the job of the recorder to proactively
clarify the issues raised. During the course of a heated, heated discussion, this may be difficult.
Several different issues may intertwine more of a two seemingly different concerns may actually
reflect a common question. The recorder will often ask for clarification until he is satisfied that
he understands the essence of the problem being discussed.
16 – Recording Form
The recorder typically makes use of a form for recording issues. The for includes for each
issue raised, it’s location within the artifact, it’s description, it’s type and it’s severity. Issue
types are artifact dependent for code review for example there may be logic issues, library
issues, standards conformance issues and so on. Severity levels are also typically pre-defined,
and some suggested ones are listed on the next slide.
17 – Severity Classification
Each organization should determine it’s own severity classification, based on its release and
artifact peculiarities and whatever source issue tracking system or source control system that
they have. Here’s one possible schema. It includes three different levels. The least severe is
that minor re, rework is required. That this rework can be verified by the author. This would
be the case if there were questions about the comments or standards conformance, something
like that. A somewhat more severe level would be where there’s conditional rework that it
would be verified by the moderator. And then, for major rework situations, reinspection is
required. And here a guideline would be that if greater than 20% of the document or 20 hours
of work or 100 lines of code have been affected then a rereview might be required.
18 – Reader
Another review role is that of the reader. Reviews should be systematic and thorough.
One way to deal with this need is to explicitly address each part of the artifact being reviewed.
For example, in the code review, each line should be individually looked at. The reader is
the person responsible for enforcing this thoroughness by leading the participants through the
artifact and for each part paraphrasing what, what the artifact is expressing for that part. The
paraphrasing should be its, should be descriptive, and not try to say why that particular part
is there. Some organizations run their reviews with the artifact’s authors being the readers.
Other organizations make sure that someone else does the reading. I think in the case of
the first type of organization, the thought is that an author might buy us the discussion by
emphasizing certain things, the author felt as important, even at the expense of perhaps hiding
some details which need to be looked at more carefully. In either case, the reader should use
impersonal pronouns such as it, referring to the artifact, rather than referring directly to the
author with I, or he, or she, or something like that. Personalizing a review by using I and, and
you, and, and so on, can raise the defensiveness level of the participants thereby reducing the
review’s effectiveness.
19 – Reviewers
The other participants in the meeting are the reviewers. These ae the people responsible
for raising the issues. Not to say that the, the moderator or the recorder or the reader can’t list
some issues, but their, their primary focus is going to be on their other, on, on their individual
roles, whereas the reviewers, the job here is to do exactly that. To review the artifact and
to point out raise, raise issues. Typically a meeting will have three to six reviewers, fewer
run the risk of not having enough eyes on the target and more can be overkill. Right not
being effective as far as the, the time invested in, and the number of defects found. Reviewers
should raise issues by asking questions, as opposed to saying that’s a problem. They should not
explicitly suggest improvements, but rather ask if the author thought about doing things in an
alternative fashion. The viewer should not blatantly assert defects, but ask what would happen
under different circumstances. By taking a questioning attitude, the team can productively
raise issues without getting diverted by emotionally driven debates.
20 – Review Meeting
So those are the participants. Now, let’s talk for a minute about the review meeting itself.
For a effective reviews, the review meeting should be itself, be structured. This includes the
following steps. First off, introduce the participants to each other. They might not previously
know each other. In particular, one effective strategy would be to bring in a member of a
different team. who’s, you know, has a similar level of expertise, but to, to put a different set
of eyes that may not be biased by the you know, common understanding. Second, is a statement
of objectives by the moderator. This is a reminder that the purpose of the meeting is to raise
concerns over specific artifacts. And not get diverted into problem-solving or, or other other
issues. Third is an evaluation of the preparedness to determine whether the meeting can go
forward. This involves checking with the reviewers as to whether or not they had done their
preparation, and to collect their issues that they’ve already found. And also to check whether
the artifact itself is ready for review. Next is the systematic review itself using some means of
ensuring thoroughness, and we’ll look at some of those in a minute. This is where the term
walk-through is very important. The actual going through the artifact in a very systematic
step by step fashion to make sure the whole thing is covered. During this process it could be
recording of results in the form of the issues raised on the review form. After the systematic
review, but still inside the meeting, there should be some kind of summarization, often led by
the recorder of the issues raised, including a determination of severities and priorities. Finally
a determination of who is responsible for looking into these issues. In many cases it will be
the author. But it may be that in certain cases somebody else gets assigned to do that. There
should also be an agreement about how resolution will be verified. With respect to is it the
moderator’s responsibility? The author’s? Or is there going to be a view review
21 – Thoroughness
A key determinant of a successful review is how thoroughly the participants examine the
artifact. There are variety of means that have been devised to encourage this thoroughness.
