Module 4 Vertical and Horizontal Stress

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Geotechnical Engineering 2

Module 4
Week 10 to 12 (3 Weeks)

Subsurface Stresses

1. Stress Caused by the Soil Mass

A. Vertical Stress

In a soil mass having a horizontal surface, the vertical stress caused by the soil at a point below
the surface is equal to the weight of the soil lying directly above the point. Vertical stress thus increases as
the depth of the soil overburden increases. The vertical stress can be calculated as the weight of a
“column” of soil extending above a unit area. For a homogeneous soil having a wet unit volumetric
weight of γt (normally expressed as kilonewtons per cubic meter or pounds per cubic foot), the stress σv
(normally in kilonewtons per square meter or kilopascals, or pounds per square foot) at a depth Z m or ft
below the ground surface is:

If the soil mass is made up of strata of different soil types and the unit weights of the soil in each
stratum are different, the vertical stress at a depth Z will be equal to the total weight of the different
segments of the soil “column,” as shown above.

B. Effective Stress (Effect of Groundwater Table), σv

When a soil exists below the groundwater table, the submerged soil particles are subject to a
buoyant force resulting from the hydrostatic water pressure, the same phenomenon that acts on any
submerged solid. The submerged weight of the soil, γsub, is termed the effective soil weight, and the
subsurface stress that results is termed the effective stress.

where γsub = γsat – γw

Effective stress represents the actual intergranular pressure that occurs between soil
particles. This effective stress is the stress that influences shear strength of the soil and volume changes
or settlements.

To compute the effective stress for a condition where the groundwater table lies below the
ground surface, and for the condition where strata of soils of different types and weights exist, two
different approaches are possible. One approach involves determining the total soil pressure
(disregarding buoyancy effects) and then subtracting the hydrostatic pressure (the neutral
pressure) at the point being analyzed. The neutral pressure u is the unit weight of water jw, multiplied
by the depth below the water table.

A second approach is to determine directly the effective stress of the column of soil above the
point by using the effective or submerged weight of all soil in the “column.” Above the water table, the
effective soil weight is the total soil weight, including the pore water; below the water table, the effective
soil weight is the submerged or buoyant weight. See illustration below in various soil and groundwater
C. Horizontal or Lateral Stresses

The magnitude of vertical stress is relatively simple to determine when the ground surface is
level. When this condition does exist, it is also convenient to indicate horizontal (lateral) stresses that
exist in a soil mass in terms of the soil vertical stress. The ratio of lateral stress to vertical stress, K, is
termed the coefficient of lateral earth pressure. Thus a state of static equilibrium exists and the soil is
in the at-rest condition. The coefficient of lateral pressure for the at-rest condition is indicated by Ko.
Sample Calculation:

1. At a planned construction site, subsurface sampling indicates that the wet unit weight of
the soil is 123pcf.
a. Determine the effective vertical stress at the 12ft depth if the water table is deep.
B. Determine the effective vertical stress at a 12ft deep if the water table is at the
ground surface. GWT

12 ft. γT = γsat =123pcf


a.) σv = γ z

= 123pcf (12ft)
= 1476 psf

b.) σv = (γsat - γw)z

= (123pcf - 62.4pcf)(12ft)

= 727.2 psf
2. At a planned construction site, subsurface sampling indicates that the soil wet unit
weight is 19.5 kN/m3.
a. Determine the effective vertical stress at a depth of 4m if the water table is deep.
b. Determine the effective vertical stress if the groundwater table is at the ground
c. Determine the effective vertical stress at the 4m depth if the groundwater table is
2m below the surface.


a. σv = γt z
= (19.5 kN/m3)(4m) 4m γT = γsat =19.5 kN/m3
= 78 kPa

b. σv = (γsat – γw )z + γt z
= (19.5 kN/m 3
– 9.81kNm3)(2m)
γT = γsat =19.5 kN/m3
+ (19.5 kN/m3)(2m) 2m

= 58.38 kPa

c. σv = (γsat – γw )z
= (19.5 kN/m3 – 9.81kNm3)(4m)
γT = γsat =19.5 kN/m3
= 38.76 kPa
3. At a lake location, the soil surface is 6m under the water surface. Samples from the soil
deposit underlying the lake indicate a saturated unit weight of 18.8 kN/m 3. Determine the
effective vertical stress in the deposit at a depth 12m below the soil surface. Also indicate
the total vertical stress at the same point.

Water surface
σv= (γsat - γw) z soil surface
γsat = 18.8 kN/m3
= (18.8 kN/m3 -9.81 kN/m3)(12m)
= 107.9 kPa

4. A basement wall for a commercial building extends 3.1m below the ground surface.
Assume the soil unit weight is 18.5 kN/m3. For a point 3m below the ground surface,
compare the lateral soil pressure acting against the wall for the condition (a) when the soil
is a sand-gravel material and (b) when the soil is clay.


a.) granular ko = 0.5, for granular soil

γT = 18.5 kN/m3
σh = ko(σv) 3.1m
= (0.5)(18.5 kN/m3 x 3m)
= 27.8 kPa σh

b.) clay ko = 1.0, for clay

σh = ko(σv)
= (1.0)(18.5 kN/m3 x 3m)
= 55.5 kPa
2. Vertical Stress Increase due to Vertical Surface Loading

When a vertical loading from a structure or other body is applied at the surface of a soil
mass, new stresses are created within the mass. Because of shearing resistance developed
within the soil, loading transferred to the soil mass will be spread laterally with
increasing depth from the point or area of application

With increasing depth, the area over which new stresses develop will increase, but the
magnitude of the stresses will decrease.

A. Boussinesq Stress Distribution

One of the classical methods in common use for calculating stresses that result in a
soil mass from a surface loading is based upon the work of Boussinesq, a nineteenth-century
French mathematician. Boussinesq assumed a homogeneous, isotropic material
(propertiesthe same in all directions) of semi-infinite extent (unlimited depth) and
developed equations for the stress distribution resulting from a point load.
B. Westergaard Stress Distribution

The Westergaard equations provide a better means of evaluating the subsurface

stresses. In his development, Westergaard assumed that thin layers of a homogeneous
and anisotropic material were sandwiched between closely spaced, infinitely thin
sheets of rigid material that would permit compression but no lateral deformation.

C. Sixty-Degree Approximation

A method in wide use for making rough estimates of subsurface stresses

resulting from a loaded foundation area.

In this method, it is assumed that the subsurface stresses spread out uniformly
with depth, the stressed area increasing at a slope of 1 m or ft horizontally for each 2 m
or ft of depth as measured from the edges of the foundation.
Sample Calculation:

1. A 200KN concentrated load acts on a surface of a soil mass. Determine the

vertical stress 3m below the ground surface at locations directly beneath the point
of load application, 3m horizontally from the load, and 6m horizontally from the
a. Assume the Boussinesq conditions applied.
b. Assume the Westergaard conditions applied.

Solution: a. Boussinesq Equation

200 kN


∆σv0 ∆σv3 ∆σv6

b. Westergaard Equation


∆σv0 ∆σv3 ∆σv6

2. Compare the stress increase occurring 2 m below the center of a 3 m by 3 m
square foundation imposing a bearing pressure of 125 kPa (125 kN/m2) when:
(a) the Boussinesq stress distribution is assumed.
(b) the 60° approximation is assumed.
Q Q = 125 kPa ( 3m x 3m) = 1125 kN

a. Boussinesq Equation
b. Sixty Degree Approximation

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