Bayu Pamungkas, Rivalni Septiadi, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
Bayu Pamungkas, Rivalni Septiadi, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
Bayu Pamungkas, Rivalni Septiadi, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Undergraduate Project Competition November 24~25, 2016
Marinoly is a creative solution based educational games conservation of marine biodiversity
that can facilitate the understanding and knowledge of children about coastal areas of the
conservation of marine ecosystems. Marinoly can help children’s mindset since at their early
age to keep marine ecosystems in their area well. Marinoly design is very friendly and easy to
play for children to conservation education of marine ecosystems. Marinoly can be played
anytime and anywhere. Marinoly held at least once a week. This Marinoly will be given by the
media and the educational game Marinoly database. Database Marinoly is a forum to inform
the various activities to be and has been done, both in the promotion phase, implementation,
and reporting the results of activities. The database could be a website and android
applications (instagram, fanpage, twitter) that is currently widely used by people of all-age
groups. Marinoly implementation requires the active participation of various parties ranging,
from the center to the regions. The volunteer may carry out its program in each area of work
under the coordination of regional stewardship and management center. Ministry of Maritime
and Fisheries Affairs and the Department of Marine and Fisheries role is providing information
on the conditions of society with low levels of education in coastal areas, recommend priority
areas, and oversee its implementation as one of the marine ecosystem conservation efforts. Role
of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and a group of private institutions can participate
in the process of implementation of the program together with volunteers and in the provision
of grants Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as one of supporting the financial aspects of
the program.
Keywords: Conservation, Game Education, Marine Ecosystem, Marinoly.
Varieties of marine ecosystem in Indonesia such coastal ecosystem, estuaries, mangroves, open
seas, seagrass meadows, coral reefs to marine bay has several specs and different characters.
Indonesia has 4.5 million hectares of mangrove ecosystems that fortify the land from the waves
strikes by 537 species from 70 genera of coral reefs covering 75,000 km2 area, which is part of
the world Coral Triangle includes Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Timor Leste, Papua
New Guinea and Solomon Islands which 120 million peoples depend on coral reefs. Seagrass
meadow in Indonesia identified as many as 12 species of 7 genera into the shelter for various
organism such as mollusk, crustaceans, annelids to fish (Directorate of Conservation and
Marine National Park 2009).
All waste material from terrestrial activity will accumulates and disembogue into the sea
eventually. Source pollution comes from industrial activities, residential, urban, mining,
shipping, agriculture and even aquaculture would enter from certain channel, small streams into
one great river and disembogue into the sea. Human behavior in coastal areas change over the
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Student Summit National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Undergraduate Project Competition November 24~25, 2016
function of coastal area into fishing ponds or maritime tourism and also brings compulsion and
threats to coastal and marine life. Fishing activity which is not environmentally friendly, also
directly affects the sustainability of fisheries resources, either using toxic materials, explosives
chemical and improper fishing area.
Dahuri (2003) said that the pollution in coastal and marine environment caused by land-based
activities and ocean-based pollution such as mining, costal lodgings hospitality, coastal
residential, agriculture, aquaculture, ports and industry in form waste oil, heat waste, organic
waste, toxic and hazardous materials. Increment of sediment materials generated by
deforestation and agricultural practices that do not support of land conservation, so during the
rainy season, erosion occurs and brings the sediments to the sea by surface runoff.
One of the outcomes of the Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20 is to emphasize
conservation needs and utilization of marine resources sustainably to reduce poverty, food
security, livelihoods, and enhance the economic growth. By 283 points of agreement, 19 points
concerning maritime affairs and fisheries and the three points were very important such as
conservation, fisheries management and subsidies. The importance of marine conservation,
including Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and sustainable use explicitly in points 177 which
refers to the Convention of Biological Diversity in 2010 targeting 10 per cent of coastal and
marine areas by 2020 (Kompas July 2nd 2012).