Line by line coverage of, of the code or the documents involved. similarly, if, if it’s a, a diagram
is being, reviewed or going through systematically on the visual elements of a diagram. If
we’re talking about the early stages, the requirements document, it may be the use cases, and
making sure all the use cases are going through. Another technique for ensuring or promoting
thoroughness comes at things from a little bit different point of view. And this is a check list
based reviews. The checklist is based on common def, types of defects, either derived from
common industrial practices, or company specific empirical data. So for example, if it’s a
code review there and the company has a history of problems with correctly interfacing with
libraries then it might be that you add a check list for making sure that library interfaces are
looked at a little bit more deeply. And one, one other one is coverage of verification conditions.
This is kind of a specialized, checklist. Verification conditions were invented as part of a clean
room software engineering methodology by IBM. A verification condition is a rule that obtains
in a particular situation. For example, when a loop is encountered during a code review, a
specific verification condition is to examine whether the loop is guaranteed to terminate under
all circumstances.
22 – Metrics
Reviews, like design, testing, and coding, are software development activities. As such,
they can be measured to see how effective they are. The key statistics to compute are the
following. First off, the review rate in lines of artifact reviewed per staff hour spent reviewing.
Second is defect rate in the number of defects detected per staff hour spent reviewing. Then
from those numbers the defect density is the defects per line of artifact. This can be used to
indicate whether the process of producing that artifact is leaving too many defects in it. And
then, process yield is computed by comparing the review detected defects to total defects, or
how do you know what the total defects are? One way of getting a total defect includes those
defects detected by other means, such as testing and those that are eventually reported by
users of the delivered product.
23 – Process Data
Reviews are an early step in an organization’s effort to improve the quality of it’s products
it produces. A more sophisticated step is to review the review process itself. That is, to collect
data on the effectiveness of the reviews and use it to improve the review process. Among
the data that might be collected are the following. What was the artifact being reviewed
and at which stage of the development process does the review take place? What was the
date and time of the review and how long did it last? Who were the participants and how
much preparation time did they spend? How many issues were raised, how many of them
turned out to be defects, what were their types, and what were their severities? Organizations
can also collect subjective data by distributing post review effectiveness questionnaires to the
participants. Finally, for large organizations, it makes sense to store this data in a database
for aggregate analysis over time.
checked into the source control system. And in any of these approaches there’s a possibility of
applying tools. Tools might be differencers to compare versions the source control management
system itself as I’ve, as I’ve indicated, and there’re also program analyzer tools that can provide
enforcement and feedback and examples here are Lint. You may have heard of the Lint program
or CodeCheck, which is a plugin into Eclipse.
25 – Guidelines Participants
Reviews have become a common part of everyday software development practice. As such,
much has been learned about how to perform them. What follows in this lesson are some dos
and don’ts of gleaned from actual experience. We begin with some about the participants.
First off, reviews should not be used for personnel eva, evaluations. If participants feel that
what they say about someone else’s code will affect their performance rating or salary, they may
be reluctant to speak. For this reason managers should in general not attend review meetings
unless they have participated technically in the production of the artifact being reviewed. Or
they’re outside of the participant’s reporting hierarchy. Similarly, in general it is not a good
idea to allow non-participant observers in review meetings as they can provide distractions.
Don’t treat a review as an opportunity for training new staff members. This will reduce the
productivity of the review session. Instead, hold a separate meeting with the trainee. The
author of the artifact being reviewed should not be the moderator or recording. These are
specialized tasks that require full concentration. Some organizations also require that the
author not be the reader.
26 – Guidelines Content
Here are some guidelines about which topic should be avoided during your review. If
possible, avoid discussions of, of style. These can be a lot of fun, and there’s a lot of flaming
going on, but people have strong feelings and consistency is more important, that is, consistency
of, of style, is more important that what particular style is emp, is employed. Avoid problem
solving during review meetings. The goal of the meeting is to raise as many issues as, as
possible. Solve the problems offline or at another meeting. Avoid use of the word you and any
phrasing that might raise defensiveness.
27 – Guidelines Process
Here are some guidelines about the review process itself. First off, spread out the reviews
over time. Performance degrades if reviews are too concentrated. A practical limit for the
duration of a review is the smaller of 250 lines of code, or 2 hours of, of artifact reviewing.
Each type of review should have its own criterion for thoroughness, which should be determined
in advance of the meeting. You can, treat the review as a go, no go decision activity. That is,
the review meeting should end with a decision about whether or not the artifact is ready for
the next stage of the development process. In fact, some organizations require the reviewers
to sign off on the acceptability of the artifact, thereby improving accountability.
