Safeguard Water Purity Seminar

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Process Analytics

Semiconductor 2023
and the future
Agenda 2

1 METTLER TOLEDO Thornton History

2 Overview of SEMI and Water cycle

3 SEMI F63 Current Recommendations

4 Analytical Parameters in UPW

5 Digital Communication: EtherNet/IP and Profinet

6 Scrubber

7 Cooling Tower

8 Conclusion
THORNTON – Leading Pure Water Analytics 3

1964 Dr. Richard Thornton, an MIT professor, founded Thornton Inc.

2001 Acquired by METTLER TOLEDO and integrated into Process Analytics Division

 Widely considered as the leader in the production of high-quality resistivity /

conductivity sensors and the Thornton/Light Curve

 Long history of community marketing successful at establishing brand recognition at

key international organizations such as USP (A. Bevilacqua), EP, JP, FDA, SEMI & PV
(J. Cannon) and ASTM

 Strong working relationships at system fabricators

50+ Years of Innovation in Pure Water Monitoring 4

Our pace of innovation has accelerated to meet rapidly changing market needs

Concentric DOT 1 - First 770PC First 200CR 2000 5000TOC M300 Ozone UniCond Sodium and 450TOC 3000CS
Titanium C/R Multiparamet SMART Multi- Cost-Effective Multiparameter First SMART 1-Channel TM Silica Analyzers Portable Chloride/Sulfate
2-Channel Sensor Analyzer
Cell for UPW er Transmitter parameter 2-Ch 2-Channel TOC Sensor 2-Channel

1964 1978 1983 1989 1992 1994 1996 2000 2003 2005 2007 2008 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

800 Series DOT 2 - First Sanitary C/R Broad-range 770MAX SMART Pure Water 4000TOC M800 Transmitter Ozone Digital Pure Water Microbial M800 DP
2-channel Microprocessor Sensor 4-e Conductivity Multiparameter pH Sensor + 5000TOCi Sensor Optical DO Analysis Bus
Analog C/R based for C/R Sensor 4/6 Channel

2017 2018 Some Leading Technology  Multiple calibration patents  Close partnership with
Innovations  First and only continuous leading organizations such
 Concentric conductivity TOC measurements as SEMI, Balazs/AirLiquide,
sensor in Ti, SS, and Monel USP, FDA, ASTM
 Made in USA sensor
 Thornton-Light temperature technologies
compensation  Specializing in impurity
4000TOCe 6000TOCi
 Multi-parameter, Smart detection technologies for
multi-channel transmitter chemicals and organisms
THORNTON – Leading Pure Water Analytics 5

Technical Papers

Dr. Richard Thornton, an MIT professor, Acquired by Mettler-Toledo and integrated

founded Thornton Inc. in USA into Process Analytics Division
1964 2001
For internal use - Confidential
Agenda 6

1 METTLER TOLEDO Thornton History

2 Overview of SEMI and Water cycle

3 SEMI F63 Current Recommendations

4 Analytical Parameters in UPW

5 Digital Communication: EtherNet/IP and Profinet

6 Scrubber

7 Cooling Tower

8 Conclusion
Water – MicroE’s most precious Commodity 7

Microelectronics is the largest industrial user of water and UPW is critical

to the quality and yield in the production of Wafers
Water use for common products Water usage for Wafer production
 10,855 liters of water to make one pair of JEANS  5,678 liters of raw water to make 3,782 liters of UPW
 40 liters of water to make one slice of BREAD  26,495 liters of UPW to produce one 300mm Wafer
 120 liters of water to make one glass of WINE  18,168,000 Liters per day for a FAB producing
40,000 wafers per month
 140 liters of water to make one cup of COFFEE
 148,000 liters to make one car  30 – 50 Megawatts of electricity – 25,000 gallons
(94,635 Liters)/Megawatt

 Increasing Pressure to reduce the volume of Water used in Microelectronics

 Regulations to Recycle a higher volume of Water
 Singapore
 Taiwan
 USA – Arizona, Oregon
 Industry goal is Zero discharge
 Target in next 5 years – 80 to 90% recycle
 Increased Reclaim/Recycle/Reuse increases the analytical parameter use
For internal use - Confidential
Overview of Microelectronics 8

THORNTON serves across all subsegments due to similar use of UPW.


