Improving The Reading Skills of Grade 2 Pupils of Samat Elementary School in English Using Project Rewrite
Improving The Reading Skills of Grade 2 Pupils of Samat Elementary School in English Using Project Rewrite
Improving The Reading Skills of Grade 2 Pupils of Samat Elementary School in English Using Project Rewrite
writing skills and allow them to diminish. After seeing the findings of her study, she has
recommended to other teachers that they should also
The 2nd Grade teacher of Samat Elementary School implement similar intervention plans. It can be
observed a sudden drop of proficiency in reading from observed how effective and powerful an intervention
her students during the on-going pandemic. With that, plan is. The intervention plan, Project ReWrite, also
she conceptualized an intervention plan titled “Project aims to have these kinds of results. Gonzalez-
ReWrite: Improving Reading and Writing Skills”, an Valenzuela and Martin-Ruiz (2017) discovered that if
intervention plan suited to needs of the students that you want to improve or recover the reading skills of
will allow them to improve their reading skills. The students that, implementing an intervention plan is an
intervention plan was successful and was able to raise effective strategy. This is supported by Capellini et al.
the reading skills of the students during that school (2015).
year. And now that the mode of learning is distance
learning, the intervention plan was revised to adapt to Also, Students who are at risk, improved their
the new mode of learning. phonology after going through a reading intervention
plan. The students also improved their capacity to read
The intervention plan includes phonetics, reading basic basic words. These are according to Silva and Crenitte
wor ds, reading basic sent ences, r eading (2016). This is a goal of Project ReWrite. According to
comprehension. This study is timely and is expected to Archer and Hughes (2011), A teacher must help their
produce results that will benefit the students of Samat students to have a good learning environment to ensure
Elementary School. productive and efficient learning. Since the mode of
learning is now distance learning, the intervention
Research Questions
plan, Project ReWrite, was revised to accommodate
the mode of learning. Intervention plans are an
The study focuses on the strategies used in the
effective way to generally improve skills related to
intervention plan, Project ReWrite, that aims to
improve the reading skills of the 2nd-grade students of
Samat Elementary School during the school year Improving reading skills
2021-2022. The study sought to answer the following;
Being able to read proficiently is essential, especially
1. What are the reading skills of the students before the
if one wants to achieve a higher level of education.
implementation of Project ReWrite in terms of the pre-
This is supported by Coyne et al. (2011), their study, it
test Phil-IRI result?
showed that teaching students how to read with
2. What are the reading skills of the students after the
comprehension is one of the most important duties
implementation of Project ReWrite in terms of the
teachers should complete.
post-test Phil-IRI result?
According to the study conducted by Bagolong and
Literature Review Usop (2021), they discussed the importance of having
proficient reading skills. They said that the process of
studying and learning depends on the student’s ability
Intervention Plans to Improve the reading skills of to read. If a student’s reading level falls down to the
students frustration level, it shows low reading comprehension
which in turn the student will struggle to learn.
Olivarez (2019) conducted a study to determine how Foorman (2014) said that reading skills are one of the
effective the intervention plan that she has bases that determine whether a student will be
implemented in Magallanes Elementary School in successful in the academic field. The ability to read
terms of the reading skills of the students. According properly is one of the most important skill a student
to the study conducted by Olivarez (2019) she has must poses, that is why teachers must take it upon
determined that the reading skills of the students themselves to make sure that their students have the
improved after implementing her intervention plan. It ability to read properly.
is stated in her research that the following increased;
independent readers from 28% became 41%, According to Yonson (2014) that through reading, our
instructional level from 26% became 30%. While the knowledge and our memorization skills can expand.
percentage of the following decreased; frustration level Terrado (2014) introduced the idea that reading is the
from 27% became 22%, non-readers from 19% ability to know and understand symbols that make up
became 7%. words and sentences. This ability can be used by
Table 1. Reading Level of Grades 2 pupils before the Table 4. Dependent t-test of the pre-test and post-test
Implementation of Project ReWrite: Improving results of frustration level.
Reading and Writing Skills
Table 3 shows the significant difference in the reading According to the data, there is a significant difference
level indicated that the percentage of independent level between the result of the pre-test and post-test in
increased from 13% to 20%, instructional level independent level.
remained the same, while the frustration level
increased from 0% to 20%, and non-reader decreased
from 74% to 47%.
Discussion References