28 – Effectiveness
Code reviews are an effective technique for detecting defects in artifacts. Collected data
indicates that for typical formal review, as described above, between 70 and 90% of defects
are found. That is, if we’re talking about a code review of all the defects in that code, the
review meetings are going to find between 70 and 90% if you have effective reviews. Of course,
there is a cost which amounts, in typical situations, to between 10 and 20% of the total cost of
development. This cost is largely due to the staff time involved in the preparation work and the
review meting itself. The above data notwithstanding, defect detection rates vary dramatically
depending on the specific rule goals, artifact complexity and how effective the meanings are
30 – Summary
The later that a software development problem is detected, the more expensive it is to
fix it. Hence, we want to find problems as early as possible in the process. Reviews are a
cost effective way to find problems in all kinds of artifacts, including design documents. Going
further, we want to detect deep problems if we can. And reviews run the risk of revealing
shallow problems with a document self or with superficial aspects of the design. To reveal deep
problems requires exposure of the design to experienced designers who are among the most
highly paid and time stressed people in the development process. Therefore it makes sense to
have the design review be as focused and well-run as possible. To do this reviews should be
institutionalized. By that I mean, they should be a formally defined process element and part
of the corporate culture. By doing so, the short-term costs involved in conducting reviews will
be more than offset by the eventual saving on reduced maintenance and increased customer
P5L1 Geeks in Black: The Code Review
01 – Introduction
Ladies and gentleman, I am Agent B.of MIB with an important announcement. Thousands
of alien bugs have been invading our code. The invasion threatens our flight navigation systems.
Our financial infrastructure and our ability to play Candy Crush. [MUSIC] To fight back, MIB
has invented a secret weapon. The code review and assembled a crack team of reviewers gather
in our headquarters in New York City. [NOISE] Gentlemen, would you now introduce yourself
to the public, first our moderator. Hello, I am Moderator, sometimes also called the controller.
My name is 3.8. I’m a professor in computer science, and they call me 3.8 because it took me
3.8 billion years to evolve. Next, our Reader. Hi, I’m the Reader, Dr. Bug. They call me
Dr. Bug because I smash bugs. Here’s our recorder. Hi, I’m Crazy Bob. They call me Crazy
Bob because I’m crazy about Ada. I’m the tech lead on our avionics project. We delivered
1.4 million lines of safety-critical Ada code. Next we have Inspector Fra Elbertus. Hi, I’m Fra
Elbertus. I’m the friar of doom. I was the originator of the sticky net virus when I consulted
for one of those three letter government agencies. You haven’t heard of sticky net because it
was so evil, they had to redo it and call it Stuxnet. And our other inspector, Byte.Me. Hi
everyone my name’s Byte.Me. I used to have a back story, but I pseudo RN’d it years ago. I
like coffee, code and Reddit. That’s about it. Finally, I will also be an inspector. Now ladies
and gentlemen, let me show you the first invasion site. A key piece of software infrastructure
called BlankCount.java. [MUSIC]
02 – Part 1
Now I will turn things over to 3.8 to lead the attack against these bugs. Is everyone ready,
Crazy Bob? I am ready, sir. Bite Me? Ready to go. Ready to roll. Doctor Bug? I was born
ready. Oh, excellent. We are all ready here. So, let us start. If I could interject something
before we begin [LAUGH] I just would like to say, before we started this project, I I advised
management that we wouldn’t be having a lot of these core problems that we’ve got now if we
just use data. We’re on job aid it would really, you know, it would solve a lot of our integration
problems and all. And I just wanted to make that clear, that I told them before we began this
project that we should do it, and here we are looking at jobs. So, I just wanted to make that
clear before we got started. Well, I mean, with that, just trying to read this Baloney Code that
this guy wrote is unbearable. Well I think we should just, I am just sick to my stomach. We
should just proceed with the review probably. Oh, well, okay. Gentlemen, let me remind you
that I’m the controller here. [LAUGH] Thank you very much for your advice. Dear reader,
Doctor Bug, please talk. We start with two imports in the code. The first one is an import to
the java.io package, all the classes in the package, and there’s the right semicolon right after
that. And there’s another importer, which is to java.lang.System, which is used for the io,
and another semicolon, so this looks fine. So line one, line one is actually not good coding
style, because you should never import you’re polluting the namespace. So we should never
import asterisk, we should only import the classes that we’re actually using. Well, I think it’s
okay, all right, if we need to use multiple ones. Do you want to spell them all out. But then
you’re polluting, you’re bringing in all these names that we really don’t need. So, I think it
should be, what? Java. I think the only IO class, let’s see InputStream.read, so we should
have java.io.InputStream.reader. I think you’re, you’re wasting space by doing this, I mean
this is, why is it there? And thanks for telling us about the semicolons, that’s a, a big help.
