Chair and ProgDir Responsibilities - Rev
Chair and ProgDir Responsibilities - Rev
Chair and ProgDir Responsibilities - Rev
Department Chair
The Department Chair has the overall responsibility for representing the department within the
university as well as locally, nationally, and internationally. The Chair is a member of the
Administrative Advisory Council of Sargent College and has the general responsibility for strategic
planning, supervision, coordination, and evaluation of departmental goals, programs and resources.
The Chair can make commitments for his or her department, request additional resources, and enforce
policies and regulations. The Chair is directly responsible to the Dean for the following areas.
Academic issues:
1. In coordination with the Dean and Program Directors, the chair is responsible for developing and
maintaining the enrollment targets for each program.
2. Each chair is responsible for fostering cooperative and collaborative relationships/activities with
other departments in Sargent and across the university as applicable.
3. In coordination with the program director, the chair oversees attaining and maintaining professional
accreditation where appropriate.
4. The chair participates in the development of Alumni relations.
Revision 3/6/08
Program Director
The Program Director oversees the academic/programmatic components of the program and is invited
to attend the Administrative Advisory Council of Sargent College twice per semester. The Director
reports to the Department Chair with respect to the following areas: