BS 05911-2-1982 (2001)
BS 05911-2-1982 (2001)
BS 05911-2-1982 (2001)
09 December 2002
ICS 23.040.50
BS 5911-2:1982
Cooperating organizations
The organizations marked with an asterisk in the above list, together with the
following, were directly represented on the Technical Committee entrusted
This British Standard, having
been prepared under the with the preparation of this British Standard:
direction of the Cement,
Gypsum, Aggregates and Concrete Pipe Association
Quarry Products Standards Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Committee, was published National Water Council
under the authority of the
Pipe Jacking Association
Board of BSI and comes
into effect on
30 September 1982 Amendments issued since publication
Cooperating organizations Inside front cover
Foreword ii
Section 1. Specification
1 Scope 1
2 References 1
3 Definitions 1
4 Cement 1
5 Aggregates 1
6 Other concrete materials 1
7 Concrete 1
8 Steel reinforcement 2
9 Permissible deviations 2
10 Joints 2
11 Marking of units and components 2
12 Inspection chambers 3
13 Text deleted 3
Section 2. Tests
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 09 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
14 Compliance requirements 4
15 Test requirements 7
16 Inspection procedures 7
Appendix A Information to be given to the manufacturer in an
enquiry and order 9
Appendix B Certificate of compliance with BS 5911-2 9
Appendix C Water absorption test for inspection chambers 9
Appendix D Load test for cover slabs 10
Appendix E Text deleted 10
Figure 1 — Typical inspection chamber arrangements 5
Figure 2 — Figure deleted 7
Table 1 — Permissible deviations 2
Table 2 — Inspection chambers 4
Table 3 — Table deleted 7
List of references Inside back cover
© BSI 01-2001 i
BS 5911-2:1982
The original edition and first amendment to this British Standard were prepared
under the direction of the Cement, Gypsum, Aggregates and Quarry Products
Standards Committee. The preparation of subsequent amendments has been
entrusted to Technical Committee B/505, Waste water engineering.
As part of the new approach to harmonization of standards in Europe, work on a
specification for inspection chambers is being undertaken in CEN/TC 165, Waste
water engineering and the requirements for inspection chambers specified in the
amended 1982 edition are now subject to a standstill agreement. Standstill is an
obligation accepted by members of CEN/CENELEC not to take any action, during
the preparation of a European Standard (EN), which could prejudice the
harmonization process.
BS EN 752-3, BS EN 1295-1 and BS EN 1610 deal with the design, installation
and testing of inspection chambers on drains and sewers. The original National
Annex NB of BS EN 752-3:1997 gave information about traditional UK practice
as described in BS 8301 and BS 8005-1, both of which are now withdrawn. The
annex was amended on 15 November 2000 to take account of Safe Work in
Confined Spaces – Approved Code of Practice, Regulations and Guidance, issued
by the Health and Safety Commission under the provisions of the Confined
Spaces Regulations 1997 (SI 1997 No. 1713) [1]. Members of CEN/CENELEC are
permitted under the duty of care owed by the publisher of documents having a
recognized national status to amend their existing national standards
accordingly in such circumstances. Therefore, Amendment No. 3 to this standard
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 09 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
ii © BSI 01-2001
Section 1 BS 5911-2:1982
Section 1. Specification
1 Scope
Type of cement Standard to be
This Part of BS 5911 specifies requirements for complied with
precast concrete inspection chambers, unreinforced
or reinforced, for use over a drain or sewer not Ordinary and rapid-hardening BS 12
exceeding nominal size DN 250, in areas of light Portland
loading (see 3.5). Requirements for covers and Portland-blastfurnace BS 146
frames are specified in BS EN 124.
Sulfate-resisting Portland BS 4027
2 References
5 Aggregates
The titles of the publications referred to in this Part
of BS 5911 are listed on the inside back cover. 5.1 General. Aggregates shall consist of materials
complying with the requirements of BS 882 except
3 Definitions that the manufacturer shall be permitted to modify
grading requirements of clause 5 of that standard
For the purposes of this Part of BS 5911, the (see clause 0 of BS 882:1992).
following definitions apply:
NOTE Typical samples of aggregates and evidence of
3.1 satisfactory performance of the concrete manufactured with such
component aggregates should be made available to purchasers on request
(see Appendix A).
an individually cast piece of concrete which when 5.2 Size. The maximum nominal size of aggregate
assembled with other components makes up into a
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 09 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 01-2001 1
BS 5911-2:1982 Section 1
Up to 600 mm ± 6 mm
8 Steel reinforcement
Over 600 mm ±10 mm
8.1 Materials and arrangement. Longitudinal
bars, main reinforcement and reinforcement for 9.2 Twist. Any corner of a rectangular unit or
handling purposes shall comply with the component shall not be more than 6 mm from the
requirements of one of the following standards. plane containing the other three corners.