Yeah I figured. Can I continue? Yes, please continue. So should I record that as defect or, or
we don’t believe that’s a defect? I think you should I, personally, I gotta, I gotta echo Crazy
Bob here because if we move to the next line here, purpose, we have the slash star here for
comment style and then further on down we’re going to use the slash slash, some consistency
would be nice. So, I think we should record that as an error. But let’s move on. That’s bad
style. Sure, sure. Okay, Crazy Bob will record it. Dr. Bug? Okay, fine. okay, then the main
class starts, which is Before we do that, let me complain about line 2. I don’t believe you
have to import anything from java.lang, right? I believe java.lang comes in automatically. I
believe that’s correct. So that’s a useless, that’s a useless import. Okay, fine, that’s what my
mentor told me that I was supposed to do but that’s okay. Okay, so then we start with the
main classes. Maybe we should reconcile this common issue, before we move on. As brought
up by me. I think so. I mean. That, that’s just. Don’t you have coding standards and which
would include how to write comments in your, in your. I do and it’s usually, just stick with
one and then that’s the way it goes for the rest of the, the comments. The slash-star has so
much history with it. You know, we want, we want to reflect the fact that this is a historical
artifact. I don’t know if I agree I, I think not only that, I’m not sure what constitutes getting
its own white space like an extra line here. We move down further maybe we come back to
this but I have a couple places that I marked that I just don’t quite understand. Maybe Bite
me is saying, let’s go one down and come back to this. Doctor, Bug please continue. Thank
03 – Part 2
The next line, line 6. The main class starts, which is called BlankCount. And [COUGH]
after that there’s two constants that are being defined. And one is the blank the other one
is a sentinel. And then we move to the main, which is actually the main the main body of
the class and also the main method for the program. Everything is included into a try catch
block, and the first instruction is actually to initialize the InputStreamReader, ISR, with a new
InputStreamReader and takes the system in stream as a parameter. So I believe on that line,
there’s also a problem because that violates code the interface rather than implementation, so
they actually have the implementation class on the left, left-hand side. It should be declared
as the ab-,. . as the abstract interface and then the concrete implementation on the right-hand
side with the new. So, now, other people agree? Yeah, I agree. Yeah. Bob’s right. Okay
then there’s the code declares two integers next and count, and next is going to be use the as
the next character in sentence, and count is going to be used to count the number of blank
counters, which is the main goal of the, of this class. I’m glad you stopped telling us that there’s
semicolons at the end of each line. It’s that helps. Well I think it’s important, correct? So
before the semicolons though, shouldn’t we initialize these values like we have the ISR variable
or both? [CROSSTALK] Yeah we should initialize. All right, go. Should we decide whether
to character or an int? The comment says character. That’s true. [CROSSTALK] Operation
says int. Yeah, that, that’s excellent to pick that up. Yeah. That’s that comment problem
again. If you’d done slash star, maybe you would had written it right the first time. Should,
should we go for comments on the right side of the? Or should we put them above? If they get
04 – PART 3 279
their own line, maybe it’d help us read it better. I don’t know. I, this is, this is going back to,
to line four up above. I, I don’t, I’m not quite sure when we, when we want them beside the
code, when we want them above the code? Well, there is nothing in the standard that we use
in the company, but that’s fine. I mean, if you want to pick a, you know, a way to do it We
could make a standard. [CROSSTALK] That’s fine. We can make a standard. We can make
a standard right now. I’d like a standard, yeah, mm-hm. So what’s, what’s the standard? We
going to go slash, slash all the way or slash star? Slash star seems a little more robust. We
can, you know? You don’t have to use as many slash slashes. Javadocs uses slash star kind of,
that kind of structure when you do. I thought it was kind of old fashioned but that’s okay. We
can use slash star. What’s wrong with old fashioned? [LAUGH]. [LAUGH]. Okay, Dr. Bud
continue please.
04 – Part 3
Okay let me get back to where I was. Okay, so we declared the two variables, and then
there’s two print lines the first one Excuse me did, did the recorder correct the comments?
To make, make note of the errors in the comments that, that Slash asterisk should our new
standard coding as well. Yeah these easier being pointed out, that we should be, it’s said that
they’re characters but they were declared as integers. For int next, it says next character is
that it? Yeah. Put a line through. The implication is that you’re confused about characters
versus integers. Mm-hm, even though the representation was also signed. Okay so as I was
saying there is two print statement, the first one prints to the user, enter a sentence ending
with a period, and the second one says, follow each character buy a return. We have a typo.
