Yin 2023
Yin 2023
Yin 2023
Medicine in Microecology
journal homepage: www.journals.elsevier.com/medicine-in-microecology
Keywords: Caries is a dental disease that can affect oral and psychological health and has a high incidence in children. The
Mycobiome role of fungal flora in childhood caries has not been fully described. In this study, we aimed to investigate the
Dental caries fungal composition differences and the influencing factors in unstimulated saliva (S) and supragingival plaque (P)
Internal transcribed spacer
samples in childhood caries. S and P samples were collected from 63 children with caries. The ITS2 region in the
fungal genome was then amplified and sequenced. Subsequently, we quantified and analyzed the fungal com-
positions in the samples. Cryptococcus was the most abundant genus in the S and P subgroups. The relative
abundances of Cryptococcus and Wickerhamomyces significantly differed between the S and P subgroups (p <
0.05). Significant differences were also observed in alpha and beta diversities between the two subgroups (p <
0.05). However, no significant differences were observed between the mycobiome of the SFe and SMa subgroups
or the PFe and PMa subgroups (p > 0.05). Conversely, species differences were detected between the SDD and
SMD subgroups (p < 0.05) but not in the PDD and PPD subgroups (p > 0.05). Our findings revealed significant
differences in the mycobiome of unstimulated saliva and supragingival plaque. Dentition period and oral hygiene
behaviors may have affected these differences.
* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Yin), [email protected] (Y. You), [email protected] (X. Zheng), [email protected] (Q. Liang),
[email protected] (B. Wu), [email protected] (W. Xu).
These authors contributed equally to this work and should be considered co-first authors.
Received 20 December 2022; Received in revised form 16 January 2023; Accepted 19 January 2023
Available online 20 January 2023
2590-0978/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
M. Yin et al. Medicine in Microecology 15 (2023) 100076
2.1. Population study Raw data were filtered to remove primers and junction contamina-
tion, the clean reads were sorted into tags based on the overlap in the
This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Shenzhen reads, and sequence splicing was performed using Fast Length Adjust-
Samii Medical Center (Ethics Number: SSMC-202011-R01) in Shenzhen, ment of Short reads (FLASH, v1.2.11). The tags were clustered into OTUs
China. Sixty-three children with caries aged 2–9 years, who were patients and compared with the ITS chimera reference database UNITE (v20147
of the dental outpatient clinic of Shenzhen Samii Medical Center, were 03). Species annotation was performed based on the OTU and annotation
encouraged to participate in this study. The guardians signed the results, species complexity analysis, and species difference analysis be-
informed consent form. Individuals who had systemic diseases, used tween groups.
antibiotics within three months, suffered from periodontitis or oral
mucosal disease, received fluoridation within three months, used fixed 2.6. Statistical analysis
orthodontic devices, or could not cooperate with clinical examination
and sample collection were excluded. The general and lifestyle charac- Species compositions are presented in bar charts and crop species
teristics and oral health of children were examined using questionnaires abundance histograms for each sample at the phylum, genus, and species
answered by their guardians. The gender, dentition stage, DT, and DS levels. All species with abundance below 0.5% in all samples and no
data of each participant are listed in Supplementary Table 1. annotation were categorized as Others. R software (v3.4.1) was used.
Independent sample t-test was used to compare the mean age, DT, and
2.2. Clinical examination DS between the male and female groups, and Chi-Square was used to
evaluate sample population differences. The top 10 species based on
Two experienced dentists performed the oral examinations according relative abundance were compared using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
to the International Caries Detection and Assessment System II (ICDASII) Significant differences were set as p-value<0.0001, marked with “****“,
standard [25]. Examiners were rigorously trained and regularly recali- 0.0001 p-value <0.001, marked with “***“, 0.001 p-value <0.01,
brated at the measurement point to reduce errors. Standard oral scopes, marked with “**“; 0.01 p-value <0.05, marked with “*“, and p-value>
headlights, and community periodontal index (CPI) probes were used in 0.05, marked with no significance (ns). False discovery rate (FDR) values
the examinations. were calculated for the p-values. The results were screened for significant
differences according to p < 0.05 and FDR <0.05.
2.3. Sample collection Alpha diversity was measured using the Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test
performed in the R software (v3.2.1). To compare the overall variability
The children were informed to stop brushing the night before sam- in the microbial community structure between the two groups, beta di-
pling and refrain from eating and drinking 2 h before sampling. Sampling versity was analyzed using principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) and a
was generally scheduled at 2:00–5:30 p.m. The spit method was box chart in QIIME (v1.80) using unweighted UniFrac distances.
