Jasper 216 Magic Items

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Jasper's Journal

Entry #216: Common & Uncommon Magical Items

A List of Homebrewed Magical Items for D&D 5th ed.

Author's Notes:
• This is a homebrewed list of magical items available for Dungeons &
Dragons 5th edition.
• I have done my best to think of items organically without consulting
anyone else's work available on DMsGuild.com, although you may find
• Spells featured in the descriptions can be found on in The Player's
Handbook and/or Xanathar's Guide to Everything
• Many of these items are featured in my other published content
available for sale on DMsGuild.com
• Not every item is playtested, so please feel free to provide any feedback
with your experience.

by Justin Gagliani

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"Who is Jasper?"
-A Foreword by Guillermo Garcia, wizard researcher

Born in a tiny farming village to a farmer and his wife, Jasper was like any other child. He grew up modest, but he found
pleasure in the simple things: a sunny day, a home-cooked meal, or a parent's embrace. This childhood turned out to be quite
formative in regards to the man Jasper became. His mother, Michelle, was a protector. She was often compared to a mama
owlbear when it came to her baby. She showed Jasper unconditional love and support in all of his interests and passions. She
made him believe that the impossible was possible if you worked hard enough. Jasper's father, David, was an incredibly hard
worker who still found time for his family. Jasper cherished the moments with his father in their garden.
He always admired his father's knowledge of the botanical arts. When he was lucky enough to join his father in the market,
he would sit back and stare in awe. His father knew everything there was to know about fruits and vegetables and the growing
of produce. His father could go on and on about the quality of the soil, the importance of the weather, and even get into the
heritage of seeds. He may have been a simple farmer to some. But to Jasper, he was a gastronomical genius. He had perfected
his craft and loved to share it with others. Many will point to this relationship with his father as the stepping-stone to Jasper's
Jasper's early adult life is lost on the historians of today. We can only hope that by finding and filtering through Jasper's
journal entries, we can discover how the farmer's son became such an intelligent scientist. And I use that term, 'scientist'
loosely. In most cases a scientist focuses on one subject matter or area of study. Jasper, on the other hand, has no boundaries in
his work. He is a biologist, an engineer, a wizard, an anthropologist, and so much more.
The first time I crossed paths with the man, he was in his late seventies. But if he hadn't told me as much, I would have
guessed he was in his late thirties with the amount of energy and vitality he exuded. He shared with me some of his journal
entries. Jasper was all too happy to share his findings, his research, and his life's work. One day I asked him why he was
researching so many various fields. He responded with a glimmer in his eye, "I want to know everything about everything." So
without further ado, I will let his work speak for itself. Enjoy.

Journal Entry #216

I've finally done it! After twenty years of scouring dusty texts from ruined libraries, I've done it! I've found 50 items with
magical properties that most people have never dreamed of. Some of them are family secrets, local legends, or newer pieces of
masterful engineering.
I usually love to peruse the magic shops when I travel from town to town or city to city. But I grew tired of seeing the same
old items. I imagine that there was a time when a Bag of Holding amazed the world. But now? Old news! So I sought out little
known artifacts and wanted to share their existence with the greater world. I had made the decision to continue searching and
studying until I had 50 items. Then I could move on to continue researching this fascinating race of people who only live on a
small series of islands. But I will leave the details for that journal entry.

Alchemy Chalice
Wondrous item, common (only for clerics, paladins, or warlocks)
A bronze chalice with gemstones inlaid in the sides and stem. You can use an action to turn water inside the chalice into
wine if your patron is Good. If your patron is Evil, it turns the water into blood. If your patron is Neutral, the water turns to tea.
The chalice holds 2 cups of water and this can only be done twice a day.

