Paper 1 Language Revision Guide
Paper 1 Language Revision Guide
Paper 1 Language Revision Guide
Paper 1: Reading
Student Name:
Mock Marks:
Question Mark %
Q1a-e /15
Q1f /15
Q2a-c /10
Q2d /15
Q3 /25
Total /80
Paper 1
Question 1
Comprehension Questions (Q1a-e)
How do I revise?
These questions test your ability to read, understand and select the information correctly. The best way to
revise for this is to read non-fiction texts (newspapers etc.) and practise with lots of past papers.
Top Tip: Read the question carefully and look at the marks available to ensure you are writing enough:
1A) Identify correct information from extract: you get one mark for TWO examples from the text. [1 mark]
1B) ‘Using your own words explain what…means’: this is worth two marks, so you must define two parts
of the phrase. There will always be two parts to the definition. [2 mark x 2]
1C/Di) Re-read…Give two reasons why: there will be lots of evidence here, but you must ensure you are
selecting the evidence that answers the question clearly and accurately. [2 marks x 2]
1Dii/e) Explain why….: means you need to cover THREE points and explain them clearly. The three points
should be different enough to ensure you get full marks. [3 marks x 2]
15 marks
How do I revise?
Question 1F is the summary question. You are marked for two separate skills:
● 10 marks for selecting the main points of the text, linked to the question
● 5 marks for writing the points clearly, concisely and in YOUR OWN WORDS
● The examiner has a list of points they expect you to find in the text. You have to find at LEAST 10
of these points – think 1 mark per point.
TOP TIP: Find and summarise ALL the points (much more than 10 so you are certain you can gain ten
● Read extract and highlight/number all points that answer the question. Don’t stop until you have
more than ten.
● Group points and rewrite in your own words (put the extract away) - those that are similar or have
a link can be put together in a compound sentence.
● Spend a maximum for ten minutes writing - it should not be overly lengthy.
Remember that you gain five marks for writing well – remember everything you have learnt in
descriptive writing and apply the same formal writing style with academic language, correct spelling,
punctuation and grammar.
Double-check your answers to ensure you have 100% before using the mark scheme to
mark your own answers.
Now look through CIE’s own marking of Q1F and make a note of what you need to do to get full marks:
Question 2
Comprehension Questions (Q2a-c)
10 marks
How do I revise?
These questions test your ability to read, understand and select the information correctly. The best way to
revise for this is to read non-fiction texts (newspapers etc.) and practise with lots of past papers.
Top Tip: Read the question carefully and look at the marks available to ensure you are writing enough:
2A) Identify and match the synonym with the word from the extract: you get one mark for the correct
word/phrase examples from the text. [4 marks]
2B) ‘Using your own words explain what…means’: put one word that could replace the word in the extract.
You should ensure you are considering the context of the short extract too. [3 marks]
2C) Using one example, explain how the writer suggests….: This is a simple PEE sentence. The most
important part is the explanation - ensure you use the word ‘because’ and actually explain in detail how
you have used the example to answer the Question [3 marks]
15 marks
● Read the question carefully. Highlight what you are being asked to analyse.
● Highlight 2-4 powerful words (vivid verbs, adjectives) and/or imagery from each paragraph. We
suggest you select 4 quotations rather than just 3, in case you pick one quotation not on the
● Write a one-line overview of how the focus of the question is being described.
● Complete Quote, What, Why x 4 for each paragraph.
○ E.g. the technique, “...embed quotation’...shows X is… because it
■ Technique = must be correct and must be the thing you are actually analysing.
■ What = the meaning of the word or image and what it is associated with
■ Why = how does it show the focus of the question?
Try to link pieces of evidence together which produce a similar effect on the reader, using phrases like
“similarly”, or “in an interesting contrast to…”
Paragraph Structure:
Answer One
Answer 2:
Answer 3:
Question 3
Creative Writing
25 marks
You are a character from Text C. You must write from this character’s perspective in a given form (letter,
speech or article)
You are given three bullet points, and should take details from the extract and the bullet points to help you
form and structure your writing task.
The writing should be in your own words, and you should develop the detail from the extract to show your
character’s voice and opinions.
You must make it clear that you are writing in the style of your character, and the form is obvious.
Top Tip: The third bullet point is the hardest as it takes a level of inference from the extract (taking
subtle, implied references).
Read Text C:
Answer 1:
You should continue to complete past papers which can be found on Firefly.
● Revise Paper 1, Q1
● Practise Paper 1, Q1
● Revise Paper 1, Q2
● Practise Paper 1, Q3
● Revise Paper 1, Q3
● Practice Paper 1, Q3
● Exam Papers (you should do a full one every week until the exam).