Study of Ergonomics in Textile Industry

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Journal of Mechanical Robotics

e-ISSN: 2582-2187
Volume 4 Issue 3

Study of Ergonomics in Textile Industry

Nemailal Tarafder*
EX-Emeritus Professor, Department of Textile Engineering, Hooghly Engineering and Technology
College, Hooghly, West Bengal, India
Email: *[email protected]

Work is done by man or machine. Ergonomics is the system under which fatigue and safety is
analysed. Productivity is a term directly associated with man, machine, material, money and
management (5M’s). The role of ergonomics in the textile industry is to improve productivity.
Research shows that though many studies, improvements in the work stations and focus on
the current conditions of the survey of workers is possible. In apparel industry, in sewing
activities such as manufacturing garments workers are involved in the musculoskeletal
disorders. Bad ergonomics leading to workers health problems and suggest interventions for
developing ergonomics in work stations and equipment in accordance with OSHA standards.
In Zimbebwa, expansion of the cotton industry has made it necessary to carry out health
hazards evaluations with special focus on the ergonomic problems associated with cotton
processing in the cotton spinning industry. The use of methods that analyse work conditions
enables the measurement of levels of exposure to ergonomic risk factors. A large number of
women workers are involved in the cotton spinning mills and perform squatting posture in
traditional work place. Ergonomics is the art in which are both the techno-scientific
knowledge and the worker’s knowledge about their work station.

Keywords: Dutch musculoskeletal questionnaire, ergonomics, musculoskeletal, occupational

health and safety, productivity, repetitive, rapid upper limb assessment

INTRODUCTION human engineering or ergonomics are

The word ergonomics has derived from the anthropometry and bio-mechanics, control
Greek word ERGOS, means work Nomo’s of physical work measurement, design of
means law. This word was introduced in man-machine system, accident fatigue, and
1949 by a group of British scientists who safety, work place design, etc. A
were concerned with the efficient use of significant correlation was found among
complex military equipment during the ergonomics and safety indicators and
Second World War [1]. Various average injury rates. Lack of skill in
disciplines have influenced on human ergonomics, communication on resources,
factors. Engineering design and work are believed to be the major factors
system have suitability for workers. contributing to the poor ergonomics
Physiological sturdy of man and its conditions. ILO’s technical cooperation
working environment have also influence. activities give priorities on the promotion
Study of adaptive behaviour and skill of of voluntary participatory and action
work design in psychology are also oriented programme to improve working
influenced. Anatomy the study of body conditions and work organizations of the
dimension and relations for work design is small and medium sized enterprises.
very important. Occupational hazards and
workers health in industrial hygiene are Ergonomics is the art in which are both
and important area also. Some of the used the techno-scientific knowledge and
following areas where we can study about the workers’ knowledge about their own

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Journal of Mechanical Robotics
e-ISSN: 2582-2187
Volume 4 Issue 3