Armor of Shadows
Armor, uncommon (requires attunement)
This armor is completely black and emits a faint smoky aura at all times. This can apply to any type of armor (i.e. leather,
scale mail, half plate, etc.). You must be proficient with that type of armor in order to attune to it. When you attune to the
Armor of Shadows, once a day you can become incorporeal until the start of your next turn when you use an action to say the
command word. You retain your form but become semi-transparent. You cannot go through walls or floors with this feature
but you cannot get hit with weapon or spell attacks. Additionally, you cannot hit other creatures with weapon or spell attacks
while in this state. If there is a spell attack that has an ongoing effect (such as Wall of Fire) then when your incorporeal state
ends, you can take damage depending on the spell.

Bills of Bailey
Wondrous item, common

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A small piece of ordinary parchment imbued with magic that is transferred by touch. When given to a shopkeeper or
salesperson, they have the Friends cantrip cast upon them. This can give you the edge when haggling prices with even the
stingiest of individuals.

Black Widow Blade

Weapon, uncommon
Unknown origin.
I have yet to discover who the creator of this blade is. I have theories but no concrete evidence. My best guess is that it comes from a drow
blacksmith or inventor. Culturally speaking, they are usually a matriarchal society and have a fondness of spiders what with their worship of Lolth.
But as of yet, this is just a theory.
A beautiful shortsword made of a black steel-like material with a handle and hilt that has spider-web designs. In addition to
the normal 1d6 piercing damage, the sword does an additional 1d4 poison damage. The most unique feature is that when used
against a male, there is a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Boots of Seismic Wave

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
These are thick, heavy boots of dark brown leather with buckles and straps giving a very intimidating appearance. When you
attune to these boots, once per day you can use an action to stomp your foot down creating a seismic wave through the ground
in a 10 ft. radius from you. Every creature within that circle must succeed a DC 13 Dexterity Saving Throw or be knocked
prone. The wave can pass through walls or obstacles or cover, but it does not affect anyone who isn't on the ground.

Bracelet of Brian W. Foster

Wondrous item, common
A thin, silver rope bracelet fastened with a loop and ball. When you put this bracelet on, you may find yourself attracted to a
cruder humor, but that is merely a side effect. The true magic of this bracelet comes when you sleep with it on. Each dawn, the
bearer of this bracelet grows a unique style of beard or facial hair. On the next morning, the wearer can either keep this facial
hair or roll again for a new one. If at any point the wearer removes the bracelet or drops to 0 hit points, the effects stop
immediately. The beard and/or moustache will vanish leaving behind no sign at all.
1d6 Type of Beard:
1 Hipster beard, perfectly styled
2 Moustache/goatee combo
3 Thick handlebar moustache
4 Long, unruly, unkempt beard
5 Rugged looking 5 o'clock shadow
6 Thick beard without moustache

Bunker of Shirudo
Wondrous item, uncommon
Shirudo, the samurai scientist.
I had heard tales of an elegant warrior living alone in the Star Mounts of the High Forest. At that time of my life, I was much younger and able to
climb mountains and defend myself from the dangers of the Star Mounts. One day, I was being attacked by a territorial group of aarakocras. I was
outnumbered and outmatched until a samurai wielding a massive longsword came to my rescue saving my life. He nursed me back to health and
we formed a fierce friendship. His name was Shirudo and in addition to being a formidable fighter, he was a scientist. He was gracious enough to
share with me one of his experiments, a portable bunker that could provide cover during a fight. It helped me several times later on in my life.
This is a portable bunker that can provide 3/4 cover for one Large, two Medium, or four Small creatures. As an action, throw
down this burlap sphere that's about the size of a baseball to an unoccupied space within 20 ft. of you. (If there's a creature or
something in the space, the sphere doesn't transform). When you do, there's a puff of smoke and a thick, semi-circle barrier
appears that provides 3/4 cover if you or a companion are behind it. It lasts until the end of your next turn. If the enemy is in
the air, the bunker does not provide cover. If the enemy uses their movement to go around the bunker, it is rendered useless in
that regard. After the end of your next turn, the bunker vanishes with a puff of smoke and returns to a burlap sphere in the
space it was occupying. This only works once per day.

