Eilenberg Ganea
Eilenberg Ganea
Eilenberg Ganea
October 4, 2012
In dimension 3 and above, Bredon cohomology gives an accurate
purely algebraic description of the minimal dimension of the classify-
ing space for actions of a group with stabilisers in any given family
of subgroups. For some Coxeter groups and the family of virtually
cyclic subgroups we show that the Bredon cohomological dimension
is 2 while the Bredon geometric dimension is 3.
any contractible 2-complex.
cd W = 2 and gd W = 3.
cd W = gd W ≥ 3.
The first author is grateful for the support of the CRC 701 of the DFG.
1. mst = 1 if s = t, and
2. mst ≥ 2 otherwise.
computation of H∗ (X/Z2 ; Z) from which it follows that H 3 (X/Z2 ; Z) is a
countable direct product of copies of Z. Theorem 4.2 in [9, p. 83] states
that H 3 (X/Z2 ) ∼
= HF3vc (Z2 ) (Z2 ; Z). Hence it follows that cd Z2 = 3.
X sing = {x ∈ X | Wx 6= 1}.
Clearly X # ⊂ X sing .
Lemma 1. Let K ⊂ Σ be the fundamental chamber of Σ and let s ∈ S.
Then both K and K ∪ sK are convex subsets of Σ.
Proof. For each t ∈ S the fixedpoint set Σt separates Σ into two connected
half spaces. Denote by Ht− the half space which does not intersect K and
+ +
denote by H t the complement of Ht− . Then H t is a convex subset of Σ
T +
containing K. Then K = t∈S H t is a convex subset of Σ. Finaly, K ∩ sK
T convex since K ∪ sK = K0 ∩ sK0 where K0 is the convex set K0 =
t∈S\{s} H t .
cf. [4, p. 63, p. 127]. The set K S is homotopy equivalent to L [4, p. 127].
Let s ∈ S and x ∈ Σ# \ K. Let y = π(x). Then sy ∈ sK and
since K ∪ sK is convex it follows that the midpoint m of the geodesic
joining y and sy is contained in K ∪ sK. Since y and sy have the same
distance from K ∩ sK it follows that m ∈ K ∩ sK. In particular m ∈ K.
Since x ∈ Σ# it follows that d(x, y) = d(sx, sy) = d(x, sy). Since the metric
of Σ is CAT(0) it follows that d(x, m) ≤ max(d(x, y), d(x, sy)) = d(x, y).
By the uniqueness of the point π(x) it follows that m = y. Hence y ∈ K S .
It follows that the homotopy equivalence Σ ' K restricts to a homotopy
equivalence Σ# ' K S . Thus X # ' L.
where the index set I consists of all maximal infinite virtually cyclic sub-
groups of W which contain at least two non-commuting Coxeter generators.
homotopy equivalent to (X, A) such that the cells of X \ A are dimension
wise in a 1-to-1 correspondence to the cells of Y \ B.
Proof. This follows directly from Theorem 4.1.7 in [10, p. 104].
On the other hand, it follows from [11, Corollary 16] that the quo-
tient space EW/W has non-trivial cohomology in dimension 2, and thus
HF2 (W ; Z) must be non-trivial too, cf. Theorem 4.2 in [9, p. 83]. As a
consequence we get cd W ≥ 2 and therefore the claim follows.
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