RPT KSSR English T6
RPT KSSR English T6
RPT KSSR English T6
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1.3 1.3.1 LK7 nouns
By the end of the 6-year Able to listen to and Fill in the blank
primary schooling,pupils demonstrate understanding with compound
will be able to understand of oral texts by: nouns
and respond to oral texts
(b) giving main ideas and Form compound
in a variety of contexts. supporting details words
(d) drawing conclusions
Language Arts:
2.2 2.2.2 BK1 Contemporary
By the end of the 6-year Able to read and understand Children's
primary schooling,pupils will phrases and sentences from: Literature
be able to demonstrate (a) linear texts Poem
understanding of a variety
Short Story -
of linear and non-linear 2.2.3 BK2 Akhbar's Dream
texts in the form of print Able to read and demonstrate Graphic Novel -
and non-print materials understanding of texts by: Wizard of Oz
using a range of strategies (c) drawing conclusions
to construct meaning Educational
2.2.4 BK2 Emphases:
Able to apply dictionary skills Refer to DSKP
to identify and understand pages 17 - 20
meaning of words in context
5.1 5.1.1
By the end of the 6-year Able to use nouns correctly
primary schooling,pupils and appropriately
will be able to use
different word classes
correctly and appropriately.
Page 3
Week Theme / Unit Content Standard Learning Standard Performance Notes
3 World of Self, Family and 1.1 1.1.2 LK1 Textbook:
16.01.17 Friends By the end of the 6-year Able to listen to and respond Pages 11 - 20
- primary schooling, pupils confidently to a given
20.01.17 Unit 2 will be able to pronounce stimulus by using appropriate Grammar :
Appreciating Others words and speak words, phrases and Abstract Noun
4 confidently with the correct expressions with the correct
23.01.17 stress, rhythm and stress and intonation. Suggested Activities:
- intonation. Role-play
27.01.17 1.1.3 LK2 Talk on related
Able to speak confidently on topic
related topics Ask and answer
CUTI 1.2 1.2.1 LK5 Comprehension
THN By the end of the 6-year Able to participate in questions
BARU primary schooling, pupils conversations to: Match words to
CINA will be able to listen and (a) express happiness their meanings
28.01.17 respond appropriately in (b) express concern Complete the
- formal and and informal (c) express sorrow circle map
29.01.17 situations for a variety of (d) give encouragement Create a card
purposes. Send an e-card
1.2.4 LK5 Fill in the blanks
Able to participate in
conversations with peers Language Arts:
1.3 1.3.1 LK7 Children's
By the end of the 6-year Able to listen to and Literature
primary schooling,pupils demonstrate understanding Poem
will be able to understand of oral texts by: Short Story -
and respond to oral texts in (a) asking and answering Akhbar's Dream
a variety of contexts. questions Graphic Novel -
Wizard of Oz
Page 4
2.2 2.2.2 BK1 Educational
By the end of the 6-year Able to read and understand Emphases:
primary schooling,pupils phrases and sentences from: Refer to DSKP
will be able to demonstrate (b) non-linear texts pages 17 - 20
understanding of a variety of
linear and non-linear 2.2.3 BK2
texts in the form of print Able to read and demonstrate
and non-print materials understanding of texts by:
using a range of strategies (a) giving main ideas and
to construct meaning supporting details
Page 5
4.3 4.3.1 LAK3
By the end of the 6-year Able to plan, produce and
primary schooling,pupils will display creative works based
be able to plan, organise on literary texts using a
and produce creative works variety of media with
for enjoyment. guidance
5.1 5.1.1
By the end of the 6-year Able to use nouns correctly
primary schooling,pupils and appropriately
will be able to use different
word classes correctly and
Page 6
Week Theme / Unit Content Standard Learning Standard Performance Notes
5 World of Self, Family and 1.1 1.1.3 LK2 Textbook:
1.02.17 Friends By the end of the 6-year Able to speak confidently on Pages 21 - 30
- primary schooling, pupils related topics
3.02.17 Unit 3 will be able to pronounce Grammar :
Family Ties words and speak Reflexive pronouns
6 confidently with the correct
6.02.17 stress, rhythm and Suggested Activities:
- intonation. Talk on related
10.02.17 topic
1.2 1.2.4 LK5 Interiew a friend
By the end of the 6-year Able to participate in Group discussion
primary schooling, pupils conversations with peers Comprehension
will be able to listen and question
respond appropriately in 1.2.5 LK6 Plan an activity
formal and and informal Able to talk on topics of interest and give reasons
situations for a variety of in formal situations for one's choice.