work situation. Ergonomics in the textile recommended that chair height is correct
and apparel industries is applying modern when work surface is at elbow height and
automation technologies to fabrics sole of the floor. Schedule frequent and
processing. Workers involved in sewing short breaks to stretch and change of
machine activities as manufacturing position are essential. Height and tilt
garments are at a risk developing adjustable table can help employees to
musculoskeletal disorders. In small scale access their work without using position.
textile industries OHS and ergonomics Edges of the work surfaces should be
issues also are related with the production. padded or rounded so the workers can
move smoothly. Adjustable lighting and
Ergonomics increases the efficiency and magnifying glasses of work stations can be
productivity of production or business used. Lifting of weight can be done at
system and improves health, safety and waist level.
comfort of a man in working place [2].
Work in the garment factories is repetitive
The textile and apparel industry is one of and monotonous requiring strong visual
the most leading segments in the Indian demands, improper postural requirements,
economy. Ergonomics is the scientific involving long hours sitting or standing in
application of the principles and methods one position. The work of garment
can draw data from various disciplines for workers is physically demanding calling
the development of system in which for impossible targets of 100-200 garments
people play a significant role [3]. In the per hour against the normal rate of 60-70
garment industry, there are many pieces. A study in the year 2008 by
operations which are repetitive in nature Cividep on a based Bangalore garment
and repetitive types work cause industry reported that nearly half the
musculoskeletal disorders. Actions should responders from among women workers
be taken to eliminate the causes of these complained of backaches and breaking
disorders and make the work place safe problem linked to their work [6].
and healthy for the workers. Research has Ergonomics plays a key role in areas
consistently stresses that physical where conflicts between man and machine
characteristics of the jobs are an important arises. It deals with fitting the man to the
risk factor for muscle pain injury. The job by weaving the different components
risks for sewing machine operators have into a single system such that each
been linked to conditions such as poor components include the worker, the work
work station design and chair and environment, both physiological and
organizational factor such as the piece organizational, the task and the work
work design. Factors like repetition, force, place. Therefore, recognising ergonomics
posture, and vibrations are also associated risk factors in the work place is an
with higher rate of injuries. essential first step in correcting hazards
and improving worker protection.
Workers involved in sewing activities such
as manufacturing garments, develop The ergonomics study focuses of
musculoskeletal disorders. Therefore, it is identifying and understanding the
imperative that the design of fine work, occupational health and safety risk aspects
scissors work and materials handling of the workers from Sholapur City,
should be ergonomically appropriate [5]. Maharashtra, India. The study conducted
A lot of sketches and diagrams are given for the sample of 540 workers to assess for
foe a very quick rules of thumb can be muscle tone, a lugs condition and eyesight
derived from the sketches. It is using different techniques. The body mass

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Journal of Mechanical Robotics
e-ISSN: 2582-2187
Volume 4 Issue 3

used to assess normal physique and the However, the selection of a method and
Snellen Charts to check normal eye sight. the tools to be used in the analyse often
A peak flow meter was used to see the becomes an obstacle to professionals in the
lungs condition. The results found in the field of workers’ health due to the large
study revealed that most of the workers varieties of techniques and instruments
were influenced by increase the muscle available, work characteristics and the
tone, eye issues and musculoskeletal reason available for data collections.
issues. Based on the outcome it was felt
that there was need for policies for Stoop and squatting postures are common
successful implementation of health and in developing countries such as India,
safety program [7]. especially in small scale industries. Most
of the manually energized operations in
One of the key industries in Zimbabwe is these industries are carried out using such
agriculture and in particular, cotton postures. One such industry is cotton
production and processing play a major spinning industry where operations are
role in country’s economic development. mostly women and 91% of them suffer
Expansion of the industry has made it from WMSDS. Cotton spinning wheel,
necessary to carry out health hazards more commonly known as Charkha is
evaluation with special focus on the hand-driven for spinning cotton yarn from
ergonomic problems associated with pressure clamp. Spinning operation is
cotton processing in the cotton processing performed in a squatting position in which
industry [8]. Ergonomics aims to find the operations rotate spinning wheel sitting
best fit between man and working down on the hard and flat surface with
conditions. The study recommended that it folded knees without any backrest [10].
was the tasks performed during bale The task of rotating the wheel for cotton
breaking required that workers received spinning is repetitive and continuous for 8
periodic training on the proper and safe hours of working in a day. In this
ways of manual handling of heavy lint in condition, the back is bent excessively and
posture of different parts of the body
order to prevent problems of back injuries
dramatically deviates from the neutral
and other musculoskeletal disorders.
position. The design is essentially a
compromise between the operators
The exposure of risk factors, related to
biological needs as determined by the
work conditions, have contributed to the
ergonomics guidelines and physical
rising occurrences of mental and physical
requirements of the equipment.
diseases among workers of different
occupations. The analysis of the exposure Ergonomics is the setting of the whole of
to ergonomic risk factors is useful in the scientific knowledge relating to man
planning for strategies that contribute to and necessary to design tools, machines
the improvement of work conditions and and devices which can be used by the
consequently to the reduction of Ostereo greatest number with the maximum of
muscular disorders among the workers in comfort, safety and effectiveness.
Brazil textile industry [9]. In addition to Ergonomics is the art in which are both
the contribution to the efficacy of health used techno-scientific knowledge and the
promotion initiative, the use of methods workers’ knowledge about their work
that analyses work conditions enables the situation. The methodological procedures
measurement of levels of exposure to include descriptive techniques, criteria of
ergonomic risk factors, identification of exploratory research knowledge and
action priorities and decisions on the most guidelines available in the literature and
appropriate ergonomic intervention. the Brazilian legislation [11].

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Journal of Mechanical Robotics
e-ISSN: 2582-2187
Volume 4 Issue 3

INPROVEMENT IN THE The ILO has a mandate to protect workers

PRODUCTIVITY IN THE TEXTILE against sickness, diseases and injuries due
INDUSTRIES to work place hazards and risks including
Productivity is the commercial term ergonomic and work organizational risk
directly associated with 5 M’s machine, factors. The ILO standards take the form
man, material, money and management. of international conventions and
Ergonomics has taken as subsystem under recommendations. ILO conventions and
which fatigue and safety is analyzed. recommendations relevant to production of
Wrong postures give different kind of workers against ergonomic risk factors in
problems of muscular, opthalmological the work place include Convention No 127
and ortho pedical which cause reduction in and Recommendation No 158 which
productivity. It is therefore necessary to specify the international requirements
study about human engineering or concerning the manual transport of a load.
ergonomics in the following areas. The ILO’s technical cooperation activities
give priorities on the promotion of
Anthropometry and bio-mechanics. 2. voluntary participatory and action oriented
Control of physical work and environment. steps to improve working conditions and
3 Design of man-machine system. 4. work organizations of the small and
Accidents, fatigue and safety. 5. Work medium size enterprises.
place design. Occupational health and
safety (OHS) primarily seeks to maintain A study for problem identification of
textile industry revealed that the
the working ability of the labour force as
productivity of the industry decreased as
well as identify, assess and prevent
compared to the last third year. It was
hazards within the working environment.
found that the working condition and
Ergonomics on the other hand, combines
workers were the same. Absentia increased
all of these issues to improve workers’
and interest in work was reduced since last
efficiency well being and maintain
third year. Increased complaint of body
industrial production through the design of related matters were reported and there
an improved workplace. OHS and were sufficient reasons for the above
ergonomics applications therefore work problems were due to ergonomics factors.
together to satisfy the needs of changing Productivity measurement by POP
local peoples’ attitude, local work methods approach consists of the following steps:
and/or traditional ways of doing things. Identification of sub-system, Identification
Since implementing the full concept of of KPA’s in each of the sub-systems,
OHS and ergonomics application is a setting of performance object, ranking and
priority understanding the meaning of the weighting of sub-systems, KPA’s and
terms related to OHS and ergonomics performance objectives, determination
application is a major source of workplace Index. Different types of hazards
improvement. Therefore, it is important to considered are as follows: 1.Seating
know what socio-economic and industrial position. 2. Deformity. 3. Stretching. 4.
strategies would be the most fruitful if Bending. It was suggested that al the
OHS and ergonomic applications are to be improvements hinted in the study need be
implemented in practice. The rapid rate of followed strictly.
changes in working life today also requires
several types of flexibility with the ERGONOMICS STUDY IN COTTON
consideration of occupational health, TEXTILE SPINNING MILLS
industrial hygiene and safety requirements In India, cotton spinning is an important
in various work places [1]. operation in small scale and cottage textile