For circular units or components, the squareness of
Type of reinforcement Standard to be
the ends of the unit or component in relation to the
axis of the cylinder shall be within a limit of 6 mm.
complied with
9.3 Out of squareness. No two diagonals of a unit
Carbon steel bars for the BS 4449
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 09 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Marking BS 5911-2:1982 on or in relation to a product represents a manufacturer’s declaration of conformity, i.e. a claim by or
on behalf of the manufacturer that the product meets the requirements of the standard. The accuracy of the claim is solely the
claimant’s responsibility. Such a declaration is not to be confused with third party certification of conformity, which may also be
2 © BSI 01-2001
Section 1 BS 5911-2:1982
11.2 Example of marking. ‘A’ ‘X’ BS 5911-2 S. 12.4 Chamber sections. Chamber sections shall be
The above marking on a unit shall signify: circular, rectangular or rectangular with shaped
“claimed by manufacturer ‘A’ to have been made
at his works ‘X’ and to comply with the 12.5 Tapers. Tapers shall be of the straight back
requirements of BS 5911-2; to be made with type to facilitate access.
sulfate-resisting cement.” 12.6 Reducing slabs and corbel slabs. Where
11.3 Method of marking. Units and components reducing slabs or corbel slabs are used as an
shall be marked with either: alternative to tapers, the slabs shall have a
minimum thickness of 50 mm and be reinforced.
a) indelible paint, applied by stencil brush or
spray as soon as possible after removal from the The access hole shall have internal dimensions not
moulds; less than the minimum internal dimensions of the
12.7 Shaft sections. Shaft sections shall be
b) impressed characters approximately 2 mm
circular, rectangular or rectangular with shaped
All marks shall be visible and legible.
Shaft top sections shall provide a suitable seating
for a cover slab conforming to 12.8.
12 Inspection chambers
12.8 Cover slabs. Cover slabs shall have a
12.1 General. Inspection chambers shall consist of minimum thickness of 75 mm, if unreinforced, or
two or more of the following precast components:
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 09 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
50 mm, if reinforced.
Cover slabs shall be either:
cover slabs; Type 1 – Suitable for depths k1.2 m to invert with
shaft sections; a minimum size access of 430 mm; or
corbel slabs; Type 2 – Suitable for depths > 1.2 m to invert with
reducing slabs; a maximum size access of 300 mm × 300 mm or
350 mm diameter.
tapers (straight back);
Openings in cover slabs shall be circular or
rectangular. It is permissible for the vertical face(s)
Components, except cover slabs and reducing slabs, of an opening to be cast with a nominal release angle
shall have joints complying with the requirements away from the opening, and to be designed to
in clause 10. incorporate a recess around the perimeter of the
Components shall be sampled and tested in opening to provide a seating and direct support for
accordance with the appropriate requirements the inspection chamber cover.
given in clause 15. NOTE 1 A larger clear opening is permitted in type 2 cover slabs
NOTE Typical arrangements for inspection chambers are provided the access is restricted to the above dimensions.
shown in .Figure 1 NOTE 2 The above guidance is consistent with the
recommendations in Table NB.2 of BS EN 752-3:1997, as
12.2 Dimensions. The dimensions of inspection amended by Amendments Nos. 1 and 2.
chamber components shall be those given 12.9 Text deleted
in Table 2.
12.3 Base. The channels for the main pipe or 13 Text deleted
branches in a precast base shall be for pipes not less
than DN 75 and not more than DN 250.
NOTE The base may be precast or formed in-situ with channels
to the angles and levels specified by the user.