Cape of Neró
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

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Neró, the water strider.
The Clear Whirl River is a very cold and ice-filled river found far north in the Hartsvale Kingdom. It's a large river and can be quite treacherous even
to the most experienced fisherman and sailors. There's a small village that depends on its fishing to survive, both for commerce and for sustenance.
Neró is a fisherman who helps his people be successful. He wears a cape that looks like it's made of water. According to him, it helps him control
the river and break up the ice. I saw it in action and it's truly a sight to see.
When a magic user performs a spell that uses the element of water (including ice), their spell save or spell attack bonus
increased by +1. Applicable spells include (but are not limited to) Control Water, Wall of Water, Watery Sphere, or Ray of Frost.
The DM can make the final call on whether a spell applies.

Circlet of Marishka
Wondrous item, common
Once per day, when you are wearing the circlet you can use an action to speak its command word. When done, the wearer
grows a pair of strong and sharp antlers like an elk or deer. This effect lasts 10 minutes and during that time, the wearer can
perform a Gore attack. They can make an attack with their horns, causing 1d8 piercing damage plus their Strength
modifier. The circlet is made of copper but is crafted to look like a beautiful tiara of interwoven branches.

Crown of Pompeii
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
Pompeii, the fire dancer.
There is a peninsula on the southwestern coast of Faerun that is home to one of the largest volcanoes discovered. It is unique not only because of
its size but because of its activity. Every 67 years, the magma overflows and spills onto the surrounding land. This has caused for some very
interesting evolution in the flora and fauna, but also in the people. I was fortunate enough to meet a woman named Pompeii. She's an earth genasi
who was born from a draconic bloodline. She uses her magical prowess to protect her village from rogue lava flows or from poachers coming to
catch the exotic wildlife. The villagers called her the Fire Dancer, but she is not an entertainer. What struck me immediately as amazing was a halo-
like crown around her head that was constantly ablaze.
A golden crown made of thin strips of metal inlaid with red, orange, and yellow gems. When a magic user performs a spell
that uses the element of fire, their spell save or spell attack bonus increased by +1. Applicable spells include (but are not
limited to) Firebolt, Fireball, Wall of Fire, and Scorching Ray. The DM can make the final call on whether a spell applies.

Diminution Danish
Wondrous item, uncommon
A delicious pastry made of a buttery, flaky dough filled with a sweet cream cheese and drizzled icing. When consumed, this
pastry casts the Reduce portion of the Enlarge/Reduce spell onto that person.

Decoy Duck
Wondrous item, common
Duck and Weave.
On more than one occasion, Reginald and I have done some impressive things. [Note: I have named the duck, Reginald]. He is quite good at causing
a confusing distraction. Although, he had some trouble with a blind man once. Take caution with that.
A wooden replica of a green-headed mallard duck. If and when no one is looking at the wooden duck, it transforms into a
real green-headed mallard duck. But the second, a creature with an Intelligence of 4 or higher is looking at it, it reverts to a
wooden duck. The change is instantaneous and has never been seen by mortal eyes. This item can be quite useful in the hands
of creative people, but may require some stealth to put into action.

Enlarge Éclair
Wondrous item, uncommon
A delicious oblong pastry filled with a sweet cream topped with chocolate icing. When consumed, this pastry will cast the
Enlarge portion of the Enlarge/Reduce spell onto that person.

Endless Notebook
Wondrous item, common
From the outside, this appears to be a normal book or ledger. It has a dark, brown leather cover and the pages are of a thick
stock. The amazing thing is that no matter how much you write or draw, there are always blank pages in the back. You can
nearly never fill this book all the way. I have experimented and if you tear out even one page, the book's magical effects will
cease to work. So be careful!

