Removal of Mercury (Ii) by Adsorption Onto Silk Cotton Hull Activated Carbon

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Nature Environment and Pollution Technology

Vol. 6 No. 2 pp. 245-250 2007

© Technoscience Publications



R. Shanmugavalli, S. Madhavakrishnan, R. Mohanraj*, K. Kadirvelu**, S. Krishna Bharathi

and S. Pattabhi

Deptt. of Environmental Science, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore-641 014, T.N., India
Deptt. of Environmental Management, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli- 620 024, T.N.
Center for Fire, Explosives and Environment Safety (CFEES), Defence Research and Development
Organization, Birg. Majumdar Road, Timarpur, Delhi-110 054, India
Activated carbon prepared from silk cotton hull was investigated for removal of mercury (II) from
aqueous solution by adsorption technique. Batch mode adsorption studies were carried out under varying
conditions of agitation time, metal ion concentration, adsorbent dose and pH. Adsorption equilibrium
was obtained in 150 min for 10, 20, 30 mg/L of Hg (II) concentration. Adsorption followed Langmuir
isotherm. The percent removal increased with increase in pH from 2 to 5 and remains static from pH 5
to 10. Desorption studies were performed with dilute hydrochloric acid solution. Silk cotton hull carbon
was found to be effective in removal of Hg (II) from aqueous solution and economically viable.

Mercury is one among of the most toxic metals found in the environment. The major anthropogenic
sources of mercury pollution in aquatic systems include industrial and urban discharges, atmos-
pheric deposition, agricultural materials, mining and combustion (Wang et al. 2004). India imports
over 250 tonnes of mercury every year and 220 tonnes leak into the environment. The major indus-
trial culprits are chlor-alkali plants and thermal power plants. Mercury pollution in India is substan-
tial, when considered medical waste from thermometers and blood pressure monitors of which the
country produces over 10 million each year (Rajgopal 2003). The toxic potency of mercury varies
depending on the chemical nature and the route of entry into human body. Mercuric (divalent) salts
are usually more toxic than are mercurous (monovalent) salts (Goyer 1991). Mercury is also known
to induce hypersensitivity reactions such as contact dermatitis and acrodynia (Mathesson et al. 1980).
High toxic potency of mercury has necessitated the global need for the removal of Hg (II) from
wastewaters before its discharge in aquatic environment. Conventional methods for the removal of
Hg (II) from wastewater include sulphide precipitation, ion exchange, alum and iron coagulation,
and adsorption on activated carbon (Patterson 1995). In spite of various treatment technologies, cost
effective removal of Hg (II) from wastewaters resulted in a quest for non-conventional adsorbents
like fly ash (Kapoor & Viraraghavan 1994), unburned carbon from fly ash (Li et al. 2002), fruit shell
of Terminalia catappa (Inbaraj & Sulochana 2006), polymerized saw dust and agricultural waste
(Kadirvelu et al. 2003).
However, no notable attempts have been made on adsorption characteristics of activated carbon
prepared exclusively from silk cotton hull to remove Hg (II) ions. India being one of largest produc-
ers of cotton in the world, enormous quantity of silk cotton hull is generated in the region. In India,
246 R. Shanmugavalli et al.

Coimbatore area encompasses highest number of cotton textile processing industries. Textile
processing units in Coimbatore dispose off the pod of white silk cotton as a waste material, which
can be carbonized and used for the process of adsorption technique. The objective of this study was
to investigate the feasibility of using this carbon for the removal of Hg (II) from water by adsorption.
Silk cotton hull (SCH), collected from silk cotton processing industries, was cut into smaller pieces
and dried in sunlight for 24 hours. The dried matter was used for carbon preparation by chemical
activation method. SCH was mixed with concentrated H2SO4 acid and kept in a hot air oven at 100°C
for 12h. The carbonized material was washed with distilled water to remove free acid. Then it was
soaked in 1% sodium bicarbonate solution overnight to remove any residual acid. The material was
washed with distilled water and dried at 100°C for 12 h. After cooling, the material was ground and
sieved to obtain particles ranging 125-250 µm. Physico-chemical characteristics of carbon are
presented in Table 1.
Batch Mode Adsorption Studies
A stock solution of 1000 mg/L of Hg (II) was prepared by dissolving 1.3540 g of HgCl2 in double
distilled water acidified with 5 mL of concentrated HNO3 to prevent hydrolysis and diluted to 1000
mL. Batch adsorption test consisted of mixing 50 mg of adsorbent and 50 mL of Hg (II) solution of
a desired concentration at an initial pH 5.0 in 100 mL conical flasks and agitating the flasks in a
mechanical shaker at 170 rpm for predetermined time Table 1: Characteristics of activated carbon.
intervals at room temperature (30 ± 2oC). After
agitation, the adsorbate and adsorbent were separated Parameter Value
by centrifugation at 6000 rpm for 10 min and the Hg
pH 1 % solution 7.69
(II) content in the solution was estimated Moisture content (%) 2.86
spectrophotometrically at 565 nm using Rhodamine Ash content (%) 1.987
6G (Ramakrishna et al. 1976). The effect of agitation Decolorizing power (mg/g) 22.5
time on percent removal was studied using Hg (II) Ion-exchange capacity (equi/g) 0.0415
Surface area (m2/g) 156.0
concentrations of 10-30 mg/L. The effect of carbon Apparent density (g/L) 0.86
dose was tested using Hg (II) concentrations of 30 Particle size (µm) 125-250
mg/L by varying the carbon dosage. Initial adsorption Volatile matter (%) 12.0
coefficients and Lagergren adsorption rate constants Fixed carbon (%) 83.15
Calcium (mg/g) 16.0
were obtained from the effect of agitation time on Sodium(mg/g) 7.0
Hg (II) removal. The effect of pH on Hg (II) removal Potassium (mg/g) 13.0
was studied using Hg (II) concentrations of 10 and Water-soluble matter (%) 2.0
20 mg/L by varying the initial pH of the solutions HCL soluble matter (0.25 N) (%) 7.0
between 2 and 10 using HCl and NaOH for pH Table 2: Lagergren rate constant for Hg (II) adsorption.
Metal ion concentration Rate constant
Desorption Studies (mg/L) Kad × 10/min