M. Yin et al. Medicine in Microecology 15 (2023) 100076
Functional annotation was performed using the FUNGuild software. 3.2. Differential analysis between unstimulated saliva and supragingival
Redundancy analysis (RDA) was performed using the vegan package [26] plaque
in R (http://cran.r-project.org/) with the normalized OTU abundances of
fungal data. The length of the lines represented the magnitude of each 3.2.1. Fungal community composition and diversity
factor ‘s relative influence. Angles between lines <90 , indicated factors In both the S and P subgroups, 7, 8, and 10 taxa were detected at the
with the same influence, angles >90 , indicated factors with opposite phylum, genus, and species level, respectively; the remaining taxa were
influence. classified as Others (Fig. 1A).
In the S subgroup, at the phylum level, Basidiomycota (48.7%) was the
3. Results most abundant, followed by Ascomycota (28.6%). At the genus level,
Cryptococcus (47.9%) was the most abundant, followed by Wick-
3.1. Fundamental analysis erhamomyces (8.5%), Candida (7.7%), Cladosporium (3.4%), Aspergillus
(1.8%), and Hyphopichia (1.4%). At the species level, Cryptococcus_longus
A total of 63 children (36 males and 27 females; 24 with deciduous (47.9%) was the most abundant, followed by Wickerhamomyces_anomalus
dentition and 39 with mixed dentition) with a mean age of 80.27 21.06 (8.5%), Candida_albicans (1.7%), Candida_intermedia (2.2%), Candida_-
months (ranging from 2 to 9 years) were included in this study. The sake (2.2%), Saccharomyces_cerevisiae (1.5%), and Hyphopichia_burtonii
number of DT in each of the 63 children ranged from 1 to 20, with a mean (1.4%).
value SD of 7.41 4.27, and the number of DS ranged from 1 to 48, In the P subgroups, at the phylum level, Ascomycota (30.3%) was the
with a mean value SD of 13.51 10.82. No significant differences were most abundant, followed by Basidiomycota (26.7%). At the genus level,
observed in the number of samples of deciduous and mixed dentition Cryptococcus (25.9%) was the most abundant, followed by Candida
between the male and female groups (Table 1). (14.6%), Wickerhamomyces (4.4%), Cladosporium (4.1%), and Hypho-
pichia (2.2%). At the species level Cryptococcus_longus (26.1%) was the
most abundant, followed by Candida_albicans (9.8%), Wick-
Table 1 erhamomyces_anomalus (4.5%), Hyphopichia_burtonii (2.2%), Candida_
Demographic and clinical characteristics of the study participants. intermedia (1.5%), Candida_sake (1.4%), and Candida_dubliniensis (1.4%)
Variable Male (n ¼ 36) Female (n ¼ 27) p- (Fig. 1A).
value The Sobs, Chao, and ACE indices of the S subgroup were significantly
Age in months (mean SD) 78.61 21.66 82.48 21.10 0.475a lower (p < 0.05) than those of the P subgroup. In contrast, the coverage
Dentition period 0.131b indices of the S subgroup were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those
Deciduous dentition 16 7 of the P subgroup (Fig. 1B, Supplementary Table 3). This indicated that
Mixed dentition 20 20
the alpha diversity of the P subgroup was significantly higher than that of
Decayed teeth (mean SD) 8.05 4.71 6.48 3.42 0.344a
Decayed teeth surfaces (mean SD) 14.61 11.62 11.92 9.60 0.158a the S subgroup. PCoA plots showed that the samples were clustered by
plaque or saliva, indicating variability in fungal composition between
Independent-Sample T Test.
b plaque and saliva samples (p < 0.05) (Fig. 1C).
Fig. 1. Composition and diversity of the fungal community. (A) Composition of the fungal community at the phylum, genus, and species level (species abundance
below 0.5% and no annotation in all samples were combined into Others). (B) Alpha diversity analysis of the S and P subgroups. (C) Beta diversity analysis (PCoA
analysis) of the S and P subgroups.