Extra Fizzy Ale

Potion, common

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My own creation.
It took months and months of testing and many, many hungover mornings before I perfected the recipe. I have to give thanks and credit to the
Britton family for giving me their ale recipe and lending me their brewery. I may have added the magical effect, but the delightful and refreshing
flavor is because of their hard work and legacy.
A corked, green glass bottle containing highly carbonated experimental ale. It contains 3 charges and takes an action to
expend a charge. When you consume this charge, as long as you're not wearing heavy armor or encumbered, you begin to
levitate 1 foot off the ground for 10 minutes. The ale has a grapefruit and burnt sugar flavor up front and a hoppy aftertaste.

Fake Ebony Fly

Wondrous item, common
Beware Samuel the Tabaxi.
In my time on the Sword Coast, I came across a charismatic panther tabaxi named Samuel. He ran a shop selling all kinds of magical items. He had
an Ebony Fly in his possession. I have heard of this Figurine of Wondrous Power but never seen one in person. So I purchased it and went on my
way. It wasn't until a week later when I had the time to try it out that I discovered it was a fraud. I imagine the rest of his items are also frauds.
It is a statuette of a fly made of black stone. If you use an action to speak the command word and throw the figure to a point
on the ground within 25 ft. of you, the figurine becomes a living fly. If another creature occupies the space or there isn't space,
the figurine doesn't become a crab.
The creature is friendly to you and your companions. It understands your languages and obeys your spoken commands. If
you issue no commands, the creature just hovers in the air.
The figurine can become a fly for 10 minutes. At the end of its duration, it reverts to its figurine form. It reverts to a figurine
early if it drops to 0 hit points, or if you speak the command word again while touching it. When it becomes a figurine again, it
can't be used again for a full 24 hours.
Fly: AC 7, Hit Points 1, Speed 10ft., Fly 20ft., Stealth +2, Darkvision 40 ft.

Folding Fan of Hava

Wondrous item, uncommon
Hava, the mountain man.
In my younger days, I went on an expedition group and climbed the Earthspur Mountains in northern Faerun. Along the way, we met a dwarven
man who lived in solitude at the high altitudes. His name was Hava and he practiced magic specifically encompassing the element of air. He was
kind enough to show us some of his skills and tools. One of these tools he used to harness his magical concentration was a folding fan. He sincerely
was an artist.
It is a delicate paper, folding fan with colorful illustrations of clouds and wind. When a magic user performs a spell that uses
the element of air, their spell save or spell attack bonus increased by +1. You must have a hand free and must declare that
you're using the fan before casting the spell. Applicable spells include (but are not limited to) Gust, Gust of Wind, Wind Wall,
and Whirlwind. The DM can make the final call on whether a spell applies.

Fix-it Hammer
Weapon, uncommon
This is an iron hammer with an engraved wooden handle. In terms of combat, it is a normal light hammer. But out of combat,
it can cast the Mending cantrip. It is unique because it can be used by anyone proficient with simple weapons, regardless of
magical ability or not.

Flask of Abundance
Wondrous item, common
A silver-plated flask with engravings of waterfalls and rivers. An ordinary flask can hold about 4-6 shots of liquor or alcohol.
This flask, although the same size, can hold closer to 18 shots of liquor, using a similar magic as the 'ole Bag of Holding.

Gauntlets of Terra
Wondrous item, uncommon
Terra, the gnomish stonesmith.
The sverfneblin are often misjudged, bot none as much as the women in their culture. Under Mount Waterdeep, I came across a gnomish woman
named Terra. She owned a smithing shop that specialized in stonework. I was amazed at how intricate and perfectly carved her products were.
When I asked to see how she did it, she was surprisingly forward. As it turned out, her secret lied in gauntlets made of the rock of Mount
Waterdeep itself. I was amazed.
These gauntlets are made of a hard, stone covering the wrist and forearms and yet are surprisingly comfortable. You must
be a magic user to get the full effect of these gauntlets. But when you are wearing them and cast a spell that relates to the
element of earth, you gain a +1 bonus to either your spell save DC or spell attack bonus. Some spells include (but are not

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limited to) Earth Tremor, Earthquake, Earthbind, and Investiture of Stone. The DM gets to make the final call about whether a
spell applies or not.

Green Thumb Gloves

Wondrous item, common
A pair of tan, tweed gloves that have green rubber encasing the thumbs. Once a day, you can put on these gloves and a seed
will appear. Plant and water the seed in direct sunlight and within 10 minute, you can yield 1d12 of that fruit or vegetable.
(DM gets to choose the fruit or vegetable).

Hat of the Peacock

Wondrous item, common
Peculiar Experiments.
This hat can be quite useful at times if given the right circumstances. But I did experience some quite awkward moments. Heed my advice: do not
take the chance if you're not certain the half-orc pirate captain is attracted to human men...
This hat is large, flamboyant, and made of a purple velvet material with the end of a peacock feather sticking out of it. While
wearing the hat, you receive a +4 bonus to Persuasion Checks with individuals who already find your race and/or gender

Healing Grenade
Potion, uncommon
A yellow canister about the size of a big potato made of metal. As an action you can throw this canister up to 20 ft. away or
can throw it straight down. When it hits a hard surface, it explodes into a yellow cloud of healing smoke in a 10 ft. radius. Every
creature within that circle receives 3 hit points of healing per round for the next 12 seconds (2 rounds). You cannot stack these
grenades, so if you throw a second one during the 12 seconds, it has no effect. And if you go unconscious during those twelve
seconds, it does not bring you back to life.

Icosahedron Plush
Wondrous item, common
A soft, stuffed 20-sided dice toy about the size of a cantaloupe. You can use an action to throw the dice-shaped-pillow near
an enemy within 20 ft. of you. Then roll a d20. If your roll is greater than the monster's Challenge Rating, the next attack on
that monster will have advantage because they are distracted.

Immovable Thumbtack
Wondrous item, common
Best left to parchment.
In one failed yet educational experiment, I attempted to use the Immovable thumbtack to suspend myself in the air by sticking it through the
sleeve of my shirt. What I found was that although the tack was able to hold my weight, the cheap material of my shirt was unable to withstand the
shearing force and so I came crashing down.
A small thumbtack used to post papers or letters onto the wall or a board of some kind. This particular thumbtack has a
command word that causes it to be immovable by anyone who doesn't know the command word. This tack can hold up to 250
pounds and a creature can move it if they succeed a DC 25 Strength check.

Keyleth Keychain
Wondrous item, common
Do not jump from a very large height and use this in midair. Just because you are now an underwater creature does not mean that hitting water at
a high velocity is safe or fun. It's like hitting stone.
A small brass ring used to hold your keys. There is a small pendant of a goldfish adorned on it. Once a day, you can use this
keychain to cast the Polymorph spell on yourself, but only to turn into a goldfish.
Goldfish: AC 10, Hit Points 1, Speed 0ft., Swim 20ft., Perception +2 (underwater), Can only breathe water.

Lullaby Scroll
Scroll, uncommon (only for bards, unless the player actually sings a lullaby song at the table)
A scroll of sheet music containing an ancient piece of lullaby music. When read aloud, it casts the Sleep spell at 2nd level. Can
only be used once every 48 hours.

Luscious Lavender Lotion

Potion, common
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A purple glass bottle containing 1d4+1 charges. Using an action, you can expend a charge and apply a generous amount of
the sweet-smelling lotion to your skin. When you do so you have advantage of all checks and Saving throws against being
grappled or restrained. It wears off during a short or long rest.

Mercer Microphone
Wondrous item, common
A metal cone-shaped device with a small handle. When you hold this device up to your mouth, you can impersonate any
person you've met, if you speak the same language. With this, you can get advantage on a Performance or a Deception check,
depending on the DM's choice. (Tip: The player should try to impersonate the NPC they are trying to mimic).

