Cs Fundamental

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CS Fundamental

CS Fundamental (Assam Kaziranga University)

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Downloaded by Pranav Thumar ([email protected])

Just simplified my experience here…

Hope it goona help you all… @himanshu_shekhar16
Save this pdf and thanks me later @himanshushekar

Downloaded by Pranav Thumar ([email protected])


Reference taken form GFG, Leetcode, and InterviewBit

Operating System

1. What is the main purpose of an operating system? Discuss different types?

2. What is a socket, kernel and monolithic kernel ?

3. Difference between process and program and thread? Different types of


4. Define virtual memory, thrashing, threads.

5. What is RAID ? Different types.

6. What is a deadlock ? Different conditions to achieve a deadlock.

7. What is fragmentation? Types of fragmentation.

8. What is spooling ?

9. What is semaphore and mutex (Differences might be asked)? Define


10. Belady’s Anomaly

11. Starving and Aging in OS

12. Why does trashing occur?

13. What is paging and why do we need it?

14. Demand Paging, Segmentation

15. Real Time Operating System, types of RTOS.

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16. Difference between main memory and secondary memory.

17. Dynamic Binding

18. FCFS Scheduling

19. SJF Scheduling

20. SRTF Scheduling

21. LRTF Scheduling

22. Priority Scheduling

23. Round Robin Scheduling

24. Producer Consumer Problem

25. Banker’s Algorithm

26. Explain Cache

27. Diff between direct mapping and associative mapping

28. Diff between multitasking and multiprocessing

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Database Management System

1. What is DBMS ? Mention advantages..

2. What is Database?

3. What is a database system?

4. What is RDBMS ? Properties..

5. Types of database languages

6. ACID properties (VVVVV IMP)

7. Difference between vertical and horizontal scaling

8. What is sharding

9. Keys in DBMS

10. Types of relationship

11. Data abstraction in DBMS, three levels of it

12. Indexing in DBMS

13. What is DDL (Data Definition Language)

14. What is DML (Data Manipulation Language)

15. What is normalization ? Types of them ..

16. What is denormalization ?

17. What is functional dependency ?

18. E-R Model ?

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19. Conflict Serializability in DBMS ..

20. Explain Normal forms in DBMS

21. What is CCP ? (Concurrency Control Protocols)

22. Entity, Entity Type, Entity Set, Weak Entity Set..

23. What are SQL commands ? Types of them..

24. Nested Queries in SQL ?

25. What is JOIN .. Explain types of JOINs

26. Inner and Outer Join

27. Practice sql queries from leetcode

28. Diff between 2 tier and 3 tier architecture

29. Diff between TRUNCATE and DELETE command ..

30. Difference between Intension and Extension in a DataBase

31. Difference between share lock and exclusive lock, definition of lock

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Computer Networks

1. Define network

2. What do you mean by network topology, and explain types of them

3. Define bandwidth, node and link ?

4. Explain TCP model ..

5. Layers of OSI model

6. Significance of Data Link Layer

7. Define gateway, difference between gateway and router ..

8. What does ping command do ?

9. What is DNS, DNS forwarder, NIC, ?

10. What is MAC address ?

11. What is IP address, private IP address, public IP address, APIPA ?

12. Difference between IPv4 and IPv6

13. What is subnet ?

14. Firewalls

15. Different type of delays

16. 3 way handshaking

17. Server-side load balancer

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18. RSA Algorithm

19. What is HTTP and HTTPS protocol ?

20. What is SMTP protocol ?

21. TCP and UDP protocol, prepare differences

22. What happens when you enter “google.com” (very very famous question)

23. Hub vs Switch

24. VPN, advantages and disadvantages of it

25. LAN

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Downloaded by Pranav Thumar ([email protected])

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