Lab 6. HTML Tags Examples - PART I

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CMPE109- Fundamentals of Computing Lab6 2019-2020 FALL

CMPE109 - LAB 6

HTML Tags & Exercises- Part-I

Content of the tutorial adopted from:

1. Getting Started:

1. Notepad is a common text editor on Windows-based computers. Open a Notepad

document (namesurname.txt) and type this in to your text editor:

This is my first web page

2. Change the extension of the document to html. (namesurname.html)

Be careful! After changing the extension, the icon will be changed like shown (an explorer or
chrome icon). If the icon is still Wordpad, then you should do the following:

Open a folder- Choose View Tab- Click Options- Change folder and search options

Folder Options- Choose View - Remove the tick for “Hide the extension for the known file types”

After making this setting, you will observe that your file is now: namesurname.html.txt
Then, delete .txt extension.

CMPE109- Fundamentals of Computing Lab6 2019-2020 FALL

2. HTML Tags

The basic structure of an HTML document includes tags, which surround content and apply meaning to
<!DOCTYPE html>
This is my first web page

The first line on the top, <!DOCTYPE html>, is a document type declaration is used to inform a website
visitor's browser that the document being rendered is an HTML document.

To get back to the point, <html> is the opening tag that kicks things off and tells the browser that
everything between that and the </html> closing tag is an HTML document.

The stuff between <body> and </body> is the main content of the document that will appear in the
browser window.

3. Page Titles

To add a title to your page, change your code so that it looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My first web page</title>
This is my first web page

• The head element (that which starts with the <head> opening tag and ends with the </head>
closing tag) appears before the body element (starting with <body> and ending with </body>)
and contains information about the page.

• The information in the head element does not appear in the browser window.

CMPE109- Fundamentals of Computing Lab6 2019-2020 FALL

4. Paragraph

The <p> tag is used for paragraphs.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My first web page</title>
<p>This is my first web page</p>
<p>How exciting</p>

If <p> tag is used, the two lines will now appear on two lines because the browser recognizes them as
separate paragraphs.

5. Line breaks: The line-break tag <br> can also be used to separate lines like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My first web page</title>
This is my first web page<br>
How exciting

Note: There’s no content involved in breaking lines so there is no closing tag for <br>.

6. Headings

The defined headings are h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6.

h1 being the almighty emperor of headings.

h6 being the lowest pleb.

CMPE109- Fundamentals of Computing Lab6 2019-2020 FALL

Example: Write the following code.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>My first web page</title>
<h1> This is my first web page </h1>
<h2> This is my first web page </h2>
<h3> This is my first web page </h3>
<h4> This is my first web page </h4>
<h5> This is my first web page </h5>
<h6> This is my first web page </h6>


7. Changing Font (Font color, Italic, Bold)

You can emphasize text in a paragraph using em (emphasis) and strong (strong importance).

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My first web page</title>
<p>Yes, that really <em>is</em> exciting. <strong>Warning:</strong>level of excitement increasing!

You can use <i> and <b> tags for italic and bold.

• Making a word Italic: <i>CMPE109</i>

• Making a word Bold: <b> CMPE109</b>

• Changing Font color: <font color="red">Warning</font>

CMPE109- Fundamentals of Computing Lab6 2019-2020 FALL

Example: Write the following code.

<title>My first web page</title>
<p><b><font color="red">Sports I like:</font></b>

Note: Instead of writing a color like “red”, “blue”, etc. you can use the HTML Color Codes (hexadecimal
color codes). Check the website below. Use color picker menu to select a color.

Change the font color of the previous example and observe the changes:

<p><b><font color="#3A55B4">Sports I like:</font></b>

CMPE109- Fundamentals of Computing Lab6 2019-2020 FALL

8. Alignment of a text

The align attribute specifies the alignment of the text within a paragraph.

A right - aligned paragraph:

<p align="right">This is a right-aligned text in a paragraph.</p>

A centered paragraph:

<p align="center">This is a centered text in a paragraph.</p>

Example: Write the following code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My first web page</title>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p align="center">This is a centered text in a paragraph.</p>
<p align="right">This is a right-aligned text in a paragraph.</p>


1. HTML Dog:

2. W3Schools:

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