Weapon, uncommon
A small circular device containing a pressure plate, black powder, and a flint sparking mechanism. You can use an action to
toss one of these devices within 10 ft. of you. Work with your DM to mark a place on the battle map where it lies in wait. (If it's
not a battle map situation, then collaborate with the DM on the placement. Ultimately it will fall on the DM's discretion for
success). When any creature steps on that square as part of their movement, they must make a DC 13 Dexterity Saving throw
or take 2d8 fire damage. On a success, they take half the damage. If no one steps on the trap, you are welcome to pick it up and
reuse it. BUT... you must succeed on an Intelligence Saving Throw with a DC of 10 otherwise it explodes in your face and you
take the 2d8 fire damage.

Monocle of Willingham
Wondrous item, common
A monocle made of a copper wiring frame and a light blue glass lens. It has 3 charges and you use a bonus action to expend
one of its charges, you can ask the DM for one specific Ability Score of a target you can see within 120 ft. Each morning, roll
1d3 to regain charges.

Mouthy Maps
Scroll, common (or uncommon depending on rarity of the map)
Backseat Driver.
In my experience with these talking maps, some of them can be quite rude with language best described as filthy. But the worst of them are the
ones constantly chirping away as if you didn't know how to walk with your own two feet! (assuming you're bipedal...)
A map that is sentient and will give you step-by-step directions in real time as you are travelling. Each map can only give
directions to landmarks featured on itself. For example, if the map has Waterdeep on it, it can tell you how to get there. But it
won't be able to tell you how to get around Waterdeep's many wards.

Orb of Gypsy
Wondrous item, common
A clear, empty glass orb. Once a day, however, you can ask the orb where you are and it will give you the most specific
location-based answer depending on available geographical information. For example, if you're in an undiscovered jungle, the
orb may not be very specific. When you activate the orb, it fills with a purple and black gaseous material that looks like
swirling galaxies and answers in a very soothing, light voice.

Perception Pills
Potion, uncommon
This tiny red and blue capsule contains a mysterious powder that upon consumption grants the user the ability to see
through walls for a very short time. When you take this pill as a bonus action, you can see through 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of
common metal, or up to 3 feet of wood or dirt. Thicker substances block the vision, as does a thin sheet of lead. The effect only
lasts until the end of your turn. If you take more than one pill during a particular fight, roll a d20. Anything less than 10 gives
you 1 point of exhaustion.

Wondrous item, common
My own creation.
Perma-paint is something I am quite proud of. I won't bore you with the details of how I made it, but it took lots of testing. The secret lies in a
specific compound I found in the jungles of Chult. This compound comes from the flowers of the Midnight Magnolias. They only bloom at night and
are a dark black color. What I discovered was that when I added this pigment to my concoction, the result became permanent. Fascinating!
A small glass vial of black paint with the consistency of ink. The vial contains 1d12 charges of the compound. When you
expend a charge of this paint, you can draw or write on any surface and it cannot be removed unless someone uses a Dispel
Magic spell. Each charge can cover two square feet.
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Pipe of Fog
Wondrous item, common
An ivory pipe with swirly engravings. Using an action, assuming you have 5gp worth of tobacco or pipeweed to burn, you
can use the pipe to cast Fog Cloud at 1st level. Afterwards, roll a d6 and if it's a 6, you get the spell back. Otherwise, you cannot
cast the spell again until the next dawn.

Potion of Half-Ogre Strength

Potion, common
A glass bottle containing a dark yellow liquid that smells a bit like sweaty feet. When you drink this potion, your Strength
score becomes a 19 giving you a modifier of +4. This effect lasts 1 hour. If your Strength score is equal or greater than 19, the
potion has no effect.

Prayer Candles
Wondrous item, uncommon (can only be used by a cleric or paladin)
A candle in a glass jar with iconography pertaining to a specific deity or domain. When you burn this candle and perform a
10-minute prayer, you can regain one of your Channel Divinity abilities. When this happens, you are surrounded and filled
with bright, white light if it's a Good deity, purple light if it's Neutral, red and black light if it's an Evil deity. The DM has free
reign to describe the ritual prayer differently.