Yeah, I guess, buy should not really be buy, And also probably, follow, should be capitalized,
right? I mean it’s a separate sentence so you’re trying to [COUGH] write it as a sentence. Or
it should be all on one line, because you’re, you’re breaking at interest and it’s ending with
a period oh, okay, I see. But it also, it’s interesting, Interest in it is ending with a period
doesn’t have a delimiter at the end where it’s follow each character by a return does have a
delimiter. Should that be, have a colon there? It seems like we’re really getting stuck on minor
details. I think so too, let’s move on, let’s move on back to Dr. Bug, please continue. So a
character is, misspelled. It’s charcter. Just making, I think it’s making for bad user experience,
we don’t, we don’t, you know Yeah, actually I think I was just copy and paste in here from
someone elses code, but that’s fine. Yeah, I think it’s. [LAUGH] Is that what we do now? Is
we copy, copy from other people’s [CROSSTALK]. Well, it’s just this, you know? This was
[CROSSTALK]. Whose was it that we copied from? It was part of a log, I mean, I think it
was actually Crazy Bob’s code, but [LAUGH] I could be wrong. It wasn’t my code because it’s
not in native. [LAUGH] Yeah. It was a native piece of code. In fact, if we could just back go
back and revisit, 13 and 14, you know, this initialization problem wouldn’t even be occurring
because you can’t have uninitialized data in aid. So if we’d actually done what we said, what
I said originally, we wouldn’t be having these problems. You, you’re absolutely right, I forgot
about that. Crazy Bob bring, brings up some excellent points, about this lousy code we’re
looking at. I have to say, actually, I’m pretty sure that in Java, when you declare a lock of
variable like this, it gets initialized automatically to zero. But I might be wrong. That’s the
instance variables that are initialized, and the local variables are not initialized. Okay, maybe
I’m wrong then Even if there are automatically initialized, good code behavior would be that
you actually initialize them so everybody doesn’t have to remember whether it works or not.
Well, just, you know, I was used to developing data, so that’s reality. Yeah [LAUGH]. Okay,
let us continue Dr. Bug.
05 – Part 4
Okay, so after this there’s a next gets the first character in the string using the read
method. Also in this case, suitably followed by a semicolon. I hope that makes you happy.
Oh, I’m very happy with that. That’s great. And and then we print line in which we print this
character that we just read. Okay, so, for, for 19 should we? This extra white space around
next. This kind of goes back to, to line ten where we have some extra white space between the
two brackets for, for the string. Is there a, what do you want to do there? We, we always want
to have pad space around the functions, or the arguments into the function? Yeah, I guess
that’s something the editor data, that’s not much fine with, you know, doing it with all the
spaces. It’s not consistent. [CROSSTALK]. Again, we need to have a standard of some kind. I
think so. It’s obvious you don’t have any kind of coding standards. Yes. [CROSSTALK]. Most
of this is copied code. [CROSSTALK]. Yeah, it was copy and paste. So, so a hodgepodge of,
of different styles. So, this old one is kind of no, no empty spaces around those variables. And
the no copying of code from, from random forums online. That might be a good idea. Is that
okay Dr. Bug from now onwards? Isn’t that, doesn’t that mean we’re going to have to re-code
stuff that we might save energy by copying? Well maybe if as long we’re copying internal code
that has the, the standard, the standard applies. Maybe we need to write something that’s
a standard checker for our internal use on it. Dr. Bug? Okay, so after this we enter into a
while loop with the given condition. And the, at that point once we get into the while looper
we check if the next character that we read is a blank. Actually, we have a problem here,
we should be stopping when the next doesn’t equal the sentinel, otherwise we’re just stopping
maybe immediately. Do we ever enter this loop? Unless the first character is the . Our count,
our count will be zero. We’re not going to count the blanks if we, because we want to stopiat
a period, correct? We’re going to read the number of blanks in a sentence and stop. At least
that’s how I’m reading it. Oh, oh yeah sorry about that one. Yeah I was coding in a hurry.
I’m sorry and it’s yeah, you, you’re right. This should be the, the while next is not a sentinel.
And I, yeah and I have to apologize, because I kind of came through that when I was going
through. I should have looked at that more carefully while doing the reading. Or maybe you
just copied somebody’s while loop and didn’t even bother to check what it was about. Well,
in this case I think it’s actually my fault so, sorry about that. Oh. Cannot blame everything.
We’re so happy you apologized. Cannot blame everything on Bob. If we could just for a second
revisit every other thing we’ve talked about previously. I just so, I’m supposed to be recording
the severity, so I assume all the severity of everything up til just now is minor. Is everybody
good? And this is our first really major severity. That sounds reasonable. Defect. Mm-hm.
What are our severity levels? Well, according to our little log here, we only have major and
minors. Okay. [LAUGH] So then, yeah, I would agree with that. I, some, some of the things
that were tried to put in between but we don’t have an in between, so I think you’ve got it
right. It’s the best we can do with what we’ve got.
