CIE-3 Alina Documentation
CIE-3 Alina Documentation
CIE-3 Alina Documentation
The purpose of this documentation is to provide a comprehensive guide to the frontend
aspect of an application built using Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA. This documentation
aims to assist developers in understanding the frontend development process and effectively
building the user interface (UI) for the application.
The project is centered around developing a robust and user-friendly frontend application
that seamlessly integrates with the backend powered by Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA.
Spring Boot is a popular Java framework that simplifies the development of enterprise-grade
applications, while Spring Data JPA provides a convenient way to interact with a database
using Java Persistence API (JPA).
The frontend of an application plays a crucial role in enhancing the user experience and
providing a visually appealing interface. This documentation focuses on the technologies,
guidelines, and best practices required to build a highly functional and responsive frontend
for the Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA application.
By focusing on these objectives, the frontend development team can create a well-
structured, user-friendly, and efficient user interface for the application. This documentation
will guide developers through the necessary steps, best practices, and technologies required
to achieve these objectives successfully.
With the objectives and focus of this documentation established, developers can now
proceed with the guidelines and instructions provided to build an impressive frontend
application for their Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA project.
Chapter 2 System Requirements
2.1 System Requirements:
To run the frontend application, the following minimum system requirements should be met:
For optimal performance, it is recommended to use the following browsers and their
respective versions:
Note: It is important to keep the browsers updated to the latest versions to ensure
compatibility and security with the frontend application.
Chapter 3 Project Structure
The frontend project follows a structured organization to maintain code modularity and
organization. The main directories and files in the project typically include:
1. src/: This directory contains the main source code of the frontend application.
styles/: This directory includes CSS or SASS files that define the
application's styles and themes.
index.html: The main HTML file that serves as the entry point for the
2. node_modules/: This directory contains the dependencies installed via npm (Node
Package Manager). It is generated automatically and is not typically tracked in
version control.
3. angular.json: This configuration file defines various settings for the Angular project,
such as build configurations, asset paths, and project metadata.
4. package.json: This file specifies the project's dependencies, scripts, and other
metadata. It is used by npm to manage project dependencies and scripts.
5. tsconfig.json: This file provides configuration options for the TypeScript compiler. It
specifies the compiler options, includes file lists, and compiler-related settings.
6. This file usually contains information about the project, its setup
instructions, and other relevant details.
Additional directories or files may be present based on the specific requirements of the
project or any additional tooling or libraries used.
Chapter 4. Angular Framework Overview
4.1 Introduction
Angular is a widely-used open-source framework for building scalable and dynamic web
applications. Developed and maintained by Google, Angular provides developers with a
comprehensive set of tools and features to create robust, single-page applications (SPAs)
and progressive web applications (PWAs). In this section, we will provide an overview of
Angular and its key features.
10. CLI (Command Line Interface): Angular offers a powerful command-line interface
(CLI) tool that helps automate various development tasks. The CLI simplifies project
setup, generates boilerplate code, runs tests, optimizes builds, and provides a
seamless development experience. It streamlines the development workflow and
enforces best practices.
Angular is a versatile and feature-rich framework that empowers developers to build modern,
high-performing web applications. With its component-based architecture, powerful tooling,
and extensive ecosystem, Angular provides a robust foundation for frontend development in
conjunction with Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA. By leveraging the key features of
Angular outlined above, developers can create scalable, maintainable, and interactive user
interfaces for their applications.
Before installing Angular, ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed on
your system:
1. Node.js: Angular requires Node.js, a JavaScript runtime, to run. Visit the Node.js
website ( and download the latest LTS (Long Term Support)
version for your operating system. Follow the installation instructions provided by the
3. Angular CLI: The Angular Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool that
simplifies Angular development tasks. Install the Angular CLI globally by running the
following command:
Once you have installed the prerequisites, you can proceed with the installation of
Angular itself.
Installing Angular:
To create a new Angular project and install Angular dependencies, follow these steps:
2. Navigate to the desired directory where you want to create your Angular project.
ng new my-angular-app
Replace my-angular-app with the desired name for your project. This command will
generate a new Angular project structure in a folder with the specified name.
cd my-angular-app
This command will compile your Angular application and launch a local development
server. You can access your application by opening a web browser and navigating to
The ng new command generates a basic Angular project with default settings. You
can explore the generated project structure and files to understand the layout and
organization of an Angular application.
Angular projects use the Angular CLI for various development tasks such as
generating components, services, modules, etc. You can utilize the CLI to streamline
your development workflow and automate repetitive tasks.
Run ng serve or npm start inside your project directory whenever you want to start
the development server and view your application in the browser.
Separation of Concerns:
The frontend and backend are separated by their respective responsibilities and
1. Frontend: The frontend is responsible for the presentation layer and user
interaction. It focuses on delivering a seamless and intuitive user experience.
It handles UI rendering, user input validation, client-side routing, and data
presentation. The frontend communicates with the backend to fetch and send
data but does not directly deal with database operations or complex business
2. Backend: The backend is responsible for handling business logic, data
persistence, and providing APIs for the frontend to interact with. It processes
requests from the frontend, performs necessary operations, and interacts with
databases or external services. The backend ensures data integrity, security,
and implements any complex algorithms or workflows required by the
By separating the frontend and backend concerns, the application achieves a clear
division of responsibilities, making it easier to maintain, scale, and modify each
component independently. It allows frontend developers to focus on the user
interface and user experience, while backend developers can concentrate on
implementing business logic and data management.