Quartz Crab
Wondrous item, common
A Figurine of Wondrous Power. It is a statuette of a crab small enough to fit in a pocket. If you use an action to speak the
command word and throw the figure to a point on the ground within 25 ft. of you, the figurine becomes a living crab. If another
creature occupies the space or there isn't space, the figurine doesn't become a crab.
The creature is friendly to you and your companions. It understands your languages and obeys your spoken commands. If
you issue no commands, the creature defends itself but takes no other actions.
The figurine can become a crab for 6 hours. At the end of its duration, it reverts to its figurine form. It reverts to a figurine
early if it drops to 0 hit points, or if you speak the command word again while touching it. When it becomes a figurine again, it
can't be used again for a full 24 hours.
Crab: AC 12, Hit Points 2, Speed 20ft., Swim 20ft., Stealth +2, Blindsight 30 ft., Can breathe air and water, Claw Attack, 0 to
hit, reach 5ft., 1d4 piercing damage.

Ring of Cloning
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
My own creation.
This ring gave me great pleasure in the testing process. While hiding behind an object, it came of great aid in my escape. I have to give some of the
credit to the skilled miners of the duergar clans in the Underdark. They found these dark sapphires but were unable to assess their true potential.
A silver ring with a dark sapphire in the middle. When you attune to this ring, once per day you can create a clone of yourself
and send it 20 ft. in any direction from you. If it encounters an obstacle such as a tree or rock or wall, it stands still. An enemy
intending to attack you must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence Saving Throw in order to ascertain that the clone is a fake. If they
fail, they must use their full movement and attack to strike the clone. The clone has an AC of 9, but any attack that hits will
reveal that the clone is a fake. The clone, unless hit, will last 1 minute. You can only use this ability once a day.

Ring of Riegel
Ring, common
A shiny purple gemstone encased in a golden smile shaped ring. Once per day, while wearing this ring, you can cast the
Charm Person spell. Afterwards, roll a d8 and if it's an 8 you get the spell back. Otherwise, you cannot use this ring again until
the next dawn. The spell save is 11 for this ring.

Scaramucci's Crossbow
Weapon, uncommon
The inventor, Scaramucci.
Scaramucci is an inventor whose laboratory is also a seafaring vessel. I met him when I was exploring the cultures of small, unexplored islands. He's
a bit of an eccentric, but then again... who am I to judge?
A light crossbow made of dark wood and brass, with an artistic design of waves on either side. A normal light crossbow has a
range of 80/320 ft. Scaramucci's crossbow has a range of 100/340 ft. The damage output is normal unless it is fired on the
open water. Then it receives a +2 to the attack and damage rolls.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. J. Gagliani 8
Serum of Gullibility
Potion, uncommon
Never give to a rogue or bard.
In my experiments with this serum, it becomes tempting to throw caution to the wind and have some fun. During one of my tests, I convinced a
guard that I was his father. During another, I got an evil goblin lord to believe that I was Bargrivyek, a goblinoid god of cooperation. He immediately
began to bow down to me and kiss my feet. It can be quite intoxicating this kind of agency, so beware!

This tiny silver and glass vial of magenta-colored liquid has a very unique property. When a creature consumes the serum
and fails a DC 15 Constitution Saving throw, for the next 10 minutes, they will believe anything you tell them. This serum does
have limits. You can convince someone to fall in love, perform self-harm, or something 100% out of their character. For
example, you can't convince a king that he has given up his kingdom. The DM will have final say on what is possible. After the
10 minutes, the person will be able to differentiate what was true and what was false.

Sleep Number Bedroll

Wondrous item, common
Best Sleep Ever.
The foam used in the production of this bedroll is an engineering marvel. I need to go back to where I found this item and learn more about how
they construct such a sleeping device. Ever since I found this bedroll, I have been using it. I'll never go back to any other form of mattress or
bedrolls. Never!
This is a comfy bedroll made with a foam that conforms to the shape of your body. When you take a long rest, pick a number
between 1-4 and then roll a d4. If the number matches your roll, you will awake with 5 temporary hit points that are stackable
with other forms of temporary hit points.