06 – Part 5
So then, I guess you know, this, there is a bug there definitely. And then if next is equal
to blank which is the character we want to count the count is incremented using the plus, plus
operator. [COUGH] Then we read the next character again using the read. function, the read
method on on the stream. And then it would print the character that we just read. Should we
really be printing all these characters on a new line every time? Or do we want the sentence
to actually look like the characters are one after another in a sentence? You have to say that
was not specified. So I made that decision but. It didn’t sound like a very good decision. I
mean, you think you’re going to have this, [LAUGH] this line of characters, vertical line of
08 – PART 7 281
characters coming out that you, then it’s difficult for you to check if the sentence that I put
in, that was the sentence, try to figure out you know, if it actually caught them all and, and,
and- [CROSSTALK]. Kind of drives- Right now it’s a vertical line of integers, it’s not even
characters. Yeah, that’s true. So, it’s- Even worse. Right. Yeah, you’re right, okay. Okay,
okay, that’s fine. I didn’t realize that, that was going to be printed as an integer. You’re
probably right. And so it should be really printed as a character. [CROSSTALK]. You didn’t
realize. I mean, you never even ran your code once on your test. I did run it I just, the input
wasn’t just that. It’s like students who appear in science class. It just compile it doesn’t work.
I mean, this is one of the advantages of- [CROSSTALK]. [LAUGH]. This is actually, you know,
one of the advantages of inspection. I mean, this code, is could just, part of a larger piece of
code and so we’re just reading it right now and didn’t really. [COUGH]. Go through a serious
testing phase. Yeah, I compiled. [COUGH]. To make sure there were no syntactic errors. We
can continue from here. We can continue. Thank you. [COUGH] Okay, so at this point- We’re
going to get bite me to go see if he can compile it and see if it even compiles. I’m not even sure
if it compiled yet. Well, it may have of compiled. I can’t remember. The last time I checked
I know it didn’t work. It didn’t give us what we wanted. It does compile though. I mean I’m
positive about that. Okay, okay.
07 – Part 6
Okay. So now at this point that we exit from the loop, which means that we encounter the
sentinel which is the, marks the end of the, of the sentence. [CROSSTALK]. Are we guaranteed
to exit? Well- You know, we’ll, w’ll have to fix the condition that we identified. But assuming
that we, we fixed it, what happens if last character is not a sentinel? Well, we tell the user,
right, that he should follow, that he should enter sentence, end it with the period. That’s
right, the user are always right. With their responsibility, right? You have to take care of all
the possibilities here. Well, as you might recall on a keyboard and a computer, the period
and the comma are right next to each other, and frequently people punch the wrong one. It’s
called a slip in, in the cognitive world, and they put a comma in and then this thing loops
forever. I was thinking, in fact, if there was an enda file without a, without a sentinel at the
end. Even better. Yeah, I guess then what we’ll get, an exception exit, right, and catching the
exceptions, so. Without printing anything out? Well, you know, the, the user will figure out
that they did wrong. We gave them instructions. I mean, I don’t know. If we want to account
for all the possible behaviors, sure, I mean, just you know, let’s agree to do that. Hey, listen
son, this is Aviaonic software we’re building here and that means planes crash if we can’t-
Sure. Characters in a sentence. That’s fine. You’ve kind of been on my back the whole time,
but that’s fine. I mean if, if you think we should account for the, for this thing. We’ll, we’ll
account for that. Do you want to mark it down as as a problem? We might send- Crazy Bob,
if you don’t mind. Maybe we need to send this guy back to the IT department. I think we
have read the point. I think we have read the point. Doctor Bug gets the point, right Doctor
Bug? Yeah. I, I get the point. Yeah. There’s no need to kind of reiterate every time like three
or four times but, anyways. Okay so where were, was I
08 – Part 7
Okay, we exit the loop and, well, I’ll take into account, I guess, if there is a point or if
there’s not a period at the end we might have an exception, we’ll take that into account. Then
the, the code brings a new line, and then- But for, for, for the 31, 31, the commenter, are we
assuming that we were going to search something here with the, the use of the word assert or
is that just, is that a,- Well I know it was more like a note for myself that the count is a a
blanks because that is the conditions that should be verified here, I mean I might, may make
that into an assert later on. Weren’t you for my own edification an amazing, these one, two,
three, four, Four print lines in a row, tell me what you’re expecting to see coming out of each
of those. I’m just expecting to see well, some white space. That’s about it. So the first one
will be a blank plane. Yeah. Just, you know, to kind of put some distance between the list of.
Okay, then the second one will. Let’s just say the number of blank. Is. Is, blanks is and then
print the number of blanks. Should be printing to a count. Yeah, no, you’re right, it should.
As I said, I mean, I was kind of kind of writing this in a hurry, and yeah, this should be, this
should be count. And, it would be on the next line. Mm-hm. And, it would be on the next-
It won’t be width contiguous with the text. Yeah. Well hold up that, that’s [CROSSTALK].