Flat Panel Photovoltaic

Displays (FPD) (Solar)
 Memory  LCD  Solar cells:
 Logic  LED
 Analog  OLED
 MicroComponents
 Sensors (OSD)

Similar manufacturing processes

with use of UPW (Ultra Pure Water)
Microelectronics Terminology and Glossary 9

We know the Industry and the process applications

 FAB vs Foundry:
- SEMI Fab design and produce their own
integrated circuits – Intel, Samsung
- Pure-Play SEMI Foundry produces ICs
designed by other companies – TSMC,

 SEMI Technical Glossary – examples:

Wafer Processing
- Front-end of Line (FEOL) - Front-end
processes include photolithography,
etching, polishing, and cleaning. Wafer Photolith
Photolito Etch Strip Doping
- Planarization - The process by which an Manuf. Epitaxy ography
graphy Doping CMP

uneven wafer surface is made relatively

flat using a low-selectivity etch.
- Wet Clean - A process for cleaning Cleaning
patterned wafers (using a liquid) between
process steps.
- Back-end of Line (BEOL) - The series of Test, assembly & packaging
process steps from contact through W
Bonding Encapsula
completion of the wafer, prior to electrical afe
Di Pkg. Assem. &
r Die- Wire-
test. tes
ce bond bond B
Overview of Water Cycle in Microelectronics 10

Raw Point of
Water UPW Point of Use (PoU),
Wafer Processing

Reclaim Waste Chemicals
Water Water Water

Make-up Polishing Water Reclaim Waste Water


Water Recycling Water Reuse Scrubbers,
Cooling Towers

Owner/Manager of the process steps SF/Util Util Eng Util / Spec SF

SEMI Front-end process 11

The POU UPW applications for SEMI tools

UPW use in Semi Fab

 UPW from purification plant (point
of distribution) is transferred to the
cleaning point of use (to the tool)
O3, Chemicals
H2 (e.g. HNO3)  POU water control increases yield
etching of semiconductor wafer production
 Ultra Pure Water in the Semi
stripping manufacturing process is primarily
UPW used for: cleaning, etching,
Point of use water CMP stripping, rinsing and chemical
rinsing mechanical planarization (CMP)
 Cleaning, etching and stripping are
PRO APPLICATIONS usually done with chemicals
dissolved in UPW
Wafer Processing
 UPW is used for rinsing after every
cleaning step to remove chemicals,
metal oxides and organics
Etch Strip Doping
Doping CMP
 UPW is often referred to as “DI
water” in the semiconductor industry
Ultra Pure Water Production for Semicondctor 12

Every UPW treatment stage has different and multiple analytical parameters
Water treatment can
be divided into four
Pretreatment Cartridge
Multi-Media 1. Pretreatment
Filter Carbon Filter
filter/GAC Break 2. Purification
Feed 3. Make-up
Water 4. Storage and
distribution (POD)
and (POU)

Make-up Polishing
Primary Polishing
UV and/or
Degasifier (C)EDI or Cartridge (C)EDI or Cartridge
Ozone Ozone UV
Mixed Bed DI Mixed Bed DI
Reverse (optional) Filter Generator UV
Filter UF


UPW Make-up and Polishing – Analytical Parameters 13

Reverse Osmosis Degasifier Primary (C)EDI Cartridge Filter
or Mixed Bed DI UV
Water from




Polishing Polishing (C)EDI or Cartridge UF

Ozone Mixed Bed DI Filter
Water from Cond Res
make-up UPW PoD/
unit or PoU
recycle water


Agenda 14

1 METTLER TOLEDO Thornton History

2 Overview of SEMI and Water cycle

3 SEMI F63 Current Recommendations

4 Analytical Parameters in UPW

5 Digital Communication: EtherNet/IP and Profinet

6 Scrubber

7 Cooling Tower

8 Conclusion
SEMI F63 Guide for UPW 15

SEMI F63 Guide for Ultrapure Water

 Purpose
To establish performance criteria when specifying / purchasing UPW purification equipment
To set the process control parameters for UPW – System operation.
To establish quality expectations for the supplied UPW.

 Scope
UPW is used extensively in the production of semiconductor devices for all wet-processing
steps (including wafer rinsing). UPW purity is therefore critical to the manufacture of
The goal of members of the ITRS (International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors)
UPW committee is look years ahead on a continual basis to assess the semiconductor
industry’s future UPW technology requirements.

Alignment of SEMI F63 with ITRS and ASTM (D5127)

 Main changes in the updated revision of the document are as follows:
- New parameter – H2O2 has been introduced and explained in the document. There is no
value provided at this point due to insufficient amount of data from the End User and ITRS.
- Particle limits have been thoroughly reviewed and modified to “undefined” suggesting that
the end users should make their informed decision at later time, when additional data is
available and based on the project specific considerations.
- Silica values were specified with the focus on colloidal silica control.
- Bacteria sampling was changed from using 100mL sample volumes to 1000mL only. Use
of different sample volume sizes is still recommended in the supplemental information
section for the case, if troubleshooting is required.
- Pressure was changed to the parameter requiring consideration, rather than the on that
needs to be specified in this guide.
- Points of monitoring of the UPW quality have been updated specifically to each quality
SEMI F63-0213 Guide for UPW 17

Thornton has the parameters to meet the UPW requirements in SEMI

SEMI F63-0213 Guide for UPW

Recommended Ultrapure Water Quality

Point of
measurement Typical Linewidth <0.65 MICRONS
of Specified
Parameter Parameters Performance Limit of Detection