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Journal of Mechanical Robotics
e-ISSN: 2582-2187
Volume 4 Issue 3

industries level. A huge number of women subjects in the study had shoulder, back
workers are involved in cotton spinning and wrist pain which could be due to
processing in adopting squatting posture in repetitive nature of the job and poor design
traditional workshops in these industries. of spinning wheel. The musculoskeletal
They are observed and evaluated with complaints were found to prominent in the
Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) study because the female subjects in the
technique and their exposure to WMSDs study were in a long sitting posture
was assessed. It is revealed that twisting, without any back rest. Since the women in
bending and reaching are the resultant of the study were involved in two jobs,
poorly designed work stations [10]. Work spinning and farm working as means of
related musculoskeletal disorders income to support their family and also
(WMSDs) are one of the greatest house hold work which could be a major
occupational health concern today. Most factor for their residual musculoskeletal
of the manually operated in these pain. Unless the design of charkha is
industries are carried out by using such changed (modified), this cannot be
postures. It is revealed that about 91% rectified.
women workers are suffering from
WMSDs in cotton spinning industry. The Zimbabwe is one of the largest producers
task of rotating the wheel for cotton of cotton in Africa. Cotton has been grown
spinning is repetitive and continuous eight in Zimbabwe on a commercial basis since
hours of working in a day. In such a around 1920. Presently the cotton industry
condition, the back is bent excessively and in Zimbabwe is continuous to expand.
postures of different parts of body More than ten ginneries and about seven
dramatically deviate from the neutral cotton textile spinning factories are now in
position. The design is especially a operation. It was noted that the tasks
compromise between the operator’s performed during bale breaking requires
biological needs, as determined by the that workers receive periodic training on
ergonomics guidelines and physical the proper and safe ways of manual
requirements of the equipment. handling of heavy lint bales in order to
prevent problems of back injuries and
A study was carried out in spinning section other musculoskeletal disorders. The poor
of two mills situated in the areas of posture noted during cutting of the cotton
Wardha, Central India and in all 40 bales should be avoided as this leads to
workers were included in the study after local mechanical stress in the muscles,
obtaining oral consent. The spinning ligaments and joints resulting in
operation consisted of 7 tasks and out of complaints of the neck, back, shoulder,
which most of the tasks were light and wrist and other parts of the
normal and hence not rotating the spinning musculoskeletal system [8].
wheel rejoining threads are selected for
further assessment. The standard Dutch Different cotton spinning factories have
Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (DMQ) different types of presses in the waste-
was used to study the workers perception press process areas. It has been noticed
of static and dynamic loads, repetitive that operators gather large handful of dirty
loads, and ergonomic environment and self cotton of the floor and feed the press unit
perceived musculoskeletal complaints. The manually. The main musculoskeletal risk
results of the study revealed that the cotton is injury to the back arising in removing
spinning operators are engaged in the heavy bales from the waste press and
prolonged forward bending posture in their moving them into the storage area. There
working conditions. The majority of the is also reason for risk of back injury which

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Journal of Mechanical Robotics
e-ISSN: 2582-2187
Volume 4 Issue 3