No, actually no. Oh, I’m sorry, print. [CROSSTALK] Couldn’t we just combine all these
into one. [CROSSTALK]. Yeah, I should probably, yeah. [CROSSTALK]. Couldn’t we just
combine all four of these into one? . Sure, we could use, you know, slash n and then, is slash
n is Slash n. [CROSSTALK]. Sure, yeah, we could use slash n. Is that allowed in the kind of
code standard that we use? You just told me there weren’t any standards and so, yeah. This is
just a little amusing. [CROSSTALK] much of, yeah. Mm-hm. Okay, so this can be connected,
concatenated in one line, maybe, I thought that this was going to improve readability, but
that’s We don’t have to use that. Maybe that’s not, that’s not the case. The other side of
this, this paper. We have an extra log sheet. You going to run out of room? I got it. Okay,
because,- I anticipated ahead that we would have many defects. Well, obviously, that’s been
the case. Maybe you’re being too picky, but fine. It looks like dogs barks, repetition precedes
it. [LAUGH]. Well let’s continue for now.
09 – Part 8
’Kay. And then they know I catch any exception because we know that every time I, well,
I’ll just do it, okay? Do we mentioned that line 34 prints the wrong? Yeah. It prints that.
[CROSSTALK] Prints next to the . Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. You need to make a note of that,
though. Can we put? Who’s checking the the recorder? [CROSSTALK] Crazy Bob. here?
Major, major, our majors are what we had the not equal to sentinel. That needs to change.
Right. We’re not checking for a period or have the exception. We’re printing every character
on new line as an int. Okay, that’s pretty good. There’s questions about whether the loop even
terminates in the network between the wrong variable. Okay. I shouldn’t catch, can, are we
going to, you know, catch beyond its own line or catch comes after, you know, on, on line 36
there. Should, should we, is there, do we want to talk about a standard for that? I personally
like this style. I mean, the, I think this is the, the new style or whatever. I like this line.
This where the, the opening curly brace is on the same line and then the close curly brace on
. Actually, Crazy Bob and I talked about that a lot and we thought that, that was a, a nice
way to put the code. And again, we wanted to define the standards as different we can do it in
. Guess that mix-up coding were discussed between the two of you. Just . That’s interesting.
Well, we named- We were talking about how ADA, you know, ADA doesn’t even use these
curly braces. I mean, you, we could begins and ends and then it’s really clear exactly where
these blocks are beginning and ending. We wouldn’t having all these crazy Java problems that
we’ve got. Which you know Crazy Bob. It’s from pre-Civil War era. So. Yeah. We, you, you
need, need to be careful when you listen to him. You know, one thing that’s bothering me. I
keep looking at this thing, is that here’s a piece of code, you’re claiming that you read it. But
there’s no header in this code that says, you know, this is a Doctor Bug’s code, the revision of
the code. Any of that kind of information, which is typical in, in software engineering, and we
know who’s it is, how it’s revised. If other people been making new versions of it, we know who
10 – PART 9 283
they are, what the dates of, of, of each revision, original development art, et cetera. None of
that is in here. So that ten years from now the maintainers can call you up in the middle of the
night and, and ask you what you were thinking? Could the number of bugs in this code is clear-
[CROSSTALK]. Right, no Java down here. In this case it might be appropriate if you also put
the sources of the different places you visited copy and pasted code. That might be. Okay,
that was just a minor. I mean I really copy a coupled of things, not too much. [CROSSTALK]
Oh. Okay. But that’s sure. I mean I, I- Like the while statement that’s incorrect. Mm-hm.
Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think I told you before that the while statement is actually my mistake.
[CROSSTALK]. The point has been made, very good to talk about continuity. Okay. So, at
this point yeah. That the cases. We’re going back to line 36, I believe it’s improper to catch
just a generic conception. You’re supposed to catch the most specific catch you’re actually
expecting. Generic catching, catching generic conceptions is just catching generic conceptions.
That’s just to cover your behind kind of thing. Yeah. [CROSSTALK] Actually trying to catch
IO exceptions. I believe there should be IO exception to the rule. [COUGH]. Yeah I was
just trying to be comprehensive, because you know, this way an exception that happens will
be caught. Sure. We need an exit-able system without printing anything is also really bad.
I mean, we should be writing to the logger. In the case of where the exception was raised.
Yeah, in the case where the exception was raised. I’d call that, definitely, a major. Both of
them. I don’t know if my colleagues agree with that or not. So, we need to catch specific, and
then have a generic catch that follows? Is that what we’re saying? We just catch the ones we
were actually expecting. What about the ones that we don’t expect? We’re not, we won’t get
any information about those will we? Well you know if we were using eta they have a catch
all at the end that we could always. [CROSSTALK]. There. Well enough with this eta stuff.
[LAUGH]. I think we are using Java and so we’ll have to deal with that. Again I think we
should make that also part of the quoting standards.
10 – Part 9
Are we debugging code here or are we building coding standards? Are we building coding
standards or debugging code? I dunno. It seems to me that I’m being blamed on a lot of things,
that just you know, depending on the fact of having a standard or not but it’s . Research says
building standards significantly reduces the number of errors in software. And so, we should.
Make a note that there are no standards existing in this group, and that they ought to be
done. Here’s some suggestions, but that’s a bigger problem than what we’re addressing here.