© BSI 01-2001 3
BS 5911-2:1982 Section 2
Section 2. Tests
14 Compliance requirements or
14.1 General compliance. In order to claim b) make arrangements for the provision of
compliance with this standard, units and suitable equipment and facilities elsewhere for
components shall comply with the relevant test the same purpose.
requirements given in clause 15, using the The manufacturer shall provide certification to
appropriate inspection procedures. show that all test equipment is calibrated at least
Records of all tests and inspection procedures shall annually.
be kept by the manufacturer. 14.3 Acceptance of units. Units and components
14.2 Test equipment and facilities. The shall be considered ready for acceptance only after
manufacturer shall either: the batch of which the units or components form
part has been tested and shown to comply with the
a) provide in his own works suitable equipment requirements of clause 15.
and facilities for sampling and testing the units
and components before delivery;
Table 2 — Inspection chambers
Dimensions in millimetres
Type 1: Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not For
For chambers less less less more less less less less less less unreinforced
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 09 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
1.2 m or less than than than than than than than than than than not less
in depth from 600 75 150 A 40 430 430 430 600 450 than 75
cover level to
invert For
reinforced not
less than 50
Type 2: Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not For
For chambers less less less more less more more more less less unreinforced
1.2 m in than than than than than than than than than than not less
depth from 600 75 150 A 40 350 300 300 600 450 than 75
cover level to
invert For
reinforced not
less than 50
NOTE 1 Dimensions A to T are shown in Figure 1.
NOTE 2 A larger clear opening is permitted in type 2 cover slabs provided the access is restricted to the dimensions shown
in F, G and H.
NOTE 3 The above guidance is consistent with the recommendations in Table NB.2 of BS EN 752-3:1997, as amended by
Amendments Nos. 1 and 2.
4 © BSI 01-2001
Section 2 BS 5911-2:1982
Shaft section
D Shaft section
Reducing slab
Taper section
Shaft section
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 09 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Corbel slab
Using taper section
© BSI 01-2001 5
BS 5911-2:1982 Section 2
Circular access
Shaft section
Corbel slab
Alternative radiused
J corners
Rectangular access
b) Plan views
Figure 1 — Typical inspection chamber arrangements (concluded)
6 © BSI 01-2001
Section 2 BS 5911-2:1982
© BSI 01-2001 7
BS 5911-2:1982
16.2 Inspection procedure for the load test on 16.3 Inspection procedure for test for depth of
cover slabs. When carrying out the load test, the cover to reinforcement. When carrying out the
inspection procedure shall be as follows. depth of cover to reinforcement test, the inspection
a) From each manufacturing process, select one procedure shall be as follows.
in 500 or two of each type of cover slab per week, a) From each manufacturing process, select one
whichever is the greater. in 500 or two units or components per week,
b) Subject the sample to the load test specified whichever is the greater, and take specimens as
in 15.2. described in Appendix C. The same type of
specimen shall be used for all tests on a given
c) If the sample passes the test, accept the
batches from which each type of cover slab was
taken. b) Subject the units or components to the depth of
cover to reinforcement test specified in 15.3.
If the sample fails, repeat b) using a second
sample. c) If the units or components pass the test, accept
the batch.
d) If the second sample passes the test, accept the
batches from which each type of cover slab was However, if a unit or component fails the depth
taken. of cover to reinforcement test, the batch from
which it was selected shall be rejected but it is
However, if any sample fails, reject the batches.
permissible to subject the remaining units or
In such a case, it is permissible to take all the
components in the batch to the test. Only those
remaining cover slabs in the batches, and subject
that pass the test shall be accepted, subject to
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8 © BSI 01-2001
requirements of this standard are required After weighing, re-immerse the specimen in water
(see 14.5 and Appendix B); for 23½ h. Then remove, dry and weigh as before.
h) whether the products are to be covered by a Calculate the % absorption after ½ h and the %
third party certification scheme. absorption after 24 h from the formula:
Absorption (percentage of dry mass) =
Appendix B Certificate of compliance
with BS 5911-2 wet mass – dry mass
--------------------------------------------------------- × 100%
dry mass
Date of certificate...............................................
We................................................................. hereby
certify that the concrete units and/or components
supplied by us to your order no............................
and referred to in delivery note no(s)........................
have been sampled and tested in accordance with
the requirements of BS 5911-2.
These units comply with all the requirements of
BS 5911-2.
© BSI 01-1999 9
BS 5911-2:1982
10 © BSI 01-2001
BS 5911-2:1982
List of references
Other references
[1] GREAT BRITAIN. Confined Spaces Regulations 1997. London: The Stationery Office.
© BSI 01-2001
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