Is the process of reconstructiong the
object from the serialized state.
Volatile keyword in Java is used as an
indicator to Java compiler and Thread
that do not cache value of this variable
and always read it from main memory
contains unique elements only like Contains values based on the key. It
HashSet. The TreeSet class implements the NavigableMap
implements NavigableSet interface interface and extends AbstractMap
that extends the SortedSet interface. class.
maintains ascending order. It contains only unique
Map Interface It cannot have null key but can
have multiple null values.
A map contains values based on the key It is same as HashMap instead
i.e. key and value pair. Map contains maintains ascending order.
only unique elements.
Hashtable class –is an array of list. Each
HashMap class – contains values based list is known as a bucket. The position of
on the key. It implements the Map bucket is identified by calling the
interface and extends AbstractMap hashcode() method.
It contains values based on the key. It
It contains only unique elements. implements the Map interface and
It may have one null key and multiple extends Dictionary class.
null values.
It maintains no order It contains only unique elements.
It may have not have any null key
LinkedHashMap class or value.
It is synchronized.
Contains values based on the key. It
implements the Map interface and
extends HashMap class.
It contains only unique elements.
It may have one null key and multiple
null values.
It is same as HashMap instead
maintains insertion order.