On-line TOC (ppb) POD ≤1 0.05

Resistivity On-Line @ not less than
POD ± 0.20
25˚C (MΩ-cm) 18.18
On-line Dissolved SEMI Pharma
POD <10 ± 0.20
Oxygen (ppb)
Bacteria (CFU/L), 100 mL Water for
POD <1 1 UPW Purified Water
Feed to the Final
Silica - Total (ppb) ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.5
1 CFU/Liter 100,000 CFU/Liter 100 CFU/Liter
Silica - Dissolved or Feed to the Final
≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.5
Reactive (ppb) Filters
Sodium POD ≤1 0.5

Conductivity pH/ Ozone DO/ Total Organic Transmitters 7000RMS Sodium & Silica
ORP ODO Carbon
SEMI F63-0213 Guide for UPW 18

Recommended UPW quality

SEMI F63-0213 Guide for UPW 19

Recommended UPW quality

SEMI F63-0213 Guide for UPW 20

Recommended UPW quality

SEMI F63-0213 Guide for UPW 21

Recommended UPW quality

Wafer Processing
Epitaxy Photolithography Etching Stripping Doping CMP

Wafer Processing

of UPW

 1970’s 20 cleaning steps

 2019 100-500 cleaning steps

SEMI: Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) 23

Resistivity, pH and flow control are critical to the CMP process

Process Step
 Process used to flatten the wafer surface between
processing steps
 CMP includes a combination of chemical etching
and mechanical polishing, using abrasive particles
and chemicals in a slurry in conjunction with a
polishing pad to flatten microscopic topographic
Cleaning  In addition to this mechanical planarization, the
before CMP chemicals in the slurry also react with and/or
weaken the material to be removed. The abrasive
accelerates this weakening process and the
 The pH is kept at 10-11, since slurry particle
attraction and adhesion is minimized in this pH-
CMP range

 Different cleaning techniques can be used in
Cleaning cleaning before and after the process (see
after CMP applications in cleaning slides)
 pH/cond and flow measurement in slurry
For internal use - Confidential
RCA Cleaning 24

The RCA process is controlled by Resistivity and pH to assure cleaning

Process Step

SC-1 UPW Clean UPW SC-2
Spin Rinse
Rinse Rinse
SC-1 (UPW, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), ammonium
 removes organic residues, High pH (> 9 )
DI water use per wet station –– SC-2 (UPW, hydrogen peroxide, hydrochloric acid)
245,374,631 Liters per Year  removes metallic residues, Low pH (< 2)
Overflow rinser Dump rinser
wafer wafer

Why Analytical Measurements?

 pH is measured to assure the correct mix of chemicals
in each cleaning step
 Resistivity is measured to monitor the chemical
concentration determining when the rinse process is
complete (called “rinse to resistivity”) ~ 16MΩ
For internal use - Confidential
The issue with UPW usage and 3R 25

 Water management and reuse in tools using significant UPW flow has been a
priority for the semiconductor industry and therefore was not standardized.

 Growing mega sites and increasing environmental concerns require more

effective water conservation measures
Addressing infrastructure and environmental footprint

 Ability to segregate higher quality streams within tools can substantially improve
water conservation options
What are we attempting to standardize? 26

 Water conservation strategy implications – Centralized vs. Decentralized

 Terminology
 Metrics and measurement of the useful water consumption and reuse by the tool
 Relevant design considerations
 Labelling
 Sample ports and sampling recommendations (to characterize the reuse stream)
 Documentation (datasheets, guidelines, installation recommendations, expected
quality of the segregated stream etc.)
 Safety considerations
 Risk management (proper plumbing, incompatible streams, material
incompatibility, gas generation etc.)
 Commissioning considerations
Reclaim or Disposal – Decision Tree 27

Conductivity, TOC and pH are required to control the entire reclaim process

Water from FAB

wafer production Process Step
 Water Reclaim – water that would normally go to
waste being captured, reused or recycled
- Recycle – effluent discharged from a
* system/process is captured, treated (refurbished)
and brought back to the same system/process
- Reuse – effluent from system/process “A” is
recovered, possibly treated, and used in
Water Wastewater system/process “B”
To UPW Reclaim Treatment
Why Cond and TOC Measurement?
Water Reuse  The criteria of reclaim or recycling versus disposal of
contaminated water are evaluated with on-line
conductivity or TOC measurements
 TOC measurement to prevent unwanted organics
To cooling towers, from re-entering the UPW system
boilers, etc.

