MPMC Questions

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Unit 1

1. a) Write the general bus operation of 8086 microprocessor

b) Explain the physical memory organization of 8086 microprocessor.

2 a) Draw and discuss the pin configuration of 8086.

b) What is an interrupt vector table of 8086? Explain its structure

3. a) What are registers? List and discuss the functions of the registers of 8086 microprocessor.

b) What is an interrupt? List and explain different interrupts supported by 8086 microprocessor.

4. a)What is memory segmentation? What is its use? Explain the memory segmentation in 8086

b) What is the use of operating 8086 in maximum mode? Explain.

5. a) List the main features of 8086 microprocessor. Draw and explain the internal architecture of
8086 microprocessor

b) Draw the flag register of 8086 and discuss the use of each flag

6. a) with a neat schematic diagram, discuss the working of 8086 microprocessor in its maximum
mode. Draw and discuss the timing diagrams for memory read and write operation.

b) Explain the minimum mode operation of 8086 with the help of timing diagrams

Unit 2

1. a) Discuss about the branching instructions of 8086 microprocessor.

b) Discuss about the string instructions of 8086 microprocessor.

2. a) What do you mean by addressing modes? Explain the different addressing modes supported by
8086 with examples.

b) Explain the functions of DB, DT, ENDP, EQU, LENGTH assembler directive.

3. a) Write and discuss different machine language instruction formats supported by 8086

b) Write an assembly language program in 8086 to find the factorial of a given number.

4. a) List different arithmetic instruction of 8086 microprocessor and explain with examples.

b) Write a program in 8086 to convert a 16-bit binary number into equivalent BCD number.

5. a) What is the purpose of AAA, AAD and DAA instructions of 8086? Explain with examples

b) Explain the work flow process in an assembler.

6. a) Explain the different logical instructions of 8086 microprocessor.

b) Write a short note on assembler directives.

Unit 3

1. a) Draw the block diagram of 8259 and explain each block.

b) Illustrate with an example, to interface an D/A converter with 8086 microprocessor

2. a) Explain in detail about the DMA controller with a neat diagram.

b) Draw a typical stepper motor interface with 8255 and explain its functioning.

3. a) Explain the BSR mode of operation of 8255 programmable peripheral interface.

b) Write an assembly language program in 8086 to generate a symmetrical square wave with 1
KHz frequency?

4. a) Interfacing of a two 4X4 PROM and two 8X4 RAM with 8086 CPU, draw the memory
map and interfacing diagram for it, the RAM address follows the ROM address.

b) Explain the Interfacing of seven segment displays along with 8255 PPI

5. a) Interface an 8255 with 8086 to work as a peripheral interface. Initialize its port A as output port,
port B as input port and port C as output port. Port A address should be 0740H.Writ a program to
sense switch positions SW0 –SW7 connected at port B. The sensed pattern is to be displayed in port
A, to which 8 LEDs are connected, which the port C lower displays number of ‘ON’ switches out of
the total eight switches. (or Explain the interface of LCD with 8086.)

b) What is DMA? What are its advantages?

6. a) Discuss the applications of A-to-D and D-to-A converters.

b)  Write a program to make the stepper motor to rotate both clockwise and counter clock wise

7. a) Explain ADC 0809 with neat sketch and explain how can ADC 0809 interfaced with 8086?

b) Bring out the differences between static and dynamic RAM. Describe the procedure of
interfacing static memories with a CPU.

8.a) Explain the interfacing of 8255 to 8086 in memory mapped I/O mode.

b) Explain the important features of 8251USART.

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