purposes. Comprehension
7 questions
13.02.17 2.2 2.2.2 BK1 Write a description
By the end of the 6-year Able to read and understand Write sentences
17.02.17 primary schooling,pupils phrases and sentences from: in cursive writing
will be able to demonstrate (b) non-linear texts Fill in the blanks
understanding of a variety of
linear and non-linear Language Arts:
texts in the form of print Contemporary
and non-print materials Children's
using a range of strategies Literature
to construct meaning Poem
Short Story -
Akhbar's Dream
Graphic Novel -
Wizard of Oz
Page 7
3.2 3.2.2 TK4 Educational
By the end of the 6-year Able to write with guidance: Emphases:
primary schooling,pupils (d) descriptions Refer to DSKP
will be able to write using pages 17 - 20
appropriate language, form
and style for a range of
4.1 4.1.2
By the end of the 6-year Able to sing songs and recite
primary schooling,pupils jazz chants and poems
will be able to enjoy and with correct stress,
appreciate rhymes, poems pronunciation, rhythm and
and songs. intonation
5.1 5.1.2
By the end of the 6-year Able to use pronouns correctly
primary schooling,pupils and appropriately
will be able to use
different word classes
correctly and appropriately.
Page 8
Week Theme / Unit Content Standard Learning Standard Performance Notes
8 World of Knowledge 1.1 1.1.3 LK2 Textbook:
22.02.16 By the end of the 6-year Able to speak confidently on Pages 31 - 40
Unit 4 primary schooling, pupils related topics
26.02.16 Step Up! will be able to pronounce Grammar:
words and speak Relative Pronoun
9 confidently with the correct
29.02.16 stress, rhythm and Suggested Activities:
intonation. Talk on related
4.03.16 topic
1.3 1.3.1 LK7 Listen to a
By the end of the 6-year Able to listen to and conversation and
primary schooling,pupils demonstrate understanding complete a form
will be able to understand of oral texts by: Create a message
and respond to oral texts in (a) asking and answering Information
a variety of contexts. questions transfer
(b) giving main ideas and Find the meaning
supporting details of wordsin the
(c) stating cause and effect dictionary
Create a poster
2.2 2.2.2 BK1 Write paragraphs
By the end of the 6-year Able to read and understand using the notes
primary schooling,pupils phrases and sentences from:
will be able to demonstrate (a) linear texts Language Arts:
understanding of a variety of Contemporary
linear and non-linear 2.2.3 BK2 Children's
texts in the form of print Able to read and demonstrate Literature
and non-print materials understanding of texts by: Poem
using a range of strategies (a) giving main ideas and Short Story -
to construct meaning supporting details Akhbar's Dream
(b) stating cause and effect Graphic Novel -
Wizard of Oz
Page 9
2.2.4 BK2 Educational
Able to apply dictionary skills to Emphases:
identify and understand Refer to DSKP
meaning of words in context pages 17 - 20
5.1 5.1.2
By the end of the 6-year Able to use pronouns correctly
primary schooling,pupils and appropriately
will be able to use
different word classes
correctly and appropriately.