* SBU evaluating TOC for this application

For internal use - Confidential
Agenda 28

1 METTLER TOLEDO Thornton History

2 Overview of SEMI and Water cycle

3 SEMI F63 Current Recommendations

4 Analytical Parameters in UPW

5 Digital Communication: EtherNet/IP and Profinet

6 Scrubber

7 Cooling Tower

8 Conclusion
Meeting the FABs Needs 29

Choice of platform available to meet preferences and requirements

 Uniform interface can be achieved for ease of
training and use by choosing specific platform
as standard
 M800 Transmitter:
- Multi-parameter – reduces cost per
- Multi-channel – 1, 2, 4 plus flow
- Bright color touchscreen display
- Predictive diagnostics with Intelligent Sensor
Management (ISM)
 M300 Transmitter:
- Cost-effective option
- Intuitive touchscreen display
- Predictive diagnostics with ISM
Reverse Osmosis (RO) 30

Analytical measurements increase efficiency of process and save cost by

preventing membrane failure
 Process Step
- RO uses pressure to force water through a membrane
that retains the solute on one side and allows the pure
water to pass to the other side
- Removal of ionic species, macro-molecules,
suspended solids, dissolved solids, organics, bacteria
and viruses
 Why Analytical Measurements?
Feed water from Parameters TFC* CA
- pH: Protect membrane from hydrolysis and scaling by pretreatment
lowering the pH. Typically, pH : 5.5 (3-11 for TFC). pH 3 - 11 3-7
Enhance anion (bicarbonate) rejection by raising pH
- ORP: Assure that free chlorine is not introduced to RO RO Unit

- Conductivity: Monitor effectiveness of membrane Flow

(rejection rate). Monitor product water conductivity Product
(<5-6μS/cm) water

- Flow: Accommodate changes in flow rate and measure

recovery efficiency (typically around 85%)
- TOC: Assure effectiveness of RO and minimize TOC
levels Reject

* Thin Film Composite (polyamide)

MicroE UPW Solutions: M800 31

M800 provides error-free installations with ISM digital sensor technology!

 For System Fabricators
- TCT software for simplified transmitter
- Digital sensors with simplified wiring
provide strong signal transmission and no
installation error!
- Fewer panel cutouts for one flexible
 2x2 or 4x2 Multi-channel/flow, multi- instrument vs. 2 or more = reduced costs
parameter measurement device for a wide
range of measurement parameters  For End User

 ISM Digital Sensor technology with Plug - Improved sensor performance through
and Measure functionality ISM digital technology

 iMonitor brings value with Predictive - ISM sensors with remote calibrations and
Maintenance! Plug and Measure functionalities
- Advanced sensor diagnostics with iMonitor
- Common transmitter platform for the full
range of process instrumentation
M800 - The Optimal Solution for RO 32

One M800 can handle pretreatment and RO membrane performance including

% rejection and % recovery
Tools: Transmitter Configuration Tools (TCT)

A unique and functional TCT accessory to support in using PRO

transmitters so can get the MOST out of the instrumentation!

 TCT expands on the PRO GUI concept and is a key component of our transmitter
offering to differentiate MTPRO from our competitors.
 A transmitter configuration can be developed on a PC and uploaded to a PRO
 An existing transmitter configuration can be downloaded from a transmitter, stored
to a PC for future uploading to another transmitter

 TCT is currently available for download from PRO-Net and is included in

transmitter CDs shipped with:
 M800
 M300

TCT is a valuable tool to promote PRO transmitter simplicity & use

Tools: Transmitter Configuration Tools (TCT)
Current Resin Management Methods Inadequate 35

Predicting resin exhaustion is difficult because feedwater varies in composition.

 Time (assumes) lead to regenerating too early
- Consistent average flow
- Constant composition

Increases water treatment costs

 Total Flow (assumes) lead to regenerating too late

- Constant composition of incoming water quality

Contaminated water and increased maintenance costs

 Deionization Loading
- Based on accuracy of TDS and flow measurements
DI-Cap Resin Monitoring Tool 36

Unique DI-CapTM algorithm accurately predicts resin exhaustion

Instrument Grains =  Flow x TDS
TDS, Flow,
TDS Factor Total grains,



Conductivity Flow

• Reliable method of predicting resin exhaustion

• Avoid unnecessary resin treatment or replacement costs
(wasting expensive acid and caustic chemicals)
MicroE UPW Solutions: UniCond 37

UniCond sensors provide breakthrough performance!

Digital Conductivity / Resistivity  For System Fabricators

- Single conductivity/resistivity sensor for
measurements of UPW to brackish
- Reliable digital signal transmission with
cable lengths up to 50 meters
- ISM sensors within process calibrations
and Plug and Measure functionalities
- Simplified wiring installation
 UniCond widest range of measurement of any  For Wafer or Fab Manufacturers
2-electrode conductivity sensor
 ISM digital sensor technology with Plug and
- 33% system accuracy improvement with
Measure functionality ISM digital sensor performance

 For M800 or M300 ISM transmitters - ISM sensors with remote calibrations
and Plug and Measure functionalities
 UniCond delivers better accuracy and
enhanced performance - Digital signal transmission eliminates
cable resistance and capacitance effects
for higher reliability
Challenge: Manufacturer 38

How can I make sure that my water

system is providing the tool with
good enough water to meet yield

How can I more better decisions on

when to move my wafers on to the
next process step?

What can I do to reduce the amount

of time I spend cleaning each
UPW UniCond 39

UPW UniCond provides stable and accurate measurements to assist tool

manufacturers in process decisions.

Ensure water
≤ 0.5% temperature compensated accuracy to quality meets
assure UPW quality for production processes
tool needs

Make process
Industry leading stability that is up to 10x better
decisions with
than competitive sensors.
more confidence

Environmental isolation eliminates effects from Limit external

external factors including EMI and ambient impact on
temperature fluctuations. monitoring
Ten times the measurement stability in UPW 40
Features, Advantages, Benefits Matrix 41

Feature Advantages Benefit

 Avoid unnecessary, costly

 Confidently meet SEMI F63
process disruptions when
standards with smaller
water is still in spec
contribution from sensor to
≤0.5% Temperature  Minimize costly yield losses
overall error budget
Compensated Accuracy through tighter process
 Accurate resistivity readings
despite temperature fluctuations
 Reduce need for costly
which can be difficult to control
process temperature control

 The sensor is as stable as or

 Less time and money spent
more stable than the process.
0.003 MΩ∙cm Stability  No disruptions due to analog
 Increased measurement
comms, VFDs or other

 Immune to ambient temperature

 Simplifies the resistivity
fluctuations due to daily or
measurement, reducing the
seasonal changes or HVAC
Environmental isolation need to interpret trends not
caused by changes in water
 Measurement remains stable as
quality (time and money)
ambient temperature changes.
For internal use - Confidential
MicroE UPW Solutions: TOC 42

Never miss an excursion with on-line, real-time TOC analysis

6000TOCi Sensor  For System Fabricators

- 6000TOCi provides optimized TOC
monitoring in a powerful but intuitive platform
- Up-sell to include on skid vs aftermarket
- M800 multi-parameter, multi-channel
transmitter for additional ISM sensors
 Continuous analysis allows immediate action included on system skids
to mitigate contamination, preventing  For End User
damage to components and product
- Quickly catch costly incursions which can be
 Simple design, panel mount, easy to use
missed by slower technologies
 No reagents needed, simplified
- Cost-effectiveness enables multi-point online
maintenance, low operating costs
measurements for more precisely locating
 Very low water requirement minimizes waste, incursion source
reduces operating costs - M800 multi-parameter, multi-channel
 Low ppb version optimized for transmitter for additional ISM sensors on a
semiconductor low TOC measurements common platform
The 6000TOCi 25

Water quality confidence with continuous, real-time TOC monitoring

 On-line TOC sensor provides continuous, fast
and reliable monitoring of TOC levels
- Never miss an excursion with continuous, real-time
- Ensure water quality with reproducible, accurate
- Meet global regulatory and internal water quality
- Predictive diagnostics reduce downtime
M800 Completes the 6000TOCi System 44

A powerful and flexible menu-driven transmitter for complete control

 New Graphic User Interface (GUI) for TOC
- User friendly
- Trending for TOC
 Unique predictive ISM capabilities such as remaining lamp life and time to
 Multi-parameter, multi-channel allows complementary parameters, like
conductivity and/or dissolved ozone
 Profibus DP provides the only bus solution for TOC
MicroE UPW Solutions: Dissolved Oxygen 45

Provide ozone, pH, conductivity, ORP, temperature, flow and TOC

measurements on one transmitter platform
 Pure Water Optical DO Sensor  For System Fabricators
- Rapid, reliable and accurate response - Up to 1 or 2 optical DO sensors
simultaneously monitored on M800
- Full ISM functionality, predictive
- Continuous control of DO levels in UPW to
- Simplified maintenance with easy to
ensure safety of point-of-use water
replace OptoCap
- ISM sensors with remote calibrations and
- Wide rangeability and low ppb coverage
Plug and Measure functionalities
- Multi-channel/multi parameter instruments

 For End User

- Assure DO concentrations are low in POU
water to prevent etching during rinse
- ISM sensors with remote calibrations and
Plug and Measure functionalities
- Easy sensor maintenance
Ensure Efficient, Higher Yield Operation 46

Silica monitoring provides early warning of possible anion breakthrough

 Faster silica measurement cycles quickly assess UPW quality impacted by capacity and
age of DI resin in make-up and polishing steps of the water cycle
 Consistent sample temperature ensures accurate, repeatable measurements, preventing
IC defects and wafer yield reduction from trace contamination
 Designed with flexible communication and installation options in mind, the 2850Si caters to
specific facility needs for effective silica analysis
Key capabilities come as a
 10 minute measurement
 Sample temperature
Res control
 M800 transmitter with
Profibus DP
 IP66 / NEMA 4X
environment protection
of electronics
Why Is ISM So Important? 47