can result from repeated bending down to and QEC are translated and adapted tools
pick up cotton and feed the waste press for the analysing risk and can contribute
units. Mechanical loading of waste in the significantly to the decisions made by the
press is a possible which would help avoid professionals that act in the area of
the manual loading that can lead to workers health in Brazil [9].
musculoskeletal disorders. The ring frame
and winding operators work in standing The ergonomic process in the Paramount
postures for a long period and this can Textile, which was the target system of
cause back injuries and leg problems. The this study, originated with a notification of
working height is not adjustable during a government body of labour that focused
working process and therefore workers on the need to perform an ergonomic
have to work in problems with standing analysis for the adaptation on jobs with
position. There is considerable manual sitting position. The ergonomic process
handling where worker pull and push knee was introduced into the Sapucaia de Sun
height trolleys containing tubes into which Unit which manufactures yarns for knitting
yarn is spun. Workers should be allowed and for handicrafts. This process was
to sit short periods in order to rest the legs. introduced in view of Regulatory Standard
Trolleys should have wheels so that they Brazilian Ergonomics and its
are easier to pull and push and they also Implementation Manual. According to the
should have handles at waist height. manual the workers must perform an
ergonomics analysis of his labour with the
In Brazil, in addition to contributing to objective of transforming working
efficacy of health promotion initiative, the conditions. Application Manual are
use of methods that analyse work highlighted for the scope and approach of
conditions enables the measurement of the project the settings of ergonomics
levels of exposure to ergonomic risk included descriptive techniques, criteria of
factors, identification of action priorities a exploratory research knowledge and
and decisions on the most appropriate guidelines available in the literature and
ergonomic interventions. However, the the Brazilian legislation [11].
selection of a method and the tools to be
used in the analyse often becomes an ERGONOMICS FOR POWER LOOM
obstacle to professionals in the field of WORKERS
workers’ health due to the large variety of In a power loom unit, at Solapore City,
techniques and instruments available, work Maharstra, a study was conducted on 540
characteristics and the resources available workers for their general physique muscle,
for data collection and analysis. In the case tone (MT), a lung condition, etc. The body
of Brazilian professionals, another obstacle mass index (BMI) was used to assess
is the limited availability of tools that normal physique. The subjects were
measure ergonomic risks that are culturally compared with controls. Linear regression
adapted to Brazilian Portuguese. Among analysis have shown that it strongly
the available tools are the Job Factors emphasised the need of policies for
Questionnaires (JFQ) and quick Exposure successful implementation of improvement
Check (QEC), which characteristics of of these workers and the suggestions and
individual measurement and scoring are recommendations were presented in
useful for the analysis of risk among the accordance with the existing labour laws
Brazilian workers. Choosing the adequate [7]. The related workers in the power loom
tools to measure occupational risks saves industries were conducted with the help of
time in further analysis and facilities data a process on raw materials used in this
organization and interpretation. The JFQ mill, the occupational performance

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Journal of Mechanical Robotics
e-ISSN: 2582-2187
Volume 4 Issue 3

indicator, under performance indication, A work station is the area covered by a

review of CEPT affluent treatment plant sewing machine, a chair container with
recently established status of the workers incoming parts and finishing pieces and
and the working conditions. Hand grip the nearby space which the worker needs
meter was used to test the measures of to move. In case of sewing work station
maximum isometric forearm muscles. A design the floor space is around four
peak flow meter is a handy economical square metres in case where larger
measure of the air flows from the lungs. products are manufactured such as
The snellar chart is used by eye care to curtains, tents or rugs. Sewing machine
measure visual activity. Body mass index operators face a substantially higher risk of
(BMI) is a neuristic proxy for human body muscle pain and injury than workers in
fat in individual’s weight and height. The other jobs. Sewing tables are not easily
BMI is a function of food consumption adjustable. Tables that are too high create
associated living and working in the nature elevated shoulder posture and tables that
and duration of physical work. The are too low cause the operator to lean
abnormal PFT % in male and female are forward and flex his or her neck. A good
less in both age groups. The BMI of power height should be easily adjustable with the
loom workers with control were compared press of a button. All most all sewing
in both age groups. The abnormal HGM % machines tables are flat. Flat table do not
control was less in both age groups. Apart minimise visibility and compromise the
from the effects of work on the body tone, posture of the upper extremity and neck.
repetitive work and the continuous work The chair is a critical piece of equipment
also appear to have an upset of the eyes of for sewing machine operators who work in
the workers was compared. a seated position. It can have a very large
impact on the comfort of the workers and
ERGONOMICS IN THE TEXTILE can affect the risk of muscle pain and
The textile and apparel industry is one of
the most leading segments in the Indian Gennifer Gunning, Jonathan Eaton, et al.,
economy. Ergonomics is the systematic in 2001 in their ergonomics hand book for
application of principles, methods and data clothing industry identified and
drawn from various disciplines for the documented the existing conditions in the
development of system in which people four sections selected namely cutting,
play a significant role. In the garment assembly, pressing and finishing where the
common ergonomics problems were
industry there are many operations which
identified and necessary problems were
are repetitive in nature, and repetitive
proposed to mitigate them. Calvin and
works cause musculoskeletal disorders.
Joseph identified the common accidents
Actions should be taken to eliminate the that occurred in the garment industry with
causes of this disorder and make the work respect to Bangalore based garment
place safe and healthy for the workers. The industry. The authors found that accidents
risks are for sewing machines operators were common in garment industry and
which have been linked to conditions such recommended that the workers and
as poor work station design and chair and management were to be properly educated
other factor related to organization is the about the consequences of accidents and
piece work system factors such as the importance of ergonomics [6]. An
repetition, force, posture and vibration investigation about the three sections
which are associated with higher rates of namely cutting, sewing and packaging
injury [3]. revealed that the ergonomic issues in the

