DLL - Tle Ict CSS 10 - Q1 - W5
DLL - Tle Ict CSS 10 - Q1 - W5
DLL - Tle Ict CSS 10 - Q1 - W5
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of concepts and principles in installing configuring computer systems
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to install and configure computer systems based on established procedures and system requirements
C. Learning LO. 1. Assemble Computer LO. 1. Assemble Computer LO. 1. Assemble Computer LO. 1. Assemble Computer
Competencies/ Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware
Assemble computer hardware Assemble computer Assemble computer hardware Assemble computer hardware
in accordance with hardware in accordance in accordance with in accordance with
established procedures and with established procedures established procedures and established procedures and
system requirements and system requirements system requirements system requirements
B. Establishing a purpose for Show a System Unit to Show a System Unit to Show a System Unit to Show a System Unit to
the lesson students students students students
Ask: Groups yourselves by 3 Ask: Groups yourselves by 3 Ask: Groups yourselves by 3 Ask: Groups yourselves by 3
and perform computer and perform computer and perform computer and perform computer
disassembly? disassembly? disassembly? disassembly?
instances of the new
D. Discussing new concepts Discussing the Discussing the Discussing the Discussing the
and practicing new guidelines/precautions guidelines/precautions guidelines/precautions guidelines/precautions
E. Discussing new concepts Step1. Unplugging Step1. Unplugging Step1. Unplugging Step1. Unplugging
and practicing new skills Step 2. Opening the Outer Step 2. Opening the Outer Step 2. Opening the Outer Step 2. Opening the Outer
#2. Shell/Case Shell/Case Shell/Case Shell/Case
Step 3. Removing the System Step 3. Removing the Step 3. Removing the System Step 3. Removing the System
Fan System Fan Fan Fan
Step 4. Removing the CPU Fan Step 4. Removing the CPU Step 4. Removing the CPU Fan Step 4. Removing the CPU Fan
Step 5. Power Supply Fan Step 5. Power Supply Step 5. Power Supply
Step 6. CD/ DVD Drive(s) Step 5. Power Supply Step 6. CD/ DVD Drive(s) Step 6. CD/ DVD Drive(s)
Step 7. Hard Drive Step 6. CD/ DVD Drive(s) Step 7. Hard Drive Step 7. Hard Drive
Step 8. Memory RAM Step 7. Hard Drive Step 8. Memory RAM Step 8. Memory RAM
Step 9. Motherboard Step 8. Memory RAM Step 9. Motherboard Step 9. Motherboard
Step 9. Motherboard
F. Developing Mastery Demonstration by the Demonstration by the Demonstration by the Demonstration by the
(Lead to Formative students students students students
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Why do we need to Why do we need to Why do we need to Why do we need to
application of concepts understand how to understand how to understand how to understand how to
and skills in daily living disassemble a System Unit? disassemble a System Unit? disassemble a System Unit? disassemble a System Unit?
H. Making Generalizations What have you learned? What have you learned? What have you learned? What have you learned?
and Abstraction about What are the 7 steps in What are the 7 steps in What are the 7 steps in What are the 7 steps in
the Lesson. Disassembly? Disassembly? Disassembly? Disassembly?
I. Evaluating Learning Rating of practicum Rating of practicum Rating of practicum Rating of practicum
J. Additional Activities for
Application or
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other