After adsorption experiments with 20 mg/L solution 10 0.124

of Hg (II) and 50 mg of carbon, the Hg (II) laden 20 0.0319
carbon was separated out by filtration and the filtrate 30 0.0177

was discarded. The carbon was given a gentle wash with

double distilled water to remove the unadsorbed metal ions.
Desorption studies were carried out using 50 mL of HCl of
various strengths (0.25–2.00 M). The desorbed metal ions
in the solution were separated by centrifugation and
Adsorbent Characterization
Characteristics of activated carbon prepared from silk cot-
ton hull are depicted in Table 1. The determined surface
area of silk cotton hull activated carbon (SCHAC) was 228
m2/g and is comparable to various low cost adsorbent namely
peanut hull carbon (Namasivayam & Periasamy 1993) (208
m2/g). The moisture content of the carbon was found to be
2.4%. The surface morphology of silk cotton hull activated
carbon was visualized in scanning electron microscopy
(SEM), and corresponding SEM micrographs being obtained
using a JSM-840 JEOL microscope of JEOL Techniques
LTD, Japan at 2000x magnification (Fig. 1). Examination
of SEM micrographs of the SCHAC particles showed rough
areas of surface of the carbon and the microspores were iden-
tifiable. The activation process of SCHAC by adopting sul-
phuric acid treatment leads to corrode the surface of
carbonaceous material and introduce micro, macro and meso
pores. The X-ray Diffraction studies of SCHAC were car-
ried out using Rotoflux X-ray Diffractometer 20KW/20A,
Fig. 1: SEM photograph of silk cotton hull
activated carbon at various magnifications
Model 10.61 with a microprocessor recorder. The amorphous
(x200, x500 and x2000). nature of the SCHAC sample was determined by using in-
tensity of the observed rays with respect to scattering angle
(2q). The XRD pattern of the SCHAC sample is shown in the Fig. 2.
Effect of Agitation Time and Initial Concentration on Hg (II) Adsorption
Effect of agitation time on Hg (II) adsorption by SCH activated carbon is shown in Fig. 3. Adsorp-
tion of Hg (II) increases with an increase in agitation time and attains equilibrium in 150 min for
10-30 mg/L Hg (II) respectively. The contact time required for the metal ion removal is very short.
This result is interesting because equilibrium time is one of the important parameters for economical
wastewater treatment applications. According to the results, the contact time was fixed at 150 min
for rest of the batch experiments to make sure that equilibrium was reached in all the cases. This
indicates that SCH activated carbon requires lesser contact time for complete removal of Hg (II)
compared to commercially available activated carbon made from waste newsprint fiber is 16 h for
100 mg/L of Hg (II) (Aoyama et al. 2000). This is due to higher surface area and more functional
groups present in the SCH activated carbon (Table 1).
248 R. Shanmugavalli et al.