[COUGH] While you’re starting it, let’s continue it Doctor Vaughn. At this point we just
you know, there’s just brackets to c lose catch statement And then the method, and then the
classes, and then that’s it, the codings. What is the exit status if everything runs correctly?
Oh, it just says it’s fine. Shouldn’t we be setting an exit status of zero. I think that’s probably
by default or something. Is it? I don’t know, I’m not so sure. I don’t know I thought it was
by default. That’s what told me. Yeah, but- [CROSSTALK]. That was for in our job. So, you
have to be. [LAUGH]. Well, while we’re [COUGH] mention printing to a log. Shouldn’t we,
for the, when we’re printing the characters in the while loop. Shouldn’t that, isn’t that debug
information. Does the user even need to see that? They just really need to see the count, right?
Shall we be worried about what’s being print to kind of the logger and then what’s printed to
standard out? Well, I see that you’re kind of changing the specs on me but yeah. If there has
to be a logger then yeah the model will have to change. Well, it says right here, the purpose.
Count the number of blanks in a sentence. Right, I know. It doesn’t say a purpose. Write out
all of the things. Hm. You know, as you’re going along. So is the comment wrong or the spec
wrong? Well, it’s a, that’s an excellent question. I would say that the I believed what I read
there. But I could be incorrect. Yeah, that’s the spec I got. Since this is a program without a
specification. I think he just invented it, you know, just. [CROSSTALK] So he said I need to
do this. He said, okay I can do that. [CROSSTALK] I can copy code from various places and
hack this thing together. This way it was nice for the users to see what but it doesn’t have to
be the case. I don’t know what kind of users you’ve been around. Oh, you know, users that
can put a period at the end of the sentence. [CROSSTALK]. We did and Dr. Bug, anything
else for this? That’s sound perfectly good.
11 – Summary
Crazy Bob will you please summarize all the bugs have you found? All right. So, I’ll read.
I’ll read basically the type, the severity, the location and then the description. So, this was
wrong. Minor, line one, don’t import asterisk. Wrong, minor, line two, useless import or useless
import of .java.lang. Stylistic minor, line 12. Program to interfaces not implementations.
Missing minor. Lines 13 and 14, no initialization of variables. Stylistic minor 13 and 14
integer versus character. Style minor lines four, seven and eight. We discussed all about our
standard coding style and comments should be slash, slash asterisk. No, shouldn’t. I’m sorry.
I kind of agree with said that we should go with, maybe, a minor plus plus or some kind of
other severity. If, if styling is, is important as we kind of talked about maybe that should
be somewhere between major and minor. Okay. Okay. Really need to crack down on that.
Make sure that one just doesn’t get washed away. Yeah. And also before you go to the next
one Crazy Bob, please read the meaning of the redispositions again. So the first one is what?
The first one is the line number. The second sources. Yeah. So our line numbers are four,
seven and eight. That’s where the comments were. No, I wasn’t being clear. On the form?
They’re on the forum. Oh first, oh this one. This is just the number. Okay. Like consecutive
number. All right. Of the defect that we found. Then the type, so there’s missing, wrong,
extra usability, performance, style, clarity or question. And then there’s the severity, either
major minor, and then we can add plus plusses, or minus minuses if you’d like. And then it’ll
locate the actual line number of the code. So then we have style minor line 16. Follow should
be in capital letters. And character was misspelled and buy was misspelled. And then stylistic
minor line 19 inconsistent space in white space around, and then we talked again about needing
a some kind of coding standard for white space. then, wrong major plus. On line 20 the equal
equal should be not equal per our loop condition. Then wrong again, major lines 19 and 28,
we’re printing every character on a new line as an integer. Then stylistic major line 20. We
had a question about whether this loop ever even terminates, and we should be checking for
some kind of enda file. Stylistic minor line 31. The assert comment is confusing. Stylistic
minor lines 32 through 35. We should catonate all that system out into one line. [COUGH]
Then wrong implementation major line 34. We’re printing the wrong variable. Style again,
minor everywhere is our brace placement standard. We need to come up with something, some
kind of standard. Mine are plus plus maybe I don’t know. Then another plus plus. And
then style minor everywhere, there’s no java.doc author tags or any other information on the
code. Stylistic major line 36, we should catch specific exceptions rather than generic exception.
Stylistic major, line 37, we should log exceptions instead of just exiting immediately. Stylistic,
again major, line 39, we need an exit status on our success. Stylistic minor, lines 19 and 28, we
should not be printing debug information to the console. And then I added another important
one that I think is important, major everywhere our implementation should’ve been in Ada.
Oh, that’s a minority report. [LAUGH] Very good. So, I think the code passes, right? Thank
you team. I can certainly breathe easier now that we have squashed these bugs. Ladies and
12 – CREDITS 285
gentlemen, I’m afraid I’m going to have to neuralize you to protect the identities of our team
members. [MUSIC]
12 – Credits