ISM simplifies installation configuration and maintenance

 Reduce installation and maintenance effort as much as possible
 Fewer and fewer personnel in a company are able to maintain analytical instrumentation
 ISM offers:
- Easy installation
- Reduced configuration effort
- Maintenance and calibration in the lab by skilled workers and replacement in the process can be
done by less trained technicians
- New maintenance concept with longer maintenance intervals thanks to predictive diagnostics
- Asset management with iSense ensures traceability
Agenda 48

1 METTLER TOLEDO Thornton History

2 Overview of SEMI and Water cycle

3 SEMI F63 Current Recommendations

4 Analytical Parameters in UPW

5 Digital Communication: EtherNet/IP and Profinet

6 Scrubber

7 Cooling Tower

8 Conclusion
Process Analytics

M800 Water EtherNet/IP™ and

Profinet Transmitter
Leverage Communications Protocols to
Improve System Management
Increase Efficiency and Water System Performance 50

I need to improve process

reliability. How can I plan
for and avoid disruption?

Every minute my process is down

is money lost. I need to be able to
get new lines up and running as
quickly as possible and minimize
downtime for maintenance on
existing lines.

My team's time is valuable. I can't

waste it with endless trainings and
refreshers. How can I get them up to
speed as quickly as possible?
Solution: M800 EtherNet/IP and Profinet 51

Greater process reliability via pure digital Improve Uptime

communication within loop and real-time
with Predictive
predictive diagnostics through EtherNet/IP or
Profinet. Maintenance

Less integration effort with TCT, automatic ISM Fast, Simple

sensor identification and standard EtherNet/IP
and Profinet configuration files.

Exceptionally user-friendly interface uses Intuitive

intuitive, menu driven navigation and large, color Operation
touchscreen for easy operation with minimal Saves Time
training. and Effort
Predictive Maintenance Improves Uptime 52

Greater process reliability and real-time predictive diagnostics

 Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM)

predictive diagnostics support accurate
maintenance planning to improve process
 Tools include remaining lifetime of
sensor/consumable part and time until next
 Ensure quick decision making and minimize
downtime to save costs

The next calibration is due

in 4 days.

The sensor's been autoclaved

4 times.
Designed for Quick, Easy Installation 53

Save on installation cost with a multi-parameter transmitting and save time

with automatic sensor identification

Automatic sensor
identification simplifies

Connect up to four ISM

sensors plus two flow
sensors to a single
transmitter to save on cost
per measurement.
Diagnostics at the Control Level 54

Provides greater process reliability via pure digital communication within

loop and real-time sensor monitoring

Field Level Process Control Level


ISM Sensors M800 EIP/PN Transmitters Process Control

 Advanced diagnostic tools  Seamless integration of real-  Reduce downtime by
time sensors "health" (DLI,TTM increasing process
 These systems learn from the
and ACT) into control systems reliability
process and adapt to provide
greater reliability

For internal use - Confidential

Powerful Flexibility 55

Multi-channel, multi-parameter transmitters are efficient and effective

Key Benefits:
 Lower cost per measurement
EIP point with more information
 Integrate flow and chemical
analysis with a single transmitter
 Common user interface for all
 Flexible communication mode

For internal use - Confidential

Faster Processing... When Speed Matters 56

Use with EtherNet/IP and Profinet Industrial Ethernet Communication

Protocols for more complete integration.
 Provides fast, accurate measurements
and diagnostic information to PLCs via
direct connectivity with Profinet or
EtherNet/IP at lower maintenance costs
 Provides greater process reliability via
pure digital communication and real-time
sensor aging monitoring
 Offers 2 and 4-channel solution for
water applications
 Supported sensors include:
- pH/ORP
- Conductivity (2-e / 4-e)
- DO
- O3
- Flow

For internal use - Confidential

Powerful Transmitters Fit for the Future 57

M800 Water EtherNet/IP and Profinet transmitters provide more reliable

process control from a centralized control system for optimal performance

1. High speed communication in combination with ISM

features provide faster communication and process
2. Supports global users who are now digitizing
production processes.
3. Perfect option for plant upgrade projects. Only a minor
bus programming effort is required to upgrade a M800
DP transmitter to a M800 Profinet transmitter.
4. All of the benefits already offered by M800 transmitters
combined with EtherNet/IP or Profinet provide user-
friendly, process oriented solutions.

For internal use - Confidential

M800 Profinet transmitter is connected 58

After these operation steps, M800 Profinet is connected and ready for
transfer the required data to PLC

 Press the icon to Configuration

 Click "Profinet setting"
 Set up "Device name " and IP address
 Save "Yes"
 Go to the main screen, the "PN"
symbol twinkle on the screen after the
PLC connection successfully

For internal use - Confidential

PLC is connected 59

After these operation steps, PLC is connected and ready for checking the
required data
 Go to "Device configuration" to set up the
 Input general information, such as "name"..
 Input Ethernet addresses
 Wait 2-3 seconds to load transmitter
configuration information to the device
 Go to" PLC tag "to check "Default Variable
Table "

Depends on demand to grab

transmitter M1-M4 data

For internal use - Confidential

Agenda 60

1 METTLER TOLEDO Thornton History

2 Overview of SEMI and Water cycle

3 SEMI F63 Current Recommendations

4 Analytical Parameters in UPW

5 Digital Communication: EtherNet/IP and Profinet

6 Scrubber

7 Cooling Tower

8 Conclusion
Overview of Wet Scrubber 61


 Scrubbers are devices that use a liquid (often water) to capture and
remove pollutants.
 Through a nozzle or orifice a scrubbing liquid is atomized and
dispersed into the gas stream. The scrubbing liquid simultaneously
absorbs and neutralizes gaseous pollutants. Suspended liquid is
typically recovered in mist collectors and recycled through the system.

Design Key Parameter

 A key parameter in the design of scrubbers is the liquid-to-gas ratio (L/G).
It is commonly expressed in gallons per minute (gpm) of liquid divided by
actual cubic feet per minute (acfm) of gas.
Overview of Wet Scrubber 62


Wet scrubbers may be categorized by pressure drop (in inches water

gauge) / energy level use as follows:
 Low-energy scrubbers (0.5 to 2.5), e.g. gravity-spray-tower scrubber
 Low- to medium-energy scrubbers (2.5 to 6), e.g. wet cyclones
 Medium- to high-energy scrubbers (6 to 15), e.g. packed-bed
 High-energy scrubbers (greater than 15), e.g. venturi scrubbers.
Orientation of the Gas 63

Cross-current Flow Co-current Flow Counter-current flow

The scrubber liquid flows The scrubber liquid and gas flow in the The scrubber liquid flows opposite the
perpendicular to the gas flow. This same direction. This arrangement gas flow. This arrangement is the most
arrangement allows for a slightly allows for a higher flow rate which efficient. However, because the liquid
higher flow rate which can reduce the reduces the size of the unit, but is less flows against the gas flow, flow rates
size of the unit, but is typically less efficient than counter-current flow. are lower than in a co-current or
efficient than counter-current flow. cross-current flow units.
Type of Scrubbers 64

Types Description

Spray Tower • Gas streams are fed into a chamber

and contacted with scrubbing liquid
produced by spray nozzles.

• The droplet size is controlled to

optimize particle contact and droplet
separation from the gas stream.

• Spray towers have low power

consumption but have relatively low
particulate collection efficiencies.

• The recirculated water in the

system must be thoroughly cleaned
to prevent excessive nozzle fouling
or clogging.

• Nozzle cleaning and replacement

are a major part of the maintenance
required for these units.
Type of Scrubbers 65

Types Description

Tray Tower • Gas streams enter at the bottom

and flow upwards passing
through the plates.

• Liquid enters at top and travels

across each plate to a down
comer and to next plate below
and ultimately to the tower

• Spray towers have medium

power consumption with high
particulate collection efficiencies
but can get plugged.

• Gas removal efficiencies of

>98% can be easily achieved.
Particle collection efficiencies are

• Poor scrubbing liquor distribution

can be a problem sometimes.
Type of Scrubbers 66

Types Description

Packed Bed • Packed bed scrubbers are chambers

which contain one or more layers of
Scrubber packing material to increase gas-liquid
contact, such as Raschig rings, spiral
rings, or Berl saddles.

• Gas streams enter in the bottom of the

chamber and flow through the packing
as scrubbing liquid is distributed
uniformly to the packing material.

• Once through the packing, cleaned gas

passes through a mist eliminator while
the waste liquid/slurry falls to the
bottom by gravity.
Type of Scrubbers 67

Types Description

Venturi • It is a venturi shaped chamber with

converging and diverging sections.
• Water is injected at low pressure into
the throat of the venturi through which
the gas stream passes at high

• The energy from the gas atomizes the

liquid, allowing particles and pollutants
to be entrained in droplets.

• Venturi scrubbers have high collection

efficiencies for particulate pollution
and are simple to install and maintain.

• However, they require large pressure

drops leading to higher power
requirements than other scrubber
Mist Eliminator / Entrainment Separator 68

“clean” gas

Gas Liquid


Mesh recirculation

gas with

Scrubber Efficiency 69

1. Liquid flow

2. Proper liquid pH

3. Liquid re-entrainment

4. Gas liquid contact

5. Conditions of nozzles beds or mist eliminators

6. Corrosion
Performance Monitoring Indications 70

1. Temperature between Inlet and Outlet Scrubber

“clean” gas
2. Liquid flow rate
Gas Liquid

3. Pump Discharge Pressure

4. Changes in Pressure Drop

5. Stack Discharge line

6. pH of Liquid gas with


Scrubber: pH Application 71

 pH is being controlled on-line in order to achieve:

- efficient use of washing concentration and chemical
- avoiding scaling (pH too low) or soft plugging (pH
too high)
- help meet air pollution control requirements
 Difficult application due to abrasive and corrosive
environment, favoring premium quality pH electrodes
 Several possible areas for measurement:
- directly in re-circulation line (preferred, since
exposure to process flow helps cleaning the sensor)
- in feed tank
- in the washer sump (bottom of scrubber, easy
access for maintenance, but sensor coating and
poor control)
Wet Scrubber 72

“clean” gas

The effectiveness of the scrubbing

solution in removal of harmful gases Gas Liquid
depends on the concentration of the
scrubbing chemical, which is
continuously being depleted during
the process.