Page 11
Week Theme / Unit Content Standard Learning Standard Performance Notes
10 World of Knowledge 1.1 1.1.3 LK2 Textbook:
7.03.16 By the end of the 6-year Able to speak confidently on Pages 41 - 50
Unit 5 primary schooling, pupils related topics
11.03.16 360 º will be able to pronounce Grammar:
words and speak Simple Present
(12.03.16 confidently with the correct Tense
stress, rhythm and
20.03.16) intonation. Suggested Activities:
Cuti Talk on related
Sekolah 1.2 1.2.1 LK5 topic
By the end of the 6-year Able to participate in State 'True' or
11 primary schooling, pupils conversations to: 'False' statement
21-03.16 will be able to listen and (e) express opinions Information
respond appropriately in transfer
25.03.16 formal and and informal 1.2.4 LK4 Identify main
situations for a variety of Able to participate in and supporting
purposes. conversations with peers details
Write a paragraph
2.2 2.2.2 BK1 Fill in the blanks
By the end of the 6-year Able to read and understand Write sentences
primary schooling,pupils phrases and sentences from: based on the
will be able to demonstrate (b)non- linear texts pictures
understanding of a variety of Write a timetable
linear and non-linear 2.2.3 BK2
texts in the form of print Able to read and demonstrate
and non-print materials understanding of texts by:
using a range of strategies a) giving main ideas and
to construct meaning supporting details
Page 12
3.1 3.1.2 TK2 Language Arts:
By the end of the 6-year Able to write in neat cursive Contemporary
primary schooling,pupils writing with correct spelling: Children's
will be able to form letters (b) paragraphs Literature
and words in neat legible Poem
print including cursive
Short Story -
writing. Akhbar's Dream
Graphic Novel -
3.2 3.2.1 TK3 Wizard of Oz
By the end of the 6-year Able to transfer information to
primary schooling,pupils complete: Educational
will be able to write using (b) non-linear texts Emphases:
appropriate language, form Refer to DSKP
and style for a range of 3.2.2 TK4 pages 17 - 20
purposes. Able to write with guidance:
(d) descriptions
Page 16
5.1 5.1.3
By the end of the 6-year Able to use verbs correctly
primary schooling,pupils and appropriately
will be able to use different
word classes correctly and
Page 17
Week Theme / Unit Content Standard Learning Standard Performance Notes
14 World of Knowledge 1.1 1.1.3 LK2 Textbook:
11.04.16 By the end of the 6-year Able to speak confidently on Pages 61 -70
Unit 7 primary schooling, pupils related topics
15.04.16 Healthy and Wise will be able to pronounce Grammar:
words and speak confidently Subject-Verb-
15 with the correct stress, Agreement
18.04.16 rhythm and intonation
Suggested Activities:
22.04.16 1.2 1.2.1 LK5 Say the tongue
By the end of the 6-year Able to participate in twisters
primary schooling, pupils conversations to: Talk on related
will be able to listen and (e) express opinions topic
respond appropriately in Debate on a topic
formal and and informal 1.2.4 LK4 Comprehension
situations for a variety of Able to participate in question
purposes. conversations with peers Similes
2.2 2.2.1 BK1 Make a choice
By the end of the 6-year Able to apply word attack skills and write reasons
primary schooling,pupils by identifying: for one's choice
will be able to demonstrate (a) proverbs Write sentences
understanding of a variety of (c) similes based on the table
linear and non-linear Identify errors in
texts in the form of print 2.2.3 BK2 sentences
and non-print materials Able to read and demonstrate
using a range of strategies understanding of texts by:
to construct meaning (a) giving main ideas and
supporting details
(c) drawing conclusions
Page 18
2.2.4 BK2 Language Arts:
Able to apply dictionary skills to Contemporary
identify and understand Children's
meaning of words in context Literature
3.2.1 TK3 Short Story -
By the end of the 6-year Able to transfer information to Akhbar's Dream
primary schooling,pupils complete: Graphic Novel -
will be able to write using (a) linear texts Wizard of Oz
appropriate language, form
and style for a range of 3.2.2 TK4 Educational
purposes. Able to write with guidance: Emphases:
(d) descriptions Refer to DSKP
(e) instructions pages 17 - 20
4.3 4.3.1
By the end of the 6-year Able to plan, produce and
primary schooling,pupils will display creative works based
be able to plan, organise on literary texts using a
and produce creative works variety of media with
for enjoyment. guidance
5.1 5.1.3
By the end of the 6-year Able to use verbs correctly
primary schooling,pupils and appropriately
will be able to use different
word classes correctly and
Page 19
Week Theme / Unit Content Standard Learning Standard Performance Notes
16 World of Stories 1.1 1.1.3 LK1 Textbook:
25.04.16 By the end of the 6-year Able to speak confidently on Pages 71 - 82
Unit 8 primary schooling, pupils related topics
29.04.16 How the Tiger Got Its will be able to pronounce Grammar:
Stripes words and speak confidently Conjunctions
17 with the correct stress,
3.05.16 rhythm and intonation.