Smoke Bomb
Potion, common
A small, glass vial containing a swirling dark grey smoke. When thrown, it casts the Fog Cloud spell. You create a 20ft radius
cloud of fog centered on the point the vial is open or broken. It lasts for up to 1 minute and requires no concentration. Once
cast, the fog cannot be moved. It has a range of 20 ft. when thrown and requires an action to do so.

Stimulant Syringe
Potion, uncommon
This is a glass vial with a sharp metal needle at one end and a plunger on the other. The lime green liquid inside of it can
heighten your abilities for a very short amount of time. When you use a bonus action to inject yourself or another creature
within 5 ft. of you with this item, it gives 5 temporary hit points and an extra 10 ft. of movement until the start of the next turn.
There's only 1 use per syringe. If you use more than 1 syringe during a particular fight, roll a d20. Anything less than 10 gives
you 1 point of exhaustion.

Wand of Shielding
Wand, uncommon (requires attunement by someone with a Wisdom Score of 12 or higher)
Abedabun, the abjurer.
There's a tribe that lives in the grasslands known as the Azee Tribe, pronounced 'Uh-zay'. They are usually a peaceful tribe unless provoked. When I
encountered them, I was travelling alone and so I did not come across as a threat whatsoever. They were quite gracious taking me in. I got to learn
about many of their traditions and their culture. One day, I met their equivalent of a physician, a woman named Abedabun. She was an elder
woman ordained with tattoos and ceremonial dress. Her and I grew quite close while I was there. She even felt comfortable enough to show me
some of her tools used in healing members of the Azee tribe.
A wooden and brass wand that ends in a twisting claw that holds a purple gemstone. When one of your companions within
20 ft. of you that you can see takes damage from a direct weapon or spell attack (not an area effect like Fireball), you can use
your reaction to send a bubble-like shield around that companion. Subtract 2d6 + Wisdom Modifier from the total damage
taken. Then on your very next turn, you can add that exact amount to your damage if you hit a target with a direct weapon or
spell attack (not an area effect like Fireball). If your next attack misses the target, the added damage value is lost. You can only
use this ability once per short or long rest.

Wild Turkey Whiskey

Potion, common
My own creation.
Yet another invention that required many mornings full of splitting headaches and uneasy stomachs. In my earlier findings, I discovered you could
summon 3 turkeys. Later, I discovered this was merely a side effect of being inebriated and in fact, it was just one turkey.

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A bottle containing a dark orange tan liquor. It contains 1d4+2 charges and takes an action to consume a charge. When you
take a shot (1 charge) of this magically enhanced liquor, you burp out a summoned turkey that is friendly to you and your
companions. It understands your commands but cannot communicate in any other way. The turkey, unless brought to 0 hit
points, only lasts 1 hour and then disappears. You can only have 1 turkey at a time.
Turkey: AC 12, Hit Points 5, Speed: 15 ft., Fly 5 ft., Intimidation +1, Perception +3, Beak Attack +2 to hit, reach 5ft., 1d4+1
piercing damage.

Wrist Sundial
Wondrous item, common
A leather strap with a light, stone sundial affixed to it. When you wear this wrist sundial and are outside in the sunlight, you
know the approximate time of day. It does not work on cloudy days or indoors.

Zills of Misplacement
Wondrous item, common
My own creation.
It was a great joy to be able to work with some of the world's best and brightest bards. Anstruth and Doss were instrumental (pun intended) in the
creation of the Zills of Misplacement.
Tiny finger cymbals that when clapped together bring a resonating albeit small sound. When you use a bonus action to do so,
an object no bigger than 1 foot on any given side instantly vanishes into a pocket dimension. But in 60 seconds, the object
returns to the same space before it disappeared.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. J. Gagliani 10

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