M. Yin et al. Medicine in Microecology 15 (2023) 100076
3.2.2. Differential species analysis 3.4. RDA of the relationship between fungal communities and function and
The top 10 species, in terms of their relative abundances, were phenotypes
selected at the phylum, genus, and species levels to show the mean
relative abundance and variability of each group (Fig. 2A). The relative The use of fluoride toothpaste, the frequency of teeth brushing, and
abundance and p-values of the species are presented in Supplementary the frequency of sweet consumption may affect the distribution of oral
Tables 2A and B, and C. At the genus level, the first and second most fungi [27]. An increase in the number of DT and DS may also affect the
abundant taxa in the S subgroup were Cryptococcus (47.9%) and Wick- composition of the microorganisms. In this study, we collectively cate-
erhamomyces (8.5%), respectively, whereas Candida (7.7%) was third, gorized the following as phenotypes: frequency of eating sweets (Eat_-
which was only 1/6th the abundance of Cryptococcus. Meanwhile, the freq), frequency of brushing teeth (Brush_freq), frequency of fluoride
first most abundant taxa at the genus level in the P subgroup was Cryp- toothpaste use (Fluoride freq), DT, and DS. We performed RDA to explore
tococcus (26.1%), which was approximately twice as abundant as Candida the relationship between these phenotypes and the top 10 oral fungal
(14.6%). species in childhood caries. Among the five factors, Eat_freq had the
Species differences analysis suggested that Basidiomycota at the relatively lowest effect on the top 10 fungi. Eat_freq, Brush_freq, and the
phylum level; Cryptococcus, Wickerhamomyces, Aspergillus at the genus use of handiwork toothpaste (Fluoride) exhibited the same trend of
level; and Cryptococcus_longus and Wickerhamomyces_anomalus at the positive or negative effects on the flora, and the effects of DT and DS on
species level were significantly different between the S and P subgroups. fungal flora showed the same trend (Fig. 5A). These results suggest
In contrast, no significant differences were observed for Candida measures to prevent childhood caries at the microbiological level by
(Fig. 2B). improving dietary and oral hygiene.
Fungal functional annotations were performed according to the
3.3. Influence of gender and dentition period on S and P subgroups guidelines of the guild prediction system in the FUNGuild software [28]
(Fig. 5B). The annotation function was the sum of the relative abun-
At the genus level, species differences analysis indicated no signifi- dances of all samples within the subgroup.
cant differences between the mycobiome of the SFe and SMa subgroups
or the PFe and PMa subgroups (Fig. 3A, C). Alpha diversity analysis 4. Discussion
showed that the Shannon and Simpson indices in the SFe and SMa sub-
groups, as well as in the PFe and PMa subgroups were not significantly The role of fungi in the microbial composition of dental caries has
different (p > 0.05) (Fig. 3B, D). Furthermore, Chao1, Ace, Coverage, and recently become a popular topic, and high-throughput sequencing is now
Sobs indices were not significantly different (p > 0.05) (Supplementary commonly used for fungal detection [24]. This study was conducted to
Table 3). Beta diversity unweighted-unifrac index was also not significant investigate the differences in fungal communities between unstimulated
(p > 0.05) (Fig. 3B, D). These results indicate that there was no signifi- saliva and supragingival plaque in childhood caries, and to determine the
cant difference between alpha and beta diversity. Overall, gender exerted effect of gender, dental stage, DT, DS, and oral hygiene behaviors on the
no effect on the fungal composition of unstimulated saliva and plaque. fungal composition of the two groups.
Species differences were detected between the SDD and SMD sub- In this study, Cryptococcus was the most abundant genus in both the S
groups for Ascomycota and Basidiomycota (Fig. 4A), The Shannon and and P subgroups, which differs from previous studies that reported
Simpson indices, as well as the beta diversity unweighted-unifrac index, Candida to be the most dominant fungal genus detected [9,19,29]. In the
in the SDD and SMD subgroups were significantly different (p < 0.05) S subgroup, the second and third most abundant genera were Wick-
(Fig. 4B). In contrast, no significant differences were observed between erhamomyces and Candida, respectively, whereas the two microbes were
the PDD and PMD subgroups (Fig. 4C and D). reversely ranked in the P samples. Cryptococcus and Wickerhamomyces are
less frequently mentioned in caries-related literature. Only a few studies
Fig. 2. Differential species analysis. (A) Key species differences analysis of the top 10 fungal species at the phylum, genus, and species level in the S and P subgroups.
(B) Species differences analysis at the phylum, genus, and species level in the S and P subgroups.
M. Yin et al. Medicine in Microecology 15 (2023) 100076
Fig. 3. Influence of gender on the S and P subgroups. (A) Species differences analyses of the SFe and SMa subgroups at the phylum, genus, and species level. (B) Alpha
and beta diversity of the SFe and SMa subgroups. (C) Species differences analyses of the PFe and PMa subgroups at the phylum, genus, and species level. (D) Alpha and
beta diversity of the PFe and PMa subgroups.
have reported the presence of Cryptococcus in the oral cavity [9,19,22]. A imbalance. A mildly acidic environment is favorable for the growth
thick cell wall is a typical feature of the genera Cryptococcus and Wick- and reproduction of microorganisms [16]. Second, thiamine salts, io-
erhamomyces [30]. The bead milling step was performed in this study, dides, and nitrates in saliva exert antibacterial effects and limit the
and the lysis time was extended by 15 s to dissociate the thick cell wall of growth of microorganisms [32]. This suggests that the plaque is an
the fungi and improve the success rate of DNA extraction. This may optimal environment for supporting the diversity of microorganisms. Our
explain the high abundance of Cryptococcus and Wickerhamomyces study suggests different fungal compositions and diversities between the
detected in this study. S and P subgroups, which is consistent with the results of many previous
Research on Wickerhamomyces is still in its infancy, and it has studies [33–35]. Similarly, the beta diversity indices showed significant
currently only been identified as a human opportunistic pathogen [31]. differences in fungal composition between the two subgroups.
Whether they constitute the core fungal flora in children with dental Gender, age, and other factors may affect the oral fungal population
caries requires further research. of childhood caries. Jesus et al. [36] suggested that gender might be a
Combining the results of key species differences analysis and species critical determinant of severe early childhood caries (S-ECC). In contrast,
differences analysis, the abundance of Cryptococcus and Wick- our study did not observe any effect of gender on the fungal microbiome
erhamomyces were significantly higher in the S subgroup than in the P in the S and P subgroups. These inconsistent findings may be due to the
subgroup. No relevant studies explain this phenomenon, but we specu- following variables: (1) sample geographical location, wherein the
late that salivary microhabitats may be more suitable for the growth of former findings were collected in Canada, whereas the present study was
these two genera; however, this topic warrants further investigation. conducted in China; (2) the age range, wherein the former study popu-
In the alpha diversity analysis, the P subgroup were more abundance lation was younger than 72 months of age, while that in the present study
and had higher homogeneity than the S subgroup. This may be due to two was between 2 and 9 years of age; (3) the former study investigated the
factors. First, unstimulated saliva has a neutral PH environment [32], influence of gender on the supragingival plaque fungal community in
whereas supragingival plaque in dental caries is usually mildly acidic caries-free and S-ECC children, and the present study focused on whether
owing to acid production by microorganisms, resulting in an acid-base gender had any effect on the respective microbial composition of saliva
M. Yin et al. Medicine in Microecology 15 (2023) 100076
Fig. 4. Influence of dentition period on the S and P subgroups. (A) Species differences analyses of the SDD and SMD subgroups at the phylum, genus, and species level.
(B) Alpha and beta diversity of the SDD and SMD subgroups. (C) Species differences analyses of the PDD and PMD subgroups at the phylum, genus, and species level.
(D) Alpha and beta diversity of the PDD and PMD subgroups.
Fig. 5. Redundancy analysis (RDA) of the relationship between fungal and phenotypes and fungal functional annotation. (A) Redundancy analysis (RDA) of the top 10
fungal flora and phenotypes. (B) Functional annotation of the S and P subgroups. (Function on the annotation is the sum of the relative abundance of all samples in
the group.)
M. Yin et al. Medicine in Microecology 15 (2023) 100076
and plaque in children with caries. These findings suggest that we are far Acknowledgments
from fully understanding the influence of gender on dental fungal com-
munities and further research is needed. This work was supported by grants from the President Foundation of
Mycobiome differences were detected between the SDD and SMD Shenzhen Stomatology Hospital (Pingshan) of Southern Medical Uni-
subgroups but not between the PDD and PPD groups, suggesting denti- versity (grant no. 2021A001) and Oral Infectious Disease Mechanism
tion is not an influential factor of supragingival plaque fungi. However, it Research and Clinical Translation Application Innovation team of
does affect the fungal distribution in saliva. Guangdong Province of China (grant no. 2021KCXTD033). We would
This may be attributed to the low biomass of fungi in the oral cavity like to thank Editage (www.editage.cn) for the English language editing.
and the fact that the fungal content in supragingival plaque may be lower
than that in saliva; thus, no differences were detected in the plaque [19, Appendix A. Supplementary data
37]. The composition of supragingival plaque may be relatively stable
once it is formed; therefore, it is not significantly affected by different Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https
dental periods. ://doi.org/10.1016/j.medmic.2023.100076.
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