Suggested Activities:
6.05.16 1.2 1.2.1 LK5 Talk on related
By the end of the 6-year Able to participate in topic
(2.05.16) primary schooling, pupils conversations to: Complete the table
Cuti will be able to listen and (e) express opinions Solve the riddles
Ganti respond appropriately in Synonyms
Hari Buruh formal and and informal Sequence the
situations for a variety of sentences
(5.05.16) purposes. Comprehension
Cuti questions
Israk 1.3 1.3.1 LK7 Write sentences
Mikraj By the end of the 6-year Able to listen to and on similarities
primary schooling,pupils demonstrate understanding and differences
will be able to understand of oral texts by: Wrie a story in
and respond to oral texts in (d) drawing conclusions cursive writing
a variety of contexts. Fill in the blanks
Page 20
2.2 2.2.3 BK2 Language Arts:
By the end of the 6-year Able to read and demonstrate Contemporary
primary schooling,pupils will understanding of texts by: Children's
be able to demonstrate (a) giving main ideas and Literature
understanding of a variety
supporting details Poem
of linear and non-linear
(c) drawing conclusions Short Story -
texts in the form of print Akhbar's Dream
and non-print materials
2.3.1 BK3 Graphic Novel -
using a range of strategies Able to read for information and Wizard of Oz
to construct meaning enjoyment:
(a) fiction Educational
2.2.4 BK2 Refer to DSKP
Able to apply dictionary skills to pages 17 - 20
identify and understand
meaning of words in context
2.3.1 BK3
Able to read for information and
(a) fiction
5.1 5.1.4
By the end of the 6-year Able to use conjunctions
primary schooling,pupils correctly and appropriately
will be able to use
different word classes
correctly and appropriately.
Page 22
Week Theme / Unit Content Standard Learning Standard Performance Notes
18 World of Self, Family 1.1 1.1.2 LK1 Textbook:
9.05.16 and Friends By the end of the 6-year Able to listen to and respond Pages 83- 92
primary schooling, pupils confidently to a given stimulus
13.05.16 Unit 9 will be able to pronounce by using appropriate words, Grammar:
A Heart of Gold words and speak confidently phrases and expressions with Either…..or
19 with the correct stress, the correct stress and intonation Neither…..nor
16.05.16 rhythm and intonation.
Suggested Activities:
20.05.16 1.2 1.2.1 LK5 Talk based on the
By the end of the 6-year Able to participate in stimulus
primary schooling, pupils conversations to: Information
will be able to listen and (e) express opinions transfer
respond appropriately in Giving directions
formal and and informal 1.2.3 LK4 Comprehension
situations for a variety of Able to listen to, follow and give questions
purposes. directions to places around Write a letter
the state and country Join sentences
Fill in the blanks
2.3 2.3.1 BK3 Making sentences
By the end of the 6-year Able to read for information
primary schooling,pupils and enjoyment: Language Arts:
will be able to read (a) fiction Contemporary
independently for Children's
information and enjoyment. Literature
3.2 3.2.1 TK3 Short Story -
By the end of the 6-year Able to transfer information to Akhbar's Dream
primary schooling,pupils complete: Graphic Novel -
will be able to write using (b) non-linear texts Wizard of Oz
appropriate language, form
and style for a range of
Page 23
3.2.2 TK4 Educational
Able to write with guidance: Emphases:
(a) stories Refer to DSKP
pages 17 - 20
4.3 4.3.1 LAK3
By the end of the 6-year Able to plan, produce and
primary schooling,pupils display creative works based
will be able to plan, organise on literary texts using a
and produce creative works variety of media with
for enjoyment. guidance
5.1 5.1.4
By the end of the 6-year Able to use conjunctions
primary schooling,pupils correctly and appropriately
will be able to use
different word classes
correctly and appropriately.
Page 24
Week Theme / Unit Content Standard Learning Standard Performance Notes
20 World of Knowledge 1.1 1.1.2 LK1 Textbook:
23.05.16 By the end of the 6-year Able to listen to and respond Pages 93 - 102
Unit 10 primary schooling, pupils confidently to a given stimulus
27.05.16 Be Aware, Take Care! will be able to pronounce by using appropriate words, Grammar:
words and speak confidently phrases and expressions with Preposition of time
(28.05.16 with the correct stress, the correct stress and intonation Preposition of place
rhythm and intonation.