Control of the solution strength recirculation

(concentration) can be achieved by
two method, namely
gas with
• Batch Scrubbing contaminants

• Continual Scrubbing.
pH Control during Continuous Scrubbing 73
Also called FGD = Flue Gas Desulphuration process
clean gas
Process step
 Removal of SO2 from industrial flue and
stack gases. Typical industries:
- Power plants using fossil fuels
- Boilers and incinerator

Why pH measurement?
 If pH is controlled (typically pH 5.6-6.0)
plugging of spray nozzle with CaSO4
gas with SO2 (hard scale) or CaSO3 (soft pluggage)
can be prevented
 pH measurement in recirculating line or
Scrubbing liquid: Ca(OH)2 with alternatively in “sump”
reaction products CaSO4 or CaSO3

Control of pH will ensure efficient operating conditions with

reduced maintenance effort. Less downtime.
Conductivity Control during Batch Scrubbing 74

Process step
 Removal of Cl2 from waste gases
Typical industries:
- Chlor-alkali plants
- Pulp & Paper plants
- Glove plants
- Chemical Process Industry

 Scrubbing liquid: 10-15% NaOH

Why conductivity measurement?

 Changes in NaOH concentration gives
a measurable change in conductivity
 Conductivity can be used to initiate
blow down to prevent high dissolved
solids build-up

Control of conductivity will ensure efficient operating conditions with

reduced maintenance effort and will prevent solids build-up.
Agenda 75

1 METTLER TOLEDO Thornton History

2 Overview of SEMI and Water cycle

3 SEMI F63 Current Recommendations

4 Analytical Parameters in UPW

5 Digital Communication: EtherNet/IP and Profinet

6 Scrubber

7 Cooling Tower

8 Conclusion
Cooling Tower 76

Ensure Heat Exchanger Efficiency

 Purpose of Measurement
- Hot cooling water returning from process is cooled through evaporation in the cooling
tower. As a result, dissolved solids concentrate.

- Cooling water replenishment is needed before solids reach their critical concentration
and precipitate, which causes scaling in the system. Conductivity is the basis for
measuring dissolved solids concentration

 Typical Conditions
- Temperatures around 15-40°C

- Setpoint pH 6-8
Cooling Tower 77

Ensure Heat Exchanger Efficiency and Safe Operation

 Purpose of Measurement
- Hot cooling water returning from process is cooled through evaporation in the cooling
tower. As a result, dissolved solids concentrate. pH control is needed to avoid early
precipitation of dissolved solids, which causes scaling in the system

- Biocides (chlorine/bromine products) are added to disinfect cooling water and avoid
growth of potentially harmful organisms (e.g. legionella). ORP value can be used to
control biocide dosing

 Typical Conditions
- Temperatures around 15-40°C
- Setpoint pH 6-8
- Setpoint ORP: 600mV
Conclusion 78

Accurate, fast, convenient measurement and control systems can save

millions of dollars in lost product
 UniCond Sensors provide high accuracy resistivity measurement, wide
range capability to monitor UPW in makeup water, water purification,
point of distribution and semi tool cleaning applications.
 Total water cycle management and control enabled with advanced
transmitter portfolio
 Real-time 6000TOCi and portable 450TOC provide trace sensitivity to
organic compounds at sub ppb levels
 Continuous Sodium and Silica Analyzers monitor UPW quality without
operator intervention
 Complete array of digital pH/ORP, dissolved oxygen and ozone sensors
with Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM) capabilities
 ISM predictive diagnostics enable continuous sensor trending:
- Dynamic Lifetime Indicator (DLI): Continuous profile of sensor health
- Time to Maintenance (TTM): Ensure the optimal performance, maintain
as needed
- Adaptive Calibration Timer (ACT): Uses sensor history for accurate
calculation of next calibration
A Complete Microelectronics Portfolio 79

Thornton analytics provide expert monitoring and control – fast!

Latest Analytics Technology

Sodium and Silica state-of-the-art technology
 On-line, real-time measurements
Total Organic Carbon
 Fast response and trace sensitivity at sub-ppb levels
Flat Panel  Water efficient monitoring minimizes consumption of UPW
Most flexible sequencer options
 Significant time/labor savings with multiple sample stream
measurements with a single analyzer
 Lower cost of ownership
Reliable analytics
 Robust solutions for conductivity, pH and DO

Sodium Silica TOC DO pH Resistivity/UniCond Conductivity


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