Local governments have made some efforts in the line with the developing strategy of coastal
and marine area such as; outreach to the community by field instructor, electronic media,
fishermen training about introduction fishing ground and public campaign about the
conservation of marine and coastal resources. However, in coastal areas have still encountered
explosives and toxic materials in fisheries, logging off mangrove forests, and open fishpond
Environmental problems, especially keeping marine biodiversity has resulted an agreement to
improve and elevate marine ecosystems that have been damaged. Attention to the problem
outlined in implementation of sustainable development and environmentally sound. Problems
of marine biodiversity is understood that have large dimensions and impacts directly or
indirectly to sustainable development and coastal communities welfare. However, dealing with
environmental problems (marine ecosystem) has not completely given priority yet, considering
the number of other problems such as poverty, besides the lack of understanding of the
environmental problems (marine ecosystems) and the commitment of local policy makers.
Understanding and public behavioral changes to the preservation of marine ecosystems with
regard to the educational role-based marine biodiversity. By the marine biodiversity
conservation education could be raised the awareness and change the attitude and concern for
the environment (marine ecosystems). Society Segment that recognized as a strategic goal of
environmental education is a child in the early age. During the early age, its importance to
introduced and instill the values of loving and caring the environment (marine ecosystems), so
within themselves form a caring attitude towards the environment, especially marine
1. Writing Time
Writing of this paper was conducted for 2 weeks, starting from October 2nd, 2016 until
October 16th, 2016.
2. Writing Approacch
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Student Summit National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Undergraduate Project Competition November 24~25, 2016
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Student Summit National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Undergraduate Project Competition November 24~25, 2016
2020. However, the wealth management of biological resources and coastal protected area
remains a formidable challenge.
The latest data (2012) Research Centre of Oceano-Coral in Indonesia were classified as
very good. While 27.18% of them were classified in good condition, 37.25% were
sufficient, and 30.45% were in bad condition. In fact, Burke mention the last half
century of coral reef degradation in Indonesia increased from 10% to 50%. The cause of
damages to coral reefs include the construction in coastal areas, waste of various activities
on the land and at the sea, sedimentation caused damage to upstream and watersheds,
mining, destructive fishing cyanide and fishing gear prohibited, coral bleaching due to
climate change ,and the mining of coral reefs. Indonesia already lost most of mangrove.
From 1982 to 2000, Indonesia has lost more than half the mangrove forests, from 4.2 million
hectares to 2 million hectares (Dietrich 2004).
The problems faced by coral reefs and mangroves also experienced by seagrass ecosystems.
Indonesia seagrass ecosystems less studied than coral reefs and mangroves. But based on
various indications, seagrass beds are also fragile enough to natural disturbances and human
activities. Such as dredging related real estate seafront development, harbor, industry,
navigation channels, industrial waste, especially of heavy metals and compounds
organolokrin, disposal of organic waste, agricultural waste, oil pollution, and habitat
destruction in the dredging disposal site.
2. Concept Marinoly as Marine Ecosystems Conservation Educational Games
Education is important for humans. In education was introduced all aspects of science
and technology. But education which contains science, history, technology and theories of
other knowledge is not enough, it needs nature education-oriented. Educational game is a
game that teaches or introduce children to new knowledge more effectively.
MARINOLY is a creative solution based marine biodiversity conservation educational
games that can facilitate the understanding and transfer knowledge to the children in the
coastal areas in order to conservation of marine ecosystems. MARINOLY mindset can help
children from an early age to keep marine ecosystems in their area. MARINOLY designed
with a very friendly and easy to play for children and all circles to educate conservation of
marine ecosystems. MARINOLY can be played anytime and anywhere.
1. Title Game
The title game is MARINOLY which is short of the Marine Monopoly.
MARINOLY game is designed for children in the coastal areas to improve the knowledge
and understanding in order to protecting marine ecosystem by the method of educational
games conservation of marine ecosystems.
2. Components Games
Components of the game in MARINOLY are:
1. Board paper
2. Dice
3. Card of red, blue and green
4. Conservation
5. fake money
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Student Summit National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Undergraduate Project Competition November 24~25, 2016
Paper board functions as a game that contains images of marine ecosystems and
attributes MARINOLY game. Dice serves to adjust the position of the player in certain
steps. The red card is a card containing “losses” negatively related activities on the
conservation of marine ecosystems. Blue card is a card that contains “profit” positively
related activities on the conservation of marine ecosystems. Green card is a free questions
card containing questions for the main opponent in MARINOLY relating to the
conservation of marine ecosystems conservation serves as a tool to teach MARINOLY
players that conservation in the marine ecosystems is very important to the others. Paper
money use as a tool for the purchase of conservation, to pay a fine when it is at a loss area
and a restricted area.
3. Design Board Game
The design of the game uses bright colors that appeal to kids and interesting game
components can cause a sense of clossness among the players within marine ecosystem
conservation education in MARINOLY. As the packaging game using a square box shape
with design on the outside of the box. Packaging MARINOLY game still “eye catching”
and appealing to children but also functions as a storage remains optimal. The dominant
color of the game is blue and white is a color that appeals to children an also to stimulate
children's creativity.
4. How to play MARINOLY
At first, the players distributed the money as much as 1500 for the initial capital.
Dice are used as many as one. Players move as the total number of dice If a player stops in
areas that have not been purchased, then the player can choose to buy or not. However, if
the player did not buy, then the land will be auctioned by the NGO. With the auction, then
the other players the chance to own the land. However, one player must brave to determine
the highest prices to other players. Mounting the highest price is deserve to own the land.
To establish conservation areas, players must have a conservation area first. So that
players can have a conservation area at the same time, if there is a conservation area owned
by another player, then the player must be bargained with other players who own the land.
The number of protected areas should be equal each conservation area in the
complex. Establishing conservation areas must be contiguous from buying one to four
conservation areas and then a conservation area. One thing that should keep in mind,
buying or selling conservation areas can only be done by NGOs or government. If its going
to resell the conservation area, the player will get half the price of the official price.
Table 1. Cards profit and loss in the card guide MARINOLY
No. Lucky Card Loss Card
1. Providing a trash cabin on the Throwing garbage in mangrove
ship ecosystems.
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Student Summit National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Undergraduate Project Competition November 24~25, 2016
11. Return stranded dolphin to the sea Build the lodge in excess thus damaging
coastal ecosystems.
12. Invites the public to dispose of waste Ship pollution that destroy marine
in place in order not to damage the ecosystem.
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Student Summit National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Undergraduate Project Competition November 24~25, 2016
4. Socialization Marinoly
MARINOLY socialization activities conducted with visit all Indonesian coastal
areas that will be subject to program and through social media. The socialization
material consists of an introduction MARINOLY, introduction MARINOLY system,
and the introduction of marine biodiversity in general. Socialization through social
media to devices such as the website and database MARINOLY android-based
applications are expected to reach large area.
5. Coordination Marinoly
MARINOLY implementation requires an active participation of various parties
from the center to the regions. The volunteer may carry out its program in each area
under the coordination of central and regional stewardship. Ministry of Maritime
Affairs and Fisheries and the Department of Marine and Fisheries role in providing
information on the conditions of society with low levels of education in coastal areas,
recommend priority areas, and oversee implementation of MARINOLY as one of the
marine ecosystem conservation efforts. Role of Non-Governmental Organization
(NGO) and a group of private institutions can participate in the process of
implementation of the program together with volunteers and in the provision of grants
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as one of supporting financial aspects of the
A big thanks to Allah swt because He given the ease of completing the writing of this
project. The supporting of Bogor Agricultural University, for this research is acknowledged.
We also thanks to the lectures who have provided guidance during the writing. Similarly, thanks
to my parents, my brother, my sisters, my friends and those who have been so helpful.
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2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Student Summit National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Undergraduate Project Competition November 24~25, 2016
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2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Student Summit National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Undergraduate Project Competition November 24~25, 2016
1. Marinoly Design
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Student Summit National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan
2016 Asia Pacific Agriculture Undergraduate Project Competition November 24~25, 2016