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Journal of Mechanical Robotics
e-ISSN: 2582-2187
Volume 4 Issue 3

workplace increase the injuries among the CONCLUSION

workers. From the assessment it was found The existing level of productivity is
that the mismatch between man and measured using technique of productivity
machine interface was more prominent in measurement term as Performance
the sewing and cutting sections and there Objectives Productivity (POP) approach
by focusing the work on these two sections lays stress on the aspects of identification
respectively. The primary tasks in the of areas with low productivity so as to
cutting section are: loading the spreading bring about improvements. For
machine, spreading the fabrics, cutting the productivity measurement three sub-
fabrics and stacking the cut pieces. systems mainly technology, work place
Assembly tasks have many components and market have been identified where
that must be considered in an ergonomic improvement in productivity was needed.
assessment including sewing table, chair, Preventing physiological and
floor surface and foot pedals. The study psychological stress at workplace needed a
had brought to light many issues which lot of co-operation between worker and the
were ergonomic in nature and affect the management. It was observed that
workers health. It was also observed that ergonomics awareness was very less in the
ergonomic awareness was very less in the industry. The information gained on the
industry. There is ample scopes of work station design and its effect on work
improvement in work design, machine lay through the ergonomic analysis is added to
out and working conditions for the state of knowledge of workplaces and
improvement to provide comfort to the focused attention on areas where work
workers to enhance their health and well condition improvements are needed. Apart
being. from the effects of work on the body tone,
repetitive work and the continuous work
The JFQ and QEC are translated and also appear to have an aspect on the eyes
adapted tools for analysing risk, and can of the workers was observed. Ergonomic
contribute significantly to the decisions assessment in the cotton textile industry
made by professionals that act in the area has shown that there is a need to improve
of workers’ health in Brazil. The selection engineering deigns as well as work
of sewing and finishing sections included methods and processes in order to avoid
in the study was based on their musculoskeletal disorder among the
characteristics of production of different workers. Based on the results of a study,
biomechanical requirements [9]. In all the level of exposure to ergonomic risks
thirteen productive activities were among workers in the textile industry was
analysed and the elements included were diagnosed as moderately by the
sitting position, postural rotation, and instruments JFQ and QEC. The overall
standing up position. Regarding the nature work load values including ergonomic
of activities it was observed that the environment indicates the improper design
majority was repetitive, about ten seconds of the work station. Excessive bending,
duration have very short cycle , between twisting and over reaching are the result of
ten and thirty seconds consisted longer poorly designed work station. During the
cycles and material handling was also very process of observations, the Paramount
less time oriented. Therefore it was Textiles has been developing and
possible to evaluate the exposure to improving as ergonomics culture,
different types of ergonomic risks, with integrating into overall process
exception of contact forces and vibration management in compliance with the
which although considered by the QEC are legislation (NR-17) and focused on
not part of the reality of these section. collective health of the workers.

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Journal of Mechanical Robotics
e-ISSN: 2582-2187
Volume 4 Issue 3

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