12.06.16) 1.1.3 LK2 Suggested Activities:
Cuti Able to speak confidently on Talk based on the
Sekolah related topics stimulus
Answer 'Yes' or 'No'
21 1.2 1.2.1 LK5 Role-play
13.06.16 By the end of the 6-year Able to participate in Describe safety
primary schooling, pupils conversations to: measures
17.06.16 will be able to listen and (e) express opinions Fill in the blanks
respond appropriately in State 'True' or
formal and and informal 1.2.4 LK5 'False'
situations for a variety of Able to participate in Write a speech
purposes. conversations with peers Write a
composition in
2.2 2.2.2 BK1 cursive writing
By the end of the 6-year Able to read and understand Fill in the blanks
primary schooling,pupils (b) non-linear texts
will be able to demonstrate Language Arts:
understanding of a variety of 2.2.3 BK2 Contemporary
linear and non-linear Able to read and demonstrate Children's
texts in the form of print understanding of texts by: Literature
and non-print materials (a) giving main ideas and Poem
using a range of strategies supporting details Short Story -
to construct meaning. Akhbar's Dream
Graphic Novel -
Wizard of Oz
Page 25
2.3 2.3.1 BK3 Educational
By the end of the 6-year Able to read for information Emphases:
primary schooling,pupils will and enjoyment: Refer to DSKP
be able to read (b)non- fiction pages 17 - 20
independently for
information and enjoyment.
Page 31
2.3 2.3.1 BK3 Educational
By the end of the 6-year Able to read for information Emphases:
primary schooling,pupils and enjoyment: Refer to DSKP
will be able to read (b) non-fiction pages 17 - 20
independently for
information and enjoyment.
5.1 5.1.7
By the end of the 6-year Able to use articles correctly
primary schooling,pupils and appropriately
will be able to use different
word classes correctly and
Page 33
Week Theme / Unit Content Standard Learning Standard Performance Notes
27 World of Knowledge 1.1 1.1.2 LK1 Textbook:
25.07.16 By the end of the 6-year Able to listen to and respond Pages 123 - 132
Unit 13 primary schooling, pupils confidently to a given stimulus
29.07.16 Overcoming the Odds will be able to pronounce by using appropriate words, Grammar:
words and speak confidently phrases and expressions with Adverb of Manner
28 with the correct stress, the correct stress and intonation
1.08.16 rhythm and intonation. Suggested Activities:
1.1.3 LK2 Talk based on the
5.08.16 Able to speak confidently on stimulus
related topics Giving directions
1.2 1.2.2 LK3 transfer
By the end of the 6-year Able to listen, follow, and give Comprehension
primary schooling, pupils instructions questions
will be able to listen and Write a paragraph
respond appropriately in 1.2.4 LK5 Fill in the blanks
formal and and informal Able to participate in
situations for a variety of conversations with peers Language Arts:
purposes. Contemporary
1.3 1.3.1 LK7 Literature
By the end of the 6-year Able to listen to and demonstrate Poem
primary schooling,pupils understanding of oral texts by: Short Story -
will be able to understand (b) giving main ideas and Akhbar's Dream
and respond to oral texts in supporting details Graphic Novel -
a variety of contexts. Wizard of Oz
Refer to DSKP
pages 17 - 20
Page 34
2.2 2.2.2 BK1
By the end of the 6-year Able to read and understand
primary schooling,pupils (b) non-linear texts
will be able to demonstrate
understanding of a variety of
linear and non-linear
texts in the form of print
and non-print materials
using a range of strategies
to construct meaning.
5.1 5.1.8
By the end of the 6-year Able to use adverbs correctly
primary schooling,pupils and appropriately
will be able to use different
word classes correctly and
Page 36
Week Theme / Unit Content Standard Learning Standard Performance Notes
29 World of Knowledge 1.1 1.1.3 LK2 Textbook:
8.08.16 By the end of the 6-year Able to speak confidently on Pages 133 - 142
Unit 14 primary schooling, pupils related topics
12.08.16 A Ringgit Saved is a will be able to pronounce Grammar:
Earned words and speak confidently Simple and
30 with the correct stress, compound
15.08.16 rhythm and intonation. sentences
Page 37
3.1 3.1.2 TK2 Educational
By the end of the 6-year Able to write in neat cursive Emphases:
primary schooling,pupils writing with correct spelling: Refer to DSKP
will be able to form letters (a) sentences pages 17 - 20
and words in neat legible
print including cursive
4.2 4.2.1
By the end of the 6-year Able to respond to
primary schooling, pupils literary texts:
will be able to express (a) characters
personal response to
literary texts.
5.2 5.2.1
By the end of the 6-year Able to construct various
primary schooling, pupils sentence types correctly
will be able to construct
various sentence types
Page 42