The frontend architecture often adheres to various design patterns and architectural
principles to promote clean code, modularity, and maintainability. Some of the
patterns and principles commonly followed include:
Open your terminal or command prompt and type the following commands to verify
the Node.js and npm versions:
node -v npm -v
This will display the installed versions of Node.js and npm. Ensure that you have a
compatible version of Node.js installed.
Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the desired directory where
you want to create your Angular project.
ng new crud-app
This command will generate a new Angular project structure in a folder named crud-
app. It may take a few minutes to complete as it installs the project dependencies.
cd crud-app
In this step, we will create a service that handles API integration for CRUD
operations. Run the following command to generate a service file:
Inside the api.service.ts file, implement methods for each CRUD operation (create,
read, update, delete) based on your REST API endpoints. Use Angular's HttpClient
module for making HTTP requests to the API.
providedIn: 'root'
export class ApiService {
private baseUrl = '';
Replace the baseUrl with the actual base URL of your REST API.
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';: This line imports the Observable class from
the rxjs library. Observables are used for handling asynchronous operations and
representing streams of data.
The ApiService class can now define methods for various API operations, such as
create, read, update, and delete. These methods will utilize the HttpClient instance
to make the corresponding HTTP requests to the API endpoints.`${this.baseUrl}/items`, data);
Methods use the HttpClient instance to perform the respective HTTP operations
(POST, GET, PUT, DELETE) to the API endpoints. The Observable return type
indicates that these methods return an observable stream of data, which can be
subscribed to by components or other services to retrieve the API response.
6. Create Components for CRUD Operations:
Run the following commands to generate components for each CRUD operation:
These commands leverage the Angular CLI's code generation feature, which helps
streamline the development process by automating the creation of common
boilerplate files for components. The generated components can be customized and
extended to implement specific functionality related to creating, reading, updating,
and deleting items in the Angular application.
7. Configure Routing:
Open the app-routing.module.ts file located in the src/app directory. Configure the
routes for each component by adding the following route definitions:
imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }
These route definitions map the component paths to their respective URLs.
Open the app.component.html file located in the src/app directory. Update the file
with navigation links to the CRUD components:
<h1>CRUD App</h1>
<a routerLink="/create">Create</a>
<a routerLink="/read">Read</a>
This code adds navigation links for the create and read operations and uses the
<router-outlet> directive to render the appropriate component based on the current
route. The provided HTML code represents the template of the root component
(AppComponent) in an Angular application. Let's break down the code:
<h1>CRUD App</h1>: This line displays a heading with the text "CRUD App". It
serves as a title or header for the application.
<nav>: This is an HTML <nav> element, which is used to define a navigation
<a routerLink="/create">Create</a>: This line creates a hyperlink <a> element
that acts as a navigation link. The routerLink attribute specifies the target URL
path to navigate to when the link is clicked. In this case, the link points to
"/create", which corresponds to the create operation in the CRUD application.
<a routerLink="/read">Read</a>: This line creates another hyperlink element
that serves as a navigation link. The routerLink attribute points to "/read",
representing the read operation in the CRUD application.
</nav>: This closing tag marks the end of the navigation section.
<router-outlet></router-outlet>: This is an Angular directive called <router-
outlet>. It acts as a placeholder that Angular dynamically fills with the component
corresponding to the current route. When the user navigates to a specific route
(e.g., /create, /read, etc.), Angular will load and render the respective component
into this <router-outlet> placeholder.
Overall, this HTML code sets up a basic navigation structure for the CRUD
application. It includes two links, "Create" and "Read", which are represented by <a>
elements. Clicking on these links will trigger the Angular router to navigate to the
specified routes (/create and /read). The content of the selected route will be
dynamically rendered in the <router-outlet> placeholder.
In your terminal or command prompt, run the following command to start the
development server and launch the application:
ng serve
The command ng serve is used in Angular to start the development server and run
the application locally. When you execute ng serve, Angular CLI compiles the
application's source code and serves it on a development server. Here's an
explanation of what happens when you run ng serve:
You can stop the development server by pressing Ctrl + C in the terminal or
command prompt where the server is running.
Note: It's important to remember that ng serve is primarily intended for development
purposes. When deploying your application for production, you would typically use a
different command, such as ng build, to create optimized and minified files that can
be served by a web server.
Chapter 6. ScreenShots
The attached project UI screens provide a visual representation of the user interface (UI) of
the application. These screens offer a glimpse into the design, layout, and components used
in the project. It is essential to refer to these screens while understanding and documenting
the functionality and flow of the application.
The UI screens demonstrate the various views and interactions available to users when
utilizing the application.
Project Status
Chapter 7. Conclusion
In conclusion, this project has provided insights into building a frontend application for an
application built using Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA. By leveraging Angular, we can
create a robust and scalable frontend that interacts seamlessly with the backend APIs.
Future Enhancements and Improvements: While the current version of the frontend
application is functional, there are always opportunities for future enhancements and
improvements. Some areas to consider for future development include:
1. User Interface (UI) Enhancements: Continuously improving the UI design and user
experience based on user feedback and usability testing.
4. Testing and Quality Assurance: Enhancing test coverage with unit tests,
integration tests, and end-to-end tests to ensure application stability and reliability.
By considering these future enhancements and improvements, the frontend application can
evolve to meet the changing needs and expectations of users, ensuring its long-term
success and usability.