Adsorption Kinetics
The rate constant of Hg (II) adsorption on SCH
activated carbon was derived from the first
order rate expression given by Lagergren &
Svenka (1898).
Log10 (qe – q) = log10 qe – Kad t/2.303
Where, q and qe are the amount of Hg (II)
adsorbed by 1g of carbon at time t and at
equilibrium time, respectively, and Kad is the rate
constant of adsorption (min_1). The fairly linear
plots of Log10 (qe – q) versus t at different initial
Hg (II) concentrations (Fig. 4) confirm the
applicability of the above equation for Hg (II)
adsorption onto SCH activated carbon. The
values of Kad were calculated from the slope of Fig. 2: X-ray diffraction pattern for silk cotton hull
these linear plots (Fig.4) and are presented in activated carbon.
Table 2 for different Hg (II) concentrations.
Effect of Carbon Concentration
The effect of carbon concentration on Hg (II) adsorption is shown in Fig. 5. The figure shows that
the removal of Hg (II) increases with increasing carbon concentration, with complete removal being
attained at a particular carbon concentration. This is due to the availability of more surface area with
more functional groups at higher carbon dosages. For the complete removal of Hg (II) from 1000
mL of 30 mg/L, a maximum carbon concentration of 1.60 g/L is required. In the case of a commer-
cial carbon, about 5.0 g/L is required, which is three times higher when compare to the SCH acti-
vated carbon (Kadirvelu et al. 2000).
Adsorption isotherm
The Langmuir isotherm model was applied to analyze the adsorption equilibrium of Hg (II) onto
SCH activated carbon.
Ce/qe = 1/Qob + Ce/Qo
Where, Ce is the equilibrium concentration (mg/L), qe is the amount adsorbed (mg/g), and Qo and
b are Langmuir constants related to adsorption capacity and rate of adsorption respectively. The
linear plot of Ce/qe versus Ce shows that the adsorption follows the Langmuir isotherm model for Hg
(II) adsorption (Fig.6). The values of Qo and b were calculated from the slope and intercept of the
plot, and the values obtained were Qo = 27.96 mg/g and b = 0.296 l/g respectively. Adsorption
capacity is higher compared to commercial activated carbon (12.38 mg/g) (Namasivayam & Periasamy
1993). Thus, it may be concluded that the higher Hg (II) adsorption capacity of silk cotton hull
carbon is due to availability of a large surface area with active functional groups than on other
compared adsorbents.
Effect of pH on Hg (II) Adsorption
The effect of pH on Hg (II) removal by adsorption is shown in Fig.7. The adsorption of Hg (II)


90 1.4

80 1.2
10 mg/l
70 1

log (q e-q)
20 mg/l
% Removal

60 30 mg/l
50 0.6
10 mg/l
20 mg/l
30 30 mg/l 0.2
20 0
10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Agitation Time (min)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Agitation Time (min)
Fig: 4: Lagergren plots for adsorption of Hg (II) ions
Fig. 3: Effect of agitation time on Hg (II) from aqueous solution.

90 0.5
70 0.4
ce/qe (gm/l)
% Removal

50 0.3
y = 0.009x + 0.1178
30 0.2
R2 = 0.8202
10 0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250
0 10 20 30 40 50
Dosage (mg/50 ml)
ce mg/l

Fig. 5: Effect of carbon dosage on Hg (II) ions

Fig. 6: Langmuir plot for Hg (II) adsorption.
(30 mg/L) adsorption.
90 100
80 90
70 80
Desorption (% )
% Removal

60 70
10 mg/l 60
20 mg/l 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
HCL Concentration (N)
Initial pH

Fig. 7: Effect of pH on Hg (II) adsorption. Fig. 8: Effect of HCL concentration on desorption of Hg (II).

depends on the nature of the adsorbent surface and the species distribution of Hg (II) in solution,
which mainly depends on the pH of the system. The Hg (II) removal by carbon was observed over a
range of initial pH values between 2 and 10. The percent of mercury removal by SCH carbon in-
creases with increasing initial solution pH. The influence of initial pH on Hg (II) removal may be
explained as follows: In the acidic condition, both the adsorbent and the adsorbate are positively
charged and therefore, the net interaction is that of electrostatic repulsion (Langmuir 1918). Besides,
the higher concentration of H+ ions present in the reaction mixture competes with the positively
charged Hg (II) ions for the surface adsorbing sites, resulting in a decrease in the removal of Hg (II).
250 R. Shanmugavalli et al.

Desorption Studies
Desorption helps to understand mechanism of adsorption and to regenerate the adsorbent, as well as
to recover Hg (II) from the spent adsorbent apart from protecting the environment from solid waste
disposal problems. Attempts were made to desorb Hg (II) from the metal loaded carbon using vari-
ous ionic strengths adjusted with NaOH. The maximum desorption of Hg (II) with NaOH was found
to be 99% (Fig.8). Other mechanisms, such as hydrolysis/precipitation, chemisorptions, or redox
process might also be responsible for the adsorption of Hg (II) on the carbon (Kadirvelu 1998). The
relative price of the material used in the present study is very much lower than that of commercial
activated carbons.
The results obtained show that carbon preparation from silk cotton hull can be used effectively for
the removal of mercury from aqueous solution. In batch mode studies, the adsorption was dependent
on solution pH, initial Hg (II) concentration and carbon dosage. The pH effect on metal ion removal
was high, and was more noticeable at pH values between 2 and 5 in particular. The results show that
the liquid-phase adsorption on carbon is governed either by electrostatic attraction or ion exchange.
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