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Pramana Research Journal ISSN NO: 2249-2976

A Study Of The Growth Of Digital Marketing In Indian


Kishor Kumar
Assistant Prof.
Chandigarh University

Abstract – Digital marketing is expanding in launched by IBM and for the first time
India with rapid pace. Several Indian Channel Net Soft Advertising Group an ad
companies are using digital marketing for firm which attempted to involve many ad
competitive lead. Most part as decisive role campaigns in soft form with the support of
is played by internet in digital marketing. advertising digitalization launched the digital
Widespread incorporation of the internet for marketing concept which give raise to
both business and private use has generated promotional trials such as Reader Reply
many new channels for advertising and Cards predicted in Magazines and in return
marketing activities. This article mainly acquiring the floppy disk which comprises of
focuses on the growth of digital marketing in multimedia content (Kamal, 2016). The
the present scenario. The study undertaken below figure shows the evolution and history
intends to discover the phenomenon related of digital marketing:
to the inclination in digital marketing. Hence
three entities namely Consumers, Company
and Third Party Agency were taken into
contention. Results of this study reveal that
all entities agree regarding mandatory
internet awareness for the growth in digital
marketing in this study.

Keywords – Digital Marketing; Digital

Media; Marketing; Promotions; Digital

Digital Marketing is marketing of goods
or services, which involves electronic
devices. Digital advertising is widely referred
to as ‘online advertising’, ‘internet
advertising’ or ‘web advertising’. Digital
advertising means the advertising of goods or
services by means of digital technologies.
The form of marketing which revolves
around internet based promotional messages
to target the consumers. Digital technology
includes internet, mobile phone or any other Figure 1: Evolution and History of Digital
digital media. In 1981 the first PC was Marketing

Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019 388

Pramana Research Journal ISSN NO: 2249-2976

Digital marketing is a set of powerful  72% marketers believe that

tools and methodologies used for promoting traditional model of marketing is no
products and services through the internet. It longer sufficient and this will make the
includes wide range of marketing elements company revenue to be increased by
than in traditional business marketing due to 30% by the end of 2019
the extra channels and marketing In 2019, 80% businesses will increase
mechanisms available on online. Digital their digital marketing budget which may
marketing moves at the speed on light to keep surpass the IT budget. Only the illiterates
up a strong foundation with the judgment to could not access the potentials of the digital
think critically, act independently and be marketing because of the accessibility to
relentlessly creative. Internet is an element to computing devices and computer education.
make the life easy and faster. In the present Many of the people in this category still don't
scenario we can see that digital marketing trust the method of an online payment and
plays a major role replacing the traditional they lack training in English Language and
marketing. other foreign languages to market online in
global markets.
India has an internet user’s base of about The objectives of this study are as follows:
450 million as of July 2018, 40% of the 1. To study the role of digital marketing
population. The industry consensus is that in Indian scenario.
growth is at an inflation point. In India, cash 2. To identify various reasons and
on delivery is the most preferred payment schemes that affecting the growth of
method, accumulating 75% of the e- retail digital marketing.
activities. In country with a rapid growth 3. To study the opinions of three entities
economy, it is expected to have a very high viz. consumer, company and 3rd
significant growth in digital marketing party agency with regard to the
career. The growth in online marketing trends growth of digital marketing.
is making a very substantial impact on
marketing and advertisement. The use of The hypothesis of the study are as follows:
communication tools has greatly changed in 1. The growth of digital marketing is
the year past. Several factors have been found related to the increase in usage of
to contribute to the growth of digital internet.
marketing in India. Before now, internet 2. Alike traditional market there exists
usage was only meant for the wealthy. There strong relationship between company
is now a great change in the lifestyle of the and 3rd party agency in the field of
middle class. The very majority now have digital marketing.
access to the internet in India. Internet and 3G 3. The growth of digital marketing is
penetration revolutionized the marketing incredible yet inevitable in today’s era
scenario for both consumers and the of globalization.
marketers. The following survey from people
indicates the size of Digital Marketing III. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
industry in India:
 34% of the companies already had an Sharad Madhukar Dashaputre (2011), in
integrated digital marketing strategy in his thesis “A study of the growth of internet
2018 marketing in Indian scenario” came to a
conclusion that an increase in the use of

Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019 389

Pramana Research Journal ISSN NO: 2249-2976

internet and mobile has resulted for the auditory, measurable result, can be
increase in the growth of internet marketing. personalized, relationship build, 24 hours/ 7
Based on their study all the respondents agree days availability. Internet marketing also
that internet is mandatory for the growth of have some disadvantages such as copying,
online marketing and hence people should be too much add cutter, unserious perception,
given awareness of internet. Most of them unconformity to the product, too much
strongly agree that traditional marketing will competition, and damage by negative
be replaced by online marketing in the near feedback, technological dependence, and
future. were not embraced by all people and lack of
Susanne Schwarzl and Monika trust.
Grabowska (2015), in their study on the topic D.K Gangeshwar (2013) in his journal,
“Online marketing strategies: the future is “E-commerce or internet marketing: a
here” said that studying the customers' business review from Indian Context”,
behavior is important in all the type of remarked that the present developed in online
marketing activities. Whether it is online or marketing would be a valuable addition to
offline customers behave in the same way. An researcher and academicians and useful
apt strategy should be used for bringing the theory for practitioners, advertisers and
attention of customers. No company entrepreneurs. In the next three to five years
activities move without internet. So it is India will have 30 to 70 million internet users
important to have at least one online which will equal many of the developing
department for the company's web presence. countries. E-commerce is set to play a very
The main goal of company should be to important role in the 21st century, the new
create a clear defined brand which represents opportunities that will be thrown open, will
the companies values and catch potential be accessible to both large corporations and
buyers and loyal consumers attention offline small companies.
as well as online. Dr.Amit Singh Rathore, Mr.Mohit Pant,
Niharika Satinder (2015), in their journal Mr. Chetan Sharma (2017), in their article
“A study on internet marketing in India: “Emerging trends in Digital marketing in
Challenges and Opportunities” says that India” says that the consumers are looking
online marketing develops a greater and searching more on internet to find the
opportunity to get information relating to best products and services from the sellers
customers as compared to traditional around India. By different techniques of
methods of marketing. In the next few years digital marketing such as search engine
online marketing will strengthen more and optimization (SEO), search engine marketing
makes the shopping habits pf the people more (SEM), content marketing, influencer
efficient and world class. Because of the use marketing, e-commerce marketing, campaign
of credit cards the online shopping became marketing, social marketing etc. the shopping
easier. speed of the customers have been increased
Vladislav Yurovsky, in his study “Pros vastly. The usage of social media has created
and Cons of Internet marketing” came to a new opportunities for digital marketers to
conclusion that there are advantages as well attract the customers through digital
as disadvantages for internet marketing. platform.
Some of the advantages are empowering
effect, elimination of geographic barriers,
target reaching, immediate results, cost
effective, reaching wider or international

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Pramana Research Journal ISSN NO: 2249-2976


In the present work, the study of digital As mentioned previously, the data was
marketing mainly comprises of a consumer collected by using survey method. Analysis
perspective, company perspective and third was based on the 7 point Likert scale system.
party perspective. Three questionnaires were Table 1
prepared for each entity. The questions were Likert Scale system
related to know the attitude towards the use Response Points
of digital marketing by the company, reasons Strongly Agree 7
for the growth of growth marketing and the Agree 6
impact on the volume of turnover of the Agree to some extent 5
company. Undecided 4
Disagree to some extent 3
Strongly Disagree 1
Consumers – The sample size of 1000
consumers from different walk of life and The opinion given by respondents about
with different age group were taken. Of the having mandatory awareness of internet for
total sample of 1000 consumers, about 88% the growth of Digital Marketing is further
of responses were face to face i.e. by depicted from Figure 2 wherein large number
contacting them personally, about 4% were of consumers and 3rd party agency
contacted on Telephone and 8% by means of respondents are found to Strongly Agree.
Email. However most of the company executives are
found to agree to have mandatory awareness
Companies – The sample size of 100 of internet for the growth of Digital
companies was targeted for this study. Of Marketing.
these 100 companies, 50% from service
sector, 31% of companies were from
manufacturing sector, 12% from IT sector,
6% from educational sector and 1% from
testing and research. Based on the turnover of
the company(in Rs) about 46% companies
were found to have turnover upto Rs 5Cr,
21% between Rs 5 Cr to Rs 50 Cr,17%
between Rs 50 Cr to Rs 100 Cr and 16% with
Rs 100 Cr and above.
Figure 2 Internet Awareness for the
Third Party Agency – The number of 3rd Growth of Digital Marketing
party agency in today’s scenario is less and Figure 3 displays that 92% Consumer,
thus sample size of 10 for 3rd party digital 82% Company and 75% 3rd Party Agency
marketing agencies was finalized. Of these respondents Strongly Agree to the present
10 agencies were from Mumbai, 2 each from day experiencing of the growth of Digital
Pune and Noida, 1 each from Gurgaon, Jaipur Marketing. It is important to note that none of
and Bangalore. the respondents had expressed negative
opinion regarding the ongoing growth of
Digital Marketing.

Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019 391

Pramana Research Journal ISSN NO: 2249-2976

could result for the success of Digital

Marketing hence these respondents disagree.

Figure 3 Growth of Digital Marketing

Figure 4 reveal that 89% of Consumer
and 70% of 3rd Party Agency respondents
Strongly Agree that number of players in the
field of Digital Marketing is bound to Figure 5 Success of Digital Marketing
increase in near future so as to cater to the Figure 6 that the reason ranked second by
increasing needs of consumers. This view about 30% of all the respondents was to gain
was also supported by 12% Company “Additional Revenue”. In case of 3rd Party
respondents. Besides this 30% of 3rd Party Agency 20% of the respondents feel that the
Agency respondents Agree regarding use of internet media is the “Management
possibility of rise in number of service Policy”. This view is acceptable to only 11%
providers in field of Digital Marketing. The of Consumers and 12% of Company
increase in number of service provides in Executives.
future however could not visualized by 4%
and 1% of company and consumer

Figure 6 Reasons for Use of Digital

Marketing by Company
Figure 7 displays that there are 70%
Figure 4 Increase in Number of Service consumer respondents who agree to some
Providers extent that the Digital Marketing would
Figure 5 shows that about 65% of the certainly help the company in branding of the
Consumer respondents Strongly Agree that product. Similar opinion was given by 40%
selected product/ service will only result for of the 3rd party agency respondents..
success in Digital Marketing. The success of
Digital Marketing that related to certain
product is agreed by 81% and 30% of the
Company and 3rd Party Agency respondents
respectively. It is surprising to see that nearly
50% of 3rd Party Agency respondents do not
give credit to any one product/service which

Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019 392

Pramana Research Journal ISSN NO: 2249-2976

days that the consumer’s inclination to have

access towards Digital Marketing is
increasing significantly.
Finally to conclude the finding of this
research work it can be noted that the growth
of digital marketing is certainly a phenomena
experienced by almost all the respondents.
The growth of digital marketing is directly
related to the increase in the use of internet.
Hence the effect of internet era is experienced
Figure 7 Branding Of Product in marketing sector.
Figure 8 shows that more than 50% of 3rd The only variation found between
party agency respondents estimates that the traditional marketing and digital marketing is
turnover is much higher and may range that there is no compulsion of channel
between Rs.1200 Cr. to 1300 Cr. There were network in digital marketing. Most of the
32% consumer and 28% company respondents have judged the importance of
respondents having their estimation about the digital marketing and hence have commented
turnover to be between Rs.1000 Cr. to 1100 that in near future the potential of digital
Cr. There were more than 10% to 15% of the marketing is bound to increase and also this
respondents who estimated the industry will generate more revenue for companies.
turnover in Digital Marketing to be Rs.1300 Most of the respondents agree that digital
Cr. or above. According to recent reports in marketing will be successful in coming days.
Business Standards the expected Digital
Marketing industry turnover ranges between
Rs. 13000 Cr. Hence the expected potential REFERENCES
of digital marketing determined by the [1] Kamal Y (2016), Study of Trend in
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Pramana Research Journal ISSN NO: 2249-2976

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Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019 394

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